static HPS hpsDrawText(HPS hPS, PTEXTFIELD ptf) { FONTMETRICS fm3D; /* Font Metrics Holder */ RECTL rcl; /* Rectangle Holder */ register LONG i, k, n; /* String Length Counter */ /* Get the presentation space for the control */ /* and set the colour table to RGB mode */ GpiCreateLogColorTable(hPS, 0L, LCOLF_RGB, 0L, 0L, (PLONG)NULL); /* Check to see if any text present and if the */ /* case, draw it within the rectangle */ if ( ptf->cText ) /* Check to see if the text is to be broken over */ /* more than one line if the length of the text */ /* is greater than the width of the control */ if ( ptf->flStyle & DT_WORDBREAK ) { /* Word break style specified, set the drawing */ /* of the text within a loop such that it can */ /* be drawn on successive lines */ n = ptf->cText; GpiQueryFontMetrics(hPS, sizeof(FONTMETRICS), &fm3D); rcl = ptf->rcl; i = 0; do { n -= (k = WinDrawText(hPS, n, &ptf->pszText[i], &rcl, ptf->lClrText, ptf->lClrBackground, ptf->flFormat)); i += k; if ( (rcl.yTop -= fm3D.lMaxBaselineExt) < rcl.yBottom ) break; } while ( n > 0 ); } else WinDrawText(hPS, ptf->cText, ptf->pszText, &ptf->rcl, ptf->lClrText, ptf->lClrBackground, ptf->flFormat); else WinFillRect(hPS, &ptf->rcl, ptf->lClrBackground); GpiSetColor(hPS, ptf->lClrLeftTop); GpiMove(hPS, &ptf->aptl[3]); GpiPolyLine(hPS, 2L, ptf->aptl); GpiSetColor(hPS, ptf->lClrBottomRight); GpiPolyLine(hPS, 2L, &ptf->aptl[2]); return(hPS); }
void MyRenderWin::paint(HWND& hwnd, HPS& hps, RECTL& rcl, MiniWin* win) { hwnd; // suppress warning time_t timer; struct tm tblock; timer = time(0); tblock = *localtime(&timer); char string[2+1+2+1]; switch (timeFmt) { case 0: // 12 hour { int hour = tblock.tm_hour; if ((hour %= 12) == 0) hour = 12; sprintf(string, "%01d:%02d%c", hour, tblock.tm_min, tblock.tm_hour <= 12 ? 'a' : 'p'); break; } case 1: // 24 hour sprintf(string, "%02d:%02d", tblock.tm_hour, tblock.tm_min); break; default: strcpy(string, "?time?"); break; } rcl.xLeft--; rcl.yBottom++; WinDrawText(hps, strlen(string), (PSZ)string, &rcl, SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT, win->bgnd(), DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER); rcl.xLeft++; rcl.yBottom--; WinDrawText(hps, strlen(string), (PSZ)string, &rcl, win->fgnd(), win->bgnd(), DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER); }
static BOOL DrawItem(PATTRIBSELECTDATA pWinData, POWNERITEM pOwnerItem) { if (pOwnerItem->idItem == VDA_ITEM) { int iItem; ULONG ulMask; iItem = (SHORT1FROMMP(pOwnerItem->hItem)-1) * 8+ (SHORT2FROMMP(pOwnerItem->hItem)-1); ulMask = 1UL << iItem; if ((pWinData->ulAttrib & ulMask) && (pWinData->ulAttribMask & ulMask)) { /* gesetzt */ WinDrawText(pOwnerItem->hps, -1, AttribText[iItem], &pOwnerItem->rclItem, CLR_WHITE, CLR_RED, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_ERASERECT); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } else return FALSE; }
MRESULT EXPENTRY ClientWndProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { HPS hps; RECTL rcl; static ULONG i = 1; ULONG ulMem; char szBuf[200]; switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: /* use smaller text */ WinSetPresParam(hwnd, PP_FONTNAMESIZE, 7, (PVOID)"8.Helv"); /* start the timer (ticks each 0.5 sec.) */ AddFloat(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT)); WinStartTimer(hab, hwnd, ID_TIMER, 500); break; /* make window always stay on top (if desired) */ case WM_VRNENABLED: if (bFloat) WinSetWindowPos(hwndFrame, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_ZORDER); break; case WM_COMMAND: /* why doesn't WM_SYSCOMMAND work? */ if (LOUSHORT(mp1) == IDM_FLOAT) { bFloat = !bFloat; WinCheckMenuItem(hwndSysSubmenu, IDM_FLOAT, bFloat); } break; case WM_TIMER: if (++i > 13) i = 1; WinInvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); return FALSE; case WM_PAINT: hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, &rcl); /* necessary to avoid incorrectly repainting window */ WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rcl); /* sprintf(szBuf, " Current use %dK Maximum ever used %dK Errors %d", meminfo->used / 1024, meminfo->maxused / 1024, meminfo->num_err);*/ sprintf(szBuf, " Current use %dB Maximum ever used %dK Errors %d", meminfo->used, meminfo->maxused / 1024, meminfo->num_err); WinDrawText(hps, -1, szBuf, &rcl, CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_ERASERECT); WinEndPaint(hps); break; } return WinDefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); }
void XText::Draw( XGraphicDevice * dev) { if (!(settings & GO_HIDE)) { SetupDevice(dev); if (p2.GetX() == 0) { POINTL pnt; pnt.x = p.GetX(); pnt.y = p.GetY(); GpiCharStringAt(dev->hps, &pnt, text.GetLength(), (PSZ) (char*) text); } else { RECTL rc; rc.yBottom = p.y + dev->yOffset; rc.yTop = p2.y + dev->yOffset; rc.xLeft = p.x + dev->xOffset; rc.xRight = p2.x + dev->xOffset; char *t = text; if (style & DT_WORDBREAK) { int drawn = 0, totalDrawn, length = text.GetLength(); for (totalDrawn = 0; totalDrawn < length; rc.yTop -= (LONG) (font->realSize)) { drawn = WinDrawText(dev->hps, length - totalDrawn, (PSZ) t + totalDrawn, &rc, color.GetColor(), 0, style); if (drawn) totalDrawn += drawn; else break; } } else WinDrawText(dev->hps, text.GetLength(), (PCH) t, &rc, color.GetColor(), 0, style); } return; } }
MRESULT clbPaint(PCLBOX pclb) { HPS hps; if (pclb && NULLHANDLE != (hps = WinBeginPaint(pclb->hwnd, NULLHANDLE, NULL))) { if (!(pclb->fl & (CLBXS_CHECK | CLBXS_NOCAPT))) { ULONG fl = DT_VCENTER | DT_ERASERECT | DT_MNEMONIC; GpiCreateLogColorTable(hps, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL); WinDrawText(hps, -1, pclb->psz, &pclb->rclcpt, pclb->lfgnd, pclb->lbkgnd, (pclb->is.enbl? fl: fl | DT_HALFTONE)); } /* endif */ WinEndPaint(hps); } /* endif */ return (MRESULT)FALSE; }
MRESULT DrawMenuItem( POWNERITEM poi ) { TASKDATA* data = (TASKDATA*)poi->hItem; BOOL select = (poi->fsAttribute & MIA_HILITED) ? TRUE : FALSE; ULONG cx_icon = WinQuerySysValue( HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXICON ); ULONG cy_icon = WinQuerySysValue( HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYICON ); POINTL pos; RECTL rect = poi->rclItem; WinFillRect( poi->hps, &rect, select ? SYSCLR_MENUHILITEBGND : SYSCLR_MENU ); rect.xLeft += 2; rect.yBottom += ( rect.yTop - rect.yBottom - cy_icon/2 ) / 2; if( data->hIcon != NULLHANDLE ) { WinDrawPointer( poi->hps, rect.xLeft + 1, rect.yBottom + 1, data->hIcon, DP_MINI ); } rect.xLeft += cx_icon/2 + 5; rect.yBottom = poi->rclItem.yBottom; WinDrawText( poi->hps, -1, data->szTitle, &rect, select ? SYSCLR_MENUHILITE : SYSCLR_MENUTEXT, 0, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER ); // Well well well... And now ;) we are going to fix A great-Warp4-Menu-Bug // Make to redraw erased parts of menu's window border // Define something like #ifdef WARP_3 if you are running OS/2 Warp 3.x // vertical "light" line pos.x = poi->rclItem.xLeft; pos.y = 1; GpiSetColor( poi->hps, SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT ); GpiMove( poi->hps, &pos ); pos.y = poi->rclItem.yTop; GpiLine( poi->hps, &pos ); // horizontal "dark" line pos.x = 1; pos.y = 1; GpiSetColor( poi->hps, SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK ); GpiMove( poi->hps, &pos ); pos.x = poi->rclItem.xRight; GpiLine( poi->hps, &pos ); poi->fsAttributeOld = (poi->fsAttribute &= ~MIA_HILITED); return MRFROMLONG( TRUE ); }
static void kstDraw(HWND hwnd, KSTPTR p) { HPS hps ; RECTL rct ; LONG fore, back ; #ifdef DEBUG TRACE("kstDraw %s\n", p->keyName) ; fflush(stdout) ; #endif fore = p->clrFore ; back = p->keyDown ? p->clrDn : p->clrUp ; hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, NULL) ; WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rct) ; WinDrawText(hps, strlen(p->keyName), p->keyName, &rct, fore, back, (DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_ERASERECT)) ; WinEndPaint(hps) ; }
MRESULT MeasureMenuItem( POWNERITEM poi ) { TASKDATA* data = (TASKDATA*)poi->hItem; ULONG cx_icon = WinQuerySysValue( HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXICON ); ULONG cy_icon = WinQuerySysValue( HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYICON ); RECTL rect = { 0, 0, 32000, 32000 }; WinDrawText( poi->hps, -1, data->szTitle, &rect, 0, 0, DT_QUERYEXTENT | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER ); poi->rclItem.xLeft = 0; poi->rclItem.xRight = max( cx_icon/2 + 4, rect.xRight - rect.xLeft ) + 10; poi->rclItem.yBottom = 0; poi->rclItem.yTop = max( cy_icon/2 + 2, rect.yTop - rect.yBottom ) + 1; return MRFROMLONG( poi->rclItem.yTop ); }
// disegna il controllo groupbox MRESULT PaintGroupBox(HWND hwnd) { PCTL pgb = stGetData(hwnd); if (pgb) { RECTL rcl = {0, 0, pgb->, pgb->}; HPS hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, NULL); ULONG brd = pgb->fl & 0x7; ULONG frm = brd; GpiCreateLogColorTable(hps, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL); // disegna bordo groupbox WinDrawBorder(hps, &rcl, brd, brd, 0, 0, (pgb->fl & CCTL_RAISED? 0x400: 0x800)); // se necessario disegnare anche frame if (pgb->fl & CCTL_FRAME6) { frm = brd * ((pgb->fl & 0x38) >> 3); rcl.xLeft = frm; rcl.yBottom = frm; rcl.xRight -= frm; rcl.yTop -= frm; WinDrawBorder(hps, &rcl, brd, brd, 0, 0, (pgb->fl & CCTL_RAISED? 0x800: 0x400)); } /* endif */ // se il testo Š presente if (pgb->psz) { // cancella background rcl.xLeft = frm; rcl.yBottom = pgb-> - pgb->cyFont - 2 * frm - 2; rcl.xRight = pgb-> + 2 * frm + 3; rcl.yTop = pgb-> - frm; WinFillRect(hps, &rcl, pgb->lbkgnd); // disegna testo rcl.yBottom += 2; WinDrawText(hps, -1, pgb->psz, &rcl, pgb->lfgnd, pgb->lbkgnd, DT_CENTER | DT_TOP | DT_MNEMONIC | DT_EXTERNALLEADING | ((pgb->fl & WS_DISABLED)? DT_HALFTONE: 0)); // disegna bordo inferiore e a destra del testo rcl.yBottom -= 2; GpiSetColor(hps, (pgb->fl & CCTL_RAISED? pgb->lshadow: pgb->lhilite)); GpiMove(hps, (PPOINTL)&rcl); rcl.xLeft = rcl.xRight; rcl.yTop -= 1; GpiPolyLine(hps, 2, (PPOINTL)&rcl); } /* endif */ WinEndPaint(hps); } /* endif */
