Exemple #1
__except_validate_jump_buffer_common (
    _In_ jmp_buf JumpBuffer,
    _In_ PVOID (*ExceptGetJbSpRoutine)(jmp_buf)


Routine Description:

    This function validates a jump buffer for exception handling support.


    JumpBuffer - Supplies a pointer to the jump buffer to validate.

Return Value:

    None.  If the jump buffer was not valid, a fast fail event is raised if
    CFG was enforced.



    PVOID StackPointer;
    PNT_TIB Tib;

    // If guard ICall checks are enforced, then validate the stack extents of
    // the jump buffer and raise a fast fail exception if the extents are
    // invalid.  If checks are not enforced or the jump buffer was valid, then
    // return.

    if (_guard_icall_checks_enforced()) {
        Tib = (PNT_TIB)NtCurrentTeb();
#pragma prefast(suppress:26007, "JumpBuffer is really a _JUMP_BUFFER in disguise and not a jmp_buf.  The code is correct.")
        StackPointer = ExceptGetJbSpRoutine(JumpBuffer);

        if ((StackPointer < Tib->StackLimit) ||
            (StackPointer > Tib->StackBase)) {


#if defined(JB_FRAME)
        if (JB_FRAME(JumpBuffer) == 0) {

void __cdecl abort (
    _PHNDLR sigabrt_act = SIG_DFL;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    if (__abort_behavior & _WRITE_ABORT_MSG)
        /* write the abort message */
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

    /* Check if the user installed a handler for SIGABRT.
     * We need to read the user handler atomically in the case
     * another thread is aborting while we change the signal
     * handler.
    sigabrt_act = __get_sigabrt();
    if (sigabrt_act != SIG_DFL)

    /* If there is no user handler for SIGABRT or if the user
     * handler returns, then exit from the program anyway

    if (__abort_behavior & _CALL_REPORTFAULT)
#if defined (_M_ARM) || defined (_CRT_APP)
#else  /* defined (_M_ARM) || defined (_CRT_APP) */
        if (IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_FASTFAIL_AVAILABLE))

#endif  /* defined (_M_ARM) || defined (_CRT_APP) */

    /* If we don't want to call ReportFault, then we call _exit(3), which is the
     * same as invoking the default handler for SIGABRT

Exemple #3
__except_validate_context_record (
    _In_ PCONTEXT ContextRecord


Routine Description:

    This function validates a context record for exception handling support.


    ContextRecord - Supplies a pointer to the context record to validate.

Return Value:

    None.  If the context record was not valid, a fast fail event is raised if
    CFG was enforced.


    PVOID StackPointer;
    PNT_TIB Tib;

    // If guard ICall checks are enforced, then validate the stack extents of
    // the context record and raise a fast fail exception if the extents are
    // invalid.  If checks are not enforced or the jump buffer was valid, then
    // return.
    if (_guard_icall_checks_enforced()) {
        Tib = (PNT_TIB)NtCurrentTeb();

        // HYB-TODO: Validate both chpe and guest context.

        StackPointer = (PVOID)CONTEXT_TO_STACK_POINTER(ContextRecord);
        if ((StackPointer < Tib->StackLimit) ||
            (StackPointer > Tib->StackBase)) {

void EbrThrowFatal(int code, const char* msg, ...) {
    printf("FATAL: %s\n", msg);
Exemple #5
    __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl __report_gsfailure(GSFAILURE_PARAMETER)
        if (IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_FASTFAIL_AVAILABLE))

        volatile UINT_PTR cookie[2];

        // Set up a fake exception, and report it via UnhandledExceptionFilter.
        // We can't raise a true exception because the stack (and therefore
        // exception handling) can't be trusted after a buffer overrun.  The
        // exception should appear as if it originated after the call to
        // __security_check_cookie, so it is attributed to the function where the
        // buffer overrun was detected.

        #if defined _M_IX86
        // On x86, we reserve some extra stack which won't be used.  That is to
        // preserve as much of the call frame as possible when the function with
        // the buffer overrun entered __security_check_cookie with a JMP instead of
        // a CALL, after the calling frame has been released in the epilogue of
        // that function.
        ULONG volatile dw[(sizeof(CONTEXT) + sizeof(EXCEPTION_RECORD)) / sizeof(ULONG)];

        // Save the state in the context record immediately.  Hopefully, since
        // opts are disabled, this will happen without modifying ECX, which has
        // the local cookie which failed the check.
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Eax  ], eax
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Ecx  ], ecx
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Edx  ], edx
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Ebx  ], ebx
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Esi  ], esi
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Edi  ], edi
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegSs], ss
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegCs], cs
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegDs], ds
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegEs], es
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegFs], fs
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegGs], gs
            pop [GS_ContextRecord.EFlags]

            // Set the context EBP/EIP/ESP to the values which would be found
            // in the caller to __security_check_cookie.
            mov eax, [ebp]
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Ebp], eax
            mov eax, [ebp+4]
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Eip], eax
            lea eax, [ebp+8]
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Esp], eax

            // Make sure the dummy stack space looks referenced.
            mov eax, dword ptr dw

        GS_ContextRecord.ContextFlags       = CONTEXT_CONTROL;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)GS_ContextRecord.Eip;

        #else // ^^^ _M_IX86 ^^^ // vvv _M_X64 vvv //

        GS_ContextRecord.Rip                = (ULONGLONG)_ReturnAddress();
        GS_ContextRecord.Rsp                = (ULONGLONG)_AddressOfReturnAddress()+8;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)GS_ContextRecord.Rip;
        GS_ContextRecord.Rcx                = stack_cookie;

        #endif // _M_X64

        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode           = STATUS_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionFlags          = EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.NumberParameters        = 1;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[0] = FAST_FAIL_STACK_COOKIE_CHECK_FAILURE;

        // Save the global cookie and cookie complement locally - using an array
        // to defeat any potential stack-packing.
        cookie[0] = __security_cookie;
        cookie[1] = __security_cookie_complement;

        // Raise the security failure by passing it to the unhandled exception
        // filter and then terminate the process.
Exemple #6
 __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl __report_gsfailure(GSFAILURE_PARAMETER)