/// @brief Constructor
/// @param filename The filename to open
YUV4MPEGVideoProvider::YUV4MPEGVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const&) {
	fps_rat.num = -1;
	fps_rat.den = 1;

	try {
#ifdef WIN32
		sf = _wfopen(filename.c_str(), L"rb");
		sf = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");

		if (!sf) throw agi::fs::FileNotFound(filename);



		if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
			throw VideoOpenError("Invalid resolution");
		if (fps_rat.num <= 0 || fps_rat.den <= 0) {
			fps_rat.num = 25;
			fps_rat.den = 1;
			LOG_D("provider/video/yuv4mpeg") << "framerate info unavailable, assuming 25fps";
		if (pixfmt == Y4M_PIXFMT_NONE)
			pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG;
		if (imode == Y4M_ILACE_NOTSET)
			imode = Y4M_ILACE_UNKNOWN;

		luma_sz = w * h;
		switch (pixfmt) {
		case Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG:
		case Y4M_PIXFMT_420MPEG2:
		case Y4M_PIXFMT_420PALDV:
			chroma_sz	= (w * h) >> 2; break;
		case Y4M_PIXFMT_422:
			chroma_sz	= (w * h) >> 1; break;
			/// @todo add support for more pixel formats
			throw VideoOpenError("Unsupported pixel format");
		frame_sz	= luma_sz + chroma_sz*2;

		num_frames = IndexFile();
		if (num_frames <= 0 || seek_table.empty())
			throw VideoOpenError("Unable to determine file length");

		fseeko(sf, 0, SEEK_SET);
	catch (...) {
		if (sf) fclose(sf);
Exemple #2
/// @brief Parsing constructor 
/// @param filename 
DummyVideoProvider::DummyVideoProvider(wxString filename)
	wxString params;
	if (!filename.StartsWith(_T("?dummy:"), &params)) {
		throw agi::FileNotFoundError("Attempted creating dummy video provider with non-dummy filename");

	wxStringTokenizer t(params, _T(":"));
	if (t.CountTokens() < 7) {
		throw VideoOpenError("Too few fields in dummy video parameter list");

	double fps;
	long _frames, _width, _height, red, green, blue;
	bool pattern = false;

	wxString field = t.GetNextToken();
	if (!field.ToDouble(&fps)) {
		throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse fps field in dummy video parameter list");

	field = t.GetNextToken();
	if (!field.ToLong(&_frames)) {
		throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse framecount field in dummy video parameter list");

	field = t.GetNextToken();
	if (!field.ToLong(&_width)) {
		throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse width field in dummy video parameter list");

	field = t.GetNextToken();
	if (!field.ToLong(&_height)) {
		throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse height field in dummy video parameter list");

	field = t.GetNextToken();
	if (!field.ToLong(&red)) {
		throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse red colour field in dummy video parameter list");

	field = t.GetNextToken();
	if (!field.ToLong(&green)) {
		throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse green colour field in dummy video parameter list");

	field = t.GetNextToken();
	if (!field.ToLong(&blue)) {
		throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse blue colour field in dummy video parameter list");

	field = t.GetNextToken();
	if (field == _T("c")) {
		pattern = true;

	Create(fps, _frames, _width, _height, wxColour(red, green, blue), pattern);
Exemple #3
/// @brief Read a frame or file header at a given file position
/// @param startpos		The byte offset at where to start reading
/// @param reset_pos	If true, the function will reset the file position to what it was before the function call before returning
/// @return				A list of parameters
std::vector<std::string> YUV4MPEGVideoProvider::ReadHeader(int64_t startpos, bool reset_pos) {
	int64_t oldpos = ftello(sf);
	std::vector<std::string> tags;
	std::string curtag;
	int bytesread = 0;
	int buf;

	if (fseeko(sf, startpos, SEEK_SET))
		throw VideoOpenError("YUV4MPEG video provider: ReadHeader: failed seeking to position %d"); //XXX:, startpos)));

	// read header until terminating newline (0x0A) is found
	while ((buf = fgetc(sf)) != 0x0A) {
		if (ferror(sf))
			throw VideoOpenError("ReadHeader: Failed to read from file");
		if (feof(sf)) {
			// you know, this is one of the places where it would be really nice
			// to be able to throw an exception object that tells the caller that EOF was reached
			LOG_D("provider/video/yuv4mpeg") << "ReadHeader: Reached EOF, returning";

		// some basic low-effort sanity checking
		if (buf == 0x00)
			throw VideoOpenError("ReadHeader: Malformed header (unexpected NUL)");
		if (++bytesread >= YUV4MPEG_HEADER_MAXLEN)
			throw VideoOpenError("ReadHeader: Malformed header (no terminating newline found)");

		// found a new tag
		if (buf == 0x20) {
			curtag.append((const char*)buf);
	// if only one tag with no trailing space was found (possible in the
	// FRAME header case), make sure we get it
	if (!curtag.empty()) {

	if (reset_pos)
		fseeko(sf, oldpos, SEEK_SET);

	return tags;
Exemple #4
/// @brief Parses a frame header
/// @param tags	The list of parameters to parse
/// @return	The flags set, as a binary mask
///	This function is currently unimplemented (it will always return Y4M_FFLAG_NONE).
YUV4MPEGVideoProvider::Y4M_FrameFlags YUV4MPEGVideoProvider::ParseFrameHeader(const std::vector<std::string>& tags) {
	if (tags.front() == "FRAME")
		throw VideoOpenError("ParseFrameHeader: malformed frame header (bad magic)");

