Exemple #1
static void command_metadata(client_t *client, source_t *source,
    int response)
    const char *action;
    const char *song, *title, *artist, *charset;
    format_plugin_t *plugin;
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlNodePtr node;
    int same_ip = 1;

    doc = xmlNewDoc (XMLSTR("1.0"));
    node = xmlNewDocNode (doc, NULL, XMLSTR("iceresponse"), NULL);
    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);

    DEBUG0("Got metadata update request");

    COMMAND_REQUIRE(client, "mode", action);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "song", song);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "title", title);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "artist", artist);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "charset", charset);

    if (strcmp (action, "updinfo") != 0)
        xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), XMLSTR("No such action"));
        xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("return"), XMLSTR("0"));
        admin_send_response(doc, client, response, 

    plugin = source->format;
    if (source->client && strcmp (client->con->ip, source->client->con->ip) != 0)
        if (response == RAW && connection_check_admin_pass (client->parser) == 0)
            same_ip = 0;

    if (same_ip && plugin && plugin->set_tag)
        if (song)
            plugin->set_tag (plugin, "song", song, charset);
            INFO2 ("Metadata on mountpoint %s changed to \"%s\"", source->mount, song);
            if (artist && title)
                plugin->set_tag (plugin, "title", title, charset);
                plugin->set_tag (plugin, "artist", artist, charset);
                INFO3("Metadata on mountpoint %s changed to \"%s - %s\"",
                        source->mount, artist, title);
        /* updates are now done, let them be pushed into the stream */
        plugin->set_tag (plugin, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), 
            XMLSTR("Mountpoint will not accept URL updates"));
        xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("return"), XMLSTR("1"));
        admin_send_response(doc, client, response, 

    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), XMLSTR("Metadata update successful"));
    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("return"), XMLSTR("1"));
    admin_send_response(doc, client, response, 
void stats_listener_to_xml (client_t *listener, xmlNodePtr parent)
    const char *useragent;
    char buf[30];

    xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewChild (parent, NULL, XMLSTR("listener"), NULL);

    snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%lu", listener->connection.id);
    xmlSetProp (node, XMLSTR("id"), XMLSTR(buf));

    xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XMLSTR("IP"), XMLSTR(listener->connection.ip));

    useragent = httpp_getvar (listener->parser, "user-agent");
    if (useragent && xmlCheckUTF8((unsigned char *)useragent))
        xmlChar *str = xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant (parent->doc, XMLSTR(useragent));
        xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XMLSTR("UserAgent"), str);
        xmlFree (str);

    if ((listener->flags & (CLIENT_ACTIVE|CLIENT_IN_FSERVE)) == CLIENT_ACTIVE)
        source_t *source = listener->shared_data;
        snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%"PRIu64, source->client->queue_pos - listener->queue_pos);
        snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "0");
    xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XMLSTR("lag"), XMLSTR(buf));

    if (listener->worker)
        snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%lu",
                (unsigned long)(listener->worker->current_time.tv_sec - listener->connection.con_time));
        xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XMLSTR("Connected"), XMLSTR(buf));
    if (listener->username)
        xmlChar *str = xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant (parent->doc, XMLSTR(listener->username));
        xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XMLSTR("username"), str);
        xmlFree (str);
Exemple #3
static void command_show_listeners(client_t *client, source_t *source,
    int response)
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlNodePtr node, srcnode, listenernode;
    avl_node *client_node;
    client_t *current;
    char buf[22];
    const char *userAgent = NULL;
    time_t now = time(NULL);

    doc = xmlNewDoc (XMLSTR("1.0"));
    node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XMLSTR("icestats"), NULL);
    srcnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("source"), NULL);
    xmlSetProp(srcnode, XMLSTR("mount"), XMLSTR(source->mount));
    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);

    memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf));
    snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", source->listeners);
    xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, XMLSTR("Listeners"), XMLSTR(buf));


