Exemple #1
/* Process OLIT ClientMessage */
static void
HandleOlitTrigger(Display *dpy, XClientMessageEvent *event)
    drop_site_t *site;
    char success = False;
    Atom source_handle = event->data.l[OLIT_DROP_SELECTION];
    Time time_stamp = event->data.l[OLIT_DROP_TIME];

    /* proxy agent only gets ATOM_SUN_DND_TRIGGER if
       receiver is motif */
    /* map site_id to site_window */
    for (site = MasterSiteList; site != NULL; site = site->next) {
	if (site->site_id == event->data.l[OLIT_DROP_SITE_ID]) {
	    drop_info_t *drop_info = NewDropInfo();
	    drop_info->motif_action = 
	    drop_info->receiver_win = site->window_id;
	    drop_info->source_handle = source_handle;
	    drop_info->trigger_x = (event->data.l[OLIT_DROP_COORDINATE]) >> 16;
	    drop_info->trigger_y = 
		(event->data.l[OLIT_DROP_COORDINATE]) & 0x0000ffff;
	    drop_info->time_stamp = time_stamp;

	    if ((event->data.l[OLIT_DROP_OPERATION])
			      drop_info->source_handle, /* selection */
			      ATOM_SUN_DND_ACK,	/* property */
			      drop_info->time_stamp /* time */

	    /* get olit initiator targets */
			      drop_info->source_handle, /* selection */
			      drop_info->proxy_handle,	/* property */
			      drop_info->time_stamp /* time */
	    success = True;
Exemple #2
 * st_clipboard_get_text:
 * @clipboard: A #StCliboard
 * @type: The type of clipboard data you want
 * @callback: (scope async): function to be called when the text is retreived
 * @user_data: data to be passed to the callback
 * Request the data from the clipboard in text form. @callback is executed
 * when the data is retreived.
st_clipboard_get_text (StClipboard            *clipboard,
                       StClipboardType         type,
                       StClipboardCallbackFunc callback,
                       gpointer                user_data)
  EventFilterData *data;

  Display *dpy;

  g_return_if_fail (ST_IS_CLIPBOARD (clipboard));
  g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL);

  data = g_new0 (EventFilterData, 1);
  data->clipboard = clipboard;
  data->callback = callback;
  data->user_data = user_data;

  clutter_x11_add_filter ((ClutterX11FilterFunc) st_clipboard_x11_event_filter,

  dpy = clutter_x11_get_default_display ();

  clutter_x11_trap_x_errors (); /* safety on */

  XConvertSelection (dpy,
                     type == ST_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_CLIPBOARD ? __atom_clip : __atom_primary,
                     __utf8_string, __utf8_string,

  clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors ();
Exemple #3
static void dndDrop(XClientMessageEvent *evt)
  dprintf((stderr, "dndDrop\n"));

  if (xdndSourceWindow != xdndDrop_sourceWindow(evt))
    dprintf((stderr, "dndDrop: wrong source window\n"));
  else if (xdndWillAccept)
      Window owner;
      dprintf((stderr, "converting selection\n"));
      if (!(owner= XGetSelectionOwner(stDisplay, XdndSelection)))
	fprintf(stderr, "dndDrop: XGetSelectionOwner failed\n");
	XConvertSelection(stDisplay, XdndSelection, XdndTextUriList, XdndSelectionAtom, stWindow, xdndDrop_time(evt));
      if (uxDropFileCount)
	  int i;
	  for (i= 0;  i < uxDropFileCount;  ++i)
	  uxDropFileCount= 0;
	  uxDropFileNames= 0;
    dprintf((stderr, "refusing selection -- finishing\n"));


  xdndState= XdndStateIdle;
bool LinuxEnvironment::requestSelectionContent(UString &selection_content, Atom selection, Atom requested_format)
	// send a SelectionRequest to the window owning the selection and waits for its answer (with a timeout)
	// the selection owner will be asked to set the MCENGINE_SEL property on m_window with the selection content
	Atom property_name = XInternAtom(m_display, "MCENGINE_SEL", false);
	XConvertSelection(m_display, selection, requested_format, property_name, m_window, CurrentTime);
	bool gotReply = false;
	int timeoutMs = 200; // will wait at most for 200 ms
		XEvent event;
		gotReply = XCheckTypedWindowEvent(m_display, m_window, SelectionNotify, &event);
		if (gotReply)
			if (event.xselection.property == property_name)
				selection_content = readWindowProperty(event.xselection.requestor, event.xselection.property, requested_format, true);
				return true;
			else // the format we asked for was denied.. (event.xselection.property == None)
				return false;