	/// @todo implement parsing of frame flags

	return Y4M_FFLAG_NONE;
Exemple #5
/// @brief Constructor 
/// @param filename The filename to open
FFmpegSourceVideoProvider::FFmpegSourceVideoProvider(wxString filename)
: VideoSource(NULL)
, VideoInfo(NULL)
, Width(-1)
, Height(-1)
, FrameNumber(-1)
, COMInited(false)
#ifdef WIN32
	if (SUCCEEDED(res)) 
		COMInited = true;
	else if (res != RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE)
		throw VideoOpenError("COM initialization failure");
	// initialize ffmpegsource
	// FIXME: CPU detection?
#if FFMS_VERSION >= ((2 << 24) | (14 << 16) | (0 << 8) | 0)
	FFMS_Init(0, 1);

	ErrInfo.Buffer		= FFMSErrMsg;
	ErrInfo.BufferSize	= sizeof(FFMSErrMsg);
	ErrInfo.ErrorType	= FFMS_ERROR_SUCCESS;


	// and here we go
	try {
	catch (wxString const& err) {
		throw VideoOpenError(STD_STR(err));
	catch (...) {
/// @brief Indexes the file
/// @return The number of frames found in the file
/// This function goes through the file, finds and parses all file and frame headers,
/// and creates a seek table that lists the byte positions of all frames so seeking
/// can easily be done.
int YUV4MPEGVideoProvider::IndexFile() {
	int framecount = 0;

	// the ParseFileHeader() call in LoadVideo() will already have read
	// the file header for us and set the seek position correctly
	while (true) {
		int64_t curpos = ftello(sf); // update position
		if (curpos < 0)
			throw VideoOpenError("IndexFile: ftello failed");

		// continue reading headers until no more are found
		std::vector<std::string> tags = ReadHeader(curpos);
		curpos = ftello(sf);
		if (curpos < 0)
			throw VideoOpenError("IndexFile: ftello failed");

		if (tags.empty())
			break; // no more headers

		Y4M_FrameFlags flags = Y4M_FFLAG_NOTSET;
		if (tags.front() == "YUV4MPEG2") {
		else if (tags.front() == "FRAME")
			flags = ParseFrameHeader(tags);

		if (flags == Y4M_FFLAG_NONE) {
			// seek to next frame header start position
			if (fseeko(sf, frame_sz, SEEK_CUR))
				throw VideoOpenError("IndexFile: failed seeking to position " + std::to_string(curpos + frame_sz));
		else {
			/// @todo implement rff flags etc

	return framecount;
Exemple #7
/// @brief Get provider 
/// @param video 
/// @return 
VideoProvider *VideoProviderFactory::GetProvider(std::string video) {
//XXX	std::vector<std::string> list = GetClasses(OPT_GET("Video/Provider")->GetString());
	std::vector<std::string> list = GetClasses("ffmpegsource");
	if (video.find("?dummy") == 0) list.insert(list.begin(), "Dummy");
	list.insert(list.begin(), "YUV4MPEG");

	bool fileFound = false;
	bool fileSupported = false;
	std::string errors;
	for (int i = 0; i < (signed)list.size(); ++i) {
		std::string err;
		try {
			VideoProvider *provider = Create(list[i], video);
			LOG_I("manager/video/provider") << list[i] << ": opened " << video;
			if (provider->WantsCaching()) {
				return new VideoProviderCache(provider);
			return provider;
		catch (agi::FileNotFoundError const&) {
			err = list[i] + ": file not found.";
			// Keep trying other providers as this one may just not be able to
			// open a valid path
		catch (VideoNotSupported const&) {
			fileFound = true;
			err = list[i] + ": video is not in a supported format.";
		catch (VideoOpenError const& ex) {
			fileSupported = true;
			err = list[i] + ": " + ex.GetMessage();
		catch (agi::vfr::Error const& ex) {
			fileSupported = true;
			err = list[i] + ": " + ex.GetMessage();
		errors += err;
		errors += "\n";
		LOG_D("manager/video/provider") << err;

	// No provider could open the file
	LOG_E("manager/video/provider") << "Could not open " << video;
	std::string msg = "Could not open " + video + ":\n" + errors;

	if (!fileFound) throw agi::FileNotFoundError(video);
	if (!fileSupported) throw VideoNotSupported(msg);
	throw VideoOpenError(msg);
/// @brief Constructor
/// @param filename The filename to open
FFmpegSourceVideoProvider::FFmpegSourceVideoProvider(wxString filename) try
: VideoSource(NULL, FFMS_DestroyVideoSource)
, VideoInfo(NULL)
, Width(-1)
, Height(-1)
, FrameNumber(-1)
	ErrInfo.Buffer		= FFMSErrMsg;
	ErrInfo.BufferSize	= sizeof(FFMSErrMsg);
	ErrInfo.ErrorType	= FFMS_ERROR_SUCCESS;


