static void InitWindows(xccore_t *xccore) { gui_status_init(); gui_root_init(); gui_preedit_init(); gui_select_init(); gui_tray_init(); gui_menu_init(); gui_symbol_init(); gui_keyboard_init(); gui_xcin_init(); gui_msgbox_init(); gui_selectmenu_init(); int isok = gui_restore_window_pos(); winlist_t *win = winlist; while (win) { win->data = (void *)xccore; if (win->draw) { XftDrawDestroy(win->draw); } win->draw = XftDrawCreate(gui->display, win->window, gui->visual, gui->colormap); XSelectInput(gui->display, win->window, (ExposureMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|PointerMotionMask|EnterWindowMask|LeaveWindowMask|StructureNotifyMask|KeyPressMask)); MakeDefaultFont(win); /* 建立預設字型 */ XMoveResizeWindow(gui->display, win->window, win->pos_x, win->pos_y, win->width, win->height); win = win->next; } }
void main (void) { Display *dsp = XOpenDisplay (0); if (dsp) { int scr = DefaultScreen (dsp); Window p = XCreateSimpleWindow (dsp, RootWindow (dsp, scr), 100, 100, 300, 100, 1, BlackPixel (dsp, scr), WhitePixel (dsp, scr)); XSelectInput (dsp, p, ExposureMask); XMapWindow (dsp, p); XftColor xft_color; XftColorAllocName (dsp, DefaultVisual (dsp, scr), DefaultColormap (dsp, scr), "tan", &xft_color); XftFont *font = XftFontOpenName (dsp, scr, "sans:bold:pixelsize=18"); XftDraw *draw = XftDrawCreate (dsp, p, DefaultVisual (dsp, scr), DefaultColormap (dsp, scr)); for (;;) { char *txt = "Lorem ipsum"; XEvent e; XNextEvent (dsp, &e); if (e.type == Expose) XftDrawString8 (draw, &xft_color, font, 20, 30, (XftChar8*)(txt), strlen(txt)); } } }
void xwindow_draw_string_xft(XWindow *xw, char *text, int x, int y) { int n; XftDraw *draw; XftColor color; XRenderColor rc; XftFont *font; XGlyphInfo extents; float shift[] = { 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, -1.0 }; n = strlen(text); font = xw->font->font_xft; if(!font) { return; } draw = XftDrawCreate(DISPLAY(xw), xw->buffer, VISUAL(xw), DefaultColormap(DISPLAY(xw), SCREEN(xw))); /* Set Text from current Color */ = xw->color->red; = xw->color->green; = xw->color->blue; rc.alpha = 0xFFFF; /* 65535 */ XftColorAllocValue(DISPLAY(xw), VISUAL(xw), DefaultColormap(DISPLAY(xw), SCREEN(xw)), &rc, &color); XftTextExtents8(DISPLAY(xw), font, (FcChar8*)text, n, &extents); if(cmgdm.tangle != 0.0) { XftMatrix m; m.xx = 0.0; m.xy = -1.0; m.yx = 1.0; m.yy = 0.0; y = y - shift[cmgdm.ihjust] * extents.xOff; x = x - shift[cmgdm.ivjust] * (font->ascent + font->descent); font = XftFontOpen(DISPLAY(xw), SCREEN(xw), XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, xw->font->family, XFT_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, xw->font->size, XFT_STYLE, XftTypeString, xfont_style(xw->font), XFT_ANTIALIAS, XftTypeBool, xw->font->antialias, XFT_MATRIX, XftTypeMatrix, &m, NULL); } else { x = x + shift[cmgdm.ihjust] * extents.xOff; y = y - shift[cmgdm.ivjust] * (font->ascent + font->descent); } XftDrawString8(draw, &color, font, x, y, (FcChar8 *)text, n); }
static void draw_text (struct widget_xft_data *data, char *lbl, int inverse) { Screen *sc = XtScreen (data->widget); int screen = XScreenNumberOfScreen (sc); int y = data->xft_font->ascent; int x = inverse ? 0 : 2; char *bp = lbl; data->xft_draw = XftDrawCreate (XtDisplay (data->widget), data->p, DefaultVisual (XtDisplay (data->widget), screen), DefaultColormapOfScreen (sc)); XftDrawRect (data->xft_draw, inverse ? &data->xft_fg : &data->xft_bg, 0, 0, data->p_width, data->p_height); if (!inverse) y += 2; while (bp && *bp != '\0') { char *cp = strchr (bp, '\n'); XftDrawStringUtf8 (data->xft_draw, inverse ? &data->xft_bg : &data->xft_fg, data->xft_font, x, y, (FcChar8 *) bp, cp ? cp - bp : strlen (bp)); bp = cp ? cp + 1 : NULL; /* 1.2 gives reasonable line spacing. */ y += data->xft_font->height * 1.2; } }
