static void SetLabelAndModeline(void) { if (vidtune->monitor != NULL) { char string[32]; XtVaSetValues(monitorb, XtNlabel, vidtune->monitor->mon_identifier, NULL); XtSetSensitive(add, True); if (modeline.htotal && modeline.vtotal) XmuSnprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%dx%d@%d", modeline.hdisplay, modeline.vdisplay, (int)((double)dot_clock / (double)modeline.htotal * 1000.0 / (double)modeline.vtotal)); else XmuSnprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%dx%d", modeline.hdisplay, modeline.vdisplay); XtVaSetValues(text, XtNstring, string, NULL); } else { XtVaSetValues(monitorb, XtNlabel, "", NULL); XtSetSensitive(add, False); XtVaSetValues(text, XtNstring, "", NULL); } }
static void SwitchCallback(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { int direction = (long)call_data; Arg args[1]; Bool result; char label[32]; XF86VidModeLockModeSwitch(XtDisplay(toplevel), vidtune->screen, False); result = XF86VidModeSwitchMode(XtDisplay(toplevel), vidtune->screen, direction); XF86VidModeLockModeSwitch(XtDisplay(toplevel), vidtune->screen, True); if (!result) return; UpdateCallback(w, call_data, client_data); if (modeline.htotal && modeline.vtotal) XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%dx%d @ %d Hz", modeline.hdisplay, modeline.vdisplay, (int)((double)dot_clock / (double)modeline.htotal * 1000.0 / (double)modeline.vtotal)); else XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%dx%d", modeline.hdisplay, modeline.vdisplay); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, label); XtSetValues(mode, args, 1); }
static char * makeBackupName(String buf, String filename, unsigned len) { if (app_resources.backupNamePrefix && strlen(app_resources.backupNamePrefix)) { if (strchr(app_resources.backupNamePrefix, '/')) XmuSnprintf(buf, len, "%s%s%s", app_resources.backupNamePrefix, filename, app_resources.backupNameSuffix); else { char fname[BUFSIZ]; char *name, ch; strncpy(fname, filename, sizeof(fname) - 1); fname[sizeof(fname) - 1] = '\0'; if ((name = strrchr(fname, '/')) != NULL) ++name; else name = filename; ch = *name; *name = '\0'; ++name; XmuSnprintf(buf, len, "%s%s%c%s%s", fname, app_resources.backupNamePrefix, ch, name, app_resources.backupNameSuffix); } } else XmuSnprintf(buf, len, "%s%s", filename, app_resources.backupNameSuffix); return (strcmp(filename, buf) ? buf : NULL); }
void _XawTextSearch(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params) { TextWidget ctx = (TextWidget)w; XawTextScanDirection dir; char *ptr, buf[BUFSIZ]; XawTextEditType edit_mode; Arg args[1]; wchar_t wcs[1]; if (*num_params < 1 || *num_params > 2) { (void)XmuSnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s\n%s", SEARCH_HEADER, "This action must have only", "one or two parameters"); XtAppWarning(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w), buf); return; } if (*num_params == 2) ptr = params[1]; else if (XawTextFormat(ctx, XawFmtWide)) { /* This just does the equivalent of ptr = ""L, a waste because params[1] isnt W aligned */ ptr = (char *)wcs; wcs[0] = 0; } else ptr = ""; switch(params[0][0]) { case 'b': /* Left */ case 'B': dir = XawsdLeft; break; case 'f': /* Right */ case 'F': dir = XawsdRight; break; default: (void)XmuSnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s\n%s", SEARCH_HEADER, "The first parameter must be", "Either 'backward' or 'forward'"); XtAppWarning(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w), buf); return; } if (ctx-> NULL) { ctx-> = XtNew(struct SearchAndReplace); ctx->>search_popup = CreateDialog(w, ptr, "search", AddSearchChildren); XtRealizeWidget(ctx->>search_popup); SetWMProtocolTranslations(ctx->>search_popup); }
static void GetModes(void) { int i; char label[32]; Arg args[1]; static char menuName[16]; static int menuN; XFree(vidtune->infos); XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines(XtDisplay(toplevel), vidtune->screen, &vidtune->num_infos, &vidtune->infos); XmuSnprintf(menuName, sizeof(menuName), "menu%d", menuN); menuN = !menuN; if (menu) XtDestroyWidget(menu); menu = XtCreatePopupShell(menuName, simpleMenuWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtVaSetValues(mode, XtNmenuName, menuName, NULL, 0); for (i = 0; i < vidtune->num_infos; i++) { Widget sme; if ((double)vidtune->infos[i]->htotal && (double)vidtune->infos[i]->vtotal) XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%dx%d @ %d Hz", vidtune->infos[i]->hdisplay, vidtune->infos[i]->vdisplay, (int)((double)vidtune->infos[i]->dotclock / (double)vidtune->infos[i]->htotal * 1000.0 / (double)vidtune->infos[i]->vtotal)); else XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%dx%d", vidtune->infos[i]->hdisplay, vidtune->infos[i]->vdisplay); sme = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, smeBSBObjectClass, menu, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(sme, XtNcallback, SelectCallback, (XtPointer)vidtune->infos[i]); } if (modeline.htotal && modeline.vtotal) XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%dx%d @ %d Hz", modeline.hdisplay, modeline.vdisplay, (int)((double)dot_clock / (double)modeline.htotal * 1000.0 / (double)modeline.vtotal)); else XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%dx%d", modeline.hdisplay, modeline.vdisplay); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, label); XtSetValues(mode, args, 1); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ static Boolean _XawCvtPixelToString(Display *dpy, XrmValue *args, Cardinal *num_args, XrmValue *fromVal, XrmValue *toVal, XtPointer *converter_data) { static char buffer[19]; Cardinal size; Colormap colormap; XColor color; if (*num_args != 1) { XtAppWarningMsg(XtDisplayToApplicationContext(dpy), XtNwrongParameters, "cvtPixelToString", XtCToolkitError, "Pixel to String conversion needs colormap argument", NULL, NULL); return (False); } colormap = *(Colormap *)args[0].addr; color.pixel = *(Pixel *)fromVal->addr; /* Note: * If we know the visual type, we can calculate the xcolor * without asking Xlib. */ XQueryColor(dpy, colormap, &color); XmuSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "rgb:%04hx/%04hx/%04hx",,,; size = strlen(buffer) + 1; string_done(buffer); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ Boolean XmuCvtLongToString(Display *dpy, XrmValuePtr args, Cardinal *num_args, XrmValuePtr fromVal, XrmValuePtr toVal, XtPointer *data) { static char buffer[32]; size_t size; if (*num_args != 0) XtWarning("Long to String conversion needs no extra arguments"); XmuSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%ld", *(long *)fromVal->addr); size = strlen(buffer) + 1; if (toVal->addr != NULL) { if (toVal->size < size) { toVal->size = size; return (False); } strcpy((char *)toVal->addr, buffer); } else toVal->addr = (XPointer)buffer; toVal->size = sizeof(String); return (True); }
