Exemple #1
// читать из порта
int port_read ( const askue_port_t *Port, uint8_array_t *u8a, long int timeout )
    ldiv_t Sec = ldiv ( timeout, 1000 );
    struct timeval Timeout = { Sec.quot, Sec.rem * 1000 };
    fd_set ReadSet;
    FD_ZERO ( &ReadSet );
    FD_SET ( Port->RS232, &ReadSet );

    int RetVal = select( Port->RS232 + 1, &ReadSet, NULL, NULL, &Timeout);
    if ( RetVal == 0 )
        return 0;
    else if ( RetVal == -1 )
        return -1;
        assert ( FD_ISSET ( Port->RS232, &ReadSet ) );
        return __port_read ( Port, u8a );
Exemple #2
/* step */
void zmq_sender_step(ubx_block_t *b)

        struct zmq_sender_info *inf = (struct zmq_sender_info*) b->private_data;
//        std::cout << "zmq_sender: Processing a port update" << std::endl;

	/* Read data from port */
	ubx_port_t* port = inf->ports.zmq_out;
	assert(port != 0);

	ubx_data_t msg;
	checktype(port->block->ni, port->in_type, "unsigned char", port->name, 1);
	msg.type = port->in_type;
	msg.len = inf->buffer_length;
	msg.data = inf->buffer;

//	std::cout << "zmq_sender: Reading from port" << std::endl;
	int read_bytes = __port_read(port, &msg);
	if (read_bytes <= 0) {
//		std::cout << "zmq_sender: No data recieved from port" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "zmq_sender: read bytes = " << read_bytes << std::endl;

	/* Setup ZMQ frame. At this point only single frames are sent. This can be replaced by zmsg_t messages 
           if multi-part messages become necessary*/
	zframe_t* message = zframe_new(msg.data, read_bytes);
	std::cout << "Created frame of length " << zframe_size(message) << std::endl;

	/* Send the message */
	int result = zframe_send(&message, inf->publisher,0);
	std::cout << "send message with result " << result << std::endl;

/* step */
void zmq_sender_step(ubx_block_t *b)

        struct zmq_sender_info *inf = (struct zmq_sender_info*) b->private_data;
        std::cout << "zmq_sender: Processing a port update" << std::endl;

		/* Read data from port */
		ubx_port_t* port = inf->ports.zmq_out;
		assert(port != 0);

		ubx_data_t msg;
		checktype(port->block->ni, port->in_type, "unsigned char", port->name, 1);
		msg.type = port->in_type;
		msg.len = inf->buffer_length;
		msg.data = inf->buffer;

		std::cout << "zmq_sender: Reading from port" << std::endl;
		int read_bytes = __port_read(port, &msg);
		if (read_bytes <= 0) {
			std::cout << "zmq_sender: No data recieved from port" << std::endl;

		/* Test message */
//		unsigned long length = 4;
//		unsigned char buffer[length];
//		buffer[0] = 0xDE; //DEAFBEAF dummy message
//		buffer[1] = 0xAF;
//		buffer[2] = 0xBE;
//		buffer[3] = 0xAF;
//		msg.len = length;
//		msg.data = (void*)&buffer;
//		int read_bytes = length;

		std::cout << "zmq_sender: msg.len = " << data_size(&msg) << " read bytes = " << read_bytes << std::endl;

		/* Setup ZMQ message*/
		//hexdump((unsigned char *)msg.data, read_bytes, 16);
		zmq::message_t message(msg.len);
		memcpy(message.data(), (char *)msg.data, read_bytes);

		/* Send the message */

Exemple #4
/* step */
void sherpa_msg_step(ubx_block_t *b)

    struct sherpa_msg_info *inf = (struct sherpa_msg_info*) b->private_data;
//    std::cout << "sherpa_msg: Processing a port update" << std::endl;

	/* Read data from port */
	ubx_port_t* port = inf->ports.msg_in;
	assert(port != 0);

	ubx_data_t msg;
	checktype(port->block->ni, port->in_type, "unsigned char", port->name, 1);
	msg.type = port->in_type;
	msg.len = inf->buffer_length;
	msg.data = inf->buffer;

