MRESULT EXPENTRY wpCTTrack(HWND hwnd,ULONG msg,MPARAM mp1,MPARAM mp2) { switch(msg) { case WM_CHAR: { SHORT fsflags = SHORT1FROMMP(mp1); SHORT usvkey = SHORT2FROMMP(mp2); if(fsflags & KC_KEYUP) break; if((fsflags & KC_SHIFT) && (usvkey == VK_F10)) { RECORDCORE *record; record = searchRecords(hwnd, 0, (RECORDCORE *) CMA_FIRST, CRA_SELECTED); processPopUp(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT), WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd,QWS_ID), record, PUM_CDRECORD, PUM_CDCONTAINER, &sourceEmphasisInfo); WinSendMsg(sourceEmphasisInfo.PUMHwnd, MM_SETITEMATTR, MPFROM2SHORT(IDM_MINIICONS, FALSE), MPFROM2SHORT(MIA_CHECKED, miniIcons ? MIA_CHECKED : 0)); return 0; } else if((fsflags & KC_SHIFT) && (usvkey == VK_F9)) { CNREDITDATA editdata; CNRINFO cnrInfo; WinSendMsg(hwnd,CM_QUERYCNRINFO, MPFROMP(&cnrInfo),MPFROMLONG(sizeof(cnrInfo))); editdata.cb = sizeof(editdata); editdata.hwndCnr = hwnd; editdata.pRecord = searchRecords(hwnd, 0, (RECORDCORE *) CMA_FIRST, CRA_CURSORED); editdata.ppszText = NULL; editdata.cbText = 0; if(cnrInfo.flWindowAttr & CV_DETAIL) { editdata.pFieldInfo = (FIELDINFO*) WinSendMsg(hwnd, CM_QUERYDETAILFIELDINFO, MPFROMP(NULL), MPFROMSHORT(CMA_FIRST)); editdata.pFieldInfo = (FIELDINFO*) WinSendMsg(hwnd, CM_QUERYDETAILFIELDINFO, MPFROMP(editdata.pFieldInfo), MPFROMSHORT(CMA_NEXT)); = CID_LEFTDVWND; } else { editdata.pFieldInfo = NULL; = WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd,QWS_ID); } WinSendMsg(hwnd,CM_OPENEDIT,MPFROMP(&editdata),0); return 0; } break; } } return wpCT( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); }
static MRESULT EXPENTRY AttribSelectProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { PATTRIBSELECTDATA pWinData = WinQueryWindowPtr(hwnd, QWL_USER); switch(msg) { case WM_CREATE: return (MRESULT) CreateWindow(hwnd, (PCREATESTRUCT) mp2); case WM_DESTROY: DestroyWindow(pWinData); break; case WM_HELP: /* Weiterleiten mit eigener ID */ mp1 = MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)); break; case ATTSM_SETATTRIB: return (MRESULT) SetAttrib(hwnd, pWinData, (ULONG) mp1, (ULONG) mp2); case ATTSM_QUERYATTRIB: return (MRESULT) QueryAttrib(pWinData); case WM_CONTROL: if (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) == ATTSID_VALUE) { switch(SHORT2FROMMP(mp1)) { case VN_ENTER: AttribClicked(hwnd, pWinData, SHORT1FROMMP(mp2), SHORT2FROMMP(mp2)); break; case VN_HELP: #if 0 WinPostMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_HELP, MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)), mp2); #endif break; } } break; case WM_DRAWITEM: if (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) == ATTSID_VALUE) return (MRESULT) DrawItem(pWinData, (POWNERITEM) mp2); else break; case WM_QUERYDLGCODE: return WinSendMsg(pWinData->hwndValueSet, msg, mp1, mp2); default: break; } return WinDefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); }
MRESULT _System DrvMountDrivesDlg( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { if (msg == WM_TIMER && mp1 == (MP)CAM_LVMTMR) { HEV hev = WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER); if (!WinWaitEventSem( hev, 0)) WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_COMMAND, (MP)CAM_LVMTMR, 0); return (0); } if (msg == WM_COMMAND || msg == WM_SYSCOMMAND) { ULONG ulChk; if (!WinStopTimer( 0, hwnd, CAM_LVMTMR)) printf( "DrvMountDrivesDlg - WinStopTimer\n"); ulChk = (ULONG)WinSendDlgItemMsg( hwnd, IDC_AUTOMOUNT, BM_QUERYCHECK, 0, 0); DrvSetUseLvm( WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER), ulChk); WindowClosed( WinQueryWindowUShort( hwnd, QWS_ID)); WinDismissDlg( hwnd, (mp1 == (MP)CAM_LVMTMR)); return (0); } if (msg == WM_INITDLG) { HEV hev = (HEV)mp2; WinSetWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER, hev); LoadDlgStrings( hwnd, nlsMountDlg); WinSendDlgItemMsg( hwnd, IDC_AUTOMOUNT, BM_SETCHECK, (MP)(CAMDRV_IS_NOLVM ? 0 : 1), 0); ShowDialog( hwnd, 0); if (!WinWaitEventSem( hev, 0)) { WindowClosed( WinQueryWindowUShort( hwnd, QWS_ID)); WinDismissDlg( hwnd, TRUE); } else if (!WinStartTimer( 0, hwnd, CAM_LVMTMR, 250)) printf( "DrvMountDrivesDlg - WinStartTimer\n"); return (0); } if (msg == WM_FOCUSCHANGE) { if (SHORT1FROMMP(mp2) && !WinIsWindowEnabled( hwnd)) { WinPostMsg( WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER), CAMMSG_FOCUSCHANGE, 0, 0); return (0); } } return (WinDefDlgProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2)); }
extern MRESULT EXPENTRY Button_Processor ( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) { static PWINDOWPROC DefaultProcessor = 0 ; switch ( msg ) { case WM_CREATE: { CLASSINFO ClassInfo ; WinQueryClassInfo ( WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd), WC_BUTTON, &ClassInfo ) ; DefaultProcessor = ClassInfo.pfnWindowProc ; break; } case WM_SETFOCUS: { USHORT Id = WinQueryWindowUShort ( hwnd, QWS_ID ) ; if ( mp2 ) { Sys_SendMessage( hwnd, BM_SETDEFAULT, MPFROMSHORT(TRUE), 0 ) ; Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(Id,BN_SETFOCUS), 0 ) ; } else { Sys_SendMessage( hwnd, BM_SETDEFAULT, MPFROMSHORT(FALSE), 0 ) ; Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(Id,BN_KILLFOCUS), 0 ) ; } /* endif */ break; } } /* endswitch */ return ( DefaultProcessor ? DefaultProcessor ( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ) : 0 ) ; }
void notify( HWND hwnd, USHORT notifyCode, MPARAM mp2 ) { HWND hwndOwner = WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER ); HWND usId = WinQueryWindowUShort( hwnd, QWS_ID ); WinPostMsg( hwndOwner, WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT( usId, notifyCode ), mp2 ); }
MRESULT APIENTRY wpDlg ( HWND hwnd, MSG_TYPE msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { /* wpDlg Start */ MRESULT Result = 0; switch (msg) { /* switch (msg) START */ case WM_INITDLG: { /* WM_INITDLG Start */ HWND hwndMenu; ULONG id; /* load the menu, since currently it seems to be impossible ** to get the menu otherwise during startup of the dialog */ id = WinQueryWindowUShort (hwnd, (ULONG) QWS_ID); hwndMenu = WinLoadMenu (hwnd, (HMODULE) 0, id); } /* WM_INITDLG End */ break; case WM_COMMAND: { /* WM_COMMAND Start */ switch (LOUSHORT(mp1)) { case ID_MENU_1: { WinAlarm (HWND_DESKTOP, (ULONG) WA_ERROR); WinAlarm (HWND_DESKTOP, (ULONG) WA_NOTE); WinAlarm (HWND_DESKTOP, (ULONG) WA_ERROR); WinAlarm (HWND_DESKTOP, (ULONG) WA_NOTE); } break; case DID_OK: { /* do anything... */ } break; default: Result = WinDefDlgProc ( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); break; } } /* WM_COMMAND End */ break; case WM_CLOSE: default: /* any other message will be handled here, ** also the button problem... */ Result = WinDefDlgProc ( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); break; } /* switch (msg) END */ return (Result); } /* wpDlg End */
extern MRESULT EXPENTRY ComboBox_Processor ( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) { static PWINDOWPROC DefaultProcessor = 0 ; switch ( msg ) { case WM_CREATE: { CLASSINFO ClassInfo ; WinQueryClassInfo ( WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd), WC_COMBOBOX, &ClassInfo ) ; DefaultProcessor = ClassInfo.pfnWindowProc ; MRESULT Result = DefaultProcessor ( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ) ; HWND Entryfield = WinWindowFromID ( hwnd, CBID_EDIT ) ; ULONG Style = WinQueryWindowULong ( hwnd, QWL_STYLE ) ; if ( Style & CBS_DROPDOWNLIST ) { OldComboEntry_Processor1 = WinSubclassWindow ( Entryfield, ComboEntry_Processor1 ) ; } else { OldComboEntry_Processor2 = WinSubclassWindow ( Entryfield, ComboEntry_Processor2 ) ; } /* endif */ return ( Result ) ; } case WM_CONTROL: { USHORT Id = WinQueryWindowUShort ( hwnd, QWS_ID ) ; SHORT Control = SHORT1FROMMP ( mp1 ) ; SHORT Message = SHORT2FROMMP ( mp1 ) ; switch ( Control ) { case CBID_EDIT: { switch ( Message ) { case EN_SETFOCUS: { Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(Id,CBN_SETFOCUS), 0 ) ; break; } case EN_KILLFOCUS: { Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(Id,CBN_KILLFOCUS), 0 ) ; break; } } /* endswitch */ break; } case CBID_LIST: { switch ( Message ) { case LN_SETFOCUS: { Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(Id,CBN_SETFOCUS), 0 ) ; break; } case LN_KILLFOCUS: { Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(Id,CBN_KILLFOCUS), 0 ) ; break; } } /* endswitch */ break; } } /* endswitch */ break; } case WM_MEASUREITEM: return ( Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), msg, mp1, mp2 ) ) ; case WM_DRAWITEM: return ( Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), msg, mp1, mp2 ) ) ; } /* endswitch */ return ( DefaultProcessor ? DefaultProcessor ( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ) : 0 ) ; }
