Exemple #1
void vInitialiseTimerForIntQueueTest( void )
BaseType_t xStatus;
TmrCntrSetup *pxTimerSettings;
extern XScuGic xInterruptController;
BaseType_t xTimer;
XTtcPs *pxTimerInstance;
XTtcPs_Config *pxTimerConfiguration;
const uint8_t ucRisingEdge = 3;

	for( xTimer = 0; xTimer < tmrTIMERS_USED; xTimer++ )
		/* Look up the timer's configuration. */
		pxTimerInstance = &( xTimerInstances[ xTimer ] );
		pxTimerConfiguration = XTtcPs_LookupConfig( xDeviceIDs[ xTimer ] );
		configASSERT( pxTimerConfiguration );

		pxTimerSettings = &( xTimerSettings[ xTimer ] );

		/* Initialise the device. */
		xStatus = XTtcPs_CfgInitialize( pxTimerInstance, pxTimerConfiguration, pxTimerConfiguration->BaseAddress );
		if( xStatus != XST_SUCCESS )
			/* Not sure how to do this before XTtcPs_CfgInitialize is called
			as pxTimerInstance is set within XTtcPs_CfgInitialize(). */
			XTtcPs_Stop( pxTimerInstance );
			xStatus = XTtcPs_CfgInitialize( pxTimerInstance, pxTimerConfiguration, pxTimerConfiguration->BaseAddress );
			configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );

		/* Set the options. */
		XTtcPs_SetOptions( pxTimerInstance, pxTimerSettings->Options );

		/* The timer frequency is preset in the pxTimerSettings structure.
		Derive the values for the other structure members. */
		XTtcPs_CalcIntervalFromFreq( pxTimerInstance, pxTimerSettings->OutputHz, &( pxTimerSettings->Interval ), &( pxTimerSettings->Prescaler ) );

		/* Set the interval and prescale. */
		XTtcPs_SetInterval( pxTimerInstance, pxTimerSettings->Interval );
		XTtcPs_SetPrescaler( pxTimerInstance, pxTimerSettings->Prescaler );

		/* The priority must be the lowest possible. */
		XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType( &xInterruptController, xInterruptIDs[ xTimer ], uxInterruptPriorities[ xTimer ] << portPRIORITY_SHIFT, ucRisingEdge );

		/* Connect to the interrupt controller. */
		xStatus = XScuGic_Connect( &xInterruptController, xInterruptIDs[ xTimer ], ( Xil_InterruptHandler ) prvTimerHandler, ( void * ) pxTimerInstance );
		configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS);

		/* Enable the interrupt in the GIC. */
		XScuGic_Enable( &xInterruptController, xInterruptIDs[ xTimer ] );

		/* Enable the interrupts in the timer. */
		XTtcPs_EnableInterrupts( pxTimerInstance, XTTCPS_IXR_INTERVAL_MASK );

		/* Start the timer. */
		XTtcPs_Start( pxTimerInstance );
* This function uses the interrupt inter-locking between the ticker timer
* counter and the waveform output timer counter. When certain amount of
* interrupts have happened to the ticker timer counter, a flag, PWM_UpdateFlag,
* is set to true.
* When PWM_UpdateFlag for the waveform timer counter is true, the duty
* cycle for PWM timer counter is increased by PWM_DELTA_DUTY.
* The function exits successfully when the duty cycle for PWM timer
* counter reaches beyond 100.
* @param	None
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if duty cycle successfully reaches beyond 100,
*		otherwise, XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
int WaitForDutyCycleFull(void)
	TmrCntrSetup *TimerSetup;
	u8 DutyCycle;		/* The current output duty cycle */
	XTtcPs *TtcPs_PWM;	/* Pointer to the instance structure */

	TimerSetup = &(SettingsTable[TTC_PWM_DEVICE_ID]);
	TtcPs_PWM = &(TtcPsInst[TTC_PWM_DEVICE_ID]);