		// not very elegant.. we could do a select() or something like that... however clipboard content requesting
		// is inherently slow on x11, it often takes 50ms or more so...
		timeoutMs -= 4;
	while (timeoutMs > 0);

	debugLog("LinuxEnvironment::requestSelectionContent() : Timeout!\n");
	return false;
Exemple #5
static boolean
    FcitxX11 *x11priv, Atom selection, Atom target, int format,
    size_t nitems, const void *buff, X11ConvertSelection *convert)
    boolean res = true;
    char *sel_str = XGetAtomName(x11priv->dpy, selection);
    if (!buff) {
        Atom new_tgt;
        if (target == x11priv->utf8Atom) {
            new_tgt = x11priv->compTextAtom;
        } else if (target == x11priv->compTextAtom) {
            new_tgt = x11priv->stringAtom;
        } else {
            new_tgt = None;
        if (new_tgt != None) {
            fcitx_utils_local_cat_str(prop_str, 256, FCITX_X11_SEL, sel_str);
            Atom prop = XInternAtom(x11priv->dpy, prop_str, False);
            XConvertSelection(x11priv->dpy, selection, new_tgt, prop,
                              x11priv->eventWindow, CurrentTime);
            res = false;
            goto out;
    X11ConvertSelectionCallback cb;
    cb = (X11ConvertSelectionCallback)convert->func;
    char *tgt_str = XGetAtomName(x11priv->dpy, target);
    /* compound text also looks fine here, need more info.. */
    cb(convert->owner, sel_str, tgt_str, format, nitems, buff, convert->data);
    return res;
Exemple #6
std::string X11Window::getClipboardText()
    Atom clipboard = XInternAtom(m_display, "CLIPBOARD", False);
    Window ownerWindow = XGetSelectionOwner(m_display, clipboard);
    if(ownerWindow == m_window)
        return m_clipboardText;

    std::string clipboardText;
    if(ownerWindow != None) {
        XConvertSelection(m_display, clipboard, XA_STRING, XA_PRIMARY, ownerWindow, CurrentTime);

        // hack to wait SelectioNotify event, otherwise we will get wrong clipboard pastes
        // TODO: fix this in a correct way

        // check for data
        Atom type;
        int format;
        ulong len, bytesLeft;
        uchar *data;
        XGetWindowProperty(m_display, ownerWindow,
                            XA_PRIMARY, 0, 10000000L, 0, XA_STRING,
        if(len > 0) {
            clipboardText = stdext::utf8_to_latin1(data);

    return clipboardText;
Exemple #7
 * Function description
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code
static UINT xf_cliprdr_server_format_data_request(CliprdrClientContext* context,
        CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_REQUEST* formatDataRequest)
	BOOL rawTransfer;
	xfCliprdrFormat* format = NULL;
	UINT32 formatId = formatDataRequest->requestedFormatId;
	xfClipboard* clipboard = (xfClipboard*) context->custom;
	xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc;
	rawTransfer = xf_cliprdr_is_raw_transfer_available(clipboard);

	if (rawTransfer)
		format = xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_id(clipboard, CF_RAW);
		XChangeProperty(xfc->display, xfc->drawable, clipboard->property_atom,
		                XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, (BYTE*) &formatId, 1);
		format = xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_id(clipboard, formatId);

	if (!format)
		return xf_cliprdr_send_data_response(clipboard, NULL, 0);

	clipboard->requestedFormatId = rawTransfer ? CF_RAW : formatId;
	XConvertSelection(xfc->display, clipboard->clipboard_atom,
	                  format->atom, clipboard->property_atom, xfc->drawable, CurrentTime);
	/* After this point, we expect a SelectionNotify event from the clipboard owner. */
	return CHANNEL_RC_OK;
Exemple #8
int xf_cliprdr_send_client_format_list(xfClipboard* clipboard)
	UINT32 i, numFormats;
	xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc;