//========================================= // XColorSetup //----------------------------------------- XTColor XColorSetup (XInit xi,XTFont xt,Window win,Color col) { // ... // Create two pixmaps initially containing the background // of the window win and use them for drawing with double // buffering to avoid flickering while the string fade out // Create a XFT drawable needed to print text using xft // --- XGCValues values; XTColor xc; xc.FTcolor = (XftColor*)malloc(sizeof(XftColor)); xc.PBack = XCreatePixmap (xi.dpy,win,xt.XTwidth,xt.XTheight,xi.DDepth); xc.PAint = XCreatePixmap (xi.dpy,win,xt.XTwidth,xt.XTheight,xi.DDepth); XCopyArea( xi.dpy,win,xc.PAint,xi.DGc,0,0,xt.XTwidth,xt.XTheight,0,0 ); XCopyArea( xi.dpy,win,xc.PBack,xi.DGc,0,0,xt.XTwidth,xt.XTheight,0,0 ); = (( << 8) | ); = (( << 8) |; = (( << 8) | ); XAllocColor(xi.dpy,xi.DMap,&xc.color); XSetForeground(xi.dpy,xi.DGc,xc.color.pixel); XGetGCValues (xi.dpy, xi.DGc, GCForeground|GCBackground, &values); xc.FTdraw = XftDrawCreate ( xi.dpy, xc.PAint, xi.DVisual, xi.DMap ); xc.FTcolor-> =; xc.FTcolor-> =; xc.FTcolor-> =; return(xc); }
static void configure_window (struct gui_instance *gi) { if (gi->back_buffer) XRenderFreePicture (GUI_display, gi->back_buffer); if (gi->fontdraw) XftDrawDestroy (gi->fontdraw); if (gi->pmap) XFreePixmap (GUI_display, gi->pmap); if (gi->gc) XFreeGC (GUI_display, gi->gc); gi->gc = XCreateGC (GUI_display, gi->window, 0, 0); gi->pmap = XCreatePixmap (GUI_display, gi->window, gi->width, gi->height, GUI_visual_info->depth); gi->fontdraw = XftDrawCreate (GUI_display, gi->pmap, GUI_visual, DefaultColormap (GUI_display, GUI_screenidx)); gi->back_buffer = XRenderCreatePicture (GUI_display, gi->pmap, xrenderpictformat, 0, 0); if (!gi->back_buffer) errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to create back buffer for X window (XRenderCreatePicture)"); }
static void reparent(client_t *c, strut_t *s) { XSetWindowAttributes pattr; geom_t f; f = frame_geom(c); pattr.override_redirect = True; pattr.background_pixel = bg.pixel; pattr.border_pixel = bd.pixel; pattr.event_mask = SubMask|ButtonPressMask|ExposureMask|EnterWindowMask; c->frame = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, f.x, f.y, f.w, f.h, BW(c), DefaultDepth(dpy, screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dpy, screen), CWOverrideRedirect|CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWEventMask, &pattr); #ifdef SHAPE if (shape) { XShapeSelectInput(dpy, c->win, ShapeNotifyMask); set_shape(c); } #endif #ifdef XFT c->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(dpy, (Drawable)c->frame, DefaultVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)), DefaultColormap(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy))); #endif XAddToSaveSet(dpy, c->win); XSelectInput(dpy, c->win, ColormapChangeMask|PropertyChangeMask); XSetWindowBorderWidth(dpy, c->win, 0); XResizeWindow(dpy, c->win, c->geom.w, c->geom.h); XReparentWindow(dpy, c->win, c->frame, 0, frame_height(c)); send_config(c); }
