Exemple #1
_eXosip_complete_answer_that_establish_a_dialog (struct eXosip_t *excontext, osip_message_t * response, osip_message_t * request)
  int i;
  int pos = 0;
  char contact[1024];
  char locip[65];
  char firewall_ip[65];
  char firewall_port[10];

  firewall_ip[0] = '\0';
  firewall_port[0] = '\0';
  if (excontext->eXtl->tl_get_masquerade_contact != NULL) {
    excontext->eXtl->tl_get_masquerade_contact (excontext, firewall_ip, sizeof (firewall_ip), firewall_port, sizeof (firewall_port));

  /* 12.1.1:
     copy all record-route in response
     add a contact with global scope
  while (!osip_list_eol (&request->record_routes, pos)) {
    osip_record_route_t *rr;
    osip_record_route_t *rr2;

    rr = osip_list_get (&request->record_routes, pos);
    i = osip_record_route_clone (rr, &rr2);
    if (i != 0)
      return i;
    osip_list_add (&response->record_routes, rr2, -1);

  memset (locip, '\0', sizeof (locip));
  _eXosip_guess_ip_for_via (excontext, excontext->eXtl->proto_family, locip, 49);

  if (request->to->url->username == NULL)
    snprintf (contact, 1000, "<sip:%s:%s>", locip, firewall_port);
  else {
    char *tmp2 = __osip_uri_escape_userinfo (request->to->url->username);

    snprintf (contact, 1000, "<sip:%s@%s:%s>", tmp2, locip, firewall_port);
    osip_free (tmp2);
  if (firewall_ip[0] != '\0') {
#ifdef USE_LOCALIP_WITH_LOCALPROXY      /* disable this code for local testing because it adds an extra DNS */
    osip_contact_t *con = (osip_contact_t *) osip_list_get (&request->contacts, 0);

    if (con != NULL && con->url != NULL && con->url->host != NULL) {
      char *c_address = con->url->host;

      struct addrinfo *addrinfo;
      struct __eXosip_sockaddr addr;

      i = _eXosip_get_addrinfo (excontext, &addrinfo, con->url->host, 5060, IPPROTO_UDP);
      if (i == 0) {
        memcpy (&addr, addrinfo->ai_addr, addrinfo->ai_addrlen);
        _eXosip_freeaddrinfo (addrinfo);
        c_address = inet_ntoa (((struct sockaddr_in *) &addr)->sin_addr);
        OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_INFO1, NULL, "eXosip: here is the resolved destination host=%s\n", c_address));

      /* If c_address is a PUBLIC address, the request was
         coming from the PUBLIC network. */
      if (_eXosip_is_public_address (c_address)) {
        if (request->to->url->username == NULL)
          snprintf (contact, 1000, "<sip:%s:%s>", firewall_ip, firewall_port);
        else {
          char *tmp2 = __osip_uri_escape_userinfo (request->to->url->username);

          snprintf (contact, 1000, "<sip:%s@%s:%s>", tmp2, firewall_ip, firewall_port);
          osip_free (tmp2);
    if (request->to->url->username == NULL)
      snprintf (contact, 1000, "<sip:%s:%s>", firewall_ip, firewall_port);
    else {
      char *tmp2 = __osip_uri_escape_userinfo (request->to->url->username);

      snprintf (contact, 1000, "<sip:%s@%s:%s>", tmp2, firewall_ip, firewall_port);
      osip_free (tmp2);

    osip_via_t *via;

    via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (&response->vias, 0);
    if (via == NULL || via->protocol == NULL)
      return OSIP_SYNTAXERROR;
    if (strlen (contact) + strlen (via->protocol) + strlen (";transport=>") < 1024 && 0 != osip_strcasecmp (via->protocol, "UDP")) {
      contact[strlen (contact) - 1] = '\0';
      strcat (contact, ";transport=");
      strcat (contact, via->protocol);
      strcat (contact, ">");

  osip_message_set_contact (response, contact);

  return OSIP_SUCCESS;
Exemple #2
_eXosip_complete_answer_that_establish_a_dialog (struct eXosip_t *excontext, osip_message_t * response, osip_message_t * request)
  int i;
  int route_found = 0;
  char contact[1024];
  char scheme[10];
  osip_list_iterator_t it;
  osip_record_route_t *rr;

  snprintf(scheme, sizeof(scheme), "sip");

