Exemple #1
static void PrintBlockSplitPoints(const unsigned short* litlens,
                                  const unsigned short* dists,
                                  size_t llsize, const size_t* lz77splitpoints,
                                  size_t nlz77points) {
  size_t* splitpoints = 0;
  size_t npoints = 0;
  size_t i;
  size_t pos = 0;
  /* The input is given as lz77 indices, but we want to see the uncompressed
  index values. */
  if (nlz77points > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < llsize; i++) {
      size_t length = dists[i] == 0 ? 1 : litlens[i];
      if (lz77splitpoints[npoints] == i) {
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(pos, &splitpoints, &npoints);
        if (npoints == nlz77points) break;
      pos += length;
  assert(npoints == nlz77points);

Exemple #2
Prints the block split points as decimal and hex values in the terminal.
static void PrintBlockSplitPoints(const ZopfliLZ77Store* lz77,
                                  const size_t* lz77splitpoints,
                                  size_t nlz77points) {
  size_t* splitpoints = 0;
  size_t npoints = 0;
  size_t i;
  /* The input is given as lz77 indices, but we want to see the uncompressed
  index values. */
  size_t pos = 0;
  if (nlz77points > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < lz77->size; i++) {
      size_t length = lz77->dists[i] == 0 ? 1 : lz77->litlens[i];
      if (lz77splitpoints[npoints] == i) {
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(pos, &splitpoints, &npoints);
        if (npoints == nlz77points) break;
      pos += length;
  assert(npoints == nlz77points);

  fprintf(stderr, "block split points: ");
  for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%d ", (int)splitpoints[i]);
  fprintf(stderr, "(hex:");
  for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
    fprintf(stderr, " %x", (int)splitpoints[i]);
  fprintf(stderr, ")\n");

Exemple #3
void ZopfliBlockSplitSimple(size_t instart, size_t inend, size_t blocksize,
                            size_t** splitpoints, size_t* npoints, int verbose) {
  size_t i = instart>0? instart : blocksize;
  while (i < inend) {
    ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(i, splitpoints, npoints);
    i += blocksize;
  if(verbose>3) PrintPoints(splitpoints,npoints,0);
  if(verbose>2) fprintf(stderr, "Total blocks: %lu                 \n\n",(unsigned long)(*npoints+1));
Exemple #4
static void AddBits(unsigned symbol, unsigned length,
                    unsigned char* bp, unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize) {
  /* TODO(lode): make more efficient (add more bits at once). */
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    unsigned bit = (symbol >> i) & 1;
    if (*bp == 0) ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, out, outsize);
    (*out)[*outsize - 1] |= bit << *bp;
    *bp = (*bp + 1) & 7;
Exemple #5
void ZopfliBlockSplitSimple(const unsigned char* in,
                            size_t instart, size_t inend,
                            size_t blocksize,
                            size_t** splitpoints, size_t* npoints) {
  size_t i = instart;
  while (i < inend) {
    ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(i, splitpoints, npoints);
    i += blocksize;
Exemple #6
Adds bits, like AddBits, but the order is inverted. The deflate specification
uses both orders in one standard.
static void AddHuffmanBits(unsigned symbol, unsigned length,
                           unsigned char* bp, unsigned char** out,
                           size_t* outsize) {
  /* TODO(lode): make more efficient (add more bits at once). */
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    unsigned bit = (symbol >> (length - i - 1)) & 1;
    if (((*bp) & 7) == 0) ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, out, outsize);
    (*out)[*outsize - 1] |= bit << ((*bp) & 7);
Exemple #7
static void AddSorted(size_t value, size_t** out, size_t* outsize) {
  size_t i;
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(value, out, outsize);
  for (i = 0; i + 1 < *outsize; i++) {
    if ((*out)[i] > value) {
      size_t j;
      for (j = *outsize - 1; j > i; j--) {
        (*out)[j] = (*out)[j - 1];
      (*out)[i] = value;
Exemple #8
void ZopfliBlockSplit(const ZopfliOptions* options,
                      const unsigned char* in, size_t instart, size_t inend,
                      size_t maxblocks, size_t** splitpoints, size_t* npoints) {
  size_t pos = 0;
  size_t i;
  ZopfliBlockState s;
  size_t* lz77splitpoints = 0;
  size_t nlz77points = 0;
  ZopfliLZ77Store store;
  ZopfliHash hash;
  ZopfliHash* h = &hash;