	ZeroMemory(&formatList, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST));

	numFormats = clipboard->numClientFormats;
	formats = (CLIPRDR_FORMAT*) calloc(numFormats, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT));

	for (i = 0; i < numFormats; i++)
		formats[i].formatId = clipboard->clientFormats[i].formatId;
		formats[i].formatName = clipboard->clientFormats[i].formatName;

	formatList.msgFlags = CB_RESPONSE_OK;
	formatList.numFormats = numFormats;
	formatList.formats = formats;

	clipboard->context->ClientFormatList(clipboard->context, &formatList);


	if (clipboard->owner && clipboard->owner != xfc->drawable)
		/* Request the owner for TARGETS, and wait for SelectionNotify event */
		XConvertSelection(xfc->display, clipboard->clipboard_atom,
			clipboard->targets[1], clipboard->property_atom, xfc->drawable, CurrentTime);

	return 1;
Exemple #9
// get the data from XA_CLIPBOARD with specific Atom type.
// currently the 3rd parameter is always XA_CLIPBOARD.
// this is because XA_PRIMARY is not often used.
// the 4th parameter is the format that requestor want get.
unsigned char *GetClipboardDataByFormat(Display* disp, Window win, Atom clipbrdType, Atom target,
                                         unsigned long *length)
    // some variables that used to get the data in window property
    unsigned char *clipbrddata = NULL;
    int read_bytes = 1024;
    Atom type;
    int format, result;
    unsigned long bytes_after;

    XConvertSelection(disp, XA_CLIPBOARD, target, XA_CLIPBOARD, win, CurrentTime);

        if ( clipbrddata != 0 )
            clipbrddata = NULL;

        result = XGetWindowProperty(disp, win, clipbrdType, 0, read_bytes, False, AnyPropertyType,
                                &type, &format, length, &bytes_after, &clipbrddata);
        read_bytes *= 2;
    } while ( bytes_after != 0 );

    // if we got any data, copy it.
    if ( result == Success && clipbrddata )
        return clipbrddata;

    return NULL;
Exemple #10
gui_paste(struct gui_instance *gi, enum gui_clipboard source)
  Window selowner;
  Atom selection;

  switch (source)
    case GUI_PRIMARY_SELECTION: selection = XA_PRIMARY; break;
    case GUI_SECONDARY_SELECTION: selection = XA_SECONDARY; break;
    case GUI_CLIPBOARD: selection = xa_clipboard; break;
    default: return;

  selowner = XGetSelectionOwner(GUI_display, selection);

  if (selowner == None)
      fprintf (stderr, "No selection owner\n");

  XDeleteProperty(GUI_display, gi->window, xa_prop_paste);

  XConvertSelection(GUI_display, selection, xa_utf8_string, xa_prop_paste, gi->window, CurrentTime);
CL_String CL_Clipboard_X11::get_clipboard_text() const
	if ( ( atom_CLIPBOARD == None ) )
		// X Server does not have clipboard support
		return CL_String();

	XConvertSelection(disp, atom_CLIPBOARD, XA_STRING, atom_CLIPBOARD, window, CurrentTime);

	XEvent event;
	if (!x11_window->get_xevent( event, SelectionNotify ))
		return CL_String();

	Atom actual_type;
	int actual_format;
	unsigned long number_items;
	unsigned char *read_data = x11_window->get_property(window, atom_CLIPBOARD, &number_items, &actual_format, &actual_type);

	if ( (actual_format != 8) || (actual_type != XA_STRING) || (number_items <=0) || (read_data==NULL) )
		if (read_data)
		return CL_String();

	CL_String buffer( (char *) read_data);
	return buffer;
Exemple #12
Clipboard::Clipboard(char const * clipProperty):
	sel(XInternAtom(resourceManager->dpy, clipProperty, False)),
	XA_TARGETS(XInternAtom(resourceManager->dpy, "TARGETS", False))
	XConvertSelection(resourceManager->dpy, sel, XA_TARGETS, sel, window.get(), CurrentTime);
Exemple #13
 * Tries to grab a given target.
 * Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
static bool try_grab_target(Atom source, Atom target, std::string& ret)
	UseX x11;

	// Cleanup previous data
	XDeleteProperty(x11->dpy(), x11->window(), x11->WES_PASTE());
	XSync          (x11->dpy(), False);

