C4SoundEffect* C4SoundSystem::GetEffect(const char *szSndName)
	// Remember wildcards before adding .* extension - if there are 2 versions with different file extensions, play the last added
	bool bRandomSound = SCharCount('?',szSndName) || SCharCount('*',szSndName);
	// Evaluate sound name
	char szName[C4MaxSoundName+2+1];
	// Any extension accepted
	// Play nth Sound. Standard: 1
	int32_t iNumber = 1;
	// Sound with a wildcard: determine number of available matches
	if (bRandomSound)
		iNumber = 0;
		// Count matching sounds
		for (C4SoundEffect *pSfx=FirstSound; pSfx; pSfx=pSfx->Next)
			if (WildcardMatch(szName,pSfx->Name))
		// Nothing found? Abort
		if(iNumber == 0)
			return NULL;
	// Find requested sound effect in bank
	C4SoundEffect *pSfx;
	for (pSfx=FirstSound; pSfx; pSfx=pSfx->Next)
		if (WildcardMatch(szName,pSfx->Name))
	return pSfx; // Is still NULL if nothing is found
Exemple #2
bool VFS::FindNextFile(LPVOID lpFindHandle, WIN32_FIND_DATA *pw32fd)
	FINDDATA *pfd = (FINDDATA *)lpFindHandle;
	string str;

	while (pfd->ptree) {
		str = pfd->ptree->_data.strVirtual;
		if (str.find_first_of('.') == string::npos) str.push_back('.');
		if (WildcardMatch(pfd->strFilespec.c_str(), str.c_str())) {
			GetMountPointFindData(pfd->ptree, pw32fd);
			pfd->ptree = pfd->ptree->_pright;
			return true;
		pfd->ptree = pfd->ptree->_pright;

	if (pfd->hFind) {
		return ::FindNextFile(pfd->hFind, pw32fd) ? true : false;
	} else {
		if (!Map(pfd->strVirtual.c_str(), str, &_root)) return false;
		if (str.length() != 0) {
			pfd->hFind = ::FindFirstFile(str.c_str(), pw32fd);
			return (pfd->hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
		} else {
			return false;
void C4StartupMainDlg::OnShown()
	// Incoming update
	if (!Application.IncomingUpdate.empty())
		C4UpdateDlg::ApplyUpdate(Application.IncomingUpdate.c_str(), false, GetScreen());
	// Manual update by command line or url
	if (Application.CheckForUpdates)
		C4UpdateDlg::CheckForUpdates(GetScreen(), false);
		Application.CheckForUpdates = false;
	// Automatic update
		if (Config.Network.AutomaticUpdate)
			C4UpdateDlg::CheckForUpdates(GetScreen(), true);

	// first start evaluation
	if (Config.General.FirstStart)
		Config.General.FirstStart = false;
	// first thing that's needed is a new player, if there's none - independent of first start
	bool fHasPlayer = false;
	StdStrBuf sSearchPath(Config.General.UserDataPath);
	const char *szFn;
//  sSearchPath.Format("%s%s", (const char *) Config.General.ExePath, (const char *) Config.General.PlayerPath);
	for (DirectoryIterator i(sSearchPath.getData()); (szFn=*i); i++)
		szFn = Config.AtRelativePath(szFn);
		if (*GetFilename(szFn) == '.') continue; // ignore ".", ".." and private files (".*")
		if (!WildcardMatch(C4CFN_PlayerFiles, GetFilename(szFn))) continue;
		fHasPlayer = true;
	if (!fHasPlayer)
		// no player created yet: Create one
		C4GUI::Dialog *pDlg;
		GetScreen()->ShowModalDlg(pDlg=new C4StartupPlrPropertiesDlg(nullptr, nullptr), true);
	// make sure participants are updated after switching back from player selection

