Exemple #1
void muonContained(double*nu,double*Nu,double rho, double*mu)
  int i,k,l;
  double C;
  double  NA=6.002141E23 /* mol-1*/;
  double Nrate[2]={0.5,0.5}; /* proton , neutron */

  {  Emu_stat=Mcdm*exp(Zi(i));
     if(Emu_stat>0.01) for(k=0;k<2;k++) for(l=0;l<2;l++)
     { inNu=1-2*k;
         mu[i]+=simpson(integrandEnuContained,1/Mcdm, 1/Emu_stat,1.E-4)*Nrate[l];
KinematicSolver::forward(btTransform& pose) const {
	if (false && forwardKinTimestamp_ == arm_->timestamp()) {
		pose = forwardKinCached_;
		return 0;

	Arm::IdType armId_new = arm_->id();
	int armId = armIdFromSerial(arm_->id());

	pose = actual_world_to_ik_world(armId)
						* Tw2b
						* Zs(THS_TO_IK(armId,arm_->getJointById(Joint::IdType::SHOULDER_)->position()))
						* Xu
						* Ze(THE_TO_IK(armId,arm_->getJointById(Joint::IdType::ELBOW_)->position()))
						* Xf
						* Zr(THR_TO_IK(armId,arm_->getJointById(Joint::IdType::ROTATION_)->position()))
						* Zi(D_TO_IK(armId,arm_->getJointById(Joint::IdType::INSERTION_)->position()))
						* Xip
						* Zp(THP_TO_IK(armId,arm_->getJointById(Joint::IdType::WRIST_)->position()))
						* Xpy
						* Zy(THY_TO_IK_FROM_FINGERS(armId,arm_->getJointById(Joint::IdType::FINGER1_)->position(),arm_->getJointById(Joint::IdType::FINGER2_)->position()))
						* Tg;

	//int grasp = MECH_GRASP_FROM_MECH_FINGERS(armId,arm_->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position(),arm_->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position());

	const_cast<KinematicSolver*>(this)->forwardKinCached_ = pose;
	const_cast<KinematicSolver*>(this)->forwardKinTimestamp_ = arm_->timestamp();
	return 0;
Exemple #3
int basicNuSpectra(int forSun, int pdgN, int outN, double * tab)
  int inP,i,j;
  int N=abs(pdgN);
  double tab100[100];
  double c=1;
  for(i=0;i<NZ;i++) tab[i]=0;
//  if(N==12 ||N==14 ||N==16) {  if( pdgN*outN<0) return 0; else c=1;}
    case 1: case 2: case 3: inP=4; break;
    case 4:                 inP=3; break;
    case 5:                 inP=1; break; 
    case 6:                 inP=5; break;
    case 15:                inP=2; break;  /*l  */ 
    case 23:                inP=6; break;  /*z  */ 
    case 24:                inP=7; break;  /*w  */
    case 12:
    case 14:
    case 16:  if(forSun) inP=0; else 
              {  if((pdgN==14 && outN>0)||(pdgN==-14 && outN<0)) tab[0]=2/(Zi(0)-Zi(1)); 
                 return 0; 
              }     /*nu */
    default:                       return 1;
  if(forSun) mInterpSun(Mcdm,inP,-(outN-1)/2,tab100); 
    else     mInterpEarth(Mcdm,inP,-(outN-1)/2,tab100);

  { double x=exp(Zi(i));
    tab[i]+=c*x*polint3(x,100, xTab ,tab100);  

  return 0;
Exemple #4
void solarModulation(double PHI, double mass, double * inTab, double * outTab)
{ double buff[NZ];
  int i;
    double X,E,P,Xs,Es,Ps;
    P=sqrt( E*(E+2*mass));
    if(Es>=Mcdm) buff[i]=0; else
    {  Ps=sqrt( Es*(Es+2*mass));
       buff[i]= (X/Xs)*zInterp(log(Xs),inTab)*pow(P/Ps,2);    
  for(i=0;i<NZ;i++) outTab[i]=buff[i];
Exemple #5
void pbarFluxTab(double Emin, double sigmav, double *tab, double *tabOut)
  int i;
  int N;
  double * Egrid,*Fgrid;
  double tab2[NZ];
  double rho0;

  buildInterpolation(logPbarRate,log( Emin/Mcdm),log(0.9),0.01,&N,&Egrid,&Fgrid);
  {  double z=Zi(i);
     double E=Mcdm*exp(z);
     if(E<Emin*0.9) tab2[i]=0; else tab2[i]= 
     sigmav*exp(polint4(z,N, Egrid, Fgrid) )*zInterp(z,tab);
  for(i=0;i<NZ;i++) tabOut[i]=rho0*rho0*tab2[i];
  free(Egrid); free(Fgrid);   
Exemple #6
void posiFluxTab(double Emin, double sigmav, double *tab, double *tabOut)
  double flu,rho0;
  int i;
  double buff[NZ];
  tab_   =tab;
  flu = Tau_dif*sigmav/(4*M_PI)*CELERITY_LIGHT;