    client_node = avl_get_first(source->client_tree);
    while(client_node) {
        current = (client_t *)client_node->key;
        listenernode = xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, XMLSTR("listener"), NULL);
        xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, XMLSTR("IP"), XMLSTR(current->con->ip));
        userAgent = httpp_getvar(current->parser, "user-agent");
        if (userAgent) {
            xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, XMLSTR("UserAgent"), XMLSTR(userAgent));
        else {
            xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, XMLSTR("UserAgent"), XMLSTR("Unknown"));
        memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf));
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", (unsigned long)(now - current->con->con_time));
        xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, XMLSTR("Connected"), XMLSTR(buf));
        memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf));
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%lu", current->con->id);
        xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, XMLSTR("ID"), XMLSTR(buf));
        if (current->username) {
            xmlNewChild(listenernode, NULL, XMLSTR("username"), XMLSTR(current->username));
        client_node = avl_get_next(client_node);

    admin_send_response(doc, client, response, 
Exemple #4
static void command_manageauth(client_t *client, source_t *source,
    int response)
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlNodePtr node, srcnode, msgnode;
    const char *action = NULL;
    const char *username = NULL;
    char *message = NULL;
    int ret = AUTH_OK;
    ice_config_t *config = config_get_config ();
    mount_proxy *mountinfo = config_find_mount (config, source->mount);

        if (mountinfo == NULL || mountinfo->auth == NULL)
            WARN1 ("manage auth request for %s but no facility available", source->mount);
        COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "action", action);
        COMMAND_OPTIONAL (client, "username", username);

        if (action == NULL)
            action = "list";

        if (!strcmp(action, "add"))
            const char *password = NULL;
            COMMAND_OPTIONAL (client, "password", password);

            if (username == NULL || password == NULL)
                WARN1 ("manage auth request add for %s but no user/pass", source->mount);
            ret = mountinfo->auth->adduser(mountinfo->auth, username, password);
            if (ret == AUTH_FAILED) {
                message = strdup("User add failed - check the icecast error log");
            if (ret == AUTH_USERADDED) {
                message = strdup("User added");
            if (ret == AUTH_USEREXISTS) {
                message = strdup("User already exists - not added");
        if (!strcmp(action, "delete"))
            if (username == NULL)
                WARN1 ("manage auth request delete for %s but no username", source->mount);
            ret = mountinfo->auth->deleteuser(mountinfo->auth, username);
            if (ret == AUTH_FAILED) {
                message = strdup("User delete failed - check the icecast error log");
            if (ret == AUTH_USERDELETED) {
                message = strdup("User deleted");

        doc = xmlNewDoc (XMLSTR("1.0"));
        node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XMLSTR("icestats"), NULL);
        srcnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("source"), NULL);
        xmlSetProp(srcnode, XMLSTR("mount"), XMLSTR(source->mount));

        if (message) {
            msgnode = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("iceresponse"), NULL);
            xmlNewChild(msgnode, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), XMLSTR(message));

        xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);

        if (mountinfo && mountinfo->auth && mountinfo->auth->listuser)
            mountinfo->auth->listuser (mountinfo->auth, srcnode);

        config_release_config ();

        admin_send_response(doc, client, response, 
        free (message);
    } while (0);

    config_release_config ();
    client_send_400 (client, "missing parameter");
Exemple #5
static void command_move_clients(client_t *client, source_t *source,
    int response)
    const char *dest_source;
    source_t *dest;
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlNodePtr node;
    char buf[255];
    int parameters_passed = 0;

    DEBUG0("Doing optional check");
    if((COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "destination", dest_source))) {
        parameters_passed = 1;
    DEBUG1("Done optional check (%d)", parameters_passed);
    if (!parameters_passed) {
        doc = admin_build_sourcelist(source->mount);
        admin_send_response(doc, client, response, 

    dest = source_find_mount (dest_source);

    if (dest == NULL)
        client_send_400 (client, "No such destination");

    if (strcmp (dest->mount, source->mount) == 0)
        client_send_400 (client, "supplied mountpoints are identical");

    if (dest->running == 0 && dest->on_demand == 0)
        client_send_400 (client, "Destination not running");