	// First show
	if (fFirstShown)
		// Activate the application (trying to prevent flickering half-focus in win32...)
		// Set the focus to the start button (we might still not have the focus after the update-check sometimes... :/)
		SetFocus(pStartButton, false);
	fFirstShown = false;
Exemple #4
eURLState CWebCore::GetURLState ( const SString& strURL, bool bOutputDebug )
    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock ( m_FilterMutex );
    // Initialize wildcard whitelist (be careful with modifying) | Todo: Think about the following
    static SString wildcardWhitelist[] = { "*.googlevideo.com", "*.google.com", "*.youtube.com", "*.ytimg.com", "*.vimeocdn.com" };

    for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(wildcardWhitelist) / sizeof(SString); ++i )
        if ( WildcardMatch ( wildcardWhitelist[i], strURL ) )
            return eURLState::WEBPAGE_ALLOWED;

    google::dense_hash_map<SString, WebFilterPair>::iterator iter = m_Whitelist.find ( strURL );
    if ( iter != m_Whitelist.end () )
        if ( iter->second.first == true )
            return eURLState::WEBPAGE_ALLOWED;
            if ( m_bTestmodeEnabled && bOutputDebug ) g_pCore->DebugPrintfColor ( "[BROWSER] Blocked page: %s", 255, 0, 0, strURL.c_str() );
            return eURLState::WEBPAGE_DISALLOWED;

    if ( m_bTestmodeEnabled && bOutputDebug ) g_pCore->DebugPrintfColor ( "[BROWSER] Blocked page: %s", 255, 0, 0, strURL.c_str() );
    return eURLState::WEBPAGE_NOT_LISTED;
Exemple #5
global func FxIntInvincibilityEffect(string szNewEffectName)
  // nicht anbrennen lassen
  if(WildcardMatch(szNewEffectName,"*Fire*")) return FX_Effect_Deny;
  // gleichen Effekt ablehnen
  if(szNewEffectName == "IntInvincibility") return FX_Effect_Deny;
Exemple #6
inline bool WildcardMatch(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const std::string& str, bool iCase = false)
  return std::find_if(begin, end, [&](const std::string& pattern)
              return WildcardMatch(pattern, str, iCase);
            }) != end;
void C4Effect::Kill()
	// active?
	C4Effect *pLastRemovedEffect=NULL;
	if (IsActive())
		// then temp remove all higher priority effects
		TempRemoveUpperEffects(false, &pLastRemovedEffect);
		// otherwise: temp reactivate before real removal
		// this happens only if a lower priority effect removes an upper priority effect in its add- or removal-call
		if (iPriority!=1) CallStart(C4FxCall_TempAddForRemoval, C4Value(), C4Value(), C4Value(), C4Value());
	// remove this effect
	int32_t iPrevPrio = iPriority; SetDead();
	if (CallStop(C4FxCall_Normal, false) == C4Fx_Stop_Deny)
		// effect denied to be removed: recover
		iPriority = iPrevPrio;
	// reactivate other effects
	// Update OnFire cache
	if (Target && WildcardMatch(C4Fx_AnyFire, GetName()))
		if (!Get(C4Fx_AnyFire))
	if (IsDead() && !GetCallbackScript())
		Call(P_Destruction, &C4AulParSet(C4FxCall_Normal));
Exemple #8
// ResCache::Preload								- Chapter 8, page 236
int ResCache::Preload(const std::string pattern, void (*progressCallback)(int, bool &))
	if (m_file==NULL)
		return 0;

	int numFiles = m_file->VGetNumResources();
	int loaded = 0;
	bool cancel = false;
	for (int i=0; i<numFiles; ++i)
		Resource resource(m_file->VGetResourceName(i));

		if (WildcardMatch(pattern.c_str(), resource.m_name.c_str()))
			shared_ptr<ResHandle> handle = g_pApp->m_ResCache->GetHandle(&resource);

		if (progressCallback != NULL)
			progressCallback(i * 100/numFiles, cancel);
	return loaded;
std::vector<SString> SharedUtil::FindFiles(const SString& strMatch, bool bFiles, bool bDirectories, bool bSortByDate)
    std::vector<SString>           strResult;
    std::multimap<uint64, SString> sortMap;