  ZopfliInitLZ77Store(in, &store);
  ZopfliInitBlockState(options, instart, inend, 0, &s);
  ZopfliAllocHash(ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE, h);

  *npoints = 0;
  *splitpoints = 0;

  /* Unintuitively, Using a simple LZ77 method here instead of ZopfliLZ77Optimal
  results in better blocks. */
  ZopfliLZ77Greedy(&s, in, instart, inend, &store, h);

                       &store, maxblocks,
                       &lz77splitpoints, &nlz77points);

  /* Convert LZ77 positions to positions in the uncompressed input. */
  pos = instart;
  if (nlz77points > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < store.size; i++) {
      size_t length = store.dists[i] == 0 ? 1 : store.litlens[i];
      if (lz77splitpoints[*npoints] == i) {
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(pos, splitpoints, npoints);
        if (*npoints == nlz77points) break;
      pos += length;
  assert(*npoints == nlz77points);

Exemple #9
void ZopfliBlockSplit(const ZopfliOptions* options,
                      const unsigned char* in, size_t instart, size_t inend,
                      size_t maxblocks, size_t** splitpoints, size_t* npoints, size_t* startnpoints) {
  size_t pos = 0;
  size_t i;
  ZopfliBlockState s;
  size_t* lz77splitpoints = 0;
  size_t nlz77points = 0;
  ZopfliLZ77Store store;


  s.options = options;
  s.blockstart = instart;
  s.blockend = inend;
  s.lmc = 0;

  *npoints = 0;
  *splitpoints = 0;

  /* Unintuitively, Using a simple LZ77 method here instead of ZopfliLZ77Optimal
  results in better blocks. */
  ZopfliLZ77Greedy(&s, in, instart, inend, &store, options);
                       store.litlens, store.dists, store.size, maxblocks,
                       &lz77splitpoints, &nlz77points, *startnpoints);
  /* Convert LZ77 positions to positions in the uncompressed input. */
  pos = instart;
  if (nlz77points > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < store.size; i++) {
      size_t length = store.dists[i] == 0 ? 1 : store.litlens[i];
      if (lz77splitpoints[*npoints] == i) {
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(pos, splitpoints, npoints);
        if (*npoints == nlz77points) break;
      pos += length;
  assert(*npoints == nlz77points);

Exemple #10
void ZopfliZipCompress(const ZopfliOptions* options,
                        const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
                        unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
                        ZopfliPredefinedSplits* sp,
                        const ZopfliAdditionalData* moredata) {

  static const unsigned char filePKh[10]     = { 80, 75,  3,  4, 20,  0,  2,  0,  8,  0};
  static const unsigned char CDIRPKh[12]     = { 80, 75,  1,  2, 20,  0, 20,  0,  2,  0,  8,  0};
  static const unsigned char CDIRPKs[12]     = {  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 32,  0,  0,  0};
  static const unsigned char EndCDIRPKh[12]  = { 80, 75,  5,  6,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  1,  0};
  static const unsigned long defTimestamp    = 50;

  unsigned long crcvalue = CRC(in, insize);
  unsigned long i;
  char* tempfilename = NULL;
  const char* infilename = NULL;
  unsigned long fullsize = insize & 0xFFFFFFFFUL;
  unsigned long rawdeflsize = 0;
  unsigned char bp = 0;
  size_t max = 0;
  unsigned long cdirsize = 0;
  unsigned long cdiroffset;
  if(moredata==NULL) {
    tempfilename = Zmalloc(9 * sizeof(char*));
    sprintf(tempfilename,"%08lx",crcvalue & 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
    infilename = tempfilename;
  } else {
    infilename = moredata->filename;

