Exemple #1
// recursive subdivision of the line by the BSP tree.
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
aas_trace_t AAS_TraceClientBBox(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int presencetype,
																				int passent)
	int side, nodenum, tmpplanenum;
	float front, back, frac;
	vec3_t cur_start, cur_end, cur_mid, v1, v2;
	aas_tracestack_t tracestack[127];
	aas_tracestack_t *tstack_p;
	aas_node_t *aasnode;
	aas_plane_t *plane;
	aas_trace_t trace;

	//clear the trace structure
	Com_Memset(&trace, 0, sizeof(aas_trace_t));

	if (!aasworld.loaded) return trace;
	tstack_p = tracestack;
	//we start with the whole line on the stack
	VectorCopy(start, tstack_p->start);
	VectorCopy(end, tstack_p->end);
	tstack_p->planenum = 0;
	//start with node 1 because node zero is a dummy for a solid leaf
	tstack_p->nodenum = 1;		//starting at the root of the tree
	while (1)
		//pop up the stack
		//if the trace stack is empty (ended up with a piece of the
		//line to be traced in an area)
		if (tstack_p < tracestack)
			//nothing was hit
			trace.startsolid = qfalse;
			trace.fraction = 1.0;
			//endpos is the end of the line
			VectorCopy(end, trace.endpos);
			//nothing hit
			trace.ent = 0;
			trace.area = 0;
			trace.planenum = 0;
			return trace;
		} //end if
		//number of the current node to test the line against
		nodenum = tstack_p->nodenum;
		//if it is an area
		if (nodenum < 0)
			if (-nodenum > aasworld.numareasettings)
				botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "AAS_TraceBoundingBox: -nodenum out of range\n");
				return trace;
			} //end if
			//botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "areanum = %d, must be %d\n", -nodenum, AAS_PointAreaNum(start));
			//if can't enter the area because it hasn't got the right presence type
			if (!(aasworld.areasettings[-nodenum].presencetype & presencetype))
				//if the start point is still the initial start point
				//NOTE: no need for epsilons because the points will be
				//exactly the same when they're both the start point
				if (tstack_p->start[0] == start[0] &&
						tstack_p->start[1] == start[1] &&
						tstack_p->start[2] == start[2])
					trace.startsolid = qtrue;
					trace.fraction = 0.0;
				} //end if
					trace.startsolid = qfalse;
					VectorSubtract(end, start, v1);
					VectorSubtract(tstack_p->start, start, v2);
					trace.fraction = VectorLength(v2) / VectorNormalize(v1);
					VectorMA(tstack_p->start, -0.125, v1, tstack_p->start);
				} //end else
				VectorCopy(tstack_p->start, trace.endpos);
				trace.ent = 0;
				trace.area = -nodenum;
//				VectorSubtract(end, start, v1);
				trace.planenum = tstack_p->planenum;
				//always take the plane with normal facing towards the trace start
				plane = &aasworld.planes[trace.planenum];
				if (DotProduct(v1, plane->normal) > 0) trace.planenum ^= 1;
				return trace;
			} //end if
				if (passent >= 0)
					if (AAS_AreaEntityCollision(-nodenum, tstack_p->start,
													tstack_p->end, presencetype, passent,
						if (!trace.startsolid)
							VectorSubtract(end, start, v1);
							VectorSubtract(trace.endpos, start, v2);
							trace.fraction = VectorLength(v2) / VectorLength(v1);
						} //end if
						return trace;
					} //end if
				} //end if
			} //end else
			trace.lastarea = -nodenum;
		} //end if
		//if it is a solid leaf
		if (!nodenum)
			//if the start point is still the initial start point
			//NOTE: no need for epsilons because the points will be
			//exactly the same when they're both the start point
			if (tstack_p->start[0] == start[0] &&
					tstack_p->start[1] == start[1] &&
					tstack_p->start[2] == start[2])
				trace.startsolid = qtrue;
				trace.fraction = 0.0;
			} //end if
				trace.startsolid = qfalse;
				VectorSubtract(end, start, v1);
				VectorSubtract(tstack_p->start, start, v2);
				trace.fraction = VectorLength(v2) / VectorNormalize(v1);
				VectorMA(tstack_p->start, -0.125, v1, tstack_p->start);
			} //end else
			VectorCopy(tstack_p->start, trace.endpos);
			trace.ent = 0;
			trace.area = 0;	//hit solid leaf
//			VectorSubtract(end, start, v1);
			trace.planenum = tstack_p->planenum;
			//always take the plane with normal facing towards the trace start
			plane = &aasworld.planes[trace.planenum];
			if (DotProduct(v1, plane->normal) > 0) trace.planenum ^= 1;
			return trace;
		} //end if
		if (nodenum > aasworld.numnodes)
			botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "AAS_TraceBoundingBox: nodenum out of range\n");
			return trace;
		} //end if
		//the node to test against
		aasnode = &aasworld.nodes[nodenum];
		//start point of current line to test against node
		VectorCopy(tstack_p->start, cur_start);
		//end point of the current line to test against node
		VectorCopy(tstack_p->end, cur_end);
		//the current node plane
		plane = &aasworld.planes[aasnode->planenum];

//		switch(plane->type)
		{/*FIXME: wtf doesn't this work? obviously the axial node planes aren't always facing positive!!!
			//check for axial planes
			case PLANE_X:
				front = cur_start[0] - plane->dist;
				back = cur_end[0] - plane->dist;
			} //end case
			case PLANE_Y:
				front = cur_start[1] - plane->dist;
				back = cur_end[1] - plane->dist;
			} //end case
			case PLANE_Z:
				front = cur_start[2] - plane->dist;
				back = cur_end[2] - plane->dist;
			} //end case*/
//			default: //gee it's not an axial plane
				front = DotProduct(cur_start, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
				back = DotProduct(cur_end, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
//				break;
			} //end default
		} //end switch
		// bk010221 - old location of FPE hack and divide by zero expression
		//if the whole to be traced line is totally at the front of this node
		//only go down the tree with the front child
		if ((front >= -ON_EPSILON && back >= -ON_EPSILON))
			//keep the current start and end point on the stack
			//and go down the tree with the front child
			tstack_p->nodenum = aasnode->children[0];
			if (tstack_p >= &tracestack[127])
				botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "AAS_TraceBoundingBox: stack overflow\n");
				return trace;
			} //end if
		} //end if
		//if the whole to be traced line is totally at the back of this node
		//only go down the tree with the back child
		else if ((front < ON_EPSILON && back < ON_EPSILON))
			//keep the current start and end point on the stack
			//and go down the tree with the back child
			tstack_p->nodenum = aasnode->children[1];
			if (tstack_p >= &tracestack[127])
				botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "AAS_TraceBoundingBox: stack overflow\n");
				return trace;
			} //end if
		} //end if
		//go down the tree both at the front and back of the node
			tmpplanenum = tstack_p->planenum;
			// bk010221 - new location of divide by zero (see above)
			if ( front == back ) front -= 0.001f; // bk0101022 - hack/FPE 
                	//calculate the hitpoint with the node (split point of the line)
			//put the crosspoint TRACEPLANE_EPSILON pixels on the near side
			if (front < 0) frac = (front + TRACEPLANE_EPSILON)/(front-back);
			else frac = (front - TRACEPLANE_EPSILON)/(front-back); // bk010221
			if (frac < 0)
				frac = 0.001f; //0
			else if (frac > 1)
				frac = 0.999f; //1
			//frac = front / (front-back);
			cur_mid[0] = cur_start[0] + (cur_end[0] - cur_start[0]) * frac;
			cur_mid[1] = cur_start[1] + (cur_end[1] - cur_start[1]) * frac;
			cur_mid[2] = cur_start[2] + (cur_end[2] - cur_start[2]) * frac;

//			AAS_DrawPlaneCross(cur_mid, plane->normal, plane->dist, plane->type, LINECOLOR_RED);
			//side the front part of the line is on
			side = front < 0;
			//first put the end part of the line on the stack (back side)
			VectorCopy(cur_mid, tstack_p->start);
			//not necesary to store because still on stack
			//VectorCopy(cur_end, tstack_p->end);
			tstack_p->planenum = aasnode->planenum;
			tstack_p->nodenum = aasnode->children[!side];
			if (tstack_p >= &tracestack[127])
				botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "AAS_TraceBoundingBox: stack overflow\n");
				return trace;
			} //end if
			//now put the part near the start of the line on the stack so we will
			//continue with thats part first. This way we'll find the first
			//hit of the bbox
			VectorCopy(cur_start, tstack_p->start);
			VectorCopy(cur_mid, tstack_p->end);
			tstack_p->planenum = tmpplanenum;
			tstack_p->nodenum = aasnode->children[side];
			if (tstack_p >= &tracestack[127])
				botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "AAS_TraceBoundingBox: stack overflow\n");
				return trace;
			} //end if
		} //end else
	} //end while
//	return trace;
} //end of the function AAS_TraceClientBBox
Exemple #2

Change a polygon into a bunch of text polygons
void DeformText( const char *text ) {
	int		i;
	vec3_t	origin, width, height;
	int		len;
	int		ch;
	byte	color[4];
	float	bottom, top;
	vec3_t	mid;

	height[0] = 0;
	height[1] = 0;
	height[2] = -1;
	CrossProduct( tess.normal[0], height, width );

	// find the midpoint of the box
	VectorClear( mid );
	bottom = 999999;
	top = -999999;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
		VectorAdd( tess.xyz[i], mid, mid );
		if ( tess.xyz[i][2] < bottom ) {
			bottom = tess.xyz[i][2];
		if ( tess.xyz[i][2] > top ) {
			top = tess.xyz[i][2];
	VectorScale( mid, 0.25f, origin );

	// determine the individual character size
	height[0] = 0;
	height[1] = 0;
	height[2] = ( top - bottom ) * 0.5f;

	VectorScale( width, height[2] * -0.75f, width );

	// determine the starting position
	len = strlen( text );
	VectorMA( origin, (len-1), width, origin );

	// clear the shader indexes
	tess.numIndexes = 0;
	tess.numVertexes = 0;

	color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = color[3] = 255;

	// draw each character
	for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) {
		ch = text[i];
		ch &= 255;

		if ( ch != ' ' ) {
			int		row, col;
			float	frow, fcol, size;

			row = ch>>4;
			col = ch&15;

			frow = row*0.0625f;
			fcol = col*0.0625f;
			size = 0.0625f;

			RB_AddQuadStampExt( origin, width, height, color, fcol, frow, fcol + size, frow + size );
		VectorMA( origin, -2, width, origin );
Exemple #3

Player character actions
void SV_Physics_Client (edict_t	*ent, int num)
	if ( ! svs.clients[num-1].active )
		return;		// unconnected slot

// call standard client pre-think
	pr_global_struct->time = sv.time;
	pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(ent);
	PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->PlayerPreThink);

// do a move
	SV_CheckVelocity (ent);

// decide which move function to call
	switch ((int)ent->v.movetype)
		if (!SV_RunThink (ent))

		if (!SV_RunThink (ent))
		if (!SV_CheckWater (ent) && ! ((int)ent->v.flags & FL_WATERJUMP) )
			SV_AddGravity (ent);
		SV_CheckStuck (ent);
		SV_WalkMove (ent);

		SV_Physics_Toss (ent);

		if (!SV_RunThink (ent))
		SV_FlyMove (ent, host_frametime, NULL);

		if (!SV_RunThink (ent))
		VectorMA (ent->v.origin, host_frametime, ent->v.velocity, ent->v.origin);

		Sys_Error ("SV_Physics_client: bad movetype %i", (int)ent->v.movetype);

// call standard player post-think
	SV_LinkEdict (ent, true);

	pr_global_struct->time = sv.time;
	pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(ent);
	PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->PlayerPostThink);
Exemple #4
winding_t *BaseWindingForPlane( vec3_t normal, vec_t dist ) {
	int i, x;
	vec_t max, v;
	vec3_t org, vright, vup;
	winding_t   *w;

// find the major axis

	x = -1;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3; i++ )
		v = fabs( normal[i] );
		if ( v > max ) {
			x = i;
			max = v;
	if ( x == -1 ) {
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "BaseWindingForPlane: no axis found" );

	VectorCopy( vec3_origin, vup );
	switch ( x )
	case 0:
	case 1:
		vup[2] = 1;
	case 2:
		vup[0] = 1;

	v = DotProduct( vup, normal );
	VectorMA( vup, -v, normal, vup );
	VectorNormalize2( vup, vup );

	VectorScale( normal, dist, org );

	CrossProduct( vup, normal, vright );

	VectorScale( vup, MAX_MAP_BOUNDS, vup );
	VectorScale( vright, MAX_MAP_BOUNDS, vright );

// project a really big	axis aligned box onto the plane
	w = AllocWinding( 4 );

	VectorSubtract( org, vright, w->p[0] );
	VectorAdd( w->p[0], vup, w->p[0] );

	VectorAdd( org, vright, w->p[1] );
	VectorAdd( w->p[1], vup, w->p[1] );

	VectorAdd( org, vright, w->p[2] );
	VectorSubtract( w->p[2], vup, w->p[2] );

	VectorSubtract( org, vright, w->p[3] );
	VectorSubtract( w->p[3], vup, w->p[3] );

	w->numpoints = 4;

	return w;
Exemple #5
 * @todo need to merge UI model case, and the common case (look to be a copy-pasted code)
void UI_DrawModelNode (uiNode_t *node, const char *source)
	modelInfo_t mi;
	uiModel_t *model;
	vec3_t nodeorigin;
	vec3_t autoScale;
	vec3_t autoCenter;

	assert(UI_NodeInstanceOf(node, "model"));			/**< We use model extradata */

	if (source[0] == '\0')

	model = UI_GetUIModel(source);
	/* direct model name - no UI model definition */
	if (!model) {
		/* prevent the searching for a model def in the next frame */
		mi.model = R_FindModel(source);
		mi.name = source;
		if (!mi.model) {
			Com_Printf("Could not find model '%s'\n", source);

	/* compute the absolute origin ('origin' property is relative to the node center) */
	UI_GetNodeAbsPos(node, nodeorigin);
	R_CleanupDepthBuffer(nodeorigin[0], nodeorigin[1], node->size[0], node->size[1]);
	if (EXTRADATA(node).clipOverflow)
		R_PushClipRect(nodeorigin[0], nodeorigin[1], node->size[0], node->size[1]);
	nodeorigin[0] += node->size[0] / 2 + EXTRADATA(node).origin[0];
	nodeorigin[1] += node->size[1] / 2 + EXTRADATA(node).origin[1];
	nodeorigin[2] = EXTRADATA(node).origin[2];

	VectorMA(EXTRADATA(node).angles, cls.frametime, EXTRADATA(node).omega, EXTRADATA(node).angles);
	mi.origin = nodeorigin;
	mi.angles = EXTRADATA(node).angles;
	mi.scale = EXTRADATA(node).scale;
	mi.center = nullVector;
	mi.color = node->color;
	mi.mesh = 0;

	/* special case to draw models with UI model */
	if (model) {
		UI_DrawModelNodeWithUIModel(node, source, &mi, model);
		if (EXTRADATA(node).clipOverflow)

	/* if the node is linked to a parent, the parent will display it */
	if (EXTRADATA(node).tag) {
		if (EXTRADATA(node).clipOverflow)

	/* autoscale? */
	if (EXTRADATA(node).autoscale) {
		const vec2_t size = {node->size[0] - node->padding, node->size[1] - node->padding};
		R_ModelAutoScale(size, &mi, autoScale, autoCenter);

	/* no animation */
	mi.frame = 0;
	mi.oldframe = 0;
	mi.backlerp = 0;

	/* get skin */
	if (EXTRADATA(node).skin && *EXTRADATA(node).skin)
		mi.skin = atoi(UI_GetReferenceString(node, EXTRADATA(node).skin));
		mi.skin = 0;

	/* do animations */
	if (EXTRADATA(node).animation && *EXTRADATA(node).animation) {
		animState_t *as;
		const char *ref;
		ref = UI_GetReferenceString(node, EXTRADATA(node).animation);

		/* check whether the cvar value changed */
		if (strncmp(EXTRADATA(node).oldRefValue, source, MAX_OLDREFVALUE)) {
			Q_strncpyz(EXTRADATA(node).oldRefValue, source, MAX_OLDREFVALUE);
			/* model has changed but mem is already reserved in pool */
			if (EXTRADATA(node).animationState) {
				EXTRADATA(node).animationState = NULL;
		if (!EXTRADATA(node).animationState) {
			as = (animState_t *) Mem_PoolAlloc(sizeof(*as), cl_genericPool, 0);
			if (!as)
				Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Model %s should have animState_t for animation %s - but doesn't\n", mi.name, ref);
			R_AnimChange(as, mi.model, ref);
			EXTRADATA(node).animationState = as;
		} else {
			const char *anim;
			/* change anim if needed */
			as = EXTRADATA(node).animationState;
			if (!as)
				Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Model %s should have animState_t for animation %s - but doesn't\n", mi.name, ref);
			anim = R_AnimGetName(as, mi.model);
			if (anim && !Q_streq(anim, ref))
				R_AnimChange(as, mi.model, ref);
			R_AnimRun(as, mi.model, cls.frametime * 1000);

		mi.frame = as->frame;
		mi.oldframe = as->oldframe;
		mi.backlerp = as->backlerp;