    DIR*           Dir;
    struct dirent* DirEntry;

    // Extract any filename matching characters
    SString strFileMatch;
    SString strSearchDirectory = PathJoin(PathConform(strMatch).SplitLeft("/", &strFileMatch, -1), "/");

    if ((Dir = opendir(strSearchDirectory)))
        while ((DirEntry = readdir(Dir)) != NULL)
            // Skip dotted entries
            if (strcmp(DirEntry->d_name, ".") && strcmp(DirEntry->d_name, ".."))
                struct stat Info;
                bool        bIsDir = false;

                // Do wildcard matching if required
                if (!strFileMatch.empty() && !WildcardMatch(strFileMatch, DirEntry->d_name))

                SString strPath = PathJoin(strSearchDirectory, DirEntry->d_name);

                // Determine the file stats
                if (lstat(strPath, &Info) != -1)
                    bIsDir = S_ISDIR(Info.st_mode);

                if (bIsDir ? bDirectories : bFiles)
                    if (bSortByDate)
                        SString     strAbsPath = strSearchDirectory + DirEntry->d_name;
                        struct stat attrib;
                        stat(strAbsPath, &attrib);
                        MapInsert(sortMap, (uint64)attrib.st_mtime, SStringX(DirEntry->d_name));

    // Resolve sorted map if required
    if (!sortMap.empty())
        for (std::multimap<uint64, SString>::iterator iter = sortMap.begin(); iter != sortMap.end(); ++iter)

    return strResult;
Exemple #10
global func FxIntInvincibleEffect(string new_name, object target, proplist fx)
	// Block fire effects.
	if (WildcardMatch(new_name, "*Fire*") && !fx.allow_fire)
		return FX_Effect_Deny;
	// All other effects are okay.
	return FX_OK;
//  WildcardMatch
//    pszString - Input string to match
//    pszMatch  - Match mask that may contain wildcards like ? and *
//    A ? sign matches any character, except an empty string.
//    A * sign matches any string inclusive an empty string.
//    Characters are compared caseless.
bool WildcardMatch(const char *pszString, const char *pszMatch)
  // We have a special case were string is empty ("") and the mask is "*".
  // We need to handle this too. So we can't test on !*pszString here.
  // The loop breaks when the match string is exhausted.
  while (*pszMatch) {
    // Single wildcard character
    if (*pszMatch == '?') {
      // Matches any character except empty string
      if (!*pszString)
        return false;

      // OK next
    } else if (*pszMatch== '*') {
      // Need to do some tricks.

      // 1. The wildcard * is ignored. 
      //    So just an empty string matches. This is done by recursion.
      //    Because we eat one character from the match string, the
      //    recursion will stop.
      if (WildcardMatch(pszString, pszMatch+1))
        // we have a match and the * replaces no other character
        return true;

      // 2. Chance we eat the next character and try it again, with a
      //    wildcard * match. This is done by recursion. Because we eat
      //    one character from the string, the recursion will stop.
      if (*pszString && WildcardMatch(pszString+1, pszMatch))
        return true;

      // Nothing worked with this wildcard.
      return false;
    } else {
      // Standard compare of 2 chars. Note that *pszSring might be 0
      // here, but than we never get a match on *pszMask that has always
      // a value while inside this loop.
      if (toupper(*pszString++) != toupper(*pszMatch++))
        return false;

