Exemple #1
static bool ScanOptionsArg( const char * arg )
    bool    contok;
    int     predeftype;

    contok = true;

    switch (*arg) {
    case '\0':
        puts( "Error: no option specifed after option character" );
        contok = false;
    case 'n':
        if (*arg != '=') {
            puts( "Missing = after option n" );
            contok = false;
        } else {
            if (isdigit( *arg )) {
                CmdLineParms.Name = WResIDFromNum( atoi( arg ) );
            } else {
                CmdLineParms.Name = WResIDFromStr( arg );
    case 't':
        if (*arg != '=') {
            puts( "Missing = after option t" );
            contok = false;
        } else {
            if (isdigit( *arg )) {
                CmdLineParms.Type = WResIDFromNum( atoi( arg ) );
            } else {
                predeftype = CheckPredefType( arg );
                if (predeftype == 0) {
                    CmdLineParms.Type = WResIDFromStr( arg );
                } else {
                    CmdLineParms.Type = WResIDFromNum( predeftype );
    default:            /* option that could have others with it */
        contok = ScanMultiOptArg( arg ) && contok;

    return( contok );
Exemple #2
WResID *WGetWResIDFromEdit( HWND edit, bool *mod )
    WResID  *rp;
    uint_16 ordID;
    char    *cp;
    char    *ep;

    rp = NULL;

    cp = WGetStrFromEdit( edit, mod );

    /* find out if the edit field has changed */
    if( mod == NULL || *mod ) {
        if( cp == NULL ) {
            return( NULL );
        ordID = (uint_16)strtoul( cp, &ep, 0 );
        if( *ep == '\0' ) {
            rp = WResIDFromNum( ordID );
        } else {
            rp = WResIDFromStr( cp );

    if( cp != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( cp );

    return( rp );
Exemple #3
void WHandleMemFlags( WStringEditInfo *einfo )
    char        *rtext;
    char        *ntext;
    WResID      *rname;

    ntext = AllocRCString( W_STRINGNAMES );
    if( einfo != NULL && einfo->current_block != NULL && ntext != NULL ) {
        WSetStatusByID( einfo->wsb, W_CHANGESTRINGMEMFLAGS, -1 );
        // alloc space for ntext and two 16-bit ints
        rtext = (char *)WRMemAlloc( strlen( ntext ) + 20 );
        if( rtext != NULL ) {
            sprintf( rtext, ntext, einfo->current_block->blocknum & 0xfff0,
                     (einfo->current_block->blocknum & 0xfff0) + 16 - 1 );
        rname = WResIDFromStr( rtext );
        if( rname != NULL ) {
            einfo->info->modified |= WChangeMemFlags( einfo->win,
                                                      rname, WGetEditInstance(),
                                                      WStrHelpRoutine );
            WRMemFree( rname );
        FreeRCString( ntext );
        WSetStatusReadyText( einfo->wsb );
Exemple #4
int WRLoadBitmapFile( WRInfo *info )
    int                 ok;
    int                 file_handle;
    long int            file_length;
    char                fn[_MAX_FNAME];
    WResID              *type;
    WResID              *name;
    WResLangType        def_lang;

    file_handle         = -1;
    def_lang.sublang    = DEF_LANG;
    def_lang.lang       = DEF_SUBLANG;

    ok = ( info != NULL );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = ( ( file_handle = ResOpenFileRO( info->file_name ) ) != -1 );

    if( ok ) {
        file_length = filelength( file_handle );
        ok = ( ( file_length != 0 ) && ( file_length != -1 ) );

    if( ok ) {
        type = WResIDFromNum( (long)RT_BITMAP );
        ok = ( type != NULL );

    if( ok ) {
        _splitpath( info->file_name, NULL, NULL, fn, NULL );
        name = WResIDFromStr( fn );
        ok = ( name != NULL );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = ( ( info->dir = WResInitDir() ) != NULL );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = !WResAddResource( type, name, 0, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),
                               file_length - sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),
                               info->dir, &def_lang, NULL );

    if( file_handle != -1 ) {
        ResCloseFile( file_handle );