	 * Initialize some variables used by the interrupts and in loops.
	DutyCycle = PWM_DELTA_DUTY;
	PWM_UpdateFlag = TRUE;
	ErrorCount = 0;

	 * Loop until 100% duty cycle in the PWM output.
	while (DutyCycle <= 100) {

		 * If error occurs, disable interrupts, and exit.
		if (0 != ErrorCount) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

		 * The Ticker interrupt sets a flag for PWM to update its duty
		 * cycle.
		if (PWM_UpdateFlag) {
			/* Calculate the new register setting here, not at the
			 * time critical interrupt level.
			MatchValue = (TimerSetup->Interval * DutyCycle) / 100;

			 * Change the PWM duty cycle
			DutyCycle += PWM_DELTA_DUTY;

			 * Enable the PWM Interval interrupt

			PWM_UpdateFlag = FALSE;


	return XST_SUCCESS;
int HAL_TIMER_TTC_TimerSetup(unsigned int nHz)
	int Status;
	TmrCntrSetup *TimerSetup;
	XTtcPs *TtcPsTick;

	SettingsTable.OutputHz = nHz;

	TimerSetup = &SettingsTable;

	 * Set up appropriate options for Ticker: interval mode without
	 * waveform output.
	TimerSetup->Options |= (XTTCPS_OPTION_INTERVAL_MODE |

	 * Calling the timer setup routine
	 *  . initialize device
	 *  . set options
	Status = SetupTimer(TTC_TICK_DEVICE_ID);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return Status;

	TtcPsTick = &TtcPsInst;

	 * Connect to the interrupt controller
	Status = HAL_GIC_ConnectIntRoutine(TTC_TICK_INTR_ID,
		(Xil_ExceptionHandler)TickHandler, (void *)TtcPsTick);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Enable the interrupt for the Timer counter

	 * Enable the interrupts for the tick timer/counter
	 * We only care about the interval timeout.
	XTtcPs_EnableInterrupts(TtcPsTick, XTTCPS_IXR_INTERVAL_MASK);

	 * Start the tick timer/counter

	return Status;
* This function sets up the waveform output timer counter (PWM).
* @param	None
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if everything sets up well, XST_FAILURE otherwise.
* @note		None
int SetupPWM(void)
	int Status;
	TmrCntrSetup *TimerSetup;
	XTtcPs *TtcPsPWM;

	TimerSetup = &(SettingsTable[TTC_PWM_DEVICE_ID]);

	 * Set up appropriate options for PWM: interval mode  and
	 * match mode for waveform output.
	TimerSetup->Options |= (XTTCPS_OPTION_INTERVAL_MODE |

	 * Calling the timer setup routine
	 * 	initialize device
	 * 	set options
	Status = SetupTimer(TTC_PWM_DEVICE_ID);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return Status;

	TtcPsPWM = &(TtcPsInst[TTC_PWM_DEVICE_ID]);

	 * Connect to the interrupt controller
	Status = XScuGic_Connect(&InterruptController, TTC_PWM_INTR_ID,
		(Xil_ExceptionHandler)PWMHandler, (void *)&MatchValue);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Enable the interrupt for the Timer counter
	XScuGic_Enable(&InterruptController, TTC_PWM_INTR_ID);

	 * Enable the interrupts for the tick timer/counter
	 * We only care about the interval timeout.