  /* 12.1.1:
     copy all record-route in response
     add a contact with global scope
  rr = (osip_record_route_t *)osip_list_get_first(&request->record_routes, &it);
  while (rr != NULL) {
    osip_record_route_t *rr2;

    i = osip_record_route_clone (rr, &rr2);
    if (i != 0)
      return i;
    osip_list_add (&response->record_routes, rr2, -1);

    /* rfc3261: 12.1.1 UAS behavior (check sips in top most Record-Route) */
    if (it.pos==0 && rr2!=NULL && rr2->url!=NULL && rr2->url->scheme!=NULL && osip_strcasecmp(rr2->url->scheme, "sips")==0)
      snprintf(scheme, sizeof(scheme), "sips");

    rr = (osip_record_route_t *)osip_list_get_next(&it);

  if (MSG_IS_BYE (request)) {
    return OSIP_SUCCESS;

  if (route_found==0) {
    /* rfc3261: 12.1.1 UAS behavior (check sips in Contact if no Record-Route) */
    osip_contact_t *co = (osip_contact_t *) osip_list_get(&request->contacts, 0);
    if (co!=NULL && co->url!=NULL && co->url->scheme!=NULL && osip_strcasecmp(co->url->scheme, "sips")==0)
      snprintf(scheme, sizeof(scheme), "sips");
  /* rfc3261: 12.1.1 UAS behavior (check sips in Request-URI) */
  if (request->req_uri->scheme!=NULL && osip_strcasecmp(request->req_uri->scheme, "sips")==0)
    snprintf(scheme, sizeof(scheme), "sips");

  /* special values to be replaced in transport layer (eXtl_*.c files) */
  if (request->to->url->username == NULL)
    snprintf (contact, 1000, "<%s:999.999.999.999:99999>", scheme);
  else {
    char *tmp2 = __osip_uri_escape_userinfo (request->to->url->username);

    snprintf (contact, 1000, "<%s:%[email protected]:99999>", scheme, tmp2);
    osip_free (tmp2);

    osip_via_t *via;

    via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (&response->vias, 0);
    if (via == NULL || via->protocol == NULL)
      return OSIP_SYNTAXERROR;
    if (excontext->enable_outbound==1) {
      contact[strlen (contact) - 1] = '\0';
      strcat (contact, ";ob");
      strcat (contact, ">");
    if (strlen (contact) + strlen (via->protocol) + strlen (";transport=>") < 1024 && 0 != osip_strcasecmp (via->protocol, "UDP")) {
      contact[strlen (contact) - 1] = '\0';
      strcat (contact, ";transport=");
      strcat (contact, via->protocol);
      strcat (contact, ">");
    if (excontext->sip_instance[0] != 0 && strlen (contact) + 64 < 1024) {
      strcat(contact, ";+sip.instance=\"<urn:uuid:");
      strcat(contact, excontext->sip_instance);
      strcat(contact, ">\"");

  osip_message_set_contact (response, contact);

  if (excontext->default_contact_displayname[0]!='\0') {
    osip_contact_t *new_contact;
    osip_message_get_contact(response, 0, &new_contact);
    if (new_contact!=NULL) {
      new_contact->displayname = osip_strdup (excontext->default_contact_displayname);

  if (excontext->eXtl_transport._tl_update_contact!=NULL)
    excontext->eXtl_transport._tl_update_contact(excontext, response);
  return OSIP_SUCCESS;
osip_uri_to_str (const osip_uri_t * url, char **dest)
  char *buf;
  size_t len;
  size_t plen;
  char *tmp;
  const char *scheme;