    if( name ) {
        WRMemFree( name );

    if( type ) {
        WRMemFree( type );

    return( ok );
Exemple #5
static WResID * ConvertNameOrOrdToID( ResNameOrOrdinal * name )
    if (name->ord.fFlag == 0xff) {
        return( WResIDFromNum( name->ord.wOrdinalID ) );
    } else {
        return( WResIDFromStr( name->name ) );
Exemple #6
DepInfo *WResGetAutoDep( const char *fname )
    WResFileID      handle;
    WResDir         dir;
    bool            dup_discarded;
    WResID          *name;
    WResID          *type;
    WResDirWindow   window;
    WResLangInfo    *info;
    DepInfo         *ret;
    WResFileSSize   numread;

    ret = NULL;
    handle = ResOpenFileRO( fname );
    if( handle != WRES_NIL_HANDLE ) {
        if( WResIsWResFile( handle ) && (dir = WResInitDir()) != NULL ) {
            if( !WResReadDir( handle, dir, &dup_discarded ) ) {
                name = WResIDFromStr( DEP_LIST_NAME );
                type = WResIDFromNum( DEP_LIST_TYPE );
                if( name != NULL && type != NULL ) {
                    window = WResFindResource( type, name, dir, NULL );
                    if( WResIsEmptyWindow( window ) ) {
                        WRES_ERROR( WRS_RES_NOT_FOUND );
                    } else {
                        info = WResGetLangInfo( window );
                        if( WRESSEEK( handle, info->Offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 ) {
                            WRES_ERROR( WRS_SEEK_FAILED );
                        } else {
                            ret = WRESALLOC( info->Length );
                            if( ret == NULL ) {
                                WRES_ERROR( WRS_MALLOC_FAILED );
                            } else {
                                numread = WRESREAD( handle, ret, info->Length );
                                if( numread != (WResFileSSize)info->Length ) {
                                    WRES_ERROR( WRESIOERR( handle, numread ) ? WRS_READ_FAILED : WRS_READ_INCOMPLETE );
                                    ret = NULL;
                if( name != NULL ) {
                    WResIDFree( name );
                if( type != NULL ) {
                    WResIDFree( type );
            WResFreeDir( dir );
        ResCloseFile( handle );
    return( ret );
Exemple #7
WResID *WRGetUniCodeWResID( WResFileID file_handle, uint_32 rva )
    uint_32 old_pos;
    uint_32 offset;
    uint_16 len;
    bool    ok;
    char    *unistr;
    WResID  *id;
    int     i;

    offset = WR_MAP_RES_RVA( rva );

    unistr = NULL;

    /* seek to the location of the Unicode string */
    ok = ((old_pos = ResSeek( file_handle, offset, SEEK_SET )) != -1);

    /* read the Unicode string */
    if( ok ) {
        ResReadUint16( &len, file_handle );
        len *= 2;
        unistr = (char *)MemAlloc( len + 2 );
        ok = (unistr != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        unistr[len] = 0;
        unistr[len + 1] = 0;
        ok = (read( file_handle, unistr, len ) == len);

    if( ok ) {
        for( i = 0; i < len + 2; i += 2 ) {
            unistr[i / 2] = unistr[i];
        ok = ((id = WResIDFromStr( unistr )) != NULL);

#if 0
    if( old_pos != -1 ) {
        ok = (ResSeek( file_handle, old_pos, SEEK_SET ) != -1 && ok);

    if( unistr != NULL ) {
        MemFree( unistr );

    if( ok ) {
        return( id );
    } else {
        return( NULL );
Exemple #8
void SemOS2WriteFontDir( void )
    FullFontDirEntry *  currentry;
    ResLocation         loc;
    bool                error;

    if( CurrResFile.FontDir == NULL ) {

    loc.start = SemStartResource();

    error = ResWriteUint16( &(CurrResFile.FontDir->NumOfFonts),
                        CurrResFile.handle );
    if( error)
        goto OUTPUT_WRITE_ERROR;

    for( currentry = CurrResFile.FontDir->Head; currentry != NULL;
                currentry = currentry->Next ) {
        error = ResWriteFontDirEntry( &(currentry->Entry), CurrResFile.handle );
        if( error ) {
            goto OUTPUT_WRITE_ERROR;

    loc.len = SemEndResource( loc.start );