bool PaintButton( VRIconButton *somSelf, PUSERBUTTON pbtn ) { FONTMETRICS fm; HAB hab; RECTL rcl, rclTxt, rclImg; POINTL ptl, aptl[ TXTBOX_COUNT ]; LONG lFlags, flPic, flTxt, lStrW, lStrH, lOffset, lClr; ULONG cb; BOOL fPosition; //FILE *f = fopen("c:\\iconbtn.log", "a"); VRIconButtonData *somThis = VRIconButtonGetData(somSelf); lFlags = _vrGetWindowFlags( somSelf ); //fprintf(f, "----[ Entering PaintButton ] ----\n"); if ( !pbtn || ( ! WinQueryWindowRect( pbtn->hwnd, &rcl ))) return FALSE; // Get the current background colour cb = WinQueryPresParam( pbtn->hwnd, PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, PP_BACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX, NULL, sizeof( lClr ), &lClr, QPF_ID2COLORINDEX ); if ( cb ) GpiCreateLogColorTable( pbtn->hps, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL ); else lClr = GpiQueryRGBColor( pbtn->hps, 0, SYSCLR_BUTTONMIDDLE ); // Fill in the button background WinFillRect( pbtn->hps, &rcl, lClr ); ptl.x = rcl.xLeft; ptl.y = rcl.yBottom; GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 1; ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 1; // Draw the "default" state outline if applicable if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_DEFAULT ) { GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, SYSCLR_BUTTONDEFAULT ); GpiBox( pbtn->hps, DRO_OUTLINE, &ptl, 0, 0 ); } else { cb = WinQueryPresParam( WinQueryWindow( pbtn->hwnd, QW_PARENT ), PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, PP_BACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX, NULL, sizeof( lClr ), &lClr, QPF_ID2COLORINDEX ); if ( cb ) GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, lClr ); else GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, SYSCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND ); GpiBox( pbtn->hps, DRO_OUTLINE, &ptl, 0, 0 ); } if ( !( lFlags & BS_NOBORDER )) { /* Draw the button border (if appropriate) depending on the current * state(s). */ GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, ( _fDown || ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED )) ? CLR_BLACK: SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK ); ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 1; ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 2; GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 2; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 2; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, ( _fDown || ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED )) ? SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK: CLR_BLACK ); ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 1; ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 1; GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 2; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 3; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, ( _fDown || ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED )) ? SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT: SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK ); ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 2; ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 2; GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 3; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 3; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, ( _fDown || ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED )) ? SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK: SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT ); ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 2; ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 3; GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 3; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 3; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED ) { GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT ); ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 3; ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 3; GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 4; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 4; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK ); ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 3; ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 4; GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 4; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 4; GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl ); } } // if ( !( lFlags & BS_NOBORDER )) /* After this point, rcl is used for the clipping boundaries of the entire * button contents exclusive of the border. Separate bounding rectangles * for the image and the text will now be calculated within this area. */ if ( rcl.xRight > 6 ) { rcl.xLeft += 3; rcl.xRight -= 3; } if ( rcl.yTop > 6 ) { rcl.yBottom += 3; rcl.yTop -= 3; } memcpy( &rclTxt, &rcl, sizeof( RECTL )); if ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > 4 ) { rclTxt.xLeft += 2; rclTxt.xRight -= 2; } if ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > 4 ) { rclTxt.yBottom += 2; rclTxt.yTop -= 2; } if ( _pPic && ( _pPic->type & MEMP_BITMAP ) && _fResize ) memcpy( &rclImg, &rcl, sizeof( RECTL )); else { rclImg.xLeft = ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > 6 ) ? rclTxt.xLeft + 3 : rclTxt.xLeft; rclImg.xRight = ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > 6 ) ? rclTxt.xRight - 3 : rclTxt.xRight; rclImg.yBottom = ( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) > 6 ) ? rclTxt.yBottom + 3 : rclTxt.yBottom; rclImg.yTop = ( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) > 6 ) ? rclTxt.yTop - 3 : rclTxt.yTop; } //fprintf(f, "rcl = {%d %d %d %d}, width = %d, height= %d\n", rcl.xLeft, rcl.yBottom, rcl.xRight, rcl.yTop, RECTL_WIDTH(rcl), RECTL_HEIGHT(rcl) ); //fprintf(f, "rclImg = {%d %d %d %d}, width = %d, height= %d\n", rclImg.xLeft, rclImg.yBottom, rclImg.xRight, rclImg.yTop, RECTL_WIDTH(rclImg), RECTL_HEIGHT(rclImg) ); fPosition = _pPic && ( !_fResize || _pPic->type & MEMP_ICON ) && (( _bAlign == ALIGN_LEFT ) || ( _bAlign == ALIGN_RIGHT )) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* We won't draw the text until after the image... but unless we're scaling * the image into the whole button, we need to calculate how much space the * text is going to require so we can fit the image next to it. (Note that * we behave differently for top/bottom alignment vs left/right alignment - * with top/bottom, the text area is fixed to the height of the string plus * a certain margin. With left/right alignment, the image rectangle is set * to the physical image size, and the text rectangle is offset from that.) */ lStrW = 0; lStrH = 0; GpiQueryFontMetrics( pbtn->hps, sizeof( FONTMETRICS ), &fm ); if ( _pszText && *_pszText ) { // Get the width of the text as it would be rendered in the current font GpiQueryTextBox( pbtn->hps, strlen( _pszText ), _pszText, TXTBOX_COUNT, aptl ); lStrW = aptl[TXTBOX_TOPRIGHT].x - aptl[TXTBOX_TOPLEFT].x; lStrW += ( 2 * fm.lAveCharWidth ); lStrH = fm.lMaxBaselineExt + fm.lInternalLeading + fm.lMaxDescender; // Adjust the bounding rectangles for the text and image switch ( _bAlign ) { case ALIGN_TOP: rclTxt.yBottom = rclTxt.yTop - lStrH; if ( _pPic && ( !_fResize || _pPic->type & MEMP_ICON )) { if (( rclTxt.yBottom - rclImg.yBottom ) > _pPic->height ) rclImg.yTop = rclTxt.yBottom - 1; else if (( rcl.yTop - rclImg.yBottom ) > _pPic->height ) rclImg.yTop = rcl.yBottom + _pPic->height; } break; case ALIGN_BOTTOM: rclTxt.yTop = rclTxt.yBottom + lStrH; if ( _pPic && ( !_fResize || _pPic->type & MEMP_ICON )) { if ((( rclImg.yTop - rclTxt.yTop ) > _pPic->height )) rclImg.yBottom = rclTxt.yTop + 1; else if (( rclImg.yTop - rcl.yBottom ) > _pPic->height ) rclImg.yBottom = (LONG) ( rcl.yTop - _pPic->height ); } break; case ALIGN_LEFT: if ( fPosition ) { if (( rclTxt.xLeft + lStrW + _pPic->width ) < rclImg.xRight ) { rclImg.xLeft = rclImg.xRight - _pPic->width; rclTxt.xRight = rclImg.xLeft - 1; } else { rclTxt.xRight = rclTxt.xLeft + lStrW; if (( rclImg.xRight - _pPic->width ) < RECTL_WIDTH( rcl )) rclImg.xLeft = (LONG) ( rclImg.xRight - _pPic->width ); } } else rclTxt.xRight = rclTxt.xLeft + lStrW; break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: if ( fPosition ) { if (( rclImg.xLeft + _pPic->width + lStrW ) < rclImg.xRight ) { rclImg.xRight = rclImg.xLeft + _pPic->width; rclTxt.xLeft = rclImg.xRight + 1; } else { rclTxt.xLeft = rclTxt.xRight - lStrW; if (( rclImg.xLeft + _pPic->width ) < RECTL_WIDTH( rcl )) rclImg.xRight = rclImg.xLeft + _pPic->width; } } else rclTxt.xLeft = rclTxt.xRight - lStrW; break; default: break; // ALIGN_CENTER, no adjustment needed } if ( rclTxt.yBottom < rcl.yBottom ) rclTxt.yBottom = rcl.yBottom; if ( rclTxt.yTop > rcl.yTop ) rclTxt.yTop = rcl.yTop; if ( rclTxt.xLeft < rcl.xLeft ) rclTxt.xLeft = rcl.xLeft; if ( rclTxt.xRight > rcl.xRight ) rclTxt.xRight = rcl.xRight; } // Draw the image, if one is defined if ( _pPic ) { if (( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED ) && !