void render_init(void) { font = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, FONT_NAME, XFT_SIZE, XftTypeInteger, FONT_SIZE, NULL); if (!XftColorAllocName(display, XDefaultVisual(display, screen), DefaultColormap(display, screen), TouchCross, &cross)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get color"); exit(2); } if (!XftColorAllocName(display, XDefaultVisual(display, screen), DefaultColormap(display, screen), PromptText, &promptColor)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get color"); exit(2); } if (!XftColorAllocName(display, XDefaultVisual(display, screen), DefaultColormap(display, screen), Background, &bg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get bg color"); exit(2); } if (!XftColorAllocName(display, XDefaultVisual(display, screen), DefaultColormap(display, screen), Error, &errorColor)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get color"); exit(2); } draw = XftDrawCreate(display, win, DefaultVisual(display, screen), DefaultColormap(display, screen)); }
void x11_draw_glyphs( Drawable drawable, GC gc, PangoFont *font, int x, int y, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, wxColour &colour ) { if (PANGO_XFT_IS_FONT (font)) { Display* xdisplay = wxGlobalDisplay(); int xscreen = DefaultScreen( xdisplay ); Visual* xvisual = DefaultVisual( xdisplay, xscreen ); Colormap xcolormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen( XScreenOfDisplay( xdisplay, xscreen ) ); XftDraw *draw = XftDrawCreate( xdisplay, drawable, xvisual, xcolormap ); XftColor color; color.pixel = 0; = colour.Red() << 8; = colour.Green() << 8; = colour.Blue() << 8; color.color.alpha = 65000; pango_xft_render( draw, &color, font, glyphs, x, y ); XftDrawDestroy( draw ); } }
void drw_text(Drw *drw, int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, const char *text) { char buf[256]; int i, tx, ty, th, len, olen; Extnts tex; XftDraw *d; if(!drw || !drw->scheme) return; XSetForeground(drw->dpy, drw->gc, drw->scheme->bg->rgb); XFillRectangle(drw->dpy, drw->drawable, drw->gc, x, y, w, h); if(!text || !drw->font) return; olen = strlen(text); drw_font_getexts(drw, text, olen, &tex); /* shorten text if necessary */ for(len = MIN(olen, sizeof buf); len && (tex.w > w - tex.h || w < tex.h); len--) drw_font_getexts(drw, text, len, &tex); if(!len) return; memcpy(buf, text, len); if(len < olen) for(i = len; i && i > len - 3; buf[--i] = '.'); th = drw->font->ascent + drw->font->descent; ty = y + (h / 2) - (th / 2) + drw->font->ascent; tx = x + (w / 2) - (tex.w / 2); d = XftDrawCreate(drw->dpy, drw->drawable, DefaultVisual(drw->dpy, drw->screen), DefaultColormap(drw->dpy, drw->screen)); XftDrawStringUtf8(d, &drw->scheme->fg->xftc, drw->font->xfont, tx, ty, (XftChar8 *) buf, len); XftDrawDestroy(d); }
//========================================= // setText //----------------------------------------- XImage* setText (Display* dpy,int screen,char* text, int* x, int* y) { Window root = RootWindow ( dpy,screen ); int DWidth = DisplayWidth ( dpy,screen ); int DHeight = DisplayHeight ( dpy,screen ); XftPattern *pattern = NULL; XftFont* FTfont = NULL; XftDraw* FTdraw = NULL; XftColor* FTcolor = NULL; XImage* Image = NULL; XGlyphInfo FTinfo; XColor color; XGCValues values; int XTwidth; int XTheight; int x1,y1; pattern = XftNameParse (XFTFONT); pattern = XftFontMatch (dpy,screen,pattern,NULL); FTfont = XftFontOpenPattern (dpy, pattern); XftTextExtentsUtf8 ( dpy,FTfont,text,strlen(text),&FTinfo ); XTwidth = FTinfo.xOff; XTheight= FTfont->height + 20; FTdraw = XftDrawCreate ( dpy, root, DefaultVisual(dpy,screen),DefaultColormap(dpy,screen) ); FTcolor = (XftColor*)malloc(sizeof(XftColor)); = 255 << 8; = 255 << 8; = 255 << 8; XAllocColor (dpy,DefaultColormap(dpy,screen),&color); XSetForeground(dpy,DefaultGC (dpy,screen),color.pixel); XGetGCValues ( dpy, DefaultGC (dpy,screen), GCForeground | GCBackground, &values ); FTcolor-> =; FTcolor-> =; FTcolor-> =; FTcolor->color.alpha = 0xffff; x1 = (int)((DWidth / 2) - (XTwidth / 2)); y1 = (int)((DHeight / 2) - (XTheight / 2)); XftDrawStringUtf8 ( FTdraw, FTcolor,FTfont,x1,y1,text,strlen(text) ); XFlush (dpy); y1 = (int)((DHeight / 2) - XTheight); Image = XGetImage( dpy,root,x1,y1,XTwidth,XTheight,AllPlanes,XYPixmap ); *x = x1; *y = y1; return (Image); }
