/* ----- function definitions ---------- */
main (  void )
  LALStatus XLAL_INIT_DECL(status);
  SFTCatalog *catalog = NULL;
  SFTConstraints XLAL_INIT_DECL(constraints);
  MultiSFTVector *multiSFTs = NULL;
  MultiPSDVector *multiPSDs = NULL;
  MultiNoiseWeights *multiWeightsXLAL = NULL;
  MultiNoiseWeights *multiWeightsCorrect = NULL;
  UINT4 rngmedBins = 11;
  REAL8 tolerance = 2e-6;	/* same algorithm, should be basically identical results */

  /* Construct the "correct" weights, calculated using the old LAL routines */
  UINT4 numIFOsCorrect = 2;
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiWeightsCorrect = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*multiWeightsCorrect ) ) ) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  multiWeightsCorrect->length = numIFOsCorrect;
  multiWeightsCorrect->Sinv_Tsft = 1.980867126449e+52;
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiWeightsCorrect->data = XLALCalloc ( numIFOsCorrect, sizeof(*multiWeightsCorrect->data ) ) ) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiWeightsCorrect->data[0] = XLALCreateREAL8Vector(4) ) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  multiWeightsCorrect->data[0]->data[0] = 6.425160659487e-05;
  multiWeightsCorrect->data[0]->data[1] = 7.259453662367e-06;
  multiWeightsCorrect->data[0]->data[2] = 9.838893684664e-04;
  multiWeightsCorrect->data[0]->data[3] = 5.043766789923e-05;
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiWeightsCorrect->data[1] = XLALCreateREAL8Vector(3) ) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  multiWeightsCorrect->data[1]->data[0] = 1.582309910283e-04;
  multiWeightsCorrect->data[1]->data[1] = 5.345673753744e-04;
  multiWeightsCorrect->data[1]->data[2] = 6.998201363537e+00;

  /* Construct the catalog */
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( catalog = XLALSFTdataFind ( TEST_DATA_DIR "MultiNoiseWeightsTest*.sft", &constraints ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, " XLALSFTdataFind failed\n" );

  /* Load the SFTs */
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiSFTs = XLALLoadMultiSFTs ( catalog, -1, -1 ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, " XLALLoadMultiSFTs failed\n" );

  /* calculate the psd and normalize the SFTs */
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiPSDs = XLALNormalizeMultiSFTVect ( multiSFTs, rngmedBins, NULL ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, " XLALNormalizeMultiSFTVect failed\n" );

  /* Get weights using XLAL function */
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiWeightsXLAL = XLALComputeMultiNoiseWeights ( multiPSDs, rngmedBins, 0 ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, " XLALComputeMultiNoiseWeights failed\n" );

  /* Compare XLAL weights to reference */
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALCompareMultiNoiseWeights ( multiWeightsXLAL, multiWeightsCorrect, tolerance ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFAILED, "Comparison between XLAL and reference MultiNoiseWeights failed\n" );

  /* Clean up memory */
  XLALDestroyMultiNoiseWeights ( multiWeightsCorrect );
  XLALDestroyMultiNoiseWeights ( multiWeightsXLAL );
  XLALDestroyMultiPSDVector ( multiPSDs );
  XLALDestroyMultiSFTVector ( multiSFTs );
  XLALDestroySFTCatalog ( catalog );
  /* check for memory-leaks */

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* main() */
/* initialize and register user variables */
int XLALInitializeConfigVars (ConfigVariables *config, const UserInput_t *uvar)

  static SFTConstraints constraints;
  LIGOTimeGPS startTime, endTime;

  /* set sft catalog constraints */
  constraints.detector = NULL;
  constraints.timestamps = NULL;
  constraints.minStartTime = &startTime;
  constraints.maxStartTime = &endTime;
  XLALGPSSet( constraints.minStartTime, uvar->startTime, 0 );
  XLALGPSSet( constraints.maxStartTime, uvar->endTime, 0 );

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&(uvar->refTime)))
    config->refTime = uvar->refTime;
    config->refTime = uvar->startTime + 0.5 * ( (REAL8) (uvar->endTime - uvar->startTime) );

  /* This check doesn't seem to work, since XLALGPSSet doesn't set its
     first argument.

     if ( (constraints.minStartTime == NULL)&& (constraints.maxStartTime == NULL) ) {
     LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALGPSSet() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );


  /* get catalog of SFTs */
  if ((config->catalog = XLALSFTdataFind (uvar->sftLocation, &constraints)) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALSFTdataFind() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* initialize ephemeris data*/
  XLAL_CHECK ( (config->edat = XLALInitBarycenter ( uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

  static LALStatus  status;  

  static LALDetector          *detector;
  static LIGOTimeGPSVector    timeV;
  static REAL8Cart3CoorVector velV;
  static REAL8Vector          timeDiffV;
  static REAL8                foft;
  static HoughPulsarTemplate  pulsarTemplate;

  EphemerisData   *edat = NULL;
  CHAR  *uvar_earthEphemeris = NULL; 
  CHAR  *uvar_sunEphemeris = NULL;
  SFTVector  *inputSFTs  = NULL;  
  REAL8 *alphaVec=NULL;
  REAL8 *deltaVec=NULL;
  REAL8 *freqVec=NULL;
  REAL8 *spndnVec=NULL;

  /* pgV is vector of peakgrams and pg1 is onepeakgram */
  static UCHARPeakGram    *pg1, **pgV; 
  UINT4  msp; /*number of spin-down parameters */
  CHAR   *uvar_ifo = NULL;
  CHAR   *uvar_sftDir = NULL; /* the directory where the SFT  could be */
  CHAR   *uvar_fnameOut = NULL;               /* The output prefix filename */
  CHAR   *uvar_fnameIn = NULL;  
  INT4   numberCount, ind;
  UINT8  nTemplates;   
  UINT4   mObsCoh;
  REAL8  uvar_peakThreshold;
  REAL8  f_min, f_max, fWings, timeBase;
  INT4  uvar_blocksRngMed;
  UINT4  sftlength; 
  INT4   sftFminBin;
  UINT4 loopId, tempLoopId;
  FILE  *fpOut = NULL;
  CHAR *fnameLog=NULL;
  FILE *fpLog = NULL;
  CHAR *logstr=NULL;
  /*REAL8 asq, bsq;*/ /* square of amplitude modulation functions a and b */

  /*    Set up the default parameters.      */
  /* ****************************************************************/

  /* LAL error-handler */
  lal_errhandler = LAL_ERR_EXIT;
  msp = 1; /*only one spin-down */
  /* memory allocation for spindown */
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.length = msp;
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.data = NULL;
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(msp*sizeof(REAL8));
  uvar_peakThreshold = THRESHOLD;

  uvar_earthEphemeris = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_sunEphemeris = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_sftDir = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_fnameOut = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_fnameIn = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_blocksRngMed = BLOCKSRNGMED;