    SemAddResourceFree( WResIDFromStr( FONT_DIR_NAME ),
                WResIDFromNum( (long)RT_FONTDIR ), FONT_DIR_FLAGS, loc );

    FreeFontDir( CurrResFile.FontDir );
    CurrResFile.FontDir = NULL;


    RcError( ERR_WRITTING_RES_FILE, CurrResFile.filename, LastWresErrStr() );
    ErrorHasOccured = true;
    FreeFontDir( CurrResFile.FontDir );
    CurrResFile.FontDir = NULL;
Exemple #9
WResID *WRECreateAccTitle( void )
    char        *text;
    char        *title;
    WResID      *name;


    name = NULL;
    text = AllocRCString( WRE_DEFACCELNAME );
    if( text != NULL ) {
        title = (char *)WRMemAlloc( strlen( text ) + 20 + 1 );
        if( title != NULL ) {
            title[0] = '\0';
            sprintf( title, text, WRENumAccTitles );
            name = WResIDFromStr( title );
            WRMemFree( title );
        FreeRCString( text );

    return( name );
Exemple #10
void WdeChangeDialogInfo( WdeInfoStruct *is )
    WdeInfoStruct       c_is;
    char                *str;
    char                *cp;
    bool                quoted_str;
    bool                str_is_ordinal;
    uint_16             ord;
    bool                found;
    WdeHashValue        value;

    c_is = *is;

    str = NULL;
    cp = WdeGetStrFromEdit( WdeInfoWindow, IDB_INFO_CAPTION, NULL );
    if( cp != NULL ) {
        str = WRConvertStringTo( cp, "\t\n", "tn" );
        WRMemFree( cp );
    c_is.d.caption = str;

    str = WdeGetStrFromCombo( WdeInfoWindow, IDB_INFO_IDSTR );
    if( str == NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( c_is.d.caption );
        c_is.d.caption = NULL;

    WRStripSymbol( str );

    quoted_str = FALSE;
    if( _mbclen( (unsigned char *)str ) == 1 && str[0] == '"' ) {
        unsigned char   *s;

        str[0] = ' ';
        cp = NULL;
        for( s = (unsigned char *)str; *s != '\0'; s = _mbsinc( s ) ) {
            if( _mbclen( s ) == 1 && *s == '"' ) {
                cp = (char *)s;
        if( cp != NULL ) {
            *cp = '\0';
        WRStripSymbol( str );
        quoted_str = TRUE;

    if( str[0] == '\0' ) {
        WRMemFree( str );
        WRMemFree( c_is.d.caption );
        c_is.d.caption = NULL;

    ord = (uint_16)strtoul( str, &cp, 0 );
    str_is_ordinal = (*cp == '\0');

    c_is.symbol = NULL;

    if( quoted_str ) {
        c_is.d.name = WResIDFromStr( str );
        WRMemFree( str );
    } else if( str_is_ordinal ) {
        c_is.d.name = WResIDFromNum( ord );
        WRMemFree( str );
    } else {
        if( !WdeIsValidSymbol( str ) ) {
            WRMemFree( str );
            WRMemFree( c_is.d.caption );
            c_is.d.caption = NULL;
        strupr( str );
        c_is.symbol = str;
        c_is.d.name = NULL;

    Forward( is->obj, MODIFY_INFO, &c_is, NULL );

    if( c_is.symbol ) {
        WdeAddUniqueStringToCombo( WdeInfoWindow, IDB_INFO_IDSTR, c_is.symbol );
        value = WdeLookupName( c_is.res_info->hash_table, c_is.symbol, &found );
        if( found ) {
            WdeSetEditWithSINT32( (int_32)value, 10, WdeInfoWindow, IDB_INFO_IDNUM );
    } else if( str_is_ordinal ) {
        WdeSetEditWithSINT32( (int_32)ord, 10, WdeInfoWindow, IDB_INFO_IDNUM );
    } else {
        WdeSetEditWithStr( "", WdeInfoWindow, IDB_INFO_IDNUM );