	//std::cout<<"We request target:"<<XGetAtomName(x11->dpy(), target)<<"\n";

	// Request information
	XConvertSelection(x11->dpy(), source, target,
	                  x11->WES_PASTE(), x11->window(), CurrentTime);

	// Wait (with timeout) for a response SelectionNotify
	for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 15; attempt++) {
		if (XPending(x11->dpy())) {
			XEvent selectNotify;
			while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(x11->dpy(), x11->window(), SelectionNotify, &selectNotify)) {
				if (selectNotify.xselection.property == None)
					//Not supported. Say so.
					return false;
				else if (selectNotify.xselection.property == x11->WES_PASTE() &&
				         selectNotify.xselection.target   == target) {
					// The size
					unsigned long length = 0;
					unsigned char* data;

					// These 3 XGetWindowProperty returns but we don't use
					Atom         typeRet;
					int          formatRet;
					unsigned long remaining;

//					std::cout<<"Grab:"<<XGetAtomName(x11->dpy(), target)<<"\n";

					// Grab the text out of the property
					XGetWindowProperty(x11->dpy(), x11->window(),
					                   0, 65535/4, True, target,
					                   &typeRet, &formatRet, &length, &remaining, &data);

					if (data && length) {
						ret = reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
						return true;
					} else {
						return false;


	// Timed out -- return empty string
	return false;
Exemple #14
static String _get_clipboard(Atom p_source, Window x11_window, ::Display* x11_display, String p_internal_clipboard) {

	String ret;

	Atom type;
	Atom selection = XA_PRIMARY;
	int format, result;
	unsigned long len, bytes_left, dummy;
	unsigned char *data;
	Window Sown = XGetSelectionOwner (x11_display, p_source);

	if (Sown == x11_window) {

		printf("returning internal clipboard\n");
		return p_internal_clipboard;

	if (Sown != None) {
		XConvertSelection (x11_display, p_source, XA_STRING, selection,
					 x11_window, CurrentTime);
		XFlush (x11_display);
		while (true) {
			XEvent event;
			XNextEvent(x11_display, &event);
			if (event.type == SelectionNotify && event.xselection.requestor == x11_window) {

		// Do not get any data, see how much data is there
		XGetWindowProperty (x11_display, x11_window,
			selection, 	  // Tricky..
			0, 0,	  	  // offset - len
			0, 	 	  // Delete 0==FALSE
			AnyPropertyType,  //flag
			&type,		  // return type
			&format,	  // return format
			&len, &bytes_left,  //that
		// DATA is There
		if (bytes_left > 0)
			result = XGetWindowProperty (x11_display, x11_window,
				selection, 0,bytes_left,0,
				AnyPropertyType, &type,&format,
				&len, &dummy, &data);
			if (result == Success) {
				ret.parse_utf8((const char*)data);
			} else printf ("FAIL\n");
			XFree (data);

	return ret;

char *
    SDL_VideoData *videodata = (SDL_VideoData *) _this->driverdata;
    Display *display = videodata->display;
    Atom format;
    Window window;
    Window owner;
    Atom selection;
    Atom seln_type;
    int seln_format;
    unsigned long nbytes;
    unsigned long overflow;
    unsigned char *src;
    char *text;

    text = NULL;

    /* Get the window that holds the selection */
    window = GetWindow(_this);
    format = TEXT_FORMAT;
    owner = XGetSelectionOwner(display, XA_PRIMARY);
    if ((owner == None) || (owner == window)) {
        owner = DefaultRootWindow(display);
        selection = XA_CUT_BUFFER0;
    } else {
        /* Request that the selection owner copy the data to our window */
        owner = window;
        selection = XInternAtom(display, "SDL_SELECTION", False);
        XConvertSelection(display, XA_PRIMARY, format, selection, owner,

        /* FIXME: Should we have a timeout here? */
        videodata->selection_waiting = SDL_TRUE;
        while (videodata->selection_waiting) {

    if (XGetWindowProperty(display, owner, selection, 0, INT_MAX/4, False,
            format, &seln_type, &seln_format, &nbytes, &overflow, &src)
            == Success) {
        if (seln_type == format) {
            text = (char *)SDL_malloc(nbytes+1);
            if (text) {
                SDL_memcpy(text, src, nbytes);
                text[nbytes] = '\0';

    if (!text) {
        text = SDL_strdup("");
    return text;
Exemple #16
Fichier : x.c Projet : sphippen/st
	Atom clipboard;

	clipboard = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0);
	XConvertSelection(xw.dpy, clipboard, xsel.xtarget, clipboard,
			xw.win, CurrentTime);
Exemple #17
void X11DragDrop::dndDrop( ldata_t data )
    Window src = data[0];
    Time time = data[2];

