Exemple #1
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  lineCmdParamInvTrsf par;
  char *lineoptions;

  double time_init = _GetTime();
  double time_exit;
  double clock_init = _GetClock();
  double clock_exit;

  /* parameter initialization
  API_InitParam_invTrsf( &par );

  /* parameter parsing
  if ( argc <= 1 )
      API_ErrorParse_invTrsf( _BaseName( argv[0] ), (char*)NULL, 0 );
  API_ParseParam_invTrsf( 1, argc, argv, &par );

  /* API call

  lineoptions = _Array2Str( argc, argv );
  if ( lineoptions == (char*)NULL )
      API_ErrorParse_invTrsf( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to translate command line options ...\n", 0 );

  if( API_INTERMEDIARY_invTrsf( par.input_name, par.output_name, par.template_name,
                                lineoptions, (char*)NULL ) != 1 ) {
      free( lineoptions );
      API_ErrorParse_invTrsf( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "some error occurs during processing ...\n", -1 );
  free( lineoptions );

  time_exit = _GetTime();
  clock_exit = _GetClock();

  if ( par.print_time ) { 
    fprintf( stderr, "%s: elapsed (real) time = %f\n", _BaseName( argv[0] ), time_exit - time_init );
    fprintf( stderr, "\t       elapsed (user) time = %f (processors)\n", clock_exit - clock_init );
    fprintf( stderr, "\t       ratio (user)/(real) = %f\n", (clock_exit - clock_init)/(time_exit - time_init) );

  return( 1 );
 void CPositionRotationAnimation::ToBitStream( NetBitStreamInterface& a_rBitStream, bool a_bResumeMode ) const
     a_rBitStream.WriteBit ( a_bResumeMode );
     if ( a_bResumeMode )
        unsigned long ulNow = _GetTime ();
        unsigned long ulElaspedTime = ulNow - m_ulStartTime;
        unsigned long ulTimeLeft = 0;
        if ( m_ulEndTime > ulNow )
            ulTimeLeft = m_ulEndTime - ulNow;
        a_rBitStream.WriteCompressed ( ulElaspedTime );
        a_rBitStream.WriteCompressed ( ulTimeLeft );
         a_rBitStream.WriteCompressed ( m_ulDuration );

     SPositionSync positionSync;
     positionSync.data.vecPosition = m_SourceValue.m_vecPosition;
     a_rBitStream.Write ( &positionSync );

     SRotationRadiansSync rotationSync ( true ); //RPC function used floats when join time packet didn't, let's go for float
     rotationSync.data.vecRotation = m_SourceValue.m_vecRotation;
     a_rBitStream.Write ( &rotationSync );
     positionSync.data.vecPosition = m_TargetValue.m_vecPosition;
     a_rBitStream.Write ( &positionSync );

     a_rBitStream.WriteBit ( m_bDeltaRotationMode );
     if ( m_bDeltaRotationMode )
        rotationSync.data.vecRotation = m_DeltaValue.m_vecRotation; //We serialize DELTA
         rotationSync.data.vecRotation = m_TargetValue.m_vecRotation;
     a_rBitStream.Write ( &rotationSync );

     ////We write the string directly to allow new types without changing netcode (since integer values of enum might change)
     a_rBitStream.WriteString ( CEasingCurve::GetStringFromEasingType( m_easingCurve.GetType() ) );
     double fEasingPeriod, fEasingAmplitude, fEasingOvershoot;
     m_easingCurve.GetParams ( fEasingPeriod, fEasingAmplitude, fEasingOvershoot );
     a_rBitStream.Write ( fEasingPeriod );
     a_rBitStream.Write ( fEasingAmplitude );
     a_rBitStream.Write ( fEasingOvershoot );
Exemple #3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  lineCmdParamRegionalext par;
  vt_image *image, imres, imtmp, *imout, imbinary;
  char *lineoptions;

  u8 *resBuf = NULL;
  int i, v = 0;

  double time_init = _GetTime();
  double time_exit;
  double clock_init = _GetClock();
  double clock_exit;

  /* parameter initialization
  API_InitParam_regionalext( &par );

  /* parameter parsing
  if ( argc <= 1 )
      API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), (char*)NULL, 0 );
  API_ParseParam_regionalext( 1, argc, argv, &par );

  /* input image reading
  image = _VT_Inrimage( par.input_name );
  if ( image == (vt_image*)NULL ) {
      API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to read input image ...\n", 0 );

  if ( par.input_inv == 1 )  VT_InverseImage( image );
  if ( par.input_swap == 1 ) VT_SwapImage( image );