  // Have a match? Only if both are at the end...
  return !*pszString && !*pszMatch;
Exemple #12
bool C4MusicFileOgg::HasCategory(const char *szcat) const
	if (!szcat) return false;
	// check all stored categories
	for (auto i = categories.cbegin(); i != categories.cend(); ++i)
		if (WildcardMatch(szcat, i->getData()))
			return true;
	return false;
bool matchWildcardList(const String& str, const StringVec& wildcardList)
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < wildcardList.size(); i++) {
    if (WildcardMatch(str.c_str(), wildcardList[i].c_str())) {
      return true;
  return false;
Exemple #14
bool C4ScenarioSection::EnsureTempStore(bool fExtractLandscape,
                                        bool fExtractObjects) {
  // if it's temp store already, don't do anything
  if (szTempFilename) return true;
  // make temp filename
  char *szTmp = const_cast<char *>(
      Config.AtTempPath(szFilename ? GetFilename(szFilename) : szName));
  // main section: extract section files from main scenario group (create group
  // as open dir)
  if (!szFilename) {
    if (!CreateDirectory(szTmp, NULL)) return false;
    C4Group hGroup;
    if (!hGroup.Open(szTmp, TRUE)) {
      return false;
    // extract all desired section files
    char fn[_MAX_FNAME + 1];
    *fn = 0;
    while (Game.ScenarioFile.FindNextEntry(C4FLS_Section, fn))
      if (fExtractLandscape || !WildcardMatch(C4FLS_SectionLandscape, fn))
        if (fExtractObjects || !WildcardMatch(C4FLS_SectionObjects, fn))
          Game.ScenarioFile.ExtractEntry(fn, szTmp);
  } else {
    // subsection: simply extract section from main group
    if (!Game.ScenarioFile.ExtractEntry(szFilename, szTmp)) return false;
    // delete undesired landscape/object files
    if (!fExtractLandscape || !fExtractObjects) {
      C4Group hGroup;
      if (hGroup.Open(szFilename)) {
        if (!fExtractLandscape) hGroup.Delete(C4FLS_SectionLandscape);
        if (!fExtractObjects) hGroup.Delete(C4FLS_SectionObjects);
  // copy temp filename
  szTempFilename = new char[strlen(szTmp) + 1];
  SCopy(szTmp, szTempFilename, _MAX_PATH);
  // done, success
  return true;
Exemple #15
/// <summary>
/// Determine if a string matches a pattern containing wildcard characters, case-insensitive.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pattern">The pattern to compare against.</param>
/// <param name="patternEnd">The end of the pattern to compare against (one past the last character; the
/// address of the '\0' if you're using NUL-terminated strings).</param>
/// <param name="text">The text string to test.</param>
/// <param name="textEnd">The end of the text string to test (one past the last character; the
/// address of the '\0' if you're using NUL-terminated strings).</param>
/// <returns>True if the string matches the pattern, false if it does not.</returns>
static Bool WildcardMatch(const Byte *pattern, const Byte *patternEnd, const Byte *text, const Byte *textEnd)
	Byte patternChar, textChar, nextPatternChar;

	while (pattern < patternEnd) {
		switch (patternChar = CaseFold(*pattern++)) {
		case '?':
			// If we ran out of characters, this is a fail.
			if (text == textEnd)
				return False;
			textChar = CaseFold(*text++);

		case '*':
			// Consume trailing '*' and '?' characters, since they don't mean much (except '?',
			// which adds mandatory filler space).
			while (pattern < patternEnd && ((patternChar = CaseFold(*pattern)) == '?' || patternChar == '*')) {
				if (patternChar == '?' && text == textEnd)
					return False;

			// If we ran out of characters in the pattern, then this is a successful match,
			// since this star can consume everything after it in the text.
			if (pattern == patternEnd)
				return True;

			// Determine the next character in the text that we're searching for.
			nextPatternChar = patternChar;

			// Skim forward in the text looking for that next character, and then recursively
			// perform a pattern-match on the remainders of the pattern and text from there.
			// We use that next character to optimize the recursion, so that we don't recurse
			// if we know there won't be a match.
			while (text < textEnd) {
				textChar = CaseFold(*text);
				if (textChar == nextPatternChar && WildcardMatch(pattern, patternEnd, text, textEnd))
					return True;

			// None of the recursive searches matched, so this is a fail.
			return False;

			if (text == textEnd)
				return False;	// Ran out of characters.
			if (patternChar != CaseFold(*text++))
				return False;	// No match.

