Exemple #1
_mp_copypriv_move_tls(void **blk_tp, int off, int size, int single_thread)
  int lcpu;
  char *to;
  char *garbage = 0;

  if (single_thread != -1) {  /* single thread */
    if (*blk_tp == 0)
      singadr =  (char*)__kmpc_threadprivate(0, single_thread, garbage, (size_t)size);
      singadr = *blk_tp;
    singlen = size;
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));
  if (single_thread == -1) {  /* single thread */
     lcpu = __kmpc_global_thread_num(0);
     if (*blk_tp == 0)
       to = __kmpc_threadprivate(0, lcpu, garbage, (size_t)size);
       to = *blk_tp;
     memcpy(to, singadr, size);
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));
Exemple #2
/* C/C++: copy a private stack or other other variable */
_mp_copypriv(char *adr, long len, int thread)
  if (thread == 0) {
    singadr = adr;
    singlen = len;
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));
  if (thread)
    memcpy(adr, singadr, singlen);
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));
Exemple #3
/* Copy multiple items from master to children threads. 
 * Don't use: keep for backward compatibility
_mp_copyin_move_multiple(int n_entries, void *data)
  int i;
  const int tid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
  struct pair_t {size_t size; void *data;};

  if (tid != 0) {
    for (i=0; i<n_entries; ++i) {
      struct pair_t *item = (struct pair_t *)data + i;
      void *key = item->data;
      const size_t size = item->size;
      void *to = __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(NULL, tid, NULL, size, key);
      /* FIXME: Should this be 0 or the team master? 
       * I think the gtid of team master.
      void *fr = __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(NULL, 0, NULL, size, key);
      if (to != fr)
        memcpy(to, fr, size);

  __kmpc_barrier(0, tid);
Exemple #4
/* C++: copy data from the master's block to the other threads blocks 
   using the assignment operator 
	vector_size is 1 for non arrays
                       n for array[n]
_mp_copyin_move_cpp_new(void *blk_tp, int off, int class_size, 
                       int vector_size,assign_func_ptr assign_op,
                       char* fr)
  int lcpu;
  char *to;
  char *garbage = 0;
  int i;

  if (!fr)

  lcpu =__kmpc_global_thread_num(0);  

  to =  __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(0, lcpu, garbage, 
				    (size_t)(class_size * vector_size), 

  for(i = 0 ; i < vector_size; i++) {
    if (to != fr)
      (*assign_op)(to, fr);
      to += class_size;
      fr += class_size;

Exemple #5
_mp_copyin_move_cpp(void *blk_tp, int off, int class_size, 
                     int vector_size,assign_func_ptr assign_op)
  int lcpu;
  char *to, *fr;
  char *garbage = 0;
  int i;

  lcpu =__kmpc_global_thread_num(0);  

  __kmpc_barrier(0, lcpu);
  if (lcpu != 0) {
    fr =  __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(0, 0, garbage, 
			               (size_t) (class_size * vector_size), 
    to =  __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(0, lcpu, garbage, 
				       (size_t)(class_size * vector_size), 

    for(i = 0 ; i < vector_size; i++) {
        if (to != fr)
	    (*assign_op)(to, fr);
	to += class_size;
	fr += class_size;
  __kmpc_barrier(0, lcpu);
Exemple #6
_mp_copyin_move_al(void *blk_tp, int off, long size)
  int lcpu;
  char *to, *fr;
  char *garbage = 0;

  lcpu = __kmpc_global_thread_num(0);
  if (lcpu != 0) {
    fr =  __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(0, 0, garbage, (size_t)size, blk_tp);
    to =  __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(0, lcpu, garbage, (size_t)size, blk_tp);
    if (to && to != fr) {
      memcpy(to, fr, size);
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));
Exemple #7
_mp_copyin_move_tls(void *blk_tp, int off, int size)
  int lcpu;
  char *to, *fr;
  char *garbage = 0;

  lcpu =__kmpc_global_thread_num(0);  

  if (lcpu != 0) {
    fr =  __kmpc_threadprivate(0, 0, garbage, (size_t)size);
    to =  __kmpc_threadprivate(0, lcpu, garbage, (size_t)size);
    if (to != fr)
      memcpy(to, fr, size);
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));
Exemple #8
_mp_copypriv_al(char **adr, long len, int thread)

  if (thread == 0) {
    singadr = *adr;
    singlen = len;
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));
  if (thread)
    memcpy(*adr, singadr, singlen);
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));

