Exemple #1
  \brief Read header of GRASS ASCII vector format

  \param dascii pointer to the ASCII file
  \param Map    pointer to Map_info structure

  \return 0 on success
  \return -1 on error
int Vect_read_ascii_head(FILE *dascii, struct Map_info *Map)
    char buff[1024];
    char *ptr;

    for (;;) {
	if (0 == G_getl2(buff, sizeof(buff) - 1, dascii))
	    return (0);

	/* Last line of header */
	if (strncmp(buff, "VERTI:", 6) == 0)
	    return (0);

	if (!(ptr = strchr(buff, ':'))) {
	    G_warning(_("Unexpected data in vector header:\n[%s]"), buff);
            return -1;

	ptr++;			/* Search for the start of text */
	while (*ptr == ' ')

	if (strncmp(buff, "ORGANIZATION:", 12) == 0)
	    Vect_set_organization(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "DIGIT DATE:", 11) == 0)
	    Vect_set_date(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "DIGIT NAME:", 11) == 0)
	    Vect_set_person(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP NAME:", 9) == 0)
	    Vect_set_map_name(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP DATE:", 9) == 0)
	    Vect_set_map_date(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP SCALE:", 10) == 0)
	    Vect_set_scale(Map, atoi(ptr));
	else if (strncmp(buff, "OTHER INFO:", 11) == 0)
	    Vect_set_comment(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "ZONE:", 5) == 0 ||
		 strncmp(buff, "UTM ZONE:", 9) == 0)
	    Vect_set_zone(Map, atoi(ptr));
	else if (strncmp(buff, "WEST EDGE:", 10) == 0) {
	else if (strncmp(buff, "EAST EDGE:", 10) == 0) {
	else if (strncmp(buff, "SOUTH EDGE:", 11) == 0) {
	else if (strncmp(buff, "NORTH EDGE:", 11) == 0) {
	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP THRESH:", 11) == 0)
	    Vect_set_thresh(Map, atof(ptr));
	else {
	    G_warning(_("Unknown keyword <%s> in vector head"), buff);
    /* NOTREACHED */
Exemple #2
   \brief Copy header data from one to another map

   \param from target vector map 
   \param[out] to destination vector map

   \return 0
int Vect_copy_head_data(const struct Map_info *from, struct Map_info *to)
    Vect_set_organization(to, Vect_get_organization(from));
    Vect_set_date(to, Vect_get_date(from));
    Vect_set_person(to, Vect_get_person(from));
    Vect_set_map_name(to, Vect_get_map_name(from));
    Vect_set_map_date(to, Vect_get_map_date(from));
    Vect_set_comment(to, Vect_get_comment(from));

    Vect_set_scale(to, Vect_get_scale(from));
    Vect_set_zone(to, Vect_get_zone(from));
    Vect_set_thresh(to, Vect_get_thresh(from));

    return 0;
Exemple #3
   \brief Initialize Map_info head structure (dig_head)

   \param[in,out] Map pointer to Map_info structure
void Vect__init_head(struct Map_info *Map)
    char buf[64];

    /* organization */
    Map->head.organization = NULL;
    Vect_set_organization(Map, "");
    /* date */
    Map->head.date = NULL;
    Vect_set_date(Map, "");

    /* user name */
    Map->head.user_name = NULL;
    sprintf(buf, "%s", G_whoami());
    Vect_set_person(Map, buf);

    /* map name */
    Map->head.map_name = NULL;
    Vect_set_map_name(Map, "");

    /* source date */
    Map->head.source_date = NULL;
    sprintf(buf, "%s", G_date());
    Vect_set_map_date(Map, buf);

    /* comments */
    Map->head.comment = NULL;
    Vect_set_comment(Map, "");

    /* scale, threshold */
    Vect_set_scale(Map, 1);
    Vect_set_thresh(Map, 0.0);

    /* proj, zone */
    Vect_set_proj(Map, -1);
    Vect_set_zone(Map, -1);

