Exemple #1
 //#endif //!USING_DDK//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  Name:       readITC//  Purpose:    To read the IA64 Itanium's Interval Time Counter (ITC, AR-44).  The//              ITC is equivalent to the IA32 Time Stamp Counter (TSC).  The IA32//              TSC can be read using the IA32 RDTSC instruction (opcode 0F 31h) but//              there is no equivalent IA64 instruction to read the ITC.//  Returns:    The value of the ITC//  Parameters: None./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    DWORDLONG rdtsc()
	// *** Removed ***
	// GetTickCount() is a temporary function used to get a number for getting Time
	// Metrics for IA64 until a better function is found that works.  Unfortunately
	// the resoultion of this timer function isn't small enough.  It's in milliseconds.
	// Also need to change Performance::Get_Processor_Speed() in IOPerformanc.cpp to
	// use milliseconds instead of using the CPU's speed if using GetTickCount().
	// IMPORTANT: If GetTickCount() is added back in then search IOPerformance.cpp for
	// WIN64_COUNTER_WORKAROUND for other changes that need to be added back in.
	//return (DWORDLONG)GetTickCount();
	// *** End removed ***

	// Should read the Itanium's Interval Time Counter (ITC - AR44).
	// This is equivalent to the IA32 Time Stamp Counter (TSC) that is read by
	// the IA32 RDTSC instruction (opcode 0F 31h)
	// __getReg is a compiler intrinsic defined in 'wdm.h' of the DDK.
	// defined.  CV_IA64_ApITC is defined in 'ia64reg.h' in the DDK.
	return __getReg(CV_IA64_ApITC);

Exemple #2
/* RDTSC from Scott Duplichan */
static ulong64 TIMFUNC(void)
#if defined __GNUC__
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
    unsigned long long a;
    __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc\nmovl %%eax,%0\nmovl %%edx,4+%0\n"::
                         "m"(a):"%eax", "%edx");
    return a;
#else /* gcc-IA64 version */
    unsigned long result;
    __asm__ __volatile__("mov %0=ar.itc":"=r"(result)::"memory");

    while (__builtin_expect((int) result == -1, 0))
        __asm__ __volatile__("mov %0=ar.itc":"=r"(result)::"memory");

    return result;

    // Microsoft and Intel Windows compilers
#elif defined _M_IX86
    __asm rdtsc
#elif defined _M_AMD64
    return __rdtsc();
#elif defined _M_IA64
#if defined __INTEL_COMPILER
#include <ia64intrin.h>
    return __getReg(3116);
#error need rdtsc function for this build
Exemple #3
static inline unsigned long
current_gp (void)
#  if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
      register unsigned long gp __asm__("gp");
      return gp;
      return __getReg (_IA64_REG_GP);
#  else
#    error Implement me.
#  endif
Exemple #4
get_bsp (void)
  return __getReg (_IA64_REG_AR_BSP);
# else
  return (uintptr_t) __builtin_ia64_bsp ();
# endif
  return 0;
Exemple #5
int __cdecl _resetstkoflw(void) {
    LPBYTE pStack, pStackBase, pMaxGuard, pMinGuard;
#if defined (_M_IA64)
    LPBYTE pBspBase;
    DWORD BspRegionSize;
#endif  /* defined (_M_IA64) */
    DWORD PageSize;
    DWORD RegionSize;
    DWORD flNewProtect;
    DWORD flOldProtect;
        ULONG * StackSizeInBytes
    unsigned int osplatform = 0;
    // Use _alloca() to get the current stack pointer
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:6255)
    // prefast(6255): This alloca is safe and we do not want a __try here
    pStack = (LPBYTE)_alloca(1);
#pragma warning(pop)

    // Find the base of the stack.

    if (VirtualQuery(pStack, &mbi, sizeof mbi) == 0) {
        return 0;

    pStackBase = (LPBYTE)mbi.AllocationBase;
    PageSize = si.dwPageSize;
    RegionSize = 0;
    // Enable the new guard page.

    if (osplatform == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) {
        // Note: if the GuaranteedStackBytes TEB field is 0
        // (on older OS versions or if SetThreadStackGuarantee is
        // not being used) we will use the default value of
        // RegionSize (2 pages for ia64, 1 page for other platforms).
        ULONG StackSizeInBytes;
        HMODULE ModuleHandle;
        // Don't call SetThreadStackGuarantee directly as older kernel32.dll
        // versions do not have this export.
        ModuleHandle = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");

        if (ModuleHandle != NULL) {
            SetThreadStackGuaranteePointer = (PVOID) GetProcAddress(ModuleHandle, "SetThreadStackGuarantee");

            if (SetThreadStackGuaranteePointer != NULL) {
                StackSizeInBytes = 0;       // Indicate just querying

                if (SetThreadStackGuaranteePointer(&StackSizeInBytes) == TRUE &&
                        StackSizeInBytes > 0) {
                    RegionSize = StackSizeInBytes;

    flNewProtect = (osplatform == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS)
                   ? PAGE_NOACCESS
                   : PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD;
    RegionSize = (RegionSize + PageSize - 1) & ~(PageSize - 1);

    // If there is a stack guarantee (RegionSize nonzero), then increase
    // our guard page size by 1 so that even a subsequent fault that occurs
    // midway (instead of at the beginning) through the first guard page
    // will have the extra page to preserve the guarantee.

    if (RegionSize != 0) {
        RegionSize += PageSize;

#if defined (_M_IA64)
    // Reset the backstore stack pages.
    // Calculate the top of the BSP stack, by getting the size of the normal
    // stack and adding it to the StackBase.
    pBspBase = (LPBYTE)(((ULONG_PTR)(((PNT_TIB)NtCurrentTeb())->StackBase) - (ULONG_PTR) mbi.AllocationBase) +
    // Get the current BSP and round up since the BSP grows up.
    pMinGuard = (LPBYTE)((__getReg(__REG_IA64_RsBSP) + PageSize) & ~(ULONG_PTR)(PageSize - 1));
    // The highest BSP address is the top of the BSP stack less one page for
    // the guard.
    pMaxGuard = pBspBase - PageSize;
    BspRegionSize = RegionSize;

    if (BspRegionSize < MIN_BSP_REQ_WINNT * PageSize) {
        BspRegionSize = MIN_BSP_REQ_WINNT * PageSize;

    if (((ULONG_PTR)pMaxGuard < BspRegionSize) ||
            (pMaxGuard - BspRegionSize) < pMinGuard) {
        // The current BSP is already in the highest guard region.
        return 0;

    if (VirtualAlloc(pMinGuard, BspRegionSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) == NULL ||
            VirtualProtect(pMinGuard, BspRegionSize, flNewProtect, &flOldProtect) == 0) {
        return 0;

#endif  /* defined (_M_IA64) */

    if (RegionSize < MIN_STACK_REQ_WINNT * PageSize) {
        RegionSize = MIN_STACK_REQ_WINNT * PageSize;

    // Find the page(s) just below where the stack pointer currently points.
    // This is the highest potential guard page.
    pMaxGuard = (LPBYTE)(((DWORD_PTR)pStack & ~(DWORD_PTR)(PageSize - 1))
                         - RegionSize);
    // If the potential guard page is too close to the start of the stack
    // region, abandon the reset effort for lack of space.  Win9x has a
    // larger reserved stack requirement.
    pMinGuard = pStackBase + (
                    (osplatform == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS)
                    ? MIN_STACK_REQ_WIN9X
                    : PageSize);

    if (pMaxGuard < pMinGuard) {
        return 0;

    // Set the new guard page just below the current stack page.

    if (VirtualAlloc(pMaxGuard, RegionSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) == NULL ||
            VirtualProtect(pMaxGuard, RegionSize, flNewProtect, &flOldProtect) == 0) {
        return 0;

    return 1;
unsigned __int64 check__getReg() {
  unsigned volatile __int64 reg;
  reg = __getReg(18);
  reg = __getReg(31);
  return reg;