    INFO2 ("source is \"%s\", destination is \"%s\"", source->mount, dest->mount);

    doc = xmlNewDoc (XMLSTR("1.0"));
    node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XMLSTR("iceresponse"), NULL);
    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);

    source_move_clients (source, dest);

    memset(buf, '\000', sizeof(buf));
    snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "Clients moved from %s to %s",
            source->mount, dest_source);
    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), XMLSTR(buf));
    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("return"), XMLSTR("1"));

    admin_send_response(doc, client, response, 
Exemple #6
/* build an XML doc containing information about currently running sources.
 * If a mountpoint is passed then that source will not be added to the XML
 * doc even if the source is running */
xmlDocPtr admin_build_sourcelist (const char *mount)
    avl_node *node;
    source_t *source;
    xmlNodePtr xmlnode, srcnode;
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    char buf[22];
    time_t now = time(NULL);

    doc = xmlNewDoc (XMLSTR("1.0"));
    xmlnode = xmlNewDocNode (doc, NULL, XMLSTR("icestats"), NULL);
    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, xmlnode);

    if (mount) {
        xmlNewChild (xmlnode, NULL, XMLSTR("current_source"), XMLSTR(mount));

    node = avl_get_first(global.source_tree);
    while(node) {
        source = (source_t *)node->key;
        if (mount && strcmp (mount, source->mount) == 0)
            node = avl_get_next (node);

        if (source->running || source->on_demand)
            ice_config_t *config;
            mount_proxy *mountinfo;

            srcnode = xmlNewChild(xmlnode, NULL, XMLSTR("source"), NULL);
            xmlSetProp(srcnode, XMLSTR("mount"), XMLSTR(source->mount));

            xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, XMLSTR("fallback"), 
                    (source->fallback_mount != NULL)?
            snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", source->listeners);
            xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, XMLSTR("listeners"), XMLSTR(buf));

            config = config_get_config();
            mountinfo = config_find_mount (config, source->mount);
            if (mountinfo && mountinfo->auth)
                xmlNewChild(srcnode, NULL, XMLSTR("authenticator"),

            if (source->running)
                if (source->client) 
                    snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu",
                            (unsigned long)(now - source->con->con_time));
                    xmlNewChild (srcnode, NULL, XMLSTR("Connected"), XMLSTR(buf));
                xmlNewChild (srcnode, NULL, XMLSTR("content-type"), 
        node = avl_get_next(node);
Exemple #7
static int command_metadata (client_t *client, source_t *source, int response)
    const char *song, *title, *artist, *artwork, *charset, *url;
    format_plugin_t *plugin;
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlNodePtr node;
    int same_ip = 1;

    doc = xmlNewDoc(XMLSTR("1.0"));
    node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XMLSTR("iceresponse"), NULL);
    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);

    DEBUG0("Got metadata update request");

    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "song", song);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "title", title);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "artist", artist);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "url", url);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "artwork", artwork);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL(client, "charset", charset);

    plugin = source->format;
    if (source_running (source))
        if (strcmp (client->connection.ip, source->client->connection.ip) != 0)
            if (response == RAW && connection_check_admin_pass (client->parser) == 0)
                same_ip = 0;

        if (same_ip == 0 || plugin == NULL)
        if (artwork)
            stats_event (source->mount, "artwork", artwork);
        if (plugin->set_tag)
            if (url)
                plugin->set_tag (plugin, "url", url, charset);
                INFO2 ("Metadata url on %s set to \"%s\"", source->mount, url);
            if (song)
                plugin->set_tag (plugin, "artist", NULL, NULL);
                plugin->set_tag (plugin, "title", song, charset);
                INFO2("Metadata song on %s set to \"%s\"", source->mount, song);
            if (artist)
                plugin->set_tag (plugin, "artist", artist, charset);
                INFO2 ("Metadata artist on %s changed to \"%s\"", source->mount, artist);
            if (title)
                plugin->set_tag (plugin, "title", title, charset);
                INFO2 ("Metadata title on %s changed to \"%s\"", source->mount, title);
            /* updates are now done, let them be pushed into the stream */
            plugin->set_tag (plugin, NULL, NULL, charset);
        thread_rwlock_unlock (&source->lock);
        xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), XMLSTR("Metadata update successful"));
        xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("return"), XMLSTR("1"));
        return admin_send_response(doc, client, response, "response.xsl");

