Cursor XcursorLibraryLoadCursor (Display *dpy, const char *file) { int size = XcursorGetDefaultSize (dpy); char *theme = XcursorGetTheme (dpy); XcursorImages *images = XcursorLibraryLoadImages (file, theme, size); Cursor cursor; if (!file) return 0; if (!images) { int id = XcursorLibraryShape (file); if (id >= 0) return _XcursorCreateFontCursor (dpy, id); else return 0; } cursor = XcursorImagesLoadCursor (dpy, images); XcursorImagesDestroy (images); #if defined HAVE_XFIXES && XFIXES_MAJOR >= 2 XFixesSetCursorName (dpy, cursor, file); #endif return cursor; }
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_nCreateCursor (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong display, jint width, jint height, jint x_hotspot, jint y_hotspot, jint num_images, jobject image_buffer, jint images_offset, jobject delay_buffer, jint delays_offset) { Display *disp = (Display *)(intptr_t)display; const int *delays = NULL; if (delay_buffer != NULL) delays = (const int *)(*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, delay_buffer) + delays_offset; XcursorPixel *pixels = (XcursorPixel *)(*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, image_buffer) + images_offset; int stride = width*height; XcursorImages *cursor_images = XcursorImagesCreate(num_images); if (cursor_images == NULL) { throwException(env, "Could not allocate cursor."); return None; } cursor_images->nimage = num_images; int i; for (i = 0; i < num_images; i++) { XcursorImage *cursor_image = XcursorImageCreate(width, height); cursor_image->xhot = x_hotspot; cursor_image->yhot = y_hotspot; cursor_image->pixels = &(pixels[stride*i]); if (num_images > 1) cursor_image->delay = delays[i]; cursor_images->images[i] = cursor_image; } Cursor cursor = XcursorImagesLoadCursor(disp, cursor_images); XcursorImagesDestroy(cursor_images); return cursor; }
void CHwX11Cursor::Finish() { if (cimages.size()<1) return; //resize images for (std::vector<XcursorImage*>::iterator it = cimages.begin(); it < cimages.end(); ++it) resizeImage(*it, xmaxsize, ymaxsize); XcursorImages *cis = XcursorImagesCreate(cimages.size()); cis->nimage = cimages.size(); for (int i = 0; i < int(cimages.size()); ++i) { XcursorImage* ci = cimages[i]; ci->xhot = (hotSpot==CMouseCursor::TopLeft) ? 0 : ci->width/2; ci->yhot = (hotSpot==CMouseCursor::TopLeft) ? 0 : ci->height/2; cis->images[i] = ci; } SDL_SysWMinfo info; SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if (!SDL_GetWMInfo(&info)) { XcursorImagesDestroy(cis); cimages.clear(); logOutput.Print("SDL error: can't get X11 window info"); return; } cursor = XcursorImagesLoadCursor(,cis); XcursorImagesDestroy(cis); cimages.clear(); }
QCursor XCursorThemeData::loadCursor (const QString &name, int size) const { if (size == -1) size = XcursorGetDefaultSize(QX11Info::display()); // Load the cursor images XcursorImages *images = xcLoadImages(name, size); if (!images) images = xcLoadImages(findAlternative(name), size); // Fall back to a legacy cursor //if (!images) return LegacyTheme::loadCursor(name); if (!images) return false; // Create the cursor Cursor handle = XcursorImagesLoadCursor(QX11Info::display(), images); QCursor cursor = QCursor(Qt::HANDLE(handle)); // QCursor takes ownership of the handle XcursorImagesDestroy(images); //setCursorName(cursor, name); return cursor; }
qulonglong XCursorTheme::loadCursor(const QString &name, int size) const { if (size <= 0) size = autodetectCursorSize(); // Load the cursor images XcursorImages *images = xcLoadImages(name, size); if (!images) images = xcLoadImages(findAlternative(name), size); if (!images) return None; // Create the cursor Cursor handle = XcursorImagesLoadCursor(QX11Info::display(), images); XcursorImagesDestroy(images); setCursorName(handle, name); return handle; }
void PreviewCursor::load(const QString &name, const QString &theme) { Display *dpy = QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(); if(m_pict) XRenderFreePicture(dpy, m_pict); if(m_handle) XFreeCursor(dpy, m_handle); m_pict = 0; m_handle = 0; m_width = m_height = 0; // Load the preview cursor image XcursorImage *image = XcursorLibraryLoadImage(name.latin1(), theme.latin1(), previewSize); // If the theme doesn't have this cursor, load the default cursor for now if(!image) image = XcursorLibraryLoadImage("left_ptr", theme.latin1(), previewSize); // TODO The old classic X cursors if(!image) return; // Auto-crop the image (some cursor themes use a fixed image size // for all cursors, and doing this results in correctly centered images) cropCursorImage(image); m_pict = createPicture(image); m_width = image->width; m_height = image->height; // Scale the image if its height is greater than 2x the requested size if(m_height > previewSize * 2.0) { double factor = double(previewSize * 2.0 / m_height); XTransform xform = {{{XDoubleToFixed(1.0), XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(0)}, {XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(1.0), XDoubleToFixed(0)}, {XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(factor)}}}; XRenderSetPictureTransform(dpy, m_pict, &xform); m_width = int(m_width * factor); m_height = int(m_height * factor); } // We don't need this image anymore XcursorImageDestroy(image); // Load the actual cursor we will use int size = XcursorGetDefaultSize(dpy); XcursorImages *images = XcursorLibraryLoadImages(name.latin1(), theme.latin1(), size); if(images) { m_handle = XcursorImagesLoadCursor(dpy, images); XcursorImagesDestroy(images); } else { images = XcursorLibraryLoadImages("left_ptr", theme.latin1(), size); m_handle = XcursorImagesLoadCursor(dpy, images); XcursorImagesDestroy(images); } }