Exemple #1
* Makes the connection between the Id of the interrupt source and the
* associated handler that is to run when the interrupt is recognized.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance.
* @param	Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in the
*		range of 0 to XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS - 1 with 0 being the
*		highest priority interrupt.
* @param	Handler to the handler for that interrupt.
* @return
* 		- XST_SUCCESS if the handler was connected correctly.
* @note		Only used with fast interrupt mode.
* WARNING: The handler provided as an argument will overwrite any handler
* that was previously connected.
int XIOModule_ConnectFastHandler(XIOModule *InstancePtr, u8 Id,
				    XFastInterruptHandler Handler)
	u32 CurrentIER, NewIMR;
	u32 Mask;

	 * Assert the arguments
	XASSERT_NONVOID(InstancePtr->CfgPtr->FastIntr == TRUE);

	 * The Id is used to create the appropriate mask for the
	 * desired bit position. Id currently limited to 0 - 31
	Mask = XIOModule_BitPosMask[Id];

	 * Get the Enabled Interrupts and disable the Interrupt if it was
	 * enabled before calling this function
	CurrentIER = InstancePtr->CurrentIER;
	if (CurrentIER & Mask) {
		XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,
				CurrentIER & ~Mask);

	 * Assign the handler information and set the hardware vector
	InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler = NULL;
	InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].CallBackRef = InstancePtr;

	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IVAR_OFFSET + (Id * 4),
		    	(u32) Handler);

	 * Set the selected interrupt source to use fast interrupt
	NewIMR = InstancePtr->CurrentIMR | Mask;
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IMR_OFFSET, NewIMR);
	InstancePtr->CurrentIMR = NewIMR;

	 * Enable Interrupt if it was enabled before calling this function
	if (CurrentIER & Mask) {
		XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,

	return XST_SUCCESS;
Exemple #2
* Sets the normal interrupt mode for the specified interrupt in the Interrupt
* Mode Register, by resetting the vector to 0x10 and selecting normal mode.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance.
* @param	Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in the
*		range of 0 to XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS - 1 with 0 being the
*		highest priority interrupt.
* @return	None.
* @note		Only used with fast interrupt mode.
void XIOModule_SetNormalIntrMode(XIOModule *InstancePtr, u8 Id)
	u32 CurrentIER, NewIMR;
	u32 Mask;

	 * Assert the arguments
	XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr != NULL);
	XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr->CfgPtr->FastIntr == TRUE);

	 * The Id is used to create the appropriate mask for the
	 * desired bit position. Id currently limited to 0 - 31
	Mask = XIOModule_BitPosMask[Id];

	 * Get the Enabled Interrupts and disable the Interrupt if it was
	 * enabled before calling this function
	CurrentIER = InstancePtr->CurrentIER;
	if (CurrentIER & Mask) {
		XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,
				CurrentIER & ~Mask);

	 * Set the selected interrupt source to use normal interrupt
	NewIMR = InstancePtr->CurrentIMR & ~Mask;
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IMR_OFFSET, NewIMR);
	InstancePtr->CurrentIMR = NewIMR;

	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IVAR_OFFSET + (Id * 4),

	 * Disconnect the handler and connect a stub, the callback reference
	 * must be set to this instance to allow unhandled interrupts to be
	 * tracked
	InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler =	StubHandler;
	InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].CallBackRef = InstancePtr;

	 * Enable Interrupt if it was enabled before calling this function
	if (CurrentIER & Mask) {
		XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,
Exemple #3
* Disables the interrupt source provided as the argument Id such that the
* interrupt controller will not cause interrupts for the specified Id. The
* interrupt controller will continue to hold an interrupt condition for the
* Id, but will not cause an interrupt.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance to be
*               worked on.
* @param	Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in
*		the range of 0 to XPAR_IOMODULE_INTC_MAX_INTR_SIZE - 1
*		with 0 being the highest priority interrupt.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void XIOModule_Disable(XIOModule * InstancePtr, u8 Id)
	u32 NewIER;
	u32 Mask;

	 * Assert the arguments
	XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr != NULL);

	 * The Id is used to create the appropriate mask for the
	 * desired bit position. Id currently limited to 0 - 31
	Mask = XIOModule_BitPosMask[Id];

