Exemple #1
extern  bool    IndexOkay( instruction *ins, name *index ) {

    name                *name;
    conflict_node       *conf;

    name = index->i.index;
    if( name->n.class == N_REGISTER ) {
        return( IsIndexReg( name->r.reg, name->n.name_class, 0 ) );
    if( name->v.conflict == NULL ) return( FALSE );
    if( name->v.usage & USE_MEMORY ) return( FALSE );
    if( name->n.class != N_TEMP ) return( FALSE );
    conf = NameConflict( ins, name );
    if( conf == NULL ) return( FALSE );
    if( _Is( conf, NEEDS_INDEX_SPLIT ) ) {
        _SetFalse( conf, NEEDS_INDEX );
        return( FALSE );
    } else {
        _SetTrue( conf, NEEDS_INDEX );
        ins->head.state = OPERANDS_NEED_WORK;
        ins->t.index_needs = MarkIndex( ins, name, 0 );
        return( TRUE );
Exemple #2
extern  bool    WndGetLine( a_window *wnd, int row, int piece,
                            wnd_line_piece *line )
    int         virtual_row;
    bool        success;

    virtual_row = WndVirtualRow( wnd, row );
    if( _Is( wnd, WSW_CACHE_LINES ) ) {
        if( FindCacheLine( wnd, virtual_row, piece, line ) ) return( TRUE );
    line->attr = WndPlainAttr;
    line->indent = 0;
    line->static_text = FALSE;
    line->tabstop = TRUE;
    line->hot = FALSE;
    line->extent = WND_NO_EXTEND;
    line->master_tabstop = FALSE;
    line->underline = FALSE;
    line->draw_bar = FALSE;
    line->vertical_line = FALSE;
    line->draw_hook = FALSE;
    line->draw_line_hook = FALSE;
    line->bitmap = FALSE;
    line->use_piece0_attr = FALSE;
    line->use_prev_attr = FALSE;
    line->use_key = TRUE;
    line->text = "";
    line->hint = "";
    if( virtual_row < -wnd->title_size ) return( FALSE );
    if( row == wnd->u.button_down.row && piece == wnd->u.button_down.piece ) {
        _Set( wnd, WSW_ALTERNATE_BIT );
    success = wnd->info->getline( wnd, virtual_row, piece, line );
    _Clr( wnd, WSW_ALTERNATE_BIT );
    if( success ) {
        if( !(line->bitmap|line->vertical_line|line->draw_hook|line->draw_line_hook|line->draw_bar) ) {
            line->length = strlen( line->text );
        if( virtual_row > wnd->max_row ) wnd->max_row = virtual_row;
    if( success ) {
        if( _Is( wnd, WSW_CACHE_LINES ) ) {
            SetCacheLine( wnd, virtual_row, piece, line );
    return( success );
static void    WndPaintRows( a_window *wnd, wnd_row start_row, int num )
    wnd_row             row;
    wnd_row             row_to_get;
    int                 piece;
    wnd_line_piece      line;
    wnd_row             notify_row;
    int                 notify_piece;
    wnd_attr            piece0_attr;
    wnd_attr            prev_attr;
    bool                had_cache;

    had_cache = WndSetCache( wnd, FALSE );
    WndBegPaint( wnd, start_row, num );
    notify_row = WND_NO_ROW;
    for( row = start_row; row < start_row + num; ++row ) {
        for( piece = 0; ; ++piece ) {
            if( row < wnd->title_size ) {
                row_to_get = row - wnd->top;
            } else {
                row_to_get = row;
            if( !WndGetLine( wnd, row_to_get, piece, &line ) ) break;
            if( line.tabstop && wnd->current.row == row &&
                wnd->current.piece == piece ) {
                notify_row = row;
                notify_piece = piece;
                if( _Is( wnd, WSW_HIGHLIGHT_CURRENT ) ) {
                    line.attr = WndMapTabAttr( line.attr );
            if( piece == 0 ) {
                piece0_attr = line.attr;
            } else if( line.use_piece0_attr ) {
                line.attr = piece0_attr;
            } if( line.use_prev_attr ) {
                line.attr = prev_attr;
            prev_attr = line.attr;
            WndDrawTheLine( wnd, &line, row );
            if( !line.bitmap ) {
                WndDrawSelect( wnd, &line, row, piece );
                WndDrawCursor( wnd, &line, row, piece );
    WndEndPaint( wnd, start_row, num );
    WndSetCache( wnd, had_cache );
    if( wnd->max_indent != 0 ) {
        GUISetHScrollRange( wnd->gui, wnd->max_indent );
    if( notify_row != WND_NO_ROW ) {
        WndNotify( wnd, notify_row, notify_piece );
Exemple #4
bool WndSetCache( a_window *wnd, bool on )
    bool        old;