    /* support variables */
    Map->plus.Spidx_built = 0;
    Map->plus.release_support = 0;
    Map->plus.update_cidx = 0;
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct file_info Current, Trans, Coord;

    struct GModule *module;

    struct Option *vold, *vnew, *pointsfile, *xshift, *yshift, *zshift,
	*xscale, *yscale, *zscale, *zrot, *columns, *table, *field;
    struct Flag *quiet_flag, *tozero_flag, *shift_flag, *print_mat_flag;

    char *mapset, mon[4], date[40], buf[1000];
    struct Map_info Old, New;
    int ifield;
    int day, yr;
    BOUND_BOX box;

    double ztozero;
    double trans_params[7];	/* xshift, ..., xscale, ..., zrot */

    /* columns */
    unsigned int i;
    int idx, out3d;
    char **tokens;
    char *columns_name[7];	/* xshift, yshift, zshift, xscale, yscale, zscale, zrot */


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("vector, transformation");
    module->description =
	_("Performs an affine transformation (shift, scale and rotate, "
	  "or GPCs) on vector map.");

    /* remove in GRASS7 */
    quiet_flag = G_define_flag();
    quiet_flag->key = 'q';
    quiet_flag->description =
	_("Suppress display of residuals or other information");

    tozero_flag = G_define_flag();
    tozero_flag->key = 't';
    tozero_flag->description = _("Shift all z values to bottom=0");
    tozero_flag->guisection = _("Custom");

    print_mat_flag = G_define_flag();
    print_mat_flag->key = 'm';
    print_mat_flag->description =
	_("Print the transformation matrix to stdout");
    shift_flag = G_define_flag();
    shift_flag->key = 's';
    shift_flag->description =
	_("Instead of points use transformation parameters "
	  "(xshift, yshift, zshift, xscale, yscale, zscale, zrot)");
    shift_flag->guisection = _("Custom");
    vold = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);

    field = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    field->answer = "-1";
    vnew = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    pointsfile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    pointsfile->key = "pointsfile";
    pointsfile->required = NO;
    pointsfile->label = _("ASCII file holding transform coordinates");
    pointsfile->description = _("If not given, transformation parameters "
				"(xshift, yshift, zshift, xscale, yscale, zscale, zrot) are used instead");

    pointsfile->gisprompt = "old_file,file,points";
    pointsfile->guisection = _("Points");
    xshift = G_define_option();
    xshift->key = "xshift";
    xshift->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    xshift->required = NO;
    xshift->multiple = NO;
    xshift->description = _("Shifting value for x coordinates");
    xshift->answer = "0.0";
    xshift->guisection = _("Custom");

    yshift = G_define_option();
    yshift->key = "yshift";
    yshift->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    yshift->required = NO;
    yshift->multiple = NO;
    yshift->description = _("Shifting value for y coordinates");
    yshift->answer = "0.0";
    yshift->guisection = _("Custom");

    zshift = G_define_option();
    zshift->key = "zshift";
    zshift->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    zshift->required = NO;
    zshift->multiple = NO;
    zshift->description = _("Shifting value for z coordinates");
    zshift->answer = "0.0";
    zshift->guisection = _("Custom");

    xscale = G_define_option();
    xscale->key = "xscale";
    xscale->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    xscale->required = NO;
    xscale->multiple = NO;
    xscale->description = _("Scaling factor for x coordinates");
    xscale->answer = "1.0";
    xscale->guisection = _("Custom");

    yscale = G_define_option();
    yscale->key = "yscale";
    yscale->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    yscale->required = NO;
    yscale->multiple = NO;
    yscale->description = _("Scaling factor for y coordinates");
    yscale->answer = "1.0";
    yscale->guisection = _("Custom");

    zscale = G_define_option();
    zscale->key = "zscale";
    zscale->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    zscale->required = NO;
    zscale->multiple = NO;
    zscale->description = _("Scaling factor for z coordinates");
    zscale->answer = "1.0";
    zscale->guisection = _("Custom");

    zrot = G_define_option();
    zrot->key = "zrot";
    zrot->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    zrot->required = NO;
    zrot->multiple = NO;
    zrot->description =
	_("Rotation around z axis in degrees counterclockwise");
    zrot->answer = "0.0";
    zrot->guisection = _("Custom");

    table = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_TABLE);
    table->description =
	_("Name of table containing transformation parameters");
    table->guisection = _("Attributes");

    columns = G_define_option();
    columns->key = "columns";
    columns->type = TYPE_STRING;
    columns->required = NO;
    columns->multiple = NO;
    columns->label =
	_("Name of attribute column(s) used as transformation parameters");
    columns->description =
	_("Format: parameter:column, e.g. xshift:xs,yshift:ys,zrot:zr");
    columns->guisection = _("Attributes");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    G_strcpy(Current.name, vold->answer);
    G_strcpy(Trans.name, vnew->answer);

