// Open a metadata section for read
HRESULT CLiteWeightStgdbRW::OpenForRead(
    LPCWSTR     szDatabase,             // Name of database.
    void        *pbData,                // Data to open on top of, 0 default.
    ULONG       cbData,                 // How big is the data.
    DWORD       dwFlags)                // Flags for the open.
    LPCWSTR     pNoFile=W("");            // Constant for empty file name.
    StgIO       *pStgIO = NULL;         // For file i/o.
    HRESULT     hr;

    m_pImage = NULL;
    m_dwImageSize = 0;
    m_eFileType = FILETYPE_UNKNOWN;
    // szDatabase, and pbData are mutually exclusive.  Only one may be
    // non-NULL.  Having both NULL means empty stream creation.
    _ASSERTE(!(szDatabase && (pbData)));
    _ASSERTE(!(pbData && (szDatabase)));

    // Open on memory needs there to be something to work with.
    if (pbData && cbData == 0)

    // Make sure we have a path to work with.
    if (!szDatabase)
        szDatabase = pNoFile;
    // Sanity check the name lentgh.
    if (!IsValidFileNameLength(szDatabase))
    // If we have storage to work with, init it and get type.
    if (*szDatabase || pbData)
        // Allocate a storage instance to use for i/o.
        if ((pStgIO = new (nothrow) StgIO) == 0)
            IfFailGo( E_OUTOFMEMORY );


        // If we're taking ownership of this memory.....
        if (IsOfTakeOwnership(dwFlags))
            // Shared memory uses ole32.dll - we cannot depend on it in the standalone WinRT Read-Only DLL
            dmOpenFlags = (DBPROPMODE)(dmOpenFlags | DBPROP_TMODEF_SHAREDMEM);
        if (IsOfTrustedImage(dwFlags))
            dmOpenFlags = (DBPROPMODE)(dmOpenFlags | DBPROP_TMODEF_TRYLOADLIBRARY);

        // Open the storage so we can read the signature if there is already data.
        IfFailGo( pStgIO->Open(szDatabase, 
                               0, // IStream*
                               NULL) );

        // Determine the type of file we are working with.
        IfFailGo( _GetFileTypeForPath(pStgIO, &m_eFileType) );

    // Check for default type.
    if (m_eFileType == FILETYPE_CLB)
        // If user wanted us to make a local copy of the data, do that now.
        if (IsOfCopyMemory(dwFlags))

        // Try the native .clb file.
        IfFailGo( InitFileForRead(pStgIO, IsOfRead(dwFlags)) );
    // PE/COFF executable/object format.  This requires us to find the .clb 
    // inside the binary before doing the Init.
    else if (m_eFileType == FILETYPE_NTPE || m_eFileType == FILETYPE_NTOBJ)
        //<TODO>@FUTURE: Ideally the FindImageMetaData function
        //@FUTURE:  would take the pStgIO and map only the part of the file where
        //@FUTURE:  our data lives, leaving the rest alone.  This would be smaller
        //@FUTURE:  working set for us.</TODO>
        void        *ptr;
        ULONG       cbSize;

        // Map the entire binary for the FindImageMetaData function.
        IfFailGo( pStgIO->MapFileToMem(ptr, &cbSize) );

        // Find the .clb inside of the content.
        if (m_eFileType == FILETYPE_NTPE)
            m_pImage = ptr;
            m_dwImageSize = cbSize;
            hr = FindImageMetaData(ptr, 
                                   pStgIO->GetMemoryMappedType() == MTYPE_IMAGE, 
            _ASSERTE(pStgIO->GetMemoryMappedType() != MTYPE_IMAGE);
            hr = FindObjMetaData(ptr, cbSize, &ptr, &cbSize);
        // Was the metadata found inside the PE file?
        if (FAILED(hr))
            if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY)
            // No clb in the PE, assume it is a type library.
            m_eFileType = FILETYPE_TLB;

            // Let the caller deal with a TypeLib.
            // Metadata was found inside the file.
            // Now reset the base of the stg object so that all memory accesses
            // are relative to the .clb content.
            IfFailGo( pStgIO->SetBaseRange(ptr, cbSize) );

            // If user wanted us to make a local copy of the data, do that now.
            if (IsOfCopyMemory(dwFlags))
                // Cache the PEKind, Machine.
                GetPEKind(pStgIO->GetMemoryMappedType(), NULL, NULL);
                // Copy the file into memory; releases the file.
                // No longer have the image.
                m_pImage = NULL;
                m_dwImageSize = 0;

            // Defer to the normal lookup.
            IfFailGo( InitFileForRead(pStgIO, IsOfRead(dwFlags)) );
    else if (m_eFileType == FILETYPE_TLB)
        // Let the caller deal with a TypeLib.
    // This spells trouble, we need to handle all types we might find.
        _ASSERTE(!"Unknown file type.");
        IfFailGo( E_FAIL );

    // Save off everything.