MRESULT hia_wmCreate(HWND hwnd,MPARAM mp1,MPARAM mp2) { HIA *hia = NULL; HIABuf *hiabuf = NULL; HIANotifWnd *notifList = NULL; ULONG notifListAllocSize = HIA_NOTIFLIST_DEFAULT_SIZE; HWND hwndOwner = WinQueryWindow(hwnd,QW_OWNER); USHORT Id = WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd,QWS_ID); int i; if (DosAllocMem((PPVOID)&hiabuf,sizeof(HIABuf),fALLOC)) return MRFROMLONG(TRUE); #ifdef DEBUG assert(hiabuf!=NULL); #endif HIABufClear(hiabuf); if (DosAllocMem((PPVOID)¬ifList,sizeof(HIANotifWnd)*notifListAllocSize,fALLOC)) return MRFROMLONG(TRUE); #ifdef DEBUG assert(notifList!=NULL); #endif for (i=0;i<notifListAllocSize;i++) { notifList[i].hwnd = NULLHANDLE; notifList[i].id = 0; } if (DosAllocMem((PPVOID)&hia,sizeof(HIA),fALLOC)) return MRFROMLONG(TRUE); #ifdef DEBUG assert(hia!=NULL); #endif hia->hwndHIA = hwnd; hia->inbuf = hiabuf; hia->kbdtype = HAN_KBD_2; hia->hanmode = HCH_ENG; hia->insertmode = HAN_INSERT; hia->hcode = HCH_JSY; hia->isHanjaKey = hia_defaultHanjaKey; hia->isSpecialCharKey = hia_defaultSpecialCharKey; hia->notifListAllocSize = notifListAllocSize; hia->notifList = notifList; hia->notifList[0].hwnd = hwndOwner; hia->notifList[0].id = Id; hia->responseTo = &(hia->notifList[0]); hia->hwndHCHLB = NULLHANDLE; hia->fRunningHCHLB = FALSE; hia->scselIndex = 0; if (!WinSetWindowPtr(hwnd,WINWORD_INSTANCE,(PVOID)hia)) return MRFROMLONG(TRUE); return 0L; }
/*-------------------------------------------------- * Constructs the object from window handle *--------------------------------------------------*/ PMWindow::PMWindow( HWND window_handle ) : win_handle ( window_handle ), win_wrapper( TRUE ), win_default_handler(0) { if( win_handle ) win_id = WinQueryWindowUShort( win_handle, QWS_ID ); }
BOOL mwpLoad(HWND hWnd) { ULONG ulError = 0; MCI_LOAD_PARMS mciLoadParms; PSTRINGLIST pEntry = (PSTRINGLIST)WinQueryWindowPtr(hWnd, QWP_CURRENTENTRY); USHORT usDeviceID = WinQueryWindowUShort(hWnd, QWS_DEVICEID); BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; WinSetPBValue(WinWindowFromID(hWnd, PB_PROGRESS), 0); memset((void*)&mciLoadParms, 0, sizeof(MCI_LOAD_PARMS)); mciLoadParms.pszElementName = pEntry->pszString; ulError = mciSendCommand(usDeviceID, MCI_LOAD, MCI_WAIT | MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT | MCI_READONLY, (PVOID)&mciLoadParms, (USHORT)0); if(LOUSHORT(ulError) != MCIERR_SUCCESS) fSuccess = FALSE; if(fSuccess) { MCI_STATUS_PARMS msp; memset((void*)&msp, 0, sizeof(msp)); msp.ulItem = MCI_STATUS_LENGTH; ulError = mciSendCommand(usDeviceID, MCI_STATUS, MCI_WAIT | MCI_STATUS_ITEM, (PVOID)&msp, (USHORT)0); if(LOUSHORT(ulError) == MCIERR_SUCCESS) { WinSetPBLimits(WinWindowFromID(hWnd, PB_PROGRESS), 0, msp.ulReturn); } } if(fSuccess) { MCI_POSITION_PARMS mppPos; memset((void*)&mppPos, 0, sizeof(mppPos)); mppPos.hwndCallback = hWnd; mppPos.ulUnits = MSECTOMM(500); ulError = mciSendCommand(usDeviceID, MCI_SET_POSITION_ADVISE, MCI_NOTIFY | MCI_SET_POSITION_ADVISE_ON, (PVOID)&mppPos, (USHORT)0); if(LOUSHORT(ulError) != MCIERR_SUCCESS) fSuccess = FALSE; } if(fSuccess) { PSZ pszTitle = new char[128]; MakeWndTitleFromPathName(pszTitle, pEntry->pszString); WinSetWindowText(WinQueryWindow(hWnd, QW_PARENT), pszTitle); delete pszTitle; } return fSuccess; }
/* ##END User defined messages */ default : HandleMessage(hwndFrame, hwndDlg, msg, mp1, mp2); return WinDefDlgProc(hwndDlg,msg,mp1,mp2); } /* end switch for main msg dispatch */ return (MRESULT)FALSE; } /* end dialog procedure */ HWND OpenO_CONFIG(HWND hwndOwner, PVOID pInfo) { HWND hwndFrame; if (WinQueryWindowUShort(hwndOwner, QWS_ID) == FID_CLIENT) hwndOwner = WinQueryWindow(hwndOwner, QW_PARENT); hwndFrame =(HWND) WinLoadDlg(hwndOwner, hwndOwner, O_CONFIGDlgProc, 0, ID_O_CONFIGFORM, pInfo); return hwndFrame; }
/* ##END User defined messages */ default : HandleMessage(hwndFrame, hwndDlg, msg, mp1, mp2); return WinDefDlgProc(hwndDlg,msg,mp1,mp2); } /* end switch for main msg dispatch */ return (MRESULT)FALSE; } /* end dialog procedure */ HWND OpenSETTINGS(HWND hwndOwner, PVOID pInfo) { HWND hwndFrame; if (WinQueryWindowUShort(hwndOwner, QWS_ID) == FID_CLIENT) hwndOwner = WinQueryWindow(hwndOwner, QW_PARENT); hwndFrame =(HWND) WinLoadDlg(HWND_DESKTOP, hwndOwner, SETTINGSDlgProc, 0, ID_SETTINGSFORM, pInfo); WinShowWindow(hwndFrame, TRUE); return hwndFrame; }
/* Return the ID of the selected radiobutton in a group. */ SHORT rb_selected(HWND hwnd, SHORT id) { HWND cur = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, id); HWND first = cur; HWND prev = cur; // Work around for PM bug PMASSERT(cur); cur = WinEnumDlgItem(hwnd, cur, EDI_FIRSTGROUPITEM); do { if (WinSendMsg(cur, BM_QUERYCHECK, 0, 0)) return WinQueryWindowUShort(cur, QWS_ID); prev = cur; cur = WinEnumDlgItem(hwnd, cur, EDI_NEXTGROUPITEM); } while (cur != first && cur != prev); return -1; }
/* * Modified by Chris Wohlgemuth 2001 for use with CandyFolder */ BOOL winhAssertWarp4Notebook(HWND hwndDlg, USHORT usIdThreshold, // in: ID threshold ULONG ulDownUnits) // in: dialog units or 0 { BOOL brc = FALSE; POINTL ptl; HAB hab = WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwndDlg); BOOL fIsVisible = WinIsWindowVisible(hwndDlg); if (ulDownUnits) { ptl.x = 0; ptl.y = ulDownUnits; WinMapDlgPoints(hwndDlg, &ptl, 1, TRUE); } WinEnableWindowUpdate(hwndDlg, FALSE); if (cwQueryOSRelease()>=40) { HENUM henum = WinBeginEnumWindows(hwndDlg); HWND hwndItem; while ((hwndItem = WinGetNextWindow(henum))!=NULLHANDLE) { USHORT usId = WinQueryWindowUShort(hwndItem, QWS_ID); if (usId <= usIdThreshold) { // pushbutton to change: WinSetWindowBits(hwndItem, QWL_STYLE, BS_NOTEBOOKBUTTON, BS_NOTEBOOKBUTTON); brc = TRUE; } else // no pushbutton to change: move downwards // if desired if (ulDownUnits) { SWP swp; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndItem, &swp); WinSetWindowPos(hwndItem, 0, swp.x, swp.y - ptl.y, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE); } } WinEndEnumWindows(henum); } if (fIsVisible) WinShowWindow(hwndDlg, TRUE); return (brc); }
BOOL mwpPlay(HWND hWnd) { ULONG ulError = 0; MCI_PLAY_PARMS mciPlayParms; USHORT usDeviceID = WinQueryWindowUShort(hWnd, QWS_DEVICEID); BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; memset((void*)&mciPlayParms, 0, sizeof(mciPlayParms)); mciPlayParms.hwndCallback = hWnd; ulError = mciSendCommand(usDeviceID, MCI_PLAY, MCI_NOTIFY, (PVOID)&mciPlayParms, MMUP_PLAY); if(LOUSHORT(ulError) != MCIERR_SUCCESS) fSuccess = FALSE; return fSuccess; }
MRESULT _System DrvEjectAllDlg( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDLG: DrvInitEjectAllDlg( hwnd, mp2); return (0); case WM_SAVEAPPLICATION: WinStoreWindowPos( CAMINI_APP, CAMINI_EJECTPOS, hwnd); return (0); case WM_SYSCOMMAND: if (SHORT1FROMMP( mp1) == SC_CLOSE) return (WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_COMMAND, (MP)IDC_NO, 0)); break; case WM_COMMAND: if (mp1 == (MP)IDC_YES) { WinEnableWindow( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDC_YES), FALSE); WinEnableWindow( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDC_NO), FALSE); LoadDlgItemString( hwnd, IDC_TEXT1, MSG_Ejecting); LoadDlgItemString( hwnd, IDC_TEXT4, MSG_ThisMayTake); DrvEjectAllDrives( hwnd); } WindowClosed( WinQueryWindowUShort( hwnd, QWS_ID)); WinDestroyWindow( hwnd); return (0); case WM_FOCUSCHANGE: if (SHORT1FROMMP(mp2) && !WinIsWindowEnabled( hwnd)) { WinPostMsg( WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER), CAMMSG_FOCUSCHANGE, 0, 0); return (0); } break; case WM_DESTROY: WinPostMsg( WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER), CAMMSG_EXIT, (MP)TRUE, 0); break; } return (WinDefDlgProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2)); }
static MRESULT EXPENTRY ComboEntry_Processor1 ( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) { switch ( msg ) { case WM_SETFOCUS: { USHORT Id = WinQueryWindowUShort ( hwnd, QWS_ID ) ; if ( mp2 ) { Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(Id,EN_SETFOCUS), 0 ) ; } else { Sys_SendMessage( OWNER(hwnd), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(Id,EN_KILLFOCUS), 0 ) ; } /* endif */ break; } } /* endswitch */ return ( OldComboEntry_Processor1 ( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ) ) ; }
//************************************************************************************************ // The not so mighty ShutdownThread //************************************************************************************************ void _Optlink ShutdownThread(void *pArg) { HWND hWnd = (HWND)pArg; AnchorBlock ab; MessageQueue mq(ab); ULONG ulError = 0; MCI_STATUS_PARMS msp; MCI_GENERIC_PARMS mciGenericParms; USHORT usDeviceID = WinQueryWindowUShort(hWnd, QWS_DEVICEID); //********************************************************************************************* // Set the lowest posible priority to make us systemfriendly //********************************************************************************************* DosSetPriority(PRTYS_THREAD, PRTYC_IDLETIME, PRTYD_MINIMUM, 0); //********************************************************************************************* // Store windowpositoin //********************************************************************************************* SWP swp; WinQueryWindowPos(WinQueryWindow(hWnd, QW_PARENT), &swp); PrfWriteProfileData(HINI_USERPROFILE, "WavePlayer", "WindowPosition", (PVOID)&swp, sizeof(swp)); memset((void*)&msp, 0, sizeof(msp)); msp.ulItem = MCI_STATUS_MODE; ulError = mciSendCommand(usDeviceID, MCI_STATUS, MCI_WAIT | MCI_STATUS_ITEM, (PVOID)&msp, (USHORT)0); mciGenericParms.hwndCallback = NULL; if(msp.ulReturn == MCI_MODE_PLAY) mciSendCommand(usDeviceID, MCI_STOP, MCI_WAIT, (PVOID)&mciGenericParms, NULL); mciSendCommand(usDeviceID, MCI_CLOSE, MCI_WAIT, (PVOID)&mciGenericParms, (USHORT)0); plNuke(hWnd); WinPostMsg(hWnd, WM_QUIT, NULL, NULL); _endthread(); }