( _fResize && ( _pPic->type & MEMP_BITMAP ))) { rclImg.xLeft++; rclImg.xRight++; rclImg.yBottom--; rclImg.yTop--; } flPic = PICTDRAW_CENTER_ICON; if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_DISABLED ) flPic |= PICTDRAW_DISABLE; if ( _pPic->type & MEMP_BITMAP ) { if ( _fResize ) flPic |= PICTDRAW_STRETCH_BITMAP; else { ptl.x = ((LONG)( RECTL_WIDTH( rclImg ) - _pPic->width ) / 2 ); ptl.y = ((LONG)( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclImg ) - _pPic->height ) / 2 ); if ( ptl.x > 0 ) rclImg.xLeft += ptl.x; if ( ptl.y > 0 ) rclImg.yBottom += ptl.y; } } VRPictDisplay( pbtn->hwnd, pbtn->hps, _pPic, &rclImg, flPic ); } // Now draw the text, if any if ( _pszText && *_pszText ) { // Get the current foreground colour if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_DISABLED ) lClr = GpiQueryRGBColor( pbtn->hps, 0, SYSCLR_MENUDISABLEDTEXT ); else { cb = WinQueryPresParam( pbtn->hwnd, PP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR, PP_FOREGROUNDCOLORINDEX, NULL, sizeof( lClr ), &lClr, QPF_ID2COLORINDEX ); if ( !cb ) lClr = GpiQueryRGBColor( pbtn->hps, 0, SYSCLR_WINDOWTEXT ); } GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, lClr ); // Now position and draw the button text switch ( _bAlign ) { case ALIGN_TOP: #ifdef GPI_DRAWTEXT ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) / 2 ); ptl.y = ( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) < lStrH ) ? rclTxt.yTop : rclTxt.yTop - ( 2 * fm.lInternalLeading ); GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_CENTER, TA_TOP ); #else flTxt = DT_CENTER | (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) < lStrH ) ? DT_TOP : DT_VCENTER ) | DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC; #endif break; case ALIGN_BOTTOM: #ifdef GPI_DRAWTEXT ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) / 2 ); ptl.y = ( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) < lStrH ) ? rclTxt.yBottom : rclTxt.yBottom + ( 2 * fm.lInternalLeading ); GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_CENTER, TA_BOTTOM ); #else flTxt = DT_CENTER | (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) < lStrH ) ? DT_BOTTOM : DT_VCENTER ) | DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC; #endif break; case ALIGN_LEFT: #ifdef GPI_DRAWTEXT ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + fm.lAveCharWidth; ptl.y = rclTxt.yBottom + (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) - fm.lXHeight ) / 2 ); GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_NORMAL_HORIZ, TA_BASE ); #else flTxt = DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC; rclTxt.xLeft += fm.lAveCharWidth; #endif break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: #ifdef GPI_DRAWTEXT ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + fm.lAveCharWidth; ptl.y = rclTxt.yBottom + (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) - fm.lXHeight ) / 2 ); GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_NORMAL_HORIZ, TA_BASE ); #else flTxt = (fPosition? DT_LEFT: DT_RIGHT) | DT_VCENTER | DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC; if ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > fm.lAveCharWidth ) { if ( fPosition ) rclTxt.xLeft += fm.lAveCharWidth; else rclTxt.xRight -= fm.lAveCharWidth; } #endif break; default: // ALIGN_CENTER #ifdef GPI_DRAWTEXT ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) / 2 ); ptl.y = rclTxt.yBottom + (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) - fm.lXHeight ) / 2 ); GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_CENTER, TA_BASE ); #else flTxt = DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC; #endif break; } if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED ) { ptl.x++; ptl.y--; } cb = strlen( _pszText ); #ifdef GPI_DRAWTEXT GpiCharStringPosAt( pbtn->hps, &ptl, &rclTxt, CHS_CLIP, cb, _pszText, NULL ); #else WinDrawText( pbtn->hps, cb, _pszText, &rclTxt, 0, 0, flTxt ); #endif } //fprintf(f, "----[ Leaving PaintButton ] ----\n\n"); //fclose(f); return TRUE; }
static MRESULT EXPENTRY LinkLabelProc( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) { linkData *ld = (linkData *)WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); switch ( msg ) { case WM_PAINT: { FONTMETRICS fm; FATTRS fat; HPS hps; ULONG style; char *text = (char *)malloc( MAXTEXTLEN ); WinQueryWindowText( hwnd, MAXTEXTLEN, text); hps = WinBeginPaint( hwnd , 0L , 0L ); GpiQueryFontMetrics( hps , sizeof( FONTMETRICS ) , &fm ); memset( &fat , 0 , sizeof( fat ) ); fat.usRecordLength = sizeof( FATTRS ); fat.lMatch = fm.lMatch; fat.fsSelection = FATTR_SEL_UNDERSCORE; strcpy( fat.szFacename , fm.szFacename ); GpiDeleteSetId( hps , 1 ); GpiCreateLogFont( hps , 0 , 1 , &fat ); GpiSetCharSet( hps , 1 ); WinQueryWindowRect( hwnd , &ld->textRect ); style = WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_STYLE ); style &= DT_LEFT|DT_CENTER|DT_RIGHT|DT_TOP|DT_VCENTER|DT_BOTTOM; WinDrawText( hps, -1, text, &ld->textRect, CLR_BLUE, SYSCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND, style | DT_ERASERECT | DT_UNDERSCORE ); WinDrawText( hps, -1, text, &ld->textRect, CLR_BLUE, SYSCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND, style | DT_QUERYEXTENT | DT_UNDERSCORE ); WinEndPaint( hps ); free( text ); } return (MRESULT)FALSE; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { if ( handPtr != NULLHANDLE ) { POINTL ptl; ptl.x = SHORT1FROMMP( mp1 ); ptl.y = SHORT2FROMMP( mp1 ); if ( WinPtInRect( WinQueryAnchorBlock( hwnd ), &ld->textRect, &ptl) ) { WinSetPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, handPtr ); return (MRESULT)FALSE; } } } break; case WM_BUTTON1CLICK: { PROGDETAILS pd; char *text; POINTL ptl; if ( strcmp( browserExe, "" ) == 0 ) break; ptl.x = SHORT1FROMMP( mp1 ); ptl.y = SHORT2FROMMP( mp1 ); if ( !WinPtInRect( WinQueryAnchorBlock( hwnd ), &ld->textRect, &ptl) ) break; if ( ld->url == NULL ) { text = (char *)malloc( MAXTEXTLEN ); WinQueryWindowText( hwnd, MAXTEXTLEN, text); } else text = strdup( ld->url ); pd.Length = sizeof( PROGDETAILS ); pd.progt.progc = PROG_DEFAULT; pd.progt.fbVisible = SHE_VISIBLE; pd.pszTitle = NULL; pd.pszExecutable = browserExe; pd.pszParameters = NULL; pd.pszStartupDir = ( browserDir[0] == 0 ) ? NULL : browserDir; pd.pszIcon = NULL; pd.pszEnvironment = NULL; pd.swpInitial.fl = SWP_ACTIVATE; = 0; = 0; pd.swpInitial.y = 0; pd.swpInitial.x = 0; pd.swpInitial.hwndInsertBehind = HWND_TOP; pd.swpInitial.hwnd = NULLHANDLE; pd.swpInitial.ulReserved1 = 0; pd.swpInitial.ulReserved2 = 0; WinStartApp( NULLHANDLE , &pd , text , NULL , 0 ); free( text ); } break; case WM_DESTROY: ld->labelProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); if ( ld->url != NULL ) free( ld->url ); free( ld ); return (MRESULT)FALSE; } return ld->labelProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); }
VOID DrawDigitalTime(HWND hwnd) { RECTL rcl; RECTL rclChar; RECTL rclCharOld; RECTL rclTime; RECTL rclAmPm; RECTL rclDate; HPS hpsWnd; SIZEF sizef; USHORT usi; ULONG ulCharWidth,ulCharModulu; char achTime[9]; char achFinalDate[9]; time_t tTime; struct tm *pLocalTime; WinQueryWindowRect (hwnd, &rcl); hpsWnd = WinGetPS (hwnd); memset(achTime,0,sizeof(achTime) ); memset(achFinalDate,0,sizeof(achFinalDate) ); GpiCreateLogColorTable (hpsWnd, LCOL_RESET, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, (PLONG) NULL); /* *if black hands and black background *selected force the background to *blue */ if( !cp.clrMinuteHand && !cp.clrBackground ) { cp.clrBackground = RGB_BLUE; } switch (cp.usDispMode & (DM_TIME | DM_DATE)) { case DM_DATE: rclDate = rcl; break; case DM_TIME | DM_DATE: if (!fIconic) { rclTime = rclDate = rcl; rclTime.yBottom = rclDate.yTop = rcl.yTop / 2; break; } /*else fall through*/ case DM_TIME: rclTime = rcl; break; } if (cp.usDispMode & DM_TIME) { rclAmPm = rclTime; time(&tTime); pLocalTime = localtime(&tTime); if (bTwelveHourFormat) { strftime(achTime, sizeof(achTime), "%I %M %S", pLocalTime); } else { strftime(achTime, sizeof(achTime), "%H %M %S", pLocalTime); } /*insert country time separator*/ achTime[2] = achTime[5] = szTimeSep[0]; achTime[8] = '\000'; /*Process 12 hours mode*/ if (bTwelveHourFormat) { if (fIconic) { rclTime.yBottom = rclAmPm.yTop = rclTime.yTop / 2; } else { rclTime.xRight = rcl.xRight * 8 / 11; rclAmPm.xLeft = rclTime.xRight; } strcpy(achAmPm,szAnteMeridian); if (pLocalTime->tm_hour >= 12) { strcpy(achAmPm,szPostMeridian); } } GpiSetCharMode(hpsWnd, CM_MODE3); if (fIconic) { = MAKEFIXED(LOUSHORT((rclTime.xRight - rclTime.xLeft) / 3), 0); = MAKEFIXED(LOUSHORT((rclTime.yTop - rclTime.yBottom) * 1400 / 1000), 0); } else { = MAKEFIXED(LOUSHORT((rclTime.xRight - rclTime.xLeft) / 6), 8000); = MAKEFIXED(LOUSHORT((rclTime.yTop - rclTime.yBottom) * 1000 / 1500), 0); } GpiSetCharBox(hpsWnd, &sizef); if (bTwelveHourFormat) { if( strcmp(achAmPm,achOldAmPm) ) { WinFillRect(hpsWnd, &rclAmPm, cp.clrBackground); WinDrawText(hpsWnd, sizeof(achAmPm) - 1, (PSZ)achAmPm, (PRECTL)&rclAmPm, cp.clrMinuteHand, cp.clrBackground, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER ); } } if (!fIconic) { WinDrawText(hpsWnd, sizeof(achTime) - 1 , (PSZ)achTime, (PRECTL)&rclTime, cp.clrMinuteHand, cp.clrBackground, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_QUERYEXTENT); ulCharWidth = (rclTime.xRight - rclTime.xLeft) / (sizeof(achTime) - 1 ); ulCharModulu = (rclTime.xRight - rclTime.xLeft) % (sizeof(achTime) - 1 ); rclCharOld.xRight = rclTime.xLeft; rclChar.yTop = rclTime.yTop; rclChar.yBottom = rclTime.yBottom; for (usi = 0; usi < (sizeof(achTime)); usi++) { rclChar.xLeft = rclCharOld.xRight + (ULONG)1; rclChar.xRight = rclChar.xLeft + ulCharWidth + ((ulCharModulu > 0L) ? 1L : 0L); if (ulCharModulu) ulCharModulu--; if (achTime[usi] == szTimeSep[0]) { rclChar.xRight -= 3; } else { rclChar.xRight += 1; } rclCharOld = rclChar; if (achTime[usi] != achOldTime[usi]) { WinFillRect (hpsWnd, &rclChar, cp.clrBackground); if (!((usi == 0) && (achTime[0] == '0') && (bTwelveHourFormat))) WinDrawText (hpsWnd, 1, (PSZ)&achTime[usi], &rclChar, cp.clrMinuteHand, cp.clrBackground, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER); } } } else { /*Iconic. just draw if minute changed*/ if (strncmp(achTime,achOldTime,5)) { WinFillRect(hpsWnd,&rclTime,cp.clrBackground); WinDrawText(hpsWnd, sizeof(achTime) - 4 , (PSZ)achTime, (PRECTL)&rclTime, cp.clrMinuteHand, cp.clrBackground, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER); } } } if ((!(cp.usDispMode & DM_TIME)) || ((cp.usDispMode & DM_DATE) && (!fIconic))) { GetArrangedDate(achFinalDate); if (strncmp(achFinalDate, achOldDate, sizeof(achFinalDate) - fIconic ? 4 : 1)) { WinFillRect (hpsWnd, &rclDate, cp.clrBackground); GpiSetCharMode (hpsWnd, CM_MODE3); = MAKEFIXED(LOUSHORT( (rclDate.xRight - rclDate.xLeft) / 5), 0); = MAKEFIXED(LOUSHORT( (rclDate.yTop - rclDate.yBottom) * 1000 / 1500), 0); GpiSetCharBox(hpsWnd, &sizef); WinDrawText(hpsWnd, (sizeof(achFinalDate) - (fIconic ? 4 : 1) ), (PSZ)achFinalDate,(PRECTL)&rclDate, (LONG)cp.clrMinuteHand, (LONG)cp.clrBackground, (ULONG )(DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER ) ); } } WinReleasePS(hpsWnd); strncpy(achOldTime,achTime,sizeof(achOldTime)); strncpy(achOldAmPm,achAmPm,sizeof(achOldAmPm)); strncpy(achOldDate,achFinalDate,sizeof(achOldDate)); }