/** Draw a string in a Drawable * \param d Drawable * \param x X position * \param y Y position * \param fg Foreground text color * \param pad Text padding * \param str String that will be draw */ void draw_image_ofset_text(Drawable d, int x, int y, char* fg, char *str, int x_image_ofset, int y_image_ofset) { XftColor xftcolor; XftDraw *xftd; #ifdef HAVE_IMLIB char *ostr = NULL; int i, ni, sw = 0; ImageAttr im[128]; size_t textlen; #else (void)x_image_ofset; (void)y_image_ofset; #endif /* HAVE_IMLIB */ if(!str) return; /* To draw image everywhere we can draw text */ #ifdef HAVE_IMLIB ostr = xstrdup(str); textlen = strlen(ostr); if(strstr(str, "i[")) { ni = parse_image_block(im, str); if(infobar[conf.systray.screen].bar && d == infobar[conf.systray.screen].bar->dr) sw = systray_get_width(); for(i = 0; i < ni; ++i) draw_image(d, x_image_ofset + im[i].x - sw, y_image_ofset + im[i].y, im[i].w, im[i].h, im[i].name); } #endif /* HAVE_IMLIB */ /* Transform X Drawable -> Xft Drawable */ xftd = XftDrawCreate(dpy, d, DefaultVisual(dpy, SCREEN), DefaultColormap(dpy, SCREEN)); /* Alloc text color */ XftColorAllocName(dpy, DefaultVisual(dpy, SCREEN), DefaultColormap(dpy, SCREEN), fg, &xftcolor); XftDrawStringUtf8(xftd, &xftcolor, font, x, y, (FcChar8 *)str, strlen(str)); /* Free the text color and XftDraw */ XftColorFree(dpy, DefaultVisual(dpy, SCREEN), DefaultColormap(dpy, SCREEN), &xftcolor); XftDrawDestroy(xftd); #ifdef HAVE_IMLIB if(strstr(ostr, "i[")) strncpy(str, ostr, textlen); free(ostr); #endif /* HAVE_IMLIB */ return; }
void ImageDraw::Init() { GuiLock __; dw = XCreatePixmap(Xdisplay, Xroot, max(, 1), max(, 1), Xdepth); gc = XCreateGC(Xdisplay, dw, 0, 0); xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(Xdisplay, (Drawable) dw, DefaultVisual(Xdisplay, Xscreenno), Xcolormap); alpha.dw = XCreatePixmap(Xdisplay, Xroot, max(, 1), max(, 1), Xdepth); alpha.gc = XCreateGC(Xdisplay, alpha.dw, 0, 0); alpha.xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(Xdisplay, (Drawable) alpha.dw, DefaultVisual(Xdisplay, Xscreenno), Xcolormap); Vector<Rect> clip; clip.Add(RectC(0, 0,,; SystemDraw::Init(clip, Point(0, 0)); alpha.Init(clip, Point(0, 0)); has_alpha = false; }
static int init() { XWindowAttributes wa; XSetWindowAttributes swa; XGCValues gcv; Window root; XConfigureEvent ce; d = XOpenDisplay(0); if (!d) die("cannot open display"); root = DefaultRootWindow(d); XGetWindowAttributes(d, root, &wa); visual = wa.visual; cmap = wa.colormap; screen = DefaultScreen(d); depth = DefaultDepth(d, screen); /* create the main window */ win = XCreateSimpleWindow(d, root, 0, 0, Width, Height, 0, 0, WhitePixel(d, screen)); swa.backing_store = WhenMapped; swa.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; XChangeWindowAttributes(d, win, CWBackingStore|CWBitGravity, &swa); XStoreName(d, win, "ED"); XSelectInput(d, win, StructureNotifyMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|Button1MotionMask|KeyPressMask|ExposureMask); /* simulate an initial resize and map the window */ ce.type = ConfigureNotify; ce.width = Width; ce.height = Height; XSendEvent(d, win, False, StructureNotifyMask, (XEvent *)&ce); XMapWindow(d, win); /* allocate font */ font = XftFontOpenName(d, screen, FONTNAME); if (!font) die("cannot open default font"); /* initialize gc */ gcv.foreground = WhitePixel(d, screen); gcv.graphics_exposures = False; gc = XCreateGC(d, win, GCForeground|GCGraphicsExposures, &gcv); /* initialize back buffer and Xft drawing context */ pbuf = XCreatePixmap(d, win, Width, Height, depth); xft = XftDrawCreate(d, pbuf, visual, cmap); /* set the action rectangle */ gui_x11.actionr.w = HMargin - 3; gui_x11.actionr.h = VMargin + font->height; return XConnectionNumber(d); }
