void Sys_Exit(void) { if(return_to_disable) return; /* Shutdown Inputs */ Close_Inputs(); if (return_to_menu || return_to_priiloader) Sys_LoadMenu(); else if(return_to_bootmii) IOS_ReloadIOS(254); if(WII_LaunchTitle(HBC_108)<0) if(WII_LaunchTitle(HBC_HAXX)<0) if(WII_LaunchTitle(HBC_JODI)<0) SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); }
void Sys_LoadHBC(void) { ExitApp(); WII_Initialize(); // Try launching all known HBC titles in reversed released order WII_LaunchTitle(HBC_LULZ); WII_LaunchTitle(HBC_1_0_7); WII_LaunchTitle(HBC_JODI); WII_LaunchTitle(HBC_HAXX); //Back to system menu if all fails SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); }
void exitme(void) { if (loaderhbc) { WII_Initialize(); if (WII_LaunchTitle(0x0001000148415858ULL) < 0) { if (WII_LaunchTitle(0x000100014A4F4449ULL) < 0) WII_ReturnToMenu(); } } else { WII_ReturnToMenu(); } }
s32 WII_ReturnToSettings(void) { if(!__initialized) return WII_ENOTINIT; stateflags.type = TYPE_RETURN; stateflags.returnto = RETURN_TO_SETTINGS; __WII_WriteStateFlags(); return WII_LaunchTitle(0x100000002LL); }
void Sys_HBC() { //int ret = 0; //dbg_printf("prep_exit\n"); prep_exit(); //dbg_printf("WII_Initialize\n"); WII_Initialize(); dbg_printf("HBC107\n"); //printf("%d\n1.07\n",ret); sleep(1); WII_LaunchTitle(TITLE_ID(0x00010001,0xAF1BF516)); // 1.07 //printf("%d\nJODI\n",ret); sleep(1); //dbg_printf("jodi\n"); WII_LaunchTitle(TITLE_ID(0x00010001,0x4A4F4449)); // JODI //printf("%d\nHAXX\n",ret); WII_LaunchTitle(TITLE_ID(0x00010001,0x48415858)); // HAXX //printf("%d\nexit\n",ret); sleep(1); dbg_printf("exit\n"); exit(0); }
s32 WII_LaunchTitleWithArgs(u64 titleID, int launchcode, ...) { char argv0[20]; const char *argv[256]; int argc = 1; va_list args; if(!__initialized) return WII_ENOTINIT; sprintf(argv0, "%016llx", titleID); argv[0] = argv0; va_start(args, launchcode); do { argv[argc++] = va_arg(args, const char *); } while(argv[argc - 1] != NULL); va_end(args); if(ES_GetTitleID(&nandboot.launcher) < 0) nandboot.launcher = 0x100000002LL; if(titleID == 0x100000002LL) nandboot.titletype = 4; else nandboot.titletype = 2; nandboot.apptype = 0x80; nandboot.launchcode = launchcode; stateflags.type = TYPE_RETURN; stateflags.returnto = RETURN_TO_ARGS; __WII_SetArgs(argv); __WII_WriteStateFlags(); __WII_WriteNANDBootInfo(); return WII_LaunchTitle(titleID); }
s32 Disc_GCBoot() { /* gprintf("Changing value at address 0xCC03024\n"); *(volatile unsigned int *)0xCC003024 |= 7; gprintf("Retrieving Ticket for BC..."); int retval = ES_GetTicketViews(BC, &view, 1); if (retval != 0) { gprintf("failed %d\n",retval); return -1; } gprintf("done\n"); ghexdump(&view, sizeof(tikview)); */ gprintf("Disconnecting Wiimotes\n"); /* Disconnect Wiimote */ WPAD_Flush(0); WPAD_Disconnect(0); WPAD_Shutdown(); gprintf("Setting video to black..."); VIDEO_SetBlack(TRUE); gprintf("flushing..."); VIDEO_Flush(); gprintf("wait for sync..."); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); gprintf("wait for sync..."); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); gprintf("\n"); gprintf("Launching title\n"); WII_LaunchTitle(BC); /* retval = ES_LaunchTitle(BC, &view); gprintf("Launching title failed: %d\n",retval); while(1); */ return 0; }
bool RebootApp(void) { // be sure to use current settings as arguments editMetaArguments(); #ifdef FULLCHANNEL ExitApp(); WII_Initialize(); return !(WII_LaunchTitle(TITLE_ID(0x00010001, 0x554c4e52)) < 0); #else // Load meta.xml arguments char filepath[255]; HomebrewXML MetaXML; snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/meta.xml", Settings.update_path); MetaXML.LoadHomebrewXMLData(filepath); u8 *buffer = NULL; u32 filesize = 0; snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/boot.dol", Settings.update_path); LoadFileToMem(filepath, &buffer, &filesize); if(!buffer) { return false; } FreeHomebrewBuffer(); CopyHomebrewMemory(buffer, 0, filesize); AddBootArgument(filepath); for(u32 i = 0; i < MetaXML.GetArguments().size(); ++i) { AddBootArgument(MetaXML.GetArguments().at(i).c_str()); } return !(BootHomebrewFromMem() <0); #endif }