	/* draw the main model on the node */
	R_DrawModelDirect(&mi, NULL, NULL);

	/* draw all children */
	if (node->firstChild) {
		uiNode_t *child;
		modelInfo_t pmi = mi;
		for (child = node->firstChild; child; child = child->next) {
			const char *tag;
			char childSource[MAX_VAR];
			const char* childRef;

			/* skip non "model" nodes */
			if (child->behaviour != node->behaviour)

			/* skip invisible child */
			if (child->invis || !UI_CheckVisibility(child))

			mi.angles = EXTRADATA(child).angles;
			mi.scale = EXTRADATA(child).scale;
			mi.center = nullVector;
			mi.origin = EXTRADATA(child).origin;
			mi.color = pmi.color;

			/* get the anchor name to link the model into the parent */
			tag = EXTRADATA(child).tag;

			/* init model name */
			childRef = UI_GetReferenceString(child, EXTRADATA(child).model);
			if (Q_strnull(childRef))
				childSource[0] = '\0';
				Q_strncpyz(childSource, childRef, sizeof(childSource));
			mi.model = R_FindModel(childSource);
			mi.name = childSource;

			/* init skin */
			if (EXTRADATA(child).skin && *EXTRADATA(child).skin)
				mi.skin = atoi(UI_GetReferenceString(child, EXTRADATA(child).skin));
				mi.skin = 0;

			R_DrawModelDirect(&mi, &pmi, tag);

	if (EXTRADATA(node).clipOverflow)

triangleFromEdge[ v1 ][ v2 ]

  set triangle from edge( v1, v2, tri )
  if ( facing[ triangleFromEdge[ v1 ][ v2 ] ] && !facing[ triangleFromEdge[ v2 ][ v1 ] ) {
void RB_ShadowTessEnd( void ) {
	int		i;
	int		numTris;
	vec3_t	lightDir;
	GLboolean rgba[4];

	// we can only do this if we have enough space in the vertex buffers
	if ( tess.numVertexes >= SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES / 2 ) {

	if ( glConfig.stencilBits < 4 ) {

	VectorCopy( backEnd.currentEntity->lightDir, lightDir );

	// project vertexes away from light direction
	for ( i = 0 ; i < tess.numVertexes ; i++ ) {
		VectorMA( tess.xyz[i], -512, lightDir, tess.xyz[i+tess.numVertexes] );

	// decide which triangles face the light
	Com_Memset( numEdgeDefs, 0, 4 * tess.numVertexes );

	numTris = tess.numIndexes / 3;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numTris ; i++ ) {
		int		i1, i2, i3;
		vec3_t	d1, d2, normal;
		float	*v1, *v2, *v3;
		float	d;

		i1 = tess.indexes[ i*3 + 0 ];
		i2 = tess.indexes[ i*3 + 1 ];
		i3 = tess.indexes[ i*3 + 2 ];

		v1 = tess.xyz[ i1 ];
		v2 = tess.xyz[ i2 ];
		v3 = tess.xyz[ i3 ];

		VectorSubtract( v2, v1, d1 );
		VectorSubtract( v3, v1, d2 );
		CrossProduct( d1, d2, normal );

		d = DotProduct( normal, lightDir );
		if ( d > 0 ) {
			facing[ i ] = 1;
		} else {
			facing[ i ] = 0;

		// create the edges
		R_AddEdgeDef( i1, i2, facing[ i ] );
		R_AddEdgeDef( i2, i3, facing[ i ] );
		R_AddEdgeDef( i3, i1, facing[ i ] );

	// draw the silhouette edges

	GL_Bind( tr.whiteImage );
	qglEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
	glColor4f( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f );

	// don't write to the color buffer
	qglGetBooleanv(GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK, rgba);

	qglEnable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
	qglStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 1, 255 );

	// mirrors have the culling order reversed
	if ( backEnd.viewParms.isMirror ) {
		qglCullFace( GL_FRONT );
		qglStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR );


		qglCullFace( GL_BACK );
		qglStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR );

	} else {
		qglCullFace( GL_BACK );
		qglStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR );


		qglCullFace( GL_FRONT );
		qglStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR );


	// reenable writing to the color buffer
	qglColorMask(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]);
Exemple #7
void CG_ParticleDust (centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir)
	float	length;
	float	dist;
	float	crittersize;
	vec3_t	angles, forward;
	vec3_t	point;
	cparticle_t	*p;
	int		i;

	dist = 0;

	VectorNegate (dir, dir);
	length = VectorLength (dir);
	vectoangles (dir, angles);
	AngleVectors (angles, forward, NULL, NULL);

	crittersize = LARGESIZE;

	if (length)
		dist = length / crittersize;

	if (dist < 1)
		dist = 1;

	VectorCopy (origin, point);

	for (i=0; i<dist; i++)
		VectorMA (point, crittersize, forward, point);

		if (!free_particles)

		p = free_particles;
		free_particles = p->next;
		p->next = active_particles;
		active_particles = p;

		p->time = cg.time;
		p->alpha = 5.0;
		p->alphavel = 0;
		p->roll = 0;

		p->pshader = cgs.media.smokePuffShader;

		// RF, stay around for long enough to expand and dissipate naturally
		if (length)
			p->endtime = cg.time + 4500 + (crandom() * 3500);
			p->endtime = cg.time + 750 + (crandom() * 500);

		p->startfade = cg.time;

		p->width = LARGESIZE;
		p->height = LARGESIZE;

		// RF, expand while falling
		p->endheight = LARGESIZE*3.0;
		p->endwidth = LARGESIZE*3.0;

		if (!length)
			p->width *= 0.2f;
			p->height *= 0.2f;

			p->endheight = NORMALSIZE;
			p->endwidth = NORMALSIZE;

		p->type = P_SMOKE;

		VectorCopy( point, p->org );

		p->vel[0] = crandom()*6;
		p->vel[1] = crandom()*6;
		p->vel[2] = random()*20;

		// RF, add some gravity/randomness
		p->accel[0] = crandom()*3;
		p->accel[1] = crandom()*3;
		p->accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY*0.4;

		VectorClear( p->accel );

		p->rotate = qfalse;

		p->roll = rand()%179;

		p->alpha = 0.75;


Exemple #8
* CG_InterpolatePlayerState
static void CG_InterpolatePlayerState( player_state_t *playerState )
	int i;
	player_state_t *ps, *ops;
	bool teleported;

	ps = &cg.frame.playerState;
	ops = &cg.oldFrame.playerState;

	*playerState = *ps;

	teleported = ( ps->pmove.pm_flags & PMF_TIME_TELEPORT ) ? true : false;

	if( abs( (int)(ops->pmove.origin[0] - ps->pmove.origin[0]) ) > 256
		|| abs( (int)(ops->pmove.origin[1] - ps->pmove.origin[1]) ) > 256
		|| abs( (int)(ops->pmove.origin[2] - ps->pmove.origin[2]) ) > 256 )
		teleported = true;

#ifdef EXTRAPOLATE_PLAYERSTATE // isn't smooth enough for the 1st person view
	if( cgs.extrapolationTime )
		vec3_t newPosition, oldPosition;

		// if the player entity was teleported this frame use the final position
		if( !teleported )
			for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
				playerState->pmove.velocity[i] = ops->pmove.velocity[i] + cg.lerpfrac * ( ps->pmove.velocity[i] - ops->pmove.velocity[i] );
				playerState->viewangles[i] = LerpAngle( ops->viewangles[i], ps->viewangles[i], cg.lerpfrac );

		VectorMA( ps->pmove.origin, cg.xerpTime, ps->pmove.velocity, newPosition );

		if( cg.xerpTime < 0.0f ) // smooth with the ending of oldsnap-newsnap interpolation
			if( teleported )
				VectorCopy( ps->pmove.origin, oldPosition );
				VectorMA( ops->pmove.origin, cg.oldXerpTime, ops->pmove.velocity, oldPosition );

		VectorLerp( oldPosition, cg.xerpSmoothFrac, newPosition, playerState->pmove.origin );
		// if the player entity was teleported this frame use the final position
		if( !teleported )
			for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
				playerState->pmove.origin[i] = ops->pmove.origin[i] + cg.lerpfrac * ( ps->pmove.origin[i] - ops->pmove.origin[i] );
				playerState->pmove.velocity[i] = ops->pmove.velocity[i] + cg.lerpfrac * ( ps->pmove.velocity[i] - ops->pmove.velocity[i] );
				playerState->viewangles[i] = LerpAngle( ops->viewangles[i], ps->viewangles[i], cg.lerpfrac );

	// interpolate fov and viewheight
	if( !teleported )
		playerState->fov = ops->fov + cg.lerpfrac * ( ps->fov - ops->fov );
		playerState->viewheight = ops->viewheight + cg.lerpfrac * ( ps->viewheight - ops->viewheight );
Exemple #9
void CG_RenderView( float frameTime, float realFrameTime, int realTime, unsigned int serverTime, float stereo_separation, unsigned int extrapolationTime, bool flipped )
	refdef_t *rd = &cg.view.refdef;

	// update time
	cg.realTime = realTime;
	cg.frameTime = frameTime;
	cg.realFrameTime = realFrameTime;
	cg.time = serverTime;

	if( !cgs.precacheDone || !cg.frame.valid )

		float snapTime = ( cg.frame.serverTime - cg.oldFrame.serverTime );

		if( !snapTime )
			snapTime = cgs.snapFrameTime;

		// moved this from CG_Init here
		cgs.extrapolationTime = extrapolationTime;

		if( cg.oldFrame.serverTime == cg.frame.serverTime )
			cg.lerpfrac = 1.0f;
			cg.lerpfrac = ( (double)( cg.time - cgs.extrapolationTime ) - (double)cg.oldFrame.serverTime ) / (double)snapTime;

		if( cgs.extrapolationTime )
			cg.xerpTime = 0.001f * ( (double)cg.time - (double)cg.frame.serverTime );
			cg.oldXerpTime = 0.001f * ( (double)cg.time - (double)cg.oldFrame.serverTime );

			if( cg.time >= cg.frame.serverTime )
				cg.xerpSmoothFrac = (double)( cg.time - cg.frame.serverTime ) / (double)( cgs.extrapolationTime );
				clamp( cg.xerpSmoothFrac, 0.0f, 1.0f );
				cg.xerpSmoothFrac = (double)( cg.frame.serverTime - cg.time ) / (double)( cgs.extrapolationTime );
				clamp( cg.xerpSmoothFrac, -1.0f, 0.0f );
				cg.xerpSmoothFrac = 1.0f - cg.xerpSmoothFrac;

			clamp_low( cg.xerpTime, -( cgs.extrapolationTime * 0.001f ) );
			//clamp( cg.xerpTime, -( cgs.extrapolationTime * 0.001f ), ( cgs.extrapolationTime * 0.001f ) );
			//clamp( cg.oldXerpTime, 0, ( ( snapTime + cgs.extrapolationTime ) * 0.001f ) );
			cg.xerpTime = 0.0f;
			cg.xerpSmoothFrac = 0.0f;

	if( cg_showClamp->integer )
		if( cg.lerpfrac > 1.0f )
			CG_Printf( "high clamp %f\n", cg.lerpfrac );
		else if( cg.lerpfrac < 0.0f )
			CG_Printf( "low clamp  %f\n", cg.lerpfrac );

	clamp( cg.lerpfrac, 0.0f, 1.0f );

	if( !cgs.configStrings[CS_WORLDMODEL][0] )

		trap_R_DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, cgs.vidWidth, cgs.vidHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, colorBlack, cgs.shaderWhite );

		trap_S_Update( vec3_origin, vec3_origin, axis_identity, cgs.clientInfo[cgs.playerNum].name );


	// bring up the game menu after reconnecting
	if( !cgs.tv && !cgs.demoPlaying ) {
		if( ISREALSPECTATOR() && !cg.firstFrame ) {
			if( !cgs.gameMenuRequested ) {
				trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_NOW, "gamemenu\n" );
			cgs.gameMenuRequested = true;

	if( !cg.viewFrameCount )
		cg.firstViewRealTime = cg.realTime;

	CG_FlashGameWindow(); // notify player of important game events

	CG_CalcVrect(); // find sizes of the 3d drawing screen
	CG_TileClear(); // clear any dirty part of the background





	if( CG_DemoCam_Update() )
		CG_SetupViewDef( &cg.view, CG_DemoCam_GetViewType(), flipped );
		CG_SetupViewDef( &cg.view, VIEWDEF_PLAYERVIEW, flipped );

	CG_LerpEntities();  // interpolate packet entities positions

	CG_CalcViewWeapon( &cg.weapon );

	CG_FireEvents( false );

	CG_AddViewWeapon( &cg.weapon );


	// offset vieworg appropriately if we're doing stereo separation
	VectorMA( cg.view.origin, stereo_separation, &cg.view.axis[AXIS_RIGHT], rd->vieworg );

	// never let it sit exactly on a node line, because a water plane can
	// disappear when viewed with the eye exactly on it.
	// the server protocol only specifies to 1/16 pixel, so add 1/16 in each axis
	rd->vieworg[0] += 1.0/PM_VECTOR_SNAP;
	rd->vieworg[1] += 1.0/PM_VECTOR_SNAP;
	rd->vieworg[2] += 1.0/PM_VECTOR_SNAP;

	AnglesToAxis( cg.view.angles, rd->viewaxis );

	rd->rdflags = CG_RenderFlags();

	// warp if underwater
	if( rd->rdflags & RDF_UNDERWATER )
		float phase = rd->time * 0.001 * WAVE_FREQUENCY * M_TWOPI;
		float v = WAVE_AMPLITUDE * ( sin( phase ) - 1.0 ) + 1;
		rd->fov_x *= v;
		rd->fov_y *= v;

	CG_SetSceneTeamColors(); // update the team colors in the renderer

	trap_R_RenderScene( &cg.view.refdef );

	cg.oldAreabits = true;

	trap_S_Update( cg.view.origin, cg.view.velocity, cg.view.axis, cgs.clientInfo[cgs.playerNum].name );


	CG_ResetTemporaryBoneposesCache(); // clear for next frame

Exemple #10

void V_CalcNormalRefdef ( struct ref_params_s *pparams )
	cl_entity_t		*ent, *view;
	int				i;
	vec3_t			angles;
	float			bob, waterOffset;
	static viewinterp_t		ViewInterp;

	static float oldz = 0;
	static float lasttime;

	static float lastang[3];
	vec3_t angdelta;

	vec3_t camAngles, camForward, camRight, camUp;
	cl_entity_t *pwater;

	//Force angle change
	if ( bChangeAngles == true )
		pparams->cl_viewangles[PITCH] = vecTempAngles[PITCH];
		pparams->cl_viewangles[YAW]	  = vecTempAngles[YAW];
		pparams->cl_viewangles[ROLL]  = vecTempAngles[ROLL];

		vecTempAngles = Vector ( 0, 0, 0 );
		bChangeAngles = false;

	// don't allow cheats in multiplayer
	if ( pparams->maxclients > 1 )
		gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue ("scr_ofsx", 0);
		gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue ("scr_ofsy", 0);
		gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue ("scr_ofsz", 0);

	V_DriftPitch ( pparams );

	// ent is the player model ( visible when out of body )
	ent = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer();
	// view is the weapon model (only visible from inside body )
	view = gEngfuncs.GetViewModel();

	// transform the view offset by the model's matrix to get the offset from
	// model origin for the view
	bob = V_CalcBob ( pparams );
	// refresh position
	VectorCopy ( pparams->simorg, pparams->vieworg );
	pparams->vieworg[2] += ( bob );
	VectorAdd( pparams->vieworg, pparams->viewheight, pparams->vieworg );

	VectorCopy ( pparams->cl_viewangles, pparams->viewangles );

	gEngfuncs.V_ApplyShake( pparams->vieworg, pparams->viewangles, 1.0 );

	// never let view origin sit exactly on a node line, because a water plane can
	// dissapear when viewed with the eye exactly on it.
	// FIXME, we send origin at 1/128 now, change this?
	// the server protocol only specifies to 1/16 pixel, so add 1/32 in each axis
	pparams->vieworg[0] += 1.0/32;
	pparams->vieworg[1] += 1.0/32;
	pparams->vieworg[2] += 1.0/32;

	// Check for problems around water, move the viewer artificially if necessary 
	// -- this prevents drawing errors in GL due to waves

	waterOffset = 0;
	if ( pparams->waterlevel >= 2 )
		int		i, contents, waterDist, waterEntity;
		vec3_t	point;
		waterDist = cl_waterdist->value;

		if ( pparams->hardware )
			waterEntity = gEngfuncs.PM_WaterEntity( pparams->simorg );
			if ( waterEntity >= 0 && waterEntity < pparams->max_entities )
				pwater = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( waterEntity );
				if ( pwater && ( pwater->model != NULL ) )
					waterDist += ( pwater->curstate.scale * 16 );	// Add in wave height
			waterEntity = 0;	// Don't need this in software
		VectorCopy( pparams->vieworg, point );