static void AttribClicked(HWND hwnd, PATTRIBSELECTDATA pWinData, SHORT Row, SHORT Col) { ULONG ulMask; ulMask = (Row-1)*8 + (Col-1); ulMask = 1UL << ulMask; if (pWinData->ulAttribMask & ulMask) { pWinData->ulAttrib ^= ulMask; WinInvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); #if 0 WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID), ATTSN_ATTRIBCHANGED), MPFROMLONG(pWinData->ulAttrib)); #endif } return; }
void DrvInitEjectAllDlg( HWND hwnd, MPARAM mp2) { SHORT ndx; HWND hList; ULONG ctr; ULONG cntDrives = 0; char achDrives[CAM_MAXMSD+1]; char szText[256]; cntDrives = DrvMapDrives( achDrives); if (cntDrives) cntDrives = DrvValidateDrives( achDrives, cntDrives); if (!cntDrives) { WindowClosed( WinQueryWindowUShort( hwnd, QWS_ID)); WinDestroyWindow( hwnd); return; } LoadDlgStrings( hwnd, nlsEjectAllDlg); hList = WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDC_CAMLIST); for (ctr = 0; ctr < CAM_MAXMSD && achDrives[ctr]; ctr++) { DrvGetDriveName( achDrives[ctr], szText); ndx = SHORT1FROMMR( WinSendMsg( hList, LM_INSERTITEM, (MP)LIT_END, (MP)szText)); WinSendMsg( hList, LM_SETITEMHANDLE, MPFROM2SHORT( ndx, 0), MPFROM2SHORT( achDrives[ctr], 0)); WinSendMsg( hList, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROM2SHORT( ndx, 0), (MP)TRUE); } ShowDialog( hwnd, CAMINI_EJECTPOS); if (CAMDRV_IS_ALWAYSEJECT) WinPostMsg( hwnd, WM_COMMAND, (MP)IDC_YES, 0); return; }
/* ##END User defined messages */ default : HandleMessage(hwndFrame, hwndDlg, msg, mp1, mp2); return WinDefDlgProc(hwndDlg,msg,mp1,mp2); } /* end switch for main msg dispatch */ return (MRESULT)FALSE; } /* end dialog procedure */ HWND OpenVIEWMR(HWND hwndOwner, PVOID pInfo) { HWND hwndFrame; HWND hwndClient; FRAMECDATA frameData; frameData.cb=sizeof(FRAMECDATA); frameData.flCreateFlags= FCF_NOBYTEALIGN | FCF_SIZEBORDER | FCF_TITLEBAR | FCF_SYSMENU | FCF_TASKLIST | FCF_MAXBUTTON | FCF_MINBUTTON | FCF_ICON ; frameData.hmodResources=0; frameData.idResources=ID_VIEWMRFORM; if (WinQueryWindowUShort(hwndOwner, QWS_ID) == FID_CLIENT) hwndOwner = WinQueryWindow(hwndOwner, QW_PARENT); hwndFrame=WinCreateWindow(HWND_DESKTOP, WC_FRAME, "", 0,0,0,0,0,hwndOwner,HWND_TOP,ID_VIEWMRFORM,&frameData,0); if (hwndFrame) { hwndClient =(HWND) WinLoadDlg(hwndFrame, hwndFrame, VIEWMRDlgProc, 0, ID_VIEWMRFORM, pInfo); WinShowWindow(hwndFrame, TRUE); } return hwndFrame; }
MRESULT EXPENTRY DirDialogProc( HWND hwndDlg, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { switch ( msg ) { case WM_INITDLG: { SWP swpFileST; SWP swpDirST; SWP swpDirLB; SWP swpDriveST; SWP swpDriveCB; SWP swpDriveCBEF; SWP swpOK; SWP swpCancel; HWND hwndFileST; HWND hwndDirST; HWND hwndDirLB; HWND hwndDriveST; HWND hwndDriveCB; HWND hwndOK; HWND hwndCancel; HENUM henum; HWND hwndNext; ULONG ulCurY, ulCurX; LONG lScreenX, lScreenY, lDlgFrameX, lDlgFrameY, lTitleBarY; lScreenX = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXSCREEN); lScreenY = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYSCREEN); lDlgFrameX = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXDLGFRAME); lDlgFrameY = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYDLGFRAME); lTitleBarY = WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYTITLEBAR); hwndFileST = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_FILENAME_TXT); hwndDirST = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_DIRECTORY_TXT); hwndDirLB = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_DIRECTORY_LB); hwndDriveST = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_DRIVE_TXT); hwndDriveCB = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_DRIVE_CB); hwndOK = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_OK); hwndCancel = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_CANCEL); #define SPACING 10 // Reposition drives combobox ulCurY = SPACING; ulCurX = SPACING + lDlgFrameX; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndOK, &swpOK); WinSetWindowPos(hwndOK, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndCancel, &swpCancel); WinSetWindowPos(hwndCancel, 0,, SPACING, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE); WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDirLB, &swpDirLB); WinSetWindowPos(hwndDirLB, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY,,, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDirST, &swpDirST); WinSetWindowPos(hwndDirST, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY,,, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDriveCB, &swpDriveCB); WinQueryWindowPos(WinWindowFromID(hwndDriveCB, CBID_EDIT), &swpDriveCBEF); WinSetWindowPos(hwndDriveCB, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY-(,,, SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndDriveST, &swpDriveST); WinSetWindowPos(hwndDriveST, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY,,, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); ulCurY += + SPACING; WinQueryWindowPos(hwndFileST, &swpFileST); WinSetWindowPos(hwndFileST, 0, ulCurX, ulCurY,,, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); ulCurY += + SPACING; // Hide unused stuff henum = WinBeginEnumWindows(hwndDlg); while ((hwndNext = WinGetNextWindow(henum)) != NULLHANDLE) { USHORT usID = WinQueryWindowUShort(hwndNext, QWS_ID); if (usID != DID_FILENAME_TXT && usID != DID_DIRECTORY_TXT && usID != DID_DIRECTORY_LB && usID != DID_DRIVE_TXT && usID != DID_DRIVE_CB && usID != DID_OK && usID != DID_CANCEL && usID != FID_TITLEBAR && usID != FID_SYSMENU && usID != FID_MINMAX) { WinShowWindow(hwndNext, FALSE); } } WinSetWindowPos(hwndDlg, HWND_TOP, (lScreenX/2)-((*SPACING+2*lDlgFrameX)/2), (lScreenY/2)-((ulCurY+2*lDlgFrameY+lTitleBarY)/2),*SPACING+2*lDlgFrameX, ulCurY+2*lDlgFrameY+lTitleBarY, SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE); } break; case WM_CONTROL: { PFILEDLG pfiledlg; pfiledlg = (PFILEDLG)WinQueryWindowPtr(hwndDlg, QWL_USER); HPS hps; SWP swp; HWND hwndST; RECTL rectlString = {0,0,1000,1000}; char *ptr = NULL; int iHalfLen; int iLength; CHAR szString[CCHMAXPATH]; hwndST = WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, DID_FILENAME_TXT); strcpy(szString, pfiledlg->szFullFile); iLength = strlen(pfiledlg->szFullFile); /* If we are not just a drive */ if (iLength > 3) { if (szString[iLength-1] == '\\') { szString[iLength-1] = '\0'; iLength--; } } hps = WinGetPS(hwndST); WinQueryWindowPos(hwndST, &swp); WinDrawText(hps, iLength, szString, &rectlString, 0, 0, DT_BOTTOM | DT_QUERYEXTENT | DT_TEXTATTRS); while(rectlString.xRight > { iHalfLen = iLength / 2; if(iHalfLen == 2) break; ptr = szString + iHalfLen; memmove(ptr - 1, ptr, strlen(ptr) + 1); szString[iHalfLen - 2] = '.'; szString[iHalfLen - 1] = '.'; szString[iHalfLen] = '.'; iLength = strlen(szString); rectlString.xLeft = rectlString.yBottom = 0; rectlString.xRight = rectlString.yTop = 1000; WinDrawText(hps, iLength, szString, &rectlString, 0, 0, DT_BOTTOM | DT_QUERYEXTENT | DT_TEXTATTRS); } WinReleasePS(hps); WinSetWindowText(hwndST, szString); } break; } return WinDefFileDlgProc(hwndDlg, msg, mp1, mp2); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DMLBCheckTargetLocation(HWND SrcHwnd, DMLBData *InstData, SHORT X, SHORT Y) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* X,Y is in SrcHwnd window coordinates. */ /* Given an Y,Y coordinate of the pointer, determine if the pointer is */ /* over a listbox that will accept a drop. If it is, we save the */ /* handle of the listbox and set the PrevLocation to POINT_INSIDE in */ /* the instance data. Otherwise, we see if the position is near the */ /* top/bottom edge of the last good target listbox we had. If so, set */ /* the PrevLocation to POINT_NORTH/SOUTH as appropriate. Finally, if */ /* none of the above, just set the PrevLocation to POINT_OUTSIDE. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { RECTL Rect; POINTL ScreenPoint; HWND OverHwnd; char OverClass[10]; InstData->PrevLocation = POINT_OUTSIDE; // Assume this until we know otherwise /* See if window under the pointer is a listbox. */ ScreenPoint.x = X; ScreenPoint.y = Y; WinMapWindowPoints(SrcHwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, &ScreenPoint, 1L); OverHwnd = WinWindowFromPoint(HWND_DESKTOP, &ScreenPoint, TRUE); WinQueryClassName(OverHwnd, sizeof(OverClass), OverClass); if (!strcmp(OverClass, LISTBOX_CLASS_STRING)) { /* Yes, it is a listbox -- see if it will accept our drop */ MRESULT Answer; /* If this is part of an MCLB, the MCLB is really the target */ WinQueryClassName(WinQueryWindow(OverHwnd, QW_OWNER), sizeof(OverClass), OverClass); if (!strcmp(OverClass, "MCLBCls")) OverHwnd = WinQueryWindow(OverHwnd, QW_OWNER); Answer = WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(OverHwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(OverHwnd, QWS_ID), LN_DMLB_QRYDROP), MPFROMHWND(SrcHwnd)); if ((BOOL)SHORT1FROMMR(Answer)) { /* Yes, it will accept the drop */ InstData->TargetHwnd = OverHwnd; // Note new target // if (SrcHwnd == OverHwnd) // InstData->TargetDropMode = DROPMODE_MOVE; // Force MOVE for same-listbox drops // else InstData->TargetDropMode = SHORT2FROMMR(Answer); // Copy, Move, or Delete InstData->PrevLocation = POINT_INSIDE; // We are inside the listbox now return; } /* It will not accept a drop, proceed as point outside */ return; } /* Not a listbox class window. See if pointer is near north/south */ /* edge of last good target listbox. ("Near" is defined as the */ /* height of a menu bar). */ WinQueryWindowRect(InstData->TargetHwnd, &Rect); /* Translate rectangle to screen coordinates */ WinMapWindowPoints(InstData->TargetHwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, (POINTL *)&Rect, 2L); if ((ScreenPoint.x >= Rect.xLeft) && (ScreenPoint.x <= Rect.xRight)) { if ((ScreenPoint.y < Rect.yTop + WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYMENU)) && (ScreenPoint.y > Rect.yBottom - WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYMENU))) { if (ScreenPoint.y > Rect.yTop) InstData->PrevLocation = POINT_NORTH; else if (ScreenPoint.y < Rect.yBottom) InstData->PrevLocation = POINT_SOUTH; return; } // Within a menu-size distance of north/south edge } // Within the horizontal boundries of the listbox /* Pointer is outside the range of interest */ return; }
MRESULT EXPENTRY newProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: { PCREATESTRUCT pCreate=PVOIDFROMMP(mp2); /* Initialize the slider data */ WinSetWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERARMWITH,20); WinSetWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERARMHEIGHT,10); /* Dimensions of slider. The slider active area is smaller than the window to allow drawing of active state. */ WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERCX,pCreate->cx-4); WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERCY,pCreate->cy-4); WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERX,2); WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERY,2); WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS, 0); WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLDRAGGING,FALSE); return (MRESULT)0; } case WM_SIZE: WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERCX, SHORT1FROMMP(mp2)-4); WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERCY, SHORT2FROMMP(mp2)-4); WinInvalidateRect(hwnd, NULLHANDLE,TRUE); return (MRESULT)0; case WM_BUTTON1DOWN: { SHORT x=SHORT1FROMMP( mp1); SHORT y=SHORT2FROMMP( mp1); LONG lPos=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS); USHORT usWidth=WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERARMWITH); if(x<lPos+usWidth && y<WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERY)+WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERCY) && y>WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERY)) { WinSetWindowUShort(hwnd, PTRPOSINSLARM, x-lPos); } WinSetFocus(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd); break; } case WM_FOCUSCHANGE: { HPS hps; RECTL rcl; POINTL ptl; if(SHORT1FROMMP(mp2)) { hps=WinGetPS(hwnd); WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rcl); GpiSetLineType(hps, LINETYPE_DOT); ptl.x=rcl.xLeft; ptl.y=rcl.yBottom; GpiMove(hps,&ptl); ptl.x=rcl.xRight-1; GpiLine(hps,&ptl); ptl.y=rcl.yTop-1; GpiLine(hps,&ptl); ptl.x=rcl.xLeft; GpiLine(hps,&ptl); ptl.y=rcl.yBottom; GpiLine(hps,&ptl); WinReleasePS(hps); } else { WinInvalidateRect(hwnd, NULLHANDLE,TRUE); } break; } case WM_CHAR: if(WinQueryFocus(HWND_DESKTOP)==hwnd) { /* We have the focus */ if((SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & (KC_VIRTUALKEY))==(KC_VIRTUALKEY)) { LONG lPos=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS); USHORT usWidth=WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERARMWITH); ULONG ulCx=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERCX); #if 0 FILE* file; file=fopen("d:\\md.log","a"); fprintf(file,"0x%x 0x%x \n",SHORT1FROMMP(mp1),SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) ); fclose(file); #endif /*(KC_KEYUP|KC_PREVDOWN|KC_VIRTUALKEY)*/ switch(SHORT2FROMMP(mp2)) { case VK_RIGHT: if(SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & (KC_KEYUP|KC_PREVDOWN)) { lPos+=2; if(lPos>ulCx-usWidth) lPos=ulCx-usWidth; else { WinPostMsg( hwnd, SLM_SETSLIDERINFO, MPFROM2SHORT(SMA_SLIDERARMPOSITION, SMA_RANGEVALUE), MPFROMLONG( (LONG) lPos )); if(SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & KC_LONEKEY) /* Post SLN_CHANGE notification */ WinPostMsg( WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT),WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID), SLN_CHANGE), MPFROMLONG(lPos)); else /* Post SLN_SLIDERTRACK notification */ WinPostMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT),WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID), SLN_SLIDERTRACK), MPFROMLONG(lPos)); } WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS, lPos); } return (MRESULT)TRUE; case VK_LEFT: if(SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & (KC_KEYUP|KC_PREVDOWN)) { lPos-=2; if(lPos<0) { lPos=0; } else { WinPostMsg( hwnd, SLM_SETSLIDERINFO, MPFROM2SHORT(SMA_SLIDERARMPOSITION, SMA_RANGEVALUE), MPFROMLONG( (LONG) lPos )); /* Post SLN_CHANGE notification */ WinPostMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID), SLN_CHANGE), MPFROMLONG(WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS))); } WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS, lPos); } return (MRESULT)TRUE; default: break; } } } break; case WM_BUTTON1MOTIONSTART: { SHORT x=SHORT1FROMMP( mp1); SHORT y=SHORT2FROMMP( mp1); LONG lPos=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS); USHORT usWidth=WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERARMWITH); if(x<lPos+usWidth && y<WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERY)+WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERCY) && y>WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERY)) { WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLDRAGGING, TRUE); WinSetCapture(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd); } break; } case WM_BUTTON1MOTIONEND: if(WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLDRAGGING)) { WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLDRAGGING,FALSE); WinSetCapture(HWND_DESKTOP, NULLHANDLE); /* Post SLN_CHANGE notification */ WinPostMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT),WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID), SLN_CHANGE), MPFROMLONG(WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS))); } break; case SLM_SETSLIDERINFO: switch(SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) { case SMA_SLIDERARMPOSITION: /* SMA_RANGEVALUE only for now !! */ if(SHORT2FROMMP(mp1)==SMA_RANGEVALUE) { WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS, LONGFROMMP(mp2)); WinInvalidateRect(hwnd, NULLHANDLE,TRUE); return (MRESULT)0; } break; default: break; } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if(WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLDRAGGING)) { HPS hps; RECTL rcl, rcl2, rcl3; LONG lTemp; SHORT x=SHORT1FROMMP(mp1); LONG lPos=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS); USHORT usWidth=WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERARMWITH); lTemp=lPos; rcl.xLeft=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERX); rcl.yBottom=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERY); rcl.xRight=rcl.xLeft+WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERCX); rcl.yTop=rcl.yBottom+WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERCY); rcl2=rcl3=rcl; rcl.xLeft=x-WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, PTRPOSINSLARM); if(rcl.xLeft<rcl2.xLeft)/* Make sure we stop at the left border */ rcl.xLeft=rcl2.xLeft; rcl.xRight=rcl.xLeft+usWidth; if(rcl.xRight>rcl2.xRight) {/* Make sure we stop at the right border */ rcl.xRight=rcl2.xRight; rcl.xLeft=rcl.xRight-usWidth; } lPos=rcl.xLeft-WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERX);/* Save position zero based */ WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS, lPos); if(lPos!