MRESULT EXPENTRY fnSaverWindowProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { SWP swpDlg, swpParent; HWND hwndDlg; int rc; switch( msg ) { case WM_SUBCLASS_INIT: case WM_CREATE: { RECTL rclRect; // Any initialization of the window and variables should come here. // the timer for the moving text ulAnimationTimerID = WinStartTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd), hwnd, ANIMATION_TIMER_ID, 20); // setup the initial coordinates for the scrolling text WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rclRect); textX = rclRect.xRight; textY = rclRect.yTop/2; // Hide mouse pointer, if we're in real screen-saving mode! if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) WinShowPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, FALSE); // Initialize WMCHAR record internal_InitWMCHARRecord(); break; } case WM_CHAR: if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) internal_SaveWMCHAREventToRecord(mp1, mp2); break; case WM_ASKPASSWORD: { // Get parameters char *pchPwdBuff = (char *) mp1; int iPwdBuffSize = (int) mp2; // Show mouse pointer, if we're screensaving. if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) WinShowPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, TRUE); hwndDlg = WinLoadDlg(hwnd, hwnd, fnAutoHiderDlgProc, hmodOurDLLHandle, DLG_PASSWORDPROTECTION, NULL); if (!hwndDlg) { // Could not load dialog window resources! if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) WinShowPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, FALSE); return (MRESULT) SSMODULE_ERROR_INTERNALERROR; } // Ok, dialog window loaded! // Now set its texts (NLS) internal_SetPageFont(hwndDlg); internal_SetPwdProtWindowText(hwndDlg); // Resize the window so text will fit! internal_ArrangePwdProtWindowControls(hwndDlg); // Initialize control(s)! WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwndDlg, EF_PASSWORD, EM_SETTEXTLIMIT, (MPARAM) (iPwdBuffSize-1), (MPARAM) 0); WinSetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, EF_PASSWORD, ""); // Center dialog in screen if (WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDlg, &swpDlg)) if (WinQueryWindowPos(hwnd, &swpParent)) { // Center dialog box within the screen int ix, iy; ix = swpParent.x + ( -; iy = swpParent.y + ( -; WinSetWindowPos(hwndDlg, HWND_TOP, ix, iy, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE); } WinSetWindowPos(hwndDlg, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOW | SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER); // Re-send WM_CHAR messages if needed if (bFirstKeyGoesToPwdWindow) internal_ReplayWMCHARRecord(); // Process the dialog! rc = WinProcessDlg(hwndDlg); if (rc!=PB_OK) { // The user pressed cancel! rc = SSMODULE_ERROR_USERPRESSEDCANCEL; } else { // The user pressed OK! // Get the entered password WinQueryDlgItemText(hwndDlg, EF_PASSWORD, iPwdBuffSize, pchPwdBuff); rc = SSMODULE_NOERROR; } // Destroy window WinDestroyWindow(hwndDlg); // Hide mouse pointer again, if we're screensaving. if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) WinShowPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, FALSE); return (MRESULT) rc; } case WM_SHOWWRONGPASSWORD: // Show mouse pointer, if we're screensaving. if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) WinShowPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, TRUE); hwndDlg = WinLoadDlg(hwnd, hwnd, fnAutoHiderDlgProc, hmodOurDLLHandle, DLG_WRONGPASSWORD, NULL); if (!hwndDlg) { // Could not load dialog window resources! if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) WinShowPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, FALSE); return (MRESULT) SSMODULE_ERROR_INTERNALERROR; } // Ok, dialog window loaded! // Now set its texts (NLS) internal_SetPageFont(hwndDlg); internal_SetWrongPwdWindowText(hwndDlg); // Resize the window so text will fit! internal_ArrangeWrongPwdWindowControls(hwndDlg); // Center dialog in screen if (WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDlg, &swpDlg)) if (WinQueryWindowPos(hwnd, &swpParent)) { // Center dialog box within the screen int ix, iy; ix = swpParent.x + ( -; iy = swpParent.y + ( -; WinSetWindowPos(hwndDlg, HWND_TOP, ix, iy, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE); } WinSetWindowPos(hwndDlg, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOW | SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER); // Process the dialog! rc = WinProcessDlg(hwndDlg); // Destroy window WinDestroyWindow(hwndDlg); // Hide mouse pointer again, if we're screensaving. if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) WinShowPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, FALSE); return (MRESULT) SSMODULE_NOERROR; case WM_SUBCLASS_UNINIT: case WM_DESTROY: // All kinds of cleanup (the opposite of everything done in WM_CREATE) // should come here. WinStopTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd), hwnd, ulAnimationTimerID); // Restore mouse pointer, if we're in real screen-saving mode! if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) WinShowPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, TRUE); break; case WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS: if (!bOnlyPreviewMode) { SWP *pSWP; // The following is required so that this window will be on // top of the xCenter window, evenif that is set to be always on top! // Real screensaving, here we should stay on top! // Set WS_TOPMOST flag again! WinSetWindowBits(hwnd, QWL_STYLE, WS_TOPMOST, WS_TOPMOST); pSWP = (SWP *) mp1; pSWP->hwndInsertBehind = HWND_TOP; pSWP->fl |= SWP_ZORDER; } break; case WM_PAINT: { HPS hpsBeginPaint; RECTL rclRect, blank, rclWindow; FONTMETRICS fm; int len; #ifdef DEBUG_LOGGING AddLog("WM_PAINT\n"); #endif hpsBeginPaint = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, &rclRect); WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rclRect); WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rclWindow); WinSetWindowFontMy(hwnd, "10.Courier"); GpiQueryFontMetrics(hpsBeginPaint, sizeof(fm), &fm); rclRect.xLeft = textX; rclRect.yTop = textY; len = strlen(CfgDlgInit.pchText); rclRect.xRight = rclRect.xLeft + fm./*lAveCharWidth*/lMaxCharInc * len+5; rclRect.yBottom = rclRect.yTop - fm.lMaxBaselineExt; WinDrawText(hpsBeginPaint, len ,CfgDlgInit.pchText, &rclRect, CLR_WHITE, CLR_BLACK, DT_ERASERECT | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER); /* paint the black around the text*/ blank.xLeft = 0; blank.yBottom = 0; blank.xRight = rclRect.xLeft; blank.yTop = rclWindow.yTop; WinFillRect(hpsBeginPaint, &blank, CLR_BLACK); blank.xLeft = rclRect.xLeft-2; blank.yBottom = rclRect.yTop; blank.xRight = rclWindow.xRight; blank.yTop = rclWindow.yTop; WinFillRect(hpsBeginPaint, &blank, CLR_BLACK); blank.xLeft = rclRect.xRight; blank.yBottom = 0; blank.xRight = rclWindow.xRight; blank.yTop = rclRect.yTop; WinFillRect(hpsBeginPaint, &blank, CLR_BLACK); blank.xLeft = rclRect.xLeft-2; blank.yBottom = 0; blank.xRight = rclRect.xRight+2; blank.yTop = rclRect.yBottom; WinFillRect(hpsBeginPaint, &blank, CLR_BLACK); if (rclRect.xRight <= -10) { WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rclRect); textX = rclRect.xRight; textY = rclRect.yTop/2; } WinEndPaint(hpsBeginPaint); #ifdef DEBUG_LOGGING AddLog("WM_PAINT done\n"); #endif return (MRESULT) FALSE; } case WM_TIMER: if (((SHORT)mp1)==ANIMATION_TIMER_ID) { // Timer, so make new image position textX -= 2; WinInvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); } break; default: break; } return WinDefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); }