  buildInterpolation(integral_cal_In,0., dKt(Mcdm,Emin),-Eps,&N_,&xa_,&ya_);

     if(Eobs<Emin*0.9) buff[i]=0; 
     else buff[i]= (flu/Eobs)* simpson(SpectIntegrand, Eobs, Mcdm, Eps);

  for(i=0;i<NZ;i++) tabOut[i]=rho0*rho0*buff[i]; 
  free(xa_); free(ya_);    
  void ISVDMultiCD::makePass() {
    Epetra_LAPACK lapack;
    Epetra_BLAS   blas;

    bool firstPass = (curRank_ == 0);
    const int numCols = A_->NumVectors();
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( !firstPass && (numProc_ != numCols), std::logic_error,
        "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): after first pass, numProc should be numCols");

    // compute W = I - Z T Z^T from current V_
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MultiVector> lclAZT, lclZ;
    double *Z_A, *AZT_A;
    int Z_LDA, AZT_LDA;
    int oldRank = 0;
    double Rerr = 0.0;
    if (!firstPass) {
      // copy V_ into workZ_
      lclAZT = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(::View,*workAZT_,0,curRank_) );
      lclZ   = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(::View,*workZ_,0,curRank_) );
        Epetra_MultiVector lclV(::View,*V_,0,curRank_);
        *lclZ = lclV;
      // compute the Householder QR factorization of the current right basis
      // Vhat = W*R
      int info, lwork = curRank_;
      std::vector<double> tau(curRank_), work(lwork);
      info = lclZ->ExtractView(&Z_A,&Z_LDA);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0, std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): error calling ExtractView on Epetra_MultiVector Z.");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0, std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): error calling GEQRF on current right basis while constructing next pass coefficients.");
      if (debug_) {
        // we just took the QR factorization of a set of orthonormal vectors
        // they should have an R factor which is diagonal, with unit elements (\pm 1)
        // check it
        Rerr = 0.0;
        for (int j=0; j<curRank_; j++) {
          for (int i=0; i<j; i++) {
            Rerr += abs(Z_A[j*Z_LDA+i]);
          Rerr += abs(abs(Z_A[j*Z_LDA+j]) - 1.0);
      // compute the block representation
      // W = I - Z T Z^T
      // LARFT left upper tri block of Z unchanged
      // note: it should currently contain R factor of V_, which is very close to
      //   diag(\pm 1, ..., \pm 1)
      // we need to set it to:
      //   [1 0 0 ... 0]
      //   [  1 0 ... 0]
      //   [   ....    ]
      //   [          1]
      // see documentation for LARFT
      for (int j=0; j<curRank_; j++) {
        Z_A[j*Z_LDA+j] = 1.0;
        for (int i=0; i<j; i++) {
          Z_A[j*Z_LDA+i] = 0.0;
      // compute part of A W:  A Z T
      // put this in workAZT_
      // first, A Z
      info = lclAZT->Multiply('N','N',1.0,*A_,*lclZ,0.0);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0,std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): Error calling Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply() for A*Z");
      // second, (A Z) T (in situ, as T is upper triangular)
      info = lclAZT->ExtractView(&AZT_A,&AZT_LDA);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0, std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): error calling ExtractView on Epetra_MultiVector AZ.");
      // save oldRank: it tells us the width of Z
      oldRank  = curRank_;

      curRank_ = 0;
      numProc_ = 0;
    else { // firstPass == true
      curRank_ = 0;
      numProc_ = 0;

    while (numProc_ < numCols) {
      // determine lup
      // want lup >= lmin
      //      lup <= lmax
      // need lup <= numCols - numProc
      //      lup <= maxBasisSize - curRank
      int lup;
      if (curRank_ == 0) {
        // first step uses startRank_
        // this is not affected by lmin,lmax
        lup = startRank_;
      else {
        // this value minimizes overall complexity, assuming fixed rank
        lup = (int)(curRank_ / Teuchos::ScalarTraits<double>::squareroot(2.0));
        // contrain to [lmin,lmax]
        lup = (lup < lmin_ ? lmin_ : lup);
        lup = (lup > lmax_ ? lmax_ : lup);
      // now cap lup via maxBasisSize and the available data
      // these caps apply to all lup, as a result of memory and data constraints
      // available data
      lup = (lup > numCols - numProc_ ? numCols - numProc_ : lup);
      // available memory
      lup = (lup > maxBasisSize_ - curRank_ ? maxBasisSize_ - curRank_ : lup);