  /* register user input variables */
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_ifo,            "ifo",            STRING, 'i', OPTIONAL, "Detector GEO(1) LLO(2) LHO(3)" ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_earthEphemeris, "earthEphemeris", STRING, 'E', OPTIONAL, "Earth Ephemeris file") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_sunEphemeris,   "sunEphemeris",   STRING, 'S', OPTIONAL, "Sun Ephemeris file") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_sftDir,         "sftDir",         STRING, 'D', OPTIONAL, "SFT Directory") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_fnameIn,        "fnameIn",        STRING, 'T', OPTIONAL, "Input template file") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_fnameOut,       "fnameOut",       STRING, 'o', OPTIONAL, "Output filename") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_blocksRngMed,   "blocksRngMed",   INT4,   'w', OPTIONAL, "RngMed block size") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_peakThreshold,  "peakThreshold",  REAL8,  't', OPTIONAL, "Peak selection threshold") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);

  /* read all command line variables */
  BOOLEAN should_exit = 0;
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALUserVarReadAllInput(&should_exit, argc, argv, lalAppsVCSInfoList) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  if (should_exit)
  /* open log file for writing */
  fnameLog = LALCalloc( (strlen(uvar_fnameOut) + strlen(".log") + 10),1);
  if ((fpLog = fopen(fnameLog, "w")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s for writing\n", fnameLog);
  /* get the log string */

  fprintf( fpLog, "## Log file for HoughValidate\n\n");
  fprintf( fpLog, "# User Input:\n");
  fprintf( fpLog, "#-------------------------------------------\n");
  fprintf( fpLog, "%s", logstr);

  /* append an ident-string defining the exact CVS-version of the code used */
    CHAR command[1024] = "";
    fprintf (fpLog, "\n\n# CVS-versions of executable:\n");
    fprintf (fpLog, "# -----------------------------------------\n");
    fclose (fpLog);
    sprintf (command, "ident %s | sort -u >> %s", argv[0], fnameLog);
    /* we don't check this. If it fails, we assume that */
    /* one of the system-commands was not available, and */
    /* therefore the CVS-versions will not be logged */
    if ( system(command) ) fprintf (stderr, "\nsystem('%s') returned non-zero status!\n\n", command );


  /* open output file for writing */
  fpOut= fopen(uvar_fnameOut, "w");
  /*setlinebuf(fpOut);*/  /* line buffered on */  
  setvbuf(fpOut, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

  /* read template file */
    FILE  *fpIn = NULL;
    INT4   r;
    REAL8  temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5;
    UINT8  templateCounter; 
    fpIn = fopen(uvar_fnameIn, "r");
    if ( !fpIn )
	fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fine file %s\n", uvar_fnameIn);

    nTemplates = 0;
	r=fscanf(fpIn,"%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf\n", &temp1, &temp2, &temp3, &temp4, &temp5);
	/* make sure the line has the right number of entries or is EOF */
	if (r==5) nTemplates++;
      } while ( r != EOF);
    alphaVec = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(nTemplates*sizeof(REAL8));
    deltaVec = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(nTemplates*sizeof(REAL8));     
    freqVec = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(nTemplates*sizeof(REAL8));
    spndnVec = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(nTemplates*sizeof(REAL8));     
    for (templateCounter = 0; templateCounter < nTemplates; templateCounter++)
	r=fscanf(fpIn,"%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf\n", &temp1, alphaVec + templateCounter, deltaVec + templateCounter, 
		 freqVec + templateCounter,  spndnVec + templateCounter);

  /* read sfts */     
  f_min = freqVec[0];     /* initial frequency to be analyzed */
  /* assume that the last frequency in the templates file is also the highest frequency */
  f_max = freqVec[nTemplates-1] ; 
  /* we need to add wings to fmin and fmax to account for 
     the Doppler shift, the size of the rngmed block size
     and also nfsizecylinder.  The block size and nfsizecylinder are
     specified in terms of frequency bins...this goes as one of the arguments of 
     LALReadSFTfiles */
  /* first correct for Doppler shift */
  fWings =  f_max * VTOT; 
  f_min -= fWings;    
  f_max += fWings; 
  /* create pattern to look for in SFT directory */   

    CHAR *tempDir = NULL;
    SFTCatalog *catalog = NULL;
    static SFTConstraints constraints;

    /* set detector constraint */
    constraints.detector = NULL;
    if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar_ifo ) )    
      constraints.detector = XLALGetChannelPrefix ( uvar_ifo );

    /* get sft catalog */
    tempDir = (CHAR *)LALCalloc(512, sizeof(CHAR));
    strcpy(tempDir, uvar_sftDir);
    strcat(tempDir, "/*SFT*.*");
    XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( ( catalog = XLALSFTdataFind( tempDir, &constraints) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC);
    detector = XLALGetSiteInfo( catalog->data[0].header.name);

    mObsCoh = catalog->length;
    timeBase = 1.0 / catalog->data->header.deltaF;

    XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( ( inputSFTs = XLALLoadSFTs ( catalog, f_min, f_max) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC);

    XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALNormalizeSFTVect( inputSFTs, uvar_blocksRngMed, 0.0 ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);

    if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar_ifo ) )    
      LALFree( constraints.detector );
    LALFree( tempDir);
    XLALDestroySFTCatalog(catalog );  	


  sftlength = inputSFTs->data->data->length;
    INT4 tempFbin;
    sftFminBin = floor( (REAL4)(timeBase * inputSFTs->data->f0) + (REAL4)(0.5));
    tempFbin = floor( timeBase * inputSFTs->data->f0 + 0.5);

    if (tempFbin - sftFminBin)
	fprintf(stderr, "Rounding error in calculating fminbin....be careful! \n");

  /* loop over sfts and select peaks */

  /* first the memory allocation for the peakgramvector */
  pgV = NULL;
  pgV = (UCHARPeakGram **)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(UCHARPeakGram *));  

  /* memory for  peakgrams */
  for (tempLoopId=0; tempLoopId < mObsCoh; tempLoopId++)
      pgV[tempLoopId] = (UCHARPeakGram *)LALMalloc(sizeof(UCHARPeakGram));
      pgV[tempLoopId]->length = sftlength; 
      pgV[tempLoopId]->data = NULL; 
      pgV[tempLoopId]->data = (UCHAR *)LALMalloc(sftlength* sizeof(UCHAR));
      LAL_CALL (SFTtoUCHARPeakGram( &status, pgV[tempLoopId], inputSFTs->data + tempLoopId, uvar_peakThreshold), &status);

  /* having calculated the peakgrams we don't need the sfts anymore */
  XLALDestroySFTVector( inputSFTs);

  /* ****************************************************************/
  /* setting timestamps vector */
  /* ****************************************************************/
  timeV.length = mObsCoh;
  timeV.data = NULL;  
  timeV.data = (LIGOTimeGPS *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(LIGOTimeGPS));
    UINT4    j; 
    for (j=0; j < mObsCoh; j++){
      timeV.data[j].gpsSeconds = pgV[j]->epoch.gpsSeconds;
      timeV.data[j].gpsNanoSeconds = pgV[j]->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds;
  /* compute the time difference relative to startTime for all SFTs */
  timeDiffV.length = mObsCoh;
  timeDiffV.data = NULL; 
  timeDiffV.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(REAL8));
    REAL8   t0, ts, tn, midTimeBase;
    UINT4   j; 

    ts = timeV.data[0].gpsSeconds;
    tn = timeV.data[0].gpsNanoSeconds * 1.00E-9;
    timeDiffV.data[0] = midTimeBase;

    for (j=1; j< mObsCoh; ++j){
      ts = timeV.data[j].gpsSeconds;
      tn = timeV.data[j].gpsNanoSeconds * 1.00E-9;  
      timeDiffV.data[j] = ts + tn -t0 + midTimeBase; 