MRESULT EXPENTRY DirDialogProc( HWND hwndDlg, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { switch ( msg ) { case WM_INITDLG: { SWP swpFileST; SWP swpDirST; SWP swpDirLB; SWP swpDriveST; SWP swpDriveCB; SWP swpDriveCBEF; SWP swpOK; SWP swpCancel; HWND hwndFileST; HWND hwndDirST; HWND hwndDirLB; HWND hwndDriveST; HWND hwndDriveCB; HWND hwndOK; HWND hwndCancel; HENUM henum; HWND hwndNext; ULONG ulCurY, ulCurX; LONG lScreenX, lScreenY, lDlgFrameX, lDlgFrameY, lTitleBarY; lScreenX = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXSCREEN); lScreenY = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYSCREEN); lDlgFrameX = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXDLGFRAME); lDlgFrameY = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYDLGFRAME); lTitleBarY = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYTITLEBAR); hwndFileST = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_FILENAME_TXT); hwndDirST = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_DIRECTORY_TXT); hwndDirLB = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_DIRECTORY_LB); hwndDriveST = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_DRIVE_TXT); hwndDriveCB = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_DRIVE_CB); hwndOK = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_OK); hwndCancel = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_CANCEL); #define SPACING 10 // Reposition drives combobox ulCurY = SPACING; ulCurX = SPACING + lDlgFrameX; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndOK, &swpOK); WinSetWindowPos(hwndOK, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndCancel, &swpCancel); WinSetWindowPos(hwndCancel, 0,, SPACING, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE); WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDirLB, &swpDirLB); WinSetWindowPos(hwndDirLB, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY,,, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDirST, &swpDirST); WinSetWindowPos(hwndDirST, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY,,, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDriveCB, &swpDriveCB); WinQueryWindowPos(WinWindowFromID(hwndDriveCB, CBID_EDIT), &swpDriveCBEF); WinSetWindowPos(hwndDriveCB, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY-(,,, SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDriveST, &swpDriveST); WinSetWindowPos(hwndDriveST, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY,,, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndFileST, &swpFileST); WinSetWindowPos(hwndFileST, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY,,, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); ulCurY += + SPACING; // Hide unused stuff henum = WinBeginEnumWindows(hwndDlg); while ((hwndNext = WinGetNextWindow(henum)) != NULLHANDLE) { USHORT usID = WinQueryWindowUShort(hwndNext, QWS_ID); if (usID != DID_FILENAME_TXT && usID != DID_DIRECTORY_TXT && usID != DID_DIRECTORY_LB && usID != DID_DRIVE_TXT && usID != DID_DRIVE_CB && usID != DID_OK && usID != DID_CANCEL && usID != FID_TITLEBAR && usID != FID_SYSMENU && usID != FID_MINMAX) { WinShowWindow(hwndNext, FALSE); } } WinSetWindowPos(hwndDlg, HWND_TOP, (lScreenX/2)-((*SPACING+2*lDlgFrameX)/2), (lScreenY/2)-((ulCurY+2*lDlgFrameY+lTitleBarY)/2),*SPACING+2*lDlgFrameX, ulCurY+2*lDlgFrameY+lTitleBarY, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); } break; case WM_CONTROL: { PFILEDLG pfiledlg; pfiledlg = (PFILEDLG)WinQueryWindowPtr(hwndDlg, QWL_USER); HPS hps; SWP swp; HWND hwndST; RECTL rectlString = {0,0,1000,1000}; char *ptr = NULL; int iHalfLen; int iLength; CHAR szString[CCHMAXPATH]; hwndST = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_FILENAME_TXT); strcpy(szString, pfiledlg->szFullFile); iLength = strlen(pfiledlg->szFullFile); /* If we are not just a drive */ if (iLength > 3) { if (szString[iLength-1] == '\\') { szString[iLength-1] = '\0'; iLength--; } } hps = WinGetPS(hwndST); WinQueryWindowPos(hwndST, &swp); WinDrawText(hps, iLength, szString, &rectlString, 0, 0, DT_BOTTOM | DT_QUERYEXTENT | DT_TEXTATTRS); while(rectlString.xRight > { iHalfLen = iLength / 2; if(iHalfLen == 2) break; ptr = szString + iHalfLen; memmove(ptr - 1, ptr, strlen(ptr) + 1); szString[iHalfLen - 2] = '.'; szString[iHalfLen - 1] = '.'; szString[iHalfLen] = '.'; iLength = strlen(szString); rectlString.xLeft = rectlString.yBottom = 0; rectlString.xRight = rectlString.yTop = 1000; WinDrawText(hps, iLength, szString, &rectlString, 0, 0, DT_BOTTOM | DT_QUERYEXTENT | DT_TEXTATTRS); } WinReleasePS(hps); WinSetWindowText(hwndST, szString); } break; } return WinDefFileDlgProc(hwndDlg, msg, mp1, mp2); }
void DrawShiftText(HPS hps) { RECTL rcl; #define CORRECTION 2 if (!fHexOct) { rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW1 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW2; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "\343", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); } /* endif */ rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL2; rcl.yBottom = ROW1 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL2 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW2; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "lstX", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); if (!fHexOct) { rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW2 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW3; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "Fix", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL2; rcl.yBottom = ROW2 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL2 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW3; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "Sci", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL3; rcl.yBottom = ROW2 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL3 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW3; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "Eng", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW3 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW4; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "\344y\375", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL2; rcl.yBottom = ROW3 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL2 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW4; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "P\032R", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL3; rcl.yBottom = ROW3 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL3 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW4; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "R\032P", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW4 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW5; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "\344x\375", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL2; rcl.yBottom = ROW4 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL2 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW5; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "Mean", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = NUMCOL3; rcl.yBottom = ROW4 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = NUMCOL3 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW5; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "SDev", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW4 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW5; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "\344x", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW3 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW4; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "\344y", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW2 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW3; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "\344xy", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW1 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW2; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "n", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL3; rcl.yBottom = ROW5 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL3 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW6; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "Mod", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL4; rcl.yBottom = ROW5 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL4 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW6; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "FEx", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); } /* endif */ rcl.xLeft = COL5; rcl.yBottom = ROW5 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL5 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW6; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "CLx", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); if (!fHexOct) { /* rcl.xLeft = COL2; rcl.yBottom = ROW6 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL2 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW8; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "Asn", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); */ rcl.xLeft = COL3; rcl.yBottom = ROW6 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL3 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW8; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "\032Hr", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL4; rcl.yBottom = ROW6 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL4 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW8; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "Hms", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL5; rcl.yBottom = ROW6 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL5 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW8; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "n!", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW7 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW8; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "CL\344", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL2; rcl.yBottom = ROW7 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL2 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW8; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "%", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL3 - CORRECTION; rcl.yBottom = ROW7 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL3 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW8; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "aSin", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL4 - CORRECTION; rcl.yBottom = ROW7 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL4 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW8; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "aCos", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL5 - CORRECTION; rcl.yBottom = ROW7 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL5 