  *dest = NULL;
  if (url == NULL)
    return -1;
  if (url->host == NULL && url->string == NULL)
    return -1;
  if (url->scheme == NULL && url->string != NULL)
    return -1;
  if (url->string == NULL && url->scheme == NULL)
    scheme = "sip";             /* default is sipurl */
    scheme = url->scheme;

  if (url->string != NULL)
      buf = (char *) osip_malloc (strlen (scheme) + strlen (url->string) + 3);
      if (buf == NULL)
        return -1;
      *dest = buf;
      sprintf (buf, "%s:", scheme);
      buf = buf + strlen (scheme) + 1;
      sprintf (buf, "%s", url->string);
      buf = buf + strlen (url->string);
      return 0;

  len = strlen (scheme) + 1 + strlen (url->host) + 5;
  if (url->username != NULL)
    len = len + (strlen (url->username) * 3) + 1;       /* count escaped char */
  if (url->password != NULL)
    len = len + (strlen (url->password) * 3) + 1;
  if (url->port != NULL)
    len = len + strlen (url->port) + 3;

  buf = (char *) osip_malloc (len);
  if (buf == NULL)
    return -1;
  tmp = buf;

  sprintf (tmp, "%s:", scheme);
  tmp = tmp + strlen (tmp);

  if (url->username != NULL)
      char *tmp2 = __osip_uri_escape_userinfo (url->username);

      sprintf (tmp, "%s", tmp2);
      osip_free (tmp2);
      tmp = tmp + strlen (tmp);
  if ((url->password != NULL) && (url->username != NULL))
    {                           /* be sure that when a password is given, a username is also given */
      char *tmp2 = __osip_uri_escape_password (url->password);

      sprintf (tmp, ":%s", tmp2);
      osip_free (tmp2);
      tmp = tmp + strlen (tmp);
  if (url->username != NULL)
    {                           /* we add a '@' only when username is present... */
      sprintf (tmp, "@");
  if (strchr (url->host, ':') != NULL)
      sprintf (tmp, "[%s]", url->host);
      tmp = tmp + strlen (tmp);
  } else
      sprintf (tmp, "%s", url->host);
      tmp = tmp + strlen (tmp);
  if (url->port != NULL)
      sprintf (tmp, ":%s", url->port);
      tmp = tmp + strlen (tmp);

    int pos = 0;
    osip_uri_param_t *u_param;

    while (!osip_list_eol (&url->url_params, pos))
        char *tmp1;
        char *tmp2 = NULL;

        u_param = (osip_uri_param_t *) osip_list_get (&url->url_params, pos);

        tmp1 = __osip_uri_escape_uri_param (u_param->gname);
        if (u_param->gvalue == NULL)
          plen = strlen (tmp1) + 2;
            tmp2 = __osip_uri_escape_uri_param (u_param->gvalue);
            plen = strlen (tmp1) + strlen (tmp2) + 3;
        len = len + plen;
        buf = (char *) osip_realloc (buf, len);
        tmp = buf;
        tmp = tmp + strlen (tmp);
        if (u_param->gvalue == NULL)
          sprintf (tmp, ";%s", tmp1);
            sprintf (tmp, ";%s=%s", tmp1, tmp2);
            osip_free (tmp2);
        osip_free (tmp1);

    int pos = 0;
    osip_uri_header_t *u_header;

    while (!osip_list_eol (&url->url_headers, pos))
        char *tmp1;
        char *tmp2;

        u_header = (osip_uri_header_t *) osip_list_get (&url->url_headers, pos);
        tmp1 = __osip_uri_escape_header_param (u_header->gname);

        if (tmp1 == NULL)
            osip_free (buf);
            return -1;

        tmp2 = __osip_uri_escape_header_param (u_header->gvalue);

        if (tmp2 == NULL)
            osip_free (tmp1);
            osip_free (buf);
            return -1;
        plen = strlen (tmp1) + strlen (tmp2) + 4;

        len = len + plen;
        buf = (char *) osip_realloc (buf, len);
        tmp = buf;
        tmp = tmp + strlen (tmp);
        if (pos == 0)
          sprintf (tmp, "?%s=%s", tmp1, tmp2);
          sprintf (tmp, "&%s=%s", tmp1, tmp2);
        osip_free (tmp1);
        osip_free (tmp2);

  *dest = buf;
  return 0;