      // get view of new vectors
        const Epetra_MultiVector Aplus(::View,*A_,numProc_,lup);
        Epetra_MultiVector        Unew(::View,*U_,curRank_,lup);
        // put them in U
        if (firstPass) {
          // new vectors are just Aplus
          Unew = Aplus;
        else {
          // new vectors are Aplus - (A Z T) Z_i^T
          // specifically, Aplus - (A Z T) Z(numProc:numProc+lup-1,1:oldRank)^T
          Epetra_LocalMap lclmap(lup,0,A_->Comm());
          Epetra_MultiVector Zi(::View,lclmap,&Z_A[numProc_],Z_LDA,oldRank);
          Unew = Aplus;
          int info = Unew.Multiply('N','T',-1.0,*lclAZT,Zi,1.0);
          TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0,std::logic_error,
              "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): Error calling Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply() for A*Wi");

      // perform the incremental step

    // compute W V = V - Z T Z^T V
    // Z^T V is oldRank x curRank
    // T Z^T V is oldRank x curRank
    // we need T Z^T V in a local Epetra_MultiVector
    if (!firstPass) {
      Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MultiVector> lclV;
      double *TZTV_A;
      int TZTV_LDA;
      int info;
      Epetra_LocalMap lclmap(oldRank,0,A_->Comm());
      // get pointer to current V
      lclV = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(::View,*V_,0,curRank_) );
      // create space for T Z^T V
      Epetra_MultiVector TZTV(lclmap,curRank_,false);
      // multiply Z^T V
      info = TZTV.Multiply('T','N',1.0,*lclZ,*lclV,0.0);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0,std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): Error calling Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply() for Z^T V.");
      // get pointer to data in Z^T V
      info = TZTV.ExtractView(&TZTV_A,&TZTV_LDA);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0, std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): error calling ExtractView on Epetra_MultiVector TZTV.");
      // multiply T (Z^T V)
      // multiply V - Z (T Z^T V)
      info = lclV->Multiply('N','N',-1.0,*lclZ,TZTV,1.0);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0,std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): Error calling Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply() for W V.");

    // compute the new residuals
    // we know that A V = U S
    // if, in addition, A^T U = V S, then have singular subspaces
    // check residuals A^T U - V S, scaling the i-th column by sigma[i]
      // make these static, because makePass() will be likely be called again
      static Epetra_LocalMap lclmap(A_->NumVectors(),0,A_->Comm());
      static Epetra_MultiVector ATU(lclmap,maxBasisSize_,false);

      // we know that A V = U S
      // if, in addition, A^T U = V S, then have singular subspaces
      // check residuals A^T U - V S, scaling the i-th column by sigma[i]
      Epetra_MultiVector ATUlcl(::View,ATU,0,curRank_);
      Epetra_MultiVector Ulcl(::View,*U_,0,curRank_);
      Epetra_MultiVector Vlcl(::View,*V_,0,curRank_);
      // compute A^T U
      int info = ATUlcl.Multiply('T','N',1.0,*A_,Ulcl,0.0);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0, std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): Error calling Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply for A^T U.");
      Epetra_LocalMap rankmap(curRank_,0,A_->Comm());
      Epetra_MultiVector S(rankmap,curRank_,true);
      for (int i=0; i<curRank_; i++) {
        S[i][i] = sigma_[i];
      // subtract V S from A^T U
      info = ATUlcl.Multiply('N','N',-1.0,Vlcl,S,1.0);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0, std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::computeBasis(): Error calling Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply for V S.");
      // scale by sigmas
      for (int i=0; i<curRank_; i++) {
        if (sigma_[i] != 0.0) {
          resNorms_[i] /= sigma_[i];

    // debugging checks
    std::vector<double> errnorms(curRank_);
    if (debug_) {
      int info;
      // Check that A V = U Sigma
      // get pointers to current U and V, create workspace for A V - U Sigma
      Epetra_MultiVector work(U_->Map(),curRank_,false), 
      // create local MV for sigmas
      Epetra_LocalMap lclmap(curRank_,0,A_->Comm());
      Epetra_MultiVector curS(lclmap,curRank_,true);
      for (int i=0; i<curRank_; i++) {
        curS[i][i] = sigma_[i];
      info = work.Multiply('N','N',1.0,curU,curS,0.0);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0,std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): Error calling Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply() for debugging U S.");
      info = work.Multiply('N','N',-1.0,*A_,curV,1.0);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0,std::logic_error,
          "RBGen::ISVDMultiCD::makePass(): Error calling Epetra_MultiVector::Multiply() for debugging U S - A V.");
      for (int i=0; i<curRank_; i++) {
        if (sigma_[i] != 0.0) {
          errnorms[i] /= sigma_[i];

