Exemple #1
void WebRtcIlbcfix_Refiner(
    int16_t *updStartPos, /* (o) updated start point (Q-2) */
    int16_t *idata,   /* (i) original data buffer */
    int16_t idatal,   /* (i) dimension of idata */
    int16_t centerStartPos, /* (i) beginning center segment */
    int16_t estSegPos,  /* (i) estimated beginning other segment (Q-2) */
    int16_t *surround,  /* (i/o) The contribution from this sequence
                                           summed with earlier contributions */
    int16_t gain    /* (i) Gain to use for this sequence */
  int16_t estSegPosRounded,searchSegStartPos,searchSegEndPos,corrdim;
  int16_t tloc,tloc2,i,st,en,fraction;

  int32_t maxtemp, scalefact;
  int16_t *filtStatePtr, *polyPtr;
  /* Stack based */
  int16_t filt[7];
  int32_t corrVecUps[ENH_CORRDIM*ENH_UPS0];
  int32_t corrVecTemp[ENH_CORRDIM];
  int16_t vect[ENH_VECTL];
  int16_t corrVec[ENH_CORRDIM];

  /* defining array bounds */

  estSegPosRounded = (estSegPos - 2) >> 2;


  if (searchSegStartPos<0) {

  if(searchSegEndPos+ENH_BLOCKL >= idatal) {

  /* compute upsampled correlation and find
     location of max */


  /* Calculate the rescaling factor for the correlation in order to
     put the correlation in a int16_t vector instead */
  maxtemp=WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(corrVecTemp, (int16_t)corrdim);


  if (scalefact>0) {
    for (i=0;i<corrdim;i++) {
      corrVec[i] = (int16_t)(corrVecTemp[i] >> scalefact);
  } else {
    for (i=0;i<corrdim;i++) {
Exemple #2
void WebRtcIsacfix_Time2SpecC(int16_t *inre1Q9,
                              int16_t *inre2Q9,
                              int16_t *outreQ7,
                              int16_t *outimQ7)

  int k;
  int32_t tmpreQ16[FRAMESAMPLES/2], tmpimQ16[FRAMESAMPLES/2];
  int16_t tmp1rQ14, tmp1iQ14;
  int32_t xrQ16, xiQ16, yrQ16, yiQ16;
  int32_t v1Q16, v2Q16;
  int16_t factQ19, sh;

  /* Multiply with complex exponentials and combine into one complex vector */
  factQ19 = 16921; // 0.5/sqrt(240) in Q19 is round(.5/sqrt(240)*(2^19)) = 16921
  for (k = 0; k < FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
    tmp1rQ14 = WebRtcIsacfix_kCosTab1[k];
    tmp1iQ14 = WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab1[k];
    xrQ16 = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(tmp1rQ14, inre1Q9[k]) + WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(tmp1iQ14, inre2Q9[k]), 7);
    xiQ16 = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(tmp1rQ14, inre2Q9[k]) - WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(tmp1iQ14, inre1Q9[k]), 7);
    tmpreQ16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(factQ19, xrQ16)+4, 3); // (Q16*Q19>>16)>>3 = Q16
    tmpimQ16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(factQ19, xiQ16)+4, 3); // (Q16*Q19>>16)>>3 = Q16

  xrQ16  = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(tmpreQ16, FRAMESAMPLES/2);
  yrQ16 = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(tmpimQ16, FRAMESAMPLES/2);
  if (yrQ16>xrQ16) {
    xrQ16 = yrQ16;

  sh = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(xrQ16);
  sh = sh-24; //if sh becomes >=0, then we should shift sh steps to the left, and the domain will become Q(16+sh)
  //if sh becomes <0, then we should shift -sh steps to the right, and the domain will become Q(16+sh)

  //"Fastest" vectors
  if (sh>=0) {
    for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
      inre1Q9[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(tmpreQ16[k], sh); //Q(16+sh)
      inre2Q9[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(tmpimQ16[k], sh); //Q(16+sh)
  } else {
    int32_t round = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t)1, -sh-1);
    for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
      inre1Q9[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(tmpreQ16[k]+round, -sh); //Q(16+sh)
      inre2Q9[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(tmpimQ16[k]+round, -sh); //Q(16+sh)