    Atom selectionAtom = XInternAtom( XDISPLAY, "XdndSelection", 0 );
    Atom targetAtom = XInternAtom( XDISPLAY, "text/plain", 0 );
    Atom propAtom = XInternAtom( XDISPLAY, "VLC_SELECTION", 0 );

    Atom actionAtom = XInternAtom( XDISPLAY, "XdndActionCopy", 0 );
    Atom typeAtom = XInternAtom( XDISPLAY, "XdndFinished", 0 );

    // Convert the selection into the given target
    XConvertSelection( XDISPLAY, selectionAtom, targetAtom, propAtom, src,
                       time );

    // Read the selection
    Atom type;
    int format;
    unsigned long nitems, nbytes;
    char *buffer;
    XGetWindowProperty( XDISPLAY, src, propAtom, 0, 1024, False,
                        AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &nbytes,
                        (unsigned char**)&buffer );

    if( buffer != NULL )
        char* psz_dup = strdup( buffer );
        char* psz_new = psz_dup;
        while( psz_new && *psz_new )
            char* psz_end = strchr( psz_new, '\n' );
            if( psz_end )
                *psz_end = '\0';

            CmdAddItem cmd( getIntf(), psz_new, m_playOnDrop );

            psz_new = psz_end ? psz_end + 1 : NULL;
        free( psz_dup );
        XFree( buffer );

    // Tell the source we accepted the drop
    XEvent event;
    event.type = ClientMessage;
    event.xclient.window = src;
    event.xclient.display = XDISPLAY;
    event.xclient.message_type = typeAtom;
    event.xclient.format = 32;
    event.xclient.data.l[0] = m_wnd;
    event.xclient.data.l[1] = 1;            // drop accepted
    event.xclient.data.l[2] = actionAtom;
    XSendEvent( XDISPLAY, src, False, 0, &event );
Exemple #18
static void
cliprdr_clear_selection(XEvent* e)
	Window newOwner = XGetSelectionOwner(e->xselectionclear.display, clipboard_atom);
	log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[clear_selection]: "
			"New windows owner : %i", (int)newOwner);

	XConvertSelection(display, clipboard_atom, targets_atom, xrdp_clipboard, wclip, CurrentTime);
	XSync (e->xselectionclear.display, False);
Exemple #19
static char* getSelection(Display *dpy, Window us, Atom selection)
    int max_events = 50;
    Window owner = XGetSelectionOwner (dpy, selection);
    int ret;

    //logger->log("Clipboard: XConvertSelection on %s", XGetAtomName(dpy, selection));
    if (owner == None)
        //logger->log("Clipboard: No owner");
        return NULL;
    XConvertSelection(dpy, selection, XA_STRING, XA_PRIMARY, us, CurrentTime);

    while (max_events--)
        XEvent e;

        XNextEvent(dpy, &e);
        if (e.type == SelectionNotify)
            //logger->log("Clipboard: Received %s", XGetAtomName(dpy, e.xselection.selection));
            if (e.xselection.property == None)
                //logger->log("Clipboard: Couldn't convert");
                return NULL;

            long unsigned len, left, dummy;
            int format;
            Atom type;
            unsigned char *data = NULL;

            XGetWindowProperty(dpy, us, e.xselection.property, 0, 0, False,
                               AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &len, &left, &data);
            if (left < 1)
                return NULL;

            ret = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, us, e.xselection.property, 0, left, False,
                                     AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &len, &dummy, &data);
            if (ret != Success)
                //logger->log("Clipboard: Failed to get property: %p on %lu", data, len);
                return NULL;

