Exemple #1
void OSystem_Android::disableCursorPalette(bool disable) {
	ENTER("%d", disable);

	// when disabling the cursor palette, and we're running a clut8 game,
	// it expects the game palette to be used for the cursor
	if (disable && _game_texture->hasPalette()) {
		const byte *src = _game_texture->palette_const();
		byte *dst = _mouse_texture_palette->palette();

		const Graphics::PixelFormat &pf_src =
		const Graphics::PixelFormat &pf_dst =

		uint8 r, g, b;

		for (uint i = 0; i < 256; ++i, src += 2, dst += 2) {
			pf_src.colorToRGB(READ_UINT16(src), r, g, b);
			WRITE_UINT16(dst, pf_dst.RGBToColor(r, g, b));

		byte *p = _mouse_texture_palette->palette() + _mouse_keycolor * 2;
		WRITE_UINT16(p, READ_UINT16(p) & ~1);

	_use_mouse_palette = !disable;
Exemple #2
void RlfAnimation::decodeSimpleRunLengthEncoding(int8 *source, int8 *dest, uint32 sourceSize, uint32 destSize) const {
	uint32 sourceOffset = 0;
	uint32 destOffset = 0;
	int16 numberOfCopy = 0;

	while (sourceOffset < sourceSize) {
		int8 numberOfSamples = source[sourceOffset];

		// If numberOfSamples is negative, the next abs(numberOfSamples) samples should
		// be copied directly from source to dest
		if (numberOfSamples < 0) {
			numberOfCopy = -numberOfSamples;

			while (numberOfCopy > 0) {
				if (sourceOffset + 1 >= sourceSize) {
				} else if (destOffset + 1 >= destSize) {
					debug(2, "Frame decoding overflow\n\tsourceOffset=%u\tsourceSize=%u\n\tdestOffset=%u\tdestSize=%u", sourceOffset, sourceSize, destOffset, destSize);

				byte r, g, b;
				Graphics::colorToRGB<Graphics::ColorMasks<555> >(READ_LE_UINT16(source + sourceOffset), r, g, b);
				uint16 destColor = Graphics::RGBToColor<Graphics::ColorMasks<565> >(r, g, b);
				WRITE_UINT16(dest + destOffset, destColor);

				sourceOffset += 2;
				destOffset += 2;

			// If numberOfSamples is >= 0, copy one sample from source to the
			// next (numberOfSamples + 2) dest spots
		} else {
			if (sourceOffset + 1 >= sourceSize) {

			byte r, g, b;
			Graphics::colorToRGB<Graphics::ColorMasks<555> >(READ_LE_UINT16(source + sourceOffset), r, g, b);
			uint16 sampleColor = Graphics::RGBToColor<Graphics::ColorMasks<565> >(r, g, b);
			sourceOffset += 2;

			numberOfCopy = numberOfSamples + 2;
			while (numberOfCopy > 0) {
				if (destOffset + 1 >= destSize) {
					debug(2, "Frame decoding overflow\n\tsourceOffset=%u\tsourceSize=%u\n\tdestOffset=%u\tdestSize=%u", sourceOffset, sourceSize, destOffset, destSize);

				WRITE_UINT16(dest + destOffset, sampleColor);
				destOffset += 2;
void Transport::nfcGetRecordData(size_t recordNumber, size_t item, size_t offset, uint8_t* data, size_t length)
  uint8_t out[7];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], recordNumber);
  out[2] = item;
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[3], offset);
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[5], length);
  command(Transport::NFC_GET_RECORD_DATA, out, sizeof(out), data, length);
void Transport::nfcSetRecordInfo(size_t recordNumber, uint16_t type, uint16_t* info, size_t infoCount)
  uint8_t out[2+2+2*infoCount];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], recordNumber);
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[2], type);
  for(int i = 0; i < infoCount; i++)
    WRITE_UINT16(&out[2+2+2*i], info[i]);
  command(Transport::NFC_SET_RECORD_INFO, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);
Exemple #5
void OSystem_Android::setCursorPaletteInternal(const byte *colors,
												uint start, uint num) {
	const Graphics::PixelFormat &pf =
	byte *p = _mouse_texture_palette->palette() + start * 2;

	for (uint i = 0; i < num; ++i, colors += 3, p += 2)
		WRITE_UINT16(p, pf.RGBToColor(colors[0], colors[1], colors[2]));

	p = _mouse_texture_palette->palette() + _mouse_keycolor * 2;
	WRITE_UINT16(p, READ_UINT16(p) & ~1);
Exemple #6
void Surface::scaleTransparentCopyGlow(const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &dstRect) const {
	// This is the same as scaleTransparentCopy(), but turns the red value of each
	// pixel all the way up.