    old = _Is( wnd, WSW_CACHE_LINES );
    if( on ) {
        _Set( wnd, WSW_CACHE_LINES );
    } else {
        _Clr( wnd, WSW_CACHE_LINES );
    return( old );
static void WndDrawSelect( a_window *wnd, wnd_line_piece *line,
                           wnd_row row, int piece )
    int                 first;
    int                 len;
    gui_ord             indent;

    if( _Is( wnd, WSW_NOT_TO_SCREEN ) ) return;
    if( WndSelected( wnd, line, row, piece, &first, &len ) ){
        indent = line->indent;
        if( first != 0 ) {
            indent += GUIGetExtentX( wnd->gui, line->text, first );
        GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, line->text+first, len, row, indent, WndSelectedAttr );
static void WndDrawCursor( a_window *wnd, wnd_line_piece *line,
                           wnd_row row, int piece )
    const char  *p;

    if( _Is( wnd, WSW_NOT_TO_SCREEN ) ) return;
    if( _Isnt( wnd, WSW_CHAR_CURSOR ) ) return;
    if( !line->tabstop ) return;
    if( wnd->current.row != row ) return;
    if( wnd->current.piece != piece ) return;
    if( wnd->current.col < 0 ) return;
    if( line->length == 0 ) {
        GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, " ", 1, row, line->indent, WndCursorAttr );
    } else if( wnd->current.col < line->length ) {
        line->indent += GUIGetExtentX( wnd->gui, line->text, wnd->current.col );
        p = line->text + wnd->current.col;
        GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, p, GUICharLen( *p ),
                     row, line->indent, WndCursorAttr );
Exemple #7
extern  void    CalcSavings( conflict_node *conf ) {

/* NB: <regsave> relies on the fact that "conf" is a parm to this routine*/

    save_def            block_save;
    save_def            block_cost;
    save_def            cost;
    save_def            save;
#undef   _InRegAssgn
#include "savcache.h"

    if( ( conf->name->v.usage & USE_IN_ANOTHER_BLOCK )
     && ( conf->name->v.usage & ( NEEDS_MEMORY | USE_ADDRESS ) ) ) {
        CalcLoadStore( conf );
    if( _Is( conf, CONFLICT_ON_HOLD ) ) {
        conf->savings = 0;
    } else if( conf->available == 0
         && _Isnt( conf, ( NEEDS_INDEX | NEEDS_SEGMENT ) ) ) {
        conf->savings = 0;
    } else if( conf->ins_range.first == conf->ins_range.last ) {
        conf->savings = 0;             /* don't try - the world screws up*/
    } else {
        cost = 0;
        save = 0;
        block_cost = 0;
        block_save = 0;
        opnd = conf->name;

#include "savcode.h"

        if( save <= cost ) {
            conf->savings = 0;
        } else if( save - cost < MAX_SAVE ) {
            conf->savings = save - cost;
        } else {
            conf->savings = MAX_SAVE - 1;
Exemple #8
extern  void    SplitVars( void )
/* For each variable, find out if it can be split into two separate variables.*/
/* This often happens when programmers re-use variables rather than defining*/
/* a new one.*/
    name                *op;
    conflict_node       *conf;

    for( ;; ) {
        for( conf = ConfList; conf != NULL; conf = conf->next_conflict ) {
            op = conf->name;
            if( (op->v.usage & USE_IN_ANOTHER_BLOCK) == 0 )
            if( op->n.class != N_TEMP )
            if( _Is( conf, CST_CONF_VISITED ) )
            _SetFalse( conf, CST_CONFLICT_ON_HOLD );
            if( _GBitEmpty( conf->id.out_of_block ) )
            if( op->t.alias == op )
                Split1Var( conf );
            _GBitInit( conf->id.out_of_block, EMPTY );
            _SetTrue( conf, CST_CONFLICT_ON_HOLD | CST_CONF_VISITED );
        if( !MoreConflicts() ) {
    NullConflicts( EMPTY );
Exemple #9
extern  void    DumpAConf( conflict_node *conf ) {