	 * Start the tick timer/counter

	return Status;
void platform_enable_interrupts()
	 * Enable non-critical exceptions.
	XTtcPs_EnableInterrupts(&TimerInstance, XTTCPS_IXR_INTERVAL_MASK);
 * The application must provide a function that configures a peripheral to
 * create the FreeRTOS tick interrupt, then define configSETUP_TICK_INTERRUPT()
 * in FreeRTOSConfig.h to call the function.  This file contains a function
 * that is suitable for use on the Zynq SoC.
void vConfigureTickInterrupt( void )
XTtcPs_Config *pxTimerConfig;
BaseType_t xStatus;
XScuGic_Config *pxGICConfig;
static XScuGic xInterruptController; 	/* Interrupt controller instance */
uint16_t usInterval;
uint8_t ucPrescale = 0;
const uint8_t ucRisingEdge = 3;

	/* This function is called with the IRQ interrupt disabled, and the IRQ
	interrupt should be left disabled.  It is enabled automatically when the
	scheduler is started. */

	/* Ensure XScuGic_CfgInitialize() has been called.  In this demo it has
	already been called from prvSetupHardware() in main(). */
	pxGICConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig( XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID );
	xStatus = XScuGic_CfgInitialize( &xInterruptController, pxGICConfig, pxGICConfig->CpuBaseAddress );
	configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );
	( void ) xStatus; /* Remove compiler warning if configASSERT() is not defined. */

	/* The interrupt priority must be the lowest possible. */
	XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType( &xInterruptController, tickINTERRUPT_ID, portLOWEST_USABLE_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portPRIORITY_SHIFT, ucRisingEdge );

	/* Install the FreeRTOS tick handler. */
	xStatus = XScuGic_Connect( &xInterruptController, tickINTERRUPT_ID, (Xil_ExceptionHandler) FreeRTOS_Tick_Handler, NULL );
	configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );
	( void ) xStatus; /* Remove compiler warning if configASSERT() is not defined. */

	/* Initialise the Triple Timer Counter (TTC) that is going to be used to
	generate the tick interrupt. */
	pxTimerConfig = XTtcPs_LookupConfig( tickTTC_ID );
	xStatus = XTtcPs_CfgInitialize( &xTimerInstance, pxTimerConfig, pxTimerConfig->BaseAddress );
	configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );
	( void ) xStatus; /* Remove compiler warning if configASSERT() is not defined. */

	/* Configure the interval to be the require tick rate. */
	XTtcPs_CalcIntervalFromFreq( &xTimerInstance, configTICK_RATE_HZ, &usInterval, &ucPrescale );
	XTtcPs_SetInterval( &xTimerInstance, usInterval );
	XTtcPs_SetPrescaler( &xTimerInstance, ucPrescale );

	/* Interval mode used. */

	/* Start the timer. */
	XTtcPs_Start( &xTimerInstance );

	/* Enable the interrupt in the interrupt controller. */
	XScuGic_Enable( &xInterruptController, tickINTERRUPT_ID );

	/* Enable the interrupt in the timer itself. */
	XTtcPs_EnableInterrupts( &xTimerInstance, XTTCPS_IXR_INTERVAL_MASK );
Exemple #7
void vConfigureTickInterrupt( void )
BaseType_t xStatus;
XTtcPs_Config *pxTimerConfiguration;
uint16_t usInterval;
uint8_t ucPrescale;
const uint8_t ucLevelSensitive = 1;
extern XScuGic xInterruptController;

	pxTimerConfiguration = XTtcPs_LookupConfig( XPAR_XTTCPS_3_DEVICE_ID );

	/* Initialise the device. */
	xStatus = XTtcPs_CfgInitialize( &xRTOSTickTimerInstance, pxTimerConfiguration, pxTimerConfiguration->BaseAddress );

	if( xStatus != XST_SUCCESS )
		/* Not sure how to do this before XTtcPs_CfgInitialize is called as
		*xRTOSTickTimerInstance is set within XTtcPs_CfgInitialize(). */
		XTtcPs_Stop( &xRTOSTickTimerInstance );
		xStatus = XTtcPs_CfgInitialize( &xRTOSTickTimerInstance, pxTimerConfiguration, pxTimerConfiguration->BaseAddress );
		configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );

	/* Set the options. */

	/* Derive values from the tick rate. */
	XTtcPs_CalcIntervalFromFreq( &xRTOSTickTimerInstance, configTICK_RATE_HZ, &( usInterval ), &( ucPrescale ) );