    // update pass counter

    // print out some info
    const Epetra_Comm *comm = &A_->Comm();
    if (comm->MyPID() == 0 && verbLevel_ >= 1) {
        << "------------- ISVDMultiCD::makePass() -----------" << std::endl
        << "| Number of passes: " << curNumPasses_ << std::endl
        << "|     Current rank: " << curRank_ << std::endl
        << "|   Current sigmas: " << std::endl;
      for (int i=0; i<curRank_; i++) {
        std::cout << "|             " << sigma_[i] << std::endl;
      if (debug_) {
        std::cout << "|DBG   US-AV norms: " << std::endl;
        for (int i=0; i<curRank_; i++) {
          std::cout << "|DBG          " << errnorms[i] << std::endl;
        if (!firstPass) {
          std::cout << "|DBG      R-I norm: " << Rerr << std::endl;

Exemple #8
extern SITE *get_sites(
  DATASET *dataset,			/* the dataset */
  MODEL *model,				/* the model */
  int *n,				/* number of sites found */
  int *best_site			/* index of best site in array */
  int i, j;
  int nsites = 0;			/* number of sites */
  SITE *sites = NULL;			/* list of sites */
  int n_samples = dataset->n_samples;	/* number of sequences */
  SAMPLE **samples = dataset->samples;	/* the sequences */
  MOTYPE mtype = model->mtype;		/* type of model */
  int w = model->w;			/* width of motif */
  BOOLEAN invcomp = model->invcomp;	/* using invcomp strand */
  double best_z = -1;			/* best overall zij */

  if (mtype==Oops || mtype==Zoops) {	/* (Z)OOPS model */

    for (i=0; i<n_samples; i++) {	/* sequence */
      SAMPLE *s = samples[i];		/* sample */
      int lseq = s->length;		/* length of sequence */
      double max_zij = -1;		/* flag no z_ij found */
      int best_j = 0;			/* position of site (1..m) */
      double *zi = s->z;		// z_i[j], j in [-lseq...+lseq]

      if (lseq < w) continue;		/* sequence to short for motif */

      /* find maximum z_ij */
      for (j=0; j<lseq-w+1; j++) {	/* position */
        int k = j+1;			// Z_i = k
        double zij = invcomp ? MIN(1.0,Zi(-k)+Zi(k)) : Zi(k);
        if (zij > max_zij) {		/* bigger found */
          max_zij = zij;
          best_j = j;
      } // Z_i = j

      /* record site */
      if ((max_zij && mtype == Oops) || max_zij > 0.5) {	/* site found */
        if (nsites % 100 == 0) Resize(sites, nsites+101, SITE);
        sites[nsites].seqno = i;
        sites[nsites].pos = best_j;
        sites[nsites].zij = max_zij;
        int best_k = best_j + 1;		// Z_i = best_k
        // on reverse complement strand?
        sites[nsites].invcomp = (invcomp & (Zi(-best_k)>Zi(best_k))); 
        if (max_zij > best_z) {
          *best_site = nsites;
          best_z = max_zij;
      } /* site found */

    } /* sequence */

  } else {				/* TCM model */

    for (i=0; i<n_samples; i++) {	/* sequence */
      SAMPLE *s = samples[i];		/* sample */
      int lseq = s->length;		/* length of sequence */
      double *zi = s->z;		// z_i[j], j in [-lseq...+lseq]

      if (lseq < w) continue;		/* sequence to short for motif */

      /* find all z_ij > 0.5 */
      for (j=0; j<lseq-w+1; j++) {	/* position */
        int k = j+1;			// Z_i = k
        double zij = invcomp ? MIN(1.0,Zi(-k)+Zi(k)) : Zi(k);	/* z_ij */
        if (zij > 0.5) { 		/* record site */
	  if (nsites % 100 == 0) Resize(sites, nsites+101, SITE);
	  sites[nsites].seqno = i;
	  sites[nsites].pos = j;
	  sites[nsites].zij = zij;
	  /* on reverse complement strand? */
	  sites[nsites].invcomp = (invcomp && (Zi(-k)>Zi(k)));
	  if (zij > best_z) {
	    *best_site = nsites;
	    best_z = zij;
        } /* record site */
      } /* position */
    } /* sequence */

  } /* TCM model */

  /* return results */
  *n = nsites;
  return sites;
} /* get_sites */
KinematicSolver::internalInverseSoln(const btTransform& pose, Arm* arm,const InverseKinematicsOptions& options) const {
	InverseKinematicsReportPtr report(new InverseKinematicsReport());