 /* File PK STATIC DATA + CM */

  for(i=0;i<sizeof(filePKh);++i) ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(filePKh[i],out,outsize);

 /* MS-DOS TIME */
  if(moredata == NULL) {
    for(i=0;i<sizeof(defTimestamp);++i) ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(defTimestamp >> (i*8) % 256, out, outsize);
  } else {
    for(i=0;i<4;++i) ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA((moredata->timestamp >> (i*8)) % 256, out, outsize);
Exemple #11
bp = bitpointer, always in range [0, 7].
The outsize is number of necessary bytes to encode the bits.
Given the value of bp and the amount of bytes, the amount of bits represented
is not simply bytesize * 8 + bp because even representing one bit requires a
whole byte. It is: (bp == 0) ? (bytesize * 8) : ((bytesize - 1) * 8 + bp)
static void AddBit(int bit,
                   unsigned char* bp, unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize) {
  if (*bp == 0) ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, out, outsize);
  (*out)[*outsize - 1] |= bit << *bp;
  *bp = (*bp + 1) & 7;
Exemple #12
Encodes the Huffman tree and returns how many bits its encoding takes. If out
is a null pointer, only returns the size and runs faster.
static size_t EncodeTree(const unsigned* ll_lengths,
                         const unsigned* d_lengths,
                         int use_16, int use_17, int use_18,
                         unsigned char* bp,
                         unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize) {
  unsigned lld_total;  /* Total amount of literal, length, distance codes. */
  /* Runlength encoded version of lengths of litlen and dist trees. */
  unsigned* rle = 0;
  unsigned* rle_bits = 0;  /* Extra bits for rle values 16, 17 and 18. */
  size_t rle_size = 0;  /* Size of rle array. */
  size_t rle_bits_size = 0;  /* Should have same value as rle_size. */
  unsigned hlit = 29;  /* 286 - 257 */
  unsigned hdist = 29;  /* 32 - 1, but gzip does not like hdist > 29.*/
  unsigned hclen;
  unsigned hlit2;
  size_t i, j;
  size_t clcounts[19];
  unsigned clcl[19];  /* Code length code lengths. */
  unsigned clsymbols[19];
  /* The order in which code length code lengths are encoded as per deflate. */
  static const unsigned order[19] = {
    16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
  int size_only = !out;
  size_t result_size = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < 19; i++) clcounts[i] = 0;

  /* Trim zeros. */
  while (hlit > 0 && ll_lengths[257 + hlit - 1] == 0) hlit--;
  while (hdist > 0 && d_lengths[1 + hdist - 1] == 0) hdist--;
  hlit2 = hlit + 257;

  lld_total = hlit2 + hdist + 1;

  for (i = 0; i < lld_total; i++) {
    /* This is an encoding of a huffman tree, so now the length is a symbol */
    unsigned char symbol = i < hlit2 ? ll_lengths[i] : d_lengths[i - hlit2];
    unsigned count = 1;
    if(use_16 || (symbol == 0 && (use_17 || use_18))) {
      for (j = i + 1; j < lld_total && symbol ==
          (j < hlit2 ? ll_lengths[j] : d_lengths[j - hlit2]); j++) {
    i += count - 1;

    /* Repetitions of zeroes */
    if (symbol == 0 && count >= 3) {
      if (use_18) {
        while (count >= 11) {
          unsigned count2 = count > 138 ? 138 : count;
          if (!size_only) {
            ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(18, &rle, &rle_size);
            ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(count2 - 11, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
          count -= count2;
      if (use_17) {
        while (count >= 3) {
          unsigned count2 = count > 10 ? 10 : count;
          if (!size_only) {
            ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(17, &rle, &rle_size);
            ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(count2 - 3, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
          count -= count2;

    /* Repetitions of any symbol */
    if (use_16 && count >= 4) {
      count--;  /* Since the first one is hardcoded. */
      if (!size_only) {
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(symbol, &rle, &rle_size);
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
      while (count >= 3) {
        unsigned count2 = count > 6 ? 6 : count;
        if (!size_only) {
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(16, &rle, &rle_size);
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(count2 - 3, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
        count -= count2;