static void EventLoop(Display *dpy, Window win, GC gc) { XEvent ev; while (1) { XNextEvent( dpy, &ev ); switch (ev.type) { case ReparentNotify: break; case MapNotify: break; case ConfigureNotify: case Expose: { int numScreens, count, i; DMXWindowAttributes *winInfo; int x, y; const char *msg = "DMX window info:"; DMXGetScreenCount(dpy, &numScreens); winInfo = (DMXWindowAttributes *) malloc(numScreens * sizeof(DMXWindowAttributes)); assert(winInfo); if (!DMXGetWindowAttributes(dpy, win, &count, numScreens, winInfo)) { printf("Could not get window information for 0x%08lx\n", (long unsigned)win); } x = y = 50; XClearWindow(dpy, win); XDrawString(dpy, win, gc, x, y, msg, strlen(msg)); y += 20; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { char str[500]; XmuSnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "screen %d: pos: %dx%d+%d+%d visible: %dx%d+%d+%d", winInfo[i].screen, winInfo[i].pos.width, winInfo[i].pos.height, winInfo[i].pos.x, winInfo[i].pos.y, winInfo[i].vis.width, winInfo[i].vis.height, winInfo[i].vis.x, winInfo[i].vis.y); XDrawString(dpy, win, gc, x, y, str, strlen(str)); y += 20; } free(winInfo); } break; default: printf("Event type 0x%x\n", ev.type); } } }
/*ARGSUSED*/ static void DoInsert(Widget w, XtPointer closure, XtPointer call_data) { TextWidget ctx = (TextWidget)closure; char buf[BUFSIZ], msg[BUFSIZ]; Widget temp_widget; (void)XmuSnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%s", FORM_NAME, TEXT_NAME); if ((temp_widget = XtNameToWidget(ctx->text.file_insert, buf)) == NULL) { (void)strcpy(msg, "Error: Could not get text widget from file insert popup"); } else if (InsertFileNamed((Widget)ctx, GetString(temp_widget))) { PopdownFileInsert(w, closure, call_data); return; } else (void)XmuSnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Error: %s", strerror(errno)); (void)SetResourceByName(ctx->text.file_insert, LABEL_NAME, XtNlabel, (XtArgVal)msg); XBell(XtDisplay(w), 0); }
int parser_range_to_string(char *str, parser_range *range, int nrange) { int i, len; if (str == NULL || range == NULL || nrange <= 0) return (0); for (i = len = 0; i < nrange; i++) { if (i > 0) len += XmuSnprintf(str + len, PARSER_RANGE_SIZE - len, "%s", ", "); if (range[i].lo == range[i].hi) len += XmuSnprintf(str + len, PARSER_RANGE_SIZE - len, "%g", range[i].lo); else if (range[i].lo < range[i].hi) len += XmuSnprintf(str + len, PARSER_RANGE_SIZE - len, "%g - %g", range[i].lo, range[i].hi); else return (0); } return (i); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ static Boolean _XawCvtCardinalToString(Display *dpy, XrmValue *args, Cardinal *num_args, XrmValue *fromVal, XrmValue *toVal, XtPointer *converter_data) { static char buffer[11]; Cardinal size; if (*num_args != 0) TypeToStringNoArgsWarning(dpy, XtRCardinal); XmuSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", *(Cardinal *)fromVal->addr); size = strlen(buffer) + 1; string_done(buffer); }
void XawTypeToStringWarning(Display *dpy, String type) { char fname[64]; String params[1]; Cardinal num_params; XmuSnprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "cvt%sToString", type); params[0] = type; num_params = 1; XtAppWarningMsg(XtDisplayToApplicationContext(dpy), XtNconversionError, fname, XtCToolkitError, "Cannot convert %s to String", params, &num_params); }
static void TypeToStringNoArgsWarning(Display *dpy, String type) { char fname[64]; String params[1]; Cardinal num_params; XmuSnprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "cvt%sToString", type); params[0] = type; num_params = 1; XtAppWarningMsg(XtDisplayToApplicationContext(dpy), XtNconversionError, fname, XtCToolkitError, "%s to String conversion needs no extra arguments", params, &num_params); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ static Boolean _XawCvtBooleanToString(Display *dpy, XrmValue *args, Cardinal *num_args, XrmValue *fromVal, XrmValue *toVal, XtPointer *converter_data) { static char buffer[6]; Cardinal size; if (*num_args != 0) TypeToStringNoArgsWarning(dpy, XtRBoolean); XmuSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", *(Boolean *)fromVal->addr ? XtEtrue : XtEfalse); size = strlen(buffer) + 1; string_done(buffer); }
static void StartFormatPosition(void) { char *fmt = app_resources.position_format; if (fmt) while (*fmt) if (*fmt++ == '%') { int len = 0; if (*fmt == '-') { ++fmt; ++len; } while (*fmt >= '0' && *fmt <= '9') { ++fmt; if (++len >= MAX_FMT_LEN) { XtAppWarning(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(topwindow), "Format too large to formatPosition"); position_format_mask = 0; return; } } switch (*fmt++) { case 'l': position_format_mask |= l_BIT; break; case 'c': position_format_mask |= c_BIT; break; case 'p': position_format_mask |= p_BIT; break; case 's': position_format_mask |= s_BIT; break; case '%': break; default: { char msg[256]; XmuSnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Unknown format \"%%%c\" in positionFormat", fmt[-1]); XtAppWarning(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(topwindow), msg); position_format_mask = 0; return; } } } }
static void XawSimpleClassPartInitialize(WidgetClass cclass) { SimpleWidgetClass c = (SimpleWidgetClass)cclass; SimpleWidgetClass super = (SimpleWidgetClass)c->core_class.superclass; if (c->simple_class.change_sensitive == NULL) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; (void)XmuSnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s Widget: The Simple Widget class method " "'change_sensitive' is undefined.\nA function " "must be defined or inherited.", c->core_class.class_name); XtWarning(buf); c->simple_class.change_sensitive = ChangeSensitive; } if (c->simple_class.change_sensitive == XtInheritChangeSensitive) c->simple_class.change_sensitive = super->simple_class.change_sensitive; }