//boot HBC in either HAXX or JODI locations //this function expects WII_Initialize() be called before it is called s32 WII_BootHBC() { u32 tmdsize; u64 tid = 0; u64 *list; u32 titlecount; s32 ret; u32 i; ret = ES_GetNumTitles(&titlecount); if(ret < 0) return WII_EINTERNAL; list = CFMemAlign(32, titlecount * sizeof(u64) + 32); ret = ES_GetTitles(list, titlecount); if(ret < 0) { CFFree(list); return WII_EINTERNAL; } for(i=0; i<titlecount; i++) { if (list[i]==TITLE_ID(0x00010001,0x4A4F4449) || list[i]==TITLE_ID(0x00010001,0x48415858) || list[i]==TITLE_ID(0x00010001,0xaf1bf516)) { tid = list[i]; break; } } CFFree(list); if(!tid) return WII_EINSTALL; if(ES_GetStoredTMDSize(tid, &tmdsize) < 0) return WII_EINSTALL; return WII_LaunchTitle(tid); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialise the video system VIDEO_Init(); Video_SetMode(); WPAD_Init(); PAD_Init(); if(AHBPROT_DISABLED) IosPatch_RUNTIME(true, false, false, true); else IOS_ReloadIOS(236); menu(); signed_blob *p_tmd = NULL; u32 len; s32 ret; ret = GetTMD(0x0001000154484246LL, &p_tmd, &len); if(ret < 0) { *(vu32*)0x8132FFFB = 0x50756E65; DCFlushRange((void*)0x8132FFFB, 4); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); } else { WII_LaunchTitle(0x0001000154484246); } return 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { IOS_ReloadIOS(56); InitVideo (); printd ("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); printd (" neekbooter "VER" by stfour"); printd (" (part of postLoader project)"); printd ("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); u32 idx = -1; u32 status = 0; u32 hi, lo; u32 back2real; if (neek_PLNandInfo (0, &idx, &status, &lo, &hi, &back2real) == false) { printd ("no boot information..."); Reload (); } printd ("idx = %d", idx); printd ("status = %d", status); if (status == PLNANDSTATUS_NONE) { status = PLNANDSTATUS_BOOTING; neek_PLNandInfo (1, &idx, &status, &lo, &hi, &back2real); if (!hi && !lo) { printd ("booting disk"); // Copy the di image memcpy(EXECUTE_ADDR, di_dol, di_dol_size); DCFlushRange((void *) EXECUTE_ADDR, di_dol_size); // Load the booter memcpy(BOOTER_ADDR, booter_dol, booter_dol_size); DCFlushRange(BOOTER_ADDR, booter_dol_size); memset(ARGS_ADDR, 0, sizeof(struct __argv)); DCFlushRange(ARGS_ADDR, sizeof(struct __argv)); printd ("stating di"); entrypoint hbboot_ep = (entrypoint) BOOTER_ADDR; // bootit ! u32 level; SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0); _CPU_ISR_Disable(level); __exception_closeall(); hbboot_ep(); _CPU_ISR_Restore(level); } else { printd ("booting channel"); WII_Initialize(); WII_LaunchTitle((u64)(TITLE_ID (hi, lo))); exit(0); // Use exit() to exit a program, do not use 'return' from main() /* s_nandbooter nb ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32); u8 *tfb = ((u8 *) 0x93200000); memset (&nb, 0, sizeof (s_nandbooter)); nb.channel.language = -1; nb.channel.titleId = TITLE_ID (hi, lo); nb.channel.bootMode = 1; // Copy the triiforce image memcpy(EXECUTE_ADDR, nandbooter_dol, nandbooter_dol_size); DCFlushRange((void *) EXECUTE_ADDR, nandbooter_dol_size); // Load the booter memcpy(BOOTER_ADDR, booter_dol, booter_dol_size); DCFlushRange(BOOTER_ADDR, booter_dol_size); memset(ARGS_ADDR, 0, sizeof(struct __argv)); DCFlushRange(ARGS_ADDR, sizeof(struct __argv)); memcpy (tfb, &nb, sizeof(s_nandbooter)); printd ("stating nandbooter"); entrypoint hbboot_ep = (entrypoint) BOOTER_ADDR; u32 level; SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0); _CPU_ISR_Disable(level); __exception_closeall(); hbboot_ep(); _CPU_ISR_Restore(level); */ } } else if (status == PLNANDSTATUS_BOOTING) { status = PLNANDSTATUS_BOOTED; neek_PLNandInfo (1, &idx, &status, &lo, &hi, &back2real); if (!hi && !lo) { if (back2real) { printd ("returning to realnand"); RestoreSneekFolder (); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RESTART,0,0); } else { printd ("restoring old nanndindex"); neek_GetNandConfig (); // Go back to previous nand nandConfig->NandSel = idx; neek_WriteNandConfig (); neek_PLNandInfoRemove (); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); } } else { // restore sneek files RestoreSneekFolder (); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RESTART,0,0); } } exit (0); }
int DMLRunNew (char *folder, char *id, s_gameConfig *gameconf, u32 slot) { DML_CFG cfg; char path[256]; memset (&cfg, 0, sizeof (DML_CFG)); Debug ("DMLRunNew (%s, %s, %u, %u, %u, %u)", folder, id, gameconf->dmlVideoMode, gameconf->dmlNoDisc, gameconf->dmlPadHook, gameconf->dmlNMM); cfg.Config |= DML_CFG_GAME_PATH; if (slot) { sprintf (path, "usb:/%s/game.iso", folder); sprintf (cfg.CheatPath, "usb:/codes/%s.gct", id); } else { sprintf (path, "sd:/%s/game.iso", folder); sprintf (cfg.CheatPath, "sd:/codes/%s.gct", id); } if (fsop_FileExist (path)) { sprintf (path, "%s/game.iso", folder); } else { sprintf (path, "%s/", folder); } Debug ("DMLRunNew -> using %s", path); //if (!devices_Get(DEV_SD)) return 0; Shutdown (); cfg.Magicbytes = 0xD1050CF6; if (config.dmlVersion == GCMODE_DM22 || config.dmlVersion == GCMODE_DMAUTO) cfg.CfgVersion = 0x00000002; else cfg.CfgVersion = 0x00000001; if (gameconf->dmlVideoMode == PLGC_Auto) // AUTO { cfg.VideoMode |= DML_VID_DML_AUTO; } if (gameconf->dmlVideoMode == PLGC_Game) // GAME { if (id[3] == 'E' || id[3] == 'J' || id[3] == 'N') cfg.VideoMode |= DML_VID_FORCE_NTSC; else cfg.VideoMode |= DML_VID_FORCE_PAL50; } if (gameconf->dmlVideoMode == PLGC_WII) // WII { if (CONF_GetRegion() == CONF_REGION_EU) cfg.VideoMode |= DML_VID_FORCE_PAL50; else cfg.VideoMode |= DML_VID_FORCE_NTSC; } if (gameconf->dmlVideoMode == PLGC_NTSC) cfg.VideoMode |= DML_VID_FORCE_NTSC; if (gameconf->dmlVideoMode == PLGC_PAL50) cfg.VideoMode |= DML_VID_FORCE_PAL50; if (gameconf->dmlVideoMode == PLGC_PAL60) cfg.VideoMode |= DML_VID_FORCE_PAL60; //kept as nodisc for legacy purposes, but it also controls //widescreen force 16:9 in 2.1+ if (gameconf->dmlNoDisc) cfg.Config |= DML_CFG_NODISC; if (gameconf->dmlFullNoDisc) cfg.Config |= DML_CFG_NODISC2; if (gameconf->dmlPadHook) cfg.Config |= DML_CFG_PADHOOK; if (gameconf->dmlNMM) cfg.Config |= DML_CFG_NMM; if(gameconf->ocarina) cfg.Config |= DML_CFG_CHEATS; strcpy (cfg.GamePath, path); memcpy ((char *)0x80000000, id, 6); //Write options into memory memcpy((void *)0x80001700, &cfg, sizeof(DML_CFG)); DCFlushRange((void *)(0x80001700), sizeof(DML_CFG)); //DML v1.2+ memcpy((void *)0x81200000, &cfg, sizeof(DML_CFG)); DCFlushRange((void *)(0x81200000), sizeof(DML_CFG)); /* Boot BC */ WII_Initialize(); return WII_LaunchTitle(0x100000100LL); }
bool ReloadPostloaderChannel (void) { WII_Initialize(); WII_LaunchTitle(TITLE_ID(0x00010001,0x504f5354)); // postLoader3 Channel POST return false; }
void Menu_Boot() { struct discHdr *header; bool gc = false; header = &gameList[gameSelected]; s32 ret; struct Game_CFG_2 *game_cfg = NULL; /* Clear console */ if (!CFG.direct_launch) { Con_Clear(); } FgColor(CFG.color_header); printf_x(gt("Start this game?")); printf("\n\n"); DefaultColor(); game_cfg = CFG_find_game(header->id); // Get game size gc = header->magic == GC_MAGIC; bool do_skip = !CFG.confirm_start; /* SoundInfo snd; u8 banner_title[84]; memset(banner_title, 0, 84); memset(&snd, 0, sizeof(snd)); WBFS_Banner(header->id, &snd, banner_title, !do_skip, CFG_read_active_game_setting(header->id).write_playlog); */ if (do_skip) { goto skip_confirm; } printf("\n"); /* Show game info */ printf_("%s\n", get_title(header)); printf_("(%.6s)\n\n", header->id); __Menu_ShowGameInfo(true, header->id); /* load game info from XML */ printf("\n"); //Does DL warning apply to launching discs too? Not sure printf_h(gt("Press %s button to continue."), (button_names[CFG.button_confirm.num])); printf("\n"); printf_h(gt("Press %s button to go back."), (button_names[CFG.button_cancel.num])); if (!gc) { printf("\n"); printf_h(gt("Press %s button for options."), (button_names[CFG.button_other.num])); } printf("\n\n"); __console_flush(0); // play banner sound /* if (snd.dsp_data) { SND_PauseVoice(0, 1); // pause mp3 int fmt = (snd.channels == 2) ? VOICE_STEREO_16BIT : VOICE_MONO_16BIT; SND_SetVoice(1, fmt, snd.rate, 0, snd.dsp_data, snd.size, 255,255, //volume,volume, NULL); //DataTransferCallback } */ /* Wait for user answer */ u32 buttons; for (;;) { buttons = Wpad_WaitButtons(); if (buttons & CFG.button_confirm.mask) break; if (buttons & CFG.button_cancel.mask) break; if (!gc && (buttons & CFG.button_other.mask)) break; if (buttons & CFG.button_exit.mask) break; } /* // stop banner sound, resume mp3 if (snd.dsp_data) { SND_StopVoice(1); SAFE_FREE(snd.dsp_data); if (buttons & CFG.button_confirm.mask) { SND_ChangeVolumeVoice(0, 0, 0); } SND_PauseVoice(0, 0); } */ if (buttons & CFG.button_cancel.mask) goto close; if (buttons & CFG.button_exit.mask) { Handle_Home(0); return; } if (!gc && (buttons & CFG.button_other.mask)) { Menu_Boot_Options(header); return; } // A button: continue to boot skip_confirm: if (game_cfg) { CFG.game = game_cfg->curr; } if (CFG.game.write_playlog && set_playrec(header->id, (u8 *) header->title) < 0) { // banner_title) < 0) { printf_(gt("Error storing playlog file.