	// and here we go
catch (wxString const& err) {
	throw VideoOpenError(STD_STR(err));
catch (const char * err) {
	throw VideoOpenError(err);
/// @brief Read a frame or file header at a given file position
/// @param startpos		The byte offset at where to start reading
/// @param reset_pos	If true, the function will reset the file position to what it was before the function call before returning
/// @return				A list of parameters
std::vector<std::string> YUV4MPEGVideoProvider::ReadHeader(int64_t startpos) {
	std::vector<std::string> tags;
	std::string curtag;
	int bytesread = 0;
	int buf;

	if (fseeko(sf, startpos, SEEK_SET))
		throw VideoOpenError("YUV4MPEG video provider: ReadHeader: failed seeking to position " + std::to_string(startpos));

	// read header until terminating newline (0x0A) is found
	while ((buf = fgetc(sf)) != 0x0A) {
		if (ferror(sf))
			throw VideoOpenError("ReadHeader: Failed to read from file");
		if (feof(sf))
			throw VideoOpenError("ReadHeader: Reached eof while reading header");

		// some basic low-effort sanity checking
		if (buf == 0x00)
			throw VideoOpenError("ReadHeader: Malformed header (unexpected NUL)");
		if (++bytesread >= YUV4MPEG_HEADER_MAXLEN)
			throw VideoOpenError("ReadHeader: Malformed header (no terminating newline found)");

		// found a new tag
		if (buf == 0x20 && !curtag.empty()) {
	// if only one tag with no trailing space was found (possible in the
	// FRAME header case), make sure we get it
	if (!curtag.empty())

	return tags;
/// @brief Get provider
/// @param video
/// @return
VideoProvider *VideoProviderFactory::GetProvider(wxString video) {
	std::vector<std::string> list = GetClasses(OPT_GET("Video/Provider")->GetString());
	if (video.StartsWith("?dummy")) list.insert(list.begin(), "Dummy");
	list.insert(list.begin(), "YUV4MPEG");

	bool fileFound = false;
	bool fileSupported = false;
	std::string errors;
	for (auto const& factory : list) {
		std::string err;
		try {
			VideoProvider *provider = Create(factory, video);
			LOG_I("manager/video/provider") << factory << ": opened " << from_wx(video);
			if (provider->WantsCaching()) {
				return new VideoProviderCache(provider);
			return provider;
		catch (agi::FileNotFoundError const&) {
			err = factory + ": file not found.";
			// Keep trying other providers as this one may just not be able to
			// open a valid path
		catch (VideoNotSupported const&) {
			fileFound = true;
			err = factory + ": video is not in a supported format.";
		catch (VideoOpenError const& ex) {
			fileSupported = true;
			err = factory + ": " + ex.GetMessage();
		catch (agi::vfr::Error const& ex) {
			fileSupported = true;
			err = factory + ": " + ex.GetMessage();
		errors += err;
		errors += "\n";
		LOG_D("manager/video/provider") << err;

	// No provider could open the file
	LOG_E("manager/video/provider") << "Could not open " << from_wx(video);
	std::string msg = "Could not open " + from_wx(video) + ":\n" + errors;

	if (!fileFound) throw agi::FileNotFoundError(from_wx(video));
	if (!fileSupported) throw VideoNotSupported(msg);
	throw VideoOpenError(msg);
std::unique_ptr<VideoProvider> VideoProviderFactory::GetProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix, agi::BackgroundRunner *br) {
	auto preferred = OPT_GET("Video/Provider")->GetString();
	auto sorted = GetSorted(boost::make_iterator_range(std::begin(providers), std::end(providers)), preferred);

	bool found = false;
	bool supported = false;
	std::string errors;

	for (auto factory : sorted) {
		std::string err;
		try {
			auto provider = factory->create(filename, colormatrix, br);
			if (!provider) continue;
			LOG_I("manager/video/provider") << factory->name << ": opened " << filename;
			return provider->WantsCaching() ? CreateCacheVideoProvider(std::move(provider)) : std::move(provider);
		catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) {
			err = "file not found.";
			// Keep trying other providers as this one may just not be able to
			// open a valid path
		catch (VideoNotSupported const&) {
			found = true;
			err = "video is not in a supported format.";
		catch (VideoOpenError const& ex) {
			supported = true;
			err = ex.GetMessage();
		catch (agi::vfr::Error const& ex) {
			supported = true;
			err = ex.GetMessage();

		errors += std::string(factory->name) + ": " + err + "\n";
		LOG_D("manager/video/provider") << factory->name << ": " << err;

	// No provider could open the file
	LOG_E("manager/video/provider") << "Could not open " << filename;
	std::string msg = "Could not open " + filename.string() + ":\n" + errors;

	if (!found) throw agi::fs::FileNotFound(filename.string());
	if (!supported) throw VideoNotSupported(msg);
	throw VideoOpenError(msg);
std::unique_ptr<VideoProvider> VideoProviderFactory::GetProvider(agi::fs::path const& video_file, std::string const& colormatrix) {
	std::vector<std::string> factories = GetClasses(OPT_GET("Video/Provider")->GetString());
	factories.insert(factories.begin(), "YUV4MPEG");
	factories.insert(factories.begin(), "Dummy");

	bool found = false;
	bool supported = false;
	std::string errors;

	for (auto const& factory : factories) {
		std::string err;
		try {
			auto provider = Create(factory, video_file, colormatrix);
			LOG_I("manager/video/provider") << factory << ": opened " << video_file;
			return provider->WantsCaching() ? agi::util::make_unique<VideoProviderCache>(std::move(provider)) : std::move(provider);
		catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) {
			err = "file not found.";
			// Keep trying other providers as this one may just not be able to
			// open a valid path
		catch (VideoNotSupported const&) {
			found = true;
			err = "video is not in a supported format.";
		catch (VideoOpenError const& ex) {
			supported = true;
			err = ex.GetMessage();
		catch (agi::vfr::Error const& ex) {
			supported = true;
			err = ex.GetMessage();

		errors += factory + ": " + err + "\n";
		LOG_D("manager/video/provider") << factory << ": " << err;