/*ARGSUSED*/ static Boolean _XawCvtFontStructToString(Display *dpy, XrmValue *args, Cardinal *num_args, XrmValue *fromVal, XrmValue *toVal, XtPointer *converter_data) { static char buffer[128]; Cardinal size; Atom atom; unsigned long value; if (*num_args != 0) TypeToStringNoArgsWarning(dpy, XtRFontStruct); if ((atom = XInternAtom(dpy, "FONT", True)) == None) return (False); size = 0; if (XGetFontProperty(*(XFontStruct **)fromVal->addr, atom, &value)) { char *tmp = XGetAtomName(dpy, value); if (tmp) { XmuSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", tmp); size = strlen(tmp); XFree(tmp); } } if (size) { ++size; string_done(buffer); } XawTypeToStringWarning(dpy, XtRFontStruct); return (False); }
char * GetOptionDescription(char *module, char *option) { char *type; XrmValue value; char query[256]; unsigned char *ptr; InitializeOptionsDatabase(); XmuSnprintf(query, sizeof(query), "%s.%s", module, option); ptr = (unsigned char*)strchr(query, '.') + 1; for (; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '_' || *ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') memmove(ptr, ptr + 1, strlen((char*)ptr) + 1); } for (ptr = (unsigned char*)query; *ptr; ptr++) *ptr = tolower(*ptr); if (XrmGetResource(options_xrm, query, "Module.Option", &type, &value)) return ((char*)value.addr); return (NULL); }
static void SelectModuleOptionCallback(Widget w, XtPointer user_data, XtPointer call_data) { xf86cfgModuleOptions *mod = module_options; XawListReturnStruct *info = (XawListReturnStruct *)call_data; char *description = NULL, *type = "undefined"; char label[256]; if (module_sel && info->string) description = GetOptionDescription(module_sel, info->string); if (description == NULL) description = "** NO DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE **"; XtVaSetValues(desc, XtNstring, description, NULL); while (mod) { if (strcmp(module_sel, mod->name) == 0) break; mod = mod->next; } if (mod) { OptionInfoPtr opts = mod->option; while (opts && opts->name) { if (strcasecmp(opts->name, info->string) == 0) break; ++opts; } if (opts && opts->name && opts->type >= OPTV_NONE && opts->type <= OPTV_FREQ) type = types[opts->type]; } XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%s.%s (%s)", module_sel, info->string, type); XtVaSetValues(labelType, XtNlabel, label, NULL); }
/* * Implementation */ Bool VideoModeInitialize(void) { Widget form; char dispstr[128], *ptr, *tmp; static char *names[] = { NULL, NULL, "hsyncstart", "hsyncend", "htotal", "vsyncstart", "vsyncend", "vtotal", "flags", "clock", "hsync", "vsync", }; static char *vnames[] = { NULL, NULL, "v-hsyncstart", "v-hsyncend", "v-htotal", "v-vsyncstart", "v-vsyncend", "v-vtotal", "v-flags", "v-clock", "v-hsync", "v-vsync", }; Widget rep; int i; if (!XF86VidModeQueryVersion(XtDisplay(toplevel), &MajorVersion, &MinorVersion)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to query video extension version\n"); return (False); } else if (!XF86VidModeQueryExtension(XtDisplay(toplevel), &EventBase, &ErrorBase)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to query video extension information\n"); return (False); } else if (MajorVersion < MINMAJOR || (MajorVersion == MINMAJOR && MinorVersion < MINMINOR)) { fprintf(stderr, "Xserver is running an old XFree86-VidModeExtension version" " (%d.%d)\n", MajorVersion, MinorVersion); fprintf(stderr, "Minimum required version is %d.%d\n", MINMAJOR, MINMINOR); return (False); } else InitializeVidmodes(); vtune = XtCreateWidget("vidtune", formWidgetClass, work, NULL, 0); (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget("vesaB", menuButtonWidgetClass, vtune, XtNmenuName, "vesaP", NULL, 0); vesap = XtCreatePopupShell("vesaP", simpleMenuWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(vesamodes) / sizeof(vesamodes[0]); i++) { rep = XtCreateManagedWidget(vesamodes[i].ident, smeBSBObjectClass, vesap, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, AddVesaModeCallback, (XtPointer)&vesamodes[i]); } rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("prev", commandWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, SwitchCallback, (XtPointer)-1); mode = XtCreateManagedWidget("mode", menuButtonWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("next", commandWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, SwitchCallback, (XtPointer)1); screenp = XtCreatePopupShell("screenP", simpleMenuWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XmuSnprintf(dispstr, sizeof(dispstr), "%s", DisplayString(XtDisplay(toplevel))); ptr = strrchr(dispstr, '.'); tmp = strrchr(dispstr, ':'); if (tmp != NULL && ptr != NULL && ptr > tmp) *ptr = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(XtDisplay(toplevel)); i++) { char name[128]; XmuSnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%d", dispstr, i); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget(name, smeBSBObjectClass, screenp, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, ChangeScreenCallback, (XtPointer)(long)i); if (i == 0) { screenb = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("screenB", menuButtonWidgetClass, vtune, XtNmenuName, "screenP", XtNlabel, name, NULL, 