  /* Get DFT */
  WebRtcIsacfix_FftRadix16Fastest(inre1Q9, inre2Q9, -1); // real call

  //"Fastest" vectors
  if (sh>=0) {
    for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
      tmpreQ16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32((int32_t)inre1Q9[k], sh); //Q(16+sh) -> Q16
      tmpimQ16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32((int32_t)inre2Q9[k], sh); //Q(16+sh) -> Q16
  } else {
    for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
      tmpreQ16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t)inre1Q9[k], -sh); //Q(16+sh) -> Q16
      tmpimQ16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t)inre2Q9[k], -sh); //Q(16+sh) -> Q16

  /* Use symmetry to separate into two complex vectors and center frames in time around zero */
  for (k = 0; k < FRAMESAMPLES/4; k++) {
    xrQ16 = tmpreQ16[k] + tmpreQ16[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k];
    yiQ16 = -tmpreQ16[k] + tmpreQ16[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k];
    xiQ16 = tmpimQ16[k] - tmpimQ16[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k];
    yrQ16 = tmpimQ16[k] + tmpimQ16[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k];
    tmp1rQ14 = -WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab2[FRAMESAMPLES/4 - 1 - k];
    tmp1iQ14 = WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab2[k];
    v1Q16 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, xrQ16) - WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, xiQ16);
    v2Q16 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, xrQ16) + WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, xiQ16);
    outreQ7[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(v1Q16, 9);
    outimQ7[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(v2Q16, 9);
    v1Q16 = -WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, yrQ16) - WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, yiQ16);
    v2Q16 = -WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, yrQ16) + WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, yiQ16);
    outreQ7[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k] = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(v1Q16, 9); //CalcLrIntQ(v1Q16, 9);
    outimQ7[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k] = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(v2Q16, 9); //CalcLrIntQ(v2Q16, 9);

Exemple #3
void WebRtcIsacfix_Spec2TimeC(int16_t *inreQ7, int16_t *inimQ7, int32_t *outre1Q16, int32_t *outre2Q16)

  int k;
  int16_t tmp1rQ14, tmp1iQ14;
  int32_t xrQ16, xiQ16, yrQ16, yiQ16;
  int32_t tmpInRe, tmpInIm, tmpInRe2, tmpInIm2;
  int16_t factQ11;
  int16_t sh;

  for (k = 0; k < FRAMESAMPLES/4; k++) {
    /* Move zero in time to beginning of frames */
    tmp1rQ14 = -WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab2[FRAMESAMPLES/4 - 1 - k];
    tmp1iQ14 = WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab2[k];

    tmpInRe = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t) inreQ7[k], 9);  // Q7 -> Q16
    tmpInIm = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t) inimQ7[k], 9);  // Q7 -> Q16
    tmpInRe2 = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t) inreQ7[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k], 9);  // Q7 -> Q16
    tmpInIm2 = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t) inimQ7[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k], 9);  // Q7 -> Q16

    xrQ16 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, tmpInRe) + WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, tmpInIm);
    xiQ16 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, tmpInIm) - WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, tmpInRe);
    yrQ16 = -WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, tmpInIm2) - WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, tmpInRe2);
    yiQ16 = -WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, tmpInRe2) + WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, tmpInIm2);

    /* Combine into one vector,  z = x + j * y */
    outre1Q16[k] = xrQ16 - yiQ16;
    outre1Q16[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k] = xrQ16 + yiQ16;
    outre2Q16[k] = xiQ16 + yrQ16;
    outre2Q16[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 1 - k] = -xiQ16 + yrQ16;

  /* Get IDFT */
  tmpInRe  = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(outre1Q16, 240);
  tmpInIm = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(outre2Q16, 240);
  if (tmpInIm>tmpInRe) {
    tmpInRe = tmpInIm;

  sh = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(tmpInRe);
  sh = sh-24; //if sh becomes >=0, then we should shift sh steps to the left, and the domain will become Q(16+sh)
  //if sh becomes <0, then we should shift -sh steps to the right, and the domain will become Q(16+sh)

