BOOL DK_LM3S9B96_BlockStorage_Driver::Memset(void* context, ByteAddress Address, UINT8 Data, UINT32 NumBytes) { CHIP_WORD chipData; memset(&chipData, Data, sizeof(CHIP_WORD)); return WriteX(context, Address, NumBytes, (BYTE*)&chipData, TRUE, FALSE); }
BOOL __section(SectionForFlashOperations) SAM7X_BS_Driver::Memset(void* context, ByteAddress Address, UINT8 Data, UINT32 NumBytes) { CHIP_WORD chipData; memset(&chipData, Data, sizeof(CHIP_WORD)); return WriteX(context, Address, NumBytes, (BYTE*)&chipData, TRUE, FALSE); }
BOOL __section(SectionForFlashOperations) AM29DL_32_BS_Driver::Memset(void* context, ByteAddress address, UINT8 data, UINT32 numBytes) { NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_FLASH(); CHIP_WORD chipData; memset(&chipData, data, sizeof(CHIP_WORD)); return WriteX(context, address, numBytes, (BYTE*)&chipData, TRUE, FALSE); }
BOOL SH7216_INTERNAL_FLASH_Driver::Write(void* context, ByteAddress address, UINT32 numBytes,BYTE * pSectorBuff, BOOL ReadModifyWrite) { BOOL result = TRUE; NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_FLASH(); FLASH_BEGIN_PROGRAMMING_FAST(); result = WriteX(context, address, numBytes, pSectorBuff, ReadModifyWrite, TRUE); FLASH_END_PROGRAMMING_FAST( "SH7216 INTERNAL FLASH WriteWord", address ); return result; }
BOOL SH7216_INTERNAL_FLASH_Driver::Memset(void* context, ByteAddress address, UINT8 data, UINT32 numBytes) { BOOL result = TRUE; NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_FLASH(); CHIP_WORD chipData; memset(&chipData, data, sizeof(CHIP_WORD)); FLASH_BEGIN_PROGRAMMING_FAST(); result = WriteX(context, address, numBytes, (BYTE*)&chipData, TRUE, FALSE); FLASH_END_PROGRAMMING_FAST( "SH7216 INTERNAL FLASH WriteWord", address ); return result; }
BOOL __section("SectionForFlashOperations")I28F_16_BS_Driver::Memset(void* context, ByteAddress Address, UINT8 Data, UINT32 NumBytes) { NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_FLASH(); CHIP_WORD chipData; memset(&chipData, Data, sizeof(CHIP_WORD)); if(Data != 0) { // TODO: ERASE before memset - currently we only use this to set everything to zero for FS so no need to worry ASSERT(FALSE); } return WriteX(context, Address, NumBytes, (BYTE*)&chipData, TRUE, FALSE); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { PBITMAP tiff; if ( argc < 3 || (argc > 1 && argv[1][0]=='-') ) { /* User tried to specify an option, so just print help text. */ printf( "tiff2pix tiff_filename X_filename\n" \ " tiff_filename TIFF file to read from.\n" \ " X_filename X windows bitmap file.\n" ); return 1; } /* Check that the input file name doesn't match the output file name. */ if (!strcmp(argv[1],argv[2])) { fprintf( stderr, "Filenames can not refer to the same file: \"%s\".\n", argv[1] ); return 1; } tiff = ReadTiff( argv[1], 0 ); if (!tiff) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't read %s\n", argv[1] ); return 1; } tiff = OrientBitmap( tiff, BITMAP_TOPLEFT ); if (tiff->nsamples!=1 && tiff->bitspersample!=1) { fprintf( stderr, "Requires data to be 1 bit per pixel.\n" ); return 1; } if (WriteX( tiff, argv[2] )) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't write %s\n", argv[2] ); return 1; } DestroyBitmap( tiff ); return 0; }
int main(){ void WriteX(unsigned,ofstream&); void WriteMX1(unsigned,ofstream&); void WriteR(unsigned,ofstream&); void WriteRO(ofstream&); void WriteP(unsigned,ofstream&); void WriteA(unsigned,ofstream&); void WriteL(unsigned,ofstream&); void WriteN(ofstream&); void WriteB(unsigned,ofstream&); unsigned dimension; string file; ofstream sfile; cout<<"This file is used to write the connections of the nodes in the .mx file"<<endl; cout<<"Give one of the dimensions of the MX1 matrix"<<endl; cin>>dimension; cout<<"Cool thanks"<<endl; cout<<"Please give a file name "<<endl; cin>>file; file = file + ".mx";,ios::app); if({ cerr<<"this file '"<<file<<"' does not exist in the form of .mx"<<endl; return false; } else{ cout<<"file "<<file<<" is k"<<endl; cout<<"On to the processing!!!"<<endl; //sfile<<"END CONNECTIONS"<<endl; WriteX(dimension,sfile); WriteMX1(dimension,sfile); WriteR(dimension,sfile); WriteRO(sfile); WriteP(dimension,sfile); WriteA(dimension,sfile); WriteL(dimension,sfile); WriteN(sfile); WriteB(dimension,sfile); sfile<<"END CONNECTIONS"<<endl; sfile.close(); } cout<<"File closed. TERMINATING....."<<endl; return 0; }
BOOL __section(SectionForFlashOperations) AM29DL_32_BS_Driver::Write(void* context, ByteAddress address, UINT32 numBytes,BYTE * pSectorBuff, BOOL ReadModifyWrite) { NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_FLASH(); return WriteX(context, address, numBytes, pSectorBuff, ReadModifyWrite, TRUE); }
BOOL SF_BS_Driver::Memset(void *context, ByteAddress phyAddr, UINT8 Data, UINT32 NumBytes ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_FLASH(); return WriteX( context, phyAddr, NumBytes, &Data, TRUE, FALSE ); }
BOOL SF_BS_Driver::Write(void *context, ByteAddress Address, UINT32 NumBytes, BYTE *pSectorBuff, BOOL ReadModifyWrite ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_FLASH(); BYTE * pData; BYTE * pBuf = NULL; MEMORY_MAPPED_SERIAL_BLOCK_CONFIG* config = (MEMORY_MAPPED_SERIAL_BLOCK_CONFIG*)context; const BlockDeviceInfo * deviceInfo = config->BlockConfig.BlockDeviceInformation; UINT32 region, range; if(ReadModifyWrite) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; if(!deviceInfo->FindRegionFromAddress(Address, region, range)) return FALSE; UINT32 bytesPerBlock = deviceInfo->Regions[region].BytesPerBlock; UINT32 regionEnd = deviceInfo->Regions[region].Start + deviceInfo->Regions[region].Size(); UINT32 offset = Address % bytesPerBlock; ByteAddress addr = Address; ByteAddress addrEnd = Address + NumBytes; UINT32 index = 0; pBuf = (BYTE*)private_malloc(bytesPerBlock); if(pBuf == NULL) { return FALSE; } while(fRet && addr < addrEnd) { ByteAddress sectAddr = (addr - offset); if(offset == 0 && NumBytes >= bytesPerBlock) { pData = &pSectorBuff[index]; } else { int bytes = __min(bytesPerBlock - offset, NumBytes); //memcpy( &pBuf[0] , (void*)sectAddr , bytesPerBlock ); Read(context, sectAddr, bytesPerBlock, (BYTE *)&pBuf[0]); memcpy( &pBuf[offset], &pSectorBuff[index], bytes ); pData = pBuf; } if(!EraseBlock( context, sectAddr )) { fRet = FALSE; break; } fRet = WriteX(context, sectAddr, bytesPerBlock, pData, ReadModifyWrite, TRUE); NumBytes -= bytesPerBlock - offset; addr += bytesPerBlock - offset; index += bytesPerBlock - offset; offset = 0; if(NumBytes > 0 && addr >= regionEnd) { region++; if(region >= deviceInfo->NumRegions) { fRet = FALSE; } else { regionEnd = deviceInfo->Regions[region].Start + deviceInfo->Regions[region].Size(); bytesPerBlock = deviceInfo->Regions[region].BytesPerBlock; private_free(pBuf); pBuf = (BYTE*)private_malloc(bytesPerBlock); if(pBuf == NULL) { fRet = FALSE; } } } } if(pBuf != NULL) { private_free(pBuf); } return fRet; } else { return WriteX(context, Address, NumBytes, pSectorBuff, ReadModifyWrite, TRUE); } }
BOOL __section(SectionForFlashOperations) SAM7X_BS_Driver::Write( void* context, ByteAddress address, UINT32 numBytes, BYTE * pSectorBuff, BOOL ReadModifyWrite ) { return WriteX( context, address, numBytes, pSectorBuff, ReadModifyWrite, TRUE ); }
BOOL DK_LM3S9B96_BlockStorage_Driver::Write(void* context, ByteAddress Address, UINT32 NumBytes, BYTE * pSectorBuff, BOOL ReadModifyWrite) { return WriteX( context, Address, NumBytes, pSectorBuff, ReadModifyWrite, TRUE ); }
BOOL SD_BS_Driver::Write(void *context, ByteAddress phyAddr, UINT32 NumBytes, BYTE *pSectorBuff, BOOL ReadModifyWrite ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_FLASH(); return WriteX( context, phyAddr, NumBytes, pSectorBuff, ReadModifyWrite, TRUE ); }