0); } } XtRealizeWidget(screenp); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("up", repeaterWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstartCallback, StartAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, AdjustMonitorCallback, (XtPointer)UP); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstopCallback, EndAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("left", repeaterWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstartCallback, StartAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, AdjustMonitorCallback, (XtPointer)LEFT); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstopCallback, EndAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); XtCreateManagedWidget("monitor", simpleWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("right", repeaterWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstartCallback, StartAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, AdjustMonitorCallback, (XtPointer)RIGHT); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstopCallback, EndAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("down", repeaterWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstartCallback, StartAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, AdjustMonitorCallback, (XtPointer)DOWN); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstopCallback, EndAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("wider", repeaterWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstartCallback, StartAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, AdjustMonitorCallback, (XtPointer)WIDER); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstopCallback, EndAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("narrower", repeaterWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstartCallback, StartAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, AdjustMonitorCallback, (XtPointer)NARROWER); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstopCallback, EndAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("shorter", repeaterWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstartCallback, StartAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, AdjustMonitorCallback, (XtPointer)SHORTER); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstopCallback, EndAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("taller", repeaterWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstartCallback, StartAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, AdjustMonitorCallback, (XtPointer)TALLER); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNstopCallback, EndAdjustMonitorCallback, NULL); automatic = XtCreateManagedWidget("auto", toggleWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(automatic, XtNcallback, AutoCallback, NULL); apply = XtCreateManagedWidget("apply", commandWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(apply, XtNcallback, ApplyCallback, NULL); restore = XtCreateManagedWidget("restore", commandWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(restore, XtNcallback, RestoreCallback, NULL); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("update", commandWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, UpdateCallback, NULL); rep = XtCreateManagedWidget("test", commandWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(rep, XtNcallback, TestCallback, NULL); form = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); for (i = 2; i < VSYNC + 1; i++) { (void) XtCreateManagedWidget(names[i], labelWidgetClass, form, NULL, 0); values[i] = XtCreateManagedWidget(vnames[i], labelWidgetClass, form, NULL, 0); } add = XtCreateManagedWidget("add", commandWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(add, XtNcallback, AddModeCallback, NULL); XtCreateManagedWidget("addto", labelWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); monitorb = XtCreateManagedWidget("ident", menuButtonWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtCreateManagedWidget("as", labelWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); text = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("text", asciiTextWidgetClass, vtune, XtNeditType, XawtextEdit, NULL, 0); XtRealizeWidget(vtune); return (True); }
static XawTextProperty * _XawTextSinkAddProperty(XawTextPropertyList *list, XawTextProperty *property, Bool replace) { XawTextProperty *result; XColor color; char identifier[1024]; char foreground[16]; char background[16]; char *foundry, *family, *weight, *slant, *setwidth, *addstyle, *pixel_size, *point_size, *res_x, *res_y, *spacing, *avgwidth, *registry, *encoding; char *xlfd; static char *asterisk = "*", *null = ""; XrmQuark quark; if (list == NULL || property == NULL) return (NULL); if (property->mask & XAW_TPROP_FOREGROUND) { color.pixel = property->foreground; XQueryColor(DisplayOfScreen(list->screen), list->colormap, &color); XmuSnprintf(foreground, sizeof(foreground), "%04x%04x%04x",,,; } else strcpy(foreground, asterisk); if (property->mask & XAW_TPROP_BACKGROUND) { color.pixel = property->background; XQueryColor(DisplayOfScreen(list->screen), list->colormap, &color); XmuSnprintf(background, sizeof(background), "%04x%04x%04x",,,; } else strcpy(background, asterisk); if (property->xlfd_mask & XAW_TPROP_FOUNDRY) foundry = XrmQuarkToString(property->foundry); else foundry = asterisk; /* use default, or what was requested */ if (property->family != NULLQUARK) family = XrmQuarkToString(property->family); else family = asterisk; if (property->weight != NULLQUARK) weight = XrmQuarkToString(property->weight); else weight = asterisk; if (property->slant != NULLQUARK) { slant = XrmQuarkToString(property->slant); if (toupper(*slant) != 'R') slant = asterisk; /* X defaults to italics, so, don't care in resolving between `I' and `O' */ } else slant = asterisk; if (property->xlfd_mask & XAW_TPROP_SETWIDTH) setwidth = XrmQuarkToString(property->setwidth); else setwidth = asterisk; if (property->xlfd_mask & XAW_TPROP_ADDSTYLE) addstyle = XrmQuarkToString(property->addstyle); else addstyle = null; /* use default, or what was requested */ if (!(property->mask & XAW_TPROP_POINTSIZE) && property->pixel_size != NULLQUARK) pixel_size = XrmQuarkToString(property->pixel_size); else pixel_size = asterisk; if (property->xlfd_mask & XAW_TPROP_POINTSIZE) point_size = XrmQuarkToString(property->point_size); else point_size = asterisk; if (property->xlfd_mask & XAW_TPROP_RESX) res_x = XrmQuarkToString(property->res_x); else res_x = asterisk; if (property->xlfd_mask & XAW_TPROP_RESY) res_y = XrmQuarkToString(property->res_y); else res_y = asterisk; if (property->xlfd_mask & XAW_TPROP_SPACING) spacing = XrmQuarkToString(property->spacing); else spacing = asterisk; if (property->xlfd_mask & XAW_TPROP_AVGWIDTH) avgwidth = XrmQuarkToString(property->avgwidth); else avgwidth = asterisk; /* use default, or what that was requested */ if (property->registry != NULLQUARK) registry = XrmQuarkToString(property->registry); else registry = asterisk; if (property->encoding != NULLQUARK) encoding = XrmQuarkToString(property->encoding); else encoding = asterisk; if (replace) { result = XtNew(XawTextProperty); memcpy(result, property, sizeof(XawTextProperty)); } else result = property; /* XXX should do the best to load a suitable font here */ if (!