	// No provider could open the file
	LOG_E("manager/video/provider") << "Could not open " << video_file;
	std::string msg = "Could not open " + video_file.string() + ":\n" + errors;

	if (!found) throw agi::fs::FileNotFound(video_file.string());
	if (!supported) throw VideoNotSupported(msg);
	throw VideoOpenError(msg);
AvisynthVideoProvider::AvisynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix)

	std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(avs.GetMutex());

#ifdef _WIN32
	if (agi::fs::HasExtension(filename, "avi")) {
		// Try to read the keyframes before actually opening the file as trying
		// to open the file while it's already open can cause problems with
		// badly written VFW decoders

		PAVIFILE pfile;
		long hr = AVIFileOpen(&pfile, filename.c_str(), OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, 0);
		if (hr) {
			warning = "Unable to open AVI file for reading keyframes:\n";
			switch (hr) {
					warning += "The file is corrupted, incomplete or has an otherwise bad format.";
					warning += "The file could not be opened because of insufficient memory.";
					warning += "An error occurred reading the file. There might be a problem with the storage media.";
					warning += "The file could not be opened. It might be in use by another application, or you do not have permission to access it.";
					warning += "There is no handler installed for the file extension. This might indicate a fundamental problem in your Video for Windows installation, and can be caused by extremely stripped Windows installations.";
					warning += "Unknown error.";
			goto file_exit;

		if (hr = AVIFileGetStream(pfile, &ppavi, streamtypeVIDEO, 0)) {
			warning = "Unable to open AVI video stream for reading keyframes:\n";
			switch (hr) {
					warning += "The file does not contain a usable video stream.";
					warning += "Not enough memory.";
					warning += "Unknown error.";
			goto file_release;

		if (FAILED(AVIStreamInfo(ppavi,&avis,sizeof(avis)))) {
			warning = "Unable to read keyframes from AVI file:\nCould not get stream information.";
			goto stream_release;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < avis.dwLength; i++) {
			if (AVIStreamIsKeyFrame(ppavi, i))

		// If every frame is a keyframe then just discard the keyframe data as it's useless
		if (keyframes.size() == (size_t)avis.dwLength)

		// Clean up

	try {
		auto script = Open(filename);

		// Check if video was loaded properly
		if (!script.IsClip() || !script.AsClip()->GetVideoInfo().HasVideo())
			throw VideoNotSupported("No usable video found");

		vi = script.AsClip()->GetVideoInfo();
		if (!vi.IsRGB()) {
			/// @todo maybe read ColorMatrix hints for d2v files?
			AVSValue args[2] = { script, "Rec601" };
			bool force_bt601 = OPT_GET("Video/Force BT.601")->GetBool() || colormatrix == "TV.601";
			bool bt709 = vi.width > 1024 || vi.height >= 600;
			if (bt709 && (!force_bt601 || colormatrix == "TV.709")) {
				args[1] = "Rec709";
				colorspace = "TV.709";
				colorspace = "TV.601";
			const char *argnames[2] = { 0, "matrix" };
			script = avs.GetEnv()->Invoke("ConvertToRGB32", AVSValue(args, 2), argnames);
			colorspace = "None";

		RGB32Video = avs.GetEnv()->Invoke("Cache", script).AsClip();
		vi = RGB32Video->GetVideoInfo();
		fps = (double)vi.fps_numerator / vi.fps_denominator;
	catch (AvisynthError const& err) {
		throw VideoOpenError("Avisynth error: " + std::string(err.msg));
/// @brief Opens video
/// @param filename The filename to open
void FFmpegSourceVideoProvider::LoadVideo(wxString filename) {
	wxString FileNameShort = wxFileName(filename).GetShortPath();

	FFMS_Indexer *Indexer = FFMS_CreateIndexer(FileNameShort.utf8_str(), &ErrInfo);
	if (!Indexer)
		throw agi::FileNotFoundError(ErrInfo.Buffer);

	std::map<int,wxString> TrackList = GetTracksOfType(Indexer, FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO);
	if (TrackList.size() <= 0)
		throw VideoNotSupported("no video tracks found");

	// initialize the track number to an invalid value so we can detect later on
	// whether the user actually had to choose a track or not
	int TrackNumber = -1;
	if (TrackList.size() > 1) {
		TrackNumber = AskForTrackSelection(TrackList, FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO);
		// if it's still -1 here, user pressed cancel
		if (TrackNumber == -1)
			throw agi::UserCancelException("video loading cancelled by user");

	// generate a name for the cache file
	wxString CacheName = GetCacheFilename(filename);