    Vect_check_input_output_name(vold->answer, vnew->answer, GV_FATAL_EXIT);
    out3d = WITHOUT_Z;
    ifield = atoi(field->answer);

    if (shift_flag->answer)
	G_warning(_("The '%c' flag is deprecated and will be removed in future. "
		   "Transformation parameters are used automatically when no pointsfile is given."),

    /* please remove in GRASS7 */
    if (quiet_flag->answer) {
	G_warning(_("The '%c' flag is deprecated and will be removed in future. "
		   "Please use '--quiet' instead."), quiet_flag->key);
	G_putenv("GRASS_VERBOSE", "0");

    /* if a table is specified, require columns and layer */
    /* if columns are specified, but no table, require layer > 0 and use 
     * the table attached to that layer */
    if (table->answer && !columns->answer) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Column names are not defined. Please use '%s' parameter."),

    if ((columns->answer || table->answer) && ifield < 1) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Please specify a valid layer with '%s' parameter."),

    if (table->answer && strcmp(vnew->answer, table->answer) == 0) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Name of table and name for output vector map must be different. "
		       "Otherwise the table is overwritten."));

    if (!columns->answer && !table->answer)
	ifield = -1;

    if (pointsfile->answer != NULL && !shift_flag->answer) {
	G_strcpy(Coord.name, pointsfile->answer);
    else {
	Coord.name[0] = '\0';

    /* open coord file */
    if (Coord.name[0] != '\0') {
	if ((Coord.fp = fopen(Coord.name, "r")) == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open file with coordinates <%s>"),

    /* tokenize columns names */
    for (i = 0; i <= IDX_ZROT; i++) {
	columns_name[i] = NULL;
    i = 0;
    if (columns->answer) {
	while (columns->answers[i]) {
	    tokens = G_tokenize(columns->answers[i], ":");
	    if (G_number_of_tokens(tokens) == 2) {
		if (strcmp(tokens[0], xshift->key) == 0)
		    idx = IDX_XSHIFT;
		else if (strcmp(tokens[0], yshift->key) == 0)
		    idx = IDX_YSHIFT;
		else if (strcmp(tokens[0], zshift->key) == 0)
		    idx = IDX_ZSHIFT;
		else if (strcmp(tokens[0], xscale->key) == 0)
		    idx = IDX_XSCALE;
		else if (strcmp(tokens[0], yscale->key) == 0)
		    idx = IDX_YSCALE;
		else if (strcmp(tokens[0], zscale->key) == 0)
		    idx = IDX_ZSCALE;
		else if (strcmp(tokens[0], zrot->key) == 0)
		    idx = IDX_ZROT;
		    idx = -1;

		if (idx != -1)
		    columns_name[idx] = G_store(tokens[1]);

	    else {
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to tokenize column string: [%s]"),

    /* determine transformation parameters */
    trans_params[IDX_XSHIFT] = atof(xshift->answer);
    trans_params[IDX_YSHIFT] = atof(yshift->answer);
    trans_params[IDX_ZSHIFT] = atof(zshift->answer);
    trans_params[IDX_XSCALE] = atof(xscale->answer);
    trans_params[IDX_YSCALE] = atof(yscale->answer);
    trans_params[IDX_ZSCALE] = atof(zscale->answer);
    trans_params[IDX_ZROT] = atof(zrot->answer);

    /* open vector maps */
    if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(vold->answer, "")) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), vold->answer);

    Vect_open_old(&Old, vold->answer, mapset);
    /* should output be 3D ? 
     * note that z-scale and ztozero have no effect with input 2D */
    if (Vect_is_3d(&Old) || trans_params[IDX_ZSHIFT] != 0. ||
	out3d = WITH_Z;

    Vect_open_new(&New, vnew->answer, out3d);
    /* copy and set header */
    Vect_copy_head_data(&Old, &New);

    Vect_hist_copy(&Old, &New);

    sprintf(date, "%s", G_date());
    sscanf(date, "%*s%s%d%*s%d", mon, &day, &yr);
    sprintf(date, "%s %d %d", mon, day, yr);
    Vect_set_date(&New, date);

