// CInstallManager::_ShowCrashFailDialog
SString CInstallManager::_ShowCrashFailDialog ( void )
    // Crashed before gta game started ?
    if ( WatchDogIsSectionOpen ( "L1" ) )
        WatchDogIncCounter ( "CR1" );

    HideSplash ();

    // Transfer gta-fopen-last info
    if ( GetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "gta-fopen-fail" ).empty() )
        SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "gta-fopen-fail", GetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "gta-fopen-last" ) );
    SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "gta-fopen-last", "" );

    SString strMessage = GetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-crash-info" );
    SString strReason = GetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-crash-reason" );
    SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-crash-reason", "" );
    if ( strReason == "direct3ddevice-reset" )
        strMessage += _("** The crash was caused by a graphics driver error **\n\n** Please update your graphics drivers **");
        strMessage += strReason;

    strMessage = strMessage.Replace ( "\r", "" ).Replace ( "\n", "\r\n" );
    SString strResult = ShowCrashedDialog ( g_hInstance, strMessage );
    HideCrashedDialog ();

    CheckAndShowFileOpenFailureMessage ();

    return strResult;
Exemple #2
// PreLaunchWatchDogs
void PreLaunchWatchDogs ( void )
    assert ( !CreateSingleInstanceMutex () );

    // "L0" is opened before the launch sequence and is closed if MTA shutsdown with no error
    // "L1" is opened before the launch sequence and is closed if GTA is succesfully started
    // "CR1" is a counter which is incremented if GTA was not started and MTA shutsdown with an error
    // "L2" is opened before the launch sequence and is closed if the GTA loading screen is shown
    // "CR2" is a counter which is incremented at startup, if the previous run didn't make it to the loading screen
    // "L3" is opened before the launch sequence and is closed if the GTA loading screen is shown, or a startup problem is handled elsewhere

    // Check for unclean stop on previous run
#ifndef MTA_DEBUG
    if ( WatchDogIsSectionOpen ( "L0" ) )
        WatchDogSetUncleanStop ( true );    // Flag to maybe do things differently if MTA exit code on last run was not 0
        WatchDogSetUncleanStop ( false );

    SString strCrashFlagFilename = CalcMTASAPath( "mta\\core.log.flag" );
    if ( FileExists( strCrashFlagFilename ) )
        FileDelete( strCrashFlagFilename );
        WatchDogSetLastRunCrash( true );    // Flag to maybe do things differently if MTA crashed last run
        WatchDogSetLastRunCrash( false );

    // Reset counter if gta game was run last time
    if ( !WatchDogIsSectionOpen ( "L1" ) )
        WatchDogClearCounter ( "CR1" );

    // If crashed 3 times in a row before starting the game, do something
    if ( WatchDogGetCounter ( "CR1" ) >= 3 )
        WatchDogReset ();
        HandleTrouble ();

    // Check for possible gta_sa.set problems
    if ( WatchDogIsSectionOpen ( "L2" ) )
        WatchDogIncCounter ( "CR2" );       // Did not reach loading screen last time
        WatchDogCompletedSection ( "L2" );
        WatchDogClearCounter ( "CR2" );

    // If didn't reach loading screen 5 times in a row, do something
    if ( WatchDogGetCounter ( "CR2" ) >= 5 )
        WatchDogClearCounter ( "CR2" );
        HandleResetSettings ();

    // Clear down freeze on quit detection
    WatchDogCompletedSection( "Q0" );

    WatchDogBeginSection ( "L0" );      // Gets closed if MTA exits with a return code of 0
    WatchDogBeginSection ( "L1" );      // Gets closed when online game has started
    SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "gta-fopen-fail", "" );
    SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-crash-reason", "" );
    SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "gta-fopen-last", "" );
// CModelCacheManagerImpl::PreLoad
// Cache all weapons and upgrades
// Peds KB:                64,832 KB         7-312     306  296 valid, 10 not so valid               219   KB/model             4.45/MB
// Weapons KB:             470               321-372   52   39 valid, 3 invalid(329,332,340)         470   KB all weapons
// Upgrades KB:            2,716             1000-1193 194  all valid                              2,716   KB all upgrades
// Vehicles(400-499) KB:   14,622                                                                    140   KB/model             7/MB
// Vehicles(500-599) KB:   14,888
void CModelCacheManagerImpl::PreLoad ( void )
    if ( m_bDonePreLoad )

    m_bDonePreLoad = true;