	// try to read index
	agi::scoped_holder<FFMS_Index*, void (FFMS_CC*)(FFMS_Index*)>
		Index(FFMS_ReadIndex(CacheName.utf8_str(), &ErrInfo), FFMS_DestroyIndex);

	if (Index && FFMS_IndexBelongsToFile(Index, FileNameShort.utf8_str(), &ErrInfo))
		Index = NULL;

	// time to examine the index and check if the track we want is indexed
	// technically this isn't really needed since all video tracks should always be indexed,
	// but a bit of sanity checking never hurt anyone
	if (Index && TrackNumber >= 0) {
		FFMS_Track *TempTrackData = FFMS_GetTrackFromIndex(Index, TrackNumber);
		if (FFMS_GetNumFrames(TempTrackData) <= 0)
			Index = NULL;

	// moment of truth
	if (!Index) {
		int TrackMask = FFMS_TRACKMASK_NONE;
		if (OPT_GET("Provider/FFmpegSource/Index All Tracks")->GetBool() || OPT_GET("Video/Open Audio")->GetBool())
		Index = DoIndexing(Indexer, CacheName, TrackMask, GetErrorHandlingMode());
	else {

	// update access time of index file so it won't get cleaned away

	// we have now read the index and may proceed with cleaning the index cache

	// track number still not set?
	if (TrackNumber < 0) {
		// just grab the first track
		TrackNumber = FFMS_GetFirstIndexedTrackOfType(Index, FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO, &ErrInfo);
		if (TrackNumber < 0)
			throw VideoNotSupported(std::string("Couldn't find any video tracks: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer);

	// set thread count
	int Threads = OPT_GET("Provider/Video/FFmpegSource/Decoding Threads")->GetInt();
	if (FFMS_GetVersion() < ((2 << 24) | (17 << 16) | (2 << 8) | 1) && FFMS_GetSourceType(Index) == FFMS_SOURCE_LAVF)
		Threads = 1;

	// set seekmode
	// TODO: give this its own option?
	int SeekMode;
	if (OPT_GET("Provider/Video/FFmpegSource/Unsafe Seeking")->GetBool())

	VideoSource = FFMS_CreateVideoSource(FileNameShort.utf8_str(), TrackNumber, Index, Threads, SeekMode, &ErrInfo);
	if (!VideoSource)
		throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to open video track: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer);

	// load video properties
	VideoInfo = FFMS_GetVideoProperties(VideoSource);

	const FFMS_Frame *TempFrame = FFMS_GetFrame(VideoSource, 0, &ErrInfo);
	if (!TempFrame)
		throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to decode first frame: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer);

	Width  = TempFrame->EncodedWidth;
	Height = TempFrame->EncodedHeight;
	if (VideoInfo->SARDen > 0 && VideoInfo->SARNum > 0)
		DAR = double(Width) * VideoInfo->SARNum / ((double)Height * VideoInfo->SARDen);
		DAR = double(Width) / Height;

	// Assuming TV for unspecified
	wxString ColorRange = TempFrame->ColorRange == FFMS_CR_JPEG ? "PC" : "TV";

	int CS = TempFrame->ColorSpace;
#if FFMS_VERSION >= ((2 << 24) | (17 << 16) | (1 << 8) | 0)
	if (CS != FFMS_CS_RGB && CS != FFMS_CS_BT470BG && OPT_GET("Video/Force BT.601")->GetBool()) {
		if (FFMS_SetInputFormatV(VideoSource, FFMS_CS_BT470BG, TempFrame->ColorRange, FFMS_GetPixFmt(""), &ErrInfo))
			throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to set input format: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer);


	switch (CS) {
		case FFMS_CS_RGB:
			ColorSpace = "None";
		case FFMS_CS_BT709:
			ColorSpace = wxString::Format("%s.709", ColorRange);
			ColorSpace = wxString::Format("%s.%s", ColorRange, Width > 1024 || Height >= 600 ? "709" : "601");
		case FFMS_CS_FCC:
			ColorSpace = wxString::Format("%s.FCC", ColorRange);
		case FFMS_CS_BT470BG:
		case FFMS_CS_SMPTE170M:
			ColorSpace = wxString::Format("%s.601", ColorRange);
		case FFMS_CS_SMPTE240M:
			ColorSpace = wxString::Format("%s.240M", ColorRange);
			throw VideoOpenError("Unknown video color space");

	const int TargetFormat[] = { FFMS_GetPixFmt("bgra"), -1 };
	if (FFMS_SetOutputFormatV2(VideoSource, TargetFormat, Width, Height, FFMS_RESIZER_BICUBIC, &ErrInfo)) {
		throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to set output format: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer);

	// get frame info data
	FFMS_Track *FrameData = FFMS_GetTrackFromVideo(VideoSource);
	if (FrameData == NULL)
		throw VideoOpenError("failed to get frame data");
	const FFMS_TrackTimeBase *TimeBase = FFMS_GetTimeBase(FrameData);
	if (TimeBase == NULL)
		throw VideoOpenError("failed to get track time base");

	const FFMS_FrameInfo *CurFrameData;

	// build list of keyframes and timecodes
	std::vector<int> TimecodesVector;
	for (int CurFrameNum = 0; CurFrameNum < VideoInfo->NumFrames; CurFrameNum++) {
		CurFrameData = FFMS_GetFrameInfo(FrameData, CurFrameNum);
		if (CurFrameData == NULL) {
			throw VideoOpenError(STD_STR(wxString::Format("Couldn't get info about frame %d", CurFrameNum)));