	 * Disable the selected interrupt source by using the interrupt enable
	 * current value and then modifying only the specified interrupt id
	NewIER = InstancePtr->CurrentIER & ~Mask;
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET, NewIER);
	InstancePtr->CurrentIER = NewIER;
* Run a self-test on the interrupt controller driver/device. This is a
* destructive test.
* This involves forcing interrupts into the controller (if possible, given
* the IO Module configuration) and verifying that they are recognized and can
* be acknowledged.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance to be
* 		worked on.
* @return
* 		- XST_SUCCESS if self-test is successful.
* 		- XST_INTC_FAIL_SELFTEST if the Interrupt controller
*                 fails the self-test. It will fail the self test if the
*                 device has previously been started in real mode.
* @note		None.
int XIOModule_Intc_SelfTest(XIOModule * InstancePtr)
	u32 CurrentISR;
	u32 Temp;

	 * Assert the arguments
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

	 * Acknowledge all pending interrupts by reading the interrupt status
	 * register and writing the value to the acknowledge register
	Temp = XIomodule_In32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_ISR_OFFSET);

	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IAR_OFFSET, Temp);

	 * Verify that there are no interrupts by reading the interrupt status
	CurrentISR = XIomodule_In32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_ISR_OFFSET);

	 * ISR for internal interrupts should be zero after all interrupts
	 * are acknowledged. Skip checking external interrupts, since they may
	 * occur at any time.
	if ((CurrentISR & 0xffff) != 0) {

	return XST_SUCCESS;
Exemple #5
* Updates the interrupt table with the Null Handler and NULL arguments at the
* location pointed at by the Id. This effectively disconnects that interrupt
* source from any handler. The interrupt is disabled also.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance to be
*               worked on.
* @param	Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in the
*		range of 0 to XPAR_IOMODULE_INTC_MAX_INTR_SIZE - 1 with 0
*               being the highest priority interrupt.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void XIOModule_Disconnect(XIOModule * InstancePtr, u8 Id)
	u32 NewIER;
	u32 Mask;

	 * Assert the arguments
	XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr != NULL);

	 * Disable the interrupt such that it won't occur while disconnecting
	 * the handler, only disable the specified interrupt id without
	 * modifying the other interrupt ids
	Mask = XIOModule_BitPosMask[Id]; /* convert integer id to bit mask */

	NewIER = InstancePtr->CurrentIER & ~Mask;
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET, NewIER);
	InstancePtr->CurrentIER = NewIER;

	 * Disconnect the handler and connect a stub, the callback reference
	 * must be set to this instance to allow unhandled interrupts to be
	 * tracked
	InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler = StubHandler;
	InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].CallBackRef = InstancePtr;
* This functions sends the specified buffer of data using the UART in either
* polled or interrupt driven modes. This function is non-blocking such that it
* will return before the data has been sent by the UART. If the UART is busy
* sending data, it will return and indicate zero bytes were sent.
* In a polled mode, this function will only send as much data as the UART can
* buffer in the transmitter. The application may need to call it repeatedly to
* send a buffer.
* In interrupt mode, this function will start sending the specified buffer and
* then the interrupt handler of the driver will continue sending data until the
* buffer has been sent. A callback function, as specified by the application,
* will be called to indicate the completion of sending the buffer.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance.
* @param	DataBufferPtr is pointer to a buffer of data to be sent.
* @param	NumBytes contains the number of bytes to be sent. A value of
*		zero will stop a previous send operation that is in progress
*		in interrupt mode. Any data that was already put into the
*		transmit FIFO will be sent.
* @return	The number of bytes actually sent.
* @note		The number of bytes is not asserted so that this function may
*		be called with a value of zero to stop an operation that is
*		already in progress.
unsigned int XIOModule_Send(XIOModule *InstancePtr, u8 *DataBufferPtr,
				unsigned int NumBytes)
	unsigned int BytesSent;
	u32 StatusRegister;

	 * Assert validates the input arguments
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(DataBufferPtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(((signed)NumBytes) >= 0);

	 * Enter a critical region by disabling the UART interrupts to allow
	 * this call to stop a previous operation that may be interrupt driven.
	StatusRegister = InstancePtr->CurrentIER;
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,
			StatusRegister & 0xFFFFFFF8);