    // If this was a file...
    if (pbData == NULL)
        if (!WszGetFileAttributesEx(szDatabase, GetFileExInfoStandard, &faData))
        m_dwDatabaseLFS = faData.nFileSizeLow;
        m_dwDatabaseLFT = faData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        m_pStgIO = pStgIO;
        if (pStgIO != NULL)
    return hr;
Exemple #2
// Open a metadata section for read
HRESULT CLiteWeightStgdbRW::OpenForRead(
    LPCWSTR     szDatabase,             // Name of database.
    void        *pbData,                // Data to open on top of, 0 default.
    ULONG       cbData,                 // How big is the data.
    IStream     *pIStream,              // Optional stream to use.
    LPCWSTR     szSharedMem,            // Shared memory name for read.
    int         bReadOnly)              // If true, read-only.
    LPCWSTR     pNoFile=L"";            // Constant for empty file name.
    StgIO       *pStgIO = NULL;         // For file i/o.
    HRESULT     hr;

    m_pImage = NULL;
    m_dwImageSize = 0;
    m_eFileType = FILETYPE_UNKNOWN;
    // szDatabase, pbData, and pIStream are mutually exclusive.  Only one may be
    // non-NULL.  Having all 3 NULL means empty stream creation.
    _ASSERTE(!(szDatabase && (pbData || pIStream)));
    _ASSERTE(!(pbData && (szDatabase || pIStream)));
    _ASSERTE(!(pIStream && (szDatabase || pbData)));

    // Open on memory needs there to be something to work with.
    if (pbData && cbData == 0)

    // Make sure we have a path to work with.
    if (!szDatabase)
        szDatabase = pNoFile;

    // Sanity check the name.
    if (lstrlenW(szDatabase) >= _MAX_PATH)
        IfFailGo( E_INVALIDARG );

    // If we have storage to work with, init it and get type.
    if (*szDatabase || pbData || pIStream || szSharedMem)
        // Allocate a storage instance to use for i/o.
        if ((pStgIO = new StgIO) == 0)
            IfFailGo( E_OUTOFMEMORY );

        // Open the storage so we can read the signature if there is already data.
        IfFailGo( pStgIO->Open(szDatabase,
                               NULL) );

        // Determine the type of file we are working with.
        IfFailGo( _GetFileTypeForPath(pStgIO, &m_eFileType) );

    // Check for default type.
    if (m_eFileType == FILETYPE_CLB)
        // Try the native .clb file.
        IfFailGo( InitFileForRead(pStgIO, bReadOnly) );
    // PE/COFF executable/object format.  This requires us to find the .clb
    // inside the binary before doing the Init.
    else if (m_eFileType == FILETYPE_NTPE || m_eFileType == FILETYPE_NTOBJ)
        void        *ptr;
        ULONG       cbSize;

        // Map the entire binary for the FindImageMetaData function.
        IfFailGo( pStgIO->MapFileToMem(ptr, &cbSize) );

        // Find the .clb inside of the content.
        if (m_eFileType == FILETYPE_NTPE)
            m_pImage = ptr;
            m_dwImageSize = cbSize;
            hr = FindImageMetaData(ptr, &ptr, &cbSize, cbSize);
            hr = FindObjMetaData(ptr, &ptr, &cbSize, cbSize);

        // Was the metadata found inside the PE file?
        if (FAILED(hr))
            // No clb in the PE, assume it is a type library.
            m_eFileType = FILETYPE_TLB;

            // Let the caller deal with a TypeLib.
            // Metadata was found inside the file.
            // Now reset the base of the stg object so that all memory accesses
            // are relative to the .clb content.
            IfFailGo( pStgIO->SetBaseRange(ptr, cbSize) );

            // Defer to the normal lookup.
            IfFailGo( InitFileForRead(pStgIO, bReadOnly) );
    else if (m_eFileType == FILETYPE_TLB)
        // Let the caller deal with a TypeLib.
    // This spells trouble, we need to handle all types we might find.
        _ASSERTE(!"Unknown file type.");
        IfFailGo( E_FAIL );

    // Save off everything.
    wcscpy(m_rcDatabase, szDatabase);


    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        m_pStgIO = pStgIO;
        if (pStgIO)
    return (hr);