    CTickCount startTicks = CTickCount::Now ();
#if 0
    for ( uint i = 321 ; i <= 372 ; i++ )
        if ( CClientPedManager::IsValidWeaponModel ( i ) )
            AddModelRefCount ( i );
    m_pGame->GetStreaming()->LoadAllRequestedModels ( false );

    // Get current limits
    int bSlowMethod = GetApplicationSettingInt( DIAG_PRELOAD_UPGRADES_SLOW );
    int iLowestUnsafeUpgrade = GetApplicationSettingInt( DIAG_PRELOAD_UPGRADES_LOWEST_UNSAFE );
    SetApplicationSetting( DIAG_CRASH_EXTRA_MSG, "** AUTO FIXING CRASH (Step 1/2) **\n\n** Please continue and connect to a server **" );

    // Crashed during previous PreLoad?
    if ( WatchDogIsSectionOpen( WD_SECTION_PRELOAD_UPGRADES ) )
        AddReportLog( 8545, SString( "PreLoad Upgrades - Crash detect - bSlowMethod:%d  iLowestUnsafeUpgrade:%d", bSlowMethod, iLowestUnsafeUpgrade ) );
        iLowestUnsafeUpgrade = GetApplicationSettingInt( DIAG_PRELOAD_UPGRADE_ATTEMPT_ID );
        bSlowMethod = 1;
        SetApplicationSettingInt( DIAG_PRELOAD_UPGRADES_LOWEST_UNSAFE, iLowestUnsafeUpgrade );
        SetApplicationSettingInt( DIAG_PRELOAD_UPGRADES_SLOW, bSlowMethod );
        SetApplicationSetting( DIAG_CRASH_EXTRA_MSG, "** AUTO FIXING CRASH (Step 2/2) **\n\n** Please continue and connect to a server **" );

    if ( iLowestUnsafeUpgrade == 0 )
        iLowestUnsafeUpgrade = 1194;

    // PreLoad upgrades
    WatchDogBeginSection( WD_SECTION_PRELOAD_UPGRADES );
        for ( int i = 1000 ; i < iLowestUnsafeUpgrade ; i++ )
            if ( bSlowMethod )
                SetApplicationSettingInt( DIAG_PRELOAD_UPGRADE_ATTEMPT_ID, i );
            AddModelRefCount ( i );
            if ( bSlowMethod )
                m_pGame->GetStreaming()->LoadAllRequestedModels ( false );
        m_pGame->GetStreaming()->LoadAllRequestedModels ( false );
    WatchDogCompletedSection( WD_SECTION_PRELOAD_UPGRADES );
    SetApplicationSetting( DIAG_CRASH_EXTRA_MSG, "" );

    // Report if LowestUnsafeUpgrade has fallen
    int iPrevHiScore = GetApplicationSettingInt( DIAG_PRELOAD_UPGRADES_HISCORE );
    SetApplicationSettingInt( DIAG_PRELOAD_UPGRADES_HISCORE, iLowestUnsafeUpgrade );
    if ( iPrevHiScore > iLowestUnsafeUpgrade )
        AddReportLog( 8544, SString( "PreLoad Upgrades - LowestUnsafeUpgrade fallen from %d to %d", iPrevHiScore, iLowestUnsafeUpgrade ) );

    CTickCount deltaTicks = CTickCount::Now () - startTicks;
    OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "CModelCacheManagerImpl::PreLoad completed in %d ms", deltaTicks.ToInt () ) );