	Graphics::Surface *screen = ((PegasusEngine *)g_engine)->_gfx->getCurSurface();

	int srcW = srcRect.width();
	int srcH = srcRect.height();
	int dstW = dstRect.width();
	int dstH = dstRect.height();

	for (int y = 0; y < dstH; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < dstW; x++) {
			if (g_system->getScreenFormat().bytesPerPixel == 2) {
				uint16 color = READ_UINT16((byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(
						x * srcW / dstW + srcRect.left,
						y * srcH / dstH + srcRect.top));
				if (!isTransparent(color))
					WRITE_UINT16((byte *)screen->getBasePtr(x + dstRect.left, y + dstRect.top), getGlowColor(color));
			} else if (g_system->getScreenFormat().bytesPerPixel == 4) {
				uint32 color = READ_UINT32((byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(
						x * srcW / dstW + srcRect.left,
						y * srcH / dstH + srcRect.top));
				if (!isTransparent(color))
					WRITE_UINT32((byte *)screen->getBasePtr(x + dstRect.left, y + dstRect.top), getGlowColor(color));
Exemple #7
void Surface::scaleTransparentCopy(const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &dstRect) const {
	// I'm doing simple linear scaling here
	// dstRect(x, y) = srcRect(x * srcW / dstW, y * srcH / dstH);

	Graphics::Surface *screen = ((PegasusEngine *)g_engine)->_gfx->getCurSurface();

	int srcW = srcRect.width();
	int srcH = srcRect.height();
	int dstW = dstRect.width();
	int dstH = dstRect.height();

	for (int y = 0; y < dstH; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < dstW; x++) {
			if (g_system->getScreenFormat().bytesPerPixel == 2) {
				uint16 color = READ_UINT16((byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(
						x * srcW / dstW + srcRect.left,
						y * srcH / dstH + srcRect.top));
				if (!isTransparent(color))
					WRITE_UINT16((byte *)screen->getBasePtr(x + dstRect.left, y + dstRect.top), color);
			} else if (g_system->getScreenFormat().bytesPerPixel == 4) {
				uint32 color = READ_UINT32((byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(
						x * srcW / dstW + srcRect.left,
						y * srcH / dstH + srcRect.top));
				if (!isTransparent(color))
					WRITE_UINT32((byte *)screen->getBasePtr(x + dstRect.left, y + dstRect.top), color);
Exemple #8
void Surface::copyToCurrentPortTransparentGlow(const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &dstRect) const {
	// This is the same as copyToCurrentPortTransparent(), but turns the red value of each
	// pixel all the way up.

	Graphics::Surface *screen = ((PegasusEngine *)g_engine)->_gfx->getCurSurface();
	byte *src = (byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(srcRect.left, srcRect.top);
	byte *dst = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(dstRect.left, dstRect.top);

	int lineSize = srcRect.width() * _surface->format.bytesPerPixel;

	for (int y = 0; y < srcRect.height(); y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < srcRect.width(); x++) {
			if (g_system->getScreenFormat().bytesPerPixel == 2) {
				uint16 color = READ_UINT16(src);
				if (!isTransparent(color))
					WRITE_UINT16(dst, getGlowColor(color));
			} else if (g_system->getScreenFormat().bytesPerPixel == 4) {
				uint32 color = READ_UINT32(src);
				if (!isTransparent(color))
					WRITE_UINT32(dst, getGlowColor(color));

			src += g_system->getScreenFormat().bytesPerPixel;
			dst += g_system->getScreenFormat().bytesPerPixel;

		src += _surface->pitch - lineSize;
		dst += screen->pitch - lineSize;
Exemple #9
/* FIXME: Should we abort or return error if the length and the field
 * size don't match? */
pgp_put_header_length(struct nettle_buffer *buffer,
		      /* start of the header */
		      unsigned start,
		      unsigned field_size)
  unsigned length;
  switch (field_size)
    case 1:
      length = buffer->size - (start + 2);
      assert(length < PGP_LENGTH_TWO_OCTETS);
      buffer->contents[start + 1] = length;
    case 2:
      length = buffer->size - (start + 3);
      assert(length < PGP_LENGTH_FOUR_OCTETS
	     && length >= PGP_LENGTH_TWO_OCTETS);
      WRITE_UINT16(buffer->contents + start + 1, length + LENGTH_TWO_OFFSET);
    case 4:
      length = buffer->size - (start + 5);
      WRITE_UINT32(buffer->contents + start + 2, length);
Exemple #10
void dw_setPixel(SDL_Surface *s, Uint32 color, Uint16 x, Uint16 y) {
	assert(x < s->w && y < s->h);

	Uint32 bpp = s->format->BytesPerPixel;
	Uint8 *p =  (Uint8 *)s->pixels + (y * s->pitch) + (x * bpp);
	Uint32 pix;

	switch (bpp) {
		case 1: // b/w
			*p = color & 0xFF;
		case 2: // 16 bit per pixel
			WRITE_UINT16(p, color & 0xFFFF);
		case 3:
			WRITE_UINT32(&pix, color);
			p[0] = ((Uint8*)(&pix))[0];
			p[1] = ((Uint8*)(&pix))[1];
			p[2] = ((Uint8*)(&pix))[2];
		case 4:
			WRITE_UINT32(p, color);
		default: // !?!?