    DumpOperand( conf->name );
    DumpLiteral( " id " );
    DumpGBit( &conf->id.out_of_block );
    DumpChar( ' ' );
    DumpLBit( &conf->id.within_block );
    DumpPossible( conf->possible );
    DumpLiteral( "    " );
    DumpInsRange( conf );
    DumpLiteral( " Start block " );
    DumpPtr( conf->start_block );
    DumpLiteral( "    Conflicts with " );
    DumpGBit( &conf->with.out_of_block );
    DumpChar( ' ' );
    DumpLBit( &conf->with.within_block );
    DumpChar( ' ' );
    DumpRegName( conf->with.regs );
    DumpLiteral( "    Constrained " );
    DumpInt( conf->num_constrained );
    DumpLiteral( " vs " );
    DumpInt( conf->available );
    if( _Is( conf, CST_SAVINGS_CALCULATED ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "    Savings " );
        DumpLong( conf->savings );
    if( _Is( conf, CST_CONFLICT_ON_HOLD ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "    On hold" );
    if( _Is( conf, CST_CHANGES_OTHERS ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "    Changes Others" );
    if( _Is( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "    Needs segment" );
    if( _Is( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT_SPLIT ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "    Needs segment split" );
    if( _Is( conf, CST_SEGMENT_SPLIT ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "    Is segment split" );
    if( _Is( conf, CST_NEEDS_INDEX ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "    Needs index" );
    if( _Is( conf, CST_NEEDS_INDEX_SPLIT ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "    Needs index split" );
    if( _Is( conf, CST_INDEX_SPLIT ) ) {
        DumpLiteral( "    Is index split" );
Exemple #10
extern  bool    WndSearch( a_window *wnd, bool from_top, int direction )
    wnd_line_piece      line;
    regexp              *rx;
    char                *pos;
    char                *endpos;
    bool                wrap;
    int                 rows;
    bool                rc;
    bool                had_cache;
    char                *not_found;
    char                *top_of_window;
    char                *end_of_window;
    char                *search_wrapped;

    wnd_subpiece        next_occurence;
    wnd_subpiece        prev_occurence;
    wnd_subpiece        curr;
    wnd_coord           starting_pos;