  /* output image creation

  VT_Image( &imres );
  VT_InitFromImage( &imres, image, par.output_name, image->type );
  switch( image->type ) {
  default :
  case SCHAR :
  case UCHAR :
  case USHORT :
  case SSHORT :
      imres.type = image->type;
  case UINT :
  case FLOAT :
  case DOUBLE :
      imres.type = USHORT;

  if ( VT_AllocImage( &imres ) != 1 ) {
    VT_FreeImage( image );
    VT_Free( (void**)&image );
    API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to allocate output image ...\n", 0 );

  /* API call

  lineoptions = _Array2Str( argc, argv );
  if ( lineoptions == (char*)NULL )
      API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to translate command line options ...\n", 0 );

  if ( API_regionalext( image, &imres, lineoptions, (char*)NULL ) != 1 ) {
      free( lineoptions );
      VT_FreeImage( &imres );
      VT_FreeImage( image );
      VT_Free( (void**)&image );
      API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "some error occurs during processing ...\n", 0 );

  /* memory freeing
  free( lineoptions );
  VT_FreeImage( image );
  VT_Free( (void**)&image );

  /* output difference image writing
  imout = &imres;

  if ( par.output_type != TYPE_UNKNOWN ) {
      VT_InitFromImage( &imtmp, &imres, par.output_name, par.output_type  );
      if ( VT_AllocImage( &imtmp ) != 1 ) {
          VT_FreeImage( &imres );
          API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to allocate auxiliary image ...\n", 0 );
      if ( VT_CopyImage( &imres, &imtmp ) != 1 ) {
          VT_FreeImage( &imtmp );
          VT_FreeImage( &imres );
          API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to copy result image ...\n", 0 );
      VT_FreeImage( &imres );
      imout = &imtmp;

  if ( VT_WriteInrimage( imout ) == -1 ) {
    VT_FreeImage( imout );
    API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to write output image ...\n", 0 );

  /* memory freeing
  VT_FreeImage( image );
  VT_Free( (void**)&image );

  /* binary image writing
  if ( par.heightmin <= 0.0 || par.heightmax < par.heightmin ) {
      if ( par.binary_output_name != (char*)NULL && par.binary_output_name[0] != '\0' ) {

          v = imres.dim.x * imres.dim.y * imres.dim.z;

          VT_Image( &imbinary );
          VT_InitFromImage( &imbinary, &imres, par.binary_output_name, imres.type );
          if ( par.binary_output_type != TYPE_UNKNOWN && par.binary_output_type != UCHAR ) {
              imbinary.type = par.binary_output_type;
              if ( VT_AllocImage( &imbinary ) != 1 ) {
                  VT_FreeImage( &imres );
                  API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to allocate binary output image ...\n", 0 );
              VT_Threshold( &imres, &imbinary, 1.0 );
          else {
              imbinary.type = UCHAR;
              if ( VT_AllocImage( &imbinary ) != 1 ) {
                  VT_FreeImage( &imres );
                  API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to allocate binary output image ...\n", 0 );
              resBuf = (u8*)imbinary.buf;
              switch ( imres.type ) {
              case SCHAR :
                  s8 *buf = (s8*)imres.buf;
                  for (i=0; i<v; i++ )
                    resBuf[i] = ( buf[i] > 0 ) ? 255 : 0 ;
              case UCHAR :
                  u8 *buf = (u8*)imres.buf;
                  for (i=0; i<v; i++ )
                    resBuf[i] = ( buf[i] > 0 ) ? 255 : 0 ;
              case SSHORT :
                  s16 *buf = (s16*)imres.buf;
                  for (i=0; i<v; i++ )
                    resBuf[i] = ( buf[i] > 0 ) ? 255 : 0 ;
              case USHORT :
                  u16 *buf = (u16*)imres.buf;
                  for (i=0; i<v; i++ )
                    resBuf[i] = ( buf[i] > 0 ) ? 255 : 0 ;
              default :
                VT_FreeImage( &imbinary );
                VT_FreeImage( &imres );
                API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "such output image type not handled yet ...\n", 0 );
          if ( VT_WriteInrimage( &imbinary ) == -1 ) {
              VT_FreeImage( &imbinary );
              VT_FreeImage( &imres );
              API_ErrorParse_regionalext( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to write output binary image ...\n", 0 );
          VT_FreeImage( &imbinary );


  /* memory freeing
  VT_FreeImage( &imres );

  time_exit = _GetTime();
  clock_exit = _GetClock();

  if ( par.print_time ) { 
    fprintf( stderr, "%s: elapsed (real) time = %f\n", _BaseName( argv[0] ), time_exit - time_init );
    fprintf( stderr, "\t       elapsed (user) time = %f (processors)\n", clock_exit - clock_init );
    fprintf( stderr, "\t       ratio (user)/(real) = %f\n", (clock_exit - clock_init)/(time_exit - time_init) );

  return( 1 );
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  lineCmdParamExecTemplate par;
  bal_image image, imres;
  char *lineoptions;

  double time_init = _GetTime();
  double time_exit;
  double clock_init = _GetClock();
  double clock_exit;