  /* compute detector velocity for those time stamps                */
  velV.length = mObsCoh;
  velV.data = NULL;
  velV.data = (REAL8Cart3Coor *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(REAL8Cart3Coor));
    VelocityPar   velPar;
    REAL8     vel[3]; 
    UINT4     j; 

    velPar.detector = *detector;
    velPar.tBase = timeBase;
    velPar.vTol = ACCURACY;
    velPar.edat = NULL;

    /* read in ephemeris data */
    XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( ( edat = XLALInitBarycenter( uvar_earthEphemeris, uvar_sunEphemeris ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC);
    velPar.edat = edat;

    /* now calculate average velocity */    
    for(j=0; j< velV.length; ++j){
      velPar.startTime.gpsSeconds     = timeV.data[j].gpsSeconds;
      velPar.startTime.gpsNanoSeconds = timeV.data[j].gpsNanoSeconds;
      LAL_CALL( LALAvgDetectorVel ( &status, vel, &velPar), &status );
      velV.data[j].x= vel[0];
      velV.data[j].y= vel[1];
      velV.data[j].z= vel[2];   

  /* amplitude modulation stuff */
    AMCoeffs XLAL_INIT_DECL(amc);
    AMCoeffsParams *amParams;
    EarthState earth;
    BarycenterInput baryinput;  /* Stores detector location and other barycentering data */

    /* detector location */
    baryinput.site.location[0] = detector->location[0]/LAL_C_SI;
    baryinput.site.location[1] = detector->location[1]/LAL_C_SI;
    baryinput.site.location[2] = detector->location[2]/LAL_C_SI;
    baryinput.dInv = 0.e0;
    /* alpha and delta must come from the skypatch */
    /* for now set it to something arbitrary */
    baryinput.alpha = 0.0;
    baryinput.delta = 0.0;

    /* Allocate space for amParams stucture */
    /* Here, amParams->das is the Detector and Source info */
    amParams = (AMCoeffsParams *)LALMalloc(sizeof(AMCoeffsParams));
    amParams->das = (LALDetAndSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALDetAndSource));
    amParams->das->pSource = (LALSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALSource));
    /* Fill up AMCoeffsParams structure */
    amParams->baryinput = &baryinput;
    amParams->earth = &earth; 
    amParams->edat = edat;
    amParams->das->pDetector = detector; 
    /* make sure alpha and delta are correct */
    amParams->das->pSource->equatorialCoords.latitude = baryinput.delta;
    amParams->das->pSource->equatorialCoords.longitude = baryinput.alpha;
    amParams->das->pSource->orientation = 0.0;
    amParams->das->pSource->equatorialCoords.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL;
    amParams->polAngle = amParams->das->pSource->orientation ; /* These two have to be the same!!*/

    /* timeV is start time ---> change to mid time */    
    LAL_CALL (LALComputeAM(&status, &amc, timeV.data, amParams), &status); 

    /* calculate a^2 and b^2 */
    /* for (ii=0, asq=0.0, bsq=0.0; ii<mObsCoh; ii++) */
    /*       { */
    /* 	REAL8 *a, *b; */
    /*        	a = amc.a + ii; */
    /* 	b = amc.b + ii; */
    /* 	asq += (*a) * (*a); */
    /* 	bsq += (*b) * (*b); */
    /*       } */
    /* free amParams */


  /* loop over templates */    
  for(loopId=0; loopId < nTemplates; ++loopId){
    /* set template parameters */    
    pulsarTemplate.f0 = freqVec[loopId];
    pulsarTemplate.longitude = alphaVec[loopId];
    pulsarTemplate.latitude = deltaVec[loopId];
    pulsarTemplate.spindown.data[0] = spndnVec[loopId];
      REAL8   f0new, vcProdn, timeDiffN;
      REAL8   sourceDelta, sourceAlpha, cosDelta, factorialN;
      UINT4   j, i, f0newBin; 
      REAL8Cart3Coor       sourceLocation;
      sourceDelta = pulsarTemplate.latitude;
      sourceAlpha = pulsarTemplate.longitude;
      cosDelta = cos(sourceDelta);
      sourceLocation.x = cosDelta* cos(sourceAlpha);
      sourceLocation.y = cosDelta* sin(sourceAlpha);
      sourceLocation.z = sin(sourceDelta);      

      /* loop for all different time stamps,calculate frequency and produce number count*/ 
      /* first initialize number count */
      for (j=0; j<mObsCoh; ++j)
	  /* calculate v/c.n */
	  vcProdn = velV.data[j].x * sourceLocation.x
	    + velV.data[j].y * sourceLocation.y
	    + velV.data[j].z * sourceLocation.z;

	  /* loop over spindown values to find f_0 */
	  f0new = pulsarTemplate.f0;
	  factorialN = 1.0;
	  timeDiffN = timeDiffV.data[j];	  
	  for (i=0; i<msp;++i)
	      factorialN *=(i+1.0);
	      f0new += pulsarTemplate.spindown.data[i]*timeDiffN / factorialN;
	      timeDiffN *= timeDiffN;
	  f0newBin = floor(f0new*timeBase + 0.5);
	  foft = f0newBin * (1.0 +vcProdn) / timeBase;    
	  /* get the right peakgram */      
	  pg1 = pgV[j];
	  /* calculate frequency bin for template */
	  ind =  floor( foft * timeBase + 0.5 ) - sftFminBin; 
	  /* update the number count */
    } /* end of block calculating frequency path and number count */      

    /* printing result in the output file */
    fprintf(fpOut,"%d %f %f %f %g \n", 
	    numberCount, pulsarTemplate.longitude, pulsarTemplate.latitude, pulsarTemplate.f0,
	    pulsarTemplate.spindown.data[0] );
  } /* end of loop over templates */

  /* Closing files */

  /* Free memory and exit */


  for (tempLoopId = 0; tempLoopId < mObsCoh; tempLoopId++){
    pg1 = pgV[tempLoopId];  