Exemple #11
pgp_put_uint16(struct nettle_buffer *buffer, unsigned i)
  uint8_t *p = nettle_buffer_space(buffer, 2);
  if (!p)
    return 0;
  WRITE_UINT16(p, i);
  return 1;
Exemple #12
void FlicDecoder::FlicVideoTrack::decodeDeltaFLC(uint8 *data) {
	uint16 linesInChunk = READ_LE_UINT16(data); data += 2;
	uint16 currentLine = 0;
	uint16 packetCount = 0;

	while (linesInChunk--) {
		uint16 opcode;

		// First process all the opcodes.
		do {
			opcode = READ_LE_UINT16(data); data += 2;

			switch ((opcode >> 14) & 3) {
				packetCount = opcode;
				*((byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(getWidth() - 1, currentLine)) = (opcode & 0xFF);
				_dirtyRects.push_back(Common::Rect(getWidth() - 1, currentLine, getWidth(), currentLine + 1));
				currentLine += -(int16)opcode;
		} while (((opcode >> 14) & 3) != OP_PACKETCOUNT);

		uint16 column = 0;

		// Now interpret the RLE data
		while (packetCount--) {
			column += *data++;
			int rleCount = (int8)*data++;
			if (rleCount > 0) {
				memcpy((byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(column, currentLine), data, rleCount * 2);
				data += rleCount * 2;
				_dirtyRects.push_back(Common::Rect(column, currentLine, column + rleCount * 2, currentLine + 1));
			} else if (rleCount < 0) {
				rleCount = -rleCount;
				uint16 dataWord = READ_UINT16(data); data += 2;
				for (int i = 0; i < rleCount; ++i) {
					WRITE_UINT16((byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(column + i * 2, currentLine), dataWord);
				_dirtyRects.push_back(Common::Rect(column, currentLine, column + rleCount * 2, currentLine + 1));
			} else { // End of cutscene ?
			column += rleCount * 2;

void Transport::nfcGetRecordInfo(size_t recordNumber, uint16_t* pType, uint16_t* info, size_t infoCount)
  uint8_t out[2];
  uint8_t in[2+2*infoCount];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], recordNumber);
  command(Transport::NFC_GET_RECORD_INFO, out, sizeof(out), in, sizeof(in));
  READ_UINT16(&in[0], *pType);
  for(int i = 0; i < infoCount; i++)
    READ_UINT16(&in[2+2*i], info[i]);
void Transport::nfcEncodePrefix(uint8_t* pPrefix, char* data, size_t dataLength)
  uint8_t out[2 + dataLength];
  uint8_t in[1];

  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], dataLength);
  memcpy(data, &out[2], dataLength);

  command(Transport::NFC_ENCODE_PREFIX, out, sizeof(out), in, sizeof(in));

  *pPrefix = in[0];
Exemple #15
void TinyGLBlit(byte *dst, byte *src, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool trans) {
	int srcPitch = width * 2;
	int dstPitch = 640 * 2;
	int srcX, srcY;
	int l, r;

	if (x > 639 || y > 479)

	if (x < 0) {
		srcX = -x;
		x = 0;
	} else {
		srcX = 0;
	if (y < 0) {
		srcY = -y;
		y = 0;
	} else {
		srcY = 0;

	if (x + width > 640)
		width -= (x + width) - 640;

	if (y + height > 480)
		height -= (y + height) - 480;

	dst += (x + (y * 640)) * 2;
	src += (srcX + (srcY * width)) * 2;

	int copyWidth = width * 2;

	if (!trans) {
		for (l = 0; l < height; l++) {
			memcpy(dst, src, copyWidth);
			dst += dstPitch;
			src += srcPitch;
	} else {
		for (l = 0; l < height; l++) {
			for (r = 0; r < copyWidth; r += 2) {
				uint16 pixel = READ_UINT16(src + r);
				if (pixel != 0xf81f)
					WRITE_UINT16(dst + r, pixel);
			dst += dstPitch;
			src += srcPitch;
Exemple #16
void RlfAnimation::decodeMaskedRunLengthEncoding(int8 *source, int8 *dest, uint32 sourceSize, uint32 destSize) const {
	uint32 sourceOffset = 0;
	uint32 destOffset = 0;
	int16 numberOfCopy = 0;

	while (sourceOffset < sourceSize) {
		int8 numberOfSamples = source[sourceOffset];