static void RenderPrepare (LogoWidget w) { if (!w->logo.draw) { w->logo.draw = XftDrawCreate (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), DefaultVisual (XtDisplay (w), DefaultScreen(XtDisplay (w))), w->core.colormap); } }
int createWin(XDataStr *data) { u_long attributeMask; XSetWindowAttributes attribute; Window w; Display *display = data->display; int screen = DefaultScreen(display); XGCValues gc_val; Screen *s; attribute.background_pixel = WhitePixel(display, screen); attribute.border_pixel = WhitePixel(display, screen); attribute.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; attribute.event_mask = ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|KeyPressMask| ExposureMask; attributeMask = CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel | CWEventMask | CWBitGravity; s = ScreenOfDisplay(data->display, screen); w = XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, screen), 0, 0, DisplayWidth(display, screen)/2, 150, 0, DefaultDepth(display, screen), InputOutput, DefaultVisual(display, screen), attributeMask, &attribute); data->font = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "mono", XFT_SIZE, XftTypeInteger, 16, NULL); if (!XftColorAllocName(display, XDefaultVisual(display, screen), DefaultColormap(display, screen), "red4", &data->color)) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot get color"); return -1; } if (!XftColorAllocName(display, XDefaultVisual(display, screen), DefaultColormap(display, screen), "linen", &data->bg)) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot get bg color"); return -1; } data->draw = XftDrawCreate(display, w, DefaultVisual(display, screen), DefaultColormap(display, screen)); gc_val.foreground = BlackPixel(display, screen); gc_val.background = WhitePixel(display, screen); data->gc = XCreateGC (display, w, GCForeground|GCBackground, &gc_val); data->win = w; return 0; }
int _xft_FdcInit(TextState * ts, Win win, EX_Drawable draw) { FontCtxXft *fdc = (FontCtxXft *) ts->fdc; fdc->win = win; fdc->draw = draw; fdc->xftd = XftDrawCreate(disp, draw, WinGetVisual(win), WinGetCmap(win)); if (!fdc->xftd) return -1; return 0; }
void se_text_xviewer_draw_create( se_text_xviewer* viewer ) { assert ( viewer->env->xftFont ); if ( viewer->xftDraw ) { XftDrawDestroy( viewer->xftDraw ); viewer->xftDraw = NULL; } viewer->xftDraw = XftDrawCreate( viewer->env->display, viewer->view, viewer->env->visual, viewer->env->colormap ); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void VKDrawFontDialog() { static char *titles[2] = {"Select interface font", "Chọn font giao dien"}; static char *mesages[] = {"Press a key group:", "Nhấn một nhóm phím:"}; char *S = mesages[vk_interface]; char *T = titles[vk_interface]; int i, fa = vk_text_ascent; #ifdef USE_XFT XftDraw *draw; draw = XftDrawCreate(display, fnt.window, visual, colormap); #else #define draw #endif XClearWindow(display, fnt.window); VKSetColor(display, fnt.gc, clBackground); XFillRectangle(display, fnt.window, fnt.gc, 0, 0, fnt.width, fnt.height); VKSetColor(display, fnt.gc, clBorder); XDrawRectangle(display, fnt.window, fnt.gc, 1, 