    /* No or insufficient repetition */
    clcounts[symbol] += count;
    while (count > 0) {
      if (!size_only) {
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(symbol, &rle, &rle_size);
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);

  ZopfliCalculateBitLengths(clcounts, 19, 7, clcl);
  if (!size_only) ZopfliLengthsToSymbols(clcl, 19, 7, clsymbols);

  hclen = 15;
  /* Trim zeros. */
  while (hclen > 0 && clcounts[order[hclen + 4 - 1]] == 0) hclen--;

  if (!size_only) {
    AddBits(hlit, 5, bp, out, outsize);
    AddBits(hdist, 5, bp, out, outsize);
    AddBits(hclen, 4, bp, out, outsize);

    for (i = 0; i < hclen + 4; i++) {
      AddBits(clcl[order[i]], 3, bp, out, outsize);

    for (i = 0; i < rle_size; i++) {
      unsigned symbol = clsymbols[rle[i]];
      AddHuffmanBits(symbol, clcl[rle[i]], bp, out, outsize);
      /* Extra bits. */
      if (rle[i] == 16) AddBits(rle_bits[i], 2, bp, out, outsize);
      else if (rle[i] == 17) AddBits(rle_bits[i], 3, bp, out, outsize);
      else if (rle[i] == 18) AddBits(rle_bits[i], 7, bp, out, outsize);

  result_size += 14;  /* hlit, hdist, hclen bits */
  result_size += (hclen + 4) * 3;  /* clcl bits */
  for(i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
    result_size += clcl[i] * clcounts[i];
  /* Extra bits. */
  result_size += clcounts[16] * 2;
  result_size += clcounts[17] * 3;
  result_size += clcounts[18] * 7;

  /* Note: in case of "size_only" these are null pointers so no effect. */

  return result_size;
Exemple #13
static void AddBit(int bit,
                   unsigned char* bp, unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize) {
  if (((*bp) & 7) == 0) ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, out, outsize);
  (*out)[*outsize - 1] |= bit << ((*bp) & 7);
Exemple #14
static void AddDynamicTree(const unsigned* ll_lengths,
                           const unsigned* d_lengths,
                           unsigned char* bp,
                           unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize) {
  unsigned* lld_lengths = 0;  /* All litlen and dist lengthts with ending zeros
      trimmed together in one array. */
  unsigned lld_total;  /* Size of lld_lengths. */
  unsigned* rle = 0;  /* Runlength encoded version of lengths of litlen and dist
      trees. */
  unsigned* rle_bits = 0;  /* Extra bits for rle values 16, 17 and 18. */
  size_t rle_size = 0;  /* Size of rle array. */
  size_t rle_bits_size = 0;  /* Should have same value as rle_size. */
  unsigned hlit = 29; /* 286 - 257 */
  unsigned hdist = 29;  /* 32 - 1, but gzip does not like hdist > 29.*/
  unsigned hclen;
  size_t i, j;
  size_t clcounts[19];
  unsigned clcl[19];  /* Code length code lengths. */
  unsigned clsymbols[19];
  /* The order in which code length code lengths are encoded as per deflate. */
  unsigned order[19] = {
    16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15

  /* Trim zeros. */
  while (hlit > 0 && ll_lengths[257 + hlit - 1] == 0) hlit--;
  while (hdist > 0 && d_lengths[1 + hdist - 1] == 0) hdist--;

  lld_total = hlit + 257 + hdist + 1;
  lld_lengths = (unsigned*)malloc(sizeof(*lld_lengths) * lld_total);
  if (!lld_lengths) exit(-1); /* Allocation failed. */

  for (i = 0; i < lld_total; i++) {
    lld_lengths[i] = i < 257 + hlit
        ? ll_lengths[i] : d_lengths[i - 257 - hlit];
    assert(lld_lengths[i] < 16);