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = ROW8; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "aTan", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL1; rcl.yBottom = ROW8 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL1 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + FUNCWIDTH; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "\344-", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL2; rcl.yBottom = ROW8 + KEYHEIGHT; rcl.xRight = COL2 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + FUNCWIDTH; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "y^x", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL3; rcl.yBottom = ROW8 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL3 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + FUNCWIDTH; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "x\375", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL4; rcl.yBottom = ROW8 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL4 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + FUNCWIDTH; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "10^x", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); rcl.xLeft = COL5; rcl.yBottom = ROW8 + KEYHEIGHT - CORRECTION; rcl.xRight = COL5 + NUMWIDTH; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + FUNCWIDTH; WinDrawText(hps, -1, "e^x", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_CENTER | DT_BOTTOM ); } /* endif */ rcl.xLeft = COL5 + FUNCWIDTH*2/3; rcl.yBottom = ROWDISPLAY; rcl.xRight = rcl.xLeft + FUNCWIDTH; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + KEYHEIGHT; WinDrawText(hps, -1, ":X", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER ); rcl.xLeft = COL5 + FUNCWIDTH*2/3; rcl.yBottom = ROWDISPLAY+KEYHEIGHT*4/3; rcl.xRight = rcl.xLeft + FUNCWIDTH; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + KEYHEIGHT; WinDrawText(hps, -1, ":Y", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER ); rcl.xLeft = COL5 + FUNCWIDTH*2/3; rcl.yBottom = ROWDISPLAY+KEYHEIGHT*8/3; rcl.xRight = rcl.xLeft + FUNCWIDTH; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + KEYHEIGHT; WinDrawText(hps, -1, ":Z", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER ); rcl.xLeft = COL5 + FUNCWIDTH*2/3; rcl.yBottom = ROWDISPLAY+KEYHEIGHT*12/3; rcl.xRight = rcl.xLeft + FUNCWIDTH; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + KEYHEIGHT; WinDrawText(hps, -1, ":T", &rcl, 0, 0, DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER ); }
VOID MainPaint(HWND hwnd) { RECTL rclUpdate; RECTL rclWnd; RECTL rclDraw; HPS hps; POINTL pt; LONG LineHeight; LONG Descender; PCHAR pText; LONG ptTextStart; static LONG Inc[] = { 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 16, 16, 16, 18, 18, 18, 20, 20, 20, 22, 22, 22, 24, 24, 24 }; //BIDI static PCHAR TextLines[] = { "~DrawText", //0 "CharString", //1 "CharStringAt", //2 "CharStringPos", //3 "CharStringPosAt", //4 "DrawText(QueryRect)", //5 "QueryCharStringPos", //6 "QueryCharStringPosAt", //7 "QueryTextBox" //8 }; static PCHAR TextLines_API[] = { "WinDrawText:", //0 "GpiCharString:", //1 "GpiCharStringAt:", //2 "GpiCharStringPos:", //3 "GpiCharStringPosAt:", //4 "WinDrawText(QueryRect):", //5 "GpiQueryCharStringPos:", //6 "GpiQueryCharStringPosAt:", //7 "GpiQueryTextBox:", //8 "Current Clipboard TextBuffer:" //9 }; ULONG GpiBidiAttr; ULONG NullBidiAttr = 0L; hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, (PRECTL)&rclUpdate); // Get the bidi attribute of the presentation space, so that // we can flip/flip between a NULL bidiattribute and this one // GpiBidiAttr = GpiQueryBidiAttr(hps); /* fill update rectangle with window color */ WinFillRect(hps, (PRECTL)&rclUpdate, SYSCLR_PAGEBACKGROUND ); CalcLineHeight(hps, &LineHeight, &Descender); GpiSetColor ( hps, CLR_BLUE ) ; GpiSetBackColor( hps, CLR_RED ) ; WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, (PRECTL)&rclWnd); ptTextStart = rclWnd.xRight * 2/5 ; // ------------------------------------- // WinDrawText! // ------------------------------------- pt.x = 0; pt.y = rclWnd.yTop - LineHeight + Descender; rclDraw.xLeft = rclWnd.xLeft; rclDraw.xRight = rclWnd.xRight; rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender; rclDraw.yTop = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr); pText = TextLines_API[0]; WinDrawText ( hps, strlen(pText), pText, &rclDraw, 0L, 0L, DT_LEFT | DT_ERASERECT | DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC ); rclDraw.xLeft = ptTextStart; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr); pText = TextLines[0]; WinDrawText ( hps, strlen(pText), pText, &rclDraw, 0L, 0L, DT_LEFT | DT_ERASERECT | DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC ); // ------------------------------------- // GpiCharString // ------------------------------------- pt.y -= LineHeight; pt.x = 0; GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ; pText = TextLines_API[1]; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr); GpiCharString(hps, strlen(pText), pText); pt.x = ptTextStart; GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ; pText = TextLines[1]; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr); GpiCharString(hps, strlen(pText), pText); // ------------------------------------- // GpiCharStringAt // ------------------------------------- pt.y -= LineHeight ; pt.x = 0; pText = TextLines_API[2]; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr); GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText); pt.x = ptTextStart; pText = TextLines[2]; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr); GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText); // ------------------------------------- // GpiCharStringPos // ------------------------------------- pt.y -= LineHeight ; pt.x = 0; GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ; rclDraw.xLeft = rclWnd.xLeft; rclDraw.xRight = ptTextStart - 4; rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender; rclDraw.yTop = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ; pText = TextLines_API[3]; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr); GpiCharStringPos(hps, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE, strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0] ); rclDraw.xLeft = ptTextStart; rclDraw.xRight = rclWnd.xRight; rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender ; rclDraw.yTop = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ; pt.x = ptTextStart; GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ; pText = TextLines[3]; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr); GpiCharStringPos(hps, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE, strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0]); // ------------------------------------- // GpiCharStringPosAt // ------------------------------------- pt.y -= LineHeight ; pt.x = 0; rclDraw.xLeft = rclWnd.xLeft; rclDraw.xRight = ptTextStart - 4; rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender ; rclDraw.yTop = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ; pText = TextLines_API[4]; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr); GpiCharStringPosAt(hps, &pt, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE, strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0] ); rclDraw.xLeft = ptTextStart; rclDraw.xRight = rclWnd.xRight; rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender ; rclDraw.yTop = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ; pt.x = ptTextStart; pText = TextLines[4]; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr); GpiCharStringPosAt(hps, &pt, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE, strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0]); // ------------------------------------- // Current Clipboard TextBuffer // // This is used as a means of "looking inside" the // clipbaord. (This is a clipboard viewer for the poor...) // This part shows the text in szPasteText. // To operate: // - Copy/Cut text from anywhere to the clipbaord. // - select: Edit --> Paste --> No Conversion // - The clipboard text will be shown (UNMODIFIED BUFFER) // in our window. // ------------------------------------- pt.y -= LineHeight ; pt.x = 0; pText = TextLines_API[9]; GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr); GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText); pt.x = ptTextStart; pText = szPasteText; GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText); //BIDI- end /* * Add painting routines here. Hps is now the HPS for * the window and rclUpdate contains the update rectangle. */ WinEndPaint(hps); } /* MainPaint() */