    Vect_set_person(&New, G_whoami());

    sprintf(buf, "transformed from %s", vold->answer);
    Vect_set_map_name(&New, buf);

    Vect_set_scale(&New, 1);
    Vect_set_zone(&New, 0);
    Vect_set_thresh(&New, 0.0);

    /* points file */
    if (Coord.name[0]) {
	create_transform_from_file(&Coord, quiet_flag->answer);

	if (Coord.name[0] != '\0')

    Vect_get_map_box(&Old, &box);

    /* z to zero */
    if (tozero_flag->answer)
	ztozero = 0 - box.B;
	ztozero = 0;

    /* do the transformation */
    transform_digit_file(&Old, &New, Coord.name[0] ? 1 : 0,
			 ztozero, trans_params,
			 table->answer, columns_name, ifield);

    if (Vect_copy_tables(&Old, &New, 0))
        G_warning(_("Failed to copy attribute table to output map"));

    if (!quiet_flag->answer) {
	Vect_get_map_box(&New, &box);
	G_message(_("\nNew vector map <%s> boundary coordinates:"),
	G_message(_(" N: %-10.3f    S: %-10.3f"), box.N, box.S);
	G_message(_(" E: %-10.3f    W: %-10.3f"), box.E, box.W);
	G_message(_(" B: %6.3f    T: %6.3f"), box.B, box.T);

	/* print the transformation matrix if requested */
	if (print_mat_flag->answer)


    G_done_msg(" ");

Exemple #5
    Create GRASS vector output map.
    Create attribute table.
    Calculate geometries and write them into the output map.
    Calculate attributes and write them into the output map's attribute table.
void writeMap()
    int i, j;
    double xlength, ylength, zlength;
    double length, flatLength, bailLength;
    double xoffset, yoffset, zoffset;
    double xys[12];
    int ratio;
    double zRatio;
    /* attributes to be written to output map */
    int boneID;
    int skelID;
    int unitID;
    int oldID;
    int cat;
    char *organization;
    char buf[MAXSTR];
    if ( numPoints < 2 ) {
        G_fatal_error ("Less than two valid measurement points in input file");

    G_message (_("Constructing geometries for %i valid points:"), numPoints );
    if (Vect_legal_filename(output->answer) < 0) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Use '%s' option to change vector map name"), output->key);
    Map = (struct Map_info *) G_malloc (sizeof ( struct Map_info ) );
    if (Vect_open_new(Map, output->answer, WITH_Z) < 0) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), output->answer);

    Vect_set_map_name(Map, output->answer);

    if ((organization = getenv("GRASS_ORGANIZATION"))) {
	Vect_set_organization(Map, organization);
    } else {
	Vect_set_organization(Map, "UNKNOWN ORGANIZATION");
    Vect_set_date(Map, G_date());
    Vect_set_person(Map, G_whoami());
    Vect_set_map_date(Map, "");
    Vect_set_scale(Map, 2400);
    Vect_set_comment(Map, "");
    Vect_set_zone(Map, 0);
    Vect_set_thresh(Map, 0.0);
    /* prepare strings for use in db_* calls */
    /* start default database driver */
    Fi = Vect_default_field_info(Map, 1, NULL, GV_1TABLE);
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver,Vect_subst_var(Fi->database, Map));
    if (driver == NULL) {
        G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
			      Vect_subst_var(Fi->database, Map), Fi->driver);
    /* create attribute table */
    db_begin_transaction ( driver );
    sprintf(buf, "create table %s (cat integer, skel_id integer, bone_id integer, unit_id integer, GRASSRGB varchar(11),BONERGB varchar(11));",
    if ( DEBUG ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Creating attribute table: %s\n", buf );
    db_set_string(&sql, buf);
    if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create attribute table: %s"), db_get_string(&sql));
    if (db_grant_on_table
	(driver, output->answer, DB_PRIV_SELECT, DB_GROUP | DB_PUBLIC) != DB_OK) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to grant privileges on table <%s>"), output->answer);
    if (db_create_index2(driver, output->answer, "cat") != DB_OK) {
	G_warning(_("Unable to create index for table <%s>, key <%s>"), output->answer, "cat");