=lTemp) { BOOL rc; hps=WinGetPS(hwnd); /* Paint Background not necessary here */ /* Shaft */ /* Left part */ rcl3.xRight=rcl.xLeft; rc=FALSE; if(USERSLIDER) { OWNERITEM oi={0}; oi.hwnd=hwnd; oi.hps=hps; oi.fsState=SLS_OWNERDRAW;/* More to come */ oi.rclItem=rcl3; oi.idItem=SDA_SLIDERSHAFT; rc=(BOOL)WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT), WM_DRAWITEM, MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)), MPFROMP(&oi) ); } if(!rc) WinFillRect(hps, &rcl3, CLR_GREEN); /* Right part */ rcl3.xRight=rcl2.xRight; rcl3.xLeft=rcl.xRight; rc=FALSE; if(USERSLIDER) { OWNERITEM oi={0}; oi.hwnd=hwnd; oi.hps=hps; oi.fsState=SLS_OWNERDRAW;/* More to come */ oi.rclItem=rcl3; oi.idItem=SDA_SLIDERSHAFT; rc=(BOOL)WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT), WM_DRAWITEM, MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)), MPFROMP(&oi) ); } if(!rc) WinFillRect(hps, &rcl3, CLR_WHITE); /* Paint Slider */ rc=FALSE; if(USERSLIDER) { OWNERITEM oi={0}; oi.hwnd=hwnd; oi.hps=hps; oi.fsState=SLS_OWNERDRAW;/* More to come */ oi.rclItem=rcl; oi.idItem=SDA_SLIDERARM; rc=(BOOL)WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT), WM_DRAWITEM, MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)), MPFROMP(&oi) ); } if(!rc) { WinFillRect(hps,&rcl, CLR_BLUE); WinDrawBorder(hps, &rcl, 2, 2, 0, 0 ,0x0400); } WinReleasePS(hps); /* Post SLN_SLIDERTRACK notification */ WinPostMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT),WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID), SLN_SLIDERTRACK), MPFROMLONG(lPos)); } } break; case WM_PAINT: { HPS hps, hps2; RECTL rcl, rcl2, rcl3; POINTL ptl; LONG lPos=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERARMPOS); USHORT usWidth=WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, SLIDERARMWITH); BOOL rc; WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rcl); /* Shaft */ rcl2.xLeft=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERX); rcl2.yBottom=WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERY); rcl2.xRight=rcl2.xLeft+WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERCX)-1; rcl2.yTop=rcl2.yBottom+WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, SLIDERCY)-1; /* Background */ hps2=WinGetPS(hwnd); GpiExcludeClipRectangle(hps2,&rcl2); WinFillRect(hps2, &rcl, CLR_PALEGRAY); WinReleasePS(hps2); rcl2.yTop+=1; rcl2.xRight+=1; hps=WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, NULLHANDLE); /* Focus */ if(WinQueryFocus(HWND_DESKTOP)==hwnd) { GpiSetLineType(hps, LINETYPE_DOT); ptl.x=rcl.xLeft; ptl.y=rcl.yBottom; GpiMove(hps,&ptl); ptl.x=rcl.xRight-1; GpiLine(hps,&ptl); ptl.y=rcl.yTop-1; GpiLine(hps,&ptl); ptl.x=rcl.xLeft; GpiLine(hps,&ptl); ptl.y=rcl.yBottom; GpiLine(hps,&ptl); } rcl3=rcl=rcl2; /* Arm pos */ rcl2.xLeft+=lPos; /* Arm size */ rcl2.xRight=rcl2.xLeft+usWidth; /* Shaft */ /* Left part */ rcl3.xRight=rcl2.xLeft; rc=FALSE; if(USERSLIDER) { OWNERITEM oi={0}; oi.hwnd=hwnd; oi.hps=hps; oi.fsState=SLS_OWNERDRAW;/* More to come */ oi.rclItem=rcl3; oi.idItem=SDA_SLIDERSHAFT; rc=(BOOL)WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT), WM_DRAWITEM, MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)), MPFROMP(&oi) ); } if(!rc) WinFillRect(hps, &rcl3, CLR_GREEN); /* Right part */ rcl3.xRight=rcl.xRight; rcl3.xLeft=rcl2.xRight; rc=FALSE; if(USERSLIDER) { OWNERITEM oi={0}; oi.hwnd=hwnd; oi.hps=hps; oi.fsState=SLS_OWNERDRAW;/* More to come */ oi.rclItem=rcl3; oi.idItem=SDA_SLIDERSHAFT; rc=(BOOL)WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT), WM_DRAWITEM, MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)), MPFROMP(&oi) ); } if(!rc) WinFillRect(hps, &rcl3, CLR_WHITE); rc=FALSE; if(USERSLIDER) { OWNERITEM oi={0}; oi.hwnd=hwnd; oi.hps=hps; oi.fsState=SLS_OWNERDRAW;/* More to come */ oi.rclItem=rcl2; oi.idItem=SDA_SLIDERARM; rc=(BOOL)WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_PARENT), WM_DRAWITEM, MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)), MPFROMP(&oi) ); } if(!rc) { WinFillRect(hps,&rcl2, CLR_BLUE); WinDrawBorder(hps, &rcl2, 2, 2, 0, 0 ,0x0400); } WinEndPaint(hps); return (MRESULT)0; } break; default: break; } return WinDefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); }
MRESULT EXPENTRY tButProc( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) { HWND hwndFly = WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); switch( msg ) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { if( !hwndFly && useBubbles ) WinStartTimer( 0, hwnd, 1 /* unused id */, 500 ); return ( *oldButProc )( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); } break; case WM_TIMER: { RGB rgb; HPS hps; HAB hab; RECTL rectl; ULONG breite, hoehe; POINTL p; char str[200]; if( hwndFly ) break; hab = WinQueryAnchorBlock( hwnd ); WinLoadString( hab, NULLHANDLE, WinQueryWindowUShort( hwnd, QWS_ID ), sizeof( str ), str ); hwndFly = WinCreateWindow( HWND_DESKTOP, WC_STATIC, str, SS_TEXT | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER, 0, 0, 0, 0, hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, NULL ); rgb.bBlue = 0; rgb.bGreen = 254; rgb.bRed = 254; WinSetPresParam( hwndFly, PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, sizeof( RGB ), &rgb ); rgb.bBlue = 0; rgb.bGreen = 0; rgb.bRed = 0; WinSetPresParam( hwndFly, PP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR, sizeof( RGB ), &rgb ); WinSetPresParam( hwndFly, PP_FONTNAMESIZE, sizeof( DefCntrFont ), DefCntrFont ); queryDimensions( hwndFly, str, &breite, &hoehe ); WinQueryPointerPos( HWND_DESKTOP, &p ); p.y -= WinQuerySysValue( HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYTITLEBAR ); p.y -= hoehe/2; p.x += 5; WinSetWindowPos( hwndFly, HWND_TOP, p.x, p.y, breite+4, hoehe+2, SWP_SHOW | SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE ); WinSetWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER, (ULONG) hwndFly ); } break; case UM_FLYOVER_BEGIN: useBubbles = 1; break; case UM_FLYOVER_END: WinStopTimer( 0, hwnd, 1 /* unused id */ ); if( hwndFly ) WinDestroyWindow( hwndFly ); WinSetWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER, 0 ); break; default: return ( *oldButProc )( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); } return FALSE; }
//Called before the default wnd procedure if you wish to provide additional // functionality. (i.e. modify what happens with mouse clicks, drag/drop, etc... BOOL CBZPluginWndProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2, PVOID pData, PFNWP pfnOrigWndProc, MRESULT *rc) { USHORT mId; PLUGINSHARE *pPluginData = (PLUGINSHARE *)pData; switch (msg) { case WM_PAINT: { PLUGINSHARE *pCBZData = (PLUGINSHARE *)pData; BOOL bActive = FALSE; PSPAINT psP; mId = WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID); //paint the MinMax menu! if (mId == FID_MINMAX) { HPS hps; RECTL rcl; hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE,&rcl); if(WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_QUERYITEMRECT,MPFROM2SHORT(SC_CLOSE,FALSE),&rcl)) { if(pPluginData->hbmActiveClose==NULLHANDLE) if (!CreateImages(pPluginData)) return FALSE; // rcl.yBottom-=1; memset(&psP,0,sizeof(psP)); psP.hwnd=hwnd; psP.hps=hps; psP.hpsWin=hps; psP.rectlWindow=rcl; psP.rectlUpdate=rcl; DrawImage(&psP, pPluginData->hbmActiveClose, 0, pPluginData); } if(WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_QUERYITEMRECT,MPFROM2SHORT(SC_MINIMIZE,FALSE),&rcl)) { //draw MinimizeButton if(pPluginData->hbmActiveMinimize==NULLHANDLE) if (!CreateImages(pPluginData)) return FALSE; memset(&psP,0,sizeof(psP)); psP.hwnd=hwnd; psP.hps=hps; psP.hpsWin=hps; psP.rectlWindow=rcl; psP.rectlUpdate=rcl; DrawImage(&psP, pPluginData->hbmActiveMinimize, 0, pPluginData); } if(WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_QUERYITEMRECT,MPFROM2SHORT(SC_MAXIMIZE,FALSE),&rcl)) { //draw MaximizeButton if(pPluginData->hbmActiveMaximize==NULLHANDLE) if (!CreateImages(pPluginData)) return FALSE; // rcl.yBottom-=1; memset(&psP,0,sizeof(psP)); psP.hwnd=hwnd; psP.hps=hps; psP.hpsWin=hps; psP.rectlWindow=rcl; psP.rectlUpdate=rcl; DrawImage(&psP, pPluginData->hbmActiveMaximize, 0, pPluginData); } if(WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_QUERYITEMRECT,MPFROM2SHORT(SC_RESTORE,FALSE),&rcl)) { //draw RestoreButton if(pPluginData->hbmActiveRestore==NULLHANDLE) if (!CreateImages(pPluginData)) return FALSE; // rcl.yBottom-=1; memset(&psP,0,sizeof(psP)); psP.hwnd=hwnd; psP.hps=hps; psP.hpsWin=hps; psP.rectlWindow=rcl; psP.rectlUpdate=rcl; DrawImage(&psP, pPluginData->hbmActiveRestore, 0, pPluginData); } if(WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_QUERYITEMRECT,MPFROM2SHORT(SC_HIDE,FALSE),&rcl)) { //draw HideButton if(pPluginData->hbmActiveHide==NULLHANDLE) if (!CreateImages(pPluginData)) return FALSE; // rcl.yBottom-=1; memset(&psP,0,sizeof(psP)); psP.hwnd=hwnd; psP.hps=hps; psP.hpsWin=hps; psP.rectlWindow=rcl; psP.rectlUpdate=rcl; DrawImage(&psP, pPluginData->hbmActiveHide, 0, pPluginData); } WinEndPaint(hps); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; case MM_INSERTITEM: { PMENUITEM pmi; MENUITEM mi; pmi=(PMENUITEM) PVOIDFROMMP(mp1); *rc = pfnOrigWndProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); if (pmi->id == SC_RESTORE) { if (pPluginData->hbmActiveRestore != NULLHANDLE) { pmi->afStyle|=MIS_OWNERDRAW; WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_SETITEM,MPFROM2SHORT(0,FALSE),pmi); } } else if (pmi->id == SC_MAXIMIZE) { if (pPluginData->hbmActiveMaximize != NULLHANDLE) { pmi->afStyle|=MIS_OWNERDRAW; WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_SETITEM,MPFROM2SHORT(0,FALSE),pmi); } } else if (pmi->id == SC_HIDE) { if (pPluginData->hbmActiveHide != NULLHANDLE) { pmi->afStyle|=MIS_OWNERDRAW; WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_SETITEM,MPFROM2SHORT(0,FALSE),pmi); } } else if (pmi->id == SC_MINIMIZE) { if (pPluginData->hbmActiveMinimize != NULLHANDLE) { pmi->afStyle|=MIS_OWNERDRAW; WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_SETITEM,MPFROM2SHORT(0,FALSE),pmi); } } else if (pmi->id == SC_CLOSE) { if (pPluginData->hbmActiveClose != NULLHANDLE) { pmi->afStyle|=MIS_OWNERDRAW; WinSendMsg(hwnd,MM_SETITEM,MPFROM2SHORT(0,FALSE),pmi); } } return TRUE; } break; default: break; } return FALSE; //false indicates that we haven't processed the message! }