		// Eyes are above water, make sure we're above the waves
		if ( pparams->waterlevel == 2 )	
			point[2] -= waterDist;
			for ( i = 0; i < waterDist; i++ )
				contents = gEngfuncs.PM_PointContents( point, NULL );
				if ( contents > CONTENTS_WATER )
				point[2] += 1;
			waterOffset = (point[2] + waterDist) - pparams->vieworg[2];
			// eyes are under water.  Make sure we're far enough under
			point[2] += waterDist;

			for ( i = 0; i < waterDist; i++ )
				contents = gEngfuncs.PM_PointContents( point, NULL );
				if ( contents <= CONTENTS_WATER )
				point[2] -= 1;
			waterOffset = (point[2] - waterDist) - pparams->vieworg[2];

	pparams->vieworg[2] += waterOffset;
	V_CalcViewRoll ( pparams );
	V_AddIdle ( pparams );

	// offsets
	VectorCopy( pparams->cl_viewangles, angles );

	AngleVectors ( angles, pparams->forward, pparams->right, pparams->up );

	for ( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
		pparams->vieworg[i] += scr_ofsx->value*pparams->forward[i] + scr_ofsy->value*pparams->right[i] + scr_ofsz->value*pparams->up[i];
	// Treating cam_ofs[2] as the distance
	if( CL_IsThirdPerson() )
		vec3_t ofs;

		ofs[0] = ofs[1] = ofs[2] = 0.0;

		CL_CameraOffset( (float *)&ofs );

		VectorCopy( ofs, camAngles );
		camAngles[ ROLL ]	= 0;

		AngleVectors( camAngles, camForward, camRight, camUp );

		for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			pparams->vieworg[ i ] += -ofs[2] * camForward[ i ];

	// Give gun our viewangles
	VectorCopy ( pparams->cl_viewangles, view->angles );
	// set up gun position
	V_CalcGunAngle ( pparams );

	// Use predicted origin as view origin.
	VectorCopy ( pparams->simorg, view->origin );      
	view->origin[2] += ( waterOffset );
	VectorAdd( view->origin, pparams->viewheight, view->origin );

	// Let the viewmodel shake at about 10% of the amplitude
	gEngfuncs.V_ApplyShake( view->origin, view->angles, 0.9 );

	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		view->origin[ i ] += bob * 0.4 * pparams->forward[ i ];
	view->origin[2] += bob;

	// throw in a little tilt.
	view->angles[YAW]   -= bob * 0.5;
	view->angles[ROLL]  -= bob * 1;
	view->angles[PITCH] -= bob * 0.3;

	// pushing the view origin down off of the same X/Z plane as the ent's origin will give the
	// gun a very nice 'shifting' effect when the player looks up/down. If there is a problem
	// with view model distortion, this may be a cause. (SJB). 
	view->origin[2] -= 1;

	// fudge position around to keep amount of weapon visible
	// roughly equal with different FOV
	if (pparams->viewsize == 110)
		view->origin[2] += 1;
	else if (pparams->viewsize == 100)
		view->origin[2] += 2;
	else if (pparams->viewsize == 90)
		view->origin[2] += 1;
	else if (pparams->viewsize == 80)
		view->origin[2] += 0.5;

	// Add in the punchangle, if any
	VectorAdd ( pparams->viewangles, pparams->punchangle, pparams->viewangles );

	// Include client side punch, too
	VectorAdd ( pparams->viewangles, (float *)&ev_punchangle, pparams->viewangles);

	V_DropPunchAngle ( pparams->frametime, (float *)&ev_punchangle );

	// smooth out stair step ups
#if 1
	if ( !pparams->smoothing && pparams->onground && pparams->simorg[2] - oldz > 0)
		float steptime;
		steptime = pparams->time - lasttime;
		if (steptime < 0)
	//FIXME		I_Error ("steptime < 0");
			steptime = 0;

		oldz += steptime * 150;
		if (oldz > pparams->simorg[2])
			oldz = pparams->simorg[2];
		if (pparams->simorg[2] - oldz > 18)
			oldz = pparams->simorg[2]- 18;
		pparams->vieworg[2] += oldz - pparams->simorg[2];
		view->origin[2] += oldz - pparams->simorg[2];
		oldz = pparams->simorg[2];

		static float lastorg[3];
		vec3_t delta;

		VectorSubtract( pparams->simorg, lastorg, delta );

		if ( Length( delta ) != 0.0 )
			VectorCopy( pparams->simorg, ViewInterp.Origins[ ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin & ORIGIN_MASK ] );
			ViewInterp.OriginTime[ ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin & ORIGIN_MASK ] = pparams->time;

			VectorCopy( pparams->simorg, lastorg );

	// Smooth out whole view in multiplayer when on trains, lifts
	if ( cl_vsmoothing && cl_vsmoothing->value &&
		( pparams->smoothing && ( pparams->maxclients > 1 ) ) )
		int foundidx;
		int i;
		float t;

		if ( cl_vsmoothing->value < 0.0 )
			gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue( "cl_vsmoothing", 0.0 );

		t = pparams->time - cl_vsmoothing->value;

		for ( i = 1; i < ORIGIN_MASK; i++ )
			foundidx = ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin - 1 - i;
			if ( ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] <= t )

		if ( i < ORIGIN_MASK &&  ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] != 0.0 )
			// Interpolate
			vec3_t delta;
			double frac;
			double dt;
			vec3_t neworg;

			dt = ViewInterp.OriginTime[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ] - ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ];
			if ( dt > 0.0 )
				frac = ( t - ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK] ) / dt;
				frac = min( 1.0, frac );
				VectorSubtract( ViewInterp.Origins[ ( foundidx + 1 ) & ORIGIN_MASK ], ViewInterp.Origins[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], delta );
				VectorMA( ViewInterp.Origins[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], frac, delta, neworg );

				VectorSubtract( neworg, pparams->simorg, delta );

				VectorAdd( pparams->simorg, delta, pparams->simorg );
				VectorAdd( pparams->vieworg, delta, pparams->vieworg );
				VectorAdd( view->origin, delta, view->origin );

	// Store off v_angles before munging for third person
	v_angles = pparams->viewangles;
	v_cl_angles = pparams->cl_viewangles;

	if ( CL_IsThirdPerson() )
		VectorCopy( camAngles, pparams->viewangles);

	// override all previous settings if the viewent isn't the client
	if ( pparams->viewentity > pparams->maxclients )
		cl_entity_t *viewentity;
		viewentity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( pparams->viewentity );
		if ( viewentity )
			VectorCopy( viewentity->origin, pparams->vieworg );
			VectorCopy( viewentity->angles, pparams->viewangles );

			// Store off overridden viewangles
			v_angles = pparams->viewangles;

	lasttime = pparams->time;
	v_origin = pparams->vieworg;
Exemple #11
// predicts the movement
// assumes regular bounding box sizes
// NOTE: out of water jumping is not included
// NOTE: grappling hook is not included
// Parameter:			origin			: origin to start with
//						presencetype	: presence type to start with
//						velocity		: velocity to start with
//						cmdmove			: client command movement
//						cmdframes		: number of frame cmdmove is valid
//						maxframes		: maximum number of predicted frames
//						frametime		: duration of one predicted frame
//						stopevent		: events that stop the prediction
//						stopareanum		: stop as soon as entered this area
// Returns:				aas_clientmove_t
// Changes Globals:		-
int AAS_ClientMovementPrediction(struct aas_clientmove_s *move,
								int entnum, vec3_t origin,
								int presencetype, int onground,
								vec3_t velocity, vec3_t cmdmove,
								int cmdframes,
								int maxframes, float frametime,
								int stopevent, int stopareanum,
								vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int visualize)
	float phys_friction, phys_stopspeed, phys_gravity, phys_waterfriction;
	float phys_watergravity;
	float phys_walkaccelerate, phys_airaccelerate, phys_swimaccelerate;
	float phys_maxwalkvelocity, phys_maxcrouchvelocity, phys_maxswimvelocity;
	float phys_maxstep, phys_maxsteepness, phys_jumpvel, friction;
	float gravity, delta, maxvel, wishspeed, accelerate;
	//float velchange, newvel;
	int n, i, j, pc, step, swimming, crouch, event, jump_frame, areanum;
	//int ax;
	int areas[20], numareas;
	vec3_t points[20];
	vec3_t org, end, feet, start, stepend, lastorg, wishdir;
	vec3_t frame_test_vel, old_frame_test_vel, left_test_vel;
	vec3_t up = {0, 0, 1};
	aas_plane_t *plane, *plane2;
	aas_trace_t trace, steptrace;
	if (frametime <= 0) frametime = 0.1f;
	phys_friction = aassettings.phys_friction;
	phys_stopspeed = aassettings.phys_stopspeed;
	phys_gravity = aassettings.phys_gravity;
	phys_waterfriction = aassettings.phys_waterfriction;
	phys_watergravity = aassettings.phys_watergravity;
	phys_maxwalkvelocity = aassettings.phys_maxwalkvelocity;// * frametime;
	phys_maxcrouchvelocity = aassettings.phys_maxcrouchvelocity;// * frametime;
	phys_maxswimvelocity = aassettings.phys_maxswimvelocity;// * frametime;
	phys_walkaccelerate = aassettings.phys_walkaccelerate;
	phys_airaccelerate = aassettings.phys_airaccelerate;
	phys_swimaccelerate = aassettings.phys_swimaccelerate;
	phys_maxstep = aassettings.phys_maxstep;
	phys_maxsteepness = aassettings.phys_maxsteepness;
	phys_jumpvel = aassettings.phys_jumpvel * frametime;
	Com_Memset(move, 0, sizeof(aas_clientmove_t));
	Com_Memset(&trace, 0, sizeof(aas_trace_t));
	//start at the current origin
	VectorCopy(origin, org);
	org[2] += 0.25;
	//velocity to test for the first frame
	VectorScale(velocity, frametime, frame_test_vel);
	jump_frame = -1;
	//predict a maximum of 'maxframes' ahead
	for (n = 0; n < maxframes; n++)
		swimming = AAS_Swimming(org);
		//get gravity depending on swimming or not
		gravity = swimming ? phys_watergravity : phys_gravity;
		//apply gravity at the START of the frame
		frame_test_vel[2] = frame_test_vel[2] - (gravity * 0.1 * frametime);
		//if on the ground or swimming
		if (onground || swimming)
			friction = swimming ? phys_friction : phys_waterfriction;
			//apply friction
			VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, frame_test_vel);
			AAS_ApplyFriction(frame_test_vel, friction, phys_stopspeed, frametime);
			VectorScale(frame_test_vel, frametime, frame_test_vel);
		} //end if
		crouch = qfalse;
		//apply command movement
		if (n < cmdframes)
			//ax = 0;
			maxvel = phys_maxwalkvelocity;
			accelerate = phys_airaccelerate;
			VectorCopy(cmdmove, wishdir);
			if (onground)
				if (cmdmove[2] < -300)
					crouch = qtrue;
					maxvel = phys_maxcrouchvelocity;
				} //end if
				//if not swimming and upmove is positive then jump
				if (!swimming && cmdmove[2] > 1)
					//jump velocity minus the gravity for one frame + 5 for safety
					frame_test_vel[2] = phys_jumpvel - (gravity * 0.1 * frametime) + 5;
					jump_frame = n;
					//jumping so air accelerate
					accelerate = phys_airaccelerate;
				} //end if
					accelerate = phys_walkaccelerate;
				} //end else
				//ax = 2;
			} //end if
			if (swimming)
				maxvel = phys_maxswimvelocity;
				accelerate = phys_swimaccelerate;
				//ax = 3;
			} //end if
				wishdir[2] = 0;
			} //end else
			wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir);
			if (wishspeed > maxvel) wishspeed = maxvel;
			VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, frame_test_vel);
			AAS_Accelerate(frame_test_vel, frametime, wishdir, wishspeed, accelerate);
			VectorScale(frame_test_vel, frametime, frame_test_vel);
			for (i = 0; i < ax; i++)
				velchange = (cmdmove[i] * frametime) - frame_test_vel[i];
				if (velchange > phys_maxacceleration) velchange = phys_maxacceleration;
				else if (velchange < -phys_maxacceleration) velchange = -phys_maxacceleration;
				newvel = frame_test_vel[i] + velchange;
				if (frame_test_vel[i] <= maxvel && newvel > maxvel) frame_test_vel[i] = maxvel;
				else if (frame_test_vel[i] >= -maxvel && newvel < -maxvel) frame_test_vel[i] = -maxvel;
				else frame_test_vel[i] = newvel;
			} //end for
		} //end if
		if (crouch)
			presencetype = PRESENCE_CROUCH;
		} //end if
		else if (presencetype == PRESENCE_CROUCH)
			if (AAS_PointPresenceType(org) & PRESENCE_NORMAL)
				presencetype = PRESENCE_NORMAL;
			} //end if
		} //end else
		//save the current origin
		VectorCopy(org, lastorg);
		//move linear during one frame
		VectorCopy(frame_test_vel, left_test_vel);
		j = 0;
			VectorAdd(org, left_test_vel, end);
			//trace a bounding box
			trace = AAS_TraceClientBBox(org, end, presencetype, entnum);
			if (visualize)
				if (trace.startsolid) botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "PredictMovement: start solid\n");
				AAS_DebugLine(org, trace.endpos, LINECOLOR_RED);
			} //end if
//#endif //AAS_MOVE_DEBUG
				numareas = AAS_TraceAreas(org, trace.endpos, areas, points, 20);
				for (i = 0; i < numareas; i++)
					if (stopevent & SE_ENTERAREA)
						if (areas[i] == stopareanum)
							VectorCopy(points[i], move->endpos);
							VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
							move->endarea = areas[i];
							move->trace = trace;
							move->stopevent = SE_ENTERAREA;
							move->presencetype = presencetype;
							move->endcontents = 0;
							move->time = n * frametime;
							move->frames = n;
							return qtrue;
						} //end if
					} //end if
					//NOTE: if not the first frame
					if ((stopevent & SE_TOUCHJUMPPAD) && n)
						if (aasworld.areasettings[areas[i]].contents & AREACONTENTS_JUMPPAD)
							VectorCopy(points[i], move->endpos);
							VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
							move->endarea = areas[i];
							move->trace = trace;
							move->stopevent = SE_TOUCHJUMPPAD;
							move->presencetype = presencetype;
							move->endcontents = 0;
							move->time = n * frametime;
							move->frames = n;
							return qtrue;
						} //end if
					} //end if
					if (stopevent & SE_TOUCHTELEPORTER)
						if (aasworld.areasettings[areas[i]].contents & AREACONTENTS_TELEPORTER)
							VectorCopy(points[i], move->endpos);
							move->endarea = areas[i];
							VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
							move->trace = trace;
							move->stopevent = SE_TOUCHTELEPORTER;
							move->presencetype = presencetype;
							move->endcontents = 0;
							move->time = n * frametime;
							move->frames = n;
							return qtrue;
						} //end if
					} //end if
					if (stopevent & SE_TOUCHCLUSTERPORTAL)
						if (aasworld.areasettings[areas[i]].contents & AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL)
							VectorCopy(points[i], move->endpos);
							move->endarea = areas[i];
							VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
							move->trace = trace;
							move->stopevent = SE_TOUCHCLUSTERPORTAL;
							move->presencetype = presencetype;
							move->endcontents = 0;
							move->time = n * frametime;
							move->frames = n;
							return qtrue;
						} //end if
					} //end if
				} //end for
			} //end if
			if (stopevent & SE_HITBOUNDINGBOX)
				if (AAS_ClipToBBox(&trace, org, trace.endpos, presencetype, mins, maxs))
					VectorCopy(trace.endpos, move->endpos);
					move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(move->endpos);
					VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
					move->trace = trace;
					move->stopevent = SE_HITBOUNDINGBOX;
					move->presencetype = presencetype;
					move->endcontents = 0;
					move->time = n * frametime;
					move->frames = n;
					return qtrue;
				} //end if
			} //end if
			//move the entity to the trace end point
			VectorCopy(trace.endpos, org);
			//if there was a collision
			if (trace.fraction < 1.0)
				//get the plane the bounding box collided with
				plane = AAS_PlaneFromNum(trace.planenum);
				if (stopevent & SE_HITGROUNDAREA)
					if (DotProduct(plane->normal, up) > phys_maxsteepness)
						VectorCopy(org, start);
						start[2] += 0.5;
						if (AAS_PointAreaNum(start) == stopareanum)
							VectorCopy(start, move->endpos);
							move->endarea = stopareanum;
							VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
							move->trace = trace;
							move->stopevent = SE_HITGROUNDAREA;
							move->presencetype = presencetype;
							move->endcontents = 0;
							move->time = n * frametime;
							move->frames = n;
							return qtrue;
						} //end if
					} //end if
				} //end if
				//assume there's no step
				step = qfalse;
				//if it is a vertical plane and the bot didn't jump recently
				if (plane->normal[2] == 0 && (jump_frame < 0 || n - jump_frame > 2))
					//check for a step
					VectorMA(org, -0.25, plane->normal, start);
					VectorCopy(start, stepend);
					start[2] += phys_maxstep;
					steptrace = AAS_TraceClientBBox(start, stepend, presencetype, entnum);
					if (!steptrace.startsolid)
						plane2 = AAS_PlaneFromNum(steptrace.planenum);
						if (DotProduct(plane2->normal, up) > phys_maxsteepness)
							VectorSubtract(end, steptrace.endpos, left_test_vel);
							left_test_vel[2] = 0;
							frame_test_vel[2] = 0;
							if (visualize)
								if (steptrace.endpos[2] - org[2] > 0.125)
									VectorCopy(org, start);
									start[2] = steptrace.endpos[2];
									AAS_DebugLine(org, start, LINECOLOR_BLUE);
								} //end if
							} //end if
//#endif //AAS_MOVE_DEBUG
							org[2] = steptrace.endpos[2];
							step = qtrue;
						} //end if
					} //end if
				} //end if
				if (!step)
					//velocity left to test for this frame is the projection
					//of the current test velocity into the hit plane 
					VectorMA(left_test_vel, -DotProduct(left_test_vel, plane->normal),
										plane->normal, left_test_vel);
					//store the old velocity for landing check
					VectorCopy(frame_test_vel, old_frame_test_vel);
					//test velocity for the next frame is the projection
					//of the velocity of the current frame into the hit plane 
					VectorMA(frame_test_vel, -DotProduct(frame_test_vel, plane->normal),
										plane->normal, frame_test_vel);
					//check for a landing on an almost horizontal floor
					if (DotProduct(plane->normal, up) > phys_maxsteepness)
						onground = qtrue;
					} //end if
					if (stopevent & SE_HITGROUNDDAMAGE)
						delta = 0;
						if (old_frame_test_vel[2] < 0 &&
								frame_test_vel[2] > old_frame_test_vel[2] &&
							delta = old_frame_test_vel[2];
						} //end if
						else if (onground)
							delta = frame_test_vel[2] - old_frame_test_vel[2];
						} //end else
						if (delta)
							delta = delta * 10;
							delta = delta * delta * 0.0001;
							if (swimming) delta = 0;
							// never take falling damage if completely underwater
							if (ent->waterlevel == 3) return;
							if (ent->waterlevel == 2) delta *= 0.25;
							if (ent->waterlevel == 1) delta *= 0.5;
							if (delta > 40)
								VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
								move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
								VectorCopy(frame_test_vel, move->velocity);
								move->trace = trace;
								move->stopevent = SE_HITGROUNDDAMAGE;
								move->presencetype = presencetype;
								move->endcontents = 0;
								move->time = n * frametime;
								move->frames = n;
								return qtrue;
							} //end if
						} //end if
					} //end if
				} //end if
			} //end if
			//extra check to prevent endless loop
			if (++j > 20) return qfalse;
		//while there is a plane hit
		} while(trace.fraction < 1.0);
		//if going down
		if (frame_test_vel[2] <= 10)
			//check for a liquid at the feet of the bot
			VectorCopy(org, feet);
			feet[2] -= 22;
			pc = AAS_PointContents(feet);
			//get event from pc
			event = SE_NONE;
			if (pc & CONTENTS_LAVA) event |= SE_ENTERLAVA;
			if (pc & CONTENTS_SLIME) event |= SE_ENTERSLIME;
			if (pc & CONTENTS_WATER) event |= SE_ENTERWATER;
			areanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
			if (aasworld.areasettings[areanum].contents & AREACONTENTS_LAVA)
				event |= SE_ENTERLAVA;
			if (aasworld.areasettings[areanum].contents & AREACONTENTS_SLIME)
				event |= SE_ENTERSLIME;
			if (aasworld.areasettings[areanum].contents & AREACONTENTS_WATER)
				event |= SE_ENTERWATER;
			//if in lava or slime
			if (event & stopevent)
				VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
				move->endarea = areanum;
				VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
				move->stopevent = event & stopevent;
				move->presencetype = presencetype;
				move->endcontents = pc;
				move->time = n * frametime;
				move->frames = n;
				return qtrue;
			} //end if
		} //end if
		onground = AAS_OnGround(org, presencetype, entnum);
		//if onground and on the ground for at least one whole frame
		if (onground)
			if (stopevent & SE_HITGROUND)
				VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
				move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
				VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
				move->trace = trace;
				move->stopevent = SE_HITGROUND;
				move->presencetype = presencetype;
				move->endcontents = 0;
				move->time = n * frametime;
				move->frames = n;
				return qtrue;
			} //end if
		} //end if
		else if (stopevent & SE_LEAVEGROUND)
			VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
			move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
			VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
			move->trace = trace;
			move->stopevent = SE_LEAVEGROUND;
			move->presencetype = presencetype;
			move->endcontents = 0;
			move->time = n * frametime;
			move->frames = n;
			return qtrue;
		} //end else if
		else if (stopevent & SE_GAP)
			aas_trace_t gaptrace;