  //"Fastest" vectors
  if (sh>=0) {
    for (k=0; k<240; k++) {
      inreQ7[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(outre1Q16[k], sh); //Q(16+sh)
      inimQ7[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(outre2Q16[k], sh); //Q(16+sh)
  } else {
    int32_t round = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t)1, -sh-1);
    for (k=0; k<240; k++) {
      inreQ7[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(outre1Q16[k]+round, -sh); //Q(16+sh)
      inimQ7[k] = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(outre2Q16[k]+round, -sh); //Q(16+sh)

  WebRtcIsacfix_FftRadix16Fastest(inreQ7, inimQ7, 1); // real call

  //"Fastest" vectors
  if (sh>=0) {
    for (k=0; k<240; k++) {
      outre1Q16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32((int32_t)inreQ7[k], sh); //Q(16+sh) -> Q16
      outre2Q16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32((int32_t)inimQ7[k], sh); //Q(16+sh) -> Q16
  } else {
    for (k=0; k<240; k++) {
      outre1Q16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t)inreQ7[k], -sh); //Q(16+sh) -> Q16
      outre2Q16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t)inimQ7[k], -sh); //Q(16+sh) -> Q16

  /* Divide through by the normalizing constant: */
  /* scale all values with 1/240, i.e. with 273 in Q16 */
  /* 273/65536 ~= 0.0041656                            */
  /*     1/240 ~= 0.0041666                            */
  for (k=0; k<240; k++) {
    outre1Q16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(273, outre1Q16[k]);
    outre2Q16[k] = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(273, outre2Q16[k]);

  /* Demodulate and separate */
  factQ11 = 31727; // sqrt(240) in Q11 is round(15.49193338482967*2048) = 31727
  for (k = 0; k < FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
    tmp1rQ14 = WebRtcIsacfix_kCosTab1[k];
    tmp1iQ14 = WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab1[k];
    xrQ16 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, outre1Q16[k]) - WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, outre2Q16[k]);
    xiQ16 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1rQ14, outre2Q16[k]) + WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp1iQ14, outre1Q16[k]);
    xrQ16 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT11(factQ11, xrQ16);
    xiQ16 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT11(factQ11, xiQ16);
    outre2Q16[k] = xiQ16;
    outre1Q16[k] = xrQ16;
Exemple #4
void WebRtcIlbcfix_Refiner(
    WebRtc_Word16 *updStartPos, /* (o) updated start point (Q-2) */
    WebRtc_Word16 *idata,   /* (i) original data buffer */
    WebRtc_Word16 idatal,   /* (i) dimension of idata */
    WebRtc_Word16 centerStartPos, /* (i) beginning center segment */
    WebRtc_Word16 estSegPos,  /* (i) estimated beginning other segment (Q-2) */
    WebRtc_Word16 *surround,  /* (i/o) The contribution from this sequence
                                           summed with earlier contributions */
    WebRtc_Word16 gain    /* (i) Gain to use for this sequence */
  WebRtc_Word16 estSegPosRounded,searchSegStartPos,searchSegEndPos,corrdim;
  WebRtc_Word16 tloc,tloc2,i,st,en,fraction;

  WebRtc_Word32 maxtemp, scalefact;
  WebRtc_Word16 *filtStatePtr, *polyPtr;
  /* Stack based */
  WebRtc_Word16 filt[7];
  WebRtc_Word32 corrVecUps[ENH_CORRDIM*ENH_UPS0];
  WebRtc_Word32 corrVecTemp[ENH_CORRDIM];
  WebRtc_Word16 vect[ENH_VECTL];
  WebRtc_Word16 corrVec[ENH_CORRDIM];