(result->mask & XAW_TPROP_FONT)) { XmuSnprintf(identifier, sizeof(identifier), "-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", foundry, family, weight, slant, setwidth, addstyle, pixel_size, point_size, res_x, res_y, spacing, avgwidth, registry, encoding); if ((result->font = XLoadQueryFont(DisplayOfScreen(list->screen), identifier)) != NULL) { result->mask |= XAW_TPROP_FONT; SetXlfdDefaults(DisplayOfScreen(list->screen), result); } else result->mask &= ~XAW_TPROP_FONT; } if (result->font) xlfd = XrmQuarkToString(result->xlfd); else xlfd = null; XmuSnprintf(identifier, sizeof(identifier), "%08lx%08lx%s%s%d%d%d%d%s", property->mask, property->xlfd_mask, foreground, background, (result->mask & XAW_TPROP_UNDERLINE) != 0, (result->mask & XAW_TPROP_OVERSTRIKE) != 0, (result->mask & XAW_TPROP_SUBSCRIPT) != 0, (result->mask & XAW_TPROP_SUPERSCRIPT) != 0, xlfd); quark = XrmStringToQuark(identifier); if (result->identifier == NULLQUARK) result->identifier = quark; result->code = quark; if ((property = _XawTextSinkGetProperty(list, result->identifier)) != NULL) { if (result->font) XFreeFont(DisplayOfScreen(list->screen), result->font); if (replace) XtFree((XtPointer)result); return (property); } list->properties = (XawTextProperty**) XtRealloc((XtPointer)list->properties, sizeof(XawTextProperty*) * (list->num_properties + 1)); list->properties[list->num_properties++] = result; qsort((void*)list->properties, list->num_properties, sizeof(XawTextProperty*), qcmp_qident); return (result); }
/* * version that reads pixmap data as well as bitmap data */ Pixmap XmuLocatePixmapFile(Screen *screen, _Xconst char *name, unsigned long fore, unsigned long back, unsigned int depth, char *srcname, int srcnamelen, int *widthp, int *heightp, int *xhotp, int *yhotp) { #ifndef BITMAPDIR #define BITMAPDIR "/usr/include/X11/bitmaps" #endif Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); Window root = RootWindowOfScreen (screen); Bool try_plain_name = True; XmuCvtCache *cache = _XmuCCLookupDisplay (dpy); char **file_paths = (char **) NULL; char filename[PATH_MAX]; #if 0 char* bitmapdir = BITMAPDIR; #endif unsigned int width, height; int xhot, yhot; int i; /* * look in cache for bitmap path */ if (cache) { if (!cache->string_to_bitmap.bitmapFilePath) { XrmName xrm_name[2]; XrmClass xrm_class[2]; XrmRepresentation rep_type; XrmValue value; xrm_name[0] = XrmPermStringToQuark ("bitmapFilePath"); xrm_name[1] = NULLQUARK; xrm_class[0] = XrmPermStringToQuark ("BitmapFilePath"); xrm_class[1] = NULLQUARK; if (!XrmGetDatabase(dpy)) { /* what a hack; need to initialize it */ (void) XGetDefault (dpy, "", ""); } if (XrmQGetResource (XrmGetDatabase(dpy), xrm_name, xrm_class, &rep_type, &value) && rep_type == XrmPermStringToQuark("String")) { cache->string_to_bitmap.bitmapFilePath = split_path_string (value.addr); } } file_paths = cache->string_to_bitmap.bitmapFilePath; } /* * Search order: * 1. name if it begins with / or ./ * 2. "each prefix in file_paths"/name * 3. BITMAPDIR/name * 4. name if didn't begin with / or . */ for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { char *fn = filename; Pixmap pixmap; unsigned char *data; switch (i) { case 1: #ifndef __UNIXOS2__ if (!(name[0] == '/' || ((name[0] == '.') && name[1] == '/'))) #else if (!(name[0] == '/' || (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '/') || (isalpha(name[0]) && name[1] == ':'))) #endif continue; fn = (char *) name; try_plain_name = False; break; case 2: if (file_paths && *file_paths) { XmuSnprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", *file_paths, name); file_paths++; i--; break; } continue; case 3: XmuSnprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", BITMAPDIR, name); break; case 4: if (!try_plain_name) continue; fn = (char *) name; break; } data = NULL; pixmap = None; #ifdef __UNIXOS2__ fn = (char*)__XOS2RedirRoot(fn); #endif if (XmuReadBitmapDataFromFile (fn, &width, &height, &data, &xhot, &yhot) == BitmapSuccess) { pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (dpy, root, (char *) data, width, height, fore, back, depth); XFree ((char *)data); } if (pixmap) { if (widthp) *widthp = (int)width; if (heightp) *heightp = (int)height; if (xhotp) *xhotp = xhot; if (yhotp) *yhotp = yhot; if (srcname && srcnamelen > 0) { strncpy (srcname, fn, srcnamelen - 1); srcname[srcnamelen - 1] = '\0'; } return pixmap; } } return None; }
void VideoModeConfigureStart(void) { vidtune = computer.vidmodes[screenno]; XtSetSensitive(vtune, vidtune != NULL); if (!XtIsManaged(vtune)) XtManageChild(vtune); else XtMapWidget(vtune); if (vidtune != NULL) { Arg args[1]; Boolean state; XF86ConfMonitorPtr mon; static char menuName[16]; static int menuN; XtErrorFunc = XSetErrorHandler(VidmodeError); XF86VidModeLockModeSwitch(XtDisplay(toplevel), vidtune->screen, True); GetModeLine(True); GetModes(); SetLabels(); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstate, &state); XtGetValues(automatic, args, 1); XtSetSensitive(apply, !state); autoflag = state; if (monitor) XtDestroyWidget(monitor); XmuSnprintf(menuName, sizeof(menuName), "menuP%d", menuN); menuN = !menuN; monitor = XtCreatePopupShell(menuName, simpleMenuWidgetClass, vtune, NULL, 0); XtVaSetValues(monitorb, XtNmenuName, menuName, NULL, 0); mon = XF86Config->conf_monitor_lst; while (mon != NULL) { Widget sme = XtCreateManagedWidget(mon->mon_identifier, smeBSBObjectClass, monitor, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(sme, XtNcallback, SelectMonitorCallback, (XtPointer)mon); /* guess the monitor at a given screen and/or * updates configuration if a monitor was removed from the * configuration. */ if (XF86Config->conf_layout_lst) { XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr adj = XF86Config->conf_layout_lst-> lay_adjacency_lst; while (adj != NULL) { if (adj->adj_screen != NULL) { if (adj->adj_screen->scrn_monitor == mon && adj->adj_scrnum >= 0 && adj->adj_scrnum < ScreenCount(XtDisplay(toplevel))) { if (computer.vidmodes[adj->adj_scrnum]->monitor == NULL || computer.vidmodes[adj->adj_scrnum]-> monitor == adj->adj_screen->scrn_monitor) { computer.vidmodes[adj->adj_scrnum]->monitor = adj->adj_screen->scrn_monitor; break; } else computer.vidmodes[adj->adj_scrnum]->monitor = NULL; } } adj = (XF86ConfAdjacencyPtr)(adj->; } } mon = (XF86ConfMonitorPtr)(mon->; } SetLabelAndModeline(); } }