1, fnt.width-3, fnt.height-3); XFillRectangle(display, fnt.window, fnt.gc, 1, 1, fnt.width-3, vk_text_height+6); XDrawLine(display, fnt.window, fnt.gc, 1,, fnt.width-3,; for( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { VKDrawLabel((VKLabel *)fc[i]); } #ifdef USE_XFT XftDrawStringUtf8(draw, &clBlack, vk_font, 11, fa+5+1, (XftChar8*)T, strlen(T)); XftDrawStringUtf8(draw, &clWhite, vk_font, 10, fa+5, (XftChar8*)T, strlen(T)); XftDrawStringUtf8(draw, &clGray, vk_font, fnt.tx+1, fnt.ty+1, (XftChar8*)S, strlen(S)); XftDrawStringUtf8(draw, &clBlack, vk_font, fnt.tx, fnt.ty, (XftChar8*)S, strlen(S)); XftDrawDestroy(draw); #else #undef draw VKSetColor(display, fnt.gc, clBlack); XmbDrawString(display, fnt.window, vk_fontset, fnt.gc, 11, fa+5+1, T, strlen(T)); VKSetColor(display, fnt.gc, clWhite); XmbDrawString(display, fnt.window, vk_fontset, fnt.gc, 10, fa+5, T, strlen(T)); VKSetColor(display, fnt.gc, clGray); XmbDrawString(display, fnt.window, vk_fontset, fnt.gc, fnt.tx+1, fnt.ty+1, S, strlen(S)); VKSetColor(display, fnt.gc, clBlack); XmbDrawString(display, fnt.window, vk_fontset, fnt.gc, fnt.tx, fnt.ty, S, strlen(S)); #endif }
void resizedc(DC *dc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { if(dc->canvas) XFreePixmap(dc->dpy, dc->canvas); dc->w = w; dc->h = h; dc->canvas = XCreatePixmap(dc->dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dc->dpy), w, h, DefaultDepth(dc->dpy, DefaultScreen(dc->dpy))); dc->xftdrawable = XftDrawCreate(dc->dpy, dc->canvas, DefaultVisual(dc->dpy,screen), DefaultColormap(dc->dpy,screen)); if(!dc->xftdrawable) eprintf("cannot create drawable\n"); }
void setup() { XSetWindowAttributes attributes; XWindowAttributes window_attributes; Visual *vis; Colormap cmap; int ignore; display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); screen = DefaultScreen(display); vis = XDefaultVisual(display, screen); cmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen); if (XGetGeometry(display, RootWindow(display, screen), &root, &ignore, &ignore, &max_width, &max_height, &ignore, &ignore) == False) die("Failed to get root Geometry!"); if (!XftColorAllocName(display, vis, cmap, fg_name, &fg)) die("Failed to allocate foreground color"); if (!XftColorAllocName(display, vis, cmap, bg_name, &bg)) die("Failed to allocate background color"); /* Setup and map window */ attributes.border_pixel = fg.pixel; attributes.background_pixel = bg.pixel; attributes.override_redirect = True; attributes.event_mask = ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask; win = XCreateWindow(display, root, 0, 0, 1, 1, BORDER_WIDTH, DefaultDepth(display, 0), CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CWBackPixel|CWOverrideRedirect|CWEventMask|CWBorderPixel, &attributes); xim = XOpenIM(display, NULL, NULL, NULL); xic = XCreateIC(xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, win, XNFocusWindow, win, NULL); gc = XCreateGC(display, win, 0, 0); buf = XCreatePixmap(display, win, 1, 1, DefaultDepth(display, screen)); draw = XftDrawCreate(display, buf, vis, cmap); load_font(font_str); }
