 * Utility routine to construct a "name info" object to return.  This is used
 * for name_show and also name_list.
 * @param name The name.
 * @param value The name's value.
 * @param outp The last update's outpoint.
 * @param addr The name's address script.
 * @param height The name's last update height.
 * @return A JSON object to return.
getNameInfo (const valtype& name, const valtype& value, const COutPoint& outp,
             const CScript& addr, int height)
  UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
  obj.push_back (Pair ("name", ValtypeToString (name)));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("value", ValtypeToString (value)));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("txid", outp.hash.GetHex ()));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("vout", static_cast<int> (outp.n)));

  /* Try to extract the address.  May fail if we can't parse the script
     as a "standard" script.  */
  CTxDestination dest;
  CBitcoinAddress addrParsed;
  std::string addrStr;
  if (ExtractDestination (addr, dest) && addrParsed.Set (dest))
    addrStr = addrParsed.ToString ();
    addrStr = "<nonstandard>";
  obj.push_back (Pair ("address", addrStr));

  /* Calculate expiration data.  */
  const int curHeight = chainActive.Height ();
  const Consensus::Params& params = Params ().GetConsensus ();
  const int expireDepth = params.rules->NameExpirationDepth (curHeight);
  const int expireHeight = height + expireDepth;
  const int expiresIn = expireHeight - curHeight;
  const bool expired = (expiresIn <= 0);
  obj.push_back (Pair ("height", height));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("expires_in", expiresIn));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("expired", expired));

  return obj;
    void refreshName(const std::vector<unsigned char> &inName)


        NameTableEntry nameObj(ValtypeToString(inName),

        CNameData data;
            LOCK (cs_main);
            if (!pcoinsTip->GetName (inName, data))
                LogPrintf ("name not found: '%s'\n", ValtypeToString (inName).c_str());

            nameObj = NameTableEntry(ValtypeToString(inName),
                                     ValtypeToString(data.getValue ()),
                                     data.getHeight ());

        // Find name in model
        QList<NameTableEntry>::iterator lower = qLowerBound(
            cachedNameTable.begin(), cachedNameTable.end(), nameObj.name, NameTableEntryLessThan());
        QList<NameTableEntry>::iterator upper = qUpperBound(
            cachedNameTable.begin(), cachedNameTable.end(), nameObj.name, NameTableEntryLessThan());
        bool inModel = (lower != upper);

        if (inModel)
            // In model - update or delete
            if (nameObj.nHeight != NameTableEntry::NAME_NON_EXISTING)
                LogPrintf ("refreshName result : %s - refreshed in the table\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
                updateEntry(nameObj.name, nameObj.value, nameObj.nHeight, CT_UPDATED);
                LogPrintf("refreshName result : %s - deleted from the table\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
                updateEntry(nameObj.name, nameObj.value, nameObj.nHeight, CT_DELETED);
            // Not in model - add or do nothing
            if (nameObj.nHeight != NameTableEntry::NAME_NON_EXISTING)
                LogPrintf("refreshName result : %s - added to the table\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
                updateEntry(nameObj.name, nameObj.value, nameObj.nHeight, CT_NEW);
                LogPrintf("refreshName result : %s - ignored (not in the table)\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
CNameMemPool::removeUnexpireConflicts (const std::set<valtype>& unexpired,
                                       std::list<CTransaction>& removed)
  AssertLockHeld (pool.cs);

  BOOST_FOREACH (const valtype& name, unexpired)
      LogPrint ("names", "unexpired: %s, mempool: %u\n",
                ValtypeToString (name).c_str (), mapNameRegs.count (name));

      const NameTxMap::const_iterator mit = mapNameRegs.find (name);
      if (mit != mapNameRegs.end ())
          const CTxMemPool::txiter mit2 = pool.mapTx.find (mit->second);
          assert (mit2 != pool.mapTx.end ());
          pool.removeRecursive (mit2->GetTx (), removed);
name_pending (const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
  if (fHelp || params.size () > 1)
    throw std::runtime_error (
        "name_pending (\"name\")\n"
        "\nList unconfirmed name operations in the mempool.\n"
        "\nIf a name is given, only check for operations on this name.\n"
        "1. \"name\"        (string, optional) only look for this name\n"
        "  {\n"
        "    \"op\": xxxx       (string) the operation being performed\n"
        "    \"name\": xxxx     (string) the name operated on\n"
        "    \"value\": xxxx    (string) the name's new value\n"
        "    \"txid\": xxxx     (string) the txid corresponding to the operation\n"
        "    \"ismine\": xxxx   (boolean) whether the name is owned by the wallet\n"
        "  },\n"
        "  ...\n"
        + HelpExampleCli ("name_pending", "")
        + HelpExampleCli ("name_pending", "\"d/domob\"")
        + HelpExampleRpc ("name_pending", "")