  for (i = 0; i < lld_total; i++) {
    size_t count = 0;
    for (j = i; j < lld_total && lld_lengths[i] == lld_lengths[j]; j++) {
    if (count >= 4 || (count >= 3 && lld_lengths[i] == 0)) {
      if (lld_lengths[i] == 0) {
        if (count > 10) {
          if (count > 138) count = 138;
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(18, &rle, &rle_size);
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(count - 11, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
        } else {
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(17, &rle, &rle_size);
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(count - 3, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
      } else {
        unsigned repeat = count - 1;  /* Since the first one is hardcoded. */
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(lld_lengths[i], &rle, &rle_size);
        ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
        while (repeat >= 6) {
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(16, &rle, &rle_size);
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(6 - 3, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
          repeat -= 6;
        if (repeat >= 3) {
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(16, &rle, &rle_size);
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(3 - 3, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
          repeat -= 3;
        while (repeat != 0) {
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(lld_lengths[i], &rle, &rle_size);
          ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);

      i += count - 1;
    } else {
      ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(lld_lengths[i], &rle, &rle_size);
      ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, &rle_bits, &rle_bits_size);
    assert(rle[rle_size - 1] <= 18);

  for (i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
    clcounts[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < rle_size; i++) {

  ZopfliCalculateBitLengths(clcounts, 19, 7, clcl);
  ZopfliLengthsToSymbols(clcl, 19, 7, clsymbols);

  hclen = 15;
  /* Trim zeros. */
  while (hclen > 0 && clcounts[order[hclen + 4 - 1]] == 0) hclen--;

  AddBits(hlit, 5, bp, out, outsize);
  AddBits(hdist, 5, bp, out, outsize);
  AddBits(hclen, 4, bp, out, outsize);

  for (i = 0; i < hclen + 4; i++) {
    AddBits(clcl[order[i]], 3, bp, out, outsize);

  for (i = 0; i < rle_size; i++) {
    unsigned symbol = clsymbols[rle[i]];
    AddHuffmanBits(symbol, clcl[rle[i]], bp, out, outsize);
    /* Extra bits. */
    if (rle[i] == 16) AddBits(rle_bits[i], 2, bp, out, outsize);
    else if (rle[i] == 17) AddBits(rle_bits[i], 3, bp, out, outsize);
    else if (rle[i] == 18) AddBits(rle_bits[i], 7, bp, out, outsize);

Exemple #15
Appends the length and distance to the LZ77 arrays of the ZopfliLZ77Store.
context must be a ZopfliLZ77Store*.
void ZopfliStoreLitLenDist(unsigned short length, unsigned short dist,
                           ZopfliLZ77Store* store) {
  size_t size2 = store->size;  /* Needed for using ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA twice. */
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(length, &store->litlens, &store->size);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(dist, &store->dists, &size2);
Exemple #16
Compresses the data according to the gzip specification.
void ZopfliGzipCompress(const ZopfliOptions* options,
                        const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
                        unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize) {
  unsigned long crcvalue = lodepng_crc32(in, insize);
  unsigned char bp = 0;

  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(31, out, outsize);  /* ID1 */
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(139, out, outsize);  /* ID2 */
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(8, out, outsize);  /* CM */
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, out, outsize);  /* FLG */
  /* MTIME */
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, out, outsize);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, out, outsize);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, out, outsize);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(0, out, outsize);

  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(2, out, outsize);  /* XFL, 2 indicates best compression. */
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(3, out, outsize);  /* OS follows Unix conventions. */

  ZopfliDeflate(options, 2 /* Dynamic block */, 1,
                in, insize, &bp, out, outsize);

  /* CRC */
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(crcvalue % 256, out, outsize);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA((crcvalue >> 8) % 256, out, outsize);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA((crcvalue >> 16) % 256, out, outsize);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA((crcvalue >> 24) % 256, out, outsize);

  /* ISIZE */
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(insize % 256, out, outsize);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA((insize >> 8) % 256, out, outsize);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA((insize >> 16) % 256, out, outsize);
  ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA((insize >> 24) % 256, out, outsize);

  if (options->verbose) {
    ZopfliPrintSizeVerbose(insize, *outsize, "Gzip");