Exemple #1
kr::Mat3<Scalar> skewSymmetric2(const kr::Vec3<Scalar>& w) {
  kr::Mat3<Scalar> W2;
  W2(0, 0) = -(w[2] * w[2] + w[1] * w[1]);
  W2(1, 1) = -(w[2] * w[2] + w[0] * w[0]);
  W2(2, 2) = -(w[1] * w[1] + w[0] * w[0]);
  W2(1, 0) = W2(0, 1) = w[0] * w[1];
  W2(2, 0) = W2(0, 2) = w[0] * w[2];
  W2(1, 2) = W2(2, 1) = w[1] * w[2];
  return W2;
Exemple #2
Array3d  Analysis::getParticleFluxKy(int sp) 
    Array3d G(RFields, RkyLD, RsLD); G = 0.;
    Array3z V2(RxLD, RkyLD, RzLD); V2 = 0.;
    Array3z W2(RxLD, RkyLD, RzLD); W2 = 0.;
  for(int s = NsLlD; s <= NsLuD; s++) {
      const double d6Z = M_PI * plasma->species(s).n0 * plasma->species(s).T0 * plasma->B0 * dv * dm * scaleXYZ;

        for(int m=NmLlD; m<= NmLuD;m++ ) { for(int z=NzLlD; z<= NzLuD;z++){ 
        // multiply in real-space 
        for(int x=NxLlD; x  <= NxLuD ;  x++) { for(int y_k=NkyLlD; y_k<= NkyLuD;y_k++) { 

            const cmplxd ky=cmplxd(0.,-fft->ky(y_k));
            V2(x,y_k,z) = ky * fields->phi(x,y_k,z,m,s);
             // integrate over velocity space
             W2(x,y_k,z) = sum(vlasov->f(x, y_k, z, RvLD, m, s)) * d6Z;

           // V2(RxLD, RkyLD, RzLD) = 
           fft->multiply(V2, W2, A_xyz);
            // sum over x and z
            for(int x=NxLlD; x  <= NxLuD ;  x++) { G(Field::phi, RkyLD, s) +=  abs(A_xyz(x, RkyLD,z)) ; }
        } }

   return parallel->collect(G);

Exemple #3
// note the hear flux rate have to be calculted after getkinetic energy
// this should go hand-in-hand with the temperature calculation
Array4z Analysis::getHeatFlux(int sp) 
    A4_z = 0.;

    Array3z V2(RxLD, RkyLD, RzLD); 
    Array3z W2(RxLD, RkyLD, RzLD); 
   //for(int s = ((sp == TOTAL) ? NsLlD : sp); s <= NsLuD && ((sp != TOTAL) ? s == sp : true)  ; s++) {
  // for(int s = ((sp == TOTAL) ? NsLlD : sp); (s <= ((sp == TOTAL) ? NsLuD : sp)) && ( (sp >= NsLlD) && (sp <= NsLuD))  ; s++) { 
  for(int s = NsLlD; s <= NsLuD; s++) {
      const double d6Z = M_PI * plasma->species(s).n0 * plasma->species(s).T0 * plasma->B0 * dv * dm * scaleXYZ;

      for(int m=NmLlD; m<= NmLuD;m++ ) { 
        V2 = 0.; W2 = 0.;
        // multiply in real-space 
      for(int z=NzLlD; z<= NzLuD;z++){ for(int x=NxLlD; x  <= NxLuD ;  x++) { for(int y_k=NkyLlD; y_k<= NkyLuD;y_k++) { 

            const cmplxd ky=cmplxd(0.,-fft->ky(y_k));
            V2(x,y_k,z) = ky * fields->phi(x,y_k,z,m,s);
             // integrate over velocity space
             for(int v=NvLlD; v<= NvLuD;v++) W2(x,y_k,z) += (pow2(V(v)) +  M(m) * plasma->B0) * vlasov->f(x, y_k, z, v, m, s) * d6Z;


            A4_z(RxLD, RkyLD, RzLD,s) = fft->multiply(V2, W2, A_xyz);
      } }

    return parallel->collect(A4_z, OP_SUM, DIR_VM);