static void SetLabel(int ident, int value) { Arg args[1]; char label[256]; if (ident == FLAGS) { int len = 0; *label = '\0'; if (value & V_PHSYNC) len += XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%s", "+hsync"); if (modeline.flags & V_NHSYNC) len += XmuSnprintf(label + len, sizeof(label), "%s%s", len ? " " : "", "-hsync"); if (value & V_PVSYNC) len += XmuSnprintf(label + len, sizeof(label), "%s%s", len ? " " : "", "+vsync"); if (value & V_NVSYNC) len += XmuSnprintf(label + len, sizeof(label), "%s%s", len ? " " : "", "-vsync"); if (value & V_INTERLACE) len += XmuSnprintf(label + len, sizeof(label), "%s%s", len ? " " : "", "interlace"); if (value & V_CSYNC) len += XmuSnprintf(label + len, sizeof(label), "%s%s", len ? " " : "", "composite"); if (value & V_PCSYNC) len += XmuSnprintf(label + len, sizeof(label), "%s%s", len ? " " : "", "+csync"); if (value & V_NCSYNC) len += XmuSnprintf(label + len, sizeof(label), "%s%s", len ? " " : "", "-csync"); if (value & V_DBLSCAN) len += XmuSnprintf(label + len, sizeof(label), "%s%s", len ? " " : "", "doublescan"); } else if (ident == CLOCK || ident == HSYNC || ident == VSYNC) XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%6.2f", (float)value / 1000.0); else XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%d", value); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, label); XtSetValues(values[ident], args, 1); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ static void PositionChanged(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { int idx; XawTextPositionInfo *info = (XawTextPositionInfo*)call_data; for (idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++) if (w == texts[idx]) break; if (idx > 2) return; if (((position_format_mask & l_BIT) && infos[idx].line_number != info->line_number) || ((position_format_mask & c_BIT) && infos[idx].column_number != info->column_number) || ((position_format_mask & p_BIT) && infos[idx].insert_position != info->insert_position) || ((position_format_mask & s_BIT) && infos[idx].last_position != info->last_position) || infos[idx].overwrite_mode != info->overwrite_mode) { int len = 6; Arg args[1]; char buffer[256], *str = app_resources.position_format; char fmt_buf[MAX_FMT_LEN + 2], *fmt; memcpy(&infos[idx], info, sizeof(XawTextPositionInfo)); if (info->overwrite_mode) strcpy(buffer, "Ovrwt "); else strcpy(buffer, " "); while (*str) { switch (*str) { case '%': fmt = fmt_buf; *fmt++ = *str++; if (*str == '-') *fmt++ = *str++; /*CONSTCOND*/ while (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9') { /* StartPositionFormat() already checked the format * length. */ *fmt++ = *str++; } *fmt++ = 'd'; *fmt = '\0'; switch (*str) { case 'l': XmuSnprintf(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer) - len, fmt_buf, info->line_number); break; case 'c': XmuSnprintf(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer) - len, fmt_buf, info->column_number); break; case 'p': XmuSnprintf(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer) - len, fmt_buf, info->insert_position); break; case 's': XmuSnprintf(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer) - len, fmt_buf, info->last_position); break; case '%': strcpy(&buffer[len], "%"); break; } len += strlen(&buffer[len]); break; default: buffer[len++] = *str; break; } if (len >= sizeof(buffer) - 1) break; ++str; } buffer[len] = '\0'; XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, buffer); XtSetValues(positions[idx], args, 1); } }
/* * XmuPrintDefaultErrorMessage - print a nice error that looks like the usual * message. Returns 1 if the caller should consider exitting else 0. */ int XmuPrintDefaultErrorMessage(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *event, FILE *fp) { char buffer[BUFSIZ]; char mesg[BUFSIZ]; char number[32]; _Xconst char *mtype = "XlibMessage"; register _XExtension *ext = (_XExtension *)NULL; _XExtension *bext = (_XExtension *)NULL; XGetErrorText(dpy, event->error_code, buffer, BUFSIZ); XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "XError", "X Error", mesg, BUFSIZ); (void) fprintf(fp, "%s: %s\n ", mesg, buffer); XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "MajorCode", "Request Major code %d", mesg, BUFSIZ); (void) fprintf(fp, mesg, event->request_code); if (event->request_code < 128) { XmuSnprintf(number, sizeof(number), "%d", event->request_code); XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, "XRequest", number, "", buffer, BUFSIZ); } else { /* XXX this is non-portable */ for (ext = dpy->ext_procs; ext && (ext->codes.major_opcode != event->request_code); ext = ext->next) ; if (ext) XmuSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", ext->name); else buffer[0] = '\0'; } (void) fprintf(fp, " (%s)", buffer); fputs("\n ", fp); if (event->request_code >= 128) { XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "MinorCode", "Request Minor code %d", mesg, BUFSIZ); (void) fprintf(fp, mesg, event->minor_code); if (ext) { XmuSnprintf(mesg, sizeof(mesg), "%s.%d", ext->name, event->minor_code); XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, "XRequest", mesg, "", buffer, BUFSIZ); (void) fprintf(fp, " (%s)", buffer); } fputs("\n ", fp); } if (event->error_code >= 128) { /* kludge, try to find the extension that caused it */ buffer[0] = '\0'; for (ext = dpy->ext_procs; ext; ext = ext->next) { if (ext->error_string) (*ext->error_string)(dpy, event->error_code, &ext->codes, buffer, BUFSIZ); if (buffer[0]) { bext = ext; break; } if (ext->codes.first_error && ext->codes.first_error < event->error_code && (!bext || ext->codes.first_error > bext->codes.first_error)) bext = ext; } if (bext) XmuSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s.