MRESULT EXPENTRY MainWndProc(HWND hWnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { BOOL fHandled = TRUE; MRESULT mReturn = 0; switch(msg) { case WM_CREATE: return (MRESULT)mwpCreate(hWnd, mp1); case WM_PAINT: mwpPaint(hWnd); break; case WM_SIZE: mwpSize(hWnd); break; case WM_CONTROL: switch(SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) { case SLRD_VOLUME: if((SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == SLN_CHANGE) || (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == SLN_SLIDERTRACK)) { USHORT usDeviceID = WinQueryWindowUShort(hWnd, QWS_DEVICEID); ULONG ulLevel = (ULONG)WinSendMsg(WinWindowFromID(hWnd, SLRD_VOLUME), SLM_QUERYSLIDERINFO, MPFROMLONG(MAKELONG(SMA_SLIDERARMPOSITION, SMA_INCREMENTVALUE)), NULL); ULONG ulError = 0; MCI_SET_PARMS msp; const ULONG flParam1 = MCI_WAIT | MCI_SET_AUDIO | MCI_SET_VOLUME; msp.ulLevel = ulLevel; msp.ulAudio = MCI_SET_AUDIO_ALL; mciSendCommand(usDeviceID, MCI_SET, flParam1, (PVOID)&msp, 0); } break; default: fHandled = FALSE; break; } break; case WM_CLOSE: _beginthread(ShutdownThread, NULL, 16384, (void*)hWnd); break; case MM_MCIPOSITIONCHANGE: WinSetPBValue(WinWindowFromID(hWnd, PB_PROGRESS), LONGFROMMP(mp2)); break; case MM_MCINOTIFY: mmMCINotify(hWnd, mp1, mp2); break; case WMU_LOAD: mReturn = (MRESULT)mwpLoad(hWnd); break; case WMU_PLAY: mwpPlay(hWnd); break; default: fHandled = FALSE; } if(!fHandled) mReturn = WinDefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, mp1, mp2); return mReturn; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MRESULT EXPENTRY DMLBSubclassListboxProc( HWND hwnd, USHORT msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This window procedure is used to subclass a standard PM listbox */ /* control. This procedure will intercept certain mouse events on the */ /* listbox to implement direct-manipulation functions. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { SHORT Item; /* Listbox item number */ DMLBData *InstData; /* This instance-specific data (per listbox) */ /* The lisbox window pointer is to our instance data. */ InstData = WinQueryWindowPtr(hwnd, QWL_USER); switch (msg) { /* Since this is just a subclass setup after the listbox window */ /* is created, we never get a WM_CREATE message here. */ case WM_DESTROY: /* The listbox window is being destroyed. Cleanup any */ /* resources we have allocated in this subclass. */ if (InstData->DragMIcon != NULLHANDLE) { WinDestroyPointer(InstData->DragMIcon); WinDestroyPointer(InstData->DragCIcon); WinDestroyPointer(InstData->NorthIcon); WinDestroyPointer(InstData->SouthIcon); WinDestroyPointer(InstData->DragNoDrp); WinDestroyPointer(InstData->DeletIcon); InstData->DragMIcon = NULLHANDLE; } /* Cleanup other resources */ if (InstData->Dragging) { WinStopTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),hwnd,DRAG_TIMERID); } /* Release instance data */ free(InstData); WinSetWindowPtr(hwnd, 0L, NULL); break; case WM_TIMER: /* We get timer messages during dragging to implement */ /* auto-scrolling of listbox when pointer is placed */ /* north or south of the listbox while dragging. */ if (!InstData->Dragging) /* Ignore if not dragging */ break; if (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)==DRAG_TIMERID) { switch (InstData->PrevLocation) { // Last known location of the pointer case POINT_INSIDE: case POINT_OUTSIDE: /* Do nothing */ break; case POINT_NORTH: /* Scroll up one item */ Item = (SHORT)WinSendMsg(InstData->TargetHwnd, LM_QUERYTOPINDEX, 0L, 0L); if ((Item != LIT_NONE) && (Item != 0)) WinPostMsg(InstData->TargetHwnd, LM_SETTOPINDEX, MPFROMSHORT(Item-1), 0L); break; case POINT_SOUTH: /* Scroll down one item */ Item = (SHORT)WinSendMsg(InstData->TargetHwnd, LM_QUERYTOPINDEX, 0L, 0L); if (Item != LIT_NONE) WinPostMsg(InstData->TargetHwnd, LM_SETTOPINDEX, MPFROMSHORT(Item+1), 0L); break; } /* switch on PrevLocation */ return 0; } break; case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { SHORT CursorIndx, Max; /* User requested context menu... notify our owner. */ /* First find out what item the pointer is over. */ Max = (SHORT)WinSendMsg( hwnd, LM_QUERYITEMCOUNT, 0L, 0L ); CursorIndx = DMLBLocateListboxItem(hwnd, hwnd, SHORT2FROMMP(mp1), LLI_UNDER); if ((Max == 0) || (CursorIndx+1 > Max)) CursorIndx = LIT_NONE; /* Tell our owner about it */ return WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID), LN_DMLB_CONTEXT), MPFROMSHORT(CursorIndx)); } case WM_MOUSEMOVE: /* Monitor the position of the mouse relative to the listbox */ /* so we can set the pointer icon correctly and note the */ /* position for use during WM_TIMER processing. */ if (!InstData->Dragging) /* Ignore if not dragging */ break; DMLBCheckTargetLocation(hwnd, InstData, SHORT1FROMMP(mp1), SHORT2FROMMP(mp1)); /* Set pointer icon appropriate for location */ if (InstData->DragMIcon == NULLHANDLE) { // Load all the pointers (one time only) InstData->DragMIcon= WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->ResHMod, ID_DMLB_DRAGMOVE); InstData->DragCIcon= WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->ResHMod, ID_DMLB_DRAGCOPY); InstData->DragNoDrp= WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->ResHMod, ID_DMLB_DRAGNONE); InstData->NorthIcon= WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->ResHMod, ID_DMLB_DRGNORTH); InstData->SouthIcon= WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->ResHMod, ID_DMLB_DRGSOUTH); InstData->DeletIcon= WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->ResHMod, ID_DMLB_DRGDEL); } switch (InstData->PrevLocation) { case POINT_INSIDE: switch (InstData->TargetDropMode) { case DROPMODE_MOVE: WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->DragMIcon); // Use MOVE pointer break; case DROPMODE_COPY: WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->DragCIcon); // Use COPY pointer break; case DROPMODE_DELETE: WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->DeletIcon); // Use DELETE pointer break; } break; case POINT_OUTSIDE: WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->DragNoDrp); // No-drop pointer break; case POINT_NORTH: WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->NorthIcon); // Scroll-up pointer break; case POINT_SOUTH: WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, InstData->SouthIcon); // Scroll-down poineter break; } return (MRESULT)TRUE; /* Note we processed the message */ case WM_BEGINDRAG: { SHORT Max; SHORT i, CursorIndx, hit; /* User started dragging with the pointer on our window */ Max = (SHORT)WinSendMsg( hwnd, LM_QUERYITEMCOUNT, 0L, 0L ); /* If we are currently dragging, cancel it (should not happen) */ if ( InstData->Dragging ) { InstData->Dragging = FALSE; WinSetCapture( HWND_DESKTOP, NULLHANDLE ); return (MRESULT)FALSE; } /* Get index of item under the mouse pointer and check */ /* for reasonable numeric bounds. */ CursorIndx = DMLBLocateListboxItem(hwnd, hwnd, SHORT2FROMMP(mp1), LLI_UNDER); if ((Max == 0) || (CursorIndx+1 > Max)) { DosBeep( 440L, 50L ); // Don't allow drag if not on a listbox item return (MRESULT)FALSE; } /* Since we currently support dragging only a single item, */ /* de-select all items and just select the one under the */ /* pointer. To support multiple-drag we would probably */ /* need to notify the owner so they could set the selection*/ /* status of all items to be dragged (which may or may not */ /* include the item under the pointer). */ WinSendMsg(hwnd, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMSHORT(LIT_NONE), MPVOID); WinSendMsg(hwnd, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMSHORT(CursorIndx), MPFROMSHORT(TRUE)); /* Note