// ------------------
TEST(Array, CrossConstruct2) {

    array<long, 2> A(2, 3);

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) A(i, j) = 10 * i + j;

    std::vector<array<long, 2>> V(3, A);

    std::vector<array_view<long, 2>> W;
    for (auto& x : V) W.push_back(x);

    std::vector<array_view<long, 2>> W2(W);

    for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) V[i] *= i;

    for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) EXPECT_ARRAY_NEAR(W2[i], i * A);
  virtual void paintGL()

    int xOffset = -70;
    int yOffset = -50;
    int zoom = -200;
    glTranslatef(xOffset, yOffset, zoom);

    glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    float scale = 1.0;

      Eigen::MatrixXd W1 = sae.getInputWeights();
      Eigen::MatrixXd W2 = sae.getOutputWeights();
      double mi = sae.getInputWeights().minCoeff();
      double ma = sae.getInputWeights().maxCoeff();
      double range = ma - mi;
      for(int row = 0, filter = 0; row < neuronRows; row++)
        for(int col = 0; col < neuronCols; col++, filter++)
          for(int yIdx = 0; yIdx < 28; yIdx++)
            for(int xIdx = 0; xIdx < 28; xIdx++)
              int h = (filter + offset) / 2;
              bool in = (filter + offset) % 2 == 0;
              int idx = yIdx * 28 + xIdx;
              float c = ((in ? W1(h, idx) : W2(idx, h)) - mi) / range;
              float x = xIdx * scale + col * 29.0f * scale - 30.0f;
              float y = (28.0f - yIdx) * scale - row * scale * 29.0f + 90.0f;
              glColor3f(c, c, c);
              glVertex2f(x, y);
              glVertex2f(x + scale, y);
              glVertex2f(x + scale, y + scale);
              glVertex2f(x, y + scale);
      for(int row = 0; row < neuronRows; row++)
        for(int col = 0; col < neuronCols; col++)
          Eigen::VectorXd out = sae.reconstruct(dataSet.getInstance(offset + row*neuronCols+col));
          for(int yIdx = 0; yIdx < 28; yIdx++)
            for(int xIdx = 0; xIdx < 28; xIdx++)
              int idx = yIdx * 28 + xIdx;
              float c = out(idx);
              float x = xIdx * scale + col * 29.0f * scale - 30.0f;
              float y = (28.0f - yIdx) * scale - row * scale * 29.0f + 90.0f;
              glColor3f(c, c, c);
              glVertex2f(x, y);
              glVertex2f(x + scale, y);
              glVertex2f(x + scale, y + scale);
              glVertex2f(x, y + scale);

    glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    renderText(10, 35, "MNIST data set", QFont("Helvetica", 20));

void rotation(double *vo, double *vt, int n, symatrix &R)
{ int i,j,k;
  symatrix A(4),AT(4),C(4),W(3),W2(3),RS(3);
  double **B,**U,eval[5],gamma;
//  char s[100];    

  B = dmatrix(1,4,1,4);
  U = dmatrix(1,4,1,4);

  for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
    for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++) 
      B[i][j] = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) A.el(i,i) = 0.0;
  for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
    A.el(0,1) = vo[3*k+2] + vt[3*k+2];
    A.el(0,2) = -vo[3*k+1] - vt[3*k+1];
    A.el(1,2) = vo[3*k] + vt[3*k];
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) A.el(i,3) = vo[3*k+i] - vt[3*k+i];
    for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
        A.el(i,j) = -A.el(j,i);

    AT = A.transpose();

    C = A * AT;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      { B[i+1][j+1] += C.el(i,j);



  gamma = 2 * acos(U[4][4]);
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) W.el(i,i) = 0.0;
  W.el(0,1) = U[3][4] / sin(gamma/2);
  W.el(0,2) = -U[2][4] / sin(gamma/2);
  W.el(1,2) = U[1][4] / sin(gamma/2);
  for (i = 1; i < 3; i++)  
    for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
      W.el(i,j) = - W.el(j,i);
  W2 = W * W;

  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  { W.multiply_col(i,sin(gamma));

  RS += (W + W2);

  RS = RS.transpose();

  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      R.el(i,j) = RS.el(i,j);