    *is = c_is;
Exemple #11
int WRLoadCursorFile( WRInfo *info )
    BYTE                *data;
    uint_32             data_size;
    CURSORHEADER        *ch;
    uint_32             chsize;
    uint_32             rchsize;
    WResFileID          file;
    WResID              *tname;
    WResID              *rname;
    WResLangType        lang;
    char                fn[_MAX_FNAME];
    int                 dup;
    int                 i;
    int                 ok;

    data = NULL;
    rch = NULL;
    dup = FALSE;
    file  = -1;
    lang.lang = DEF_LANG;
    lang.sublang = DEF_SUBLANG;
    tname = NULL;
    rname = NULL;

    ok = ( info && info->file_name );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = ( ( file = ResOpenFileRO( info->file_name ) ) != -1 );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WRReadEntireFile( file, &data, &data_size );

    if( ok ) {
        ch = (CURSORHEADER *) data;
        chsize = sizeof(CURSORHEADER);
        chsize += sizeof(CURSORDIRENTRY)*(ch->cdCount-1);
        ok = WRCreateCursorResHeader( &rch, &rchsize, data, data_size );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = ( ( info->dir = WResInitDir() ) != NULL );

    if( ok ) {
        tname = WResIDFromNum( (uint_16)RT_GROUP_CURSOR );
        ok = ( tname != NULL );

    if( ok ) {
        _splitpath( info->file_name, NULL, NULL, fn, NULL );
        rname = WResIDFromStr( fn );
        ok = ( rname != NULL );

    if ( ok ) {
        ok = !WResAddResource( tname, rname, DEF_MEMFLAGS, 0, rchsize,
                               info->dir, &lang, &dup );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WRFindAndSetData( info->dir, tname, rname, &lang, rch );

    if( ok ) {
        for( i=0; ok && i<ch->cdCount ; i++ ) {
            ok = WRGetAndAddCursorImage( data, info->dir, &ch->cdEntries[i], i+1 );

    if( !ok ) {
        if( info->dir ) {
            WRFreeWResDirData( info->dir );
            WResFreeDir( info->dir );
            info->dir = NULL;

    if( tname != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( tname );

    if( rname != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( rname );

    if( file != -1 ) {
        ResCloseFile( file );

    return( ok );
Exemple #12
bool WSaveObjectAs( bool get_name, WAccelEditInfo *einfo )
    char                resfile[_MAX_PATH];
    char                *fname;
    WRFileType          ftype;
    WRFileType          rtype;
    WGetFileStruct      gf;
    WRSaveIntoData      idata;
    WRSaveIntoData      idata2;
    bool                got_name;
    bool                ok;

    fname = NULL;
    got_name = FALSE;

    ok = (einfo != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        memset( &idata2, 0, sizeof( idata2 ) );
        if( einfo->info->symbol_file != NULL ) {
            idata2.next = NULL;
            idata2.type = WResIDFromNum( RESOURCE2INT( RT_RCDATA ) );
            idata2.name = WResIDFromStr( "DLGINCLUDE" );
            idata2.data = einfo->info->symbol_file;
            idata2.lang = einfo->info->lang;
            idata2.size = (uint_32)( strlen( einfo->info->symbol_file ) + 1 );
            idata2.MemFlags = MEMFLAG_DISCARDABLE;

    if( ok ) {
        idata.next = NULL;
        if( einfo->info->symbol_file != NULL ) {
            idata.next = &idata2;
        idata.type = WResIDFromNum( RESOURCE2INT( RT_ACCELERATOR ) );
        ok = (idata.type != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( einfo->file_name == NULL || get_name ) {
            gf.file_name = NULL;
            gf.title = AllocRCString( W_SAVERESAS );
            gf.filter = AllocRCString( W_SAVERESFILTER );
            WMassageFilter( gf.filter );
            fname = WGetSaveFileName( einfo->win, &gf );
            if( gf.title != NULL ) {
                FreeRCString( gf.title );
            if( gf.filter != NULL ) {
                FreeRCString( gf.filter );
            if( fname != NULL ) {
                got_name = TRUE;
        } else {
            fname = einfo->file_name;
        ok = (fname != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( got_name ) {
            ftype = WSelectFileType( einfo->win, fname, einfo->info->is32bit, TRUE,
                                     WGetEditInstance(), WAccHelpRoutine );
        } else {
            ftype = einfo->file_type;
        ok = (ftype != WR_DONT_KNOW);