  /* parameter initialization
  API_InitParam_execTemplate( &par );

  /* parameter parsing
  if ( argc <= 1 )
      API_ErrorParse_execTemplate( _BaseName( argv[0] ), (char*)NULL, 0 );
  API_ParseParam_execTemplate( 1, argc, argv, &par );

  /* input image reading
  BAL_InitImage( &image, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, UCHAR );
  if ( BAL_ReadImage( &image, par.input_name, 0 ) != 1 ) {
      API_ErrorParse_execTemplate( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to read input image ...\n", 0 );

  /* output image creation

  BAL_InitImage( &imres, par.output_name, image.ncols, image.nrows, image.nplanes, image.vdim, image.type );
  if ( par.output_type != TYPE_UNKNOWN ) imres.type = par.output_type;
  if ( BAL_AllocImage( &imres ) != 1 ) {
    BAL_FreeImage( &image );
    API_ErrorParse_execTemplate( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to allocate output image ...\n", 0 );

  /* API call

  lineoptions = _Array2Str( argc, argv );
  if ( lineoptions == (char*)NULL )
      API_ErrorParse_execTemplate( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to translate command line options ...\n", 0 );

  if ( API_execTemplate( &image, &imres, lineoptions, (char*)NULL ) != 1 ) {
      free( lineoptions );
      BAL_FreeImage( &imres );
      BAL_FreeImage( &image );
      API_ErrorParse_execTemplate( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "some error occurs during processing ...\n", -1 );
  free( lineoptions );

  /* output image writing

  if ( BAL_WriteImage( &imres, par.output_name ) != 1 ) {
      BAL_FreeImage( &imres );
      BAL_FreeImage( &image );
    API_ErrorParse_execTemplate( _BaseName( argv[0] ), "unable to write output image ...\n", -1 );
  /* memory freeing
  BAL_FreeImage( &imres );
  BAL_FreeImage( &image );

  time_exit = _GetTime();
  clock_exit = _GetClock();

  if ( par.print_time ) { 
    fprintf( stderr, "%s: elapsed (real) time = %f\n", _BaseName( argv[0] ), time_exit - time_init );
    fprintf( stderr, "\t       elapsed (user) time = %f (processors)\n", clock_exit - clock_init );
    fprintf( stderr, "\t       ratio (user)/(real) = %f\n", (clock_exit - clock_init)/(time_exit - time_init) );

  return( 1 );
Exemple #5
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  void *bufferIn = (void*)NULL;
  void *bufferOut = (void*)NULL;
  int bufferDims[3] = {0,0,0};
  int borderLengths[3] = {0,0,0};
  typeFilteringCoefficients filter[3];

  int fd;
  int bufferLength;
  int example;

  double time_init;
  double time_exit;
  double clock_init;
  double clock_exit;

  initFilteringCoefficients( &(filter[0]) );
  initFilteringCoefficients( &(filter[1]) );
  initFilteringCoefficients( &(filter[2]) );

   * 2D image, example of use
  time_init = _GetTime();
  clock_init = _GetClock();

   * allocation of a 64 x 64 image
  example = 1;
  bufferLength = 4096;
  bufferIn = (void*)malloc( bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char) );
  if ( bufferIn == (void*)NULL ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: allocation of first buffer failed.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );
  bufferOut = (void*)malloc( bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char) );
  if ( bufferOut == (void*)NULL ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: allocation of second buffer failed.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );
   * reading the 2D image (raw data)
  fd = open( "images/square64x64.data", 0 );
    char *b = (char*)bufferIn;
    int toberead = bufferLength;
    int nbread = 0;
    while ( (toberead > 0) && ((nbread = read( fd, b, toberead )) > 0) ) {
      toberead -= nbread;
      b += nbread;
    if ( toberead > 0 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: read %d bytes instead of %d.\n",
	       example, (bufferLength- toberead), bufferLength );
      exit( 1 );
  close( fd );

   * processing the 2D image
  bufferDims[0] = 64;
  bufferDims[1] = 64;
  bufferDims[2] = 1;
  if ( gradientMaxima2D( bufferIn, UCHAR,
			 bufferOut, UCHAR,
			 filter ) != 1 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: processing failed.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );

   * writing the 2D image (raw data)
  fd = creat( "images/square64x64.tmp", 0644 );
  if ( write( fd, bufferOut, bufferLength ) != bufferLength ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: error in writing.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );
  close( fd );

  fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: processing is complete.\n", example );
  fprintf( stderr, "             image/square64x64.tmp was written.\n");
  free( bufferIn );
  free( bufferOut );

  time_exit = _GetTime();
  clock_exit = _GetClock();
  fprintf( stderr, "             elapsed (real) time = %f\n", time_exit - time_init );
  fprintf( stderr, "             elapsed (user) time = %f (processors)\n", clock_exit - clock_init );
  fprintf( stderr, "             ratio (user)/(real) = %f\n", (clock_exit - clock_init)/(time_exit - time_init) );

   * 3D image, example of use
  time_init = _GetTime();
  clock_init = _GetClock();

   * allocation of a 64 x 64 x 64 image
  example = 2;
  bufferLength = 262144;
  bufferIn = (void*)malloc( bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char) );
  if ( bufferIn == (void*)NULL ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: allocation of first buffer failed.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );
  bufferOut = (void*)malloc( bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char) );
  if ( bufferOut == (void*)NULL ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: allocation of second buffer failed.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );
   * reading the 3D image (raw data)
  fd = open( "images/disk64x64x64.data", 0 );
    char *b = (char*)bufferIn;
    int toberead = bufferLength;
    int nbread = 0;
    while ( (toberead > 0) && ((nbread = read( fd, b, toberead )) > 0) ) {
      toberead -= nbread;
      b += nbread;
    if ( toberead > 0 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: read %d bytes instead of %d.\n",
	       example, (bufferLength- toberead), bufferLength );
      exit( 1 );
  close( fd );

   * processing the 3D image
  bufferDims[0] = 64;
  bufferDims[1] = 64;
  bufferDims[2] = 64;
  if ( gradientMaxima3D( bufferIn, UCHAR,
			 bufferOut, UCHAR,
			 filter ) != 1 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: processing failed.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );

   * writing the 3D image (raw data)
  fd = creat( "images/disk64x64x64.tmp", 0644 );
  if ( write( fd, bufferOut, bufferLength ) != bufferLength ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: error in writing.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );
  close( fd );

  fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: processing is complete.\n", example );
  fprintf( stderr, "             image/disk64x64x64.tmp was written.\n");
  free( bufferIn );
  free( bufferOut );
  time_exit = _GetTime();
  clock_exit = _GetClock();
  fprintf( stderr, "             elapsed (real) time = %f\n", time_exit - time_init );
  fprintf( stderr, "             elapsed (user) time = %f (processors)\n", clock_exit - clock_init );
  fprintf( stderr, "             ratio (user)/(real) = %f\n", (clock_exit - clock_init)/(time_exit - time_init) );

   * 3D image, second example of use
  time_init = _GetTime();
  clock_init = _GetClock();

   * allocation of a 64 x 64 x 64 image
  example = 3;
  bufferLength = 262144;
  bufferIn = (void*)malloc( bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char) );
  if ( bufferIn == (void*)NULL ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: allocation of first buffer failed.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );
  bufferOut = (void*)malloc( bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char) );
  if ( bufferOut == (void*)NULL ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: allocation of second buffer failed.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );
   * reading the image
  fd = open( "images/mri64x64x64.data", 0 );
    char *b = (char*)bufferIn;
    int toberead = bufferLength;
    int nbread = 0;
    while ( (toberead > 0) && ((nbread = read( fd, b, toberead )) > 0) ) {
      toberead -= nbread;
      b += nbread;
    if ( toberead > 0 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: read %d bytes instead of %d.\n",
	       example, (bufferLength- toberead), bufferLength );
      exit( 1 );
  close( fd );

   * processing
  bufferDims[0] = 64;
  bufferDims[1] = 64;
  bufferDims[2] = 64;
   * here it is better (even necessary) to add
   * points at both ends of lines when filetring.
  borderLengths[0] = 10;
  borderLengths[1] = 10;
  borderLengths[2] = 10;
  if (gradientMaxima3D( bufferIn, UCHAR,
			bufferOut, UCHAR,
			filter ) != 1 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: processing failed.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );

   * writing 
  fd = creat( "images/mri64x64x64.tmp", 0644 );
  if ( write( fd, bufferOut, bufferLength ) != bufferLength ) {
    fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: error in writing.\n", example );
    exit( 1 );
  close( fd );

  fprintf( stderr, " example #%d: processing is complete.\n", example );
  fprintf( stderr, "             image/mri64x64x64.tmp was written.\n");
  free( bufferIn );
  free( bufferOut );
  time_exit = _GetTime();
  clock_exit = _GetClock();
  fprintf( stderr, "             elapsed (real) time = %f\n", time_exit - time_init );
  fprintf( stderr, "             elapsed (user) time = %f (processors)\n", clock_exit - clock_init );
  fprintf( stderr, "             ratio (user)/(real) = %f\n", (clock_exit - clock_init)/(time_exit - time_init) );

  exit( 0 );