	Arm::IdType armId_new = arm_->id();
	int armId = armIdFromSerial(arm_->id());

	// desired tip position
//	btVector3 currentPoint = btVector3(mech->pos.x,mech->pos.y,mech->pos.z) / MICRON_PER_M;
//	btVector3 actualPoint = btVector3(pos_d->x,pos_d->y,pos_d->z) / MICRON_PER_M;
//	btMatrix3x3 actualOrientation = toBt(ori_d->R);
//	btTransform actualPose(actualOrientation,actualPoint);

//	btTransform actualPose_fk = pose;

//	tb_angles currentPoseAngles = tb_angles(mech->ori.R);
//	tb_angles actualPoseAngles = tb_angles(ori_d->R);

	//float grasp = GRASP_TO_IK(armId,mech->ori_d.grasp);
	float grasp = arm->getJointById(Joint::IdType::GRASP_)->position();

//	if (print) {
//		log_msg("j s % 2.1f e % 2.1f r % 2.1f i % 1.3f p % 2.1f y % 2.1f g % 2.1f g1 % 2.1f g2 % 2.1f",
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::SHOULDER_)->position() RAD2DEG,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::ELBOW_)->position() RAD2DEG,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::TOOL_ROT_)->position() RAD2DEG,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::INSERTION__)->position(),
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::WRIST_)->position() RAD2DEG,
//				fix_angle(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position() - arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position()) / 2 RAD2DEG,
//				(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position() + arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position()) RAD2DEG,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position() RAD2DEG,arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position() RAD2DEG);
//		log_msg("v s % 2.1f e % 2.1f r % 2.1f i % 1.3f p % 2.1f y % 2.1f g % 2.1f g1 % 2.1f g2 % 2.1f",
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::SHOULDER].jvel RAD2DEG,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::ELBOW].jvel RAD2DEG,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::TOOL_ROT].jvel RAD2DEG,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::INSERTION_].jvel,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::WRIST].jvel RAD2DEG,
//				(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP1].jvel - arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP2].jvel) / 2 RAD2DEG,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP1].jvel + arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP2].jvel RAD2DEG,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP1].jvel RAD2DEG,arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP2].jvel RAD2DEG);
//		log_msg("t s % 1.3f e % 1.3f r % 1.3f i % 1.3f p % 1.3f g1 % 1.3f g2 % 1.3f",arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::SHOULDER].tau_d,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::ELBOW].tau_d,arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::TOOL_ROT].tau_d,arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::INSERTION_].tau_d,arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::WRIST].tau_d,
//				arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP1].tau_d,arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP2].tau_d);
//		log_msg("d s %d e %d r %d i %d p %d g1 %d g2 %d",tToDACVal(&(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::SHOULDER])),
//				tToDACVal(&(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::ELBOW])),tToDACVal(&(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::TOOL_ROT])),tToDACVal(&(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::INSERTION_])),tToDACVal(&(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::WRIST])),
//				tToDACVal(&(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP1])),tToDACVal(&(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRASP2])));
//		log_msg("cp (% 1.3f,% 1.3f,% 1.3f\typr (% 1.3f,% 1.3f,% 1.3f))",
//				currentPoint.x(),currentPoint.y(),currentPoint.z(),
//				currentPoseAngles.yaw_deg,currentPoseAngles.pitch_deg,currentPoseAngles.roll_deg);
//		log_msg("pt (% 1.3f,% 1.3f,% 1.3f)\typr (% 1.3f,% 1.3f,% 1.3f)\tg % 1.3f",
//				actualPoint.x(),actualPoint.y(),actualPoint.z(),
//				actualPoseAngles.yaw_deg,actualPoseAngles.pitch_deg,actualPoseAngles.roll_deg,
//				grasp);
//		btVector3 point = actualPose_fk.getOrigin();
//		tb_angles angles = tb_angles(actualPose_fk.getBasis());
//		log_msg("fp (% 1.3f,% 1.3f,% 1.3f)\typr (% 2.1f,% 2.1f,% 2.1f)\tg % 1.3f",
//				point.x(),point.y(),point.z(),
//				angles.yaw_deg,angles.pitch_deg,angles.roll_deg,
//				grasp);
//	}