		// If numberOfSamples is negative, the next abs(numberOfSamples) samples should
		// be copied directly from source to dest
		if (numberOfSamples < 0) {
			numberOfCopy = -numberOfSamples;

			while (numberOfCopy > 0) {
				if (sourceOffset + 1 >= sourceSize) {
				} else if (destOffset + 1 >= destSize) {
					debug(2, "Frame decoding overflow\n\tsourceOffset=%u\tsourceSize=%u\n\tdestOffset=%u\tdestSize=%u", sourceOffset, sourceSize, destOffset, destSize);

				byte r, g, b;
				Graphics::colorToRGB<Graphics::ColorMasks<555> >(READ_LE_UINT16(source + sourceOffset), r, g, b);
				uint16 destColor = Graphics::RGBToColor<Graphics::ColorMasks<565> >(r, g, b);
				WRITE_UINT16(dest + destOffset, destColor);

				sourceOffset += 2;
				destOffset += 2;

			// If numberOfSamples is >= 0, move destOffset forward ((numberOfSamples * 2) + 2)
			// This function assumes the dest buffer has been memset with 0's.
		} else {
			if (sourceOffset + 1 >= sourceSize) {
			} else if (destOffset + 1 >= destSize) {
				debug(2, "Frame decoding overflow\n\tsourceOffset=%u\tsourceSize=%u\n\tdestOffset=%u\tdestSize=%u", sourceOffset, sourceSize, destOffset, destSize);

			destOffset += (numberOfSamples * 2) + 2;
Exemple #17
void OSystem_Android::setPalette(const byte *colors, uint start, uint num) {
	ENTER("%p, %u, %u", colors, start, num);



	if (!_use_mouse_palette)
		setCursorPaletteInternal(colors, start, num);

	const Graphics::PixelFormat &pf = _game_texture->getPalettePixelFormat();
	byte *p = _game_texture->palette() + start * 2;

	for (uint i = 0; i < num; ++i, colors += 3, p += 2)
		WRITE_UINT16(p, pf.RGBToColor(colors[0], colors[1], colors[2]));
Exemple #18
bool SaveConverter::swapDataEndian(byte *data, const byte *sizes, uint32 count) {
    if (!data || !sizes || (count == 0))
        return false;

    while (count-- > 0) {
        if      (*sizes == 3) // 32bit value (3 additional bytes)
            WRITE_UINT32(data, SWAP_BYTES_32(READ_UINT32(data)));
        else if (*sizes == 1) // 16bit value (1 additional byte)
            WRITE_UINT16(data, SWAP_BYTES_16(READ_UINT16(data)));
        else if (*sizes != 0) // else, it has to be an 8bit value
            return false;

        count -= *sizes;
        data  += *sizes + 1;
        sizes += *sizes + 1;

    return true;
Exemple #19
static void uncompressPlane(const byte *plane, byte *outptr, int length) {
	while (length != 0) {
		int wordlen;
		signed char x = *plane++;
		if (x >= 0) {
			wordlen = MIN<int>(x + 1, length);
			uint16 w = READ_UINT16(plane); plane += 2;
			for (int i = 0; i < wordlen; ++i) {
				WRITE_UINT16(outptr, w); outptr += 2;
		} else {
			wordlen = MIN<int>(-x, length);
			memcpy(outptr, plane, wordlen * 2);
			outptr += wordlen * 2;
			plane += wordlen * 2;
		length -= wordlen;
void MoviePlayer::copyFrameToBuffer(byte *dst, int dstType, uint x, uint y, uint pitch) {
	uint h = getHeight();
	uint w = getWidth();

	const Graphics::Surface *surface = decodeNextFrame();
	byte *src = (byte *)surface->pixels;

	if (hasDirtyPalette())
		_vm->setPaletteFromPtr(getPalette(), 256);

	if (_vm->_game.features & GF_16BIT_COLOR) {
		dst += y * pitch + x * 2;
		do {
			for (uint i = 0; i < w; i++) {
				uint16 color = READ_LE_UINT16(_vm->_hePalettes + _vm->_hePaletteSlot + 768 + src[i] * 2);
				switch (dstType) {
				case kDstScreen:
					WRITE_UINT16(dst + i * 2, color);
				case kDstResource:
					WRITE_LE_UINT16(dst + i * 2, color);
					error("copyFrameToBuffer: Unknown dstType %d", dstType);
			dst += pitch;
			src += w;
		} while (--h);
	} else {
		dst += y * pitch + x;
		do {
			memcpy(dst, src, w);
			dst += pitch;
			src += w;
		} while (--h);
Exemple #21
void ScreenFader::setFaderValue(const int32 value) {
	if (value != getFaderValue()) {

		if (_screen->getPixels()) {
			// The original game does a gamma fade here using the Mac API. In order to do
			// that, it would require an immense amount of CPU processing. This does a
			// linear fade instead, which looks fairly well, IMO.
			Graphics::Surface *screen = g_system->lockScreen();

			for (uint y = 0; y < _screen->h; y++) {
				for (uint x = 0; x < _screen->w; x++) {
					if (_screen->format.bytesPerPixel == 2)
						WRITE_UINT16(screen->getBasePtr(x, y), fadePixel(READ_UINT16(_screen->getBasePtr(x, y)), value));
						WRITE_UINT32(screen->getBasePtr(x, y), fadePixel(READ_UINT32(_screen->getBasePtr(x, y)), value));