\nStart from the Wii Menu to fix.")); printf("\n"); printf_h(gt("Press %s button to exit."), (button_names[CFG.button_exit.num])); printf("\n"); if (!Menu_Confirm(0)) return; } WBFS_OpenDisc(header->id, header->game_idx); printf("\n"); printf_x(gt("Booting Wii game, please wait...")); printf("\n\n"); // load stuff before ios reloads & services close ocarina_load_code(header->id); load_wip_patches(header->id); // Close the wode stuff WBFS_Close(); use_dvdx = 0; Disc_Init(); ret = Disc_Wait(); if (ret < 0) { printf("Cannot mount newly selected image: %d\n", ret); } Disc_Open(); // stop services (music, gui) Services_Close(); setPlayStat(header->id); //I'd rather do this after the check, but now you unmount fat before that ;) Fat_UnmountAll(); if (gc) { WII_Initialize(); ret = WII_LaunchTitle(0x0000000100000100ULL); } else { switch(CFG.game.language) { // 0 = CFG_LANG_CONSOLE case 0: configbytes[0] = 0xCD; break; case 1: configbytes[0] = 0x00; break; case 2: configbytes[0] = 0x01; break; case 3: configbytes[0] = 0x02; break; case 4: configbytes[0] = 0x03; break; case 5: configbytes[0] = 0x04; break; case 6: configbytes[0] = 0x05; break; case 7: configbytes[0] = 0x06; break; case 8: configbytes[0] = 0x07; break; case 9: configbytes[0] = 0x08; break; case 10: configbytes[0] = 0x09; break; } /* Boot Wii disc */ ret = Disc_WiiBoot(); } printf_(gt("Returned! (ret = %d)"), ret); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf_(gt("Press any button to exit...")); printf("\n"); /* Wait for button */ Wpad_WaitButtonsCommon(); exit(0); close: WDVD_StopMotor(); header = &gameList[gameSelected]; Gui_DrawCover(header->id); // Reopen the wode WBFS_Init(); return; }
void Sys_Channel(u32 channel) { prep_exit(); WII_Initialize(); WII_LaunchTitle(TITLE_ID(0x00010001,channel)); }
int TitleBrowser() { u32 num_titles; u32 num_sys_titles; s32 ret = -1; u64 *titleList = NULL; // Get count of titles of the good titles num_titles = NandTitles.SetType(0x10001); u32 n = num_titles; for (u32 i = 0; i < n; i++) { u64 tid = NandTitles.Next(); if (!tid) { break; } //remove ones not actually installed on the nand if (!NandTitles.Exists(tid)) { num_titles--; } } // Get count of system titles num_sys_titles = NandTitles.SetType(0x10002); n = num_sys_titles; for (u32 i = 0; i < n; i++) { u64 tid = NandTitles.Next(); if (!tid) { break; } //these can't be booted anyways if (TITLE_LOWER( tid ) == 0x48414741 || TITLE_LOWER( tid ) == 0x48414141 || TITLE_LOWER( tid ) == 0x48414641) { num_sys_titles--; continue; } //these aren't installed on the nand if (!NandTitles.Exists(tid)) { num_sys_titles--; } } //make a list of just the tids we are adding to the titlebrowser titleList = (u64*) memalign(32, (num_titles + num_sys_titles) * sizeof(u64)); if (!titleList) { gprintf("TitleBrowser(): out of memory!\n"); return -1; } OptionList options3; //write the titles on the option browser std::string Filepath = Settings.titlestxt_path; Filepath += "wiitdb.xml"; GameTDB *XML_DB = new GameTDB(Filepath.c_str()); XML_DB->SetLanguageCode(Settings.db_language); u32 i = 0; NandTitles.SetType(0x10001); //first add the good stuff while (i < num_titles) { u64 tid = NandTitles.Next(); if (!tid) { gprintf("shit happened3\n"); break; } gprintf("[ %u ] tid: %016llx\t%s\n", i, tid, NandTitles.NameOf(tid)); if (!NandTitles.Exists(tid)) { continue; } char id[5]; NandTitles.AsciiTID(tid, (char*) &id); const char* name = NULL; std::string TitleName; if(XML_DB->GetTitle(id, TitleName)) name = TitleName.c_str(); else name = NandTitles.NameOf(tid); options3.SetName(i, "%s", id); options3.SetValue(i, "%s", name ? name : tr( "Unknown" )); titleList[i] = tid; i++; } NandTitles.SetType(0x10002); while (i < num_sys_titles + num_titles) { u64 tid = NandTitles.Next(); if (!tid) { break; } if (TITLE_LOWER( tid ) == 0x48414741 || TITLE_LOWER( tid ) == 0x48414141 || TITLE_LOWER( tid ) == 0x48414641) continue; if (!NandTitles.Exists(tid)) { continue; } char id[5]; NandTitles.AsciiTID(tid, (char*) &id); const char* name = NULL; std::string TitleName; if(XML_DB->GetTitle(id, TitleName)) name = TitleName.c_str(); else name = NandTitles.NameOf(tid); options3.SetName(i, "%s", id); options3.SetValue(i, "%s", name ? name : tr( "Unknown" )); titleList[i] = tid; i++; } delete XML_DB; XML_DB = NULL; if (i == num_titles + num_sys_titles) { options3.SetName(i, " "); options3.SetValue(i, "%s", tr( "Wii Settings" )); } bool exit = false; int total = num_titles + num_sys_titles; if (IsNetworkInit()) ResumeNetworkWait(); GuiImageData btnOutline(Resources::GetFile("button_dialogue_box.png"), Resources::GetFileSize("button_dialogue_box.png")); GuiImageData settingsbg(Resources::GetFile("settings_background.png"), Resources::GetFileSize("settings_background.png")); GuiTrigger trigA; trigA.SetSimpleTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_A | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_A); GuiTrigger trigHome; trigHome.