	return text == textEnd;
   StringParser::WildcardMatchNoCase(const String &sWildcard, const String &sString)
      String sLowerWild = sWildcard;
      String sLowerStr = sString;


      return WildcardMatch(sLowerWild, sLowerStr);
   StringParser::IsValidDomainName(const String &sDomainName)
      if (_AnyOfCharsExists("<>,\"\\!#¤%&[]$£/*?", sDomainName))
         return false;
      String sWildCard = "?*.?*";
      return WildcardMatch(sWildCard, sDomainName);

Exemple #18
int32_t C4SoundSystem::EffectInBank(const char *szSound) {
  int32_t iResult = 0;
  C4SoundEffect *pSfx;
  char szName[C4MaxSoundName + 4 + 1];
  // Compose name (with extension)
  SCopy(szSound, szName, C4MaxSoundName);
  DefaultExtension(szName, "wav");
  // Count all matching sounds in bank
  for (pSfx = FirstSound; pSfx; pSfx = pSfx->Next)
    if (WildcardMatch(szName, pSfx->Name)) iResult++;
  return iResult;
// SharedUtil_WildcardMatch_Tests
// Tests for WildcardMatch
void SharedUtil_WildcardMatch_Tests ( void )
    // WildcardMatch
            assert ( WildcardMatch ( a, b ) == result );
            const char* a;
            const char* b;
            bool result;
            { "*bd*",         "abcbde",               true },
            { "*bd?f*",       "abcbdef_bdgh",         true },
            { "*bd?h*",       "abcbdef_bdgh",         true },
            { "*bd?g*",       "abcbdef_bdgh",         false },
            { "scr*w?d",      "screeeewywxd",         true },
            { "A*B",          "A_B_B",                true },
            { "",             "",                     true },
            { "*",            "",                     true },
            { "*",            "A",                    true },
            { "",             "A",                    false },
            { "A*",           "",                     false },
            { "A*",           "AAB",                  true },
            { "A*",           "BAA",                  false },
            { "A*",           "A",                    true },
            { "A*B",          "",                     false },
            { "A*B",          "AAB",                  true },
            { "A*B",          "AB",                   true },
            { "A*B",          "AABA",                 false },
            { "A*B",          "ABAB",                 true },
            { "A*B",          "ABBBB",                true },
            { "A*B*C",        "",                     false },
            { "A*B*C",        "ABC",                  true },
            { "A*B*C",        "ABCC",                 true },
            { "A*B*C",        "ABBBC",                true },
            { "A*B*C",        "ABBBBCCCC",            true },
            { "A*B*C",        "ABCBBBCBCCCBCBCCCC",   true },
            { "A*B*",         "AB",                   true },
            { "A*B*",         "AABA",                 true },
            { "A*B*",         "ABAB",                 true },
            { "A*B*",         "ABBBB",                true },
            { "A*B*C*",       "",                     false },
            { "A*B*C*",       "ABC",                  true },
            { "A*B*C*",       "ABCC",                 true },
            { "A*B*C*",       "ABBBC",                true },
            { "A*B*C*",       "ABBBBCCCC",            true },
            { "A*B*C*",       "ABCBBBCBCCCBCBCCCC",   true },
            { "A?",           "AAB",                  false },
            { "A?B",          "AAB",                  true },
            { "A?*",          "A",                    false },
            { "A?*",          "ABBCC",                true },
            { "A?*",          "BAA",                  false },
C4Effect * C4Effect::Init(C4PropList *pForObj, int32_t iPrio, const C4Value &rVal1, const C4Value &rVal2, const C4Value &rVal3, const C4Value &rVal4)
	Target = pForObj;
	// ask all effects with higher priority first - except for prio 1 effects, which are considered out of the priority call chain (as per doc)
	bool fRemoveUpper = (iPrio != 1);
	// note that apart from denying the creation of this effect, higher priority effects may also remove themselves
	// or do other things with the effect list
	// (which does not quite make sense, because the effect might be denied by another effect)
	// so the priority is assigned after this call, marking this effect dead before it's definitely valid
	if (fRemoveUpper && pNext)
		C4Effect * pEffect2 = pNext->Check(GetName(), iPrio, iInterval, rVal1, rVal2, rVal3, rVal4);
		if (pEffect2)
			// effect denied (iResult = -1), added to an effect (iResult = Number of that effect)
			// or added to an effect that destroyed itself (iResult = -2)
			if (pEffect2 != (C4Effect*)C4Fx_Effect_Deny && pEffect2 != (C4Effect*)C4Fx_Effect_Annul) return pEffect2;
			// effect is still marked dead
			return 0;
	// init effect
	// higher-priority effects must be deactivated temporarily, and then reactivated regarding the new effect
	// higher-level effects should not be inserted during the process of removing or adding a lower-level effect
	// because that would cause a wrong initialization order
	// (hardly ever causing trouble, however...)
	C4Effect *pLastRemovedEffect=NULL;
	C4AulFunc * pFn;
	if (!GetCallbackScript())
		Call(P_Construction, &C4AulParSet(rVal1, rVal2, rVal3, rVal4)).getInt();
		if (pForObj && !pForObj->Status) return 0;
		pFn = GetFunc(P_Start);
		pFn = pFnStart;
	if (fRemoveUpper && pNext && pFn)
		TempRemoveUpperEffects(false, &pLastRemovedEffect);
	// bad things may happen
	if (pForObj && !pForObj->Status) return 0; // this will be invalid!
	iPriority = iPrio; // validate effect now
	if (CallStart(0, rVal1, rVal2, rVal3, rVal4) == C4Fx_Start_Deny)
		// the effect denied to start: assume it hasn't, and mark it dead
	if (fRemoveUpper && pNext && pFn)
	if (pForObj && !pForObj->Status) return 0; // this will be invalid!
	// Update OnFire cache
	if (!IsDead() && pForObj && WildcardMatch(C4Fx_AnyFire, GetName()))
	return this;
Exemple #21
/// <summary>
/// Determine if this test suite is one we should be running or not.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of a test suite.</param>
/// <returns>True if that test suite is in the set of requested tests, False if it should be skipped.</returns>
static Bool IsTestSuiteRequested(const char *name)
	int i;