Exemple #22
/* FIXME: This function is a little ugly. It would get cleaner if we
 * just replaced the channel's receive function pointer with NULL on
 * failure and do_channel_forward_receive on success. */
static void
do_client_channel_x11_receive(struct ssh_channel *s,
                              int type, struct lsh_string *data)
  CAST(client_x11_channel, self, s);

  if (type != CHANNEL_DATA)
      werror("Ignoring unexpected stderr data.\n");
  else switch (self->state)
    case CLIENT_X11_OK:
      A_WRITE(&self->super.socket->write_buffer->super, data);
      self->state = CLIENT_X11_DENIED;
    case CLIENT_X11_DENIED:
      /* Any data on the channel should be stopped before we get
       * here; the CHANNEL_SENT_CLOSE should be set. */
      fatal("Internal error!\n");

        /* Copy data to buffer */
        UINT32 left = self->buffer->length - self->i;
        /* The small initial window size should ensure that we don't get
         * more data. */
        assert(data->length <= left);
        memcpy(self->buffer->data + self->i, data->data,
        self->i += data->length;
        switch (self->state)
          case CLIENT_X11_START:
            /* We need byte-order, major, minor and name_length,
             * which is 6 octets */
            if (self->i < X11_SETUP_HEADER_LENGTH)

            self->state = CLIENT_X11_GOT_LENGTHS;

            switch (self->buffer->data[0])
              case 'B': /* Big endian */
              case 'b': /* Big endian */
                self->little_endian = 0;
                self->name_length = READ_UINT16(self->buffer->data + 6);
                self->auth_length = READ_UINT16(self->buffer->data + 8);
              case 'L': /* Little endian */
              case 'l': /* Little endian */
                self->little_endian = 1;
                self->name_length = LE_READ_UINT16(self->buffer->data + 6);
                self->auth_length = LE_READ_UINT16(self->buffer->data + 8);
                werror("client_x11.c: Bad endian indicator.\n");
                goto fail;
            if ( (self->name_length > 20)
                 || (self->auth_length > 16) )
                werror("client_x11.c: Too long auth name or cookie\n");
                goto fail;
            /* Fall through */
          case CLIENT_X11_GOT_LENGTHS:
              const unsigned pad_length[4] = { 0, 3, 2, 1 };

#define PAD(l) (pad_length[ (l) % 4])
              UINT32 auth_offset = X11_SETUP_HEADER_LENGTH
                + self->name_length + PAD(self->name_length);

              UINT32 length = auth_offset + self->auth_length
                + pad_length[self->auth_length % 4]; 
              if (self->i < length)

              debug("Received cookie of type `%ps': %xs\n",
                    self->name_length, self->buffer->data + X11_SETUP_HEADER_LENGTH,
                    self->auth_length, self->buffer->data + auth_offset);

              /* Ok, now we have the connection setup message. Check if it's ok. */
              if ( (self->name_length == MIT_COOKIE_NAME_LENGTH)
                   && !memcmp(self->buffer->data + X11_SETUP_HEADER_LENGTH,
                              MIT_COOKIE_NAME, MIT_COOKIE_NAME_LENGTH)
                   && lsh_string_eq_l(self->display->fake,
                                      self->buffer->data + auth_offset))
                  struct lsh_string *msg;
                  UINT8 lengths[4];
                  static const UINT8 pad[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
                  /* Cookies match! */
                  verbose("client_x11: Allowing X11 connection; cookies match.\n");
                  if (self->little_endian)
                      LE_WRITE_UINT16(lengths, self->display->auth_name->length);
                      LE_WRITE_UINT16(lengths + 2, self->display->auth_data->length);
                      WRITE_UINT16(lengths, self->display->auth_name->length);
                      WRITE_UINT16(lengths + 2, self->display->auth_data->length);

                  /* FIXME: Perhaps it would be easier to build the message by hand than
                   * using ssh_format? */
                  /* Construct the real setup message. */
                  msg = ssh_format("%ls%ls%c%c%ls%ls%ls%ls",
                                   X11_SETUP_VERSION_LENGTH, self->buffer->data,
                                   4, lengths,
                                   0, 0,
                                   PAD(self->display->auth_name->length), pad,
                                   self->i - length,
                                   self->buffer + self->i);

                  self->buffer = NULL;