  /* defining array bounds */

  estSegPosRounded=WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W16((estSegPos - 2),2);


  if (searchSegStartPos<0) {

  if(searchSegEndPos+ENH_BLOCKL >= idatal) {

  /* compute upsampled correlation and find
     location of max */


  /* Calculate the rescaling factor for the correlation in order to
     put the correlation in a WebRtc_Word16 vector instead */
  maxtemp=WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(corrVecTemp, (WebRtc_Word16)corrdim);


  if (scalefact>0) {
    for (i=0;i<corrdim;i++) {
      corrVec[i]=(WebRtc_Word16)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(corrVecTemp[i], scalefact);
  } else {
    for (i=0;i<corrdim;i++) {
  /* In order to guarantee that all values are initialized */
  for (i=corrdim;i<ENH_CORRDIM;i++) {

  /* Upsample the correlation */

  /* Find maximum */
  tloc=WebRtcSpl_MaxIndexW32(corrVecUps, (WebRtc_Word16) (ENH_UPS0*corrdim));

  /* make vector can be upsampled without ever running outside
     bounds */
  *updStartPos = (WebRtc_Word16)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(searchSegStartPos,4) + tloc + 4;

  tloc2 = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W16((tloc+3), 2);


  /* initialize the vector to be filtered, stuff with zeros
     when data is outside idata buffer */
    WebRtcSpl_MemSetW16(vect, 0, (WebRtc_Word16)(-st));
    WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(&vect[-st], idata, (ENH_VECTL+st));

      WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(vect, &idata[st],
      WebRtcSpl_MemSetW16(&vect[ENH_VECTL-(en-idatal)], 0,
    else {
      WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(vect, &idata[st], ENH_VECTL);
  /* Calculate which of the 4 fractions to use */

  /* compute the segment (this is actually a convolution) */

  filtStatePtr = filt + 6;
  polyPtr = (WebRtc_Word16*)WebRtcIlbcfix_kEnhPolyPhaser[fraction];
  for (i=0;i<7;i++) {
    *filtStatePtr-- = *polyPtr++;

      &vect[6], vect, filt,

  /* Add the contribution from this vector (scaled with gain) to the total surround vector */
      surround, vect, gain,
      (WebRtc_Word32)32768, 16, ENH_BLOCKL);

Exemple #5
void WebRtcIlbcfix_CbSearchCore(
    int32_t *cDot,    /* (i) Cross Correlation */
    int16_t range,    /* (i) Search range */
    int16_t stage,    /* (i) Stage of this search */
    int16_t *inverseEnergy,  /* (i) Inversed energy */
    int16_t *inverseEnergyShift, /* (i) Shifts of inversed energy
                                           with the offset 2*16-29 */
    int32_t *Crit,    /* (o) The criteria */
    int16_t *bestIndex,   /* (o) Index that corresponds to
                                                   maximum criteria (in this
                                                   vector) */
    int32_t *bestCrit,   /* (o) Value of critera for the
                                                   chosen index */
    int16_t *bestCritSh)   /* (o) The domain of the chosen
                                                   criteria */
  int32_t maxW32, tmp32;
  int16_t max, sh, tmp16;
  int i;
  int32_t *cDotPtr;
  int16_t cDotSqW16;
  int16_t *inverseEnergyPtr;
  int32_t *critPtr;
  int16_t *inverseEnergyShiftPtr;

  /* Don't allow negative values for stage 0 */
  if (stage==0) {
    for (i=0;i<range;i++) {
      *cDotPtr=WEBRTC_SPL_MAX(0, (*cDotPtr));

  /* Normalize cDot to int16_t, calculate the square of cDot and store the upper int16_t */
  maxW32 = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(cDot, range);

  sh = (int16_t)WebRtcSpl_NormW32(maxW32);
  cDotPtr = cDot;
  inverseEnergyPtr = inverseEnergy;
  critPtr = Crit;

  for (i=0;i<range;i++) {
    /* Calculate cDot*cDot and put the result in a int16_t */
    tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(*cDotPtr,sh);
    tmp16 = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(tmp32,16);
    cDotSqW16 = (int16_t)(((int32_t)(tmp16)*(tmp16))>>16);