			VectorCopy(org, start);
			VectorCopy(start, end);
			end[2] -= 48 + aassettings.phys_maxbarrier;
			gaptrace = AAS_TraceClientBBox(start, end, PRESENCE_CROUCH, -1);
			//if solid is found the bot cannot walk any further and will not fall into a gap
			if (!gaptrace.startsolid)
				//if it is a gap (lower than one step height)
				if (gaptrace.endpos[2] < org[2] - aassettings.phys_maxstep - 1)
					if (!(AAS_PointContents(end) & CONTENTS_WATER))
						VectorCopy(lastorg, move->endpos);
						move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(lastorg);
						VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
						move->trace = trace;
						move->stopevent = SE_GAP;
						move->presencetype = presencetype;
						move->endcontents = 0;
						move->time = n * frametime;
						move->frames = n;
						return qtrue;
					} //end if
				} //end if
			} //end if
		} //end else if
	} //end for
	VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
	move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
	VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
	move->stopevent = SE_NONE;
	move->presencetype = presencetype;
	move->endcontents = 0;
	move->time = n * frametime;
	move->frames = n;
	return qtrue;
} //end of the function AAS_ClientMovementPrediction
Exemple #12

void V_CalcSpectatorRefdef ( struct ref_params_s * pparams )

	vec3_t					angles;
	static viewinterp_t		ViewInterp;
	static float			bob = 0.0f;
	static vec3_t			velocity ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	static int lastWeaponModelIndex = 0;
	static int lastViewModelIndex = 0;
	cl_entity_t	 * ent = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( g_iUser2 );
	cl_entity_t	 * gunModel = gEngfuncs.GetViewModel();
	static float lasttime;

	static float lastang[3];
	static float lastorg[3];

	vec3_t delta;
	pparams->onlyClientDraw = false;

	// refresh position
	VectorCopy ( pparams->simorg, v_sim_org );

	// get old values
	VectorCopy ( pparams->cl_viewangles, v_cl_angles );
	VectorCopy ( pparams->viewangles, v_angles );
	VectorCopy ( pparams->vieworg, v_origin );
	v_frametime = pparams->frametime;

	if ( pparams->nextView == 0 )
		// first renderer cycle, full screen

		switch ( g_iUser1 )
			case OBS_CHASE_LOCKED:	V_GetChasePos( g_iUser2, NULL, v_origin, v_angles );

			case OBS_CHASE_FREE:	V_GetChasePos( g_iUser2, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles );

			case OBS_ROAMING	:	VectorCopy (v_cl_angles, v_angles);
									VectorCopy (v_sim_org, v_origin);

			case OBS_IN_EYE		:   V_GetInEyePos( g_iUser2, v_origin, v_angles );
			case OBS_MAP_FREE  :	pparams->onlyClientDraw = true;
									V_GetMapFreePosition( v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles );

			case OBS_MAP_CHASE  :	pparams->onlyClientDraw = true;
									V_GetMapChasePosition( g_iUser2, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles );

		if ( gHUD.m_Spectator.m_pip->value )
			pparams->nextView = 1;	// force a second renderer view

		gHUD.m_Spectator.m_iDrawCycle = 0;

		// second renderer cycle, inset window

		// set inset parameters
		pparams->viewport[0] = XRES(gHUD.m_Spectator.m_OverviewData.insetWindowX);	// change viewport to inset window
		pparams->viewport[1] = YRES(gHUD.m_Spectator.m_OverviewData.insetWindowY);
		pparams->viewport[2] = XRES(gHUD.m_Spectator.m_OverviewData.insetWindowWidth);
		pparams->viewport[3] = YRES(gHUD.m_Spectator.m_OverviewData.insetWindowHeight);
		pparams->nextView	 = 0;	// on further view
		pparams->onlyClientDraw = false;

		// override some settings in certain modes
		switch ( (int)gHUD.m_Spectator.m_pip->value )
			case INSET_CHASE_FREE : V_GetChasePos( g_iUser2, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles );

			case INSET_IN_EYE	 :	V_GetInEyePos( g_iUser2, v_origin, v_angles );

			case INSET_MAP_FREE  :	pparams->onlyClientDraw = true;
									V_GetMapFreePosition( v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles );

			case INSET_MAP_CHASE  :	pparams->onlyClientDraw = true;

									if ( g_iUser1 == OBS_ROAMING )
										V_GetMapChasePosition( 0, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles );
										V_GetMapChasePosition( g_iUser2, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles );


		gHUD.m_Spectator.m_iDrawCycle = 1;

	// do the smoothing only once per frame, not in roaming or map mode
	if ( (gHUD.m_Spectator.m_iDrawCycle == 0) && (g_iUser1 == OBS_IN_EYE)  )
		// smooth angles

		VectorSubtract( v_angles, lastang, delta );
		if ( Length( delta ) != 0.0f )
			VectorCopy( v_angles, ViewInterp.Angles[ ViewInterp.CurrentAngle & ORIGIN_MASK ] );
			ViewInterp.AngleTime[ ViewInterp.CurrentAngle & ORIGIN_MASK ] = pparams->time;
			VectorCopy( v_angles, lastang );

		if ( cl_vsmoothing && cl_vsmoothing->value )
			int foundidx;
			int i;
			float t;

			t = pparams->time - cl_vsmoothing->value;

			for ( i = 1; i < ORIGIN_MASK; i++ )
				foundidx = ViewInterp.CurrentAngle - 1 - i;
				if ( ViewInterp.AngleTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] <= t )
			if ( i < ORIGIN_MASK && ViewInterp.AngleTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] != 0.0 )
				// Interpolate
				double dt;
				float  da;
				vec3_t	v1,v2;

				AngleVectors( ViewInterp.Angles[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], v1, NULL, NULL );
				AngleVectors( ViewInterp.Angles[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ], v2, NULL, NULL );
				da = AngleBetweenVectors( v1, v2 );

				dt = ViewInterp.AngleTime[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ] - ViewInterp.AngleTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ];
				if ( dt > 0.0 && ( da < 22.5f) )
					double frac;

					frac = ( t - ViewInterp.AngleTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK] ) / dt;
					frac = min( 1.0, frac );

					// interpolate angles
					InterpolateAngles( ViewInterp.Angles[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], ViewInterp.Angles[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ], v_angles, frac );

  		// smooth origin
		VectorSubtract( v_origin, lastorg, delta );

		if ( Length( delta ) != 0.0 )
			VectorCopy( v_origin, ViewInterp.Origins[ ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin & ORIGIN_MASK ] );
			ViewInterp.OriginTime[ ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin & ORIGIN_MASK ] = pparams->time;

			VectorCopy( v_origin, lastorg );

		// don't smooth in roaming (already smoothd), 
		if ( cl_vsmoothing && cl_vsmoothing->value  )
			int foundidx;
			int i;
			float t;

			t = pparams->time - cl_vsmoothing->value;

			for ( i = 1; i < ORIGIN_MASK; i++ )
				foundidx = ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin - 1 - i;
				if ( ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] <= t )

			if ( i < ORIGIN_MASK &&  ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] != 0.0 )
				// Interpolate
				vec3_t delta;
				double frac;
				double dt;
				vec3_t neworg;

				dt = ViewInterp.OriginTime[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ] - ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ];
				if ( dt > 0.0 )
					frac = ( t - ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK] ) / dt;
					frac = min( 1.0, frac );
					VectorSubtract( ViewInterp.Origins[ ( foundidx + 1 ) & ORIGIN_MASK ], ViewInterp.Origins[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], delta );
					VectorMA( ViewInterp.Origins[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], frac, delta, neworg );

					// Dont interpolate large changes
					if ( Length( delta ) < 64 )
						VectorCopy( neworg, v_origin );

	// Hack in weapon model:

	if ( (g_iUser1 == OBS_IN_EYE || gHUD.m_Spectator.m_pip->value == INSET_IN_EYE) 
		&& ent && g_iUser2 )
		// get position for weapon model
		VectorCopy( v_origin, gunModel->origin);
		VectorCopy( v_angles, gunModel->angles);

		// add idle tremble
		// calculate player velocity
		float timeDiff = ent->curstate.msg_time - ent->prevstate.msg_time;

		if ( timeDiff > 0 )
			vec3_t distance;
			VectorSubtract(ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, distance);
			VectorScale(distance, 1/timeDiff, distance );

			velocity[0] = velocity[0]*0.66f + distance[0]*0.33f;
			velocity[1] = velocity[1]*0.66f + distance[1]*0.33f;
			velocity[2] = velocity[2]*0.66f + distance[2]*0.33f;
			VectorCopy(velocity, pparams->simvel);
			pparams->onground = 1;

			bob = V_CalcBob( pparams );

		vec3_t forward;
		AngleVectors(v_angles, forward, NULL, NULL );

		for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			gunModel->origin[ i ] += bob * 0.4 * forward[ i ];
		// throw in a little tilt.
		gunModel->angles[YAW]   -= bob * 0.5;
		gunModel->angles[ROLL]  -= bob * 1;
		gunModel->angles[PITCH] -= bob * 0.3;

		VectorCopy( gunModel->angles, gunModel->curstate.angles );
		VectorCopy( gunModel->angles, gunModel->latched.prevangles );

		if ( lastWeaponModelIndex != ent->curstate.weaponmodel )
			// weapon model changed

			lastWeaponModelIndex = ent->curstate.weaponmodel;
			lastViewModelIndex = V_FindViewModelByWeaponModel( lastWeaponModelIndex );
			if ( lastViewModelIndex )
				gEngfuncs.pfnWeaponAnim(0,0);	// reset weapon animation
				// model not found
				gunModel->model = NULL;	// disable weaopn model
				lastWeaponModelIndex = lastViewModelIndex = 0;

		if ( lastViewModelIndex )
			gunModel->model = IEngineStudio.GetModelByIndex( lastViewModelIndex );
			gunModel->curstate.modelindex = lastViewModelIndex;
			gunModel->curstate.frame = 0;
			gunModel->curstate.colormap = 0; 
			gunModel->index = g_iUser2;
			gunModel->model = NULL;	// disable weaopn model
		gunModel->model = NULL;	// disable weaopn model
		lastWeaponModelIndex = lastViewModelIndex = 0;

	lasttime = pparams->time; 

	// write back new values into pparams

	VectorCopy ( v_angles, pparams->viewangles )
	VectorCopy ( v_origin, pparams->vieworg );

// Look for vgui screens, returns true if it found one ...
C_BaseEntity *FindNearbyVguiScreen( const Vector &viewPosition, const QAngle &viewAngle, int nTeam )
	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();


	if (!pLocalPlayer)
		return NULL;

	// Get the view direction...
	Vector lookDir;
	AngleVectors(viewAngle, &lookDir);

	// Create a ray used for raytracing 
	Vector lookEnd;
	VectorMA(viewPosition, 2.0f * VGUI_SCREEN_MODE_RADIUS, lookDir, lookEnd);

	Ray_t lookRay;
	lookRay.Init(viewPosition, lookEnd);

	Vector vecOut, vecViewDelta;

	float flBestDist = 2.0f;
	C_VGuiScreen *pBestScreen = NULL;

	for (int i = 0; i < g_pVGUIScreens.Count(); i++)
		if (g_pVGUIScreens.IsValidIndex(i))
			C_VGuiScreen *pScreen = g_pVGUIScreens[i];

			if (pScreen->IsAttachedToViewModel())

			// Don't bother with screens I'm behind...
			// Hax - don't cancel backfacing with viewmodel attached screens.
			// we can get prediction bugs that make us backfacing for one frame and
			// it resets the mouse position if we lose focus.
			if (pScreen->IsBackfacing(viewPosition))

			// Don't bother with screens that are turned off
			if (!pScreen->IsActive())

			// FIXME: Should this maybe go into a derived class of some sort?
			// Don't bother with screens on the wrong team
			if (!pScreen->IsVisibleToTeam(nTeam))

			if (!pScreen->AcceptsInput())

			if (pScreen->IsInputOnlyToOwner() && pScreen->GetPlayerOwner() != pLocalPlayer)

			// Test perpendicular distance from the screen...
			pScreen->GetVectors(NULL, NULL, &vecOut);
			VectorSubtract(viewPosition, pScreen->GetAbsOrigin(), vecViewDelta);
			float flPerpDist = DotProduct(vecViewDelta, vecOut);
			if ((flPerpDist < 0) || (flPerpDist > VGUI_SCREEN_MODE_RADIUS))

			// Perform a raycast to see where in barycentric coordinates the ray hits
			// the viewscreen; if it doesn't hit it, you're not in the mode
			float u, v, t;
			if (!pScreen->IntersectWithRay(lookRay, &u, &v, &t))