                  /* Bump window size */
                  channel_start_receive(&self->super.super, X11_WINDOW_SIZE - msg->length);

                  debug("client_x11.c: Sending real X11 setup message: %xS\n",
                  /* Send real x11 connection setup message. */
                  A_WRITE(&self->super.socket->write_buffer->super, msg);

                  self->state = CLIENT_X11_OK;
                  werror("client_x11: X11 connection denied; bad cookie.\n");
                  goto fail;
#undef PAD
            fatal("Internal error. do_client_channel_x11_receive");
Exemple #23
void ClassicCostumeRenderer::procPCEngine(Codec1 &v1) {
	const byte *mask, *src;
	byte *dst;
	byte maskbit;
	int xPos, yPos;
	uint pcolor, width, height;
	bool masked;
	int vertShift;
	int xStep;
	byte block[16][16];

	src = _srcptr;
	width = _width / 16;
	height = _height / 16;

	if (_numBlocks == 0)

	xStep = _mirror ? +1 : -1;

	for (uint x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
		yPos = 0;
		for (uint y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
			vertShift = *src++;
			if (vertShift == 0xFF) {
				yPos += 16;
			} else {
				yPos += vertShift;

			memset(block, 0, sizeof(block));

			int index = 0;
			while (index < 128) {
				byte cmd = *src++;
				int cnt = (cmd & 0x3F) + 1;
				if (!(cmd & 0xC0)) {
					for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
						PCESetCostumeData(block, index++, 0);
				} else if (cmd & 0x80) {
					int value = *src++;
					for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
						PCESetCostumeData(block, index++, value);
				} else {
					for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
						PCESetCostumeData(block, index++, *src++);
			if (index != 128) {
				warning("ClassicCostumeRenderer::procPCEngine: index %d != 128\n", index);

			for (int row = 0; row < 16; ++row) {
				xPos = xStep * x * 16;
				for (int col = 0; col < 16; ++col) {
					dst = v1.destptr + yPos * _out.pitch + xPos * _vm->_bytesPerPixel;
					mask = v1.mask_ptr + yPos * _numStrips + (v1.x + xPos) / 8;
					maskbit = revBitMask((v1.x + xPos) % 8);

					pcolor = block[row][col];
					masked = (v1.y + yPos < 0 || v1.y + yPos >= _out.h) ||
					         (v1.x + xPos < 0 || v1.x + xPos >= _out.w) ||
							 (v1.mask_ptr && (mask[0] & maskbit));

					if (pcolor && !masked) {
						WRITE_UINT16(dst, ((uint16 *)_palette)[pcolor]);

					xPos += xStep;
Exemple #24
/* read bdf font bitmaps, return 0 on error*/
int bdf_read_bitmaps(Common::SeekableReadStream &fp, NewFontData* pf) {
	long ofs = 0;
	int maxwidth = 0;
	int i, k, encoding = 0, width = 0;
	int bbw = 0, bbh = 0, bbx = 0, bby = 0;
	int proportional = 0;
	int need_bbx = 0;
	int encodetable = 0;
	long l;
	char buf[256];

	/* initially mark offsets as not used*/
	for (i = 0; i < pf->size; ++i)
		pf->offset[i] = (unsigned long)-1;

	for (;;) {
		if (!bdf_getline(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
			warning("Error: EOF on file");
			return 0;
		if (isprefix(buf, "STARTCHAR")) {
			encoding = width = bbw = bbh = bbx = bby = -1;
		if (isprefix(buf, "ENCODING ")) {
			if (sscanf(buf, "ENCODING %d", &encoding) != 1) {
				warning("Error: bad 'ENCODING'");
				return 0;
			if (encoding < start_char || encoding > limit_char)
				encoding = -1;
		if (isprefix(buf, "DWIDTH ")) {
			if (sscanf(buf, "DWIDTH %d", &width) != 1) {
				warning("Error: bad 'DWIDTH'");
				return 0;
			/* use font boundingbox width if DWIDTH <= 0*/
			if (width <= 0)
				width = pf->fbbw - pf->fbbx;
		if (isprefix(buf, "BBX ")) {
			if (sscanf(buf, "BBX %d %d %d %d", &bbw, &bbh, &bbx, &bby) != 4) {
				warning("Error: bad 'BBX'");
				return 0;
		if (strequal(buf, "BITMAP")) {
			bitmap_t *ch_bitmap = pf->bits + ofs;
			int ch_words;

			if (encoding < 0)

			/* set bits offset in encode map*/
			if (pf->offset[encoding-pf->firstchar] != (unsigned long)-1) {
				warning("Error: duplicate encoding for character %d (0x%02x), ignoring duplicate",
						encoding, encoding);
			pf->offset[encoding-pf->firstchar] = ofs;
			pf->width[encoding-pf->firstchar] = width;

			pf->bbx[encoding-pf->firstchar].w = bbw;
			pf->bbx[encoding-pf->firstchar].h = bbh;
			pf->bbx[encoding-pf->firstchar].x = bbx;
			pf->bbx[encoding-pf->firstchar].y = bby;

			if (width > maxwidth)
				maxwidth = width;

			/* clear bitmap*/
			memset(ch_bitmap, 0, BITMAP_BYTES(bbw) * bbh);

			ch_words = BITMAP_WORDS(bbw);