    /* link vector map to attribute table */
    if (Vect_map_add_dblink(Map, 1, NULL, Fi->table, "cat", Fi->database, Fi->driver) ) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to add database link for vector map <%s>"), Vect_get_full_name(Map));
    /* Now process point measurements and write geometries into output vector map. */    
    /* At this stage, the global points array has an even number of valid points. */
    oldID = pointTable[0].SKEL_ID;
    unitID = 1;
    cat = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i = i + 2 ) {
        /* This boneID is a generalized ID that does not differentiate 
	   between start and end measurement. */
        boneID = (int) pointTable[i+1].BONE_ID / 2;
        skelID = pointTable[i+1].SKEL_ID;

	/* get coordinates for top and bottom of bone */
        ax = pointTable[i].X;
        ay = pointTable[i].Y;
        az = pointTable[i].Z;
        bx = pointTable[i+1].X;
        by = pointTable[i+1].Y;
        bz = pointTable[i+1].Z;
        /* get vector lengths */
        xlength = fabs (ax - bx);
        ylength = fabs (ay - by);
        zlength = fabs (az - bz);
        /* get real length */
        length = sqrt ( (xlength*xlength) + (ylength*ylength) + (zlength*zlength) );
        /* get length in x/y plane */
        flatLength = sqrt ( (xlength*xlength) + (ylength*ylength) );
        /* determine ratio for triangles, depending on bone type */
        ratio = 12; /* default */
	for ( j = 0; j < NUM_RATIOS; j ++ ) {
	    if ( boneID == RATIO_ID[j] ) {
	        ratio = RATIO_VAL[j];
	/* get bail length */
	bailLength = (double) ( length / (double) ratio);
        /* calculate bail offsets from top point (one bail is mirror of the other) */
        xoffset = (bailLength * ylength) / flatLength;
        yoffset = ( (bailLength * xlength) / flatLength ) * (-1);
        zoffset = 0;
        xys[0]= ax + xoffset;
        xys[1]= ay + yoffset;
        xys[2]= az + zoffset;
        xys[6]= ax - xoffset;
        xys[7]= ay - yoffset;
        xys[8]= az - zoffset;		
        /* get 3rd axis offsets */
        zRatio = (zlength/ratio) / flatLength;
        xoffset = xlength * zRatio;
        yoffset = ylength * zRatio;
        zoffset = (flatLength/ratio) * (-1);
        xys[3]= ax + xoffset;
        xys[4]= ay + yoffset;
        xys[5]= az + zoffset;
        xys[9]= ax - xoffset;
        xys[10]= ay - yoffset;
        xys[11]= az - zoffset;
        /* Increase unit ID by "1", if we have another skeleton ID */
        if ( oldID != pointTable[i+1].SKEL_ID ) {
            unitID ++;
            oldID = pointTable[i+1].SKEL_ID;
	    /* switch to next colour for next geometry */
            RGBNUM ++;
            if ( RGBNUM == RGBMAX ) {
                RGBNUM = 0;
	/* write geometries */
        if ( MODE == MODE_DARTS ) {
            writeTriangle ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID, xys, 0, 6 );
	    cat ++;
            writeTriangle ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID, xys, 3, 9 );
	    cat ++;
        if ( MODE == MODE_LINES ) {
            writeLine ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID );
	    cat ++;
        if ( MODE == MODE_PLANES_H ) {
	    writeTriangle ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID, xys, 0, 6 );
	    cat ++;
        if ( MODE == MODE_PLANES_V ) {
	    writeTriangle ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID, xys, 3, 9 );
	    cat ++;
	if ( MODE == MODE_POINTS ) {
            writePoints ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID );	
	    cat = cat + 2;
            writeTriangle ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID, xys, 0, 3 );
	    cat ++;
            writeTriangle ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID, xys, 3, 6 );
	    cat ++;
            writeTriangle ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID, xys, 6, 9 );
	    cat ++;
            writeTriangle ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID, xys, 9, 0 );
	    cat ++;
            writeSquare ( cat, skelID, boneID, unitID, xys );	
	    cat ++;
	/* switch to next colour for bone colouring */
        if ( RGBNUM_BONE == RGBMAX ) {
            RGBNUM_BONE = 0;
	G_percent ( i, numPoints - 2, 1 );	    
     fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
    /* commit DBMS actions */
    if (!Vect_build(Map)) {
        G_warning("Building topology failed");
Exemple #6
   \brief Reads head information from text file (GV_HEAD_ELEMENT) - for internal use only