Exemple #4
REAL4Vector * readInSFTs(inputParamsStruct *input, REAL8 *normalization)
   INT4 ii, jj;
   SFTCatalog *catalog = NULL;
   //Set the start and end times in the LIGO GPS format
   XLALGPSSetREAL8(&start, input->searchstarttime);
   if (xlalErrno != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: XLALGPSSetREAL8() failed on start time = %.9f.\n", __func__, input->searchstarttime);
   XLALGPSSetREAL8(&end, input->searchstarttime+input->Tobs);
   if (xlalErrno != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: XLALGPSSetREAL8() failed on end time = %.9f.\n", __func__, input->searchstarttime+input->Tobs);
   //Setup the constraints
   SFTConstraints constraints;
   constraints.detector = NULL;
   constraints.minStartTime = constraints.maxStartTime = NULL;
   constraints.timestamps = NULL;
   constraints.detector = input->det[0].frDetector.prefix;
   constraints.minStartTime = &start;
   constraints.maxStartTime = &end;
   //Find SFT files
   catalog = XLALSFTdataFind(sft_dir_file, &constraints);
   if (catalog==NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: XLALSFTdataFind() failed.\n", __func__);
   //Determine band size (remember to get extra bins because of the running median and the bin shifts due to detector velocity)
   REAL8 minfbin = round(input->fmin*input->Tcoh - input->dfmax*input->Tcoh - 0.5*(input->blksize-1) - (REAL8)(input->maxbinshift) - 6.0)/input->Tcoh;
   REAL8 maxfbin = round((input->fmin + input->fspan)*input->Tcoh + input->dfmax*input->Tcoh + 0.5*(input->blksize-1) + (REAL8)(input->maxbinshift) + 6.0)/input->Tcoh;
   //Now extract the data
   SFTVector *sfts = XLALLoadSFTs(catalog, minfbin+0.1/input->Tcoh, maxfbin-0.1/input->Tcoh);
   if (sfts == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: XLALLoadSFTs() failed to load SFTs with given input parameters.\n", __func__);
   //Now put the power data into the TF plane, looping through each SFT
   //If an SFT doesn't exit, fill the TF pixels of the SFT with zeros
   INT4 numffts = (INT4)floor(input->Tobs/(input->Tcoh-input->SFToverlap)-1);
   INT4 sftlength;
   if (sfts->length == 0) sftlength = (INT4)round(maxfbin*input->Tcoh - minfbin*input->Tcoh + 1);
   else {
      sftlength = sfts->data->data->length;
      //Check the length is what we expect
      if (sftlength!=(INT4)round(maxfbin*input->Tcoh - minfbin*input->Tcoh + 1)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "%s: sftlength (%d) is not matching expected length (%d).\n", __func__, sftlength, (INT4)round(maxfbin*input->Tcoh - minfbin*input->Tcoh + 1));
   INT4 nonexistantsft = 0;
   REAL4Vector *tfdata = XLALCreateREAL4Vector(numffts*sftlength);
   if (tfdata==NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: XLALCreateREAL4Vector(%d) failed.\n", __func__, numffts*sftlength);
   //Load the data into the output vector, roughly normalizing as we go along from the input value
   REAL8 sqrtnorm = sqrt(*(normalization));
   for (ii=0; ii<numffts; ii++) {
      SFTDescriptor *sftdescription = &(catalog->data[ii - nonexistantsft]);
      if (sftdescription->header.epoch.gpsSeconds == (INT4)round(ii*(input->Tcoh-input->SFToverlap)+input->searchstarttime)) {
         SFTtype *sft = &(sfts->data[ii - nonexistantsft]);
         for (jj=0; jj<sftlength; jj++) {
            COMPLEX8 sftcoeff = sft->data->data[jj];
            tfdata->data[ii*sftlength + jj] = (REAL4)((sqrtnorm*crealf(sftcoeff))*(sqrtnorm*crealf(sftcoeff)) + (sqrtnorm*cimagf(sftcoeff))*(sqrtnorm*cimagf(sftcoeff)));  //power, normalized
      } else {
         for (jj=0; jj<sftlength; jj++) tfdata->data[ii*sftlength + jj] = 0.0;   //Set values to be zero
         nonexistantsft++;    //increment the nonexistantsft counter
   } /* for ii < numffts */
   //Vladimir's code uses a different SFT normalization factor than MFD
   if (strcmp(input->sftType, "vladimir") == 0) {
      REAL4 vladimirfactor = (REAL4)(0.25*(8.0/3.0));
      for (ii=0; ii<(INT4)tfdata->length; ii++) tfdata->data[ii] *= vladimirfactor;
   //Destroy stuff
   fprintf(stderr, "Duty factor = %f\n", 1.0-(REAL4)nonexistantsft/(REAL4)numffts);
   return tfdata;

} /* readInSFTs() */
Exemple #5
 * Load all SFTs according to user-input, returns multi-SFT vector.
 * \return cfg:
 * Returns 'effective' range of SFT-bins [firstBin, lastBin], which which the PSD will be estimated:
 * - if the user input {fStart, fBand} then these are loaded from SFTs and directly translated into bins
 * - if user input {Freq, FreqBand}, we load a wider frequency-band ADDING running-median/2 on either side
 * from the SFTs, and firstBind, lastBin correspond to {Freq,FreqBand} (rounded to closest bins)
 * Also returns the 'data-segment' for which SFTs were loaded
MultiSFTVector *
XLALReadSFTs ( ConfigVariables_t *cfg,		/**< [out] return derived configuration info (firstBin, lastBin, segment) */
               const UserVariables_t *uvar	/**< [in] complete user-input */
  SFTCatalog *catalog = NULL;
  SFTConstraints XLAL_INIT_DECL(constraints);
  LIGOTimeGPS startTimeGPS = {0,0}, endTimeGPS = {0,0};
  LIGOTimeGPSVector *inputTimeStampsVector = NULL;

  /* check input */
  if ( !uvar || !uvar->inputData ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: invalid NULL input 'uvar' or 'uvar->inputData'\n", __func__ );
  if ( !cfg ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: invalid NULL input 'cfg'", __func__ );

  /* set detector constraint */
  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->IFO ) )
    constraints.detector = uvar->IFO;
    constraints.detector = NULL;

  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->startTime ) ) {
    XLALGPSSetREAL8 ( &startTimeGPS, uvar->startTime);
    constraints.minStartTime = &startTimeGPS;

  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->endTime ) ) {
    XLALGPSSetREAL8 ( &endTimeGPS, uvar->endTime);
    constraints.maxStartTime = &endTimeGPS;

  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->timeStampsFile ) ) {
    if ( (inputTimeStampsVector = XLALReadTimestampsFile ( uvar->timeStampsFile )) == NULL )

    constraints.timestamps = inputTimeStampsVector;

  /* get sft catalog */
  LogPrintf ( LOG_DEBUG, "Finding all SFTs to load ... ");
  if ( ( catalog = XLALSFTdataFind ( uvar->inputData, &constraints) ) == NULL ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALSFTdataFind() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
  if ( (catalog == NULL) || (catalog->length == 0) ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: Unable to match any SFTs with pattern '%s'\n", __func__, uvar->inputData );
  LogPrintfVerbatim ( LOG_DEBUG, "done (found %i SFTs).\n", catalog->length);

  /* now we can free the inputTimeStampsVector */
  if ( inputTimeStampsVector )
    XLALDestroyTimestampVector ( inputTimeStampsVector );

  /* ----- some user-input consistency checks */
  BOOLEAN have_fStart   = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->fStart );
  BOOLEAN have_Freq     = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->Freq );
  BOOLEAN have_fBand    = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->fBand );
  BOOLEAN have_FreqBand = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->FreqBand );
  if ( have_fStart && have_Freq ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: use only one of --fStart OR --Freq (see --help)\n", __func__ );
  if ( have_fBand && have_FreqBand ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: use only one of --fBand OR --FreqBand (see --help)\n", __func__ );
  if ( ( have_fStart && have_FreqBand ) || ( have_Freq && have_fBand ) ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: don't mix {--fStart,--fBand} with {--Freq,--FreqBand} inputs (see --help)\n", __func__ );
  /* ---------- figure out the right frequency-band to read from the SFTs, depending on user-input ----- */
  REAL8 fMin, fMax;
  UINT4 binsOffset; /* rngmed bin offset from start and end */
  UINT4 binsBand=0; /* width of physical FreqBand in bins */
  if ( have_Freq )
      REAL8 dFreq = catalog->data[0].header.deltaF;
      binsOffset = uvar->blocksRngMed / 2 + 1;	/* truncates down plus add one bin extra safety! */
      binsBand   = ceil ( (uvar->FreqBand - 1e-9) / dFreq ) + 1; /* round up ! */