    if( direction == 0 ) return( FALSE );
    if( wnd == NULL ) return( FALSE );
    if( wnd->searchitem == NULL ) return( FALSE );
    rx = WndCompileRX( wnd->searchitem );
    if( rx == NULL ) return( FALSE );
    not_found = WndLoadString( LITERAL_Not_Found );
    top_of_window = WndLoadString( LITERAL_Top_Of_Window );
    end_of_window = WndLoadString( LITERAL_End_Of_Window );
    search_wrapped = WndLoadString( LITERAL_Search_Wrapped );
    wrap = FALSE;
    starting_pos.piece = 0;
    starting_pos.col = direction > 0 ? -1 : WND_MAX_COL;
    if( from_top ) {
        curr.row = 0;
    } else if( WndHasCurrent( wnd ) ) {
        curr.row = WndVirtualRow( wnd, wnd->current.row );
        starting_pos.piece = wnd->current.piece;
        starting_pos.col = wnd->current.col;
    } else {
        curr.row = WndVirtualTop( wnd );
    starting_pos.row = curr.row;
    WndNextRow( wnd, WND_NO_ROW, WND_SAVE_ROW );
    WndStatusText( "" );
    WndDoingSearch = TRUE;
    had_cache = WndSetCache( wnd, FALSE );
    for( ;; ) {
        if( curr.row < 0 ) {
            if( wrap ) {
                NotFound( wnd, rx, not_found );
                rc = FALSE;
                goto done;
            } else if( _Is( wnd, WSW_SEARCH_WRAP ) ) {
                rows = WndNumRows( wnd );
                if( rows == -1 ) {
                    WndRepaint( wnd );
                    WndScrollAbs( wnd, -wnd->title_size );
                    rows = WndScrollAbs( wnd, WND_MAX_ROW ) + WndRows( wnd );
                curr.row = rows - 1;
                curr.col = 0;
                curr.piece = -1;
                wrap = TRUE;
            } else {
                NotFound( wnd, rx, top_of_window );
                rc = FALSE;
                goto done;
        next_occurence.col = -1;
        prev_occurence.col = -1;
        for( curr.piece = 0;; ++curr.piece ) { // look for both next and prev match
            if( !WndGetLineAbs( wnd, curr.row, curr.piece, &line ) ) {
                if( curr.piece != 0 ) break;
                if( wrap ) {
                    NotFound( wnd, rx, not_found );
                    rc = FALSE;
                    goto done;
                } else if( _Is( wnd, WSW_SEARCH_WRAP ) ) {
                    curr.row = 0;
                    curr.col = 0;
                    curr.piece = -1;
                    wrap = TRUE;
                } else {
                    NotFound( wnd, rx, end_of_window );
                    rc = FALSE;
                    goto done;
            if( line.bitmap ) continue;
            pos = line.text;
            endpos = NULL;
            while( WndRXFind( rx, &pos, &endpos ) ) {
                curr.end = endpos - line.text;
                curr.col = pos - line.text;
                if( curr.piece < starting_pos.piece ) {
                    prev_occurence = curr;
                } else if( curr.piece > starting_pos.piece ) {
                    if( next_occurence.col == -1 ) {
                        next_occurence = curr;
                } else if( curr.col > starting_pos.col ) {
                    if( next_occurence.col == -1 ) {
                        next_occurence = curr;
                } else if( curr.col < starting_pos.col ) {
                    prev_occurence = curr;
        if( direction < 0 ) {
            next_occurence = prev_occurence;
        if( next_occurence.col != -1 ) {
            WndDoingSearch = FALSE;
            WndKillCacheLines( wnd );
            WndDirtyCurr( wnd );
            WndNoSelect( wnd );
            WndNoCurrent( wnd );
            if( curr.row < WndVirtualTop( wnd ) ) {
                if( curr.row > wnd->rows / 2 ) {
                    WndRepaint( wnd );
                    WndScrollAbs( wnd, curr.row - wnd->rows / 2 );
                } else {
                    WndRepaint( wnd );
                    WndScrollAbs( wnd, -wnd->title_size );
            } else if( curr.row >= WndVirtualBottom( wnd ) ) {
                WndRepaint( wnd );
                WndScrollAbs( wnd, curr.row - wnd->rows / 2 );
            wnd->sel_start.row = WndScreenRow( wnd, curr.row );
            wnd->sel_start.piece = next_occurence.piece;
            wnd->sel_start.col = next_occurence.col;

            wnd->sel_end = wnd->sel_start;
            wnd->sel_end.col = next_occurence.end - 1;

            wnd->current.col = wnd->sel_end.col;
            wnd->current = wnd->sel_start;
            WndSetCurrCol( wnd );
            WndCurrVisible( wnd );
            WndDirtyCurr( wnd );
            WndFreeRX( rx );
            if( wrap ) WndStatusText( search_wrapped );
            rc = TRUE;
            goto done;
        if( direction > 0 ) {
            if( wrap && curr.row > starting_pos.row ) {
                NotFound( wnd, rx, not_found );
                rc = FALSE;
                goto done;
            starting_pos.col = -1;
            starting_pos.piece = 0;
            curr.row = WndNextRow( wnd, curr.row, 1 );
        } else {
            starting_pos.col = WND_MAX_COL;
            starting_pos.piece = WND_MAX_COL;
            curr.row = WndNextRow( wnd, curr.row, -1 );
        curr.piece = 0;
    WndSetCache( wnd, had_cache );
    WndFree( not_found );
    WndFree( top_of_window );
    WndFree( end_of_window );
    WndFree( search_wrapped );
    return( rc );
Exemple #11
void WndPaintDirt( a_window *wnd )
    int                 i;
    wnd_line_piece      line;
    wnd_line_piece      next_piece_line;
    gui_rect            rect;
    wnd_dirt            *dirt;
    gui_coord           size;
    gui_coord           half_char;
    a_window            *next;
//    a_window            *last;