	 * Setup the specified buffer to be sent by setting the instance
	 * variables so it can be sent with polled or interrupt mode
	InstancePtr->SendBuffer.RequestedBytes = NumBytes;
	InstancePtr->SendBuffer.RemainingBytes = NumBytes;
	InstancePtr->SendBuffer.NextBytePtr = DataBufferPtr;

	 * Restore the interrupt enable register to it's previous value such
	 * that the critical region is exited.
	 * This is done here to minimize the amount of time the interrupt is
	 * disabled since there is only one interrupt and the receive could
	 * be filling up while interrupts are blocked.
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,
	    (InstancePtr->CurrentIER & 0xFFFFFFF8) | (StatusRegister & 0x7));

	 * Send the buffer using the UART and return the number of bytes sent
	BytesSent = XIOModule_SendBuffer(InstancePtr);

	return BytesSent;
Exemple #7
* Write 32-bit word to the IO Bus memory mapped IO
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to an XIOModule instance to be
*		worked on.
* @param	ByteOffset is a byte offset from the beginning of the
* 		IO Bus address area
* @param	Data is the value to be written to the IO Bus - 32-bit
* @return	None.
void XIOModule_IoWriteWord(XIOModule * InstancePtr,
			   u32 ByteOffset,
			   u32 Data)
	XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr != NULL);

	XIomodule_Out32((InstancePtr->IoBaseAddress + ByteOffset), Data);
Exemple #8
* Write 32-bit word to the IO Bus memory mapped IO
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to an XIOModule instance to be
*		worked on.
* @param	ByteOffset is a byte offset from the beginning of the
* 		IO Bus address area
* @param	Data is the value to be written to the IO Bus - 32-bit
* @return	None.
void XIOModule_IoWriteWord(XIOModule * InstancePtr,
			   u32 ByteOffset,
			   u32 Data)
	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

	XIomodule_Out32((InstancePtr->IoBaseAddress + ByteOffset), Data);
* This function enables the UART interrupts such that an interrupt will occur
* when data is received or data has been transmitted.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void XIOModule_Uart_EnableInterrupt(XIOModule *InstancePtr)
	u32 NewIER;

	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

	 * Write to the interrupt enable register to enable the interrupts.
	NewIER = InstancePtr->CurrentIER | 0x7;
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET, NewIER);
	InstancePtr->CurrentIER = NewIER;
Exemple #10
* Acknowledges the interrupt source provided as the argument Id. When the
* interrupt is acknowledged, it causes the interrupt controller to clear its
* interrupt condition.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance to be
*               worked on.
* @param	Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in
*		the range of 0 to XPAR_IOMODULE_INTC_MAX_INTR_SIZE - 1
*		with 0 being the highest priority interrupt.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void XIOModule_Acknowledge(XIOModule * InstancePtr, u8 Id)
	u32 Mask;

	 * Assert the arguments
	XASSERT_VOID(InstancePtr != NULL);

	 * The Id is used to create the appropriate mask for the
	 * desired bit position. Id currently limited to 0 - 31
	Mask = XIOModule_BitPosMask[Id];

	 * Acknowledge the selected interrupt source, no read of the acknowledge
	 * register is necessary since only the bits set in the mask will be
	 * affected by the write
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IAR_OFFSET, Mask);
Exemple #11
* Initialize a specific interrupt controller instance/driver. The
* initialization entails:
*	- Initialize fields of the XIOModule structure
*	- Initial vector table with stub function calls
*	- All interrupt sources are disabled
*	- Interrupt output is disabled
*	- All timers are initialized
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance to be
*		worked on.
* @param	DeviceId is the unique id of the device controlled by this
*		XIOModule instance.  Passing in a device id associates the
*		generic XIOModule instance to a specific device, as chosen
*		by the caller or application developer.
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if initialization was successful
*		- XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED if the device has already been started
*		- XST_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND if device configuration information was
*		not found for a device with the supplied device ID.
* @note		None.
int XIOModule_Initialize(XIOModule * InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId)
	u8 Id;
	XIOModule_Config *CfgPtr;
	u32 NextBitMask = 1;
        int i;