      REAL8 rngmedSideBand = binsOffset * dFreq;

      fMin = uvar->Freq - rngmedSideBand;
      fMax = uvar->Freq + uvar->FreqBand + rngmedSideBand;
  else	/* NOTE: if no user-input on freq-band, we fall back to defaults on {fStart, fBand} */
      fMin = uvar->fStart;
      fMax = uvar->fStart + uvar->fBand;
      binsOffset = 0;	/* no truncation of rngmed sidebands */

  /* ----- figure out the data-segment span from the user-input and SFT-catalog ----- */
  /* if used passed these, then 'startTimeGPS' and 'endTimeGPS' are already set */
  if ( startTimeGPS.gpsSeconds == 0 )
    startTimeGPS = catalog->data[0].header.epoch;
  if ( endTimeGPS.gpsSeconds == 0 )
    endTimeGPS = catalog->data[catalog->length-1].header.epoch;
  /* SFT 'constraints' only refer to SFT *start-times*, for segment we need the end-time */
  REAL8 Tsft = 1.0 / catalog->data[0].header.deltaF;
  XLALGPSAdd ( &endTimeGPS, Tsft );

  /* ---------- read the sfts ---------- */
  LogPrintf (LOG_DEBUG, "Loading all SFTs ... ");
  MultiSFTVector *multi_sfts;
  if ( ( multi_sfts = XLALLoadMultiSFTs ( catalog, fMin, fMax ) ) == NULL ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALLoadMultiSFTs( %f, %f ) failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, fMin, fMax, xlalErrno );
  XLALDestroySFTCatalog ( catalog );
  LogPrintfVerbatim ( LOG_DEBUG, "done.\n");
  /* ---------- end loading SFTs ---------- */

  /* figure out effective PSD bin-boundaries for user */
  UINT4 numBins = multi_sfts->data[0]->data[0].data->length;
  INT4 bin0, bin1;
  if ( have_Freq )
      bin0 = 0 + binsOffset;
      bin1 = bin0 + binsBand - 1;
  else	/* output all bins loaded from SFTs (includes rngmed-sidebands) */
      bin0 = 0;
      bin1 = numBins - 1;

  /* return results */
  cfg->firstBin = (UINT4) bin0;
  cfg->lastBin = (UINT4) bin1;
  cfg->dataSegment.start = startTimeGPS;
  cfg->dataSegment.end   = endTimeGPS;

  XLALPrintInfo ("%s: loaded SFTs have %d bins, effective PSD output band is [%d, %d]\n", __func__, numBins, bin0, bin1 );

  return multi_sfts;

} /* XLALReadSFTs() */
 * Handle user-input and set up shop accordingly, and do all
 * consistency-checks on user-input.
XLALInitMakefakedata ( ConfigVars_t *cfg, UserVariables_t *uvar )
  XLAL_CHECK ( cfg != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'cfg'\n" );
  XLAL_CHECK ( uvar != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'uvar'\n");

  cfg->VCSInfoString = XLALGetVersionString(0);
  XLAL_CHECK ( cfg->VCSInfoString != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetVersionString(0) failed.\n" );

  // version info was requested: output then exit
  if ( uvar->version )
      printf ("%s\n", cfg->VCSInfoString );
      exit (0);

  /* if requested, log all user-input and code-versions */
  if ( uvar->logfile ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALWriteMFDlog ( uvar->logfile, cfg ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALWriteMFDlog() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );

  /* Init ephemerides */
  XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->edat = XLALInitBarycenter ( uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* check for negative fMin and Band, which would break the fMin_eff, fBand_eff calculation below */
  XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->fmin >= 0, XLAL_EDOM, "Invalid negative frequency fMin=%f!\n\n", uvar->fmin );
  XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->Band > 0, XLAL_EDOM, "Invalid non-positive frequency band Band=%f!\n\n", uvar->Band );

  // ---------- check user-input consistency ----------

  // ----- check if frames + frame channels given
  BOOLEAN have_frames  = (uvar->inFrames != NULL);
  BOOLEAN have_channels= (uvar->inFrChannels != NULL);
  XLAL_CHECK ( !(have_frames || have_channels) || (have_frames && have_channels), XLAL_EINVAL, "Need both --inFrames and --inFrChannels, or NONE\n");

  // ----- IFOs : only from one of {--IFOs, --noiseSFTs, --inFrChannels}: mutually exclusive
  BOOLEAN have_IFOs      = (uvar->IFOs != NULL);
  BOOLEAN have_noiseSFTs = (uvar->noiseSFTs != NULL);
  XLAL_CHECK ( have_frames || have_IFOs || have_noiseSFTs, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need one of --IFOs, --noiseSFTs or --inFrChannels to determine detectors\n");

  if ( have_frames ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( !have_IFOs && !have_noiseSFTs, XLAL_EINVAL, "If --inFrames given, cannot handle --IFOs or --noiseSFTs input\n");
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiLALDetector ( &(cfg->multiIFO), uvar->inFrChannels ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  } else { // !have_frames
    XLAL_CHECK ( !(have_IFOs && have_noiseSFTs), XLAL_EINVAL, "Cannot handle both --IFOs and --noiseSFTs input\n");
  if ( have_IFOs ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiLALDetector ( &(cfg->multiIFO), uvar->IFOs ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- TIMESTAMPS: either from --timestampsFiles, --startTime+duration, or --noiseSFTs
  BOOLEAN have_startTime = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->startTime );
  BOOLEAN have_duration = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->duration );
  BOOLEAN have_timestampsFiles = ( uvar->timestampsFiles != NULL );
  // need BOTH startTime+duration or none
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( have_duration && have_startTime) || !( have_duration || have_startTime ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Need BOTH {--startTime,--duration} or NONE\n");
  // at least one of {startTime,timestamps,noiseSFTs,inFrames} required
  XLAL_CHECK ( have_timestampsFiles || have_startTime || have_noiseSFTs || have_frames, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need at least one of {--timestampsFiles, --startTime+duration, --noiseSFTs, --inFrames}\n" );
  // don't allow timestamps + {startTime+duration OR noiseSFTs}
  XLAL_CHECK ( !have_timestampsFiles || !(have_startTime||have_noiseSFTs), XLAL_EINVAL, "--timestampsFiles incompatible with {--noiseSFTs or --startTime+duration}\n");
  // note, however, that we DO allow --noiseSFTs and --startTime+duration, which will act as a constraint
  // on the noise-SFTs to load in