	 * Actual pose is in the actual world frame, so we have <actual_world to gripper>
	 * The ik world frame is the base frame.
	 * Therefore, we need <base to actual_world> to get <base to gripper>.
	 * <base to actual_world> is inverse of <actual_world to base>
	 * Since the ik is based on the yaw frame (to which the gripper is fixed), we
	 * take the pose of the yaw frame, not the gripper frame
	btTransform ik_pose = ik_world_to_actual_world(armId) * pose * Tg.inverse();

	btMatrix3x3 ik_orientation = ik_pose.getBasis();
	btVector3 ik_point = ik_pose.getOrigin();

	tb_angles ikPoseAngles = tb_angles(ik_pose);
//	if (print) {
//		log_msg("ik (%0.4f,%0.4f,%0.4f)\typr (%0.4f,%0.4f,%0.4f)",
//				ik_point.x(),ik_point.y(),ik_point.z(),
//				ikPoseAngles.yaw_deg,ikPoseAngles.pitch_deg,ikPoseAngles.roll_deg);
//	}

	float ths_offset, thr_offset, thp_offset;
	if (arm->isGold()) {
		ths_offset = SHOULDER_OFFSET_GOLD;
		thr_offset = TOOL_ROT_OFFSET_GOLD;
		thp_offset = WRIST_OFFSET_GOLD;
	} else {
		thr_offset = TOOL_ROT_OFFSET_GREEN;
		thp_offset = WRIST_OFFSET_GREEN;

	const float th12 = THETA_12;
	const float th23 = THETA_23;

	const float ks12 = sin(th12);
	const float kc12 = cos(th12);
	const float ks23 = sin(th23);
	const float kc23 = cos(th23);

	const float dw = DW;

	btTransform Tworld_to_gripper = ik_pose;
	btTransform Tgripper_to_world = ik_pose.inverse();

//	if (print) {
//		log_msg("Tw2g: %d",PRINT_EVERY);
//		for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
//			log_msg("   %0.4f\t%0.4f\t%0.4f\t%0.4f",ik_pose.getBasis()[i][0],ik_pose.getBasis()[i][1],ik_pose.getBasis()[i][2],ik_pose.getOrigin()[i]);
//		}
//	}

	btVector3 origin_in_gripper_frame = Tgripper_to_world.getOrigin();
	float px = origin_in_gripper_frame.x();
	float py = origin_in_gripper_frame.y();
	float pz = origin_in_gripper_frame.z();

	float thy = atan2f(py,-px);

	float thp;
	if (fabs(thy) < 0.001) {
		thp = atan2f(-pz, -px/cos(thy) - dw);
		//			if (print) { log_msg("zero thy: %0.4f, (%0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f)",thp,px,py,pz); }
	} else {
		thp = atan2f(-pz,  py/sin(thy) - dw);

	float d = -pz / sin(thp);

	float d_act, thp_act, thy_act, g1_act, g2_act;
	d_act = D_FROM_IK(armId,d);
	thp_act = THP_FROM_IK(armId,thp);
	thy_act = THY_FROM_IK(armId,thy,grasp);
	g1_act = FINGER1_FROM_IK(armId,thy,grasp);
	g2_act = FINGER2_FROM_IK(armId,thy,grasp);

	//check angles
	int validity1[4];
	bool valid1 = checkJointLimits1(d_act,thp_act,g1_act,g2_act,validity1);
	if (!valid1) {
//		if (_curr_rl == 3 && !(DISABLE_ALL_PRINTING)) {
//			printf("ik %d invalid --1-- d [%d] % 2.4f \tp [%d] % 3.1f\ty [%d %d] % 3.1f\n",
//					armId,
//					validity1[0],              d_act,
//					validity1[1],              thp_act RAD2DEG,
//					validity1[2],validity1[3], thy_act RAD2DEG);
//		}
		return report;

	//set joints

	btVector3 z_roll_in_world = btTransform(Zi(d) * Xip * Zp(thp) * Xpy * Zy(thy) * Tg * Tgripper_to_world).invXform(btVector3(0,0,1));
	btVector3 x_roll_in_world = btTransform(Zi(d) * Xip * Zp(thp) * Xpy * Zy(thy) * Tg * Tgripper_to_world).invXform(btVector3(1,0,0));

	float zx = z_roll_in_world.x();
	float zy = z_roll_in_world.y();
	float zz = z_roll_in_world.z();

	float xx = x_roll_in_world.x();
	float xy = x_roll_in_world.y();
	float xz = x_roll_in_world.z();

	float cthe = (zy + kc12*kc23) / (ks12*ks23);

	float the_1 = acos(cthe);
	float the_2 = -acos(cthe);

	float the_opt[2];
	the_opt[0] = the_1;
	the_opt[1] = the_2;

	float ths_opt[2];
	float thr_opt[2];

	bool opts_valid[2];
	float validity2[2][4];

	float ths_act[2];
	float the_act[2];
	float thr_act[2];