    } while (0);
    INFO1 ("Metadata on mountpoint %s prevented", source->mount);
    thread_rwlock_unlock (&source->lock);
    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), 
            XMLSTR("Mountpoint will not accept this URL update"));
    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("return"), XMLSTR("1"));
    return admin_send_response(doc, client, response, "response.xsl");
Exemple #8
static int command_manage_relay (client_t *client, int response)
    const char *relay_mount, *enable;
    const char *msg;
    relay_server *relay;
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlNodePtr node;

    COMMAND_OPTIONAL (client, "relay", relay_mount);
    COMMAND_OPTIONAL (client, "enable", enable);

    if (relay_mount == NULL || enable == NULL)
        avl_node *relaynode;
        doc = xmlNewDoc (XMLSTR("1.0"));
        node = xmlNewDocNode (doc, NULL, XMLSTR("icerelaystats"), NULL);
        xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);
        avl_tree_rlock (global.relays);
        relaynode = avl_get_first (global.relays);
        while (relaynode)
            relay_server *relay = (relay_server*)relaynode->key;
            add_relay_xmlnode (node, relay);
            relaynode = avl_get_next (relaynode);

        avl_tree_unlock (global.relays);
        return admin_send_response (doc, client, response, "managerelays.xsl");

    avl_tree_rlock (global.relays);

    relay = slave_find_relay (relay_mount);
    msg = "no such relay";
    if (relay)
        source_t *source = relay->source;
        client_t *client;

        thread_rwlock_wlock (&source->lock);
        client = source->client;
        if (atoi (enable))
            relay->flags |= RELAY_RUNNING;
            relay->flags &= ~RELAY_RUNNING;
        if (client)
            client->schedule_ms = 0;
            worker_wakeup (client->worker);
        thread_rwlock_unlock (&source->lock);
        msg = "relay has been changed";
    avl_tree_unlock (global.relays);

    doc = xmlNewDoc(XMLSTR("1.0"));
    node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XMLSTR("iceresponse"), NULL);
    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);
    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), XMLSTR(msg));
    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("return"), XMLSTR("1"));
    return admin_send_response(doc, client, response, "response.xsl");
Exemple #9
static void add_relay_xmlnode (xmlNodePtr node, relay_server *relay)
    xmlNodePtr relaynode = xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XMLSTR("relay"), NULL);
    relay_server_host *host = relay->hosts;
    char str [50];

    xmlNewChild (relaynode, NULL, XMLSTR("localmount"), XMLSTR(relay->localmount));
    snprintf (str, sizeof (str), "%d", (relay->flags & RELAY_RUNNING) ? 1 : 0);
    xmlNewChild (relaynode, NULL, XMLSTR("enable"), XMLSTR(str));
    snprintf (str, sizeof (str), "%d", (relay->flags & RELAY_ON_DEMAND) ? 1 : 0);
    xmlNewChild (relaynode, NULL, XMLSTR("on_demand"), XMLSTR(str));
    snprintf (str, sizeof (str), "%d", (relay->flags & RELAY_FROM_MASTER ? 1 : 0));
    xmlNewChild (relaynode, NULL, XMLSTR("from_master"), XMLSTR(str));
    while (host)
        xmlNodePtr masternode = xmlNewChild (relaynode, NULL, XMLSTR("master"), NULL);
        xmlNewChild (masternode, NULL, XMLSTR("server"), XMLSTR(host->ip));
        xmlNewChild (masternode, NULL, XMLSTR("mount"), XMLSTR(host->mount));
        snprintf (str, sizeof (str), "%d", host->port);
        xmlNewChild (masternode, NULL, XMLSTR("port"), XMLSTR(str));
        host = host->next;