  // don't allow --SFToverlap with either --noiseSFTs OR --timestampsFiles
  XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->SFToverlap >= 0, XLAL_EDOM );
  BOOLEAN haveOverlap = ( uvar->SFToverlap > 0 );
  XLAL_CHECK ( !haveOverlap || !( have_noiseSFTs || have_timestampsFiles ), XLAL_EINVAL, "--SFToverlap incompatible with {--noiseSFTs or --timestampsFiles}\n" );

  // now handle the 3 mutually-exclusive cases: have_noiseSFTs || have_timestampsFiles || have_startTime (only)
  if ( have_noiseSFTs )
      SFTConstraints XLAL_INIT_DECL(constraints);
      if ( have_startTime && have_duration )	 // use optional (startTime+duration) as constraints,
          LIGOTimeGPS minStartTime, maxStartTime;
          minStartTime = uvar->startTime;
          maxStartTime = uvar->startTime;
          XLALGPSAdd ( &maxStartTime, uvar->duration );
          constraints.minStartTime = &minStartTime;
          constraints.maxStartTime = &maxStartTime;
          char bufGPS1[32], bufGPS2[32];
          XLALPrintWarning ( "Only noise-SFTs between GPS [%s, %s] will be used!\n", XLALGPSToStr(bufGPS1, &minStartTime), XLALGPSToStr(bufGPS2, &maxStartTime) );
        } /* if start+duration given */
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->noiseCatalog = XLALSFTdataFind ( uvar->noiseSFTs, &constraints )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      XLAL_CHECK (  cfg->noiseCatalog->length > 0, XLAL_EINVAL, "No noise-SFTs matching (start+duration, timestamps) were found!\n" );
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiNoiseCatalogView = XLALGetMultiSFTCatalogView ( cfg->noiseCatalog )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      // extract multi-timestamps from the multi-SFT-catalog view
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALTimestampsFromMultiSFTCatalogView ( cfg->multiNoiseCatalogView )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      // extract IFOs from multi-SFT catalog
      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALMultiLALDetectorFromMultiSFTCatalogView ( &(cfg->multiIFO), cfg->multiNoiseCatalogView ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

    } // endif have_noiseSFTs
  else if ( have_timestampsFiles )
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALReadMultiTimestampsFiles ( uvar->timestampsFiles )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps->length > 0) && (cfg->multiTimestamps->data != NULL), XLAL_EINVAL, "Got empty timestamps-list from XLALReadMultiTimestampsFiles()\n" );

      for ( UINT4 X=0; X < cfg->multiTimestamps->length; X ++ ) {
        cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X]->deltaT = uvar->Tsft;	// Tsft information not given by timestamps-file
    } // endif have_timestampsFiles
  else if ( have_startTime && have_duration )
      XLAL_CHECK ( ( cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALMakeMultiTimestamps ( uvar->startTime, uvar->duration, uvar->Tsft, uvar->SFToverlap, cfg->multiIFO.length )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
    } // endif have_startTime

  // check if the user asked for Gaussian white noise to be produced (sqrtSn[X]!=0), otherwise leave noise-floors at 0
  if ( uvar->sqrtSX != NULL ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiNoiseFloor ( &(cfg->multiNoiseFloor), uvar->sqrtSX, cfg->multiIFO.length ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  } else {
    cfg->multiNoiseFloor.length = cfg->multiIFO.length;
    // values remain at their default sqrtSn[X] = 0;

  // if user requested time-series data from frames to be added: try to read the frames now
  if ( have_frames )
      UINT4 numDetectors = uvar->inFrChannels->length;
      XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->inFrames->length == numDetectors, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need equal number of channel names (%d) as frame specifications (%d)\n", uvar->inFrChannels->length, numDetectors );

      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->inputMultiTS = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*cfg->inputMultiTS))) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
      cfg->inputMultiTS->length = numDetectors;
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->inputMultiTS->data = XLALCalloc ( numDetectors, sizeof(cfg->inputMultiTS->data[0]) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
      if ( cfg->multiTimestamps == NULL )
          XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*cfg->multiTimestamps) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
          XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps->data = XLALCalloc ( numDetectors, sizeof(cfg->multiTimestamps->data[0]))) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
          cfg->multiTimestamps->length = numDetectors;
      for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
          LALCache *cache;
          XLAL_CHECK ( (cache = XLALCacheImport ( uvar->inFrames->data[X] )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "Failed to import cache file '%s'\n", uvar->inFrames->data[X] );
          // this is a sorted cache, so extract its time-range:
          REAL8 cache_tStart = cache->list[0].t0;
          REAL8 cache_tEnd   = cache->list[cache->length-1].t0 + cache->list[cache->length-1].dt;
          REAL8 cache_duration = (cache_tEnd - cache_tStart);
          LIGOTimeGPS ts_start;
          REAL8 ts_duration;
          // check that it's consistent with timestamps, if given, otherwise create timestamps from this
          if ( cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X] != NULL )	// FIXME: implicitly assumes timestamps are sorted, which is not guaranteed by timestamps-reading from file
              const LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestampsX = cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X];
              REAL8 tStart = XLALGPSGetREAL8( &timestampsX->data[0] );
              REAL8 tEnd   = XLALGPSGetREAL8( &timestampsX->data[timestampsX->length-1]) + timestampsX->deltaT;
              XLAL_CHECK ( tStart >= cache_tStart && tEnd <= cache_tEnd, XLAL_EINVAL, "Detector X=%d: Requested timestamps-range [%.0f, %.0f]s outside of cache range [%.0f,%.0f]s\n",
                           X, tStart, tEnd, cache_tStart, cache_tEnd );
              XLALGPSSetREAL8 ( &ts_start, tStart );
              ts_duration = (tEnd - tStart);
              XLALGPSSetREAL8 ( &ts_start, (REAL8)cache_tStart + 1); // cache times can apparently be by rounded up or down by 1s, so shift by 1s to be safe
              ts_duration = cache_duration - 1;
              XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X] = XLALMakeTimestamps ( ts_start, ts_duration, uvar->Tsft, uvar->SFToverlap ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
          // ----- now open frame stream and read *all* the data within this time-range [FIXME] ----------
          LALFrStream *stream;
          XLAL_CHECK ( (stream = XLALFrStreamCacheOpen ( cache )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "Failed to open stream from cache file '%s'\n", uvar->inFrames->data[X] );
          XLALDestroyCache ( cache );

          const char *channel = uvar->inFrChannels->data[X];
          size_t limit = 0;	// unlimited read
          REAL8TimeSeries *ts;
          XLAL_CHECK ( (ts = XLALFrStreamInputREAL8TimeSeries ( stream, channel, &ts_start, ts_duration, limit )) != NULL,
                       XLAL_EFUNC, "Frame reading failed for stream created for '%s': ts_start = {%d,%d}, duration=%.0f\n", uvar->inFrames->data[X], ts_start.gpsSeconds, ts_start.gpsNanoSeconds, ts_duration );
          cfg->inputMultiTS->data[X] = ts;

          XLAL_CHECK ( XLALFrStreamClose ( stream ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "Stream closing failed for cache file '%s'\n", uvar->inFrames->data[X] );
        } // for X < numDetectors
    } // if inFrames