	for (int i=0;i<2;i++) {
		float sthe_tmp = sin(the_opt[i]);
		float C1 = ks12*kc23 + kc12*ks23*cthe;
		float C2 = ks23 * sthe_tmp;
		float C3 = C2 + C1*C1 / C2;

		ths_opt[i] = atan2(
				-sgn(C3)*(zx - C1 * zz / C2),
				sgn(C3)*(zz + C1 * zx / C2));

		float sths_tmp = sin(ths_opt[i]);
		float cths_tmp = cos(ths_opt[i]);

		float C4 = ks12 * sin(the_opt[i]);
		float C5 = kc12 * ks23 + ks12 * kc23 * cos(the_opt[i]);
		float C6 = kc23*(sthe_tmp * sths_tmp - kc12*cthe*cths_tmp) + cths_tmp*ks12*ks23;
		float C7 = cthe*sths_tmp + kc12*cths_tmp*sthe_tmp;

		thr_opt[i] = atan2(
				(xx - C7 * xy / C4) / (C6 + C7*C5/C4),
				(xx + C6 * xy / C5) / (-C6*C4/C5 - C7));

		ths_act[i] = THS_FROM_IK(armId,ths_opt[i]);
		the_act[i] = THE_FROM_IK(armId,the_opt[i]);
		thr_act[i] = THR_FROM_IK(armId,thr_opt[i]);

//		if (print) {
//			log_msg("j s % 3.1f e % 3.1f r % 3.1f i % 1.3f p % 3.1f y % 3.1f g % 3.1f g1 % 3.1f g2 % 3.1f",
//					arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::SHOULDER_)->position() RAD2DEG,
//					arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::ELBOW_)->position() RAD2DEG,
//					arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::TOOL_ROT_)->position() RAD2DEG,
//					arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::INSERTION__)->position(),
//					arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::WRIST_)->position() RAD2DEG,
//					THY_MECH_FROM_FINGERS(armIdFromMechType(mech->type),arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position(), arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position()) RAD2DEG,//fix_angle(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position() - arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position(),0) / 2  RAD2DEG,
//					mech->ori.grasp * 1000. RAD2DEG,
//					fix_angle(arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position() + arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position(),0) RAD2DEG,
//					arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position() RAD2DEG, arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position() RAD2DEG);
//			log_msg("%d s % 3.1f e % 3.1f r % 3.1f i % 1.3f p % 3.1f y % 3.1f g % 3.1f g1 % 3.1f g2 % 3.1f",i,
//					ths_act[i] RAD2DEG,
//					the_act[i] RAD2DEG,
//					thr_act[i] RAD2DEG,
//					d_act,
//					thp_act RAD2DEG,
//					thy_act RAD2DEG,
//					grasp RAD2DEG,
//					g1_act RAD2DEG,
//					g2_act RAD2DEG);
//			if (ths_act != ths_act) {
//				log_msg("C1 %0.4f\tC2 %0.4f\tC3 %0.4f\tC4 %0.4f\tC5 %0.4f\tC6 %0.4f\tC7 %0.4f\t",C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7);
//				log_msg("ks23 %0.4f\tsthe_tmp %0.4f",ks23 , sthe_tmp);
//				log_msg("cthe %0.4f\tzy %0.4f\tkc12 %0.4f\tkc23 %0.4f\tks12 %0.4f\tks23 %0.4f",cthe,zy,kc12,kc23,ks12,ks23);
//			}
//		}

		bool valid2 = checkJointLimits2(ths_act[i],the_act[i],thr_act[i],validity2[i]);
		opts_valid[i] = valid2;

		if (valid2) {
			float ths_diff, the_diff, d_diff, thr_diff, thp_diff, thg1_diff, thg2_diff;
			//set joints

			ths_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::IdType::SHOULDER_)->position() - ths_act[i];
			the_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::IdType::ELBOW_)->position()    - the_act[i];
			d_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::IdType::INSERTION_)->position()    - d_act;
			thr_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::IdType::ROTATION_)->position() - thr_act[i];
			thp_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::IdType::WRIST_)->position()    - thp_act;
			thg1_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::IdType::FINGER1_)->position()   - g1_act;
			thg2_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::IdType::FINGER2_)->position()   - g2_act;
			ths_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::SHOULDER_)->position()_d - ths_act;
			the_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::ELBOW_)->position()_d    - the_act;
			d_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::INSERTION__)->position()_d    - d_act;
			thr_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::TOOL_ROT_)->position()_d - thr_act;
			thp_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::WRIST_)->position()_d    - thp_act;
			thg1_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position()_d   - g1_act;
			thg2_diff = arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position()_d   - g2_act;