		// keyframe?
		if (CurFrameData->KeyFrame)

		// calculate timestamp and add to timecodes vector
		int Timestamp = (int)((CurFrameData->PTS * TimeBase->Num) / TimeBase->Den);
	if (TimecodesVector.size() < 2)
		Timecodes = 25.0;
		Timecodes = agi::vfr::Framerate(TimecodesVector);

	FrameNumber = 0;
Exemple #15
/// @brief Parses a list of parameters and sets reader state accordingly
/// @param tags	The list of parameters to parse
void YUV4MPEGVideoProvider::ParseFileHeader(const std::vector<std::string>& tags) {
	if (tags.size() <= 1)
		throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: contentless header");
	if (tags.front() == "YUV4MPEG2")
		throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: malformed header (bad magic)");

	// temporary stuff
	int t_w			= -1;
	int t_h			= -1;
	int t_fps_num	= -1;
	int t_fps_den	= -1;
	Y4M_InterlacingMode t_imode	= Y4M_ILACE_NOTSET;
	Y4M_PixelFormat t_pixfmt	= Y4M_PIXFMT_NONE;

	for (unsigned i = 1; i < tags.size(); i++) {
		std::string tag;
		tag = tags[i];

        if (tag.find("W") == 0) {
			t_w = agi::util::strtoi(tag);
			if (t_w == 0)
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid width");
		else if (tag.find("H") == 0) {
			t_h = agi::util::strtoi(tag);
			if (t_h == 0)
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid height");
		else if (tag.find("F") == 0) {
			int i = tag.find(":");
			std::string num(tag.substr(0,i));
			std::string den(tag.substr(i+1,den.size()));
			t_fps_num = agi::util::strtoi(num);
			t_fps_den = agi::util::strtoi(den);
			if ((t_fps_num == 0) || (t_fps_den == 0))
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid framerate");
		else if (tag.find("C") == 0) {
			// technically this should probably be case sensitive,
			// but being liberal in what you accept doesn't hurt
			if (tag == "420")			t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG; // is this really correct?
			else if (tag == "420jpeg")	t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG;
			else if (tag == "420mpeg2")	t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420MPEG2;
			else if (tag == "420paldv")	t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420PALDV;
			else if (tag == "411")		t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_411;
			else if (tag == "422")		t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_422;
			else if (tag == "444")		t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_444;
			else if (tag == "444alpha")	t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_444ALPHA;
			else if (tag == "mono")		t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_MONO;
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid or unknown colorspace");
		else if (tag.find("I") == 0) {
			if (tag == "p")			t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_PROGRESSIVE;
			else if (tag == "t")	t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_TFF;
			else if (tag == "b")	t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_BFF;
			else if (tag == "m")	t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_MIXED;
			else if (tag == "?")	t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_UNKNOWN;
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid or unknown interlacing mode");
			LOG_D("provider/video/yuv4mpeg") << "Unparsed tag: " << tags[i].c_str();

	// The point of all this is to allow multiple YUV4MPEG2 headers in a single file
	// (can happen if you concat several files) as long as they have identical
	// header flags. The spec doesn't explicitly say you have to allow this,
	// but the "reference implementation" (mjpegtools) does, so I'm doing it too.
	if (inited) {
		if (t_w > 0 && t_w != w)
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal width change");
		if (t_h > 0 && t_h != h)
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal height change");
		if ((t_fps_num > 0 && t_fps_den > 0) && (t_fps_num != fps_rat.num || t_fps_den != fps_rat.den))
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal framerate change");
		if (t_pixfmt != Y4M_PIXFMT_NONE && t_pixfmt != pixfmt)
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal colorspace change");
		if (t_imode != Y4M_ILACE_NOTSET && t_imode != imode)
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal interlacing mode change");
	else {
		w = t_w;
		h = t_h;
		fps_rat.num = t_fps_num;
		fps_rat.den = t_fps_den;
		pixfmt		= t_pixfmt	!= Y4M_PIXFMT_NONE	? t_pixfmt	: Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG;
		imode		= t_imode	!= Y4M_ILACE_NOTSET	? t_imode	: Y4M_ILACE_UNKNOWN;
		fps = double(fps_rat.num) / fps_rat.den;
		inited = true;
/// @brief Parses a list of parameters and sets reader state accordingly
/// @param tags	The list of parameters to parse
void YUV4MPEGVideoProvider::ParseFileHeader(const std::vector<wxString>& tags) {
	if (tags.size() <= 1)
		throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: contentless header");
	if (tags.front().Cmp("YUV4MPEG2"))
		throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: malformed header (bad magic)");