%d", bext->name, event->error_code - bext->codes.first_error); else strcpy(buffer, "Value"); XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, buffer, "", mesg, BUFSIZ); if (mesg[0]) { fputs(" ", fp); (void) fprintf(fp, mesg, event->resourceid); fputs("\n", fp); } /* let extensions try to print the values */ for (ext = dpy->ext_procs; ext; ext = ext->next) { if (ext->error_values) (*ext->error_values)(dpy, event, fp); } } else if ((event->error_code == BadWindow) || (event->error_code == BadPixmap) || (event->error_code == BadCursor) || (event->error_code == BadFont) || (event->error_code == BadDrawable) || (event->error_code == BadColor) || (event->error_code == BadGC) || (event->error_code == BadIDChoice) || (event->error_code == BadValue) || (event->error_code == BadAtom)) { if (event->error_code == BadValue) XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "Value", "Value 0x%x", mesg, BUFSIZ); else if (event->error_code == BadAtom) XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "AtomID", "AtomID 0x%x", mesg, BUFSIZ); else XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "ResourceID", "ResourceID 0x%x", mesg, BUFSIZ); (void) fprintf(fp, mesg, event->resourceid); fputs("\n ", fp); } XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "ErrorSerial", "Error Serial #%d", mesg, BUFSIZ); (void) fprintf(fp, mesg, event->serial); fputs("\n ", fp); XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "CurrentSerial", "Current Serial #%d", mesg, BUFSIZ); (void) fprintf(fp, mesg, NextRequest(dpy)-1); fputs("\n", fp); if (event->error_code == BadImplementation) return 0; return 1; }
void ReadCardsDatabase(void) { #ifdef USE_MODULES if (!nomodules) { int i, j, ivendor, idevice; char name[256]; _Xconst char *vendor, *device; CardsEntry *entry = NULL, *tmp; xf86cfgModuleOptions *opts = module_options; const pciDeviceInfo **pDev; /* Only list cards that have a driver installed */ while (opts) { if (opts->chipsets) { SymTabPtr chips = opts->chipsets; while (chips->name) { vendor = opts->name; device = chips->name; ivendor = (chips->token & 0xffff0000) >> 16; idevice = chips->token & 0xffff0; if (ivendor == 0) ivendor = opts->vendor; if (xf86PCIVendorInfo) { for (i = 0; xf86PCIVendorInfo[i].VendorName; i++) if (ivendor == xf86PCIVendorInfo[i].VendorID) { vendor = xf86PCIVendorInfo[i].VendorName; break; } if (xf86PCIVendorInfo[i].VendorName) { if ((pDev = xf86PCIVendorInfo[i].Device)) { for (j = 0; pDev[j]; j++) if (idevice == pDev[j]->DeviceID) { device = pDev[j]->DeviceName; break; } } } } /* Since frequently there is more than one driver for a * single vendor, it is required to avoid duplicates. */ XmuSnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s %s", vendor, device); tmp = LookupCard(name); if (tmp == NULL || strcmp(tmp->chipset, chips->name) || strcmp(tmp->driver, opts->name)) { entry = (CardsEntry*)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(CardsEntry)); if (NumCardsEntry % 16 == 0) { CardsDB = (CardsEntry**)XtRealloc((XtPointer)CardsDB, sizeof(CardsEntry*) * (NumCardsEntry + 16)); } CardsDB[NumCardsEntry++] = entry; entry->name = XtNewString(name); /* XXX no private copy of strings */ entry->chipset = (char*)chips->name; entry->driver = opts->name; /* better than linear searchs to find duplicates */ qsort(CardsDB, NumCardsEntry, sizeof(CardsEntry*), CompareCards); } ++chips; } } opts = opts->next; }
/* * Implementation */ XtPointer MonitorConfig(XtPointer conf) { XF86ConfMonitorPtr monitor = (XF86ConfMonitorPtr)conf; char monitor_name[48]; Arg args[1]; current_monitor = monitor; xf86info.cur_list = MONITOR; XtSetSensitive(back, xf86info.lists[MONITOR].cur_function > 0); XtSetSensitive(next, xf86info.lists[MONITOR].cur_function < xf86info.lists[MONITOR].num_functions - 1); (xf86info.lists[MONITOR].functions[xf86info.lists[MONITOR].cur_function]) (&xf86info); XawListUnhighlight(hlist); XawListUnhighlight(vlist); if (monitor != NULL) { XF86ConfScreenPtr screen = XF86Config->conf_screen_lst; char str[PARSER_RANGE_SIZE]; XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, monitor->mon_identifier); XtSetValues(ident_widget, args, 1); while (screen != NULL) { if (screen->scrn_monitor == monitor) break; screen = (XF86ConfScreenPtr)(screen->; } if (screen != NULL) { oldcard = card = screen->scrn_device; XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, card->dev_identifier); } else { oldcard = card = NULL; XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, ""); } XtSetValues(cmenu, args, 1); mon_n_hsync = monitor->mon_n_hsync; memcpy(mon_hsync, monitor->mon_hsync, sizeof(parser_range) * mon_n_hsync); *str = '\0'; parser_range_to_string(str, mon_hsync, mon_n_hsync); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, str); XtSetValues(hsync, args, 1); mon_n_vrefresh = monitor->mon_n_vrefresh; memcpy(mon_vrefresh, monitor->mon_vrefresh, sizeof(parser_range) * mon_n_vrefresh); *str = '\0'; parser_range_to_string(str, mon_vrefresh, mon_n_vrefresh); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, str); XtSetValues(vsync, args, 1); } else { XF86ConfMonitorPtr monitor = XF86Config->conf_monitor_lst; int nmonitors = 0; oldcard = card = NULL; while (monitor != NULL) { ++nmonitors; monitor = (XF86ConfMonitorPtr)(monitor->; } do { XmuSnprintf(monitor_name, sizeof(monitor_name), "Monitor%d", nmonitors); ++nmonitors; } while (xf86findMonitor(monitor_name, XF86Config->conf_monitor_lst)); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, monitor_name); XtSetValues(ident_widget, args, 1); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, ""); XtSetValues(hsync, args, 1); XtSetValues(vsync, args, 1); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, ""); XtSetValues(cmenu, args, 1); } if (ConfigLoop(MonitorConfigCheck) == True) { if (monitor == NULL) { monitor = (XF86ConfMonitorPtr) XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XF86ConfMonitorRec)); monitor->mon_identifier = XtNewString(ident_string); } memcpy(monitor->mon_hsync, mon_hsync, sizeof(parser_range) * (monitor->mon_n_hsync = mon_n_hsync)); memcpy(monitor->mon_vrefresh, mon_vrefresh, sizeof(parser_range) * (monitor->mon_n_vrefresh = mon_n_vrefresh)); if (strcasecmp(monitor->mon_identifier, ident_string)) xf86renameMonitor(XF86Config, monitor, ident_string); if (oldcard != card) { int i; for (i = 0; i < computer.num_devices; i++) if (computer.devices[i]->widget == config) break; if (computer.devices[i]->config == NULL) XF86Config->conf_monitor_lst = xf86addMonitor(XF86Config->conf_monitor_lst, monitor); computer.devices[i]->config = (XtPointer)monitor; ChangeScreen(monitor, monitor, card, oldcard); DrawCables(); } return (monitor); } return (NULL); }