			// Barycentric test
			if ((u < 0) || (v < 0) || (u > 1) || (v > 1))

			if (t < flBestDist)
				flBestDist = t;
				pBestScreen = pScreen;

	return pBestScreen;
// Purpose: Deal with input
void C_VGuiScreen::ClientThink( void )
	int nButtonsChanged = m_nOldButtonState ^ m_nButtonState;

	m_nOldButtonState = m_nButtonState;

	// Debounced button codes for pressed/released
	// UNDONE: Do we need auto-repeat?
	m_nButtonPressed =  nButtonsChanged & m_nButtonState;		// The changed ones still down are "pressed"
	m_nButtonReleased = nButtonsChanged & (~m_nButtonState);	// The ones not down are "released"


	// FIXME: We should really be taking bob, shake, and roll into account
	// but if we did, then all the inputs would be generated multiple times
	// if the world was rendered multiple times (for things like water, etc.)

	vgui::Panel *pPanel = m_PanelWrapper.GetPanel();
	if (!pPanel)
	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if (!pLocalPlayer)

	// Generate a ray along the view direction
	Vector vecEyePosition = pLocalPlayer->EyePosition();
	QAngle viewAngles = pLocalPlayer->EyeAngles( );

	// Compute cursor position...
	Ray_t lookDir;
	Vector endPos;
	float u, v;

	// Viewmodel attached screens that take input need to have a moving cursor
	// Do a pick under the cursor as our selection
	Vector viewDir;
	AngleVectors( viewAngles, &viewDir );
	VectorMA( vecEyePosition, 1000.0f, viewDir, endPos );
	lookDir.Init( vecEyePosition, endPos );

	if (!IntersectWithRay( lookDir, &u, &v, NULL ))

	if ( ((u < 0) || (v < 0) || (u > 1) || (v > 1)) && !m_bLoseThinkNextFrame)

	// This will cause our panel to grab all input!
	g_pClientMode->ActivateInGameVGuiContext( pPanel );

	// Convert (u,v) into (px,py)
	int px = (int)(u * m_nPixelWidth + 0.5f);
	int py = (int)(v * m_nPixelHeight + 0.5f);

	for (int i = 0; i < pPanel->GetChildCount(); i++)
		vgui::Button *child = dynamic_cast<vgui::Button*>(pPanel->GetChild(i));
		if (child)
			int x1, x2, y1, y2;
			child->GetBounds(x1, y1, x2, y2);

			// Generate mouse input commands
			if ((m_nButtonState & IN_ATTACK))
				if (px >= x1 && px <= x1 + x2 && py >= y1 && py <= y1 + y2)

	// Generate mouse input commands
	if ((px != m_nOldPx) || (py != m_nOldPy))
		g_InputInternal->InternalCursorMoved( px, py );
		m_nOldPx = px;
		m_nOldPy = py;

	if (m_nButtonPressed & IN_ATTACK)
		g_InputInternal->SetMouseCodeState( MOUSE_LEFT, vgui::BUTTON_PRESSED );
	if (m_nButtonPressed & IN_ATTACK2)
		g_InputInternal->SetMouseCodeState( MOUSE_RIGHT, vgui::BUTTON_PRESSED );
		g_InputInternal->InternalMousePressed( MOUSE_RIGHT );
	if ( (m_nButtonReleased & IN_ATTACK) || m_bLoseThinkNextFrame) // for a button release on loosing focus
		g_InputInternal->SetMouseCodeState( MOUSE_LEFT, vgui::BUTTON_RELEASED );
		g_InputInternal->InternalMouseReleased( MOUSE_LEFT );
	if (m_nButtonReleased & IN_ATTACK2)
		g_InputInternal->SetMouseCodeState( MOUSE_RIGHT, vgui::BUTTON_RELEASED );
		g_InputInternal->InternalMouseReleased( MOUSE_RIGHT );

	if ( m_bLoseThinkNextFrame == true )
		m_bLoseThinkNextFrame = false;
		SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_NEVER );

	g_pClientMode->DeactivateInGameVGuiContext( );
Exemple #15
void NPC_Droid_Pain( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *other, vec3_t point, int damage, int mod,int hitLoc ) 
	int		anim;
	float	pain_chance;

	VectorCopy( self->NPC->lastPathAngles, self->s.angles );

	if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_R5D2 )
		pain_chance = NPC_GetPainChance( self, damage );

		// Put it in pain
		if ( mod == MOD_DEMP2 || mod == MOD_DEMP2_ALT || random() < pain_chance )	// Spin around in pain? Demp2 always does this
			// Health is between 0-30 or was hit by a DEMP2 so pop his head
			if ( self->health < 30 || mod == MOD_DEMP2 || mod == MOD_DEMP2_ALT )
				if (!(self->spawnflags & 2))	// Doesn't have to ALWAYSDIE
					if ((self->NPC->localState != LSTATE_SPINNING) && 
						(!gi.G2API_GetSurfaceRenderStatus( &self->ghoul2[self->playerModel], "head" )))
						gi.G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff( &self->ghoul2[self->playerModel], "head", TURN_OFF );

//						G_PlayEffect( "small_chunks" , self->currentOrigin );
						G_PlayEffect( "r5d2head", self->currentOrigin );

						self->s.powerups |= ( 1 << PW_SHOCKED );
						self->client->ps.powerups[PW_SHOCKED] = level.time + 3000;

						TIMER_Set( self, "droidsmoketotal", 5000);
						TIMER_Set( self, "droidspark", 100);
						self->NPC->localState = LSTATE_SPINNING;
			// Just give him normal pain for a little while
				anim = self->client->ps.legsAnim;

				if ( anim == BOTH_STAND2 )	// On two legs?
					anim = BOTH_PAIN1;
				else						// On three legs
					anim = BOTH_PAIN2;


				// Spin around in pain
				self->NPC->localState = LSTATE_SPINNING;
				TIMER_Set( self, "roam", Q_irand(1000,2000));
	else if (self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_MOUSE)
		if ( mod == MOD_DEMP2 || mod == MOD_DEMP2_ALT )
			self->NPC->localState = LSTATE_SPINNING;
			self->s.powerups |= ( 1 << PW_SHOCKED );
			self->client->ps.powerups[PW_SHOCKED] = level.time + 3000;
			self->NPC->localState = LSTATE_BACKINGUP;

		self->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES;
	else if (self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_R2D2)

		pain_chance = NPC_GetPainChance( self, damage );

		if ( mod == MOD_DEMP2 || mod == MOD_DEMP2_ALT || random() < pain_chance )	// Spin around in pain? Demp2 always does this
			anim = self->client->ps.legsAnim;

			if ( anim == BOTH_STAND2 )	// On two legs?
				anim = BOTH_PAIN1;
			else						// On three legs
				anim = BOTH_PAIN2;


			// Spin around in pain
			self->NPC->localState = LSTATE_SPINNING;
			TIMER_Set( self, "roam", Q_irand(1000,2000));
	else if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_INTERROGATOR && ( mod == MOD_DEMP2 || mod == MOD_DEMP2_ALT ) && other )
		vec3_t dir;

		VectorSubtract( self->currentOrigin, other->currentOrigin, dir );
		VectorNormalize( dir );

		VectorMA( self->client->ps.velocity, 550, dir, self->client->ps.velocity );
		self->client->ps.velocity[2] -= 127;

	NPC_Pain( self, inflictor, other, point, damage, mod);
Exemple #16
UpdateChaseCam (edict_t * ent)
  vec3_t o, ownerv, goal;
  edict_t *targ;
  vec3_t forward, right;
  trace_t trace;
  int i;
  vec3_t angles;

  if (ChaseTargetGone (ent))

  targ = ent->client->resp.last_chase_target = ent->client->chase_target;

  if (ent->client->chase_mode == 1)
      ent->client->desired_fov = 90;
      ent->client->ps.fov = 90;

      if (ent->client->resp.cmd_angles[PITCH] > 89)
	ent->client->resp.cmd_angles[PITCH] = 89;
      if (ent->client->resp.cmd_angles[PITCH] < -89)
	ent->client->resp.cmd_angles[PITCH] = -89;

      VectorCopy (targ->s.origin, ownerv);

      ownerv[2] += targ->viewheight;

      VectorCopy (ent->client->ps.viewangles, angles);
      AngleVectors (angles, forward, right, NULL);
      VectorNormalize (forward);
      VectorMA (ownerv, -150, forward, o);

// not sure if this should be left in... -FB
//              if (o[2] < targ->s.origin[2] + 20)  
//                      o[2] = targ->s.origin[2] + 20;

      // jump animation lifts
      if (!targ->groundentity)
	o[2] += 16;

      PRETRACE ();
      trace =
	gi.trace (ownerv, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, o, targ, MASK_SOLID);
      POSTTRACE ();

      VectorCopy (trace.endpos, goal);

      VectorMA (goal, 2, forward, goal);

      // pad for floors and ceilings
      VectorCopy (goal, o);
      o[2] += 6;
      PRETRACE ();
      trace = gi.trace (goal, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, o, targ, MASK_SOLID);
      POSTTRACE ();
      if (trace.fraction < 1)
	  VectorCopy (trace.endpos, goal);
	  goal[2] -= 6;

      VectorCopy (goal, o);
      o[2] -= 6;
      PRETRACE ();
      trace = gi.trace (goal, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, o, targ, MASK_SOLID);
      POSTTRACE ();
      if (trace.fraction < 1)
	  VectorCopy (trace.endpos, goal);
	  goal[2] += 6;

      if (targ->deadflag)
	ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_type = PM_DEAD;
	ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_type = PM_FREEZE;

      VectorCopy (goal, ent->s.origin);

      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	ent->client->ps.pmove.delta_angles[i] =
	  ANGLE2SHORT (ent->client->v_angle[i] -

      VectorCopy (ent->client->resp.cmd_angles, ent->client->ps.viewangles);
  else             // chase_mode == 2
      VectorCopy (targ->s.origin, ownerv);
      VectorCopy (targ->client->v_angle, angles);

      AngleVectors (angles, forward, right, NULL);
      VectorNormalize (forward);
      // JBravo: fix for in eyes spectators seeing thru stuff. Thanks Hal9k! :)
      VectorMA (ownerv, 11, forward, o);
      //    	  VectorMA (ownerv, 16, forward, o);

      o[2] += targ->viewheight;

      VectorCopy (o, ent->s.origin);

      ent->client->ps.fov = targ->client->ps.fov;
      ent->client->desired_fov = targ->client->ps.fov;

      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	ent->client->ps.pmove.delta_angles[i] =
	  ANGLE2SHORT (targ->client->v_angle[i] -

      if (targ->deadflag)
	  ent->client->ps.viewangles[ROLL] = 40;
	  ent->client->ps.viewangles[PITCH] = -15;
	  ent->client->ps.viewangles[YAW] = targ->client->killer_yaw;
	  VectorAdd (targ->client->v_angle,
		     targ->client->ps.kick_angles, angles);
	  VectorCopy (angles, ent->client->ps.viewangles);
	  VectorCopy (angles, ent->client->v_angle);

  ent->viewheight = 0;
  ent->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags |= PMF_NO_PREDICTION;
  gi.linkentity (ent);
Exemple #17
 * Toss, bounce, and fly movement.  When onground, do nothing.
SV_Physics_Toss(edict_t *ent)
	trace_t trace;
	vec3_t move;
	float backoff;
	edict_t *slave;
	qboolean wasinwater;
	qboolean isinwater;
	vec3_t old_origin;

  	if (!ent)

	/* regular thinking */

	/* if not a team captain, so movement will be handled elsewhere */
	if (ent->flags & FL_TEAMSLAVE)

	if (ent->velocity[2] > 0)
		ent->groundentity = NULL;

	/* check for the groundentity going away */
	if (ent->groundentity)
		if (!ent->groundentity->inuse)
			ent->groundentity = NULL;

	/* if onground, return without moving */
	if (ent->groundentity)

	VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, old_origin);


	/* add gravity */
	if ((ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_FLY) &&
		(ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE)
		&& (ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_WALLBOUNCE))

	/* move angles */
	VectorMA(ent->s.angles, FRAMETIME, ent->avelocity, ent->s.angles);

	/* move origin */
	VectorScale(ent->velocity, FRAMETIME, move);
	trace = SV_PushEntity(ent, move);

	if (!ent->inuse)

	if (trace.fraction < 1)
		if (ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_WALLBOUNCE)
			backoff = 2.0;
		else if (ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE)
			backoff = 1.5;
			backoff = 1;

		ClipVelocity(ent->velocity, trace.plane.normal, ent->velocity, backoff);

		if (ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_WALLBOUNCE)
			vectoangles(ent->velocity, ent->s.angles);

		/* stop if on ground */
		if ((trace.plane.normal[2] > 0.7) &&
			(ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_WALLBOUNCE))
			if ((ent->velocity[2] < 60) || (ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_BOUNCE))
				ent->groundentity = trace.ent;
				ent->groundentity_linkcount = trace.ent->linkcount;
				VectorCopy(vec3_origin, ent->velocity);
				VectorCopy(vec3_origin, ent->avelocity);

	/* check for water transition */
	wasinwater = (ent->watertype & MASK_WATER);
	ent->watertype = gi.pointcontents(ent->s.origin);
	isinwater = ent->watertype & MASK_WATER;

	if (isinwater)
		ent->waterlevel = 1;
		ent->waterlevel = 0;

	if (!wasinwater && isinwater)
		gi.positioned_sound(old_origin, g_edicts, CHAN_AUTO,
				gi.soundindex("misc/h2ohit1.wav"), 1, 1, 0);
	else if (wasinwater && !isinwater)
		gi.positioned_sound(ent->s.origin, g_edicts, CHAN_AUTO,
				gi.soundindex("misc/h2ohit1.wav"), 1, 1, 0);

	/* move teamslaves */
	for (slave = ent->teamchain; slave; slave = slave->teamchain)
		VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, slave->s.origin);
Exemple #18
int CMomentumGameMovement::TryPlayerMove(Vector *pFirstDest, trace_t *pFirstTrace)
    int			bumpcount, numbumps;
    Vector		dir;
    float		d;
    int			numplanes;
    Vector		planes[MAX_CLIP_PLANES];
    Vector		primal_velocity, original_velocity;
    Vector      new_velocity;
    int			i, j;
    trace_t	pm;
    Vector		end;
    float		time_left, allFraction;
    int			blocked;

    numbumps = 4;           // Bump up to four times

    blocked = 0;           // Assume not blocked
    numplanes = 0;           //  and not sliding along any planes

    VectorCopy(mv->m_vecVelocity, original_velocity);  // Store original velocity
    VectorCopy(mv->m_vecVelocity, primal_velocity);

    allFraction = 0;
    time_left = gpGlobals->frametime;   // Total time for this movement operation.


    for (bumpcount = 0; bumpcount < numbumps; bumpcount++)
        if (mv->m_vecVelocity.Length() == 0.0)

        // Assume we can move all the way from the current origin to the
        //  end point.
        VectorMA(mv->GetAbsOrigin(), time_left, mv->m_vecVelocity, end);

        // See if we can make it from origin to end point.
        if (g_bMovementOptimizations)
            // If their velocity Z is 0, then we can avoid an extra trace here during WalkMove.
            if (pFirstDest && end == *pFirstDest)
                pm = *pFirstTrace;
                trace_t foo;
                TracePlayerBBox(mv->GetAbsOrigin(), mv->GetAbsOrigin(), PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, foo);
                if (foo.startsolid || foo.fraction != 1.0f)
                TracePlayerBBox(mv->GetAbsOrigin(), end, PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, pm);
            TracePlayerBBox(mv->GetAbsOrigin(), end, PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, pm);

        allFraction += pm.fraction;

        // If we started in a solid object, or we were in solid space
        //  the whole way, zero out our velocity and return that we
        //  are blocked by floor and wall.
        if (pm.allsolid)
            // entity is trapped in another solid
            VectorCopy(vec3_origin, mv->m_vecVelocity);
            return 4;

        // If we moved some portion of the total distance, then
        //  copy the end position into the pmove.origin and 
        //  zero the plane counter.
        if (pm.fraction > 0)
            if (numbumps > 0 && pm.fraction == 1)
                // There's a precision issue with terrain tracing that can cause a swept box to successfully trace
                // when the end position is stuck in the triangle.  Re-run the test with an uswept box to catch that
                // case until the bug is fixed.
                // If we detect getting stuck, don't allow the movement
                trace_t stuck;
                TracePlayerBBox(pm.endpos, pm.endpos, PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, stuck);
                if (stuck.startsolid || stuck.fraction != 1.0f)
                    Msg("Player will become stuck!!!\n");
                    VectorCopy(vec3_origin, mv->m_vecVelocity);

            trace_t foo;
            TracePlayerBBox(pm.endpos, pm.endpos, PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, foo);
            if (foo.startsolid || foo.fraction != 1.0f)
                Msg("Player will become stuck!!!\n");
            // actually covered some distance
            VectorCopy(mv->m_vecVelocity, original_velocity);
            numplanes = 0;

        // If we covered the entire distance, we are done
        //  and can return.
        if (pm.fraction == 1)
            break;		// moved the entire distance

        // Save entity that blocked us (since fraction was < 1.0)
        //  for contact
        // Add it if it's not already in the list!!!
        MoveHelper()->AddToTouched(pm, mv->m_vecVelocity);