	// temporary stuff
	int t_w			= -1;
	int t_h			= -1;
	int t_fps_num	= -1;
	int t_fps_den	= -1;
	Y4M_InterlacingMode t_imode	= Y4M_ILACE_NOTSET;
	Y4M_PixelFormat t_pixfmt	= Y4M_PIXFMT_NONE;

	for (unsigned i = 1; i < tags.size(); i++) {
		wxString tag;
		long tmp_long1 = 0;
		long tmp_long2 = 0;

		if (tags[i].StartsWith("W", &tag)) {
			if (!tag.ToLong(&tmp_long1))
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid width");
			t_w = (int)tmp_long1;
		else if (tags[i].StartsWith("H", &tag)) {
			if (!tag.ToLong(&tmp_long1))
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid height");
			t_h = (int)tmp_long1;
		else if (tags[i].StartsWith("F", &tag)) {
			if (!(tag.BeforeFirst(':')).ToLong(&tmp_long1) && tag.AfterFirst(':').ToLong(&tmp_long2))
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid framerate");
			t_fps_num = (int)tmp_long1;
			t_fps_den = (int)tmp_long2;
		else if (tags[i].StartsWith("C", &tag)) {
			// technically this should probably be case sensitive,
			// but being liberal in what you accept doesn't hurt
			if (tag == "420")			t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG; // is this really correct?
			else if (tag == "420jpeg")	t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG;
			else if (tag == "420mpeg2")	t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420MPEG2;
			else if (tag == "420paldv")	t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420PALDV;
			else if (tag == "411")		t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_411;
			else if (tag == "422")		t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_422;
			else if (tag == "444")		t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_444;
			else if (tag == "444alpha")	t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_444ALPHA;
			else if (tag == "mono")		t_pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_MONO;
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid or unknown colorspace");
		else if (tags[i].StartsWith("I", &tag)) {
			if (tag == "p")			t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_PROGRESSIVE;
			else if (tag == "t")	t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_TFF;
			else if (tag == "b")	t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_BFF;
			else if (tag == "m")	t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_MIXED;
			else if (tag == "?")	t_imode = Y4M_ILACE_UNKNOWN;
				throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: invalid or unknown interlacing mode");
			LOG_D("provider/video/yuv4mpeg") << "Unparsed tag: " << STD_STR(tags[i]);

	// The point of all this is to allow multiple YUV4MPEG2 headers in a single file
	// (can happen if you concat several files) as long as they have identical
	// header flags. The spec doesn't explicitly say you have to allow this,
	// but the "reference implementation" (mjpegtools) does, so I'm doing it too.
	if (inited) {
		if (t_w > 0 && t_w != w)
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal width change");
		if (t_h > 0 && t_h != h)
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal height change");
		if ((t_fps_num > 0 && t_fps_den > 0) && (t_fps_num != fps_rat.num || t_fps_den != fps_rat.den))
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal framerate change");
		if (t_pixfmt != Y4M_PIXFMT_NONE && t_pixfmt != pixfmt)
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal colorspace change");
		if (t_imode != Y4M_ILACE_NOTSET && t_imode != imode)
			throw VideoOpenError("ParseFileHeader: illegal interlacing mode change");
	else {
		w = t_w;
		h = t_h;
		fps_rat.num = t_fps_num;
		fps_rat.den = t_fps_den;
		pixfmt		= t_pixfmt	!= Y4M_PIXFMT_NONE	? t_pixfmt	: Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG;
		imode		= t_imode	!= Y4M_ILACE_NOTSET	? t_imode	: Y4M_ILACE_UNKNOWN;
		fps = double(fps_rat.num) / fps_rat.den;
		inited = true;
Exemple #17
/// @brief Opens video 
/// @param filename The filename to open
void FFmpegSourceVideoProvider::LoadVideo(wxString filename) {
	wxString FileNameShort = wxFileName(filename).GetShortPath(); 

	FFMS_Indexer *Indexer = FFMS_CreateIndexer(FileNameShort.utf8_str(), &ErrInfo);
	if (Indexer == NULL) {
		throw agi::FileNotFoundError(ErrInfo.Buffer);

	std::map<int,wxString> TrackList = GetTracksOfType(Indexer, FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO);
	if (TrackList.size() <= 0)
		throw VideoNotSupported("no video tracks found");

	// initialize the track number to an invalid value so we can detect later on
	// whether the user actually had to choose a track or not
	int TrackNumber = -1;
	if (TrackList.size() > 1) {
		TrackNumber = AskForTrackSelection(TrackList, FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO);
		// if it's still -1 here, user pressed cancel
		if (TrackNumber == -1)
			throw agi::UserCancelException("video loading cancelled by user");

	// generate a name for the cache file
	wxString CacheName = GetCacheFilename(filename);

	// try to read index
	FFMS_Index *Index = NULL;
	Index = FFMS_ReadIndex(CacheName.utf8_str(), &ErrInfo);
	bool IndexIsValid = false;
	if (Index != NULL) {
		if (FFMS_IndexBelongsToFile(Index, FileNameShort.utf8_str(), &ErrInfo)) {
			Index = NULL;
			IndexIsValid = true;

	// time to examine the index and check if the track we want is indexed
	// technically this isn't really needed since all video tracks should always be indexed,
	// but a bit of sanity checking never hurt anyone
	if (IndexIsValid && TrackNumber >= 0) {
		FFMS_Track *TempTrackData = FFMS_GetTrackFromIndex(Index, TrackNumber);
		if (FFMS_GetNumFrames(TempTrackData) <= 0) {
			IndexIsValid = false;
			Index = NULL;
	// moment of truth
	if (!IndexIsValid) {
		int TrackMask = OPT_GET("Provider/FFmpegSource/Index All Tracks")->GetBool() ? FFMS_TRACKMASK_ALL : FFMS_TRACKMASK_NONE;
		try {
			// ignore audio decoding errors here, we don't care right now
			Index = DoIndexing(Indexer, CacheName, TrackMask, FFMS_IEH_IGNORE);
		catch (wxString err) {
			throw VideoOpenError(STD_STR(err));
	// update access time of index file so it won't get cleaned away

	// we have now read the index and may proceed with cleaning the index cache
	if (!CleanCache()) {
		//do something?