/*ARGUSED*/ static Bool EnumDatabase(XrmDatabase *db, XrmBindingList bindings, XrmQuarkList quarks, XrmRepresentation *type, XrmValue *value, XPointer closure) { char *module = XrmQuarkToString(quarks[0]), *option = XrmQuarkToString(quarks[1]); /* handle *.Option: value */ if (module && option == NULL) { option = module; module = "*"; } /* * NOTE: If the Options file is changed to support any other format than * * Module.Option: description text * * this code will also need to be updated. */ if (module) { XrmValue xrm; char *type, *value, query[256]; XmuSnprintf(query, sizeof(query), "%s.%s", module, option); if (XrmGetResource(options_xrm, query, "Module.Option", &type, &xrm)) value = (char*)xrm.addr; else value = NULL; if (value) { char *norm; unsigned char *ptr; int position; int length = strlen(module) + strlen(option) + strlen(value) + 4; rebuild_xrm.string = XtRealloc(rebuild_xrm.string, rebuild_xrm.offset + length); position = rebuild_xrm.offset + sprintf(rebuild_xrm.string + rebuild_xrm.offset, "%s.%s:", module, option); /* removes underlines and spaces */ norm = strchr(rebuild_xrm.string + rebuild_xrm.offset, '.') + 1; for (; *norm; norm++) { if (*norm == '_' || *norm == ' ' || *norm == '\t') { memmove(norm, norm + 1, strlen(norm) + 1); --position; --length; } } for (ptr = (unsigned char*)rebuild_xrm.string + rebuild_xrm.offset; *ptr; ptr++) *ptr = tolower(*ptr); sprintf(rebuild_xrm.string + position, "%s\n", value); rebuild_xrm.offset += length - 1; } } return (False); }
void OptionsPopup(XF86OptionPtr *opts) #endif { static int first = 1; #ifdef USE_MODULES static Widget button, menu; static char label[256], menuName[16]; Widget sme; char buf[256]; int i = 0; Arg args[1]; static int menuN; #endif option_str = NULL; options = opts; if (first) { Widget pane, form, viewport, bottom, popdown; first = 0; if (optionsShell == NULL) CreateOptionsShell(); pane = XtCreateManagedWidget("pane", panedWidgetClass, optionsShell, NULL, 0); form = XtCreateManagedWidget("commands", formWidgetClass, pane, NULL, 0); add = XtCreateManagedWidget("add", commandWidgetClass, form, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(add, XtNcallback, AddOption, NULL); remov = XtCreateManagedWidget("remove", commandWidgetClass, form, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(remov, XtNcallback, RemoveOption, NULL); update = XtCreateManagedWidget("update", commandWidgetClass, form, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(update, XtNcallback, UpdateOption, NULL); #ifdef USE_MODULES if (!nomodules) { Widget command; command = XtCreateManagedWidget("help", commandWidgetClass, form, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(command, XtNcallback, ModuleOptionsPopup, NULL); } #endif form = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass, pane, NULL, 0); XtVaCreateManagedWidget("label1", labelWidgetClass, form, XtNlabel, " Option \"", NULL); name = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("name", asciiTextWidgetClass, form, XtNeditType, XawtextEdit, NULL); XtVaCreateManagedWidget("label2", labelWidgetClass, form, XtNlabel, "\" \"", NULL); value = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("value", asciiTextWidgetClass, form, XtNeditType, XawtextEdit, NULL); XtVaCreateManagedWidget("label3", labelWidgetClass, form, XtNlabel, "\" ", NULL); viewport = XtCreateManagedWidget("viewport", viewportWidgetClass, form, NULL, 0); list = XtCreateManagedWidget("list", listWidgetClass, viewport, NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(list, XtNcallback, SelectOptionCallback, NULL); bottom = XtCreateManagedWidget("bottom", formWidgetClass, pane, NULL, 0); #ifdef USE_MODULES if (!nomodules) button = XtCreateManagedWidget("driverOpts", menuButtonWidgetClass, bottom, NULL, 0); #endif popdown = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("popdown", commandWidgetClass, bottom, NULL); #ifdef USE_MODULES if (!nomodules) XtVaSetValues(popdown, XtNfromHoriz, button, NULL); #endif XtAddCallback(popdown, XtNcallback, PopdownCallback, NULL); XtRealizeWidget(optionsShell); XSetWMProtocols(DPY, XtWindow(optionsShell), &wm_delete_window, 1); #ifdef USE_MODULES if (!nomodules) { char *str; XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, &str); XtGetValues(button, args, 1); XmuSnprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%s", str); } #endif } #ifdef USE_MODULES if (!nomodules) { if (menu) XtDestroyWidget(menu); XmuSnprintf(menuName, sizeof(menuName), "optionM%d", menuN); menuN = !menuN; menu = XtCreatePopupShell(menuName, simpleMenuWidgetClass, button, NULL, 0); XtVaSetValues(button, XtNmenuName, menuName, NULL); if (drv_opts) { int len, longest = 0; char fmt[32]; for (i = 0; drv_opts[i].name != NULL; i++) { len = strlen(drv_opts[i].name); if (len > longest) longest = len; } XmuSnprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "%c-%ds %%s", '%', longest); for (; drv_opts->name != NULL; drv_opts++) { char *type; if (drv_opts->type >= OPTV_NONE && drv_opts->type <= OPTV_FREQ) type = types[drv_opts->type]; else type = "UNKNOWN"; XmuSnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, drv_opts->name, type); sme = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(drv_opts->name, smeBSBObjectClass, menu, XtNlabel, buf, NULL); XtAddCallback(sme, XtNcallback, AddDriverOption, (XtPointer)drv_opts); } } if (i) { xf86cfgModuleOptions *mod = module_options; while (mod) { if (strcmp(mod->name, driver) == 0) { /* don't assign to driver, as it may be a temp string */ module_sel = mod->name; break; } mod = mod->next; } XmuSnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", label, driver); XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, buf); XtSetValues(button, args, 1); XtMapWidget(button); } else XtUnmapWidget(button); } #endif UpdateOptionList(); popped = True; XtPopup(optionsShell, XtGrabExclusive); while (popped) XtAppProcessEvent(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(optionsShell), XtIMAll); }