    if( ok ) {
        if( ftype == WR_WIN_RC_ACCEL ) {
            ok = WSaveObjectToRC( einfo, fname, FALSE, FALSE );
            if( ok ) {
                WGetInternalRESName( fname, resfile );
                if( einfo->info->is32bit ) {
                    rtype = WR_WINNTW_RES;
                } else {
                    rtype = WR_WIN16W_RES;
        } else {
            strcpy( resfile, fname );
            rtype = ftype;

    if( ok ) {
        idata.name = einfo->info->res_name;
        idata.data = einfo->info->data;
        idata.lang = einfo->info->lang;
        idata.size = (uint_32)einfo->info->data_size;
        idata.MemFlags = einfo->info->MemFlags;
        ok = WRSaveObjectAs( resfile, rtype, &idata );

    if( ok ) {
        if( got_name ) {
            if( einfo->file_name != NULL ) {
                WRMemFree( einfo->file_name );
            einfo->file_name = fname;
            einfo->file_type = ftype;
            WSetEditTitle( einfo );
    } else {
        if( fname != NULL && got_name ) {
            WRMemFree( fname );

    if( idata.type != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( idata.type );

    if( idata2.type != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( idata2.type );
    if( idata2.name != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( idata2.name );

    return( ok );
Exemple #13
int WRLoadIconFile( WRInfo *info )
    BYTE                *data;
    uint_32             data_size;
    ICONHEADER          *pih;
    uint_32             pihsize;
    RESICONHEADER       *rih;
    uint_32             rihsize;
    WResFileID          file;
    WResID              *tname;
    WResID              *rname;
    WResLangType        lang;
    char                fn[_MAX_FNAME];
    int                 dup;
    int                 i;
    int                 ok;

    data = NULL;
    rih = NULL;
    dup = FALSE;
    file = -1;
    lang.lang = DEF_LANG;
    lang.sublang = DEF_SUBLANG;
    tname = NULL;
    rname = NULL;

    ok = (info != NULL && info->file_name != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        ok = ((file = ResOpenFileRO( info->file_name )) != -1);

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WRReadEntireFile( file, &data, &data_size );

    if( ok ) {
        pih = (ICONHEADER *)data;
        pihsize = sizeof( ICONHEADER );
        pihsize += sizeof( ICONDIRENTRY ) * (pih->idCount - 1);
        ok = WRCreateIconResHeader( &rih, &rihsize, data, data_size );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = ((info->dir = WResInitDir()) != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        tname = WResIDFromNum( (uint_16)RT_GROUP_ICON );
        ok = (tname != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        _splitpath( info->file_name, NULL, NULL, fn, NULL );
        rname = WResIDFromStr( fn );
        ok = (rname != NULL);

    if ( ok ) {
        ok = !WResAddResource( tname, rname, DEF_MEMFLAGS, 0, rihsize,
                               info->dir, &lang, &dup );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WRFindAndSetData( info->dir, tname, rname, &lang, rih );

    if( ok ) {
        for( i = 0; ok && i < pih->idCount; i++ ) {
            ok = WRGetAndAddIconImage( data, info->dir, &pih->idEntries[i], i + 1 );

    if( !ok ) {
        if( info->dir != NULL ) {
            WRFreeWResDirData( info->dir );
            WResFreeDir( info->dir );
            info->dir = NULL;

    if( data != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( data );

    if( tname != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( tname );

    if( rname != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( rname );

    if( file != -1 ) {
        ResCloseFile( file );

    return( ok );