	// track number still not set?
	if (TrackNumber < 0) {
		// just grab the first track
		TrackNumber = FFMS_GetFirstIndexedTrackOfType(Index, FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO, &ErrInfo);
		if (TrackNumber < 0) {
			Index = NULL;
			throw VideoNotSupported(std::string("Couldn't find any video tracks: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer);

	// set thread count
	int Threads = OPT_GET("Provider/Video/FFmpegSource/Decoding Threads")->GetInt();

	// set seekmode
	// TODO: give this its own option?
	int SeekMode;
	if (OPT_GET("Provider/Video/FFmpegSource/Unsafe Seeking")->GetBool())

	VideoSource = FFMS_CreateVideoSource(FileNameShort.utf8_str(), TrackNumber, Index, Threads, SeekMode, &ErrInfo);
	Index = NULL;
	if (VideoSource == NULL) {
		throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to open video track: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer);

	// load video properties
	VideoInfo = FFMS_GetVideoProperties(VideoSource);

	const FFMS_Frame *TempFrame = FFMS_GetFrame(VideoSource, 0, &ErrInfo);
	if (TempFrame == NULL) {
		throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to decode first frame: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer);
	Width	= TempFrame->EncodedWidth;
	Height	= TempFrame->EncodedHeight;

	if (FFMS_SetOutputFormatV(VideoSource, 1LL << FFMS_GetPixFmt("bgra"), Width, Height, FFMS_RESIZER_BICUBIC, &ErrInfo)) {
		throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to set output format: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer);

	// get frame info data
	FFMS_Track *FrameData = FFMS_GetTrackFromVideo(VideoSource);
	if (FrameData == NULL)
		throw VideoOpenError("failed to get frame data");
	const FFMS_TrackTimeBase *TimeBase = FFMS_GetTimeBase(FrameData);
	if (TimeBase == NULL)
		throw VideoOpenError("failed to get track time base");

	const FFMS_FrameInfo *CurFrameData;

	// build list of keyframes and timecodes
	std::vector<int> TimecodesVector;
	for (int CurFrameNum = 0; CurFrameNum < VideoInfo->NumFrames; CurFrameNum++) {
		CurFrameData = FFMS_GetFrameInfo(FrameData, CurFrameNum);
		if (CurFrameData == NULL) {
			throw VideoOpenError(STD_STR(wxString::Format(L"Couldn't get info about frame %d", CurFrameNum)));

		// keyframe?
		if (CurFrameData->KeyFrame)

		// calculate timestamp and add to timecodes vector
		int Timestamp = (int)((CurFrameData->PTS * TimeBase->Num) / TimeBase->Den);
	Timecodes = agi::vfr::Framerate(TimecodesVector);

	FrameNumber = 0;
Exemple #18
/// @brief Constructor
/// @param filename The filename to open
YUV4MPEGVideoProvider::YUV4MPEGVideoProvider(wxString fname)
: sf(NULL)
, inited(false)
, w (0)
, h (0)
, num_frames(-1)
, cur_fn(-1)
, pixfmt(Y4M_PIXFMT_NONE)
	fps_rat.num = -1;
	fps_rat.den = 1;

	try {
		wxString filename = wxFileName(fname).GetShortPath();

#ifdef WIN32
		sf = _wfopen(filename.wc_str(), L"rb");
		sf = fopen(filename.utf8_str(), "rb");

		if (sf == NULL) throw agi::FileNotFoundError(STD_STR(fname));


		ParseFileHeader(ReadHeader(0, false));

		if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
			throw VideoOpenError("Invalid resolution");
		if (fps_rat.num <= 0 || fps_rat.den <= 0) {
			fps_rat.num = 25;
			fps_rat.den = 1;
			LOG_D("provider/video/yuv4mpeg") << "framerate info unavailable, assuming 25fps";
		if (pixfmt == Y4M_PIXFMT_NONE)
			pixfmt = Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG;
		if (imode == Y4M_ILACE_NOTSET)
			imode = Y4M_ILACE_UNKNOWN;

		luma_sz = w * h;
		switch (pixfmt) {
		case Y4M_PIXFMT_420JPEG:
		case Y4M_PIXFMT_420MPEG2:
		case Y4M_PIXFMT_420PALDV:
			chroma_sz	= (w * h) >> 2; break;
		case Y4M_PIXFMT_422:
			chroma_sz	= (w * h) >> 1; break;
			/// @todo add support for more pixel formats
			throw VideoOpenError("Unsupported pixel format");
		frame_sz	= luma_sz + chroma_sz*2;

		num_frames = IndexFile();
		if (num_frames <= 0 || seek_table.empty())
			throw VideoOpenError("Unable to determine file length");
		cur_fn = 0;

		fseeko(sf, 0, SEEK_SET);
	catch (...) {
		if (sf) fclose(sf);