Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    RoboRIOConnection connection;
    connection.start("", "8001");
//     connection.send(TotePose(TotePose::ToteEndpoint(4, 3), TotePose::ToteEndpoint(10, 3), 50));
//    while (true) {
//        connection.send(TotePose(TotePose::ToteEndpoint(4, 3), TotePose::ToteEndpoint(10, 3), 50));
//    }

    LidarSerialDataCollector lidarSerialDataCollector("/dev/cu.usbserial-A903IUON", 115200);

    LidarDataProcessor dataProcessor;

    // Setup Serial Port
    serial::Serial lidarSpeedController("/dev/tty.wchusbserial1410", 9600, serial::Timeout::simpleTimeout(1000));

    while (lidarSerialDataCollector.isRunning()) {
        std::cout << lidarSpeedController.read(3) << std::endl;
        if (lidarSerialDataCollector.serialPacket != NULL) {
            // std::cout <<  ZeroPadNumber((int)lidarSerialDataCollector.serialPacket->getSpeed()) << std::endl;
            lidarSpeedController.write("a" +  ZeroPadNumber((int)lidarSerialDataCollector.serialPacket->getSpeed()));
            std::cout << lidarSpeedController.read(3) << std::endl;
        } else {
            lidarSpeedController.write("a" + ZeroPadNumber((int)0));


    return 0;
string  FileHandler_C::Get_Name(){
  stringstream filename ;

  filename << directory << "/"<<name ;
  if(parallel) filename <<".b"<< ZeroPadNumber(4, block)    ;
  if(series)   filename <<"." << ZeroPadNumber(4, counter)  ;
  filename <<"."<< appendix  ;

  return filename.str() ;

int houdini_file_saver::writeFrameToFile(particle* particles, const simulation_parameters& parameters) {

    //TODO Find a way to use the same struct for the simulation and writing to file
    houdini_Particle *houdini_Particles = new houdini_Particle[parameters.particles_count];

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << frames_folder_prefix << OUTPUT_FILE_NAME << ZeroPadNumber(++frame_count) << ".geo";
    std::string fileName = ss.str();

    for(int i=0;i<parameters.particles_count;i++){
        houdini_Particles[i].px = particles[i].position.s[0];
        houdini_Particles[i].py = particles[i].position.s[1];
        houdini_Particles[i].pz = particles[i].position.s[2];
        houdini_Particles[i].vx = particles[i].velocity.s[0];
        houdini_Particles[i].vy = particles[i].velocity.s[1];
        houdini_Particles[i].vz = particles[i].velocity.s[2];
        //TODO Use actual colors
        houdini_Particles[i].colorR = 
            particles[i].density > 1000.f && particles[i].density <= 2000.f ?
                (particles[i].density - 1000.f) / 1000.f :
        houdini_Particles[i].colorG = 
            particles[i].density >= 0.f && particles[i].density < 1000.f ?
                1.f - (particles[i].density) / 1000.f :
        houdini_Particles[i].colorB = 
            particles[i].density >= 500.f && particles[i].density <= 1000.f ?
                (particles[i].density - 500.f) / 500.f :
                    particles[i].density >= 1000.f && particles[i].density <= 1500.f ? 
                    1.f - (particles[i].density - 1000.f) / 500.f:
        houdini_Particles[i].mass = parameters.particle_mass;

    std::ofstream fichier(fileName, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
    if (fichier.is_open())
        ConcreteDataProvider dataProvider(houdini_Particles, parameters.particles_count);
        HoudiniFileDumpParticles partsDumper(&dataProvider);

        std::cerr << "Error while writing to " << fileName << std::endl;

    delete[] houdini_Particles;

    return 0;
Exemple #4
void simulateGeometry(size_t frameRate,
                      double minRadius, // in mm
                      double maxRadius, // in mm
                      double simDuration, // in seconds
                      size_t numBubbles, // over lifetime of simulation
                      const std::string &outputDir) {
  std::vector<FakeBubbleStats> bubbleStats(numBubbles);
  std::vector<Bubble *> bubbles(numBubbles);
  size_t numFrames = ceil(frameRate * simDuration);
  double dt = 1.0 / double(frameRate);
  // initialize random bubble stats
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numBubbles; i++) {
    bubbleStats[i].bubbleBirthtime = random_double(0.02, simDuration * 0.95);
    bubbleStats[i].bubbleRadius = random_double(minRadius, maxRadius);
    std::cout << "bubbleRadius: " << bubbleStats[i].bubbleRadius << std::endl;
    bubbleStats[i].isBubbleBorn = false;
    bubbleStats[i].isBubbleDead = false;
  // initialize bubble objects
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numBubbles; i++) {
    bubbles[i] = new Bubble();
    TriangleMesh *currBubble = new TriangleMesh;
    // yep, for now a different copy of each
    currBubble->read(baseDir + "bubble_lr.obj", MFF_OBJ);
    // constant is here because starting size of bubbles is 5mm radius
    double ds = bubbleStats[i].bubbleRadius / 5.0;
    currBubble->scale(Vector3d(ds, ds, ds));
    double dx = random_double(-0.05, +0.05);
    double dz = random_double(-0.05, +0.05);
    Vector3d dpos(dx,0,dz);
    //currBubble->translate(dpos);  // TODO: uncomment this line to randomizing starting position
  std::string solidPrefix = "solid_";
  std::string airPrefix = "air_";
  std::string bubblePrefix = "bubble_";
  for (size_t f = 0; f < numFrames; f++) {
    double currTime = f * dt;
    std::string zeropadFrameNum = ZeroPadNumber(f, 6);

    // add a bit of random vertical motion to the fluid surface
    solidMesh->write(outputDir + solidPrefix + zeropadFrameNum + ".obj", MFF_OBJ);
    airMesh->write(outputDir + airPrefix + zeropadFrameNum + ".obj", MFF_OBJ);
    // advect all the bubbles for each timestep
    for (size_t b = 0; b < numBubbles; b++) {
      if (bubbleStats[b].bubbleBirthtime <= currTime) {
        bubbleStats[b].isBubbleBorn = true;
      // check whether bubble has peeked above the surface
      if (bubbleStats[b].isBubbleBorn && !bubbleStats[b].isBubbleDead) {
        BoundingBox airbbox, bubbbox;
        // rough crappy rule of thumb
        if (bubbbox.GetBoxmax().y() > airbbox.GetBoxmax().y()) {
          // KILL THE BUBBLE!
          bubbleStats[b].isBubbleDead = true;
      if (bubbleStats[b].isBubbleBorn && !bubbleStats[b].isBubbleDead) {
        std::string zeropadBubbleNum = ZeroPadNumber(b, 6);
        bubbles[b]->getBubbleMesh()->write(outputDir + bubblePrefix + zeropadBubbleNum + "_" + zeropadFrameNum + ".obj", MFF_OBJ);