   \param Map pointer to Map_info structure

   \return 0 on success
   \return -1 on error
int Vect__read_head(struct Map_info *Map)
    FILE *head_fp;
    char buff[2000];
    char *path, *ptr;

    /* Reset / init */
    G_debug(1, "Vect__read_head(): vector = %s@%s", Map->name, Map->mapset);
    path = Vect__get_path(Map);
    head_fp = G_fopen_old(path, GV_HEAD_ELEMENT, Map->mapset);
    if (head_fp == NULL) {
	G_warning(_("Unable to open header file of vector <%s>"),
	return -1;

    while (G_getl2(buff, 2000, head_fp)) {

	if (!(ptr = strchr(buff, ':'))) {
	    G_warning(_("Corrupted row in head: %s"), buff);

	ptr++;			/* Search for the start of text */
	while (*ptr == ' ')

	if (strncmp(buff, "ORGANIZATION:", sizeof(char) * 12) == 0)
	    Vect_set_organization(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "DIGIT DATE:", sizeof(char) * 11) == 0)
	    Vect_set_date(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "DIGIT NAME:", sizeof(char) * 11) == 0)
	    Vect_set_person(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP NAME:", sizeof(char) * 9) == 0)
	    Vect_set_map_name(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP DATE:", sizeof(char) * 9) == 0)
	    Vect_set_map_date(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP SCALE:", sizeof(char) * 10) == 0)
	    Vect_set_scale(Map, atoi(ptr));
	else if (strncmp(buff, "OTHER INFO:", sizeof(char) * 11) == 0)
	    Vect_set_comment(Map, ptr);
	else if (strncmp(buff, "PROJ:", sizeof(char) * 5) == 0)
	    Vect_set_proj(Map, atoi(ptr));
	else if (strncmp(buff, "ZONE:", sizeof(char) * 5) == 0 ||
		 strncmp(buff, "UTM ZONE:", sizeof(char) * 9) == 0)
	    Vect_set_zone(Map, atoi(ptr));
	else if (strncmp(buff, "WEST EDGE:", sizeof(char) * 10) == 0) {
	else if (strncmp(buff, "EAST EDGE:", sizeof(char) * 10) == 0) {
	else if (strncmp(buff, "SOUTH EDGE:", sizeof(char) * 11) == 0) {
	else if (strncmp(buff, "NORTH EDGE:", sizeof(char) * 11) == 0) {
	else if (strncmp(buff, "MAP THRESH:", sizeof(char) * 11) == 0)
	    Vect_set_thresh(Map, atof(ptr));
	    G_warning(_("Unknown keyword '%s' in vector head"), buff);


    return 0;
Exemple #7
/* read old 3.0 or 4.0 dig file into array 
   returns number of elements read into array
   or -1 on error */
int read_dig(FILE * Digin, struct Map_info *Mapout,
	     struct Line **plines, int endian, int att)
    char buf[100];
    struct dig_head In_head;
    int lalloc, line = 0, type, portable = 1;
    int npoints = 0, nlines = 0, nbounds = 0;
    int ndpoints = 0, ndlines = 0, ndbounds = 0, nunknown = 0;
    struct Line *lines;
    struct line_pnts *nline;
    struct line_cats *cat_out;
    double dbuf;
    int ibuf;
    long lbuf;
    struct gvfile gvf;

    gvf.file = Digin;

    /* set conversion matrices */
    dig_init_portable(&(In_head.port), endian);

    /* Version 3 dig files were not portable and some version 4 
     * files may be also non portable */

    G_message(_("Reading dig file..."));

    /* read and copy head */
    dig_fseek(&gvf, 0L, SEEK_SET);	/* set to beginning */

    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_C(buf, DIG4_ORGAN_LEN, &gvf))
	return -1;
    buf[DIG4_ORGAN_LEN - 1] = '\0';
    Vect_set_organization(Mapout, buf);

    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_C(buf, DIG4_DATE_LEN, &gvf))
	return -1;
    buf[DIG4_DATE_LEN - 1] = '\0';
    Vect_set_date(Mapout, buf);

    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_C(buf, DIG4_YOUR_NAME_LEN, &gvf))
	return -1;
    buf[DIG4_YOUR_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';
    Vect_set_person(Mapout, buf);

    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_C(buf, DIG4_MAP_NAME_LEN, &gvf))
	return -1;
    buf[DIG4_MAP_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';
    Vect_set_map_name(Mapout, buf);