we are now dragging and capture the pointer. */ InstData->Dragging = TRUE; WinSetCapture( HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd ); InstData->PrevLocation = POINT_INSIDE; WinStartTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),hwnd,DRAG_TIMERID, WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_SCROLLRATE)); return (MRESULT)TRUE; break; } case WM_ENDDRAG: { SHORT DropIndx, CurrIndx; SHORT SourceMax, TargetMax; /* Num of items in source/target listbox */ char *CopyText; /* Text to be copied/moved */ USHORT CopyTextLen; /* Length of text */ void *CopyHand; /* Handle of item to be copied/moved */ BOOL SameList = FALSE; /* Source and target are same listbox */ if (!InstData->Dragging) /* Ignore if we are not dragging */ return (MRESULT)FALSE; /* Clear dragging indicators and release pointer */ InstData->Dragging = FALSE; WinSetCapture( HWND_DESKTOP, NULLHANDLE ); WinStopTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),hwnd,DRAG_TIMERID); /* See if what is under the pointer will accept the drop */ DMLBCheckTargetLocation(hwnd, InstData, SHORT1FROMMP(mp1), SHORT2FROMMP(mp1)); if (InstData->PrevLocation != POINT_INSIDE) return (MRESULT)TRUE; /* Ignore drop outside a good listbox */ if (hwnd == InstData->TargetHwnd) // Source and target are same listbox SameList = TRUE; SourceMax = (SHORT)WinSendMsg(hwnd, LM_QUERYITEMCOUNT, 0L, 0L ) -1; TargetMax = (SHORT)WinSendMsg(InstData->TargetHwnd, LM_QUERYITEMCOUNT, 0L, 0L ) -1; /* Get drop point and original selected point */ DropIndx = DMLBLocateListboxItem(InstData->TargetHwnd, hwnd, SHORT2FROMMP(mp1), LLI_INSERTPOINT); CurrIndx = (SHORT)WinSendMsg(hwnd, LM_QUERYSELECTION, MPFROMSHORT(LIT_FIRST), 0L); /* Prevent move onto same item as source, in same listbox */ /* being careful of DropIndx > SourceMax when drop after last item. */ if ((InstData->TargetDropMode==DROPMODE_MOVE) && (SameList) && ((min(DropIndx,SourceMax) == CurrIndx) || (DropIndx == CurrIndx+1))) { DosBeep( 700L, 50L ); /* Don't drop before or after original */ return (MRESULT)TRUE; } /* Make a copy of original to insert */ CopyTextLen = (SHORT)WinSendMsg(hwnd,LM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH,MPFROMSHORT(CurrIndx), 0L) + 1; CopyText = malloc(CopyTextLen); WinSendMsg(hwnd, LM_QUERYITEMTEXT, MPFROM2SHORT(CurrIndx, CopyTextLen), MPFROMP(CopyText)); CopyHand = WinSendMsg(hwnd, LM_QUERYITEMHANDLE, MPFROMSHORT(CurrIndx), 0L); /* Insert before insertion point, or at end of list */ if (DropIndx > TargetMax) DropIndx = LIT_END; /* Disable update during insert/delete for smoother visual and */ /* prevent ownerdraw from occuring before new handles are set. */ WinEnableWindowUpdate(hwnd, FALSE); WinEnableWindowUpdate(InstData->TargetHwnd, FALSE); /* Insert into target list */ if (InstData->TargetDropMode != DROPMODE_DELETE) { DropIndx = (SHORT)WinSendMsg(InstData->TargetHwnd, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMSHORT(DropIndx), MPFROMP(CopyText)); WinSendMsg(InstData->TargetHwnd, LM_SETITEMHANDLE, MPFROMSHORT(DropIndx), MPFROMP(CopyHand)); } free(CopyText); /* Tell owner of originating listbox what we are doing. We must notify */ /* the owner before we delete items because they may keep dynamic data */ /* in the item handles that has to be freed. The item in question is */ /* the currently selected item in the listbox. */ switch (InstData->TargetDropMode) { case DROPMODE_MOVE: if (!SameList) WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID), LN_DMLB_DELETE_MOVE), MPFROMHWND(InstData->TargetHwnd)); break; case DROPMODE_DELETE: WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID), LN_DMLB_DELETE), MPFROMHWND(InstData->TargetHwnd)); break; } /* If this is a move, delete original. If it is in the same */ /* listbox as target, get new index since it may have */ /* changed due to inserted copy. */ if ((InstData->TargetDropMode == DROPMODE_MOVE) || (InstData->TargetDropMode == DROPMODE_DELETE)) { CurrIndx = (SHORT)WinSendMsg(hwnd, LM_QUERYSELECTION, MPFROMSHORT(LIT_FIRST), 0L); WinSendMsg(hwnd, LM_DELETEITEM, MPFROMSHORT(CurrIndx), 0L); } /* Select the newly inserted item. If the old copy was */ /* above it in the same list, then the item number has changed by 1 */ if ((DropIndx > CurrIndx) && (SameList) && (InstData->TargetDropMode==DROPMODE_MOVE)) DropIndx--; if (InstData->TargetDropMode != DROPMODE_DELETE) { WinSendMsg(InstData->TargetHwnd, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMSHORT(LIT_NONE), MPFROMSHORT(FALSE)); WinSendMsg(InstData->TargetHwnd, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMSHORT(DropIndx), MPFROMSHORT(TRUE)); } WinEnableWindowUpdate(hwnd, TRUE); WinEnableWindowUpdate(InstData->TargetHwnd, TRUE); /* Notify target of inserted items if necessary */ switch (InstData->TargetDropMode) { case DROPMODE_MOVE: if (SameList) WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(InstData->TargetHwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(InstData->TargetHwnd, QWS_ID), LN_DMLB_REORDERED), MPFROMHWND(hwnd)); else WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(InstData->TargetHwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(InstData->TargetHwnd, QWS_ID), LN_DMLB_INSERT_MOVE), MPFROMHWND(hwnd)); break; case DROPMODE_COPY: WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(InstData->TargetHwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(InstData->TargetHwnd, QWS_ID), LN_DMLB_INSERT_COPY), MPFROMHWND(hwnd)); break; } return (MRESULT)TRUE; } } /* Call previous window procedure to process this message */ return ( (*(InstData->OldProcAddr)) ( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ) ); }
static MRESULT EXPENTRY launchPadWindowProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { WPFolder* thisPtr; launchPad * lp; LPObject *lpo; static USHORT id=0;//Initialisation new in V1.00a switch(msg) { #if 0 case DM_ENDCONVERSATION: case DM_DRAGFILECOMPLETE: case DM_DROPNOTIFY: case DM_FILERENDERED: case DM_RENDERCOMPLETE: break; return (MRESULT)FALSE; case WM_ENDDRAG: break; return (MRESULT)TRUE; #endif case WM_PAINT: { RECTL rcl; launchPad * lp; HPS hps=WinBeginPaint(hwnd,NULLHANDLE, &rcl); WinFillRect(hps, &rcl, SYSCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND); lp=(launchPad*)WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd,QWL_USER); if(lp) { if(lp->lpQueryNumObjects()==0) { WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd,&rcl); WinDrawBorder(hps,&rcl,1,1,SYSCLR_WINDOWFRAME,SYSCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND, DB_STANDARD); } } WinEndPaint(hps); return (MRESULT) 0; } case DM_DRAGOVER: return handleDragOver(hwnd, mp1, mp2); case DM_DROP: { ULONG ulCount; ULONG ulNumberOfObjects; PDRAGITEM pDragItem; SOMClass *folderClass; WPObject * wpObject; PDRAGINFO pDragInfo; TRY_LOUD(LP_FRAMEDROP) { /* A new object dropped on the launchpad */ pDragInfo=(PDRAGINFO)mp1; if(DrgAccessDraginfo(pDragInfo)) { /* Get number of items */ ulNumberOfObjects = DrgQueryDragitemCount( pDragInfo); if(ulNumberOfObjects>1){ /* Free the draginfo */ DrgDeleteDraginfoStrHandles(pDragInfo); DrgFreeDraginfo(pDragInfo); } else { ulCount=0; pDragItem=DrgQueryDragitemPtr( pDragInfo, ulCount); wpObject=(WPObject*)OBJECT_FROM_PREC(DrgQueryDragitemPtr( pDragInfo, ulCount)->ulItemID); lp=(launchPad*)WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd,QWL_USER); if(lp) { if(somIsObj(wpObject)) { POINTL ptl; int numB; SWP swp; WinQueryWindowPos(hwnd,&swp); ptl.x=pDragInfo->xDrop; ptl.y=pDragInfo->yDrop; /* Pos in window coords */ WinMapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, &ptl, 1); numB=(ptl.x-xButtonOffset)/(; numB=((ptl.x-numB* > ? numB+1: numB); /* Do a link */ lp->lpAddButton(wpObject, numB); handleDragLeave(hwnd, mp1, mp2); } } DrgDeleteDraginfoStrHandles(pDragInfo); DrgFreeDraginfo(pDragInfo); } } handleDragLeave(hwnd, mp1, mp2); } CATCH(LP_FRAMEDROP) { } END_CATCH; break; } case DM_DRAGLEAVE: return handleDragLeave(hwnd, mp1, mp2); break; case WM_COMMAND: if(SHORT1FROMMP(mp2)==CMDSRC_PUSHBUTTON) { /* It's a push button */ lpo=(LPObject*)WinQueryWindowULong(WinWindowFromID(hwnd,SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)),QWL_USER); if(lpo) { if(somIsObj(lpo->wpObject)) lpo->wpObject->wpViewObject(NULLHANDLE, OPEN_DEFAULT,0); } } return (MRESULT)FALSE; /***********************************************/ /* Stuff for fly over help */ case WM_MOUSEMOVE: launchPad * lp; lp=(launchPad*)WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd,QWL_USER); if(lp) { if(lp->lpQueryNumObjects()!=0) { break; } } #if 0 tempID=WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd,QWS_ID);/* get the id of the window under the pointer */ if(id!