MRESULT EXPENTRY DriverWndProc(HWND hWnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { CHAR szFile[CCHMAXPATH]; /* File HOlder */ FILEFINDBUF3 findbuf; /* File Find Buffer */ FONTMETRICS fm; /* Font Metrics Structure */ HDIR hDir = (HDIR)HDIR_CREATE; /* Directory Handle */ HPS hPS; /* Presentation Space Handle */ HWND hwndListBox; /* List Box Window Handle */ LISTBOXCDATA lbwcd; /* List Box Window Control Data */ POWNERITEM poi; /* Owner Item */ RECTL rcl; /* Client Window Rectangle */ ULONG ulFileCnt = 1UL; /* File Counter Holder */ register INT i, k, n; /* Loop Counter */ switch ( msg ) { /* Perform window initialization */ case WM_CREATE : hptrArrow = WinQuerySysPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_ARROW, FALSE); WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, hptrWait = WinQuerySysPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_WAIT, FALSE)); memset(&lbwcd, 0, sizeof(LISTBOXCDATA)); lbwcd.cb = sizeof(LISTBOXCDATA); lbwcd.ulVersion = LBV_110; lbwcd.vdata.lbcd1_1.flExtStyles = LSXS_CHECKBOX | LSXS_EDITABLE; hwndList1 = WinCreateWindow(hWnd, "ListBoxWindow", "", LS_HORZSCROLL | LS_EXTENDEDSEL | WS_VISIBLE, 10L, 10L, 100L, 175L, hWnd, HWND_TOP, 1024UL, (PVOID)&lbwcd, (PVOID)NULL); hwndListx = WinCreateWindow(hWnd, "ListBoxWindow", "", LS_HORZSCROLL | LS_EXTENDEDSEL | WS_VISIBLE, 125L, 10L, 100L, 175L, hWnd, HWND_TOP, 1024UL, (PVOID)&lbwcd, (PVOID)NULL); hwndList2 = WinCreateWindow(hWnd, "ListBoxWindow", "", WS_VISIBLE, 10L, 190L, 250L, 200L, hWnd, HWND_TOP, 1025UL, (PVOID)&lbwcd, (PVOID)NULL); WinSendMsg(hwndList1, LMXM_SETSOUNDEVENT, MPFROMLONG(LSND_SINGLECLICK), MPFROMP("ahooga.wav")); WinSendMsg(hwndListx, LMXM_SETSOUNDEVENT, MPFROMLONG(LSND_DOUBLECLICK), MPFROMP("flush.wav")); hwndListA = WinCreateWindow(hWnd, WC_LISTBOX, "", LS_OWNERDRAW | LS_HORZSCROLL | LS_MULTIPLESEL | WS_VISIBLE, 275L, 10L, 100L, 175L, hWnd, HWND_TOP, 1026UL, (PVOID)NULL, (PVOID)NULL); /* Sub-class the default window procedure with */ /* new one which will handle specific messages */ /* allowing better control over the sizing frame */ hwndListB = WinCreateWindow(hWnd, WC_LISTBOX, "", WS_VISIBLE | LS_EXTENDEDSEL, 275L, 190L, 250L, 200L, hWnd, HWND_TOP, 1027UL, (PVOID)NULL, (PVOID)NULL); for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { sprintf(szFile, "Item %04d Item %04d Item %04d", i, i, i); WinSendMsg(hwndListx, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMLONG(LIT_END), MPFROMP(szFile)); } n = (INT)WinSendMsg(hwndList2, LMX_CALCLINECOUNT, MPFROMLONG(175L), 0L); k = 0; WinSendMsg(hwndList2, LM_SETITEMHEIGHT, MPFROMLONG(36L), 0L); if ( !DosFindFirst("*.*", &hDir, FILE_NORMAL, (PVOID)&findbuf, sizeof(FILEFINDBUF3), &ulFileCnt, FIL_STANDARD) ) { do { WinSendMsg(hwndList2, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMLONG(LIT_SORTDESCENDING), MPFROMP(findbuf.achName)); WinSendMsg(hwndList1, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMLONG(LIT_SORTASCENDING), MPFROMP(findbuf.achName)); if ( ++k > n ) WinSendMsg(hwndList2, LM_SETTOPINDEX, MPFROMLONG(k - n), 0L); WinSendMsg(hwndListB, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMLONG(LIT_SORTDESCENDING), MPFROMP(findbuf.achName)); WinSendMsg(hwndListA, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMLONG(LIT_SORTASCENDING), MPFROMP(findbuf.achName)); } while ( !DosFindNext(hDir, &findbuf, sizeof(FILEFINDBUF3), &ulFileCnt) ); DosFindClose(hDir); } break; case WM_BUTTON1DOWN : WinEnableWindowUpdate(hwndListA, FALSE); WinEnableWindowUpdate(hwndList1, FALSE); WinSendMsg(hwndListA, LM_DELETEALL, 0L, 0L); WinSendMsg(hwndList1, LM_DELETEALL, 0L, 0L); i = 0; if ( !DosFindFirst("*.*", &hDir, FILE_NORMAL, (PVOID)&findbuf, sizeof(FILEFINDBUF3), &ulFileCnt, FIL_STANDARD) ) { do { WinSendMsg(hwndListA, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMLONG(LIT_SORTASCENDING), MPFROMP(findbuf.achName)); WinSendMsg(hwndList1, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMLONG(LIT_SORTASCENDING), MPFROMP(findbuf.achName)); ++i; } while ( !DosFindNext(hDir, &findbuf, sizeof(FILEFINDBUF3), &ulFileCnt) ); DosFindClose(hDir); } WinShowWindow(hwndListA, TRUE); WinShowWindow(hwndList1, TRUE); while ( i ) { if ( i % 2 ) { WinSendMsg(hwndListA, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMLONG(i - 1), MPFROMLONG(TRUE)); WinSendMsg(hwndList1, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMLONG(i - 1), MPFROMLONG(TRUE)); } --i; } break; case WM_CONTROL : switch ( SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) ) { /* Process double click on a List Box */ case LN_SELECT : switch ( SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) ) { case 1024UL : /* WinAlarm(HWND_DESKTOP, WA_NOTE); */ break; case 1027UL : /* WinAlarm(HWND_DESKTOP, WA_ERROR); */ break; } break; } break; case WM_MEASUREITEM : GpiQueryFontMetrics(hPS = WinGetPS(hWnd), sizeof(FONTMETRICS), &fm); WinReleasePS(hPS); return(MRFROMLONG(fm.lMaxBaselineExt)); /* Draw a list box item */ case WM_DRAWITEM : if ( SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) == 1024 ) hwndListBox = hwndList1; else if ( SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) == 1026 ) hwndListBox = hwndListA; /* Point to Owner Item information */ poi = (POWNERITEM)mp2; GpiCreateLogColorTable(poi->hps, 0L, LCOLF_RGB, 0L, 0L, (PLONG)NULL); i = (INT)LONGFROMMR(WinSendMsg(hwndListBox, LM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH, MPFROMLONG(poi->idItem), 0L)); i = (INT)LONGFROMMR(WinSendMsg(hwndListBox, LM_QUERYITEMTEXT, MPFROM2SHORT(poi->idItem, CCHMAXPATH), MPFROMP(szFile))); /* Check to see if item to be drawn or */ /* highlighted */ if ( poi->fsState != poi->fsStateOld ) { WinFillRect(poi->hps, &poi->rclItem, RGBCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND); if ( poi->fsState ) WinDrawText(poi->hps, -1L, szFile, &poi->rclItem, RGB_BLACK, RGBCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_ERASERECT); /* Set item highlighting by inverting the items */ /* rectangle colour */ WinInvertRect(poi->hps, &poi->rclItem); if ( !poi->fsState ) WinDrawText(poi->hps, -1L, szFile, &poi->rclItem, RGB_BLACK, RGBCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_ERASERECT); poi->fsState = poi->fsStateOld = 0; } else { /* Item needs to be drawn, get item rectangle */ /* item position */ WinFillRect(poi->hps, &poi->rclItem, RGBCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND); WinDrawText(poi->hps, -1L, szFile, &poi->rclItem, RGB_BLACK, RGBCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_ERASERECT); } return(MRFROMLONG(TRUE)); case WM_BUTTON1DBLCLK : i = 0; if ( !DosFindFirst("*.*", &hDir, FILE_NORMAL, (PVOID)&findbuf, sizeof(FILEFINDBUF3), &ulFileCnt, FIL_STANDARD) ) { do { ++i; } while ( !DosFindNext(hDir, &findbuf, sizeof(FILEFINDBUF3), &ulFileCnt) ); DosFindClose(hDir); } while ( i ) { if ( i % 2 ) { WinSendMsg(hwndListA, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMLONG(i - 1), MPFROMLONG(FALSE)); WinSendMsg(hwndList1, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMLONG(i - 1), MPFROMLONG(FALSE)); } --i; } break; case WM_BUTTON2DOWN : for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) WinSendMsg(hwndListx, LM_DELETEITEM, MPFROMSHORT(2), 0L); #if 0 WinSendMsg(hwndListA, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMLONG(LIT_NONE), MPFROMLONG(TRUE)); i = LIT_FIRST; while ( (i = (INT)LONGFROMMR(WinSendMsg(hwndList1, LM_QUERYSELECTION, MPFROMLONG(i), 0L))) != LIT_NONE ) WinSendMsg(hwndList1, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMLONG(i), MPFROMLONG(FALSE)); #endif break; /* Erase background */ case WM_ERASEBACKGROUND : WinQueryWindowRect(hWnd, &rcl); WinFillRect((HPS)mp1, &rcl, SYSCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND); break; /* Paint the main client window */ case WM_PAINT : WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, hptrWait); WinFillRect(hPS = WinBeginPaint(hWnd, (HPS)NULL, &rcl), &rcl, SYSCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND); WinEndPaint(hPS); WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, hptrArrow); break; /* Close Down */ case WM_CLOSE : WinPostMsg(hWnd, WM_QUIT, 0L, 0L); break; case WM_DESTROY : WinDestroyPointer(hptrArrow); WinDestroyPointer(hptrWait); break; /* Default message processing */ default: return(WinDefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, mp1, mp2)); } return(0L); }
MRESULT EXPENTRY ClientWndProc (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { static INT aiPuzzle[NUMROWS][NUMCOLS], iBlankRow, iBlankCol, cxSquare, cySquare ; CHAR szNum[10] ; HPS hps ; HWND hwndFrame ; INT iRow, iCol, iMouseRow, iMouseCol, i ; POINTL ptl ; RECTL rcl, rclInvalid, rclIntersect ; SIZEL sizl ; switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: // Calculate square size in pixels hps = WinGetPS (hwnd) ; = = 0 ; GpiSetPS (hps, &sizl, PU_LOENGLISH) ; ptl.x = SQUARESIZE ; ptl.y = SQUARESIZE ; GpiConvert (hps, CVTC_PAGE, CVTC_DEVICE, 1L, &ptl) ; WinReleasePS (hps) ; cxSquare = ptl.x ; cySquare = ptl.y ; // Calculate client window size and position rcl.xLeft = (WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXSCREEN) - NUMCOLS * cxSquare) / 2 ; rcl.yBottom = (WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYSCREEN) - NUMROWS * cySquare) / 2 ; rcl.xRight = rcl.xLeft + NUMCOLS * cxSquare ; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + NUMROWS * cySquare ; // Set frame window position and size hwndFrame = WinQueryWindow (hwnd, QW_PARENT) ; WinCalcFrameRect (hwndFrame, &rcl, FALSE) ; WinSetWindowPos (hwndFrame, NULLHANDLE, rcl.xLeft, rcl.yBottom, rcl.xRight - rcl.xLeft, rcl.yTop - rcl.yBottom, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_ACTIVATE) ; // Initialize the aiPuzzle array WinSendMsg (hwnd, WM_COMMAND, MPFROMSHORT (IDM_NORMAL), NULL) ; return 0 ; case WM_PAINT: hps = WinBeginPaint (hwnd, NULLHANDLE, &rclInvalid) ; // Draw the squares for (iRow = NUMROWS - 1 ; iRow >= 0 ; iRow--) for (iCol = 0 ; iCol < NUMCOLS ; iCol++) { rcl.xLeft = cxSquare * iCol ; rcl.yBottom = cySquare * iRow ; rcl.xRight = rcl.xLeft + cxSquare ; rcl.yTop = rcl.yBottom + cySquare ; if (!WinIntersectRect (0, &rclIntersect, &rcl, &rclInvalid)) continue ; if (iRow == iBlankRow && iCol == iBlankCol) WinFillRect (hps, &rcl, CLR_BLACK) ; else { WinDrawBorder (hps, &rcl, 5, 5, CLR_PALEGRAY, CLR_DARKGRAY, DB_STANDARD | DB_INTERIOR) ; WinDrawBorder (hps, &rcl, 2, 2, CLR_BLACK, 0L, DB_STANDARD) ; sprintf (szNum, "%d", aiPuzzle[iRow][iCol]) ; WinDrawText (hps, -1, szNum, &rcl, CLR_WHITE, CLR_DARKGRAY, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER) ; } } WinEndPaint (hps) ; return 0 ; case WM_BUTTON1DOWN: iMouseCol = MOUSEMSG(&msg)->x / cxSquare ; iMouseRow = MOUSEMSG(&msg)->y / cySquare ; // Check if mouse was in valid area if ( iMouseRow < 0 || iMouseCol < 0 || iMouseRow >= NUMROWS || iMouseCol >= NUMCOLS || (iMouseRow != iBlankRow && iMouseCol != iBlankCol) || (iMouseRow == iBlankRow && iMouseCol == iBlankCol)) break ; // Move a row right or left if (iMouseRow == iBlankRow) { if (iMouseCol < iBlankCol) for (iCol = iBlankCol ; iCol > iMouseCol ; iCol--) aiPuzzle[iBlankRow][iCol] = aiPuzzle[iBlankRow][iCol - 1] ; else for (iCol = iBlankCol ; iCol < iMouseCol ; iCol++) aiPuzzle[iBlankRow][iCol] = aiPuzzle[iBlankRow][iCol + 1] ; } // Move a column up or down else { if (iMouseRow < iBlankRow) for (iRow = iBlankRow ; iRow > iMouseRow ; iRow--) aiPuzzle[iRow][iBlankCol] = aiPuzzle[iRow - 1][iBlankCol] ; else for (iRow = iBlankRow ; iRow < iMouseRow ; iRow++) aiPuzzle[iRow][iBlankCol] = aiPuzzle[iRow + 1][iBlankCol] ; } // Calculate invalid rectangle rcl.xLeft = cxSquare * min (iMouseCol, iBlankCol) ; rcl.yBottom = cySquare * min (iMouseRow, iBlankRow) ; rcl.xRight = cxSquare * (max (iMouseCol, iBlankCol) + 1) ; rcl.yTop = cySquare * (max (iMouseRow, iBlankRow) + 1) ; // Set new array and blank values iBlankRow = iMouseRow ; iBlankCol = iMouseCol ; aiPuzzle[iBlankRow][iBlankCol] = 0 ; // Invalidate rectangle WinInvalidateRect (hwnd, &rcl, FALSE) ; break ; case WM_CHAR: if (!