	if (NumRequestedTests <= 0) return True;

	for (i = 0; i < NumRequestedTests; i++) {
		if (WildcardMatch(RequestedTests[i], RequestedTests[i] + strlen(RequestedTests[i]), name, name + strlen(name)))
			return True;

	return False;
* Return true if this profile inherits from the specified template
bool BotProfile::InheritsFrom( const char *name ) const
    if ( WildcardMatch( name, GetName() ) )
        return true;

    for ( int i=0; i<m_templates.Count(); ++i )
        const BotProfile *queryTemplate = m_templates[i];
        if ( queryTemplate->InheritsFrom( name ) )
            return true;
    return false;
Exemple #23
C4SoundInstance *C4SoundSystem::FindInstance(const char *szSndName,
                                             C4Object *pObj) {
  char szName[C4MaxSoundName + 4 + 1];
  // Evaluate sound name (see GetEffect)
  SCopy(szSndName, szName, C4MaxSoundName);
  DefaultExtension(szName, "wav");
  SReplaceChar(szName, '*', '?');
  // Find an effect with a matching instance
  for (C4SoundEffect *csfx = FirstSound; csfx; csfx = csfx->Next)
    if (WildcardMatch(szName, csfx->Name)) {
      C4SoundInstance *pInst = csfx->GetInstance(pObj);
      if (pInst) return pInst;
  return NULL;
BOOL WildcardMatch (const wchar_t *Mask,
                    const wchar_t *Value)
	size_t i;
	size_t j = 0;
	size_t maskLen;
	size_t valueLen;

	maskLen = wcslen(Mask);
	valueLen = wcslen(Value);

	for (i = 0;
		 i < maskLen + 1;
		 i++) {

		if (Mask[i] == '?') {


		if (Mask[i] == '*') {
			for (;
				 j < valueLen + 1;
				 j++) {

				if (WildcardMatch(Mask + i + 1,
								  Value + j)) {

					return (TRUE);
			return (FALSE);