//    last = NULL;
    for( wnd = WndNext( NULL ); wnd != NULL; wnd = next ) {
        next = WndNext( wnd );
        if( wnd->vscroll_pending != 0 ) {
            if( wnd->hscroll_pending != -1 ) {
                _Set( wnd, WSW_REPAINT );
            if( _Is( wnd, WSW_REPAINT ) ) {
                if( wnd->hscroll_pending != -1 ) {
                    GUIInitHScroll( wnd->gui, wnd->hscroll_pending );
                WndRepaint( wnd );
                wnd->hscroll_pending = -1;
                wnd->vscroll_pending = 0;
            } else {
                for( i = 0; i < wnd->title_size; ++i ) {
                    GUIDrawTextExtent( wnd->gui, " ", 1, i, 0, GUI_BACKGROUND, GUI_NO_COLUMN );
                GUIDoVScrollClip( wnd->gui, wnd->vscroll_pending,
                                  wnd->title_size, wnd->rows - 1 );
                wnd->vscroll_pending = 0;
        if( _Is( wnd, WSW_REPAINT ) ) {
            _Clr( wnd, WSW_REPAINT );
            WndKillCacheLines( wnd );
            WndCheckCurrentValid( wnd );
            GUIWndDirty( wnd->gui );
            if( wnd->max_indent != 0 && wnd->width >= wnd->max_indent ) {
                GUISetHScroll( wnd->gui, 0 );
                wnd->hscroll_pending = -1;
                GUISetHScrollRange( wnd->gui, wnd->max_indent );
            next = wnd;
        } else {
            for( i = 0; i < wnd->dirtyrects; ++i ) {
                dirt = &wnd->dirty[i];
                if( dirt->row < 0 ) continue;
                if( dirt->row >= wnd->rows ) continue;
                if( dirt->piece == WND_NO_PIECE ) {
                    if( !WndGetLine( wnd, dirt->row, 0, &line ) ) continue;
                    GUIWndDirtyRow( wnd->gui, dirt->row );
                } else {
                    if( !WndGetLine( wnd, dirt->row, dirt->piece, &line ) ) continue;
                    if( line.bitmap ) {
                        GUIGetHotSpotSize( line.text[0], &size );
                        rect.x = line.indent;
                        rect.y = dirt->row * wnd->max_char.y;
                        rect.width = line.length;
                        rect.height = size.y;
                    } else if( dirt->col != WND_NO_COL ) {
                        if( line.length == 0 ) line.text = " ";
                        rect.x = line.indent;
                        rect.x += GUIGetExtentX(wnd->gui, line.text, dirt->col);
                        rect.y = dirt->row * wnd->max_char.y;
                        rect.width = GUIGetExtentX( wnd->gui, line.text+dirt->col, dirt->end_col-dirt->col+GUICharLen( line.text[dirt->col] ) );
                        rect.height = wnd->max_char.y;
                    } else if( line.extent == WND_MAX_EXTEND || line.master_tabstop ) {
                        rect.width = 0;
                        rect.height = 0;
                        GUIWndDirtyRow( wnd->gui, dirt->row );
                    } else {
                        rect.x = line.indent;
                        if( WndGetLine( wnd, dirt->row, dirt->piece+1, &next_piece_line ) ) {
                            if( next_piece_line.indent < line.indent ) {
                                rect.width = WND_APPROX_SIZE;
                            } else {
                                rect.width = next_piece_line.indent - line.indent;
                        } else {
                            rect.width = WND_APPROX_SIZE;
                        rect.y = dirt->row * wnd->max_char.y;
                        rect.height = wnd->max_char.y;
                    /* begin kludge for Kerning problem */
                    if( rect.width != 0 || rect.height != 0 ) {
                        half_char.x = WndAvgCharX( wnd ) / 2;
                        half_char.y = 0;
                        GUITruncToPixel( &half_char );
                        if( rect.x < half_char.x ) {
                            rect.width += half_char.x + rect.x;
                            rect.x = 0;
                        } else {
                            rect.x -= half_char.x;
                            rect.width += half_char.x + half_char.x;
                        GUIWndDirtyRect( wnd->gui, &rect );
        if( wnd->hscroll_pending != -1 ) {
            GUISetHScroll( wnd->gui, wnd->hscroll_pending );
            wnd->hscroll_pending = -1;
        wnd->dirtyrects = 0;
        WndSetThumb( wnd );