void cfg_reinitialize(void) { int i; #ifdef USE_XFT int xft = xftfont ? 1 : 0; #endif /* free things from old configuration */ XFreeGC(dpy, gc); XFreeGC(dpy, igc); XFreeGC(dpy, bgc); XFreeGC(dpy, ibgc); keys_free(); /* read config again */ cfg_read(0); /* update some things */ p_attr.background_pixel = fg.pixel; p_attr.border_pixel = ibfg.pixel; select_root_events(); /* update clients */ for(i = 0; i < cn; i++) { #ifdef USE_XFT if(xftfont && !xft) clients[i]->wlist_draw = XftDrawCreate(dpy, clients[i]->wlist_item, visual, colormap); if(!xftfont && xft) { XftDrawDestroy(clients[i]->title_draw); XftDrawDestroy(clients[i]->wlist_draw); } #endif XDestroyWindow(dpy, clients[i]->button_parent_left); XDestroyWindow(dpy, clients[i]->button_parent_right); free((void *) clients[i]->buttons); clients[i]->flags ^= clients[i]->flags & HAS_BUTTONS; buttons_create(clients[i]); /* buttons are now on top of the client window */ XRaiseWindow(dpy, clients[i]->window); /* hence this line */ client_update(clients[i]); client_update_name(clients[i]); (clients[i] == current) ? client_set_bg(clients[i], bg, fg) : client_set_bg(clients[i], ibg, ifg); if(clients[i]->flags & IS_TASKBAR) client_set_layer(clients[i], taskbar_ontop ? TOP : NORMAL); XUngrabButton(dpy, AnyButton, AnyModifier, clients[i]->parent); client_grab_buttons(clients[i]); if(clients[i]->flags & FULLSCREEN && clients[i]->layer <= NORMAL && fullscreen_stacking != FS_NORMAL) client_update_layer(clients[i], (fullscreen_stacking == FS_ALWAYS_ONTOP) ? NORMAL : TOP); if(clients[i]->flags & HAS_BORDER) XSetWindowBorderWidth(dpy, clients[i]->parent, border_width); ewmh_update_extents(clients[i]); } ewmh_update_number_of_desktops(); ewmh_update_geometry(); ewmh_update_strut(); }
void make_taskbar(void) { XSetWindowAttributes pattr; pattr.override_redirect = True; pattr.background_pixel = empty_col.pixel; pattr.border_pixel = border_col.pixel; pattr.event_mask = ChildMask|ButtonPressMask|ExposureMask|EnterWindowMask; taskbar = XCreateWindow(dsply, root, 0 - DEF_BORDERWIDTH, 0 - DEF_BORDERWIDTH, DisplayWidth(dsply, screen), BARHEIGHT() - DEF_BORDERWIDTH, DEF_BORDERWIDTH, DefaultDepth(dsply, screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dsply, screen), CWOverrideRedirect|CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWEventMask, &pattr); XMapWindow(dsply, taskbar); #ifdef XFT tbxftdraw = XftDrawCreate(dsply, (Drawable) taskbar, DefaultVisual(dsply, DefaultScreen(dsply)), DefaultColormap(dsply, DefaultScreen(dsply))); #endif }
void resizedc(DC * dc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, XVisualInfo * vinfo, XSetWindowAttributes * wa) { if(dc->canvas) XFreePixmap(dc->dpy, dc->canvas); dc->canvas = XCreatePixmap(dc->dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dc->dpy), w, h, vinfo -> depth); dc->empty = XCreatePixmap(dc->dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dc->dpy), w, h, vinfo -> depth); dc->x = dc->y = 0; dc->w = w; dc->h = h; if(dc->font.xft_font && !(dc->xftdraw)) { dc->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(dc->dpy, dc->canvas, vinfo->visual, wa -> colormap); if(!(dc->xftdraw)) printf("error, cannot create xft drawable\n"); } }
void resizedc(DC *dc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { int screen = DefaultScreen(dc->dpy); if(dc->canvas) XFreePixmap(dc->dpy, dc->canvas); dc->w = w; dc->h = h; dc->canvas = XCreatePixmap(dc->dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dc->dpy), w, h, DefaultDepth(dc->dpy, screen)); if(dc->font.xft_font && !(dc->xftdraw)) { dc->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(dc->dpy, dc->canvas, DefaultVisual(dc->dpy,screen), DefaultColormap(dc->dpy,screen)); if(!(dc->xftdraw)) eprintf("error, cannot create xft drawable\n"); } }