            //logger->log("Clipboard: Got %s: len=%lu left=%lu (event %i)", data, len, left, 50-max_events);
            return (char*) data;
    logger->log("Clipboard: Timeout");
    return NULL;
Exemple #20
bool Dnd::handleDropEvent()
	Window win;
	if (m_DesiredType != 0 && /*time > 0 &&*/ (win = XGetSelectionOwner(m_pDisplay, XdndSelection)))
		XConvertSelection(m_pDisplay, XdndSelection, m_DesiredType, XdndActionPrivate, m_Window, m_Time);
		return true;
	return false;
Exemple #21
x_gui_rep::get_selection (string key, tree& t, string& s) {
  t= "none";
  s= "";
  bool res=false;

  if (selection_t->contains (key)) {
    t= copy (selection_t [key]);
    s= copy (selection_s [key]);
    return true;
  Atom xsel;
  if (key == "primary") xsel = XA_CLIPBOARD;
  else if (key == "mouse") xsel = XA_PRIMARY;
  else return res;

  Window selown = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, xsel);
  if (selown == None ||
      is_nil (windows_l) ||
      contains (windows_l, selown)) return res;

  Window win= windows_l->item;
  x_window x_win= (x_window) Window_to_window[win];
  Atom prop= XInternAtom (dpy, "MY_STRING_SELECTION", false);
  XConvertSelection (dpy, xsel, XA_STRING, prop, win, CurrentTime);

  int i;
  XEvent ev;
  for (i=0; i<1000000; i++)
    if (XCheckIfEvent (dpy, &ev, my_selnotify_predicate, (XPointer) x_win))
  if (i==1000000) return res;
  XSelectionEvent& sel= ev.xselection;

  if (sel.property==prop) {
    long offset=0;
    Atom type;
    int fm;
    unsigned long n, remains;
    unsigned char* ret;
    do {
      XGetWindowProperty (dpy, win, sel.property,
			  offset, 1024, true, AnyPropertyType,
			  &type, &fm, &n, &remains, &ret);
      s << string ((char*) ret, n);
      offset += (n >> 2);
      XFree (ret);
    } while (remains>0);
    t= tuple ("extern", s);
    return true;
Exemple #22
* Sys_GetClipboardData
* Orginally from EzQuake
char *Sys_GetClipboardData( qboolean primary )
	Window win;
	Atom type;
	int format, ret;
	unsigned long nitems, bytes_after, bytes_left;
	unsigned char *data;
	char *buffer;
	Atom atom;

	if( !x11display.dpy )
		return NULL;

	if( primary )
		atom = XInternAtom( x11display.dpy, "PRIMARY", True );
		atom = XInternAtom( x11display.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", True );
	if( atom == None )
		return NULL;

	win = XGetSelectionOwner( x11display.dpy, atom );
	if( win == None )
		return NULL;

	XConvertSelection( x11display.dpy, atom, XA_utf8_string, atom, win, CurrentTime );
	XFlush( x11display.dpy );

	XGetWindowProperty( x11display.dpy, win, atom, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_left,
		&data );
	if( bytes_left <= 0 )
		return NULL;

	ret = XGetWindowProperty( x11display.dpy, win, atom, 0, bytes_left, False, AnyPropertyType, &type,
		&format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &data );
	if( ret == Success )
		buffer = Q_malloc( bytes_left + 1 );
		memcpy( buffer, data, bytes_left + 1 );
		buffer = NULL;

	XFree( data );

	return buffer;
Exemple #23
xdnd_convert_selection(DndClass *dnd, Window window, Window requester, Atom type)
  if (window != XGetSelectionOwner (dnd->display, dnd->XdndSelection)) 
      dnd_debug ("xdnd_convert_selection(): XGetSelectionOwner failed");
      return 1;

  XConvertSelection (dnd->display, dnd->XdndSelection, type,
    dnd->Xdnd_NON_PROTOCOL_ATOM, requester, CurrentTime);
  return 0;
Exemple #24
static uchar*
_xgetsnarffrom(XWindow w, Atom clipboard, Atom target, int timeout0, int timeout)
	Atom prop, type;
	ulong len, lastlen, dummy;
	int fmt, i;
	uchar *data, *xdata;