  /* reason for second barrier is that we want to wait until every thread
   * is done copying because we have only one singadr
   * if we have another mp_copypriv... we don't want to overwrite singadr
Exemple #9
_mp_copypriv_move(void *blk_tp, int off, int size, int single_thread)
  int lcpu;
  char *to;
  char *garbage = 0;

  if (single_thread != -1) {  /* single thread */
    singadr =  __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(0, single_thread, garbage, (size_t)size, blk_tp);
    singlen = size;
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));
  if (single_thread == -1) {  /* single thread */
     lcpu = __kmpc_global_thread_num(0);
     to = __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(0, lcpu, garbage, (size_t)size, blk_tp);
     memcpy(to, singadr, size);
  __kmpc_barrier(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0));
int main()
    int dep;

#pragma omp taskgroup
 *  Corresponds to:
    #pragma omp target nowait depend(out: dep)
        my_sleep( 0.1 );
    kmp_depend_info_t dep_info;
    dep_info.base_addr = (long) &dep;
    dep_info.len = sizeof(int);
    // out = inout per spec and runtime expects this
    dep_info.flags.in = 1;
    dep_info.flags.out = 1;

    kmp_int32 gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
    kmp_task_t *proxy_task = __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(NULL,gtid,17,sizeof(kmp_task_t),0,&task_entry);

    #pragma omp task depend(in: dep)
 *      Corresponds to:
        #pragma omp target nowait
            my_sleep( 0.1 );
        kmp_task_t *nested_proxy_task = __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(NULL,gtid,17,sizeof(kmp_task_t),0,&task_entry);