    LOCK2 (pwalletMain ? &pwalletMain->cs_wallet : NULL, mempool.cs);
    LOCK (mempool.cs);

  std::vector<uint256> txHashes;
  if (params.size () == 0)
    mempool.queryHashes (txHashes);
      const std::string name = params[0].get_str ();
      const valtype vchName = ValtypeFromString (name);
      const uint256 txid = mempool.getTxForName (vchName);
      if (!txid.IsNull ())
        txHashes.push_back (txid);

  UniValue arr(UniValue::VARR);
  for (std::vector<uint256>::const_iterator i = txHashes.begin ();
       i != txHashes.end (); ++i)
      std::shared_ptr<const CTransaction> tx = mempool.get (*i);
      if (!tx || !tx->IsNamecoin ())

      for (const auto& txOut : tx->vout)
          const CNameScript op(txOut.scriptPubKey);
          if (!op.isNameOp () || !op.isAnyUpdate ())

          const valtype vchName = op.getOpName ();
          const valtype vchValue = op.getOpValue ();

          const std::string name = ValtypeToString (vchName);
          const std::string value = ValtypeToString (vchValue);

          std::string strOp;
          switch (op.getNameOp ())
            case OP_NAME_FIRSTUPDATE:
              strOp = "name_firstupdate";
            case OP_NAME_UPDATE:
              strOp = "name_update";
              assert (false);

          UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
          obj.push_back (Pair ("op", strOp));
          obj.push_back (Pair ("name", name));
          obj.push_back (Pair ("value", value));
          obj.push_back (Pair ("txid", tx->GetHash ().GetHex ()));

          isminetype mine = ISMINE_NO;
          if (pwalletMain)
            mine = IsMine (*pwalletMain, op.getAddress ());
          const bool isMine = (mine & ISMINE_SPENDABLE);
          obj.push_back (Pair ("ismine", isMine));

          arr.push_back (obj);

  return arr;
name_filter (const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
  if (fHelp || params.size () > 5)
    throw std::runtime_error (
        "name_filter (\"regexp\" (\"maxage\" (\"from\" (\"nb\" (\"stat\")))))\n"
        "\nScan and list names matching a regular expression.\n"
        "1. \"regexp\"      (string, optional) filter names with this regexp\n"
        "2. \"maxage\"      (numeric, optional, default=36000) only consider names updated in the last \"maxage\" blocks; 0 means all names\n"
        "3. \"from\"        (numeric, optional, default=0) return from this position onward; index starts at 0\n"
        "4. \"nb\"          (numeric, optional, default=0) return only \"nb\" entries; 0 means all\n"
        "5. \"stat\"        (string, optional) if set to the string \"stat\", print statistics instead of returning the names\n"
        + getNameInfoHelp ("  ", ",") +
        "  ...\n"
        + HelpExampleCli ("name_filter", "\"\" 5")
        + HelpExampleCli ("name_filter", "\"^id/\"")
        + HelpExampleCli ("name_filter", "\"^id/\" 36000 0 0 \"stat\"")
        + HelpExampleRpc ("name_scan", "\"^d/\"")

  if (IsInitialBlockDownload ())
                       "Namecoin is downloading blocks...");

  /* ********************** */
  /* Interpret parameters.  */

  bool haveRegexp(false);
  boost::xpressive::sregex regexp;

  int maxage(36000), from(0), nb(0);
  bool stats(false);

  if (params.size () >= 1)
      haveRegexp = true;
      regexp = boost::xpressive::sregex::compile (params[0].get_str ());

  if (params.size () >= 2)
    maxage = params[1].get_int ();
  if (maxage < 0)
                        "'maxage' should be non-negative");
  if (params.size () >= 3)
    from = params[2].get_int ();
  if (from < 0)
    throw JSONRPCError (RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "'from' should be non-negative");

  if (params.size () >= 4)
    nb = params[3].get_int ();
  if (nb < 0)
    throw JSONRPCError (RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "'nb' should be non-negative");

  if (params.size () >= 5)
      if (params[4].get_str () != "stat")
                            "fifth argument must be the literal string 'stat'");
      stats = true;

  /* ******************************************* */
  /* Iterate over names to build up the result.  */

  UniValue names(UniValue::VARR);
  unsigned count(0);

  LOCK (cs_main);

  valtype name;
  CNameData data;
  std::unique_ptr<CNameIterator> iter(pcoinsTip->IterateNames ());
  while (iter->next (name, data))
      const int age = chainActive.Height () - data.getHeight ();
      assert (age >= 0);
      if (maxage != 0 && age >= maxage)

      if (haveRegexp)
          const std::string nameStr = ValtypeToString (name);
          boost::xpressive::smatch matches;
          if (!boost::xpressive::regex_search (nameStr, matches, regexp))

      if (from > 0)
      assert (from == 0);

      if (stats)
        names.push_back (getNameInfo (name, data));

      if (nb > 0)
          if (nb == 0)

  /* ********************************************************** */
  /* Return the correct result (take stats mode into account).  */

  if (stats)
      UniValue res(UniValue::VOBJ);
      res.push_back (Pair ("blocks", chainActive.Height ()));
      res.push_back (Pair ("count", static_cast<int> (count)));

      return res;

  return names;