        // If the plane we hit has a high z component in the normal, then
        //  it's probably a floor
        if (pm.plane.normal[2] > 0.7)
            blocked |= 1;		// floor
        // If the plane has a zero z component in the normal, then it's a 
        //  step or wall
        if (!pm.plane.normal[2])
            blocked |= 2;		// step / wall

        // Reduce amount of m_flFrameTime left by total time left * fraction
        //  that we covered.
        time_left -= time_left * pm.fraction;

        // Did we run out of planes to clip against?
        if (numplanes >= MAX_CLIP_PLANES)
            // this shouldn't really happen
            //  Stop our movement if so.
            VectorCopy(vec3_origin, mv->m_vecVelocity);
            //Con_DPrintf("Too many planes 4\n");


        // Set up next clipping plane
        VectorCopy(pm.plane.normal, planes[numplanes]);

        // modify original_velocity so it parallels all of the clip planes

        // reflect player velocity 
        // Only give this a try for first impact plane because you can get yourself stuck in an acute corner by jumping in place
        //  and pressing forward and nobody was really using this bounce/reflection feature anyway...
        if (numplanes == 1 &&
            player->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_WALK &&
            player->GetGroundEntity() == NULL)
            //Vector cross = mv->m_vecVelocity.Cross(planes[0]);

            //if (cross[1] > 0)//Are we going up a slope?
            //    flReflectNormal = 1.0f;//Don't bother trying to do a LateReflect
            m_flReflectNormal = planes[0][2];//Determine in CategorizePosition

            for (i = 0; i < numplanes; i++)
                if (planes[i][2] > 0.7)
                    // floor or slope
                    ClipVelocity(original_velocity, planes[i], new_velocity, 1);
                    VectorCopy(new_velocity, original_velocity);
                    ClipVelocity(original_velocity, planes[i], new_velocity, 1.0 + sv_bounce.GetFloat() * (1 - player->m_surfaceFriction));

            VectorCopy(new_velocity, mv->m_vecVelocity);
            VectorCopy(new_velocity, original_velocity);
            for (i = 0; i < numplanes; i++)

                for (j = 0; j < numplanes; j++)
                    if (j != i)
                        // Are we now moving against this plane?
                        if (mv->m_vecVelocity.Dot(planes[j]) < 0)
                            break;	// not ok
                if (j == numplanes)  // Didn't have to clip, so we're ok

            // Did we go all the way through plane set
            if (i != numplanes)
            {	// go along this plane
                // pmove.velocity is set in clipping call, no need to set again.
            {	// go along the crease
                if (numplanes != 2)
                    VectorCopy(vec3_origin, mv->m_vecVelocity);
                CrossProduct(planes[0], planes[1], dir);
                d = dir.Dot(mv->m_vecVelocity);
                VectorScale(dir, d, mv->m_vecVelocity);

            // if original velocity is against the original velocity, stop dead
            // to avoid tiny occilations in sloping corners
            d = mv->m_vecVelocity.Dot(primal_velocity);
            if (d <= 0)
                if (!sv_ramp_fix.GetBool())
                    VectorCopy(vec3_origin, mv->m_vecVelocity); // RAMPBUG FIX #2

    if (allFraction == 0)
        if (!sv_ramp_fix.GetBool())
            VectorCopy(vec3_origin, mv->m_vecVelocity); // RAMPBUG FIX #1

    // Check if they slammed into a wall
    float fSlamVol = 0.0f;

    float fLateralStoppingAmount = primal_velocity.Length2D() - mv->m_vecVelocity.Length2D();
    if (fLateralStoppingAmount > PLAYER_MAX_SAFE_FALL_SPEED * 2.0f)
        fSlamVol = 1.0f;
    else if (fLateralStoppingAmount > PLAYER_MAX_SAFE_FALL_SPEED)
        fSlamVol = 0.85f;


    return blocked;
Exemple #19
void CG_ParticleBloodCloud (centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir)
	float	length;
	float	dist;
	float	crittersize;
	vec3_t	angles, forward;
	vec3_t	point;
	cparticle_t	*p;
	int		i;

	dist = 0;

	length = VectorLength (dir);
	vectoangles (dir, angles);
	AngleVectors (angles, forward, NULL, NULL);

	crittersize = LARGESIZE;

	if (length)
		dist = length / crittersize;

	if (dist < 1)
		dist = 1;

	VectorCopy (origin, point);

	for (i=0; i<dist; i++)
		VectorMA (point, crittersize, forward, point);

		if (!free_particles)

		p = free_particles;
		free_particles = p->next;
		p->next = active_particles;
		active_particles = p;

		p->time = cg.time;
		p->alpha = 1.0;
		p->alphavel = 0;
		p->roll = 0;

		p->pshader = cgs.media.smokePuffShader;

		p->endtime = cg.time + 350 + (crandom() * 100);

		p->startfade = cg.time;

		p->width = LARGESIZE;
		p->height = LARGESIZE;
		p->endheight = LARGESIZE;
		p->endwidth = LARGESIZE;

		p->type = P_SMOKE;

		VectorCopy( origin, p->org );

		p->vel[0] = 0;
		p->vel[1] = 0;
		p->vel[2] = -1;

		VectorClear( p->accel );

		p->rotate = qfalse;

		p->roll = rand()%179;

		p->color = BLOODRED;

		p->alpha = 0.75;


Exemple #20
void eweb_die( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int mod,int dFlags,int hitLoc )
	vec3_t org;

	// turn off any firing animations it may have been doing
	self->s.frame = self->startFrame = self->endFrame = 0;
	self->health = 0;
//	self->s.weapon = WP_EMPLACED_GUN; // we need to be able to switch back to the old weapon

	self->takedamage = qfalse;
	self->lastEnemy = attacker;

	if ( self->activator && self->activator->client )
		if ( self->activator->NPC )
			vec3_t right;

			// radius damage seems to throw them, but add an extra bit to throw them away from the weapon
			AngleVectors( self->currentAngles, NULL, right, NULL );
			VectorMA( self->activator->client->ps.velocity, 140, right, self->activator->client->ps.velocity );
			self->activator->client->ps.velocity[2] = -100;

			// kill them
			self->activator->health = 0;
			self->activator->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = 0;

		// kill the players emplaced ammo, cheesy way to keep the gun from firing
		self->activator->client->ps.ammo[weaponData[WP_EMPLACED_GUN].ammoIndex] = 0;

	self->e_PainFunc = painF_NULL;

	if ( self->target )
		G_UseTargets( self, attacker );

	G_RadiusDamage( self->currentOrigin, self, self->splashDamage, self->splashRadius, self, MOD_UNKNOWN );

	VectorCopy( self->currentOrigin,  org );
	org[2] += 20;

	G_PlayEffect( "emplaced/explode", org );

	// Turn the top of the eweb off.
	gi.G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff( &self->ghoul2[self->playerModel], "eweb_damage", TURN_OFF );

	// create some persistent smoke by using a dynamically created fx runner
	gentity_t *ent = G_Spawn();

	if ( ent )
		ent->delay = 200;
		ent->random = 100;

		ent->fxID = G_EffectIndex( "emplaced/dead_smoke" );

		ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_fx_runner_think; 
		ent->nextthink = level.time + 50;

		// move up above the gun origin
		VectorCopy( self->currentOrigin, org );
		org[2] += 35;
		G_SetOrigin( ent, org );
		VectorCopy( org, ent->s.origin );

		VectorSet( ent->s.angles, -90, 0, 0 ); // up
		G_SetAngles( ent, ent->s.angles );

		gi.linkentity( ent );

	G_ActivateBehavior( self, BSET_DEATH );
Exemple #21
void CG_AddParticleToScene (cparticle_t *p, vec3_t org, float alpha)

	vec3_t		point;
	polyVert_t	verts[4];
	float		width;
	float		height;
	float		time, time2;
	float		ratio;
	float		invratio;
	vec3_t		color;
	polyVert_t	TRIverts[3];
	vec3_t		rright2, rup2;

	if (p->type == P_WEATHER || p->type == P_WEATHER_TURBULENT || p->type == P_WEATHER_FLURRY
		|| p->type == P_BUBBLE || p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
	{// create a front facing polygon

		if (p->type != P_WEATHER_FLURRY)
			if (p->type == P_BUBBLE || p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
				if (org[2] > p->end)
					p->time = cg.time;
					VectorCopy (org, p->org); // Ridah, fixes rare snow flakes that flicker on the ground

					p->org[2] = ( p->start + crandom () * 4 );

					if (p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
						p->vel[0] = crandom() * 4;
						p->vel[1] = crandom() * 4;

				if (org[2] < p->end)
					p->time = cg.time;
					VectorCopy (org, p->org); // Ridah, fixes rare snow flakes that flicker on the ground

					while (p->org[2] < p->end)
						p->org[2] += (p->start - p->end);

					if (p->type == P_WEATHER_TURBULENT)
						p->vel[0] = crandom() * 16;
						p->vel[1] = crandom() * 16;


			// Rafael snow pvs check
			if (!p->link)

			p->alpha = 1;

		// Ridah, had to do this or MAX_POLYS is being exceeded in village1.bsp
		if (Distance( cg.snap->ps.origin, org ) > 1024) {
		// done.

		if (p->type == P_BUBBLE || p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
			verts[0].st[0] = 0;
			verts[0].st[1] = 0;
			verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
			verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
			verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
			verts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
			verts[1].st[0] = 0;
			verts[1].st[1] = 1;
			verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
			verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
			verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
			verts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
			verts[2].st[0] = 1;
			verts[2].st[1] = 1;
			verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
			verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
			verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
			verts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
			verts[3].st[0] = 1;
			verts[3].st[1] = 0;
			verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
			verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
			verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
			verts[3].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy( point, TRIverts[0].xyz );
			TRIverts[0].st[0] = 1;
			TRIverts[0].st[1] = 0;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, TRIverts[1].xyz);
			TRIverts[1].st[0] = 0;
			TRIverts[1].st[1] = 0;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, TRIverts[2].xyz);
			TRIverts[2].st[0] = 0;
			TRIverts[2].st[1] = 1;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

	else if (p->type == P_SPRITE)
		vec3_t	rr, ru;
		vec3_t	rotate_ang;

		VectorSet (color, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		if (p->roll) {
			vectoangles( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], rotate_ang );
			rotate_ang[ROLL] += p->roll;
			AngleVectors ( rotate_ang, NULL, rr, ru);

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (org, -height, ru, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, rr, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (org, -height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, 2*height, ru, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, 2*height, pvup, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, 2*width, rr, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, 2*width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, -2*height, ru, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, -2*height, pvup, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
	else if (p->type == P_SMOKE || p->type == P_SMOKE_IMPACT)
	{// create a front rotating facing polygon

		if ( p->type == P_SMOKE_IMPACT && Distance( cg.snap->ps.origin, org ) > 1024) {

		if (p->color == BLOODRED)
			VectorSet (color, 0.22f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		else if (p->color == GREY75)
			float	len;
			float	greyit;
			float	val;
			len = Distance (cg.snap->ps.origin, org);
			if (!len)
				len = 1;

			val = 4096/len;
			greyit = 0.25 * val;
			if (greyit > 0.5)
				greyit = 0.5;

			VectorSet (color, greyit, greyit, greyit);
			VectorSet (color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;

		if (cg.time > p->startfade)
			invratio = 1 - ( (cg.time - p->startfade) / (p->endtime - p->startfade) );

			if (p->color == EMISIVEFADE)
				float fval;
				fval = (invratio * invratio);
				if (fval < 0)
					fval = 0;
				VectorSet (color, fval , fval , fval );
			invratio *= p->alpha;
			invratio = 1 * p->alpha;

		if (invratio > 1)
			invratio = 1;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		if (p->type != P_SMOKE_IMPACT)
			vec3_t temp;

			vectoangles (rforward, temp);
			p->accumroll += p->roll;
			temp[ROLL] += p->accumroll * 0.1;
			AngleVectors ( temp, NULL, rright2, rup2);
			VectorCopy (rright, rright2);
			VectorCopy (rup, rup2);

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, -height, rup2, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, rright2, point);
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * invratio;

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, -height, rup2, point);
			VectorMA (point, width, rright2, point);
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * invratio;

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, height, rup2, point);
			VectorMA (point, width, rright2, point);
			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * invratio;

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, height, rup2, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, rright2, point);
			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255  * invratio;

	else if (p->type == P_BLEED)
		vec3_t	rr, ru;
		vec3_t	rotate_ang;
		float	alpha;

		alpha = p->alpha;

		if (p->roll)
			vectoangles( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], rotate_ang );
			rotate_ang[ROLL] += p->roll;
			AngleVectors ( rotate_ang, NULL, rr, ru);
			VectorCopy (pvup, ru);
			VectorCopy (pvright, rr);

		VectorMA (org, -p->height, ru, point);
		VectorMA (point, -p->width, rr, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 111;
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 19;
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 9;
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;

		VectorMA (org, -p->height, ru, point);
		VectorMA (point, p->width, rr, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 111;
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 19;
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 9;
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;

		VectorMA (org, p->height, ru, point);
		VectorMA (point, p->width, rr, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 111;
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 19;
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 9;
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;

		VectorMA (org, p->height, ru, point);
		VectorMA (point, -p->width, rr, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 111;
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 19;
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 9;
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;

	else if (p->type == P_FLAT_SCALEUP)
		float width, height;
		float sinR, cosR;

		if (p->color == BLOODRED)
			VectorSet (color, 1, 1, 1);
			VectorSet (color, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		if (width > p->endwidth)
			width = p->endwidth;

		if (height > p->endheight)
			height = p->endheight;

		sinR = height * sin(DEG2RAD(p->roll)) * sqrt(2);
		cosR = width * cos(DEG2RAD(p->roll)) * sqrt(2);

		VectorCopy (org, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].xyz[0] -= sinR;
		verts[0].xyz[1] -= cosR;
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].xyz[0] -= cosR;
		verts[1].xyz[1] += sinR;
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].xyz[0] += sinR;
		verts[2].xyz[1] += cosR;
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].xyz[0] += cosR;
		verts[3].xyz[1] -= sinR;
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
	else if (p->type == P_FLAT)

		VectorCopy (org, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].xyz[0] -= p->height;
		verts[0].xyz[1] -= p->width;
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].xyz[0] -= p->height;
		verts[1].xyz[1] += p->width;
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].xyz[0] += p->height;
		verts[2].xyz[1] += p->width;
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].xyz[0] += p->height;
		verts[3].xyz[1] -= p->width;
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;

	// Ridah
	else if (p->type == P_ANIM) {
		vec3_t	rr, ru;
		vec3_t	rotate_ang;
		int i, j;

		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;
		if (ratio >= 1.0f) {
			ratio = 0.9999f;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		// if we are "inside" this sprite, don't draw
		if (Distance( cg.snap->ps.origin, org ) < width/1.5) {

		i = p->shaderAnim;
		j = (int)floor(ratio * shaderAnimCounts[p->shaderAnim]);
		p->pshader = shaderAnims[i][j];

		if (p->roll) {
			vectoangles( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], rotate_ang );
			rotate_ang[ROLL] += p->roll;
			AngleVectors ( rotate_ang, NULL, rr, ru);

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (org, -height, ru, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, rr, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (org, -height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, 2*height, ru, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, 2*height, pvup, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, 2*width, rr, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, 2*width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, -2*height, ru, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, -2*height, pvup, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
	// done.

	if (!p->pshader) {
// (SA) temp commented out for DM
//		CG_Printf ("CG_AddParticleToScene type %d p->pshader == ZERO\n", p->type);

	if (p->type == P_WEATHER || p->type == P_WEATHER_TURBULENT || p->type == P_WEATHER_FLURRY)
		trap_R_AddPolyToScene( p->pshader, 3, TRIverts );
		trap_R_AddPolyToScene( p->pshader, 4, verts );

Exemple #22
//lock the owner into place relative to the cannon pos
void EWebPositionUser(gentity_t *owner, gentity_t *eweb)
	mdxaBone_t boltMatrix;
	vec3_t p, p2, d;
	trace_t tr;
	qboolean traceOver = qtrue;

	if ( owner->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS )
	{//extra checks
		gi.trace(&tr, owner->currentOrigin, owner->mins, owner->maxs, owner->currentOrigin, owner->s.number, owner->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
		if ( tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid )
		{//crap, they're already in solid somehow, don't bother tracing over
			traceOver = qfalse;
	if ( traceOver )
	{//trace up
		VectorCopy( owner->currentOrigin, p2 );
		p2[2] += STEPSIZE;
		gi.trace(&tr, owner->currentOrigin, owner->mins, owner->maxs, p2, owner->s.number, owner->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
		if (!tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid )
			VectorCopy( tr.endpos, p2 );
			VectorCopy( owner->currentOrigin, p2 );
	//trace over
	gi.G2API_GetBoltMatrix( eweb->ghoul2, 0, eweb->headBolt, &boltMatrix, 
		eweb->s.apos.trBase, eweb->currentOrigin, 
		(cg.time?cg.time:level.time), NULL, eweb->s.modelScale );
	gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, ORIGIN, p );
	gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, d );
	d[2] = 0;
	VectorNormalize( d );
	VectorMA( p, -44.0f, d, p );
	if ( !traceOver )
		VectorCopy( p, tr.endpos );
		tr.allsolid = tr.startsolid = qfalse;
		p[2] = p2[2];
		if ( owner->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS )
		{//extra checks
			//just see if end point is not in solid
			gi.trace(&tr, p, owner->mins, owner->maxs, p, owner->s.number, owner->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
			if ( tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid )
			{//would be in solid there, so just trace over, I guess?
				gi.trace(&tr, p2, owner->mins, owner->maxs, p, owner->s.number, owner->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
		{//trace over
			gi.trace(&tr, p2, owner->mins, owner->maxs, p, owner->s.number, owner->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
	if (!tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid )
		//trace down
		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, p );
		VectorCopy( p, p2 );
		p2[2] -= STEPSIZE;
		gi.trace(&tr, p, owner->mins, owner->maxs, p2, owner->s.number, owner->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);

		if (!tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid )//&& tr.fraction == 1.0f)
		{ //all clear, we can move there
			vec3_t	moveDir;
			float moveDist;
			VectorCopy( tr.endpos, p );
			VectorSubtract( p, eweb->pos4, moveDir );
			moveDist = VectorNormalize( moveDir );
			if ( moveDist > 4.0f )
			{//moved past the threshold from last position
				vec3_t	oRight;
				int		strafeAnim;