	 * We should be waiting for SelectionNotify here, but it might never
	 * come, and we have no way to time out.  Instead, we will clear
	 * local property #1, request our buddy to fill it in for us, and poll
	 * until he's done or we get tired of waiting.
	prop = 1;
	XChangeProperty(_x.display, _x.drawable, prop, target, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar*)"", 0);
	XConvertSelection(_x.display, clipboard, target, prop, _x.drawable, CurrentTime);
	lastlen = 0;
	timeout0 = (timeout0 + 9)/10;
	timeout = (timeout + 9)/10;
	for(i=0; i<timeout0 || (lastlen!=0 && i<timeout); i++){
		XGetWindowProperty(_x.display, _x.drawable, prop, 0, 0, 0, AnyPropertyType,
			&type, &fmt, &dummy, &len, &xdata);
		if(lastlen == len && len > 0){
		lastlen = len;
	if(len == 0)
		return nil;

	/* get the property */
	xdata = nil;
	XGetWindowProperty(_x.display, _x.drawable, prop, 0, SnarfSize/sizeof(ulong), 0, 
		AnyPropertyType, &type, &fmt, &len, &dummy, &xdata);
	if((type != target && type != XA_STRING && type != _x.utf8string) || len == 0){
		return nil;
		data = (uchar*)strdup((char*)xdata);
		return data;
	return nil;
Exemple #25
void Pasteboard::read(PasteboardPlainText &text)
    static paster_t *paster = NULL;
    if (!paster)
        paster = new paster_t;

    const Window owner = XGetSelectionOwner(fl_display, XA_PRIMARY);
    if (owner == None) {
        text.text = "";
    } else if (owner == fl_message_window) {
        Fl::paste(*paster, 0, Fl::clipboard_plain_text);
        if (paster->text)
            text.text = paster->text;
            text.text = "";

    XConvertSelection(fl_display, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING, XA_STRING, fl_window, CurrentTime);

    unsigned i;
    Atom target = None;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        XEvent ev;
        XNextEvent(fl_display, &ev);
        if (ev.type == SelectionNotify) {
            target = ev.xselection.property;
            if (target == None) return;

    Atom type;
    int fmt;
    unsigned long num, bytes = 0, dummy;
    unsigned char *data;
    XGetWindowProperty(fl_display, fl_window, XA_STRING, 0, 0, 0, AnyPropertyType,
                       &type, &fmt, &num, &bytes, &data);
    if (bytes) {
        int res = XGetWindowProperty(fl_display, fl_window, XA_STRING, 0, bytes, 0,
                                     AnyPropertyType, &type, &fmt, &num, &dummy, &data);
        if (res == Success) {
            text.text = data;
Exemple #26
void MSWidget::convertSelection(void)
#ifndef MS_WINDOWS
  int n;
  char *buffer=XFetchBytes(display(),&n);
Exemple #27
QByteArray QClipboardWatcher::getDataInFormat(Atom fmtatom) const
    QByteArray buf;

    Display *dpy = X11->display;
    Window   win = requestor->internalWinId();

    DEBUG("QClipboardWatcher::getDataInFormat: selection '%s' format '%s'",
          X11->xdndAtomToString(atom).data(), X11->xdndAtomToString(fmtatom).data());

    XSelectInput(dpy, win, NoEventMask); // don't listen for any events

    XDeleteProperty(dpy, win, ATOM(_QT_SELECTION));
    XConvertSelection(dpy, atom, fmtatom, ATOM(_QT_SELECTION), win, X11->time);
    XSync(dpy, false);

    VDEBUG("QClipboardWatcher::getDataInFormat: waiting for SelectionNotify event");

    XEvent xevent;
    if (!X11->clipboardWaitForEvent(win,SelectionNotify,&xevent,clipboard_timeout) ||
         xevent.xselection.property == XNone) {
        DEBUG("QClipboardWatcher::getDataInFormat: format not available");
        return buf;

    VDEBUG("QClipboardWatcher::getDataInFormat: fetching data...");

    Atom   type;
    XSelectInput(dpy, win, PropertyChangeMask);

    if (X11->clipboardReadProperty(win, ATOM(_QT_SELECTION), true, &buf, 0, &type, 0)) {
        if (type == ATOM(INCR)) {
            int nbytes = buf.size() >= 4 ? *((int*)buf.data()) : 0;
            buf = X11->clipboardReadIncrementalProperty(win, ATOM(_QT_SELECTION), nbytes, false);

    XSelectInput(dpy, win, NoEventMask);