    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_C(buf, DIG4_SOURCE_DATE_LEN, &gvf))
	return -1;
    buf[DIG4_SOURCE_DATE_LEN - 1] = '\0';
    Vect_set_map_date(Mapout, buf);

    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_C(buf, DIG4_LINE_3_LEN, &gvf))
	return -1;
    buf[DIG4_LINE_3_LEN - 1] = '\0';
    Vect_set_comment(Mapout, buf);

    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_C(buf, VERS_4_DATA_SIZE, &gvf))
	return -1;

    if (buf[0] != '%' || buf[1] != '%') {	/* Version3.0 */
	In_head.Version_Major = 3;
	portable = 0;		/* input vector is not portable format */
	G_message(_("Input file is version 3."));
    else {
	In_head.Version_Major = 4;
	G_message(_("Input file is version 4."));
	/* determine if in portable format or not */
	if (buf[6] == 1 && (~buf[6] & 0xff) == (buf[7] & 0xff)) {	/* portable ? */
	    portable = 1;	/* input vector is portable format */
	else {
	    portable = 0;	/* input vector is not portable format */
    if (portable == 1) {
	G_message(_("Input file is portable."));
    else {
	G_warning(_("Input file is not portable. "
		    "We will attempt to convert anyway but conversion may fail. "
		    "Please read manual for detail information."));

    /* set Cur_Head because it is used by dig__*_convert()
       called by dig__fread_port_*() */

    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_L(&lbuf, 1, &gvf))
	return -1;
    Vect_set_scale(Mapout, (int)lbuf);
    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_I(&ibuf, 1, &gvf))
	return -1;
    Vect_set_zone(Mapout, ibuf);
    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_D(&dbuf, 1, &gvf))
	return -1;		/* W */
    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_D(&dbuf, 1, &gvf))
	return -1;		/* E */
    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_D(&dbuf, 1, &gvf))
	return -1;		/* S */
    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_D(&dbuf, 1, &gvf))
	return -1;		/* N */
    if (0 >= dig__fread_port_D(&dbuf, 1, &gvf))
	return -1;
    Vect_set_thresh(Mapout, dbuf);

    /* reading dig file body (elements) */
    nline = Vect_new_line_struct();
    cat_out = Vect_new_cats_struct();

    lalloc = 0;
    lines = NULL;

    line = 0;
    while (1) {
	type = read_line(&gvf, nline);
	G_debug(3, "read line = %d, type = %d", line, type);
	if (type == -2)
	    break;		/* EOF */
	switch (type) {
	case GV_POINT:
	case GV_LINE:
	case 0:		/* dead */
	if (!(type & (GV_POINT | GV_LINE | GV_BOUNDARY)))

	if ((type & GV_BOUNDARY) || !att) {
	    Vect_write_line(Mapout, type, nline, cat_out);
	    /* reset In_head */
	else {			/* GV_POINT or GV_LINE */
	    if (line >= lalloc) {
		lalloc += 10000;
		lines =
		    (struct Line *)G_realloc(lines,
					     lalloc * sizeof(struct Line));
	    lines[line].type = type;
	    lines[line].n_points = nline->n_points;
	    lines[line].cat = -1;
	    lines[line].x =
		(double *)G_malloc(nline->n_points * sizeof(double));
	    lines[line].y =
		(double *)G_malloc(nline->n_points * sizeof(double));
	    memcpy((void *)lines[line].x, (void *)nline->x,
		   nline->n_points * sizeof(double));
	    memcpy((void *)lines[line].y, (void *)nline->y,
		   nline->n_points * sizeof(double));
    if (att) {
	G_message(_("[%d] points read to memory"), npoints);
	G_message(_("[%d] lines read to memory"), nlines);
    else {
	G_message(_("[%d] points read and written to output"), npoints);
	G_message(_("[%d] lines read and written to output"), nlines);
    G_message(_("[%d] area boundaries read and written to output"), nbounds);
    G_message(_("[%d] dead points skipped"), ndpoints);
    G_message(_("[%d] dead lines skipped"), ndlines);
    G_message(_("[%d] dead area boundaries skipped"), ndbounds);
    G_message(_("[%d] elements of unknown type skipped"), nunknown);

    G_message(_("[%d] elements read to memory"), line);

    *plines = lines;
    return (line);