			/* read bitmaps*/
			for (i = 0; i < bbh; ++i) {
				if (!bdf_getline(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
					warning("Error: EOF reading BITMAP data");
					return 0;
				if (isprefix(buf, "ENDCHAR"))

				for (k = 0; k < ch_words; ++k) {
					bitmap_t value;

					value = bdf_hexval((unsigned char *)buf);
					if (bbw > 8) {
						WRITE_UINT16(ch_bitmap, value);
					} else {
						WRITE_UINT16(ch_bitmap, value << 8);

			ofs += ch_words * bbh;
		if (strequal(buf, "ENDFONT"))

	/* set max width*/
	pf->maxwidth = maxwidth;

	/* change unused offset/width values to default char values*/
	for (i = 0; i < pf->size; ++i) {
		int defchar = pf->defaultchar - pf->firstchar;

		if (pf->offset[i] == (unsigned long)-1) {
			pf->offset[i] = pf->offset[defchar];
			pf->width[i] = pf->width[defchar];
			pf->bbx[i].w = pf->bbx[defchar].w;
			pf->bbx[i].h = pf->bbx[defchar].h;
			pf->bbx[i].x = pf->bbx[defchar].x;
			pf->bbx[i].y = pf->bbx[defchar].y;

	/* determine whether font doesn't require encode table*/
	l = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < pf->size; ++i) {
		if (pf->offset[i] != (unsigned long)l) {
			encodetable = 1;
		l += BITMAP_WORDS(pf->bbx[i].w) * pf->bbx[i].h;
	if (!encodetable) {
		pf->offset = NULL;

	/* determine whether font is fixed-width*/
	for (i = 0; i < pf->size; ++i) {
		if (pf->width[i] != maxwidth) {
			proportional = 1;
	if (!proportional) {
		pf->width = NULL;

	/* determine if the font needs a bbx table */
	for (i = 0; i < pf->size; ++i) {
		if (pf->bbx[i].w != pf->fbbw || pf->bbx[i].h != pf->fbbh || pf->bbx[i].x != pf->fbbx || pf->bbx[i].y != pf->fbby) {
			need_bbx = 1;
	if (!need_bbx) {
		pf->bbx = NULL;

	/* reallocate bits array to actual bits used*/
	if (ofs < pf->bits_size) {
		bitmap_t *tmp = (bitmap_t *)realloc(pf->bits, ofs * sizeof(bitmap_t));
		if (tmp != NULL || ofs == 0)
			pf->bits = tmp;
			error("bdf_read_bitmaps: Error while reallocating memory");
		pf->bits_size = ofs;
	else {
		if (ofs > pf->bits_size) {
			warning("Warning: DWIDTH spec > max FONTBOUNDINGBOX");
			if (ofs > pf->bits_size+EXTRA) {
				warning("Error: Not enough bits initially allocated");
				return 0;
			pf->bits_size = ofs;

	return 1;
void Transport::nfcSetMessageInfo(size_t recordCount)
  uint8_t out[2];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], recordCount);
  command(Transport::NFC_SET_MESSAGE_INFO, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);
Exemple #26
void OSystem_Android::setMouseCursor(const void *buf, uint w, uint h,
										int hotspotX, int hotspotY,
										uint32 keycolor, bool dontScale,
										const Graphics::PixelFormat *format) {
	ENTER("%p, %u, %u, %d, %d, %u, %d, %p", buf, w, h, hotspotX, hotspotY,
			keycolor, dontScale, format);


	if (format && format->bytesPerPixel > 1) {
		if (_mouse_texture != _mouse_texture_rgb) {
			LOGD("switching to rgb mouse cursor");

			_mouse_texture_rgb = new GLES5551Texture();
			_mouse_texture_rgb->setLinearFilter(_graphicsMode == 1);

		_mouse_texture = _mouse_texture_rgb;
	} else {
		if (_mouse_texture != _mouse_texture_palette)
			LOGD("switching to paletted mouse cursor");

		_mouse_texture = _mouse_texture_palette;

		delete _mouse_texture_rgb;
		_mouse_texture_rgb = 0;

	_mouse_texture->allocBuffer(w, h);

	if (_mouse_texture == _mouse_texture_palette) {
		assert(keycolor < 256);

		byte *p = _mouse_texture_palette->palette() + _mouse_keycolor * 2;
		WRITE_UINT16(p, READ_UINT16(p) | 1);

		_mouse_keycolor = keycolor;

		p = _mouse_texture_palette->palette() + _mouse_keycolor * 2;
		WRITE_UINT16(p, READ_UINT16(p) & ~1);

	if (w == 0 || h == 0)

	if (_mouse_texture == _mouse_texture_palette) {
		_mouse_texture->updateBuffer(0, 0, w, h, buf, w);
	} else {
		uint16 pitch = _mouse_texture->pitch();

		byte *tmp = new byte[pitch * h];

		// meh, a 16bit cursor without alpha bits... this is so silly
		if (!crossBlit(tmp, (const byte *)buf, pitch, w * 2, w, h,
						*format)) {
			LOGE("crossblit failed");

			delete[] tmp;