void BC_Pixmap::resize(int w, int h) { Pixmap new_pixmap = XCreatePixmap(top_level->display, top_level->win, w, h, top_level->default_depth); #ifdef HAVE_XFT XftDraw *new_xft_draw; if(BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->use_xft) { new_xft_draw = XftDrawCreate(top_level->display, new_pixmap, top_level->vis, top_level->cmap); } #endif XCopyArea(top_level->display, opaque_pixmap, new_pixmap, top_level->gc, 0, 0, get_w(), get_h(), 0, 0); this->w = w; this->h = h; #ifdef HAVE_XFT if(BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->use_xft) XftDrawDestroy((XftDraw*)opaque_xft_draw); #endif XFreePixmap(top_level->display, opaque_pixmap); opaque_pixmap = new_pixmap; #ifdef HAVE_XFT if(BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->use_xft) opaque_xft_draw = new_xft_draw; #endif }
void InitXlibMenu(XlibMenu* menu) { FcitxLightUI* lightui = menu->owner; char strWindowName[]="Fcitx Menu Window"; XSetWindowAttributes attrib; unsigned long attribmask; int depth; Colormap cmap; Visual * vs; XGCValues xgv; GC gc; Display* dpy = lightui->dpy; int iScreen = lightui->iScreen; vs= NULL; LightUIInitWindowAttribute(lightui, &vs, &cmap, &attrib, &attribmask, &depth); //开始只创建一个简单的窗口不做任何动作 menu->menuWindow =XCreateWindow (dpy, RootWindow (dpy, iScreen), 0, 0, MENU_WINDOW_WIDTH,MENU_WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, depth, InputOutput, vs, attribmask, &attrib); if (menu->menuWindow == (Window) NULL) return; XSetTransientForHint (dpy, menu->menuWindow, DefaultRootWindow (dpy)); menu->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, menu->menuWindow, MENU_WINDOW_WIDTH, MENU_WINDOW_HEIGHT, depth); menu->xftDraw = XftDrawCreate(dpy, menu->pixmap, DefaultVisual (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy)), DefaultColormap (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy))); XSelectInput (dpy, menu->menuWindow, KeyPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | LeaveWindowMask | StructureNotifyMask ); LightUISetWindowProperty(lightui, menu->menuWindow, FCITX_WINDOW_MENU, strWindowName); menu->iPosX=100; menu->iPosY=100; }
static XftDraw * xftfont_get_xft_draw (struct frame *f) { XftDraw *xft_draw = font_get_frame_data (f, &xftfont_driver); if (! xft_draw) { block_input (); xft_draw= XftDrawCreate (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_X_WINDOW (f), FRAME_X_VISUAL (f), FRAME_X_COLORMAP (f)); unblock_input (); eassert (xft_draw != NULL); font_put_frame_data (f, &xftfont_driver, xft_draw); } return xft_draw; }
static XftDraw * xftfont_get_xft_draw (FRAME_PTR f) { XftDraw *xft_draw = font_get_frame_data (f, &xftfont_driver); if (! xft_draw) { BLOCK_INPUT; xft_draw= XftDrawCreate (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_X_WINDOW (f), FRAME_X_VISUAL (f), FRAME_X_COLORMAP (f)); UNBLOCK_INPUT; if (! xft_draw) abort (); font_put_frame_data (f, &xftfont_driver, xft_draw); } return xft_draw; }
void win_draw_bar(win_t *win) { int len, x, y, w, tw; win_env_t *e; win_bar_t *l, *r; XftDraw *d; const XftColor *bg, *fg; if ((l = &win->bar.l)->buf == NULL || (r = &win->bar.r)->buf == NULL) return; e = &win->env; y = win->h + font->ascent + V_TEXT_PAD; w = win->w - 2*H_TEXT_PAD; d = XftDrawCreate(e->dpy, win->, DefaultVisual(e->dpy, e->scr), DefaultColormap(e->dpy, e->scr)); if (win->fullscreen && !win->light) bg = &win->bg, fg = &win->fg; else bg = &win->fg, fg = &win->bg; XSetForeground(e->dpy, gc, bg->pixel); XFillRectangle(e->dpy, win->, gc, 0, win->h, win->w, win->bar.h); XSetForeground(e->dpy, gc, fg->pixel); XSetBackground(e->dpy, gc, bg->pixel); if ((len = strlen(r->buf)) > 0) { if ((tw = TEXTWIDTH(win, r->buf, len)) > w) return; x = win->w - tw - H_TEXT_PAD; w -= tw; win_draw_text(win, d, fg, x, y, r->buf, len, tw); } if ((len = strlen(l->buf)) > 0) { x = H_TEXT_PAD; w -= 2 * H_TEXT_PAD; /* gap between left and right parts */ win_draw_text(win, d, fg, x, y, l->buf, len, w); } XftDrawDestroy(d); }