    DEBUG("QClipboardWatcher::getDataInFormat: %d bytes received", buf.size());

    return buf;
Exemple #28
	std::string Clipboard_X11::get_clipboard_text() const
		auto handle = x11_window->get_handle();

		if (atom_CLIPBOARD == None)
			// X Server does not have clipboard support
			return std::string();

		XConvertSelection(handle.display, atom_CLIPBOARD, XA_STRING, atom_CLIPBOARD, handle.window, CurrentTime);

		XEvent event;

		auto start_time = System::get_time();
		while (true)
			if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(handle.display, handle.window, SelectionNotify, &event))

			// Allow target application half a second of time to respond to this event.
			// TODO What is the correct way to do this?
			if ((System::get_time() - start_time) >= 500)
				return std::string();
			System::sleep(50); // Sleep for 50ms

		Atom actual_type;
		int  actual_format;
		unsigned long item_count;
		unsigned char *read_data = X11Atoms::get_property(handle.display, handle.window, atom_CLIPBOARD, actual_type, actual_format, item_count);
		if (actual_type != XA_STRING || actual_format != 8 || item_count <= 0 || read_data == nullptr)
			log_event("debug", "Failed to get X11 CLIPBOARD text.");
			if (read_data != nullptr) XFree(read_data);
			return std::string();

		std::string buffer((char *)read_data);
		return buffer;
bool ClipboardPoll::checkTimestamp( SelectionData& data )
    Window current_owner = XGetSelectionOwner( QX11Info::display(), data.atom );
    bool signal = false;
    updateQtOwnership( data );
    if( data.owner_is_qt )
        data.last_change = CurrentTime;
        kDebug() << "(3) Setting last_owner for =" << ( &data==&selection ?"selection":"clipboard" ) << ":" << current_owner;
        data.last_owner = current_owner;
        data.waiting_for_timestamp = false;
        return false;
    if( current_owner != data.last_owner )
        signal = true; // owner has changed
        data.last_owner = current_owner;
        kDebug() << "(4) Setting last_owner for =" << ( &data==&selection ?"selection":"clipboard" ) << ":" << current_owner;
        data.waiting_for_timestamp = false;
        data.last_change = CurrentTime;
        kDebug() << "OWNER CHANGE:" << ( data.atom == XA_PRIMARY ) << ":" << current_owner;
        return true;
    if( current_owner == None ) {
        return false; // None also last_owner...
    if( data.waiting_for_timestamp ) {
        // We're already waiting for the timestamp of the last check
        return false;
    XDeleteProperty( QX11Info::display(), winId(), data.timestamp_atom );
    XConvertSelection( QX11Info::display(), data.atom, xa_timestamp, data.timestamp_atom, winId(), QX11Info::appTime() );
    data.waiting_for_timestamp = true;
    data.waiting_x_time = QX11Info::appTime();
    kDebug() << "WAITING TIMESTAMP:" << ( data.atom == XA_PRIMARY );
    return false;
Exemple #30
static void start_paste_from_target(widget_list *widget, int clipboard)
	Display *dpy;
	Window window;
	SDL_SysWMinfo wminfo;
	Atom selection;
	Atom property;

	if (SDL_GetWMInfo(&wminfo) && wminfo.subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_X11)

		dpy = wminfo.info.x11.display;
		window = wminfo.info.x11.window;

		paste_to_widget = widget;

		/* Set selection to XA_PRIMARY to use xterm-style select,
		 * or CLIPBOARD to use Gnome-style cut'n'paste.
		 * KDE3 should use CLIPBOARD also, I'm not sure about older
		 * KDE versions */

		if (clipboard)
			selection = XInternAtom(dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0);
			selection = XA_PRIMARY;
		property = XInternAtom(dpy, "PASTE", 0);
		XConvertSelection(dpy, selection, XA_STRING, property, window, CurrentTime);
		/* - If we used the CLIPBOARD, we don't get a SelectionNotify
		 *   event, so we have to call processpaste immediately.
		 * - If we used XA_PRIMARY, the selection-holder will send us a
		 *   SelectionNotify-event, as soon as the selection is
		 *   available for us. Then finishpaste calls processpaste
		// Alia: we should receive SelectionNotify event, property is NULL until it comes.
		// Let's try to comment it :)
		// //if(clipboard) {
		//	processpaste(dpy, window, property);