END_TEST START_TEST (test_XMLNamespaces_add) { fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 0 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 1 ); XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test1.org/", "test1"); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 1 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test2.org/", "test2"); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 2 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test1.org/", "test1a"); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 3 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test1.org/", "test1a"); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 3 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); fail_if( XMLNamespaces_getIndex(NS, "http://test1.org/") == -1); }
END_TEST START_TEST (test_XMLNamespaces_add1) { fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 0 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 1 ); int i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test1.org/", "test1"); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 1 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); }
END_TEST START_TEST (test_XMLNamespaces_accessWithNULL) { fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_add(NULL, NULL, NULL) == LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_clear(NULL) == LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_clone(NULL) == NULL); XMLNamespaces_free(NULL); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getIndex(NULL, NULL) == -1); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getIndexByPrefix(NULL, NULL) == -1); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NULL) == 0); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NULL, 0) == NULL); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefixByURI(NULL, NULL) == NULL); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getURI(NULL, 0) == NULL); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getURIByPrefix(NULL, NULL) == NULL); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_hasNS(NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_hasPrefix(NULL, NULL) == 0); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_hasURI(NULL, NULL) == 0); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NULL) == 1); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_remove(NULL, 0) == LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_removeByPrefix(NULL, NULL) == LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT); }
END_TEST START_TEST (test_XMLNamespaces_add1) { char * test; fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 0 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 1 ); int i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test1.org/", "test1"); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 1 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); test = XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NS, 0); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "test1") == 0 ); free(test); test = XMLNamespaces_getPrefixByURI(NS, "http://test1.org/"); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "test1") == 0 ); free(test); test = XMLNamespaces_getURI(NS, 0); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://test1.org/") == 0 ); free(test); test = XMLNamespaces_getURIByPrefix(NS, "test1"); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://test1.org/") == 0 ); free(test); // add with existing prefix i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test2.org/", "test1"); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 1 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); test = XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NS, 0); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "test1") == 0 ); free(test); test = XMLNamespaces_getPrefixByURI(NS, "http://test2.org/"); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "test1") == 0 ); free(test); test = XMLNamespaces_getURI(NS, 0); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://test2.org/") == 0 ); free(test); test = XMLNamespaces_getURIByPrefix(NS, "test1"); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://test2.org/") == 0 ); free(test); // add i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test.org/", ""); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 2 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NS, 1) == NULL ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefixByURI(NS, "http://test.org/") == NULL); test = XMLNamespaces_getURI(NS, 1); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://test.org/") == 0 ); free(test); // add repeat with empty prefix i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test3.org/", ""); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 2 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NS, 1) == NULL ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefixByURI(NS, "http://test3.org/") == NULL); test = XMLNamespaces_getURI(NS, 1); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://test3.org/") == 0 ); free(test); // add sbml ns i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1", ""); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 2 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NS, 1) == NULL ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefixByURI(NS, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1") == NULL); test = XMLNamespaces_getURI(NS, 1); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1") == 0 ); free(test); // add a repeat of the sbml prefix ns i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://test_sbml_prefix/", ""); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 2 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NS, 1) == NULL ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefixByURI(NS, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1") == NULL); test = XMLNamespaces_getURI(NS, 1); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1") == 0 ); free(test); // add repeat sbml ns uri i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1", "newprefix"); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 3 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); test = XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NS, 2); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "newprefix") == 0 ); free(test); // this fails because the search finds the uri with the empty prefix first fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getPrefixByURI(NS, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1") == NULL); test = XMLNamespaces_getURI(NS, 2); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1") == 0 ); free(test); // add repeat prefix i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://www.foo", "newprefix"); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 3 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); test = XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NS, 2); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "newprefix") == 0 ); free(test); test = XMLNamespaces_getURI(NS, 2); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1") == 0 ); free(test); // change sbml ns uri - it will not do this i = XMLNamespaces_add(NS, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level2", "newprefix"); fail_unless( i == LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_getLength(NS) == 3 ); fail_unless( XMLNamespaces_isEmpty(NS) == 0 ); test = XMLNamespaces_getPrefix(NS, 2); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "newprefix") == 0 ); free(test); test = XMLNamespaces_getURI(NS, 2); fail_unless( strcmp(test, "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1") == 0 ); free(test); }