			_mouse_texture->allocBuffer(0, 0);


		const uint16 *s = (const uint16 *)buf;
		uint16 *d = (uint16 *)tmp;
		for (uint16 y = 0; y < h; ++y, d += pitch / 2 - w)
			for (uint16 x = 0; x < w; ++x, d++)
				if (*s++ == (keycolor & 0xffff))
					*d = 0;

		_mouse_texture->updateBuffer(0, 0, w, h, tmp, pitch);

		delete[] tmp;

	_mouse_hotspot = Common::Point(hotspotX, hotspotY);
	// TODO: Adapt to the new "do not scale" cursor logic.
	_mouse_targetscale = 1;
static void scaleThumbnail(Graphics::Surface &in, Graphics::Surface &out) {
	while (in.w / out.w >= 4 || in.h / out.h >= 4) {
		createThumbnail_4<565>((const uint8 *)in.getPixels(), in.pitch, (uint8 *)in.getPixels(), in.pitch, in.w, in.h);
		in.w /= 4;
		in.h /= 4;

	while (in.w / out.w >= 2 || in.h / out.h >= 2) {
		createThumbnail_2<565>((const uint8 *)in.getPixels(), in.pitch, (uint8 *)in.getPixels(), in.pitch, in.w, in.h);
		in.w /= 2;
		in.h /= 2;

	if ((in.w == out.w && in.h < out.h) || (in.w < out.w && in.h == out.h)) {
		// In this case we simply center the input surface in the output
		uint8 *dst = (uint8 *)out.getBasePtr((out.w - in.w) / 2, (out.h - in.h) / 2);
		const uint8 *src = (const uint8 *)in.getPixels();

		for (int y = 0; y < in.h; ++y) {
			memcpy(dst, src, in.w * in.format.bytesPerPixel);
			src += in.pitch;
			dst += out.pitch;
	} else {
		// Assure the aspect of the scaled image still matches the original.
		int targetWidth = out.w, targetHeight = out.h;

		const float inputAspect = (float)in.w / in.h;
		const float outputAspect = (float)out.w / out.h;

		if (inputAspect > outputAspect) {
			targetHeight = int(targetWidth / inputAspect);
		} else if (inputAspect < outputAspect) {
			targetWidth = int(targetHeight * inputAspect);

		// Make sure we are still in the bounds of the output
		assert(targetWidth <= out.w);
		assert(targetHeight <= out.h);

		// Center the image on the output surface
		byte *dst = (byte *)out.getBasePtr((out.w - targetWidth) / 2, (out.h - targetHeight) / 2);
		const uint dstLineIncrease = out.pitch - targetWidth * out.format.bytesPerPixel;

		const float scaleFactorX = (float)targetWidth / in.w;
		const float scaleFactorY = (float)targetHeight / in.h;

		for (int y = 0; y < targetHeight; ++y) {
			const float yFrac = (y / scaleFactorY);
			const int y1 = (int)yFrac;
			const int y2 = (y1 + 1 < in.h) ? (y1 + 1) : (in.h - 1);

			for (int x = 0; x < targetWidth; ++x) {
				const float xFrac = (x / scaleFactorX);
				const int x1 = (int)xFrac;
				const int x2 = (x1 + 1 < in.w) ? (x1 + 1) : (in.w - 1);

				// Look up colors at the points
				uint8 p1R, p1G, p1B;
				Graphics::colorToRGB<Graphics::ColorMasks<565> >(READ_UINT16(in.getBasePtr(x1, y1)), p1R, p1G, p1B);
				uint8 p2R, p2G, p2B;
				Graphics::colorToRGB<Graphics::ColorMasks<565> >(READ_UINT16(in.getBasePtr(x2, y1)), p2R, p2G, p2B);
				uint8 p3R, p3G, p3B;
				Graphics::colorToRGB<Graphics::ColorMasks<565> >(READ_UINT16(in.getBasePtr(x1, y2)), p3R, p3G, p3B);
				uint8 p4R, p4G, p4B;
				Graphics::colorToRGB<Graphics::ColorMasks<565> >(READ_UINT16(in.getBasePtr(x2, y2)), p4R, p4G, p4B);

				const float xDiff = xFrac - x1;
				const float yDiff = yFrac - y1;

				uint8 pR = (uint8)((1 - yDiff) * ((1 - xDiff) * p1R + xDiff * p2R) + yDiff * ((1 - xDiff) * p3R + xDiff * p4R));
				uint8 pG = (uint8)((1 - yDiff) * ((1 - xDiff) * p1G + xDiff * p2G) + yDiff * ((1 - xDiff) * p3G + xDiff * p4G));
				uint8 pB = (uint8)((1 - yDiff) * ((1 - xDiff) * p1B + xDiff * p2B) + yDiff * ((1 - xDiff) * p3B + xDiff * p4B));

				WRITE_UINT16(dst, Graphics::RGBToColor<Graphics::ColorMasks<565> >(pR, pG, pB));
				dst += 2;

			// Move to the next line
			dst = (byte *)dst + dstLineIncrease;