=tempID) { // New Button? WinStartTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),hwnd,tempID,(ULONG)iTBFlyOverDelay); // New timer for delay id=tempID; // Save ID } else { if(!hwndBubbleWindow) WinStartTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),hwnd,tempID,(ULONG)iTBFlyOverDelay); // New timer for delay } #endif if(!hwndBubbleWindow) WinStartTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd), hwnd, 2,(ULONG)iTBFlyOverDelay); // New timer for delay break; case WM_DESTROY: WinStopTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),hwnd,1);//Stop timer if running if(hwndBubbleWindow) WinDestroyWindow(hwndBubbleWindow);/* close the bubblewindow */ hwndBubbleWindow=0; /* Stop delay timer if running */ WinStopTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),hwnd, 2); break; case WM_NEWBUBBLE: ULONG bubbleEnabled; HWND hwndStore; POINTL ptl; RECTL rclWork; LONG ulWinTextLen; POINTL aptlPoints[TXTBOX_COUNT]; LONG deltaX,deltaY; HPS hps; RECTL rcl; /* we have to build a new information window */ if(hwndBubbleWindow){// if(){...} new in V1.00a WinDestroyWindow(hwndBubbleWindow);/* close the bubblewindow */ hwndBubbleWindow=NULL; } // Query the pointer position WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP,&ptl); WinMapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP,hwnd,&ptl,1); WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd,&rclWork); if(!hwndBubbleWindow && WinPtInRect(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),&rclWork,&ptl) && bTBFlyOverEnabled) { static HWND hwndBubbleClient; ULONG style=FCF_BORDER|FCF_NOBYTEALIGN; char winText[255]; /* Get window text for size calculating */ lp=(launchPad*)WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd,QWL_USER); if(lp) { strncpy(winText, lp->lpQueryFlyOverText(), sizeof(winText)); winText[sizeof(winText)-1]=0; } ulWinTextLen=(LONG)strlen(winText); // Query text length /* Delete 'Returns' in object title */ char *pBuchst; char *pRest; pRest=winText; while((pBuchst=strchr(pRest,13))!=NULL) { *pBuchst=' '; pBuchst++; if(*pBuchst==10) *pBuchst=' '; pRest=pBuchst; } /* Create help window */ hwndBubbleWindow=WinCreateStdWindow(HWND_DESKTOP, 0, &style, WC_STATIC, "", SS_TEXT|DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER, NULLHANDLE, 400, &hwndBubbleClient); hwndShadow=WinCreateWindow(HWND_DESKTOP, WC_STATIC, "", SS_TEXT|DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER, 0, 0, 0, 0, hwndBubbleWindow, hwndBubbleWindow, 401, NULLHANDLE, NULLHANDLE); oldProc=WinSubclassWindow(hwndShadow, shadowProc); // Set the font for the help WinSetPresParam(hwndBubbleClient,PP_FONTNAMESIZE, sizeof(chrTBFlyFontName), chrTBFlyFontName); /* Calculate text size in pixel */ hps=WinBeginPaint(hwndBubbleClient,(HPS)NULL,(PRECTL)NULL); GpiQueryTextBox(hps,ulWinTextLen,winText,TXTBOX_COUNT,aptlPoints); WinEndPaint(hps); /* Set colors */ WinSetPresParam(hwndBubbleClient, PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR,sizeof(rgbTBFlyBackground) , &rgbTBFlyBackground ); WinSetPresParam(hwndBubbleClient, PP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR,sizeof(rgbTBFlyForeground) , &rgbTBFlyForeground ); /* Calculate bubble positon and show bubble */ WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP,&ptl);//Query pointer position in the desktop window WinQueryWindowRect(HWND_DESKTOP,&rcl);//Query desktop size aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT].x-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT].x+7+xVal+ptl.x > rcl.xRight ? deltaX=-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT].x-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT].x-xVal-xVal-7 : deltaX=0 ; aptlPoints[TXTBOX_TOPLEFT].y-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT].y+2+yVal+ptl.y > rcl.yTop ? deltaY=-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_TOPLEFT].y-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT].y-2*yVal-7 : deltaY=0 ; WinSetWindowPos(hwndBubbleWindow, HWND_TOP, ptl.x+xVal+deltaX,ptl.y+yVal+deltaY, aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT].x-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT].x+8, aptlPoints[TXTBOX_TOPLEFT].y-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT].y+2, SWP_ZORDER|SWP_SIZE|SWP_MOVE|SWP_SHOW); WinSetWindowPos(hwndShadow, hwndBubbleWindow, ptl.x+xVal+deltaX+5 ,ptl.y+yVal+deltaY-5, aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT].x-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT].x+8, aptlPoints[TXTBOX_TOPLEFT].y-aptlPoints[TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT].y+2, SWP_ZORDER|SWP_SIZE|SWP_MOVE|SWP_SHOW); /* Set bubble text */ WinSetWindowText(hwndBubbleClient,winText); WinStartTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),hwnd,1,35); } // end if(!hwndBubbleWindow) break; case WM_TIMER: switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) { case 1: //Intervall timer { POINTL ptl; RECTL rclWork; /* Test pointer position */ WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP, &ptl); WinMapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd,&ptl, 1); WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rclWork); if(!WinPtInRect(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),&rclWork,&ptl)) { // Window has changed WinStopTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd), hwnd, 1); // stop the running timer if(hwndBubbleWindow) WinDestroyWindow(hwndBubbleWindow);/* close the bubblewindow */ hwndBubbleWindow=0; id=0; } break; } case 2:// delay over {//our own timer. POINTL ptl; RECTL rclWork; WinStopTimer(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd), hwnd, 2);//Stop the delay timer /* Check the pointer position */ WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP,&ptl); WinMapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP,hwnd,&ptl,1); WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd,&rclWork); if(WinPtInRect(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd),&rclWork,&ptl)) WinPostMsg(hwnd,WM_NEWBUBBLE,NULL,NULL);//Request a help window return (MRESULT)FALSE; } default: break; } break; default: break; } return pfnwpOldLPProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SHORT DMLBLocateListboxItem( HWND hwnd, HWND RelHwnd, SHORT Y, SHORT Option ) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Parameters: */ /* hwnd Listbox of interest */ /* RelHwnd Window to which Y is relative to */ /* Y Y position of the pointer */ /* Option LLI_UNDER to return index of item under pointer, */ /* LLI_INSERTPOINT to index of item nearest insert point */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Given a Y window coordinate, this function will calculate the item */ /* number of the listbox item at that position. The LLI_UNDER option */ /* will return the item directly under the pointer. The LLI_INSERTPOINT*/ /* option will return the item number *before* which an insertion should*/ /* be made (drop zones are calculated as the half-way points through */ /* each item). */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { RECTL Rect; POINTL Points[2]; HPS hps; LONG VertSize; SHORT ItemNum; char ClassName[10]; /* Map coordinate from window it is relative to, to win of interst*/ Points[0].x = 0; Points[0].y = Y; WinMapWindowPoints(RelHwnd, hwnd, &(Points[0]), 1L); Y = Points[0].y; /* If this is actually a MultiColumn ListBox, we must find the */ /* real listbox which is the first column and use it for our */ /* location calculations. Since we only care about the Y */ /* coordinate we only need to look at the 1st column of the MCLB. */ WinQueryClassName(hwnd, sizeof(ClassName), ClassName); if (!strcmp("MCLBCls", ClassName)) hwnd = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, 1); /* Get handle of 1st column's listbox */ /* If this is an OWNERDRAW listbox, ask owner how big items are. */ VertSize = 0; if (WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, QWL_STYLE) & LS_OWNERDRAW) VertSize = SHORT1FROMMR( // Take returned Height WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_OWNER), // Query owner of listbox WM_MEASUREITEM, // Ask owner the size MPFROMSHORT(WinQueryWindowUShort(hwnd, QWS_ID)), // Listbox ID MPFROMSHORT(0))); // First item if (VertSize == 0) { /* For a normal listbox, items are the size of the font. To */ /* determine the size we get the bounding box of a space. */ hps = WinGetPS(hwnd); GpiQueryTextBox(hps, 1L, " ", 2, Points); VertSize = Points[TXTBOX_TOPLEFT].y - Points[TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT].y; WinReleasePS(hps); } WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &Rect); Rect.yTop = Rect.yTop-2; /* Listbox frame is 2 pixels */ /* Calculate item number of item under the pointer */ ItemNum = (SHORT)WinSendMsg(hwnd, LM_QUERYTOPINDEX, 0L, 0L) + ((Rect.yTop-Y)/VertSize); /* Return item under pointer, or insertion point */ switch (Option) { case LLI_UNDER: return ItemNum; case LLI_INSERTPOINT: if (((Rect.yTop-Y) % VertSize) <= (VertSize / 2)) return ItemNum; return ItemNum+1; /* Note: May exceed num of items in list */ } }