	 * If the device is started, disallow the initialize and return a status
	 * indicating it is started.  This allows the user to stop the device
	 * and reinitialize, but prevents a user from inadvertently initializing
	if (InstancePtr->IsStarted == XCOMPONENT_IS_STARTED) {

	 * Lookup the device configuration in the CROM table. Use this
	 * configuration info down below when initializing this component.
	CfgPtr = XIOModule_LookupConfig(DeviceId);
	if (CfgPtr == NULL) {

	 * Set some default values
	InstancePtr->IsReady = 0;
	InstancePtr->IsStarted = 0;	/* not started */
	InstancePtr->CfgPtr = CfgPtr;

	InstancePtr->CfgPtr->Options = XIN_SVC_SGL_ISR_OPTION;

	 * Initialize GPO value from INIT parameter
        for (i = 0; i < XGPO_DEVICE_COUNT; i++)
		InstancePtr->GpoValue[i] = CfgPtr->GpoInit[i];

	 * Save the base address pointer such that the registers of the
	 * IO Module can be accessed
	InstancePtr->BaseAddress = CfgPtr->BaseAddress;

	 * Initialize all the data needed to perform interrupt processing for
	 * each interrupt ID up to the maximum used
	for (Id = 0; Id < XPAR_IOMODULE_INTC_MAX_INTR_SIZE; Id++) {
		 * Initalize the handler to point to a stub to handle an
		 * interrupt which has not been connected to a handler. Only
		 * initialize it if the handler is 0 or XNullHandler, which
		 * means it was not initialized statically by the tools/user.
		 * Set the callback reference to this instance so that
		 * unhandled interrupts can be tracked.
		if ((InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler == 0) ||
		    (InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler ==
		     XNullHandler)) {
			InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler =
		InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].CallBackRef = InstancePtr;

		 * Initialize the bit position mask table such that bit
		 * positions are lookups only for each interrupt id, with 0
		 * being a special case
		 * (XIOModule_BitPosMask[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, ... })
		XIOModule_BitPosMask[Id] = NextBitMask;
		NextBitMask *= 2;

	 * Disable all interrupt sources
	 * Acknowledge all sources
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET, 0);
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IMR_OFFSET, 0);
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IAR_OFFSET, 0xFFFFFFFF);

	InstancePtr->CurrentIER = 0;
	InstancePtr->CurrentIMR = 0;

	 * If the fast Interrupt mode is enabled then set all the
	 * interrupts as normal mode and initialize the interrupt hardware
	 * vector table to default (0x10).
	if (InstancePtr->CfgPtr->FastIntr == TRUE) {
		XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IMR_OFFSET, 0);

		for (Id = 0; Id < XPAR_IOMODULE_INTC_MAX_INTR_SIZE; Id++) {
			XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress +
					XIN_IVAR_OFFSET + Id * 4, 0x10);

	 * Initialize all Programmable Interrupt Timers
        XIOModule_Timer_Initialize(InstancePtr, DeviceId);

	 * Save the IO Bus base address pointer such that the memory mapped
	 * IO can be accessed
	InstancePtr->IoBaseAddress = CfgPtr->IoBaseAddress;

	 * Indicate the instance is now ready to use, successfully initialized
	InstancePtr->IsReady = XCOMPONENT_IS_READY;

	return XST_SUCCESS;
* This function receives a buffer that has been previously specified by setting
* up the instance variables of the instance. This function is designed to be
* an internal function for the XIOModule component such that it may be called
* from a shell function that sets up the buffer or from an interrupt handler.
* This function will attempt to receive a specified number of bytes of data
* from the UART and store it into the specified buffer. This function is
* designed for either polled or interrupt driven modes. It is non-blocking
* such that it will return if there is no data has already received by the
* In a polled mode, this function will only receive as much data as the UART
* can buffer, either in the receiver or in the FIFO if present and enabled.
* The application may need to call it repeatedly to receive a buffer. Polled
* mode is the default mode of operation for the driver.
* In interrupt mode, this function will start receiving and then the interrupt
* handler of the driver will continue until the buffer has been received. A
* callback function, as specified by the application, will be called to indicate
* the completion of receiving the buffer or when any receive errors or timeouts
* occur.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance.
* @return	The number of bytes received.
* @note		None.
unsigned int XIOModule_ReceiveBuffer(XIOModule *InstancePtr)
	u8 StatusRegister;
	unsigned int ReceivedCount = 0;