//			if (print) {
//				log_msg("%d s % 2.1f e % 2.1f r % 2.1f i % 1.3f p % 2.1f        g % 2.1f g1 % 2.1f g2 % 2.1f",i,
//						arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::SHOULDER_)->position()_d RAD2DEG,
//						arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::ELBOW_)->position()_d RAD2DEG,
//						arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::TOOL_ROT_)->position()_d RAD2DEG,
//						arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::INSERTION__)->position()_d,
//						arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::WRIST_)->position()_d RAD2DEG,
//						grasp RAD2DEG,
//						arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER1_)->position()_d RAD2DEG,
//						arm->getJointById(Joint::Type::GRIPPER2_)->position()_d RAD2DEG);
//				log_msg("diff:");
//				log_msg("R s %0.4f e %0.4f r %0.4f d %0.4f p %0.4f                     g1 %0.4f  g2 %0.4f",
//						ths_diff,the_diff,thr_diff,d_diff,thp_diff,thg1_diff,thg2_diff);
//				log_msg("D s %0.4f e %0.4f r %0.4f d %0.4f p %0.4f                     g1 %0.4f  g2 %0.4f",
//						ths_diff*180/M_PI,the_diff*180/M_PI,thr_diff*180/M_PI,d_diff,
//						thp_diff*180/M_PI,thg1_diff*180/M_PI,thg2_diff*180/M_PI);
//			}
//			if (i==1 && _curr_rl == 3) {
//				//printf("ik ok! %d\n",_ik_counter);
//			}

	if (opts_valid[0]) {
		report->success_ = true;
		return report;
	} else if (opts_valid[1]) {
//		if (ENABLE_PARTIAL_INVALID_IK_PRINTING && (_curr_rl == 3 || print) && !(DISABLE_ALL_PRINTING)) {
//			printf("ik %d    ok   **2** s %1.4f %1.4f\te %1.4f %1.4f\tr %1.4f %1.4f\n",
//					armId,
//					ths_act[0] RAD2DEG,validity2[0][0],
//					the_act[0] RAD2DEG,validity2[0][1],
//					thr_act[0] RAD2DEG,validity2[0][2]);
//			/*
//			printf("%7d          d %0.4f  \tp %0.4f  \ty %0.4f\n",_ik_counter,
//								d_act,thp_act RAD2DEG,thy_act RAD2DEG);
//			printf("x (%f, %f, %f)  z (%f, %f, %f) %f\n",xx,xy,xz,zx,zy,zz,cthe);
//			printf("norms %f %f\n",x_roll_in_world.length(),z_roll_in_world.length());
//			printf("(zy + kc12*kc23): %f (%f, %f)\n",(zy + kc12*kc23),zy, kc12*kc23);
//			printf("(ks12*ks23): %f\n",(ks12*ks23));
//			 */
//		}
		report->success_ = true;
		return report;
	} else {
		const float maxValidDist = 3 DEG2RAD;
		float valid_dist[2];
		for (int i=0;i<2;i++) {
			float sum = 0;
			for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
				float v = fabs(validity2[i][j]);
				sum += v*v;
			valid_dist[i] = sqrt(sum);

		bool use0 = valid_dist[0] < maxValidDist && valid_dist[0] < valid_dist[1];
		bool use1 = valid_dist[1] < maxValidDist && valid_dist[0] > valid_dist[1];
		printf("ik validity distances: (%s | %s) % 1.3f\t%f\n",use0?"Y":" ",use1?"Y":" ",valid_dist[0],valid_dist[1]);
		if (valid_dist[0] < maxValidDist && valid_dist[0] < valid_dist[1]) {
			printf("setting joints to ik soln 1\n");
		} else if (valid_dist[1] < maxValidDist) {
			printf("setting joints to ik soln 2\n");

//		if ((_curr_rl == 3 || print) && !(DISABLE_ALL_PRINTING)) {
//			printf("ik %d invalid **2** s %1.4f % 2.1f\te %1.4f % 2.1f\tr %1.4f % 2.1f\n",
//					armId,
//					ths_act[0] RAD2DEG,validity2[0][0] RAD2DEG,
//					the_act[0] RAD2DEG,validity2[0][1] RAD2DEG,
//					thr_act[0] RAD2DEG,validity2[0][2] RAD2DEG);
//			printf("                   s %1.4f % 2.1f\te %1.4f % 2.1f\tr %1.4f % 2.1f\n",
//					ths_act[1] RAD2DEG,validity2[1][0] RAD2DEG,
//					the_act[1] RAD2DEG,validity2[1][1] RAD2DEG,
//					thr_act[1] RAD2DEG,validity2[1][2] RAD2DEG);
//		}
		return report;

	return report;