  // if user requested timeseries *output* to frame files, handle deprecated options
  XLAL_CHECK ( !(uvar->TDDframedir && uvar->outFrameDir), XLAL_EINVAL, "Specify only ONE of {--TDDframedir or --outFrameDir} or NONE\n");
  if ( uvar->TDDframedir ) {
    cfg->outFrameDir = uvar->TDDframedir;
  } else if ( uvar->outFrameDir ) {
    cfg->outFrameDir = uvar->outFrameDir;

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* XLALInitMakefakedata() */
Exemple #7
 * main function
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  SFTConstraints XLAL_INIT_DECL(constraints);
  SFTCatalog *FullCatalog = NULL;
  CHAR *add_comment = NULL;
  UINT4 i;
  REAL8 fMin, fMax;

  UserInput_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar);

  /* register all user-variables */
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( initUserVars ( &uvar ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* read cmdline & cfgfile  */
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( XLALUserVarReadAllInput (argc, argv) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  if (uvar.help) {	/* help requested: we're done */
    exit (0);

  /* ----- make sure output directory exists ---------- */
  if ( uvar.outputDir )
    int ret;
    ret = mkdir ( uvar.outputDir, 0777);
    if ( (ret == -1) && ( errno != EEXIST ) )
	int errsv = errno;
	LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to create directory '%s': %s\n", uvar.outputDir, strerror(errsv) );
	return -1;

  LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps = NULL;
  if ( uvar.timestampsFile )
      if ( (timestamps = XLALReadTimestampsFile ( uvar.timestampsFile )) == NULL ) {
        XLALPrintError ("XLALReadTimestampsFile() failed to load timestamps from file '%s'\n", uvar.timestampsFile );
        return -1;

  /* use IFO-contraint if one given by the user */
  if ( LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar.IFO ) ) {
    XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( (constraints.detector = XLALGetChannelPrefix ( uvar.IFO )) != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL );

  minStartTimeGPS.gpsSeconds = uvar.minStartTime;
  maxStartTimeGPS.gpsSeconds = uvar.maxStartTime;
  constraints.minStartTime = &minStartTimeGPS;
  constraints.maxStartTime = &maxStartTimeGPS;
  constraints.timestamps = timestamps;

  /* get full SFT-catalog of all matching (multi-IFO) SFTs */
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( (FullCatalog = XLALSFTdataFind ( uvar.inputSFTs, &constraints )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  if ( constraints.detector ) {
    XLALFree ( constraints.detector );

  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( (FullCatalog != NULL) && (FullCatalog->length > 0), XLAL_EINVAL, "\nSorry, didn't find any matching SFTs with pattern '%s'!\n\n", uvar.inputSFTs );

  /* build up full comment-string to be added to SFTs: 1) converted by ConvertToSFTv2, VCS ID 2) user extraComment */
    UINT4 len = 128;
    len += strlen ( uvar.inputSFTs );
    if ( uvar.extraComment )
      len += strlen ( uvar.extraComment );

    XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( ( add_comment = LALCalloc ( 1, len )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );

    /** \deprecated FIXME: the following code uses obsolete CVS ID tags.
     *  It should be modified to use git version information. */
    sprintf ( add_comment, "Converted by $Id$, inputSFTs = '%s';", uvar.inputSFTs );
    if ( uvar.extraComment )
	strcat ( add_comment, "\n");
	strcat ( add_comment, uvar.extraComment );
  } /* construct comment-string */

  /* which frequency-band to extract? */
  fMin = -1;	/* default: all */
  fMax = -1;
  if ( LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar.fmin ) )
    fMin = uvar.fmin;
  if ( LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar.fmax ) )
    fMax = uvar.fmax;

  FILE *fpSingleSFT = NULL;
  if ( uvar.outputSingleSFT )
    XLAL_CHECK ( ( fpSingleSFT = fopen ( uvar.outputSingleSFT, "wb" )) != NULL,
                 XLAL_EIO, "Failed to open singleSFT file '%s' for writing\n", uvar.outputSingleSFT );

  /* loop over all SFTs in SFTCatalog */
  for ( i=0; i < FullCatalog->length; i ++ )
      SFTCatalog oneSFTCatalog;
      SFTVector *thisSFT = NULL;
      const CHAR *sft_comment;
      CHAR *new_comment;
      UINT4 comment_len = 0;

      /* set catalog containing only one SFT */
      oneSFTCatalog.length = 1;
      oneSFTCatalog.data = &(FullCatalog->data[i]);

      comment_len = strlen ( add_comment ) + 10;
      sft_comment = oneSFTCatalog.data->comment;
      if ( sft_comment )
	comment_len += strlen ( sft_comment );

      XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( ( new_comment  = LALCalloc (1, comment_len )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );

      if ( sft_comment ) {
	strcpy ( new_comment, sft_comment );
	strcat ( new_comment, ";\n");
      strcat ( new_comment, add_comment );

      XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( (thisSFT = XLALLoadSFTs ( &oneSFTCatalog, fMin, fMax )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      if ( uvar.mysteryFactor != 1.0 ) {
	XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( applyFactor2SFTs ( thisSFT, uvar.mysteryFactor ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

      // if user asked for single-SFT output, add this SFT to the open file
      if ( uvar.outputSingleSFT )
        XLAL_CHECK ( XLAL_SUCCESS == XLALWriteSFT2fp( &(thisSFT->data[0]), fpSingleSFT, new_comment ),
                     XLAL_EFUNC,  "XLALWriteSFT2fp() failed to write SFT to '%s'!\n", uvar.outputSingleSFT );

      // if user asked for directory output, write this SFT into that directory
      if ( uvar.outputDir ) {
        XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( XLALWriteSFTVector2Dir ( thisSFT, uvar.outputDir, new_comment, uvar.descriptionMisc ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

      XLALDestroySFTVector ( thisSFT );

      XLALFree ( new_comment );

    } /* for i < numSFTs */

  if ( fpSingleSFT ) {
    fclose ( fpSingleSFT );

  /* free memory */
  XLALFree ( add_comment );
  XLALDestroySFTCatalog ( FullCatalog );
  XLALDestroyTimestampVector ( timestamps );


  return 0;
} /* main */
Exemple #8
 * main function
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  /* register all our user-variable */
  UserVariables_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar);
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadUserInput ( argc, argv, &uvar ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  SFTConstraints XLAL_INIT_DECL(constraints);
  CHAR detector[2] = "??";	/* allow reading v1-SFTs without detector-info */
  constraints.detector = detector;
  SFTCatalog *catalog;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (catalog = XLALSFTdataFind ( uvar.SFTfiles, &constraints )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "No SFTs matched your --SFTfiles query\n" );

  if ( uvar.headerOnly )
      for ( UINT4 i=0; i < catalog->length; i ++ )
          SFTDescriptor *ptr = &(catalog->data[i]);

          XLALprintHeader ( &(ptr->header) );
          XLALprintDescriptor ( ptr );