	/* Set the interval and prescale. */
	XTtcPs_SetInterval( &xRTOSTickTimerInstance, usInterval );
	XTtcPs_SetPrescaler( &xRTOSTickTimerInstance, ucPrescale );

	/* The priority must be the lowest possible. */
	XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType( &xInterruptController, XPAR_XTTCPS_3_INTR, portLOWEST_USABLE_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portPRIORITY_SHIFT, ucLevelSensitive );

	/* Connect to the interrupt controller. */
	xStatus = XScuGic_Connect( &xInterruptController, XPAR_XTTCPS_3_INTR, (Xil_ExceptionHandler) FreeRTOS_Tick_Handler, ( void * ) &xRTOSTickTimerInstance );
	configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS);

	/* Enable the interrupt in the GIC. */
	XScuGic_Enable( &xInterruptController, XPAR_XTTCPS_3_INTR );

	/* Enable the interrupts in the timer. */
	XTtcPs_EnableInterrupts( &xRTOSTickTimerInstance, XTTCPS_IXR_INTERVAL_MASK );

	/* Start the timer. */
	XTtcPs_Start( &xRTOSTickTimerInstance );
void FreeRTOS_SetupTickInterrupt( void )
BaseType_t xStatus;
XTtcPs_Config *pxTimerConfiguration;
XInterval usInterval;
uint8_t ucPrescale;
const uint8_t ucLevelSensitive = 1;
XScuGic_Config *pxInterruptControllerConfig;

	/* Initialize the interrupt controller driver. */
	pxInterruptControllerConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig( configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_DEVICE_ID );
	XScuGic_CfgInitialize( &xInterruptController,
						   pxInterruptControllerConfig->CpuBaseAddress );

	/* Connect the interrupt controller interrupt handler to the hardware
	interrupt handling logic in the ARM processor. */
	Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler( XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_IRQ_INT,
								( Xil_ExceptionHandler ) XScuGic_InterruptHandler,

	/* Enable interrupts in the ARM. */

	pxTimerConfiguration = XTtcPs_LookupConfig( configTIMER_ID );

	/* Initialise the device. */
	xStatus = XTtcPs_CfgInitialize( &xTimerInstance, pxTimerConfiguration, pxTimerConfiguration->BaseAddress );

	if( xStatus != XST_SUCCESS )
		/* Not sure how to do this before XTtcPs_CfgInitialize is called as
		*xRTOSTickTimerInstance is set within XTtcPs_CfgInitialize(). */
		XTtcPs_Stop( &xTimerInstance );
		xStatus = XTtcPs_CfgInitialize( &xTimerInstance, pxTimerConfiguration, pxTimerConfiguration->BaseAddress );
		configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );

	/* Set the options. */

	/* Derive values from the tick rate. */
	XTtcPs_CalcIntervalFromFreq( &xTimerInstance, configTICK_RATE_HZ, &( usInterval ), &( ucPrescale ) );

	/* Set the interval and prescale. */
	XTtcPs_SetInterval( &xTimerInstance, usInterval );
	XTtcPs_SetPrescaler( &xTimerInstance, ucPrescale );

	/* The priority must be the lowest possible. */
	XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType( &xInterruptController, configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID, portLOWEST_USABLE_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portPRIORITY_SHIFT, ucLevelSensitive );

	/* Connect to the interrupt controller. */
	XScuGic_Connect( &xInterruptController,
					( Xil_InterruptHandler ) FreeRTOS_Tick_Handler,
					( void * ) &xTimerInstance );

	/* Enable the interrupt in the GIC. */
	XScuGic_Enable( &xInterruptController, configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID );

	/* Enable the interrupts in the timer. */
	XTtcPs_EnableInterrupts( &xTimerInstance, XTTCPS_IXR_INTERVAL_MASK );

	/* Start the timer. */
	XTtcPs_Start( &xTimerInstance );