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_HOME | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_HOME, 0); GuiTrigger trigB; trigB.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_B | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_B); GuiText titleTxt(tr( "Title Launcher" ), 28, ( GXColor ) { 0, 0, 0, 255}); titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP); titleTxt.SetPosition(12, 40); titleTxt.SetMaxWidth(356, SCROLL_HORIZONTAL); GuiImage settingsbackground(&settingsbg); GuiButton settingsbackgroundbtn(settingsbackground.GetWidth(), settingsbackground.GetHeight()); settingsbackgroundbtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); settingsbackgroundbtn.SetPosition(0, 0); settingsbackgroundbtn.SetImage(&settingsbackground); GuiText cancelBtnTxt(tr( "Back" ), 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows button text color")); cancelBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth() - 30); GuiImage cancelBtnImg(&btnOutline); if (Settings.wsprompt) { cancelBtnTxt.SetWidescreen(Settings.widescreen); cancelBtnImg.SetWidescreen(Settings.widescreen); } GuiButton cancelBtn(&cancelBtnImg, &cancelBtnImg, 2, 3, 180, 400, &trigA, btnSoundOver, btnSoundClick2, 1); cancelBtn.SetScale(0.9); cancelBtn.SetLabel(&cancelBtnTxt); cancelBtn.SetTrigger(&trigB); GuiOptionBrowser optionBrowser3(396, 280, &options3, "bg_options_settings.png"); optionBrowser3.SetPosition(0, 90); optionBrowser3.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP); GuiImageData wifiImgData(Resources::GetFile("wifi_btn.png"), Resources::GetFileSize("wifi_btn.png")); GuiImage wifiImg(&wifiImgData); if (Settings.wsprompt) { wifiImg.SetWidescreen(Settings.widescreen); } GuiButton wifiBtn(wifiImg.GetWidth(), wifiImg.GetHeight()); wifiBtn.SetImage(&wifiImg); wifiBtn.SetPosition(100, 400); wifiBtn.SetEffectGrow(); wifiBtn.SetAlpha(80); wifiBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA); HaltGui(); GuiWindow w(screenwidth, screenheight); w.Append(&settingsbackgroundbtn); w.Append(&titleTxt); w.Append(&cancelBtn); w.Append(&wifiBtn); w.Append(&optionBrowser3); mainWindow->Append(&w); ResumeGui(); while (!exit) { VIDEO_WaitVSync(); if (shutdown == 1) Sys_Shutdown(); if (reset == 1) Sys_Reboot(); else if (wifiBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { ResumeNetworkWait(); wifiBtn.ResetState(); } if (IsNetworkInit()) { wifiBtn.SetAlpha(255); } ret = optionBrowser3.GetClickedOption(); if (ret > -1) { //if a click happened if (ret < total) { //set the title's name, number, ID to text char text[0x100]; char id[5]; NandTitles.AsciiTID(titleList[ret], (char*) &id); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s : %s", id, NandTitles.NameOf(titleList[ret])); //prompt to boot selected title if (WindowPrompt(tr( "Boot?" ), text, tr( "OK" ), tr( "Cancel" ))) { //if they say yes ExitApp(); WII_Initialize(); WII_LaunchTitle(titleList[ret]); //this really shouldn't be needed because the title will be booted exit = true; break; } else { //if they said no to booting the title ret = -1; optionBrowser3.ResetState(); } } else if (ret == total) { //if they clicked to go to the wii settings ExitApp(); WII_Initialize(); WII_ReturnToSettings(); } } if (cancelBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { //break the loop and end the function exit = true; ret = -10; } } CloseConnection(); if (IsNetworkInit()) HaltNetworkThread(); HaltGui(); mainWindow->Remove(&w); free(titleList); ResumeGui(); return ret; }
/******************************************************************************** * TitleBrowser- opens a browser with a list of installed Titles * relies on code from any title deleter. *********************************************************************************/ int TitleBrowser(u32 type) { u32 num_titles; u32 titles[100] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32); u32 num_sys_titles; u32 sys_titles[10] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32); s32 ret = -1; int numtitle;//to get rid of a stupid compile wrning //open the database file FILE *f; char path[100]; ISFS_Initialize(); sprintf(path,"%s/config/database.txt",bootDevice); f = fopen(path, "r"); // Get count of titles of our requested type ret = getTitles_TypeCount(type, &num_titles); if (ret < 0) { //printf("\tError! Can't get count of titles! (ret = %d)\n", ret); //exit(1); } // Get titles of our requested type ret = getTitles_Type(type, titles, num_titles); if (ret < 0) { //printf("\tError! Can't get list of titles! (ret = %d)\n", ret); //exit(1); } // Get count of system titles ret = getTitles_TypeCount(0x00010002, &num_sys_titles); if (ret < 0) { //printf("\tError! Can't get count of titles! (ret = %d)\n", ret); //exit(1); } // Get system titles ret = getTitles_Type(0x00010002, sys_titles, num_sys_titles); if (ret < 0) { //printf("\tError! Can't get list of titles! (ret = %d)\n", ret); //exit(1); } //this array will hold all the names for the titles so we only have to get them one time char name[num_titles+num_sys_titles][50]; customOptionList options3(num_titles+num_sys_titles+1); //write the titles on the option browser u32 i = 0; //first add the good stuff while (i < num_titles) { //start from the beginning of the file each loop if (f)rewind(f); //char name[50]; char text[15]; strcpy(name[i],"");//make sure name is empty u8 found=0; //set the title's name, number, ID to text sprintf(text, "%s", titleText(type, titles[i])); //get name from database cause i dont like the ADT function char line[200]; char tmp[50]; snprintf(tmp,50," "); //check if the content.bin is on the SD card for that game //if there is content.bin,then the game is on the SDmenu and not the wii sprintf(line,"SD:/private/wii/title/%s/content.bin",text); if (!checkfile(line)) { if (f) { while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { if (line[0]== text[0]&& line[1]== text[1]&& line[2]== text[2]) { int j=0; found=1; for (j=0;(line[j+4]!='\0' || j<51);j++) tmp[j]=line[j+4]; snprintf(name[i],sizeof(name[i]),"%s",tmp); //break; } } } if (!found) { if (getName00(name[i], TITLE_ID(type, titles[i]),CONF_GetLanguage()*2)>=0) found=2; if (!found) { if (getNameBN(name[i], TITLE_ID(type, titles[i]))>=0) found=3; if (!found) snprintf(name[i],sizeof(name[i]),"Unknown Title (%08x)",titles[i]); } } //set the text to the option browser options3.SetName(i, "%s",text); options3.SetValue(i, "%s",name[i]); //options3.SetValue(i, " (%08x) %s",titles[i],name[i]);//use this line to show the number to call to launch the channel //move on to the next title } i++; } // now add the crappy system titles while (i < num_titles+num_sys_titles) { //start from the beginning of the file each loop if (f)rewind(f); //char name[50]; char text[15]; strcpy(name[i],"");//make sure name is empty u8 found=0; //set the title's name, number, ID to text sprintf(text, "%s", titleText(0x00010002, sys_titles[i-num_titles])); //get name from database cause i dont like the ADT function char line[200]; char tmp[50]; snprintf(tmp,50," "); //snprintf(name[i],sizeof(name[i]),"Unknown Title"); if (f) { while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { if (line[0]== text[0]&& line[1]== text[1]&& line[2]== text[2]) { int j=0; found=1; for (j=0;(line[j+4]!='\0' || j<51);j++) tmp[j]=line[j+4]; snprintf(name[i],sizeof(name[i]),"%s",tmp); break; } } } if (!found) { if (getName00(name[i], TITLE_ID(0x00010002, sys_titles[i-num_titles]))>=0) found=2; if (!found) { if (getNameBN(name[i], TITLE_ID(0x00010002, sys_titles[i-num_titles]))>=0) found=3; if (!found) snprintf(name[i],sizeof(name[i]),"Unknown Title (%08x)",sys_titles[i-num_titles]); } } //set the text to the option browser options3.SetName(i, "%s",text); options3.SetValue(i, "%s",name[i]); //options3.SetValue(i, " (%08x) %s",titles[i],name[i]);//use this line to show the number to call to launch the channel //move on to the next title i++; } if (i == num_titles+num_sys_titles) { options3.SetName(i, " "); options3.SetValue(i, "%s",tr("Wii Settings")); } //we have all the titles we need so close the database and stop poking around in the wii fclose(f); //get rid of our footprints in there Uninstall_FromTitle(TITLE_ID(1, 0)); ISFS_Deinitialize(); bool exit = false; if (IsNetworkInit()) ResumeNetworkWait(); GuiSound btnSoundOver(button_over_pcm, button_over_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume); // because destroy GuiSound must wait while sound playing is finished, we use a global sound if(!btnClick2) btnClick2=new GuiSound(button_click2_pcm, button_click2_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume); // GuiSound btnClick(button_click2_pcm, button_click2_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume); char imgPath[100]; snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sbutton_dialogue_box.png", CFG.theme_path); GuiImageData btnOutline(imgPath, button_dialogue_box_png); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sgamesettings_background.png", CFG.theme_path); GuiImageData settingsbg(imgPath, settings_background_png); GuiTrigger trigA; trigA.SetSimpleTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_A | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_A); GuiTrigger trigHome; trigHome.