Exemple #1
void IsIntersection(int x, int y)
    int win_x = CheckX(x);
    int win_y = CheckY(y);
    if(win_x == YES && win_y == YES)
        display_type = PAUSE;
Exemple #2
 * WinMain - main windows entry point
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE previnst, LPSTR cmd, int show)
    HINSTANCE           newinst;
    HANDLE              h;
    MSG                 msg;
    parm_data           parm;
    command_data        cmddat;
    char                FAR_PTR *cmdline;
    char                filename[_MAX_PATH];

     * are we the first? if so, winexec another one of ourselves
     * and then start sampling
    if( !previnst ) {
        SharedMemory = NULL;
        if( !WDebug386 ) {
            WinMessage( "Could not find WDEBUG.386" );
            return( FALSE );
        if( !MsgInit( inst ) ) fatal();
        cmddat.nCmdShow = SW_NORMAL;
        if( cmd == NULL || cmd[0] == 0 ) {
            if( !GetFileName( inst, show, filename ) ) {
                return( FALSE );
            cmdline = filename;
        } else {
            cmddat.nCmdShow = SW_MINIMIZE;
            cmdline = cmd;

        h = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof( shared_data ) );
        if( h == NULL ) {
            return( FALSE );
        SharedMemory = MK_FP( h,0 );

        WaitForFirst = TRUE;    /* tell our counterpart to wait for
                               us before starting the timer */
        cmddat.always2= 2;
        parm.wEnvSeg = 0;
        parm.lpCmdLine = (char far *) "";
        parm.lpCmdShow = (void far *) &cmddat;
        parm.dwReserved = 0;
        newinst = LoadModule( "wsamplew.exe", (LPVOID) &parm );
        if( (UINT)newinst < 32 ) {
            WinMessage( MsgArray[MSG_SAMPLE_12-ERR_FIRST_MESSAGE] );
            return( FALSE );
         * wait for our counterpart to initialize - if he fails,
         * then we must die too
        do {
            GetIData( newinst, (void near *)&IsSecondOK, sizeof( IsSecondOK ) );
        } while( !IsSecondOK );
        if( IsSecondOK == NOT_OK ) {
            WinMessage( MsgArray[MSG_SAMPLE_12-ERR_FIRST_MESSAGE] );
            return( FALSE );

         * get data created by our counterpart
        GetIData( newinst, &OutputWindow, sizeof( OutputWindow ) );
        GetIData( newinst, &MainWindowHandle, sizeof( MainWindowHandle ) );
        GetIData( newinst, &SampSave, sizeof( SampSave) );

         * start the sampler - our other half will be re-started
         * once we have loaded the task to be sampled.
        sample_main( cmdline );
        SendMessage( MainWindowHandle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );
        return( FALSE );

    } else {

         * we are the second instance (the guy who waits for
         * timer events and then tries to write the sample file)
         * init our windows stuff, then wait for the first instance
         * to start the samplee, set a timer, and go
        PrevInstance = previnst;
        if( !MsgInit( inst ) ) fatal();
        if( !WindowsInit( inst, show ) ) {
            IsSecondOK = NOT_OK;
            return( FALSE );
        IsSecondOK = A_OK;
        do {
            GetIData( previnst, (void near *)&WaitForFirst, sizeof( WaitForFirst ) );
        } while( WaitForFirst );
        GetIData( previnst, (void near *) &Samples, sizeof( Samples ) );
        GetIData( previnst, &SharedMemory, sizeof( SharedMemory ) );
        KillTimer( MainWindowHandle, TIMER_ID );
        SetTimer( MainWindowHandle, TIMER_ID, 4500, 0L); /* 4.5 seconds */

     * main message loop for the second instance
    while( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) ) {
        TranslateMessage( &msg );
        DispatchMessage( &msg );
    return( FALSE );

} /* WinMain */