        } // for i < catalog->length
    } // if header
      SFTVector *sfts;
      XLAL_CHECK ( (sfts = XLALLoadSFTs ( catalog, -1, -1 )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      BOOLEAN segmentedSFTs = 0;
      if ( sfts->length < catalog->length ) {
        segmentedSFTs = 1;
        printf ("\n");
        printf ("%%%% Frequency-segmented SFTs: len(catalog) = %d, len(sft-vector) = %d\n", catalog->length, sfts->length );
        if ( !uvar.noHeader ) {
          printf ("%%%% For segmented SFTS we can't output SFT 'descriptors' + data. Use --headerOnly if you need the descriptor fields\n\n");
      } // if we're dealing with 'segmented SFTs': currently can't map them to catalog-descriptors

      for ( UINT4 i=0; i < sfts->length; i ++ )
          SFTtype *sft_i = &(sfts->data[i]);;

          if ( !uvar.noHeader ) {
            XLALprintHeader ( sft_i );
            if ( !segmentedSFTs ) {	// skip descriptor fields for segmented SFTs (as we can't map them to SFTs)
              XLALprintDescriptor ( &(catalog->data[i]) );
          } // output header info

          XLALprintData ( sft_i );

        } // for i < num_sfts

      XLALDestroySFTVector ( sfts );
    } /* if !headerOnly */

  /* free memory */
  XLALDestroySFTCatalog (catalog);


  return 0;
} /* main */
Exemple #9
 * main function
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  SFTConstraints XLAL_INIT_DECL(constraints);
  CHAR detector[2] = "??";	/* allow reading v1-SFTs without detector-info */
  SFTVector *diffs = NULL;
  REAL8 maxd = 0;

  /* register all user-variables */
  UserInput_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( initUserVars ( &uvar ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* read cmdline & cfgfile  */
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( XLALUserVarReadAllInput ( argc, argv ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  if (uvar.help) { 	/* help requested: we're done */
    exit (0);

  /* now read in the two complete sft-vectors */
  constraints.detector = detector;

  SFTCatalog *catalog;
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( (catalog = XLALSFTdataFind ( uvar.sftBname1, &constraints )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  SFTVector *SFTs1;
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( (SFTs1 = XLALLoadSFTs( catalog, -1, -1 )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLALDestroySFTCatalog ( catalog );

  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( (catalog = XLALSFTdataFind ( uvar.sftBname2, &constraints )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  SFTVector *SFTs2;
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( (SFTs2 = XLALLoadSFTs( catalog, -1, -1 )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLALDestroySFTCatalog ( catalog );

  /* ---------- do some sanity checks of consistency of SFTs ----------*/
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( SFTs1->length == SFTs2->length, XLAL_EINVAL, "Number of SFTs differ for SFTbname1 and SFTbname2!\n");

  for ( UINT4 i=0; i < SFTs1->length; i++ )
      SFTtype *sft1 = &(SFTs1->data[i]);
      SFTtype *sft2 = &(SFTs2->data[i]);

      if( strcmp( sft1->name, sft2->name ) )
	  if ( lalDebugLevel ) { XLALPrintError("WARNING SFT %d: detector-prefix differ! '%s' != '%s'\n", i, sft1->name, sft2->name ); }
	  /* exit (1); */  /* can't be too strict here, as we also allow v1-SFTs, which don't have detector-name */

      XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( sft1->data->length == sft2->data->length, XLAL_EINVAL, "\nERROR SFT %d: lengths differ! %d != %d\n", i, sft1->data->length, sft2->data->length );

      REAL8 Tdiff = XLALGPSDiff(&(sft1->epoch), &(sft2->epoch));
      CHAR buf1[32], buf2[32];;
      XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( Tdiff == 0.0, XLAL_EINVAL, "SFT %d: epochs differ: %s vs %s\n", i, XLALGPSToStr(buf1,&sft1->epoch), XLALGPSToStr(buf2,&sft2->epoch) );
      XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( sft1->f0 == sft2->f0, XLAL_EINVAL, "ERROR SFT %d: fmin differ: %fHz vs %fHz\n", i, sft1->f0, sft2->f0 );
      XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( sft1->deltaF == sft2->deltaF, XLAL_EINVAL, "ERROR SFT %d: deltaF differs: %fHz vs %fHz\n", i, sft1->deltaF, sft2->deltaF );
    } /* for i < numSFTs */

  /*---------- now do some actual comparisons ----------*/
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN ( (diffs = subtractSFTVectors ( SFTs1, SFTs2)) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  if ( uvar.verbose)
      for ( UINT4 i=0; i < SFTs1->length; i++)
	  SFTtype *sft1 = &(SFTs1->data[i]);
	  SFTtype *sft2 = &(SFTs2->data[i]);

	  XLALPrintInfo ("i=%02d: ", i);
	  REAL4 norm1 = scalarProductSFT ( sft1, sft1 );
	  norm1 = sqrt(norm1);
	  REAL4 norm2 = scalarProductSFT ( sft2, sft2 );
	  norm2 = sqrt(norm2);
	  REAL4 scalar = scalarProductSFT ( sft1, sft2 );

	  REAL4 normdiff = scalarProductSFT ( &(diffs->data[i]), &(diffs->data[i]) );

	  REAL4 d1 = (norm1 - norm2)/norm1;
	  REAL4 d2 = 1.0 - scalar / (norm1*norm2);
	  REAL4 d3 = normdiff / (norm1*norm1 + norm2*norm2 );
	  REAL4 d4 = getMaxErrSFT (sft1, sft2);
	  XLALPrintInfo ("(|x|-|y|)/|x|=%10.3e, 1-x.y/(|x||y|)=%10.3e, |x-y|^2/(|x|^2+|y|^2))=%10.3e, maxErr=%10.3e\n", d1, d2, d3, d4);
	} /* for i < SFTs->length */
    } /* if verbose */

  /* ---------- COMBINED measures ---------- */
    REAL4 ret;
    ret = scalarProductSFTVector ( SFTs1, SFTs1 );
    REAL8 norm1 = sqrt( (REAL8)ret );

    ret = scalarProductSFTVector ( SFTs2, SFTs2 );
    REAL8 norm2 = sqrt( (REAL8)ret );

    ret = scalarProductSFTVector ( SFTs1, SFTs2 );
    REAL8 scalar = (REAL8) ret;

    ret = scalarProductSFTVector ( diffs, diffs );
    REAL8 normdiff = (REAL8) ret;

    REAL8 d1 = (norm1 - norm2)/norm1;
    maxd = fmax ( maxd, d1 );
    REAL8 d2 = 1.0 - scalar / (norm1*norm2);
    maxd = fmax ( maxd, d2 );
    REAL8 d3 = normdiff / ( norm1*norm1 + norm2*norm2);
    maxd = fmax ( maxd, d3 );
    REAL8 d4 = getMaxErrSFTVector (SFTs1, SFTs2);
    maxd = fmax ( maxd, d4 );

    if ( uvar.verbose ) {
      printf ("\nTOTAL:(|x|-|y|)/|x|=%10.3e, 1-x.y/(|x||y|)=%10.3e, |x-y|^2/(|x|^2+|y|^2)=%10.3e, maxErr=%10.3e\n", d1, d2, d3, d4);
        printf ("%10.3e  %10.3e\n", d3, d4);

  } /* combined total measures */

  /* free memory */
  XLALDestroySFTVector ( SFTs1 );
  XLALDestroySFTVector ( SFTs2 );
  XLALDestroySFTVector ( diffs );


  if ( maxd <= uvar.relErrorMax ) {
    return 0;
  else {
    return 1;

} /* main */