		if ((j <= valueLen) &&
			(Mask[i] == tolower(Value[j]))) {


		return (FALSE);
	return (TRUE);
Exemple #25
int32_t C4SoundSystem::RemoveEffect(const char *szFilename) {
  int32_t iResult = 0;
  C4SoundEffect *pNext, *pPrev = NULL;
  for (C4SoundEffect *pSfx = FirstSound; pSfx; pSfx = pNext) {
    pNext = pSfx->Next;
    if (WildcardMatch(szFilename, pSfx->Name)) {
      delete pSfx;
      if (pPrev)
        pPrev->Next = pNext;
        FirstSound = pNext;
    } else
      pPrev = pSfx;
  return iResult;
C4GUI::ContextMenu *C4StartupMainDlg::OnPlayerSelContextAdd(C4GUI::Element *pBtn, int32_t iX, int32_t iY)
	C4GUI::ContextMenu *pCtx = new C4GUI::ContextMenu();
	const char *szFn;
	StdStrBuf sSearchPath(Config.General.UserDataPath);
//  sSearchPath.Format("%s%s", (const char *) Config.General.ExePath, (const char *) Config.General.PlayerPath);
	for (DirectoryIterator i(sSearchPath.getData()); (szFn=*i); i++)
		szFn = Config.AtRelativePath(szFn);
		if (*GetFilename(szFn) == '.') continue;
		if (!WildcardMatch(C4CFN_PlayerFiles, GetFilename(szFn))) continue;
		if (!SIsModule(Config.General.Participants, szFn, nullptr, false))
			pCtx->AddItem(GetFilenameOnly(szFn), "Let this player join in next game", C4GUI::Ico_Player,
			              new C4GUI::CBMenuHandlerEx<C4StartupMainDlg, StdCopyStrBuf>(this, &C4StartupMainDlg::OnPlayerSelContextAddPlr, StdCopyStrBuf(szFn)), nullptr);
	return pCtx;
Exemple #27
// ResCache::Match									- not described in the book
//   Searches the resource cache assets for files matching the pattern. Useful for providing a 
//   a list of levels for a main menu screen, for example.
std::vector<std::string> ResCache::Match(const std::string pattern)
	std::vector<std::string> matchingNames;
	if (m_file==NULL)
		return matchingNames;

	int numFiles = m_file->VGetNumResources();
	for (int i=0; i<numFiles; ++i)
		std::string name = m_file->VGetResourceName(i);
		std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), (int(*)(int)) std::tolower);
		if (WildcardMatch(pattern.c_str(), name.c_str()))
	return matchingNames;
Exemple #28
std::vector<std::string> ResCache::match( const std::string pattern ) {
	std::vector<std::string> matchingNames;
	if( m_files.empty() )
		return matchingNames;

	for( ResourceFiles::iterator fileItr = m_files.begin(); fileItr != m_files.end(); ++fileItr ) {
		int numFiles = (*fileItr)->VGetNumResources();
		for( int i = 0; i < numFiles; ++i ) {
			std::string name = (*fileItr)->VGetResourceName(i);
			std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), (int(*)(int)) std::tolower);
			if( WildcardMatch(pattern.c_str(), name.c_str()) ) {