				VectorCopy( p, eweb->pos4 );//update the position
				//find out what direction he moved in
				AngleVectors( owner->currentAngles, NULL, oRight, NULL );
				if ( DotProduct( moveDir, oRight ) > 0 )
				{//moved to his right, play right strafe
					strafeAnim = BOTH_STRAFE_RIGHT1;
				{//moved left, play left strafe
					strafeAnim = BOTH_STRAFE_LEFT1;
			G_SetOrigin(owner, p);
			VectorCopy(p, owner->client->ps.origin);
			gi.linkentity( owner );
	//FIXME: IK the hands to the handles of the gun?
Exemple #23
void R_RenderView (void)
	double	time1, time2;

	if (r_norefresh.value)

	if (!cl.worldmodel)
		Sys_Error ("R_RenderView: NULL worldmodel");

	time1 = 0; /* avoid compiler warning */
	if (r_speeds.value)
		glFinish ();
		time1 = Sys_DoubleTime ();

		//johnfitz -- rendering statistics
		rs_brushpolys = rs_aliaspolys = rs_skypolys = rs_particles = rs_fogpolys = rs_megatexels =
		rs_dynamiclightmaps = rs_aliaspasses = rs_skypasses = rs_brushpasses = 0;
	else if (gl_finish.value)
		glFinish ();

	R_SetupView (); //johnfitz -- this does everything that should be done once per frame

	//johnfitz -- stereo rendering -- full of hacky goodness
	if (r_stereo.value)
		float eyesep = CLAMP(-8.0f, r_stereo.value, 8.0f);
		float fdepth = CLAMP(32.0f, r_stereodepth.value, 1024.0f);

		AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup);

		//render left eye (red)
		glColorMask(1, 0, 0, 1);
		VectorMA (r_refdef.vieworg, -0.5f * eyesep, vright, r_refdef.vieworg);
		frustum_skew = 0.5 * eyesep * NEARCLIP / fdepth;
		srand((int) (cl.time * 1000)); //sync random stuff between eyes

		R_RenderScene ();

		//render right eye (cyan)
		glColorMask(0, 1, 1, 1);
		VectorMA (r_refdef.vieworg, 1.0f * eyesep, vright, r_refdef.vieworg);
		frustum_skew = -frustum_skew;
		srand((int) (cl.time * 1000)); //sync random stuff between eyes

		R_RenderScene ();

		glColorMask(1, 1, 1, 1);
		VectorMA (r_refdef.vieworg, -0.5f * eyesep, vright, r_refdef.vieworg);
		frustum_skew = 0.0f;
		R_RenderScene ();

	//johnfitz -- modified r_speeds output
	time2 = Sys_DoubleTime ();
	if (r_pos.value)
		Con_Printf ("x %i y %i z %i (pitch %i yaw %i roll %i)\n",
	else if (r_speeds.value == 2)
		Con_Printf ("%3i ms  %4i/%4i wpoly %4i/%4i epoly %3i lmap %4i/%4i sky %1.1f mtex\n",
					TexMgr_FrameUsage ());
	else if (r_speeds.value)
		Con_Printf ("%3i ms  %4i wpoly %4i epoly %3i lmap\n",
Exemple #24
void ExitEmplacedWeapon( gentity_t *ent )
	// requesting to unlock from the weapon
	// We'll leave the gun pointed in the direction it was last facing, though we'll cut out the pitch
	if ( ent->client )
		// if we are the player we will have put down a brush that blocks NPCs so that we have a clear spot to get back out.
		//gentity_t *place = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(classname), "emp_placeholder" );

		if ( ent->health > 0 )
		{//he's still alive, and we have a placeholder, so put him back
			if ( ent->owner->nextTrain )
				// reset the players position
				VectorCopy( ent->owner->nextTrain->currentOrigin, ent->client->ps.origin );
				//reset ent's size to normal
				VectorCopy( ent->owner->nextTrain->mins, ent->mins );
				VectorCopy( ent->owner->nextTrain->maxs, ent->maxs );
				//free the placeholder
				G_FreeEntity( ent->owner->nextTrain );
				//re-link the ent
				gi.linkentity( ent );
			else if ( ent->owner->e_UseFunc == useF_eweb_use )//yeah, crappy way to check this, but...
				// so give 'em a push away from us
				vec3_t backDir, start, end;
				trace_t trace;
				gentity_t *eweb = ent->owner;
				float curRadius = 0.0f;
				float minRadius, maxRadius;
				qboolean safeExit = qfalse;

				VectorSubtract( ent->currentOrigin, eweb->currentOrigin, backDir );
				backDir[2] = 0;
				minRadius = VectorNormalize( backDir )-8.0f;

				maxRadius = (ent->maxs[0]+ent->maxs[1])*0.5f;
				maxRadius += (eweb->maxs[0]+eweb->maxs[1])*0.5f;
				maxRadius *= 1.5f;

				if ( minRadius >= maxRadius - 1.0f )
					maxRadius = minRadius + 8.0f;

				ent->owner = NULL;//so his trace hits me

				for ( curRadius = minRadius; curRadius <= maxRadius; curRadius += 4.0f )
					VectorMA( ent->currentOrigin, curRadius, backDir, start );
					//make sure they're not in the ground
					VectorCopy( start, end );
					start[2] += 18;
					end[2] -= 18;
					gi.trace(&trace, start, ent->mins, ent->maxs, end, ent->s.number, ent->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
					if ( !trace.allsolid && !trace.startsolid )
						G_SetOrigin( ent, trace.endpos );
						gi.linkentity( ent );
						safeExit = qtrue;
				//Hmm... otherwise, don't allow them to get off?
				ent->owner = eweb;
				if ( !safeExit )
				{//don't try again for a second
					ent->owner->delay = level.time + 500;
		else if ( ent->health <= 0 )
			// dead, so give 'em a push out of the chair
			vec3_t dir;
			AngleVectors( ent->owner->s.angles, NULL, dir, NULL );

			if ( rand() & 1 )
				VectorScale( dir, -1, dir );

			VectorMA( ent->client->ps.velocity, 75, dir, ent->client->ps.velocity );
		//don't let them move towards me for a couple frames so they don't step back into me while I'm becoming solid to them
		if ( ent->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS )
			if ( ent->client->ps.pm_time < 100 )
				ent->client->ps.pm_time = 100;
			ent->client->ps.pm_flags |= (PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION|PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK);

		if ( !ent->owner->bounceCount )
		{//not an EWeb - the overridden bone angles will remember the angle we left it at
			VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.viewangles, ent->owner->s.angles );
			ent->owner->s.angles[PITCH] = 0;
			G_SetAngles( ent->owner, ent->owner->s.angles );
			VectorCopy( ent->owner->s.angles, ent->owner->pos1 );

	// Remove the emplaced gun from our inventory
	ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] &= ~( 1 << WP_EMPLACED_GUN );

extern void ChangeWeapon( gentity_t *ent, int newWeapon );
extern void CG_ChangeWeapon( int num );
	if ( ent->health <= 0 ) 
	{//when die, don't set weapon back on when ejected from emplaced/eweb
		//empty hands
		ent->client->ps.weapon = WP_NONE;
		if ( ent->NPC )
			ChangeWeapon( ent, ent->client->ps.weapon );	// should be OK actually.
			CG_ChangeWeapon( ent->client->ps.weapon );
		if ( ent->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS )
			gi.cvar_set( "cg_thirdperson", "1" );
		// when we lock or unlock from the the gun, we get our old weapon back
		ent->client->ps.weapon = ent->owner->s.weapon;

		if ( ent->NPC )
		{//BTW, if a saber-using NPC ever gets off of an emplaced gun/eweb, this will not work, look at NPC_ChangeWeapon for the proper way
			ChangeWeapon( ent, ent->client->ps.weapon );
			G_RemoveWeaponModels( ent );
			CG_ChangeWeapon( ent->client->ps.weapon );
			if ( ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER )
				WP_SaberAddG2SaberModels( ent );
				G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel( ent, weaponData[ent->client->ps.weapon].weaponMdl, ent->handRBolt, 0 );

			if ( ent->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS )
				if ( ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER )
					gi.cvar_set( "cg_thirdperson", "1" );
				else if ( ent->client->ps.weapon != WP_SABER && cg_gunAutoFirst.integer )
					gi.cvar_set( "cg_thirdperson", "0" );

		if ( ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER )
			if ( ent->owner->alt_fire )
	//set the emplaced gun/eweb's weapon back to the emplaced gun
	ent->owner->s.weapon = WP_EMPLACED_GUN;
//	gi.G2API_DetachG2Model( &ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel] );

	ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON;
	ent->client->ps.eFlags &= ~EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON;

	ent->owner->noDamageTeam = TEAM_FREE;
	ent->owner->svFlags &= ~SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY;
	ent->owner->delay = level.time;
	ent->owner->activator = NULL;

	if ( !ent->NPC )
		// by keeping the owner, a dead npc can be pushed out of the chair without colliding with it
		ent->owner = NULL;
Exemple #25
// CROFFSystem::ApplyROFF
//	Does the dirty work of applying the raw ROFF data
//	The the roff_entity struct and the raw roff data
//	True == success;  False == roff playback complete or failure
qboolean CROFFSystem::ApplyROFF( SROFFEntity *roff_ent, CROFFSystem::CROFF *roff )
	vec3_t			f, r, u, result;
	sharedEntity_t	*ent = NULL;
	trajectory_t	*originTrajectory, *angleTrajectory;
	float			*origin, *angle;

	if ( svs.time < roff_ent->mNextROFFTime )
	{ // Not time to roff yet
		return qtrue;

	if (roff_ent->mIsClient)
		vec3_t		originTemp, angleTemp;
		originTrajectory = CGVM_GetOriginTrajectory( roff_ent->mEntID );
		angleTrajectory = CGVM_GetAngleTrajectory( roff_ent->mEntID );
		CGVM_GetOrigin( roff_ent->mEntID, originTemp );
		origin = originTemp;
		CGVM_GetAngles( roff_ent->mEntID, angleTemp );
		angle = angleTemp;
		// Find the entity to apply the roff to
		ent = SV_GentityNum( roff_ent->mEntID );

		if ( ent == 0 )
		{	// bad stuff
			return qfalse;

		originTrajectory = &ent->s.pos;
		angleTrajectory = &ent->s.apos;
		origin = ent->r.currentOrigin;
		angle = ent->r.currentAngles;

	if ( roff_ent->mROFFFrame >= roff->mROFFEntries )
	{ // we are done roffing, so stop moving and flag this ent to be removed
		SetLerp( originTrajectory, TR_STATIONARY, origin, NULL, svs.time, roff->mLerp );
		SetLerp( angleTrajectory, TR_STATIONARY, angle, NULL, svs.time, roff->mLerp );
		if (!roff_ent->mIsClient)
			ent->r.mIsRoffing = qfalse;
		return qfalse;

	if (roff_ent->mTranslated)
		AngleVectors(roff_ent->mStartAngles, f, r, u );
		VectorScale(f, roff->mMoveRotateList[roff_ent->mROFFFrame].mOriginOffset[0], result);
		VectorMA(result, -roff->mMoveRotateList[roff_ent->mROFFFrame].mOriginOffset[1], r, result);
		VectorMA(result, roff->mMoveRotateList[roff_ent->mROFFFrame].mOriginOffset[2], u, result);
		VectorCopy(roff->mMoveRotateList[roff_ent->mROFFFrame].mOriginOffset, result);

	// Set up our origin interpolation
	SetLerp( originTrajectory, TR_LINEAR, origin, result, svs.time, roff->mLerp );

	// Set up our angle interpolation
	SetLerp( angleTrajectory, TR_LINEAR, angle,
				roff->mMoveRotateList[roff_ent->mROFFFrame].mRotateOffset, svs.time, roff->mLerp );

	if (roff->mMoveRotateList[roff_ent->mROFFFrame].mStartNote >= 0)
		int		i;

			ProcessNote(roff_ent, roff->mNoteTrackIndexes[roff->mMoveRotateList[roff_ent->mROFFFrame].mStartNote + i]);

	// Advance ROFF frames and lock to a 10hz cycle
	roff_ent->mNextROFFTime = svs.time + roff->mFrameTime;

	//rww - npcs need to know when they're getting roff'd
	ent->next_roff_time = roff_ent->mNextROFFTime;

	return qtrue;
Exemple #26
void CalcMuzzlePoint( gentity_t *const ent, vec3_t wpFwd, vec3_t right, vec3_t wpUp, vec3_t muzzlePoint, float lead_in )
	vec3_t		org;
	mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;

	if( !lead_in ) //&& ent->s.number != 0
	{//Not players or melee
		if( ent->client )
			if ( ent->client->renderInfo.mPCalcTime >= level.time - FRAMETIME*2 )
			{//Our muzz point was calced no more than 2 frames ago
				VectorCopy(ent->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, muzzlePoint);

	VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, muzzlePoint );

	switch( ent->s.weapon )
		muzzlePoint[2] += ent->client->ps.viewheight;//By eyes
		muzzlePoint[2] -= 16;
		VectorMA( muzzlePoint, 28, wpFwd, muzzlePoint );
		VectorMA( muzzlePoint, 6, wpVright, muzzlePoint );

		muzzlePoint[2] += ent->client->ps.viewheight;//By eyes
		muzzlePoint[2] -= 2;

		muzzlePoint[2] += ent->client->ps.viewheight;//By eyes
		muzzlePoint[2] -= 1;
		if ( ent->s.number == 0 )
			VectorMA( muzzlePoint, 12, wpFwd, muzzlePoint ); // player, don't set this any lower otherwise the projectile will impact immediately when your back is to a wall
			VectorMA( muzzlePoint, 2, wpFwd, muzzlePoint ); // NPC, don't set too far wpFwd otherwise the projectile can go through doors

		VectorMA( muzzlePoint, 1, wpVright, muzzlePoint );

	case WP_SABER:
		if(ent->NPC!=NULL &&
			(ent->client->ps.torsoAnim == TORSO_WEAPONREADY2 ||
			ent->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_ATTACK2))//Sniper pose
			wpMuzzle[2] += ent->client->ps.viewheight;//By eyes
			muzzlePoint[2] += 16;
		VectorMA( muzzlePoint, 8, wpFwd, muzzlePoint );
		VectorMA( muzzlePoint, 16, wpVright, muzzlePoint );

		muzzlePoint[2] -= 16;	//

		if (ent->count > 0)
			ent->count = 0;
			gi.G2API_GetBoltMatrix( ent->ghoul2, ent->playerModel,
						&boltMatrix, ent->s.angles, ent->s.origin, (cg.time?cg.time:level.time),
						NULL, ent->s.modelScale );
			ent->count = 1;
			gi.G2API_GetBoltMatrix( ent->ghoul2, ent->playerModel,
						&boltMatrix, ent->s.angles, ent->s.origin, (cg.time?cg.time:level.time),
						NULL, ent->s.modelScale );

		gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, ORIGIN, org );



	AddLeanOfs(ent, muzzlePoint);
Exemple #27
void weapon_railgun_fire (gentity_t *ent) {
	vec3_t		end;
	trace_t		trace;
	gentity_t	*tent;
	gentity_t	*traceEnt;
	int			damage;
	int			i;
	int			hits;
	int			unlinked;
	int			passent;
	gentity_t	*unlinkedEntities[MAX_RAIL_HITS];

	damage = 100 * s_quadFactor;

	VectorMA (muzzle, 8192, forward, end);

	// trace only against the solids, so the railgun will go through people
	unlinked = 0;
	hits = 0;
	passent = ent->s.number;
	do {
		trap_Trace (&trace, muzzle, NULL, NULL, end, passent, MASK_SHOT );
		if ( trace.entityNum >= ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL ) {
		traceEnt = &g_entities[ trace.entityNum ];
		if ( traceEnt->takedamage ) {
				if( LogAccuracyHit( traceEnt, ent ) ) {
				G_Damage (traceEnt, ent, ent, forward, trace.endpos, damage, 0, MOD_RAILGUN);
		if ( trace.contents & CONTENTS_SOLID ) {
			break;		// we hit something solid enough to stop the beam
		// unlink this entity, so the next trace will go past it
		trap_UnlinkEntity( traceEnt );
		unlinkedEntities[unlinked] = traceEnt;
	} while ( unlinked < MAX_RAIL_HITS );