	 * Loop until there is not more data buffered by the UART or the
	 * specified number of bytes is received

	while (ReceivedCount < InstancePtr->ReceiveBuffer.RemainingBytes) {
		 * Read the Status Register to determine if there is any data in
		 * the receiver
		StatusRegister =

		 * If there is data ready to be removed, then put the next byte
		 * received into the specified buffer and update the stats to
		 * reflect any receive errors for the byte
		if (StatusRegister & XUL_SR_RX_FIFO_VALID_DATA) {

			XIOModule_UpdateStats(InstancePtr, StatusRegister);

		 * There's no more data buffered, so exit such that this
		 * function does not block waiting for data
		else {

	 * Enter a critical region by disabling all the UART interrupts to allow
	 * this call to stop a previous operation that may be interrupt driven
	StatusRegister = InstancePtr->CurrentIER;
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,
			StatusRegister & 0xFFFFFFF8);

	 * Update the receive buffer to reflect the number of bytes that was
	 * received
	InstancePtr->ReceiveBuffer.NextBytePtr += ReceivedCount;
	InstancePtr->ReceiveBuffer.RemainingBytes -= ReceivedCount;

	 * Increment associated counters in the statistics
	InstancePtr->Uart_Stats.CharactersReceived += ReceivedCount;

	 * Restore the interrupt enable register to it's previous value such
	 * that the critical region is exited
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,
	    (InstancePtr->CurrentIER & 0xFFFFFFF8) | (StatusRegister & 0x7));

	return ReceivedCount;
* This function sends a buffer that has been previously specified by setting
* up the instance variables of the instance. This function is designed to be
* an internal function for the XIOModule component such that it may be called
* from a shell function that sets up the buffer or from an interrupt handler.
* This function sends the specified buffer of data to the UART in either
* polled or interrupt driven modes. This function is non-blocking such that
* it will return before the data has been sent by the UART.
* In a polled mode, this function will only send as much data as the UART can
* buffer in the transmitter. The application may need to call it repeatedly to
* send a buffer.
* In interrupt mode, this function will start sending the specified buffer and
* then the interrupt handler of the driver will continue until the buffer
* has been sent. A callback function, as specified by the application, will
* be called to indicate the completion of sending the buffer.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIOModule instance.
* @return	NumBytes is the number of bytes actually sent (put into the
*		UART transmitter and/or FIFO).
* @note		None.
unsigned int XIOModule_SendBuffer(XIOModule *InstancePtr)
	unsigned int SentCount = 0;
	u8 StatusRegister;
	u8 IntrEnableStatus;

	 * Read the status register to determine if the transmitter is full
	StatusRegister = XIOModule_GetStatusReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress);

	 * Enter a critical region by disabling all the UART interrupts to allow
	 * this call to stop a previous operation that may be interrupt driven
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,
			StatusRegister & 0xFFFFFFF8);

	 * Save the status register contents to restore the interrupt enable
	 * register to it's previous value when that the critical region is
	 * exited
	IntrEnableStatus = StatusRegister;

	 * Fill the FIFO from the the buffer that was specified

	while (((StatusRegister & XUL_SR_TX_FIFO_FULL) == 0) &&
		(SentCount < InstancePtr->SendBuffer.RemainingBytes)) {


		StatusRegister =

	 * Update the buffer to reflect the bytes that were sent from it
	InstancePtr->SendBuffer.NextBytePtr += SentCount;
	InstancePtr->SendBuffer.RemainingBytes -= SentCount;

	 * Increment associated counters
	 InstancePtr->Uart_Stats.CharactersTransmitted += SentCount;

	 * Restore the interrupt enable register to it's previous value such
	 * that the critical region is exited
	XIomodule_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET,
	    (InstancePtr->CurrentIER & 0xFFFFFFF8) | (IntrEnableStatus & 0x7));

	 * Return the number of bytes that were sent, althought they really were
	 * only put into the FIFO, not completely sent yet
	return SentCount;