(CHARMSG(&msg)->fs & KC_VIRTUALKEY) || CHARMSG(&msg)->fs & KC_KEYUP) return 0 ; // Mimic a WM_BUTTON1DOWN message iMouseCol = iBlankCol ; iMouseRow = iBlankRow ; switch (CHARMSG(&msg)->vkey) { case VK_LEFT: iMouseCol++ ; break ; case VK_RIGHT: iMouseCol-- ; break ; case VK_UP: iMouseRow-- ; break ; case VK_DOWN: iMouseRow++ ; break ; default: return 0 ; } WinSendMsg (hwnd, WM_BUTTON1DOWN, MPFROM2SHORT (iMouseCol * cxSquare, iMouseRow * cySquare), NULL) ; return 0 ; case WM_COMMAND: switch (COMMANDMSG(&msg)->cmd) { // Initialize aiPuzzle array case IDM_NORMAL: case IDM_INVERT: for (iRow = 0 ; iRow < NUMROWS ; iRow++) for (iCol = 0 ; iCol < NUMCOLS ; iCol++) aiPuzzle[iRow][iCol] = iCol + 1 + NUMCOLS * (NUMROWS - iRow - 1) ; if (COMMANDMSG(&msg)->cmd == IDM_INVERT) { aiPuzzle[0][NUMCOLS-2] = NUMCOLS * NUMROWS - 2 ; aiPuzzle[0][NUMCOLS-3] = NUMCOLS * NUMROWS - 1 ; } aiPuzzle[iBlankRow = 0][iBlankCol = NUMCOLS - 1] = 0 ; WinInvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, FALSE) ; return 0 ; // Randomly scramble the squares case IDM_SCRAMBLE: WinSetPointer (HWND_DESKTOP, WinQuerySysPointer ( HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_WAIT, FALSE)) ; srand ((int) WinGetCurrentTime (0)) ; for (i = 0 ; i < SCRAMBLEREP ; i++) { WinSendMsg (hwnd, WM_BUTTON1DOWN, MPFROM2SHORT (rand() % NUMCOLS * cxSquare, iBlankRow * cySquare), NULL) ; WinUpdateWindow (hwnd) ; WinSendMsg (hwnd, WM_BUTTON1DOWN, MPFROM2SHORT (iBlankCol * cxSquare, rand() % NUMROWS * cySquare), NULL) ; WinUpdateWindow (hwnd) ; } WinSetPointer (HWND_DESKTOP, WinQuerySysPointer ( HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_ARROW, FALSE)); return 0 ; } break ; } return WinDefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2) ; }
MRESULT EXPENTRY miscMainWinProc( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { static HPS hpsMain; static ULONG lCodePage; static LONG lFontHeight, lAveWidth; static LONG desk_cx, desk_cy; RECTL rectl; HWND hwndEditorWin, hwndEditorClient; ULONG flCreate; FONTDLG fontDlg; char szFamilyname[FACESIZE]; char szExmpl[128]; ULONG stringID[NUM_MAINTEXT] = {IDS_MAINTEXT1, IDS_MAINTEXT2, IDS_MAINTEXT3 }; static char* sText=NULL; static char* sTextEnjoy; void setFont( HWND hwnd, HPS hps, PFATTRS pAttrs ); switch(msg) { case WM_CREATE: { int i; SIZEL sizl; HDC hdc; HWND hwndFrame; ULONG dataLength; char buf[BUFSIZ]; LONG x,y,cx,cy; /* Read message text */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAINTEXT; i++) { WinLoadString( hab, NULLHANDLE, stringID[i], sizeof(buf), buf ); if( sText == NULL ) { sText = malloc(strlen(buf)+1); *sText = '\0'; } else sText = realloc( sText, strlen(sText)+strlen(buf)+1 ); strcat( sText, buf ); } WinLoadString( hab, NULLHANDLE, IDS_TEXTENJOY, sizeof(buf), buf ); sTextEnjoy = malloc( strlen(buf)+1 ); strcpy( sTextEnjoy, buf ); = 0L; = 0L; hdc = WinOpenWindowDC( hwnd ); hpsMain = GpiCreatePS( hab, hdc, (PSIZEL)&sizl, (ULONG)PU_PELS | GPIT_MICRO | GPIA_ASSOC ); /* Query the environment */ DosQueryCp( sizeof(lCodePage), &lCodePage, &dataLength ); GetFontSize( hpsMain, &lAveWidth, &lFontHeight ); hwndFrame = WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT); desk_cx = WinQuerySysValue( HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXSCREEN ); desk_cy = WinQuerySysValue( HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYSCREEN ); /* set window width to show maximum 40 SBCS characters */ cx = (lAveWidth*MAIN_WIN_WIDTH>desk_cx) ? desk_cx : lAveWidth*MAIN_WIN_WIDTH; /* set window height large enough to show a string pointed to by sText.*/ cy = (((strlen(sText)/MAIN_WIN_WIDTH)+10)*lFontHeight>desk_cy) ? desk_cy : ((strlen(sText)/40) + 10)*lFontHeight; x = (cx<desk_cx) ? (desk_cx-cx)/2 : 0; y = (cy<desk_cy) ? (desk_cy-cy)/2 : 0; WinSetWindowPos(hwndFrame, HWND_BOTTOM, x, y, cx, cy, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_ACTIVATE); return(MRESULT)(FALSE); } case WM_COMMAND: switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) { case MID_CONV: /* CPCONV */ { WinDlgBox(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, (PFNWP) cpConvDlgProc, NULLHANDLE, DID_CONV, &lCodePage); break; } case MID_EDITOR: /* Simple Editor */ flCreate= FCF_SIZEBORDER | FCF_MENU | FCF_MAXBUTTON | FCF_MINBUTTON | FCF_SYSMENU | FCF_TITLEBAR | FCF_DBE_APPSTAT; hwndEditorWin = WinCreateStdWindow(HWND_DESKTOP, WS_VISIBLE, &flCreate, "editorWindow", "Simple Editor", 0L, NULLHANDLE, WID_EDITOR, (PHWND) & hwndEditorClient); WinSetWindowPos(hwndEditorWin, HWND_BOTTOM, 190, 130, 500, 300, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_ACTIVATE); break; case MID_WORD: /* Word Break */ { WinDlgBox(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, (PFNWP) wordDlgProc, NULLHANDLE, DID_WORD, &lCodePage); break; } case MID_EXIT: /* Exit */ WinSendMsg (hwnd, WM_CLOSE,mp1,mp2); break; } break; case WM_PAINT: { int i; LONG lTotLen, lWrittenLen, lDrawn; SWP swp; WinBeginPaint( hwnd, hpsMain, (PRECTL)&rectl ); /* Always update whole window - CS_SIZEREDRAW? */ WinQueryWindowPos( hwnd, &swp ); rectl.xLeft = rectl.yBottom = 0; rectl.xRight =; rectl.yTop =; WinFillRect( hpsMain, (PRECTL) &rectl, CLR_BACKGROUND ); lTotLen = (LONG)strlen(sText); /* make some space between the text and the frame window */ rectl.xLeft+=lAveWidth; rectl.xRight-=lAveWidth; rectl.yTop-=lFontHeight; for (lWrittenLen = 0; lWrittenLen != lTotLen; rectl.yTop -= lFontHeight) { lDrawn = WinDrawText( hpsMain, lTotLen - lWrittenLen, sText+lWrittenLen, &rectl, 0L, 0L, DT_WORDBREAK | DT_TOP | DT_LEFT | DT_TEXTATTRS); if( lDrawn != 0 ) lWrittenLen += lDrawn; else break; } rectl.yTop -= lFontHeight; WinDrawText( hpsMain, strlen(sTextEnjoy), sTextEnjoy, &rectl, CLR_RED, CLR_BACKGROUND, DT_TOP | DT_CENTER ); WinEndPaint( hpsMain ); break; } case WM_DESTROY: GpiDestroyPS( hpsMain ); break; default: return(WinDefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,mp1,mp2)); } return(MRFROMLONG(NULL)); }
static MRESULT EXPENTRY helpWndProc( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) { static CHAR szText[ 256 ] = ""; static HPS hps = NULLHANDLE; static USHORT width = 0, height = 0; switch( msg ) { case WM_CREATE : { FONTMETRICS fm; strcpy( szText, (( PCREATESTRUCT )mp2 )->pszText ); hps = WinGetPS( hwnd ); GpiQueryFontMetrics( hps, sizeof( fm ), &fm ); width = fm.lAveCharWidth; height = fm.lMaxAscender + fm.lMaxDescender; return MRFROMSHORT( FALSE ); } case WM_DESTROY : WinReleasePS( hps ); return MRFROMSHORT( FALSE ); case WM_SETWINDOWPARAMS : { PWNDPARAMS pwp; pwp = ( PWNDPARAMS )mp1; if( pwp->fsStatus & WPM_TEXT ) strcpy( szText, pwp->pszText ); return MRFROMSHORT( TRUE ); } case WM_PAINT : { RECTL rcl; WinBeginPaint( hwnd, hps, NULL ); WinQueryWindowRect( hwnd, &rcl ); WinDrawBorder( hps, &rcl, 1, 1, CLR_BLACK, CLR_YELLOW, DB_INTERIOR ); WinDrawText( hps, -1, szText, &rcl, CLR_BLACK, CLR_YELLOW, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER ); WinEndPaint( hps ); return MRFROMSHORT( 0 ); } case WM_QUERY_CHAR_WIDTH : return MRFROMSHORT( width ); case WM_QUERY_CHAR_HEIGHT : return MRFROMSHORT( height ); } return WinDefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); }
// Handle the drawing of the list box items. Boolean DrawHandler::drawItem( IListBoxDrawItemEvent& event, Boolean selected) { IListBox* list = (IListBox*)event.controlWindow(); IRectangle rect = event.itemRect(); RECTL rectl = rect.asRECTL(); // Fill the background. WinFillRect(event.itemPresSpaceHandle(), &rectl, selected?CLR_BLACK:SYSCLR_ENTRYFIELD); // Convert the item data from the list box item text ListItem* data = (ListItem*)(list->itemText(event.itemId()).asUnsigned()); // Determine the indent for the class based on the // number of inherited classes. if (data->inheritedClasses() != 0) { ISize indentSize = ISize( data->inheritedClasses() * (_indent+1), 0); rect.moveBy(indentSize); } // Draw a bitmap based on the collapsed flag // if the class is not a leaf. if(data->children()) { // Make the bitmap a square the size of an item IRectangle rectBitmap(rect.bottomLeft(), ISize(rect.height(), rect.height())); rectl = rectBitmap.asRECTL(); WinDrawBitmap(event.itemPresSpaceHandle(), data->collapsed()? _collapseIcon:_expandIcon, 0, (PPOINTL)&rectl, selected?CLR_WHITE:CLR_BLACK, selected?CLR_BLACK:SYSCLR_ENTRYFIELD, DBM_STRETCH ); } // Calculate the rectangle for the text based // on the current font of the listbox. IFont font(list); rect .moveBy(ISize(rect.height(),0)) .sizeTo(ISize(font.textWidth(data->text())+3, rect.size().height())); rectl = rect.asRECTL(); // Draw the text. unsigned long style = DT_VCENTER | DT_LEFT; WinDrawText(event.itemPresSpaceHandle(), -1, data->text(), &rectl, selected?CLR_WHITE:CLR_BLACK, selected?CLR_BLACK:SYSCLR_ENTRYFIELD, style); return true; }