	// link back in any entities we unlinked
	for ( i = 0 ; i < unlinked ; i++ ) {
		trap_LinkEntity( unlinkedEntities[i] );

	// the final trace endpos will be the terminal point of the rail trail

	// snap the endpos to integers to save net bandwidth, but nudged towards the line
	SnapVectorTowards( trace.endpos, muzzle );

	// send railgun beam effect
	tent = G_TempEntity( trace.endpos, EV_RAILTRAIL );

	// set player number for custom colors on the railtrail
	tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;

	VectorCopy( muzzle, tent->s.origin2 );
	// move origin a bit to come closer to the drawn gun muzzle
	VectorMA( tent->s.origin2, 4, right, tent->s.origin2 );
	VectorMA( tent->s.origin2, -1, up, tent->s.origin2 );

	// no explosion at end if SURF_NOIMPACT, but still make the trail
	if ( trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) {
		tent->s.eventParm = 255;	// don't make the explosion at the end
	} else {
		tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte( trace.plane.normal );
	tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;

	// give the shooter a reward sound if they have made two railgun hits in a row
	if ( hits == 0 ) {
		// complete miss
		ent->client->accurateCount = 0;
	} else {
		// check for "impressive" reward sound
		ent->client->accurateCount += hits;
		if ( ent->client->accurateCount >= 2 ) {
			ent->client->accurateCount -= 2;
			// add the sprite over the player's head
			ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE;
			ent->client->rewardTime = level.time + REWARD_SPRITE_TIME;

Exemple #28
void emplaced_gun_die( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int mod,int dFlags,int hitLoc )
	vec3_t org;

	// turn off any firing animations it may have been doing
	self->s.frame = self->startFrame = self->endFrame = 0;
	self->svFlags &= ~SVF_ANIMATING;

	self->health = 0;
//	self->s.weapon = WP_EMPLACED_GUN; // we need to be able to switch back to the old weapon

	self->takedamage = qfalse;
	self->lastEnemy = attacker;

	// we defer explosion so the player has time to get out
	if ( self->e_DieFunc )
		self->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_emplaced_blow;
		self->nextthink = level.time + 3000; // don't blow for a couple of seconds

	if ( self->activator && self->activator->client )
		if ( self->activator->NPC )
			vec3_t right;

			// radius damage seems to throw them, but add an extra bit to throw them away from the weapon
			AngleVectors( self->currentAngles, NULL, right, NULL );
			VectorMA( self->activator->client->ps.velocity, 140, right, self->activator->client->ps.velocity );
			self->activator->client->ps.velocity[2] = -100;

			// kill them
			self->activator->health = 0;
			self->activator->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = 0;

		// kill the players emplaced ammo, cheesy way to keep the gun from firing
		self->activator->client->ps.ammo[weaponData[WP_EMPLACED_GUN].ammoIndex] = 0;

	self->e_PainFunc = painF_NULL;
	self->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NULL;

	if ( self->target )
		G_UseTargets( self, attacker );

	G_RadiusDamage( self->currentOrigin, self, self->splashDamage, self->splashRadius, self, MOD_UNKNOWN );

	// when the gun is dead, add some ugliness to it.
	vec3_t ugly;

	ugly[YAW] = 4;
	ugly[PITCH] = self->lastAngles[PITCH] * 0.8f + crandom() * 6;
	ugly[ROLL] = crandom() * 7;
	gi.G2API_SetBoneAnglesIndex( &self->ghoul2[self->playerModel], self->lowerLumbarBone, ugly, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_Y, POSITIVE_Z, POSITIVE_X, NULL, 0, 0 );

	VectorCopy( self->currentOrigin,  org );
	org[2] += 20;

	G_PlayEffect( "emplaced/explode", org );

	// create some persistent smoke by using a dynamically created fx runner
	gentity_t *ent = G_Spawn();

	if ( ent )
		ent->delay = 200;
		ent->random = 100;

		ent->fxID = G_EffectIndex( "emplaced/dead_smoke" );

		ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_fx_runner_think;
		ent->nextthink = level.time + 50;

		// move up above the gun origin
		VectorCopy( self->currentOrigin, org );
		org[2] += 35;
		G_SetOrigin( ent, org );
		VectorCopy( org, ent->s.origin );

		VectorSet( ent->s.angles, -90, 0, 0 ); // up
		G_SetAngles( ent, ent->s.angles );

		gi.linkentity( ent );

	G_ActivateBehavior( self, BSET_DEATH );
Exemple #29

int R_OldMarkFragments( int numPoints, const vec3_t *points, const vec3_t projection,
                        int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer, int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragmentBuffer )
	int              numsurfaces, numPlanes;
	int              i, j, k, m, n;
	surfaceType_t    *surfaces[ 64 ];
	vec3_t           mins, maxs;
	int              returnedFragments;
	int              returnedPoints;
	vec3_t           normals[ MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2 ];
	float            dists[ MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY + 2 ];
	vec3_t           clipPoints[ 2 ][ MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY ];
	int              numClipPoints;
	float            *v;
	srfSurfaceFace_t *surf;
	srfGridMesh_t    *cv;
	drawVert_t       *dv;
	vec3_t           normal;
	vec3_t           projectionDir;
	vec3_t           v1, v2;
	int              *indexes;

	//increment view count for double check prevention

	VectorNormalize2( projection, projectionDir );
	// find all the brushes that are to be considered
	ClearBounds( mins, maxs );

	for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ )
		vec3_t temp;

		AddPointToBounds( points[ i ], mins, maxs );
		VectorAdd( points[ i ], projection, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );
		// make sure we get all the leafs (also the one(s) in front of the hit surface)
		VectorMA( points[ i ], -20, projectionDir, temp );
		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );

	if ( numPoints > MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY )
		numPoints = MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY;

	// create the bounding planes for the to be projected polygon
	for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ )
		VectorSubtract( points[( i + 1 ) % numPoints ], points[ i ], v1 );
		VectorAdd( points[ i ], projection, v2 );
		VectorSubtract( points[ i ], v2, v2 );
		CrossProduct( v1, v2, normals[ i ] );
		VectorNormalizeFast( normals[ i ] );
		dists[ i ] = DotProduct( normals[ i ], points[ i ] );

	// add near and far clipping planes for projection
	VectorCopy( projectionDir, normals[ numPoints ] );
	dists[ numPoints ] = DotProduct( normals[ numPoints ], points[ 0 ] ) - 32;
	VectorCopy( projectionDir, normals[ numPoints + 1 ] );
	VectorInverse( normals[ numPoints + 1 ] );
	dists[ numPoints + 1 ] = DotProduct( normals[ numPoints + 1 ], points[ 0 ] ) - 20;
	numPlanes = numPoints + 2;

	numsurfaces = 0;
	R_BoxSurfaces_r( tr.world->nodes, mins, maxs, surfaces, 64, &numsurfaces, projectionDir );
	//assert(numsurfaces <= 64);
	//assert(numsurfaces != 64);

	returnedPoints = 0;
	returnedFragments = 0;

	for ( i = 0; i < numsurfaces; i++ )
		if ( *surfaces[ i ] == SF_GRID )
			cv = ( srfGridMesh_t * ) surfaces[ i ];

			for ( m = 0; m < cv->height - 1; m++ )
				for ( n = 0; n < cv->width - 1; n++ )
					// We triangulate the grid and chop all triangles within
					// the bounding planes of the to be projected polygon.
					// LOD is not taken into account, not such a big deal though.
					// It's probably much nicer to chop the grid itself and deal
					// with this grid as a normal SF_GRID surface so LOD will
					// be applied. However the LOD of that chopped grid must
					// be synced with the LOD of the original curve.
					// One way to do this; the chopped grid shares vertices with
					// the original curve. When LOD is applied to the original
					// curve the unused vertices are flagged. Now the chopped curve
					// should skip the flagged vertices. This still leaves the
					// problems with the vertices at the chopped grid edges.
					// To avoid issues when LOD applied to "hollow curves" (like
					// the ones around many jump pads) we now just add a 2 unit
					// offset to the triangle vertices.
					// The offset is added in the vertex normal vector direction
					// so all triangles will still fit together.
					// The 2 unit offset should avoid pretty much all LOD problems.

					numClipPoints = 3;

					dv = cv->verts + m * cv->width + n;

					VectorCopy( dv[ 0 ].xyz, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
					VectorMA( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[ 0 ].normal, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
					VectorCopy( dv[ cv->width ].xyz, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] );
					VectorMA( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[ cv->width ].normal, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] );
					VectorCopy( dv[ 1 ].xyz, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 2 ] );
					VectorMA( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 2 ], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[ 1 ].normal, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 2 ] );
					// check the normal of this triangle
					VectorSubtract( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ], clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ], v1 );
					VectorSubtract( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 2 ], clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ], v2 );
					CrossProduct( v1, v2, normal );
					VectorNormalizeFast( normal );

					if ( DotProduct( normal, projectionDir ) < -0.1 )
						// add the fragments of this triangle
						R_AddMarkFragments( numClipPoints, clipPoints,
						                    numPlanes, normals, dists,
						                    maxPoints, pointBuffer,
						                    maxFragments, fragmentBuffer, &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs );

						if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments )
							return returnedFragments; // not enough space for more fragments

					VectorCopy( dv[ 1 ].xyz, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
					VectorMA( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[ 1 ].normal, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
					VectorCopy( dv[ cv->width ].xyz, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] );
					VectorMA( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[ cv->width ].normal, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] );
					VectorCopy( dv[ cv->width + 1 ].xyz, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 2 ] );
					VectorMA( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 2 ], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[ cv->width + 1 ].normal, clipPoints[ 0 ][ 2 ] );
					// check the normal of this triangle
					VectorSubtract( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ], clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ], v1 );
					VectorSubtract( clipPoints[ 0 ][ 2 ], clipPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ], v2 );
					CrossProduct( v1, v2, normal );
					VectorNormalizeFast( normal );

					if ( DotProduct( normal, projectionDir ) < -0.05 )
						// add the fragments of this triangle
						R_AddMarkFragments( numClipPoints, clipPoints,
						                    numPlanes, normals, dists,
						                    maxPoints, pointBuffer,
						                    maxFragments, fragmentBuffer, &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs );

						if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments )
							return returnedFragments; // not enough space for more fragments
		else if ( *surfaces[ i ] == SF_FACE )
			surf = ( srfSurfaceFace_t * ) surfaces[ i ];

			// check the normal of this face
			if ( DotProduct( surf->plane.normal, projectionDir ) > -0.5 )

			   VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
			   VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
			   CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
			   if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) > -0.5) continue;
			indexes = ( int * )( ( byte * ) surf + surf->ofsIndices );

			for ( k = 0; k < surf->numIndices; k += 3 )
				for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
					v = surf->points[ 0 ] + VERTEXSIZE * indexes[ k + j ];;
					VectorMA( v, MARKER_OFFSET, surf->plane.normal, clipPoints[ 0 ][ j ] );

				// add the fragments of this face
				R_AddMarkFragments( 3, clipPoints,
				                    numPlanes, normals, dists,
				                    maxPoints, pointBuffer,
				                    maxFragments, fragmentBuffer, &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs );

				if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments )
					return returnedFragments; // not enough space for more fragments

		// Arnout: projection on models (mainly for terrain though)
		else if ( *surfaces[ i ] == SF_TRIANGLES )
#if 0
			srfTriangles2_t *cts;

			cts = ( srfTriangles2_t * ) surfaces[ i ];

			indexes = cts->indexes;

			for ( k = 0; k < cts->numIndexes; k += 3 )
				for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
					VectorMA( cts->xyz[ indexes[ k + j ] ].v, MARKER_OFFSET, cts->normal[ indexes[ k + j ] ].v, clipPoints[ 0 ][ j ] );

				// add the fragments of this face
				R_AddMarkFragments( 3, clipPoints,
				                    numPlanes, normals, dists,
				                    maxPoints, pointBuffer,
				                    maxFragments, fragmentBuffer, &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs );

				if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments )
					return returnedFragments; // not enough space for more fragments

			srfTriangles_t *cts;

			cts = ( srfTriangles_t * ) surfaces[ i ];

			   VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
			   VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
			   CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
			   if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) > -0.5) continue;
			indexes = cts->indexes;

			for ( k = 0; k < cts->numIndexes; k += 3 )
				for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
					v = cts->verts[ indexes[ k + j ] ].xyz;
					VectorMA( v, MARKER_OFFSET, cts->verts[ indexes[ k + j ] ].normal, clipPoints[ 0 ][ j ] );

				// add the fragments of this face
				R_AddMarkFragments( 3, clipPoints,
				                    numPlanes, normals, dists,
				                    maxPoints, pointBuffer,
				                    maxFragments, fragmentBuffer, &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs );

				if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments )
					return returnedFragments; // not enough space for more fragments

			// ignore all other world surfaces
			// might be cool to also project polygons on a triangle soup
			// however this will probably create huge amounts of extra polys
			// even more than the projection onto curves

	return returnedFragments;
static void turretG2_aim( gentity_t *self )
	vec3_t	enemyDir, org, org2;
	vec3_t	desiredAngles, setAngle;
	float	diffYaw = 0.0f, diffPitch = 0.0f;
	float	maxYawSpeed = (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO)?30.0f:14.0f;
	float	maxPitchSpeed = (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO)?15.0f:3.0f;

	// move our gun base yaw to where we should be at this time....
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &self->s.apos, level.time, self->r.currentAngles );
	self->r.currentAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize360( self->r.currentAngles[YAW] );
	self->speed = AngleNormalize360( self->speed );

	if ( self->enemy )
		mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;
		// ...then we'll calculate what new aim adjustments we should attempt to make this frame
		// Aim at enemy
		if ( self->enemy->client )
			VectorCopy( self->enemy->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, org );
			VectorCopy( self->enemy->r.currentOrigin, org );
		if ( self->spawnflags & 2 )
			org[2] -= 15;
			org[2] -= 5;

		if ( (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_LEAD_ENEMY) )
		{//we want to lead them a bit
			vec3_t diff, velocity;
			float dist;
			VectorSubtract( org, self->s.origin, diff );
			dist = VectorNormalize( diff );
			if ( self->enemy->client )
				VectorCopy( self->enemy->client->ps.velocity, velocity );
				VectorCopy( self->enemy->s.pos.trDelta, velocity );
			VectorMA( org, (dist/self->mass), velocity, org );

		// Getting the "eye" here
		trap->G2API_GetBoltMatrix( self->ghoul2,
					self->modelScale );

		BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, ORIGIN, org2 );

		VectorSubtract( org, org2, enemyDir );
		vectoangles( enemyDir, desiredAngles );

		diffYaw = AngleSubtract( self->r.currentAngles[YAW], desiredAngles[YAW] );
		diffPitch = AngleSubtract( self->speed, desiredAngles[PITCH] );
		// no enemy, so make us slowly sweep back and forth as if searching for a new one
//		diffYaw = sin( level.time * 0.0001f + self->count ) * 5.0f;	// don't do this for now since it can make it go into walls.

	if ( diffYaw )
		// cap max speed....
		if ( fabs(diffYaw) > maxYawSpeed )
			diffYaw = ( diffYaw >= 0 ? maxYawSpeed : -maxYawSpeed );

		// ...then set up our desired yaw
		VectorSet( setAngle, 0.0f, diffYaw, 0.0f );

		VectorCopy( self->r.currentAngles, self->s.apos.trBase );
		VectorScale( setAngle,- 5, self->s.apos.trDelta );
		self->s.apos.trTime = level.time;
		self->s.apos.trType = TR_LINEAR;

	if ( diffPitch )
		if ( fabs(diffPitch) > maxPitchSpeed )
			// cap max speed
			self->speed += (diffPitch > 0.0f) ? -maxPitchSpeed : maxPitchSpeed;
			// small enough, so just add half the diff so we smooth out the stopping
			self->speed -= ( diffPitch );//desiredAngles[PITCH];

		// Note that this is NOT interpolated, so it will be less smooth...On the other hand, it does use Ghoul2 to blend, so it may smooth it out a bit?
		if ( (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO) )
			if ( self->spawnflags & 2 )
				VectorSet( desiredAngles, 0.0f, 0.0f, -self->speed );
				VectorSet( desiredAngles, 0.0f, 0.0f, self->speed );
			G2Tur_SetBoneAngles(self, "pitch", desiredAngles);
			if ( self->spawnflags & 2 )
				VectorSet( desiredAngles, self->speed, 0.0f, 0.0f );
				VectorSet( desiredAngles, -self->speed, 0.0f, 0.0f );
			G2Tur_SetBoneAngles(self, "Bone_body", desiredAngles);
		trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles( self->ghoul2,
						level.time ); 

	if ( diffYaw || diffPitch )
	{//FIXME: turbolaser sounds
		if ( (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO) )
			self->s.loopSound = G_SoundIndex( "sound/vehicles/weapons/turbolaser/turn.wav" );
			self->s.loopSound = G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/turret/move.wav" );
		self->s.loopSound = 0;