    /* Calculate the criteria (cDot*cDot/energy) */
    *critPtr=WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(cDotSqW16, (*inverseEnergyPtr));

    /* Extract the maximum shift value under the constraint
       that the criteria is not zero */
    if ((*critPtr)!=0) {
      max = WEBRTC_SPL_MAX((*inverseEnergyShiftPtr), max);


  /* If no max shifts still at initialization value, set shift to zero */
  if (max==WEBRTC_SPL_WORD16_MIN) {
    max = 0;

  /* Modify the criterias, so that all of them use the same Q domain */
  for (i=0;i<range;i++) {
    /* Guarantee that the shift value is less than 16
       in order to simplify for DSP's (and guard against >31) */
    tmp16 = WEBRTC_SPL_MIN(16, max-(*inverseEnergyShiftPtr));


  /* Find the index of the best value */
  *bestIndex = WebRtcSpl_MaxIndexW32(Crit, range);
  *bestCrit = Crit[*bestIndex];

  /* Calculate total shifts of this criteria */
  *bestCritSh = 32 - 2*sh + max;

Exemple #6
void WebRtcIsacfix_Time2SpecC(int16_t *inre1Q9,
                              int16_t *inre2Q9,
                              int16_t *outreQ7,
                              int16_t *outimQ7)

  int k;
  int32_t tmpreQ16[FRAMESAMPLES/2], tmpimQ16[FRAMESAMPLES/2];
  int16_t tmp1rQ14, tmp1iQ14;
  int32_t xrQ16, xiQ16, yrQ16, yiQ16;
  int32_t v1Q16, v2Q16;
  int16_t factQ19, sh;

  /* Multiply with complex exponentials and combine into one complex vector */
  factQ19 = 16921; // 0.5/sqrt(240) in Q19 is round(.5/sqrt(240)*(2^19)) = 16921
  for (k = 0; k < FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
    tmp1rQ14 = WebRtcIsacfix_kCosTab1[k];
    tmp1iQ14 = WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab1[k];
    xrQ16 = (tmp1rQ14 * inre1Q9[k] + tmp1iQ14 * inre2Q9[k]) >> 7;
    xiQ16 = (tmp1rQ14 * inre2Q9[k] - tmp1iQ14 * inre1Q9[k]) >> 7;
    // Q-domains below: (Q16*Q19>>16)>>3 = Q16
    tmpreQ16[k] = (WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(factQ19, xrQ16) + 4) >> 3;
    tmpimQ16[k] = (WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(factQ19, xiQ16) + 4) >> 3;

  xrQ16  = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(tmpreQ16, FRAMESAMPLES/2);
  yrQ16 = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32(tmpimQ16, FRAMESAMPLES/2);
  if (yrQ16>xrQ16) {
    xrQ16 = yrQ16;

  sh = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(xrQ16);
  sh = sh-24; //if sh becomes >=0, then we should shift sh steps to the left, and the domain will become Q(16+sh)
  //if sh becomes <0, then we should shift -sh steps to the right, and the domain will become Q(16+sh)

  //"Fastest" vectors
  if (sh>=0) {
    for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
      inre1Q9[k] = (int16_t)(tmpreQ16[k] << sh);  // Q(16+sh)
      inre2Q9[k] = (int16_t)(tmpimQ16[k] << sh);  // Q(16+sh)
  } else {
    int32_t round = 1 << (-sh - 1);
    for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
      inre1Q9[k] = (int16_t)((tmpreQ16[k] + round) >> -sh);  // Q(16+sh)
      inre2Q9[k] = (int16_t)((tmpimQ16[k] + round) >> -sh);  // Q(16+sh)

  /* Get DFT */
  WebRtcIsacfix_FftRadix16Fastest(inre1Q9, inre2Q9, -1); // real call

  //"Fastest" vectors
  if (sh>=0) {
    for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
      tmpreQ16[k] = inre1Q9[k] >> sh;  // Q(16+sh) -> Q16
      tmpimQ16[k] = inre2Q9[k] >> sh;  // Q(16+sh) -> Q16
  } else {
    for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {