Exemple #1
void KBellConfig::ringBell()
  if (!m_useBell->isChecked()) {

  // store the old state
  XKeyboardState old_state;
  XGetKeyboardControl(kapp->getDisplay(), &old_state);

  // switch to the test state
  XKeyboardControl kbd;
  kbd.bell_percent = m_volume->value();
  kbd.bell_pitch = m_pitch->value();
  if (m_volume->value() > 0)
    kbd.bell_duration = m_duration->value();
    kbd.bell_duration = 0;
                         KBBellPercent | KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration,
  // ring bell

  // restore old state
  kbd.bell_percent = old_state.bell_percent;
  kbd.bell_pitch = old_state.bell_pitch;
  kbd.bell_duration = old_state.bell_duration;
                         KBBellPercent | KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration,
Exemple #2
xnestChangeKeyboardControl(DeviceIntPtr pDev, KeybdCtrl * ctrl)
#if 0
    unsigned long value_mask;
    XKeyboardControl values;
    int i;

    value_mask = KBKeyClickPercent |
        KBBellPercent | KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration | KBAutoRepeatMode;

    values.key_click_percent = ctrl->click;
    values.bell_percent = ctrl->bell;
    values.bell_pitch = ctrl->bell_pitch;
    values.bell_duration = ctrl->bell_duration;
    values.auto_repeat_mode = ctrl->autoRepeat ?
        AutoRepeatModeOn : AutoRepeatModeOff;

    XChangeKeyboardControl(xnestDisplay, value_mask, &values);

       value_mask = KBKey | KBAutoRepeatMode;
       At this point, we need to walk through the vector and compare it
       to the current server vector.  If there are differences, report them.

    value_mask = KBLed | KBLedMode;
    for (i = 1; i <= 32; i++) {
        values.led = i;
        values.led_mode =
            (ctrl->leds & (1 << (i - 1))) ? LedModeOn : LedModeOff;
        XChangeKeyboardControl(xnestDisplay, value_mask, &values);
Exemple #3
void Window::Close(void)
	if (this->ctx)
		if (!glXMakeCurrent(this->dpy, None, NULL))
			std::cout << "Could not release drawing context." << std::endl;
		glXDestroyContext(this->dpy, this->ctx);
		this->ctx = NULL;

	if (this->fs)
		XF86VidModeSwitchToMode(this->dpy, this->screen, &this->deskMode);
		XF86VidModeSetViewPort(this->dpy, this->screen, 0, 0);

		XUngrabPointer(this->dpy, CurrentTime);
	XKeyboardControl _kb;

	_kb.auto_repeat_mode = this->deskKeyboardState.global_auto_repeat;
	XChangeKeyboardControl(this->dpy, KBAutoRepeatMode, &_kb);
Exemple #4
static void
set_bell_pitch(Display *dpy, int pitch) {
	XKeyboardControl values;
	values.bell_pitch = pitch;
	XChangeKeyboardControl(dpy, KBBellPitch, &values);
Exemple #5
static void
set_bell_dur(Display *dpy, int duration) {
	XKeyboardControl values;
	values.bell_duration = duration;
	XChangeKeyboardControl(dpy, KBBellDuration, &values);
Exemple #6
void Window::OnFocusOut(void)
	//FIXME: Hay que liberar el ratón
	XKeyboardControl _kb;
	_kb.auto_repeat_mode = this->deskKeyboardState.global_auto_repeat;
	XChangeKeyboardControl(this->dpy, KBAutoRepeatMode, &_kb);
Exemple #7
void KeyboardConfig::save()
  KConfig config("kcminputrc");

  XKeyboardControl kbd;

  clickVolume = getClick();
  keyboardRepeat = ui->repeatBox->isChecked() ? AutoRepeatModeOn : AutoRepeatModeOff;
  numlockState = getNumLockState();

  kbd.key_click_percent = clickVolume;
  kbd.auto_repeat_mode = keyboardRepeat;
                           KBKeyClickPercent | KBAutoRepeatMode,
  if( keyboardRepeat ) {
    set_repeatrate(ui->delay->value(), ui->rate->value());

  config.writeEntry("KeyboardRepeating", (keyboardRepeat == AutoRepeatModeOn));
  config.writeEntry("RepeatRate", ui->rate->value() );
  config.writeEntry("RepeatDelay", ui->delay->value() );
  config.writeEntry("NumLock", numlockState );
Exemple #8
grab_keys (	KTKeySettingsList	*key_list,
		Display			*display    )
	key_list	- The list of keys to grab
	display		- Specifies the connection to the X server
	This function establishes a passive grab on the keyboard for every key in
	key_list. For each key in key_list auto repeat mode is turned on for those
	keys with auto_repeat_on member equal to TRUE.
	KTKeySettings		*key;
	XKeyboardControl	keyboard_control;
	/* Set our own error handler so that the program continues after grabbing
	 * a key failed.
	XSetErrorHandler ((XErrorHandler) x_error_handler);
	for (key = key_list->head; key != NULL; key = key->next)
		XGrabKey (display, key->keycode, AnyModifier, DefaultRootWindow(display),
		          False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);
		keyboard_control.key = key->keycode;
		keyboard_control.auto_repeat_mode = key->auto_repeat_on ? AutoRepeatModeOn : AutoRepeatModeOff;
		/* Turn for the current key auto repeat on/off */
		XChangeKeyboardControl (display, KBKey|KBAutoRepeatMode, &keyboard_control);
static void xinput_set_leds(int leds)
  if (xinput_old_leds != leds)
    XKeyboardControl values;
    int i;

    for (i=0;i<32;i++)
       values.led_mode = -1;
       if ((xinput_old_leds & (0x01 << i)) &&
                     !(leds & (0x01 << i)) )
          values.led_mode = LedModeOff;
       if (!(xinput_old_leds & (0x01 << i)) &&
                       (leds & (0x01 << i)) )
          values.led_mode = LedModeOn;
       if (values.led_mode != -1)
          values.led = i + 1;
          /* GRR leds 1 and 2 are swapped in X */
          if (values.led == 1)
             values.led = 2;
          else if (values.led == 2)
             values.led = 1;
          XChangeKeyboardControl(display, KBLed|KBLedMode, &values);
    xinput_old_leds = leds;
Exemple #10
static void on_kb_beep_toggle(GtkToggleButton* btn, gpointer user_data)
    XKeyboardControl values;
    beep = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(btn);
    values.bell_percent = beep ? -1 : 0;
    XChangeKeyboardControl(GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY(gdk_display_get_default()), KBBellPercent, &values);
int iupdrvSetGlobal(const char *name, const char *value)
  if (iupStrEqual(name, "LANGUAGE"))
    return 1;
  if (iupStrEqual(name, "AUTOREPEAT"))
    XKeyboardControl values;
    if (iupStrBoolean(value))
      values.auto_repeat_mode = 1;
      values.auto_repeat_mode = 0;
    XChangeKeyboardControl(iupmot_display, KBAutoRepeatMode, &values);
    return 0;
  if (iupStrEqual(name, "CURSORPOS"))
    int x, y;
    if (iupStrToIntInt(value, &x, &y, 'x') == 2)
      XWarpPointer(iupmot_display,None,RootWindow(iupmot_display, iupmot_screen),0,0,0,0,x,y);
    return 0;
  return 1;
Exemple #12
static void 
        Widget w,
        XtPointer client_data,
        XtPointer call_data )
    int                 n;
    Arg                 args[MAX_ARGS];
    XKeyboardControl    kbdControl;
    int                 kbdControlMask;
    XKeyboardState      kbdState;
    Boolean             set;

    /* set keyboard click volume to system default value */

    kbdControlMask = KBKeyClickPercent | KBAutoRepeatMode;
    kbdControl.key_click_percent = -1;
    kbdControl.auto_repeat_mode = AutoRepeatModeDefault;
    XChangeKeyboardControl(style.display, kbdControlMask, &kbdControl);

    XGetKeyboardControl(style.display, &kbdState);

    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNvalue, kbdState.key_click_percent); n++;
    XtSetValues(kbd.volumeScale, args, n);

    set = (kbdState.global_auto_repeat == AutoRepeatModeOn) ? True : False;
    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNset, set);  n++;
    XtSetValues(kbd.autoRepeatToggle, args, n);

    kbd.systemDefaultFlag = True;
Exemple #13
void KeyboardConfig::init_keyboard()
	KConfig *config = new KConfig("kcminputrc", true); // Read-only, no globals

	XKeyboardState   kbd;
	XKeyboardControl kbdc;

	XGetKeyboardControl(kapp->getDisplay(), &kbd);
	bool key = config->readBoolEntry("KeyboardRepeating", true);
	kbdc.key_click_percent = config->readNumEntry("ClickVolume", kbd.key_click_percent);
	kbdc.auto_repeat_mode = (key ? AutoRepeatModeOn : AutoRepeatModeOff);

						   KBKeyClickPercent | KBAutoRepeatMode,

	if( key ) {
		int delay_ = config->readNumEntry("RepeatDelay", 250);
		double rate_ = config->readDoubleNumEntry("RepeatRate", 30);
		set_repeatrate(delay_, rate_);

	int numlockState = config->readNumEntry( "NumLock", 2 );
	if( numlockState != 2 )
		numlockx_change_numlock_state( numlockState == 0 );

	delete config;
Exemple #14
static void
set_bell_vol(Display *dpy, int percent) {
	XKeyboardControl values;
	XKeyboardState kbstate;
	values.bell_percent = percent;
	if (percent == DEFAULT_ON)
	  values.bell_percent = SERVER_DEFAULT;
	XChangeKeyboardControl(dpy, KBBellPercent, &values);
	if (percent == DEFAULT_ON) {
	  XGetKeyboardControl(dpy, &kbstate);
	  if (!kbstate.bell_percent) {
	    values.bell_percent = -percent;
	    XChangeKeyboardControl(dpy, KBBellPercent, &values);
value caml_gr_sound(value vfreq, value vdur)
  XKeyboardControl kbdcontrol;

  kbdcontrol.bell_pitch = Int_val(vfreq);
  kbdcontrol.bell_duration = Int_val(vdur);
  XChangeKeyboardControl(caml_gr_display, KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration,
  XBell(caml_gr_display, 0);
  kbdcontrol.bell_pitch = -1;   /* restore default value */
  kbdcontrol.bell_duration = -1; /* restore default value */
  XChangeKeyboardControl(caml_gr_display, KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration,
  return Val_unit;
Exemple #16
static void apply_values(void) {
	unsigned long v = KBBellPercent | KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration;
	XKeyboardControl kc;
	kc.bell_percent  = vol_val;
	kc.bell_pitch    = pitch_val;
	kc.bell_duration = dur_val;

	XChangeKeyboardControl(fl_display, v, &kc);
Exemple #17
glutSetKeyRepeat(int repeatMode)
#if !defined(_WIN32)
  XKeyboardControl values;

  /* GLUT's repeatMode #define's match the Xlib API values. */
  values.auto_repeat_mode = repeatMode;
  XChangeKeyboardControl(__glutDisplay, KBAutoRepeatMode, &values);
Exemple #18
void PCSpeaker::beep(int pitch, int duration) {
	if (pitch == 0)
		usleep(duration * 200);
	else {
		XKeyboardState s;			//zachowuje stare parametry dzwieku
		XGetKeyboardControl(xdisplay, &s);
		XKeyboardControl v;			//dla 0 nie wysyla zadnego dzwieku tylko odczekuje podany czas
		v.bell_pitch = pitch;			//dzwiek w Hz
		v.bell_duration = duration;		//czas trwania w ms
		v.bell_percent = 100;			//ustawiamy glosnosc na maks
		XChangeKeyboardControl(xdisplay, (KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration | KBBellPercent), &v); //ustawia parametry dzwieku
		XBell(xdisplay, volume);  		//robimy pik skalujac glosnosc wzgledem maksa
		XFlush(xdisplay);			//czysci bufor wywalajac na display i powodujac de facto pik
		usleep(pitch * 100);			//poczeka az skonczy pipac
		v.bell_pitch = s.bell_pitch;		//odzyskuje stare parametry
		v.bell_duration = s.bell_duration;
		v.bell_percent = s.bell_percent;
		XChangeKeyboardControl(xdisplay, (KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration | KBBellPercent), &v); //ustawia poprzednie parametry dzwieku
static gboolean
toggle_leds (GisPage *page)
  XKeyboardControl values;
  GisFinishedPage *summary = GIS_FINISHED_PAGE (page);
  GisFinishedPagePrivate *priv = gis_finished_page_get_instance_private (summary);

  values.led_mode = priv->led_state;
  XChangeKeyboardControl(GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY(gtk_widget_get_display(GTK_WIDGET(page))), KBLedMode, &values);
  priv->led_state = priv->led_state == 1 ? 0 : 1;
  return TRUE;
Exemple #20
void PCSpeakerNotifier::beep(int pitch, int duration)
	if (pitch == 0)
		usleep(static_cast<useconds_t>(duration * 200));
		XKeyboardState s;			//save previous sound config
		XGetKeyboardControl(xdisplay, &s);
		XKeyboardControl v;			//pause when set to 0
		v.bell_pitch = pitch;			//sound frequency in Hz
		v.bell_duration = duration;		//sound duration
		v.bell_percent = 100;			//set volume to max
		XChangeKeyboardControl(xdisplay, (KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration | KBBellPercent), &v); //set sound config
		XBell(xdisplay, volume);  		//put sound to buffer
		XFlush(xdisplay);			//flush buffer (beep)
		usleep(static_cast<useconds_t>(pitch * 100));			//wait until sound is played
		v.bell_pitch = static_cast<int>(s.bell_pitch);		//restore previous sound config
		v.bell_duration = static_cast<int>(s.bell_duration);
		v.bell_percent = static_cast<int>(s.bell_percent);
		XChangeKeyboardControl(xdisplay, (KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration | KBBellPercent), &v); //set restored sound config
Exemple #21
/* x_set_leds:
 *  Update the keyboard LEDs.
static void x_set_leds(int leds)
    XKeyboardControl values;
    ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_XGLX *system = (void *)al_get_system_driver();



    values.led = 1;
    values.led_mode = leds & ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_NUMLOCK ? LedModeOn : LedModeOff;
    XChangeKeyboardControl(system->x11display, KBLed | KBLedMode, &values);

    values.led = 2;
    values.led_mode = leds & ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_CAPSLOCK ? LedModeOn : LedModeOff;
    XChangeKeyboardControl(system->x11display, KBLed | KBLedMode, &values);

    values.led = 3;
    values.led_mode = leds & ALLEGRO_KEYMOD_SCROLLLOCK ? LedModeOn : LedModeOff;
    XChangeKeyboardControl(system->x11display, KBLed | KBLedMode, &values);

Exemple #22
/* x_set_leds:
 *  Update the keyboard LEDs.
static void x_set_leds(int leds)
   XKeyboardControl values;

   if (!xkeyboard_installed)


   values.led = 1;
   values.led_mode = leds & KB_NUMLOCK_FLAG ? LedModeOn : LedModeOff;
   XChangeKeyboardControl(_xwin.display, KBLed | KBLedMode, &values);

   values.led = 2;
   values.led_mode = leds & KB_CAPSLOCK_FLAG ? LedModeOn : LedModeOff;
   XChangeKeyboardControl(_xwin.display, KBLed | KBLedMode, &values);

   values.led = 3;
   values.led_mode = leds & KB_SCROLOCK_FLAG ? LedModeOn : LedModeOff;
   XChangeKeyboardControl(_xwin.display, KBLed | KBLedMode, &values);

void QIrrlichtWidget::setAutoRepeatKeys(bool mode)
	qDebug() << "QIrrlichtWidget::setAutoRepeatKeys";

	XKeyboardControl control;
	control.auto_repeat_mode = (mode ? 1 : 0);   // Set mode to 1 for
	                                             // autorepeat, 0 to disable
	control.key = -1; // We want to change the behaviour for all keys

	QList<QScreen*> screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
	QXcbScreen *xcbscreen = static_cast<QXcbScreen*>(screens.at(0)->handle());
	Display *display = static_cast<Display*>(xcbscreen->connection()->xlib_display());

	XChangeKeyboardControl(display, KBAutoRepeatMode, &control);
int set_repeat_mode(TriState keyboardRepeatMode)
	XKeyboardState   kbd;
	XKeyboardControl kbdc;

	XGetKeyboardControl(QX11Info::display(), &kbd);

	int flags = 0;
	if( keyboardRepeatMode != STATE_UNCHANGED ) {
		flags |= KBAutoRepeatMode;
		kbdc.auto_repeat_mode = (keyboardRepeatMode==STATE_ON ? AutoRepeatModeOn : AutoRepeatModeOff);

	return XChangeKeyboardControl(QX11Info::display(), flags, &kbdc);
Exemple #25
  KDE_EXPORT void init_bell()
    XKeyboardState kbd;
    XKeyboardControl kbdc;

    XGetKeyboardControl(kapp->getDisplay(), &kbd);

    KConfig config("kcmbellrc", true, false);

    kbdc.bell_percent = config.readNumEntry("Volume", kbd.bell_percent);
    kbdc.bell_pitch = config.readNumEntry("Pitch", kbd.bell_pitch);
    kbdc.bell_duration = config.readNumEntry("Duration", kbd.bell_duration);
                           KBBellPercent | KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration,
Exemple #26
static void 
        Widget w,
        XtPointer client_data,
        XtPointer call_data )

    XKeyboardControl    kbdControl;
    int                 kbdControlMask;

    /* set keyboard click volume to scale value */

    kbdControlMask = KBKeyClickPercent;
    kbdControl.key_click_percent = kbd.new_key_click_percent =
    XChangeKeyboardControl(style.display, kbdControlMask, &kbdControl);
    kbd.systemDefaultFlag = False;
int set_volume(int clickVolumePercent, TriState keyboardRepeatMode)
	XKeyboardState   kbd;
	XKeyboardControl kbdc;

	XGetKeyboardControl(QX11Info::display(), &kbd);

	int flags = 0;
	if( clickVolumePercent != -1 ) {
		flags |= KBKeyClickPercent;
		kbdc.key_click_percent = clickVolumePercent;
	if( keyboardRepeatMode != STATE_UNCHANGED ) {
		flags |= KBAutoRepeatMode;
		kbdc.auto_repeat_mode = (keyboardRepeatMode==STATE_ON ? AutoRepeatModeOn : AutoRepeatModeOff);

	return XChangeKeyboardControl(QX11Info::display(), flags, &kbdc);
Exemple #28
void KBellConfig::save()
  XKeyboardControl kbd;

  int bellVolume = m_volume->value();
  int bellPitch = m_pitch->value();
  int bellDuration = m_duration->value();

  kbd.bell_percent = bellVolume;
  kbd.bell_pitch = bellPitch;
  kbd.bell_duration = bellDuration;
                         KBBellPercent | KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration,

  KConfig config("kcmbellrc", false, false);


  KConfig cfg("kdeglobals", false, false);
  cfg.writeEntry("UseSystemBell", m_useBell->isChecked());
  if (!m_useBell->isChecked())
    KConfig config("kaccessrc", false);

    config.writeEntry("SystemBell", false);
    config.writeEntry("ArtsBell", false);
    config.writeEntry("VisibleBell", false);
Exemple #29
void	led (int led, LedMode mode, ActionMode doAction)
/* Only LED_NUM can be ActionMode DELAYED */
	static ulong	ledReminder = 0x00;
	ulong		ledVal;
	XKeyboardControl values;
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("led(%d, %d)\n", led, (int)mode);
	if (myDisplay) {
		switch (mode) {
			case SET:
				values.led_mode = LedModeOn;
			case CLEAR:
				values.led_mode = LedModeOff;
			case TOGGLE:
				values.led_mode = LedModeOn;
	values.led = led;
	if (myDisplay) {
		XChangeKeyboardControl(myDisplay, KBLed | KBLedMode, &values);
		if (doAction != DELAYED)
			XSync(myDisplay, FALSE);
	} else {
		if (doAction != FINISH) { 
			if (ioctl(keyboardDevice, KDGETLED, &ledVal)) {
				perror("tleds: KDGETLED");
		} else {
			ledVal = 0L;
		switch (led) {
				if (mode == SET)
					ledVal |= LED_SCR;
					ledVal &= ~LED_SCR;
				if (mode == SET)
					ledVal |= LED_NUM;
					ledVal &= ~LED_NUM;
				perror("tleds: wrong led-value");
		if (opt_c && doAction != FINISH) {
			ledVal = correct_caps(ledVal);
		if (doAction) { /* FINISH or NOW */
			if (doAction == FINISH)
				ledVal |= ledReminder;
			if (ioctl(keyboardDevice, KDSETLED, (char)ledVal)) {
				perror("tleds: KDSETLED");
			ledReminder = 0x00;
		} else {
			/* Well, we know from report_traffic(), LED_SCR is
			   processed later. OK, kludge. */
			ledReminder = ledVal & ~LED_SCR;
Exemple #30
      Window w2;

      Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NIL);
      Screen *scr = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy);

      // CreateWindow

      Window w = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 10, 100, 200, 300, 0, CopyFromParent,
			       CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
			       0, NIL);

      XDestroyWindow(dpy, w);

      // CreateWindow with arguments

      XSetWindowAttributes swa;
      swa.background_pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(scr);
      swa.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
      swa.border_pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(scr);
      swa.colormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(scr);
      swa.cursor = None;
      swa.win_gravity = NorthGravity;

      w = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 10, 100, 200, 300, 0, CopyFromParent,
			CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
			CWBackPixel | CWBitGravity | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWCursor | CWWinGravity, 
      // CreateWindow with other arguments

      XDestroyWindow(dpy, w);

      Pixmap pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 45, 25, DefaultDepthOfScreen(scr));

      swa.background_pixmap = pixmap;
      swa.border_pixmap = pixmap;

      w = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 10, 100, 200, 300, 0, CopyFromParent,
			CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
			CWBackPixmap | CWBorderPixmap,
      // ChangeWindowAttributes

      swa.backing_planes = 0x1;
      swa.backing_pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(scr);
      swa.save_under = True;
      swa.event_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask;
      swa.do_not_propagate_mask = ButtonPressMask | Button4MotionMask;
      swa.override_redirect = False;
      XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy, w, CWBackingPlanes | CWBackingPixel | CWSaveUnder | CWEventMask
			      | CWDontPropagate | CWOverrideRedirect, &swa);

      // GetWindowAttributes

      XWindowAttributes wa;
      Status success = XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, w, &wa);

      // DestroyWindow (done)

      // DestroySubwindows

      w2 = XCreateWindow(dpy, w, 20, 30, 40, 50, 3, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, 0, NIL);
      XDestroySubwindows(dpy, w);

      // ChangeSaveSet

//        Display *dpy2 = XOpenDisplay(NIL);
//        assert(dpy2);
//        XAddToSaveSet(dpy2, w);
//        XCloseDisplay(dpy2);

      // ReparentWindow

      w2 = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 20, 30, 40, 50, 3, 
			 CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, 0, NIL);
      XReparentWindow(dpy, w2, w, 10, 5);

      // MapWindow

      XMapWindow(dpy, w);

      // MapSubwindows
      XMapSubwindows(dpy, w);

      // UnmapWindow
      XUnmapWindow(dpy, w);

      // UnmapSubwindows

      XMapWindow(dpy, w);
      XUnmapSubwindows(dpy, w2);
      XMapSubwindows(dpy, w);

      // ConfigureWindow

      Window w3 = XCreateWindow(dpy, w, 10, 50, 100, 10, 2,
			 CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, 0, NIL);

      XMapWindow(dpy, w3);

      XWindowChanges wc;
      wc.x = -5;
      wc.y = -10;
      wc.width = 50;
      wc.height = 40;
      wc.border_width = 7;
      wc.sibling = w2;
      wc.stack_mode = Opposite;
      XConfigureWindow(dpy, w3, 
		       CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight | CWBorderWidth | CWSibling | CWStackMode, 

      // CirculateWindow

      XCirculateSubwindows(dpy, w, RaiseLowest);

      // GetGeometry

      Window root;
      int x, y;
      unsigned width, height, border_width, depth;
      XGetGeometry(dpy, w, &root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &border_width, &depth);

      // QueryTree

      Window parent;
      Window *children;
      unsigned nchildren;
      success = XQueryTree(dpy, w, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren);

      // InternAtom

      Atom a = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", True);

      // GetAtomName

      char *string = XGetAtomName(dpy, XA_PRIMARY);

      // ChangeProperty

      XStoreName(dpy, w, "test window");

      // DeleteProperty

      XDeleteProperty(dpy, w, XA_WM_NAME);

      // GetProperty
      // TODO

      // ListProperties

      int num_prop;
      Atom *list = XListProperties(dpy, w, &num_prop);

      // SetSelectionOwner

      XSetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_PRIMARY, w, 12000);
      XSetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_SECONDARY, w, CurrentTime);

      // GetSelectionOwner

      Window wx = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_PRIMARY);

      // ConvertSelection

      XConvertSelection(dpy, XA_SECONDARY, XA_CURSOR, XA_POINT, w, CurrentTime);

      // SendEvent

      // GrabPointer

      std::cerr << "Grabbing" << std::endl;
      int res = XGrabPointer(dpy, w, False, Button5MotionMask | PointerMotionHintMask,
			     GrabModeSync, GrabModeAsync, w, None, CurrentTime);
      XSync(dpy, False);
//      sleep(5);

      // UngrabPointer

      std::cerr << "Ungrabbing" << std::endl;
      XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime);

      // GrabButton

      XGrabButton(dpy, 3, ShiftMask | ControlMask, w, False, PointerMotionHintMask | Button2MotionMask, 
		  GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
      XGrabButton(dpy, 2, AnyModifier, w, False, PointerMotionHintMask | Button2MotionMask, 
		  GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
      // UngrabButton

      XUngrabButton(dpy, 2, LockMask, w);

      // ChangeActivePointerGrab

      XChangeActivePointerGrab(dpy, ButtonPressMask, None, CurrentTime);

      // GrabKeyboard

      XGrabKeyboard(dpy, w, True, GrabModeSync, GrabModeSync, 12000);

      // UngrabKeyboard

      XUngrabKeyboard(dpy, 13000);

      // GrabKey

      XGrabKey(dpy, XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Tab), ShiftMask | Mod3Mask, w, True, GrabModeSync,

      // UngrabKey

      XUngrabKey(dpy, AnyKey, AnyModifier, w);

      // AllowEvents

      XAllowEvents(dpy, AsyncPointer, 14000);

      // GrabServer


      // UngrabServer


      // QueryPointer

      Window child;
      int root_x, root_y, win_x, win_y;
      unsigned mask;
      Bool bres = XQueryPointer(dpy, w, &root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, &win_x, &win_y, &mask);

      // GetMotionEvents

      int nevents;
      XGetMotionEvents(dpy, w, 15000, 16000, &nevents);

      // TranslateCoordinates

      int dest_x, dest_y;

      XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, w, w2, 10, 20, &dest_x, &dest_y, &child);

      // WarpPointer

      XWarpPointer(dpy, w, w2, 0, 0, 100, 100, 20, 30);

      // SetInputFocus

      XSetInputFocus(dpy,w, RevertToPointerRoot, 17000);
      XSetInputFocus(dpy, PointerRoot, RevertToPointerRoot, 17000);

      // GetInputFocus

      Window focus;
      int revert_to;
      XGetInputFocus(dpy, &focus, &revert_to);

      // QueryKeymap

      char keys_return[32];
      XQueryKeymap(dpy, keys_return);

      // OpenFont

      Font fid = XLoadFont(dpy, "cursor");

      // CloseFont

      XUnloadFont(dpy, fid);

      // QueryFont

      XFontStruct *fs = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "cursor");

      // QueryTextExtents

      int direction, font_ascent, font_descent;
      XCharStruct overall;
      XQueryTextExtents(dpy, fs -> fid, "toto", 4, &direction, &font_ascent, &font_descent, &overall);
      XQueryTextExtents(dpy, fs -> fid, "odd__length", 11, &direction, &font_ascent, &font_descent, &overall);

      XChar2b c2bs;
      c2bs.byte1 = '$';
      c2bs.byte2 = 'B';
      XQueryTextExtents16(dpy, fs -> fid, &c2bs, 1, &direction, &font_ascent, &font_descent, &overall);

      XQueryTextExtents(dpy, fs -> fid, longString, strlen(longString), &direction, &font_ascent, 
			&font_descent, &overall);

      // ListFonts

      int actual_count;
      char **fontList = XListFonts(dpy, "*", 100, &actual_count);
      XFree((char *)fontList);

      // ListFontsWithInfo

      int count;
      XFontStruct *info;
      char **names = XListFontsWithInfo(dpy, "*", 100, &count, &info);
      XFreeFontInfo(names, info, count);

      // SetFontPath
      // GetFontPath

      int npaths;
      char **charList = XGetFontPath(dpy, &npaths);

      char **charList2 = new char *[npaths + 1];
      memcpy(charList2, charList, npaths * sizeof(char *));
      charList2[npaths] = charList2[0];

      XSetFontPath(dpy, charList2, npaths + 1);
      XSetFontPath(dpy, charList, npaths); // Reset to some reasonnable value

      delete [] charList2;

      // CreatePixmap

      Pixmap pix2 = XCreatePixmap(dpy, w, 100, 200, DefaultDepthOfScreen(scr));

      // FreePixmap

      XFreePixmap(dpy, pix2);

      // CreateGC

      Pixmap bitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 
					    "\000\000\001\000\000\001\000\000\001\377\377\377", 3, 4);

      XGCValues gcv;
      gcv.function = GXand;
      gcv.plane_mask = 0x1;
      gcv.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(scr);
      gcv.background = BlackPixelOfScreen(scr);
      gcv.line_width = 2;
      gcv.line_style = LineDoubleDash;
      gcv.cap_style = CapProjecting;
      gcv.join_style = JoinRound;
      gcv.fill_style = FillStippled;
      gcv.fill_rule = EvenOddRule;
      gcv.arc_mode = ArcPieSlice;
      gcv.tile = pixmap;
      gcv.stipple = bitmap;
      gcv.ts_x_origin = 3;
      gcv.ts_y_origin = 4;
      gcv.font = fs -> fid;
      gcv.subwindow_mode = ClipByChildren;
      gcv.graphics_exposures = True;
      gcv.clip_x_origin = 5;
      gcv.clip_y_origin = 6;
      gcv.clip_mask = bitmap;
      gcv.dash_offset = 1;
      gcv.dashes = 0xc2;
      GC gc = XCreateGC(dpy, w, 
			  GCFunction | GCPlaneMask | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCLineWidth
			| GCLineStyle | GCCapStyle | GCJoinStyle | GCFillStyle | GCFillRule | GCTile
			| GCStipple | GCTileStipXOrigin | GCTileStipYOrigin | GCFont | GCSubwindowMode
			| GCGraphicsExposures | GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCClipMask | GCDashOffset
			| GCDashList | GCArcMode,

      // ChangeGC

      gcv.function = GXandReverse;

      // Only a few of these should appear, since the values are cached on the client side by the Xlib.

      XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCFunction | GCLineStyle | GCStipple | GCGraphicsExposures | GCDashList, &gcv);

      // CopyGC
      GC gc2 = XCreateGC(dpy, w, 0, NIL);
      XCopyGC(dpy, gc, GCFunction | GCLineStyle | GCStipple | GCGraphicsExposures | GCDashList, gc2);

      // SetDashes

      XSetDashes(dpy, gc, 3, "\001\377\001", 3);

      // SetClipRectangles

      XRectangle rectangles[] = { { 10, 20, 30, 40 }, { 100, 200, 5, 3 }, { -5, 1, 12, 24 } };
      XSetClipRectangles(dpy, gc, 12, 9, rectangles, SIZEOF(rectangles), Unsorted);

      // FreeGC

	    // done already

      // ClearArea

      XClearArea(dpy, w, 30, 10, 10, 100, False);

      // CopyArea

      XCopyArea(dpy, w, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, 100, 100, 10, 10);

      // CopyPlane

      // This won't work if the Screen doesn't have at least 3 planes
      XCopyPlane(dpy, pixmap, w, gc, 20, 10, 40, 30, 0, 0, 0x4);

      // PolyPoint

      XDrawPoint(dpy, w, gc, 1, 2);

      XPoint points[] = { { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } };
      XDrawPoints(dpy, w, gc, points, SIZEOF(points), CoordModeOrigin);

      // PolyLine

      XDrawLines(dpy, w, gc, points, SIZEOF(points), CoordModePrevious);

      // PolySegment

      XSegment segments[] = { { 7, 8, 9, 10 }, { 11, 12, 13, 14 }, { 15, 16, 17, 18 } };
      XDrawSegments(dpy, w, gc, segments, SIZEOF(segments));

      // PolyRectangle

      XDrawRectangles(dpy, w, gc, rectangles, SIZEOF(rectangles));

      // PolyArc

      XArc arcs[] = { { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 }, { -70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 }, 
		      { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, -30 } };

      XDrawArcs(dpy, w, gc, arcs, SIZEOF(arcs));

      // FillPoly

      XFillPolygon(dpy, w, gc, points, SIZEOF(points), Convex, CoordModePrevious);

      // PolyFillRectangle
      XFillRectangles(dpy, w, gc, rectangles, SIZEOF(rectangles));

      // PolyFillArc
      XFillArcs(dpy, w, gc, arcs, SIZEOF(arcs));

      // PutImage
      // GetImage

      XImage *image = XGetImage(dpy, w, 10, 20, 40, 30, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
      XPutImage(dpy, w, gc, image, 0, 0, 50, 60, 40, 30);
      XSync(dpy, False); // Make the next request starts at the beginning of a packet

      // PolyText8
      XTextItem textItems[3];
      textItems[0].chars = "toto";
      textItems[0].nchars = strlen(textItems[0].chars);
      textItems[0].delta = -3;
      textItems[0].font = fs->fid;
      textItems[1].chars = "titi";
      textItems[1].nchars = strlen(textItems[1].chars);
      textItems[1].delta = 3;
      textItems[1].font = None;
      textItems[2].chars = "tutu";
      textItems[2].nchars = strlen(textItems[2].chars);
      textItems[2].delta = 0;
      textItems[2].font = fs->fid;

      XDrawText(dpy, w, gc, 10, 10, textItems, 3);

      XTextItem textItems2[3];
      textItems2[0].chars = "totox";
      textItems2[0].nchars = strlen(textItems2[0].chars);
      textItems2[0].delta = -3;
      textItems2[0].font = fs->fid;
      textItems2[1].chars = "titi";
      textItems2[1].nchars = strlen(textItems2[1].chars);
      textItems2[1].delta = 3;
      textItems2[1].font = None;
      textItems2[2].chars = "tutu";
      textItems2[2].nchars = strlen(textItems2[2].chars);
      textItems2[2].delta = 0;
      textItems2[2].font = fs->fid;

      XDrawText(dpy, w, gc, 10, 10, textItems2, 3);

      // PolyText16

      XChar2b c2b2[] = { 0, 't', 0, 'x' };

      XTextItem16 items16[] = { { &c2bs, 1, -5, None }, { NULL, 0, 0, None }, { c2b2, 2, 0, fs -> fid } };
      XDrawText16(dpy, w, gc, 10, 0, items16, SIZEOF(items16));

      // ImageText8

      XDrawImageString(dpy, w, gc, 10, 10, "toto", 4);

      // ImageText16

      XDrawImageString16(dpy, w, gc, 10, 10, &c2bs, 1);
      XDrawImageString16(dpy, w, gc, 10, 20, c2b2, 2);

      // CreateColormap
      // Don't forget to tell the kids how it was when we had only 8 bits per pixel.

      Colormap colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy, w, DefaultVisualOfScreen(scr), None);

      // FreeColormap

      XFreeColormap(dpy, colormap);
      colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy, w, DefaultVisualOfScreen(scr), None);

      // CopyColormapAndFree

      Colormap colormap2 = XCopyColormapAndFree(dpy, colormap);

      // InstallColormap

      XInstallColormap(dpy, colormap2);

      // UninstallColormap

      XUninstallColormap(dpy, colormap2);

      // ListInstalledColormaps

      int num;
      Colormap *colormapList = XListInstalledColormaps(dpy, w, &num);

      // AllocColor

      XColor screen;
      screen.red = 0;
      screen.green = 32767;
      screen.blue = 65535;
      screen.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
      success = XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &screen);

      // AllocNamedColor

      XColor screen2, exact;
      success = XAllocNamedColor(dpy, colormap, "Wheat", &screen2, &exact);

      // AllocColorCells

      unsigned long plane_masks, pixels;
      success = XAllocColorCells(dpy, colormap, False, &plane_masks, 1, &pixels, 1);

      // AllocColorPlanes

      unsigned long rmask, gmask, bmask;
      success = XAllocColorPlanes(dpy, colormap, False, &pixels, 1, 0, 0, 0, &rmask, &gmask, &bmask);

      // FreeColors

      unsigned long pixels2[2] = { screen.pixel, screen2.pixel };
      XFreeColors(dpy, colormap, pixels2, 2, 0);

      // StoreColors

      success = XAllocColorCells(dpy, colormap, False, NIL, 0, pixels2, 2);

      // On many contemporary (that is, year 2000) video cards, you can't allocate read / write cells
      // I want my requests to be sent, however.
      if (!success) {

      XColor colors[2];
      colors[0] = screen;  colors[0].pixel = pixels2[0];
      colors[1] = screen2; colors[1].pixel = pixels2[1];
      XStoreColors(dpy, colormap, colors, 2);

      // StoreNamedColor

      XStoreNamedColor(dpy, colormap, "Wheat", colors[0].pixel, DoBlue);

      XSync(dpy, False);
      XSetErrorHandler(NIL); // Restore the default handler

      // QueryColors

      screen2.pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(scr);
      XQueryColor(dpy, colormap, &screen2);

      // LookupColor

      success = XLookupColor(dpy, colormap, "DarkCyan", &exact, &screen);

      // CreateCursor

      Cursor cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(dpy, pixmap, None, &exact, colors, 10, 10);

      // CreateGlyphCursor
      Cursor cursor2 = XCreateGlyphCursor(dpy, fs -> fid, fs -> fid, 'X', 0, &exact, colors);

      // FreeCursor
      XFreeCursor(dpy, cursor2);

      // RecolorCursor

      XRecolorCursor(dpy, cursor, colors, &exact);

      // QueryBestSize

      success = XQueryBestSize(dpy, CursorShape, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 100, 20, &width, &height);

      // QueryExtension

      int major_opcode, first_event, first_error;
      XQueryExtension(dpy, "toto", &major_opcode, &first_event, &first_error);

      // ListExtensions

      int nextensions;
      char **extensionList = XListExtensions(dpy, &nextensions);
      for(char **p = extensionList; nextensions; nextensions--, p++) std::cout << *p << std::endl;

      // ChangeKeyboardMapping
      // GetKeyboardMapping

      int min_keycodes, max_keycodes;
      XDisplayKeycodes(dpy, &min_keycodes, &max_keycodes);

      int keysyms_per_keycode;
      KeySym *keysyms = XGetKeyboardMapping(dpy, min_keycodes, max_keycodes - min_keycodes + 1,
      XChangeKeyboardMapping(dpy, min_keycodes, keysyms_per_keycode, keysyms, 
			     max_keycodes - min_keycodes + 1);

      // ChangeKeyboardControl
      // GetKeyboardControl

      XKeyboardState keyboardState;
      XGetKeyboardControl(dpy, &keyboardState);

      XKeyboardControl keyboardValues;
      keyboardValues.key_click_percent = keyboardState.key_click_percent;
      keyboardValues.bell_percent = keyboardState.bell_percent;
      keyboardValues.bell_pitch = keyboardState.bell_pitch;
      keyboardValues.bell_duration = keyboardState.bell_duration;
      keyboardValues.led = 1;
      keyboardValues.led_mode = LedModeOn;
      keyboardValues.key = min_keycodes;
      keyboardValues.auto_repeat_mode = AutoRepeatModeDefault;
			       KBKeyClickPercent | KBBellPercent | KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration
			     | KBLed | KBLedMode | KBKey | KBAutoRepeatMode,

      // Bell

      XBell(dpy, 90);

      // ChangePointerControl
      // GetPointerControl

      int accel_numerator, accel_denominator, threshold;
      XGetPointerControl(dpy, &accel_numerator, &accel_denominator, &threshold);

      XChangePointerControl(dpy, True, True, accel_numerator, accel_denominator, threshold);

      // SetScreenSaver
      // GetScreenSaver

      int timeout, interval, prefer_blanking, allow_exposures;
      XGetScreenSaver(dpy, &timeout, &interval, &prefer_blanking, &allow_exposures);
      XSetScreenSaver(dpy, timeout, interval, prefer_blanking, allow_exposures);

      // ChangeHosts
      // ListHosts

      int nhosts;
      Bool state;
      XHostAddress *hostList = XListHosts(dpy, &nhosts, &state);

      XHostAddress host;
      host.family = FamilyInternet;
      host.length = 4;
      host.address = "\001\002\003\004";
      XAddHost(dpy, &host);

      // SetAccessControl

      XSetAccessControl(dpy, EnableAccess);

      // SetCloseDownMode

      XSetCloseDownMode(dpy, RetainTemporary);

      // KillClient

      XKillClient(dpy, AllTemporary);

      // RotateProperties

      Atom properties[] = { XInternAtom(dpy, "CUT_BUFFER0", False), 
			    XInternAtom(dpy, "CUT_BUFFER1", False),
			    XInternAtom(dpy, "CUT_BUFFER2", False) };
      XRotateWindowProperties(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), properties, SIZEOF(properties), -1);

      // ForceScreenSaver

      XForceScreenSaver(dpy, ScreenSaverReset);

      // SetPointerMapping
      // GetPointerMapping

      unsigned char map[64];
      int map_length = XGetPointerMapping(dpy, map, 64);
      XSetPointerMapping(dpy, map, map_length);

      // SetModifierMapping
      // GetModifierMapping

      XModifierKeymap *modmap = XGetModifierMapping(dpy);
      XSetModifierMapping(dpy, modmap);

      // NoOperation


      for(;;) {
	    XEvent e;
	    XNextEvent(dpy, &e);
	    std::cout << "Got an event of type " << e.type << std::endl;