	return matchingNames;
Exemple #29
C4Effect * C4Effect::New(C4Object * pForObj, C4String * szName, int32_t iPrio, int32_t iTimerInterval, C4Object * pCmdTarget, C4ID idCmdTarget, const C4Value &rVal1, const C4Value &rVal2, const C4Value &rVal3, const C4Value &rVal4)
	C4Effect * pEffect = new C4Effect(pForObj, szName, iPrio, iTimerInterval, pCmdTarget, idCmdTarget, rVal1, rVal2, rVal3, rVal4);
	// ask all effects with higher priority first - except for prio 1 effects, which are considered out of the priority call chain (as per doc)
	bool fRemoveUpper = (iPrio != 1);
	// note that apart from denying the creation of this effect, higher priority effects may also remove themselves
	// or do other things with the effect list
	// (which does not quite make sense, because the effect might be denied by another effect)
	// so the priority is assigned after this call, marking this effect dead before it's definitely valid
	if (fRemoveUpper && pEffect->pNext)
		C4Effect * pEffect2 = pEffect->pNext->Check(pForObj, szName->GetCStr(), iPrio, iTimerInterval, rVal1, rVal2, rVal3, rVal4);
		if (pEffect2)
			// effect denied (iResult = -1), added to an effect (iResult = Number of that effect)
			// or added to an effect that destroyed itself (iResult = -2)
			if (pEffect2 != (C4Effect*)C4Fx_Effect_Deny && pEffect2 != (C4Effect*)C4Fx_Effect_Annul) return pEffect2;
			// effect is still marked dead
			return 0;
	// init effect
	// higher-priority effects must be deactivated temporarily, and then reactivated regarding the new effect
	// higher-level effects should not be inserted during the process of removing or adding a lower-level effect
	// because that would cause a wrong initialization order
	// (hardly ever causing trouble, however...)
	C4Effect *pLastRemovedEffect=NULL;
	if (fRemoveUpper && pEffect->pNext && pEffect->pFnStart)
		pEffect->TempRemoveUpperEffects(pForObj, false, &pLastRemovedEffect);
	// bad things may happen
	if (pForObj && !pForObj->Status) return 0; // this will be invalid!
	pEffect->iPriority = iPrio; // validate effect now
	if (pEffect->pFnStart)
		if (pEffect->pFnStart->Exec(pCmdTarget, &C4AulParSet(C4VObj(pForObj), C4VPropList(pEffect), C4VInt(0), rVal1, rVal2, rVal3, rVal4)).getInt() == C4Fx_Start_Deny)
			// the effect denied to start: assume it hasn't, and mark it dead
	if (fRemoveUpper && pEffect->pNext && pEffect->pFnStart)
		pEffect->TempReaddUpperEffects(pForObj, pLastRemovedEffect);
	if (pForObj && !pForObj->Status) return 0; // this will be invalid!
	// Update OnFire cache
	if (!pEffect->IsDead() && pForObj && WildcardMatch(C4Fx_AnyFire, szName->GetCStr()))
	return pEffect;
Exemple #30
bool C4MainMenu::ActivateNewPlayer(int32_t iPlayer)
	// league or replay game
	if (Game.Parameters.isLeague() || Game.C4S.Head.Replay) return false;
	// Max player limit
	if (::Players.GetCount() >= Game.Parameters.MaxPlayers) return false;

	// Menu symbol/init
	if (GfxR->fctPlayerClr.Surface)
	InitRefSym(GfxR->fctPlayerClr, LoadResStr("IDS_MENU_NOPLRFILES"), iPlayer);
	for (DirectoryIterator iter(Config.General.UserDataPath); *iter; ++iter)
		if (WildcardMatch("*.ocp", *iter))
			char szFilename[_MAX_PATH+1], szCommand[_MAX_PATH+30+1];
			SCopy(*iter, szFilename, _MAX_PATH);
			if (DirectoryExists(szFilename)) continue;
			if (::Players.FileInUse(szFilename)) continue;
			// Open group
			C4Group hGroup;
			if (!hGroup.Open(szFilename)) continue;
			// Load player info
			C4PlayerInfoCore C4P;
			if (!C4P.Load(hGroup)) { hGroup.Close(); continue; }
			// Close group
			// Add player item
			sprintf(szCommand, "JoinPlayer:%s", szFilename);
			StdStrBuf sItemText;
			sItemText.Format(LoadResStr("IDS_MENU_NEWPLAYER"), C4P.PrefName);
			C4FacetSurface fctSymbol;
			// Add menu item
			Add(sItemText.getData(), fctSymbol, szCommand);
			// Reset symbol facet (menu holds on to the surface)

	// Alignment
	SetAlignment(C4MN_Align_Left | C4MN_Align_Bottom);
	// Go back to options menu on close

	return true;