    // only check that it didn't crash
    return 0;
int main()
  int i;
  int iter[N];
  struct dim dims;
  for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
    iter[i] = 1;
  dims.lo = 1;
  dims.up = N-1;
  dims.st = 1;
  #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4)
    int i, gtid;
    long long vec;
    gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
    __kmpc_doacross_init(NULL,gtid,1,&dims); // thread starts the loop
    #pragma omp for nowait schedule(dynamic)
    for( i = 1; i < N; ++i )
      // runtime call corresponding to #pragma omp ordered depend(sink:i-1)
      // user's code
      iter[i] = iter[i-1] + 1;
      // runtime call corresponding to #pragma omp ordered depend(source)
    // thread finishes the loop (should be before the loop barrier)
  if( iter[N-1] == N ) {
  } else {
    printf("failed %d != %d\n", iter[N-1], N);
    return 1;
  return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    int loop_lb,   // Loop lower bound.
    int loop_ub,   // Loop upper bound.
    int loop_st,   // Loop stride.
    int lchunk
) {
  static int volatile loop_sync = 0;
  int lb;   // Chunk lower bound.
  int ub;   // Chunk upper bound.
  int st;   // Chunk stride.
  int rc;
  int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
  int gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(&loc);
  int last;
  int tc = (loop_ub - loop_lb) / loop_st + 1;
  int ch;
  int no_chunk = 0;
  if (lchunk == 0) {
    no_chunk = 1;
    lchunk = 1;
  ch = lchunk * SIMD_LEN;
#if _DEBUG > 1
  printf("run_loop gtid %d tid %d (lb=%d, ub=%d, st=%d, ch=%d)\n",
         gtid, tid, (int)loop_lb, (int)loop_ub, (int)loop_st, lchunk);
  // Don't test degenerate cases that should have been discovered by codegen.
  if (loop_st == 0)
  if (loop_st > 0 ? loop_lb > loop_ub : loop_lb < loop_ub)
  __kmpc_dispatch_init_4(&loc, gtid, kmp_sch_runtime_simd,
                         loop_lb, loop_ub, loop_st, SIMD_LEN);
    // Let the master thread handle the chunks alone.
    int chunk;      // No of current chunk.
    int last_ub;    // Upper bound of the last processed chunk.
    u64 cur;        // Number of interations in  current chunk.
    u64 max;        // Max allowed iterations for current chunk.
    int undersized = 0;
    last_ub = loop_ub;
    chunk = 0;
    max = (loop_ub - loop_lb) / loop_st + 1;
    // The first chunk can consume all iterations.
    while (__kmpc_dispatch_next_4(&loc, gtid, &last, &lb, &ub, &st)) {
      ++ chunk;
#if _DEBUG
      printf("th %d: chunk=%d, lb=%d, ub=%d ch %d\n",
             tid, chunk, (int)lb, (int)ub, (int)(ub-lb+1));
      // Check if previous chunk (it is not the final chunk) is undersized.
      if (undersized)
        printf("Error with chunk %d, th %d, err %d\n", chunk, tid, ++err);
      if (loop_st > 0) {
        if (!(ub <= loop_ub))
          printf("Error with ub %d, %d, ch %d, err %d\n",
                 (int)ub, (int)loop_ub, chunk, ++err);
        if (!(lb <= ub))
          printf("Error with bounds %d, %d, %d, err %d\n",
                 (int)lb, (int)ub, chunk, ++err);
      } else {
        if (!(ub >= loop_ub))
          printf("Error with ub %d, %d, %d, err %d\n",
                 (int)ub, (int)loop_ub, chunk, ++err);
        if (!(lb >= ub))
          printf("Error with bounds %d, %d, %d, err %d\n",
                 (int)lb, (int)ub, chunk, ++err);
      }; // if
      // Stride should not change.
      if (!(st == loop_st))
        printf("Error with st %d, %d, ch %d, err %d\n",
               (int)st, (int)loop_st, chunk, ++err);
      cur = ( ub - lb ) / loop_st + 1;
      // Guided scheduling uses FP computations, so current chunk may
      // be a bit bigger (+1) than allowed maximum.
      if (!( cur <= max + 1))
        printf("Error with iter %d, %d, err %d\n", cur, max, ++err);
      // Update maximum for the next chunk.
      if (last) {
        if (!no_chunk && cur > ch)
          printf("Error: too big last chunk %d (%d), tid %d, err %d\n",
                 (int)cur, ch, tid, ++err);
      } else {
        if (cur % ch)
          printf("Error with chunk %d, %d, ch %d, tid %d, err %d\n",
                 chunk, (int)cur, ch, tid, ++err);
      if (cur < max)
        max = cur;
      last_ub = ub;
      undersized = (cur < ch);
#if _DEBUG > 1
      if (last)
        printf("under%d cur %d, ch %d, tid %d, ub %d, lb %d, st %d =======\n",
    } // while
    // Must have the right last iteration index.
    if (loop_st > 0) {
      if (!(last_ub <= loop_ub))
        printf("Error with last1 %d, %d, ch %d, err %d\n",
               (int)last_ub, (int)loop_ub, chunk, ++err);
      if (last && !(last_ub + loop_st > loop_ub))
        printf("Error with last2 %d, %d, %d, ch %d, err %d\n",
               (int)last_ub, (int)loop_st, (int)loop_ub, chunk, ++err);
    } else {
      if (!(last_ub >= loop_ub))
        printf("Error with last1 %d, %d, ch %d, err %d\n",
               (int)last_ub, (int)loop_ub, chunk, ++err);
      if (last && !(last_ub + loop_st < loop_ub))
        printf("Error with last2 %d, %d, %d, ch %d, err %d\n",
               (int)last_ub, (int)loop_st, (int)loop_ub, chunk, ++err);
    } // if
  __kmpc_barrier(&loc, gtid);
} // run_loop
Exemple #13
  __kmpc_end_critical(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0), &sem_stdio);
Exemple #14
  __kmpc_end_critical(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0), &sem_cs);
Exemple #15
_mp_v(kmp_critical_name *sem)
  __kmpc_end_critical(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0), sem);
Exemple #16
_mp_cdecl(void *blk, void ***blk_tp, int size)
  __kmpc_threadprivate_cached(0, __kmpc_global_thread_num(0), (void*)blk, (size_t)size, blk_tp);