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_HOME | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_HOME, 0); GuiTrigger trigB; trigB.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_B | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_B); GuiText titleTxt(tr("Title Launcher"), 28, (GXColor) {0, 0, 0, 255}); titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); titleTxt.SetPosition(12,40); titleTxt.SetMaxWidth(356, GuiText::SCROLL); GuiImage settingsbackground(&settingsbg); GuiButton settingsbackgroundbtn(settingsbackground.GetWidth(), settingsbackground.GetHeight()); settingsbackgroundbtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); settingsbackgroundbtn.SetPosition(0, 0); settingsbackgroundbtn.SetImage(&settingsbackground); GuiText cancelBtnTxt(tr("Back"), 22, THEME.prompttext); cancelBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth()-30); GuiImage cancelBtnImg(&btnOutline); if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) { cancelBtnTxt.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); cancelBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); } GuiButton cancelBtn(&cancelBtnImg,&cancelBtnImg, 2, 3, 180, 400, &trigA, &btnSoundOver, btnClick2,1); cancelBtn.SetScale(0.9); cancelBtn.SetLabel(&cancelBtnTxt); cancelBtn.SetTrigger(&trigB); u8 scrollbaron = 0; if (num_titles > 9) scrollbaron = 1; GuiCustomOptionBrowser optionBrowser3(396, 280, &options3, CFG.theme_path, "bg_options_gamesettings.png", bg_options_settings_png, num_titles+num_sys_titles>9?1:0, 200); optionBrowser3.SetPosition(0, 90); optionBrowser3.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sWifi_btn.png", CFG.theme_path); GuiImageData wifiImgData(imgPath, Wifi_btn_png); GuiImage wifiImg(&wifiImgData); if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) { wifiImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); } GuiButton wifiBtn(wifiImg.GetWidth(), wifiImg.GetHeight()); wifiBtn.SetImage(&wifiImg); wifiBtn.SetPosition(100, 400); wifiBtn.SetEffectGrow(); wifiBtn.SetAlpha(80); wifiBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA); GuiTrigger trigZ; trigZ.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_NUNCHUK_BUTTON_Z | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_ZL, PAD_TRIGGER_Z); GuiButton screenShotBtn(0,0); screenShotBtn.SetPosition(0,0); screenShotBtn.SetTrigger(&trigZ); HaltGui(); GuiWindow w(screenwidth, screenheight); w.Append(&screenShotBtn); w.Append(&settingsbackgroundbtn); w.Append(&titleTxt); w.Append(&cancelBtn); w.Append(&wifiBtn); w.Append(&optionBrowser3); mainWindow->Append(&w); int tmp=num_titles+num_sys_titles; ResumeGui(); numtitle=num_titles; while (!exit) { VIDEO_WaitVSync(); if (shutdown == 1) Sys_Shutdown(); if (reset == 1) Sys_Reboot(); else if (wifiBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { ResumeNetworkWait(); wifiBtn.ResetState(); } if (IsNetworkInit()) { wifiBtn.SetAlpha(255); } ret = optionBrowser3.GetClickedOption(); if (ret > -1) {//if a click happened //char name[50]; char text[15]; if (f)rewind(f); //strcpy(name,"");//make sure name is empty if (ret<numtitle) { //set the title's name, number, ID to text sprintf(text, "%s", titleText(type, titles[ret])); char temp[100]; //prompt to boot selected title snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s : %s",text,name[ret]); int choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Boot?"), temp, tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")); if (choice) {//if they say yes //stop all this stuff before starting the channel CloseXMLDatabase(); ExitGUIThreads(); ShutdownAudio(); StopGX(); WII_Initialize(); WII_LaunchTitle(TITLE_ID(type,titles[ret])); //this really shouldn't be needed because the title will be booted exit = true; break; } else { //if they said no to booting the title ret = -1; optionBrowser3.ResetState(); } } else { //if they clicked a system title if (ret == tmp) { CloseXMLDatabase(); ExitGUIThreads(); ShutdownAudio(); StopGX(); WII_Initialize(); WII_ReturnToSettings(); } else { //set the title's name, number, ID to text sprintf(text, "%s", titleText(0x00010002, sys_titles[ret-num_titles])); char temp[112]; //prompt to boot selected title snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), tr("%s : %s May not boot correctly if your System Menu is not up to date."),text,name[ret]); int choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Boot?"), temp, tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")); if (choice) {//if they say yes //stop all this stuff before starting the channel CloseXMLDatabase(); ExitGUIThreads(); ShutdownAudio(); StopGX(); WII_Initialize(); WII_LaunchTitle(TITLE_ID(0x00010002,sys_titles[ret-num_titles])); //this really shouldn't be needed because the title will be booted exit = true; break; } else { //if they said no to booting the title ret = -1; optionBrowser3.ResetState(); } } } } if(infilesize > 0) { char filesizetxt[50]; char temp[50]; char filepath[100]; // u32 read = 0; //make sure there is a folder for this to be saved in struct stat st; snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/wad/", bootDevice); if (stat(filepath, &st) != 0) { if (subfoldercreate(filepath) != 1) { WindowPrompt(tr("Error !"),tr("Can't create directory"),tr("OK")); } } snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/wad/tmp.tmp", bootDevice); if (infilesize < MB_SIZE) snprintf(filesizetxt, sizeof(filesizetxt), tr("Incoming file %0.2fKB"), infilesize/KB_SIZE); else snprintf(filesizetxt, sizeof(filesizetxt), tr("Incoming file %0.2fMB"), infilesize/MB_SIZE); snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), tr("Load file from: %s ?"), GetIncommingIP()); int choice = WindowPrompt(filesizetxt, temp, tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")); gprintf("\nchoice:%d",choice); if (choice == 1) { u32 read = 0; u8 *temp = NULL; int len = NETWORKBLOCKSIZE; temp = (u8 *) malloc(infilesize); bool error = false; u8 *ptr = temp; gprintf("\nrecieving shit"); while (read < infilesize) { ShowProgress(tr("Receiving file from:"), GetIncommingIP(), NULL, read, infilesize, true); if (infilesize - read < (u32) len) len = infilesize-read; else len = NETWORKBLOCKSIZE; int result = network_read(ptr, len); if (result < 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("Error while transfering data."), 0, tr("OK")); error = true; break; } if (!result) { gprintf("\n!RESULT"); break; } ptr += result; read += result; } ProgressStop(); char filename[101]; char tmptxt[200]; //bool installWad=0; if (!error) { gprintf("\nno error yet"); network_read((u8*) &filename, 100); gprintf("\nfilename: %s",filename); // Do we need to unzip this thing? if (wiiloadVersion[0] > 0 || wiiloadVersion[1] > 4) { gprintf("\nusing newer wiiload version"); if (uncfilesize != 0) { // if uncfilesize == 0, it's not compressed gprintf("\ntrying to uncompress"); // It's compressed, uncompress u8 *unc = (u8 *) malloc(uncfilesize); uLongf f = uncfilesize; error = uncompress(unc, &f, temp, infilesize) != Z_OK; uncfilesize = f; free(temp); temp = unc; } } if (!error) { sprintf(tmptxt,"%s",filename); //if we got a wad if (strcasestr(tmptxt,".wad")) { FILE *file = fopen(filepath, "wb"); fwrite(temp, 1, (uncfilesize>0?uncfilesize:infilesize), file); fclose(file); sprintf(tmptxt,"%s/wad/%s",bootDevice,filename); if (checkfile(tmptxt))remove(tmptxt); rename(filepath, tmptxt); //check and make sure the wad we just saved is the correct size u32 lSize; file = fopen(tmptxt, "rb"); // obtain file size: fseek (file , 0 , SEEK_END); lSize = ftell (file); rewind (file); if (lSize==(uncfilesize>0?uncfilesize:infilesize)) { gprintf("\nsize is ok"); int pick = WindowPrompt(tr(" Wad Saved as:"), tmptxt, tr("Install"),tr("Uninstall"),tr("Cancel")); //install or uninstall it if (pick==1) { HaltGui(); w.Remove(&titleTxt); w.Remove(&cancelBtn); w.Remove(&wifiBtn); w.Remove(&optionBrowser3); ResumeGui(); Wad_Install(file); HaltGui(); w.Append(&titleTxt); w.Append(&cancelBtn); w.Append(&wifiBtn); w.Append(&optionBrowser3); ResumeGui(); } if (pick==2)Wad_Uninstall(file); } else gprintf("\nBad size"); //close that beast, we're done with it fclose (file); //do we want to keep the file in the wad folder if (WindowPrompt(tr("Delete ?"), tmptxt, tr("Delete"),tr("Keep"))!=0) remove(tmptxt); } else { WindowPrompt(tr("ERROR:"), tr("Not a WAD file."), tr("OK")); } } } if (error || read != infilesize) { WindowPrompt(tr("Error:"), tr("No data could be read."), tr("OK")); } if(temp)free(temp); } CloseConnection(); ResumeNetworkWait(); } if (cancelBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { //break the loop and end the function exit = true; ret = -10; } else if (screenShotBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { gprintf("\n\tscreenShotBtn clicked"); screenShotBtn.ResetState(); ScreenShot(); gprintf("...It's easy, mmmmmmKay"); } } CloseConnection(); if (IsNetworkInit()) HaltNetworkThread(); fclose(f); HaltGui(); mainWindow->Remove(&w); ResumeGui(); return ret; }