//	std::cout << "sherpa_msg: Reading from port" << std::endl;
	int read_bytes = __port_read(port, &msg);
	if (read_bytes <= 0) {
//		std::cout << "sherpa_msg: No data recieved from port" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "sherpa_msg: read bytes = " << read_bytes << std::endl;

  /* Either decode or encode message */

  /* Write result back t0 port */
	ubx_type_t* type =  ubx_type_get(b->ni, "unsigned char");
	ubx_data_t result_msg;
//	result_msg.data = (void *)zframe_data(frame);
//	result_msg.len = zframe_size(frame);
	result_msg.type = type;

	//hexdump((unsigned char *)result_msg.data, result_msg.len, 16);
	__port_write(inf->ports.msg_out, &result_msg);

Exemple #5
 * luablock_step - execute lua string and call step hook
 * @param b
static void luablock_step(ubx_block_t *b)
	int len=0, ret;
	struct luablock_info* inf = (struct luablock_info*) b->private_data;

	/* any lua code to execute */
	ubx_port_t* p_exec_str = ubx_port_get(b, "exec_str");

	if((len=__port_read(p_exec_str, inf->exec_str_buff))>0) {
		if ((ret=luaL_dostring(inf->L, inf->exec_str_buff->data)) != 0) {
			ERR("Failed to exec_str: %s", lua_tostring(inf->L, -1));
			goto out;
	call_hook(b, "step", 0, 0);
	/* TODO: fix this. realloc could have changed port addr */
	if(len>0) {
		p_exec_str = ubx_port_get(b, "exec_str");
		write_int(p_exec_str, &ret);
Exemple #6
/* step */
void zyre_bridge_step(ubx_block_t *b)
    struct zyre_bridge_info *inf = (struct zyre_bridge_info*) b->private_data;

	/* Read data from port */
	ubx_port_t* port = inf->ports.zyre_out;
	assert(port != 0);

	char * tmp_str = (char*) malloc(inf->max_msg_length*sizeof(char*));

	ubx_data_t msg;
	checktype(port->block->ni, port->in_type, "unsigned char", port->name, 1);
	msg.type = port->in_type;
	msg.len = inf->max_msg_length;
	msg.data = tmp_str;
	//msg.data = inf->msg_buffer;

    int counter = 0;
    while (counter < inf->max_send) {
    	int read_bytes = __port_read(port, &msg);

    	//printf("zyrebidge: read bytes: %d\n",read_bytes);
    	//printf("step: read strlen: %lu\n",strlen((char*) msg.data));

    	if (read_bytes <= 0) {
    		//printf("zyre_bridge: No data recieved from port\n");
//    	printf("zyrebridge: read bytes: %d\n",read_bytes);
    	// port_read returns byte array. Need to add 0 termination manually to the string.
    	tmp_str[read_bytes] = '\0';

    	// create json object and...
    	json_t *pl;
		json_error_t error;
		pl= json_loads(tmp_str,0,&error);
		if(!pl) {
			printf("Error parsing JSON payload! line %d: %s\n", error.line, error.text);
//    	printf("[zyrebidge] retrieving msg: %s\n", json_dumps(pl, JSON_ENCODE_ANY));
		// ...check for its type and embed it into msg envelope
		json_t *new_msg;
		new_msg = json_object();
		json_object_set(new_msg, "payload", pl);
		json_object_set(new_msg, "metamodel", json_string("SHERPA"));
		if(json_object_get(pl, "@worldmodeltype") == 0) {
			printf("[zyrebidge] retrieving msg: %s\n", json_dumps(pl, JSON_ENCODE_ANY));
			printf("[zyrebidge] Error parsing RSG payload! @worldmodeltype is missing.\n");

		std::string tmp_type = json_string_value(json_object_get(pl, "@worldmodeltype")); //can segfault
		char *send_msg;
		for (int i=0; i < inf->output_type_list.size();i++)
			if (tmp_type.compare(inf->output_type_list[i])) {
				// need to handle exception for updates generated from RSG due to local updates
				if (tmp_type.compare("RSGUpdate") == 0) {
					json_object_set(new_msg, "model", json_string("RSGUpdate"));
					json_object_set(new_msg, "type", json_string("RSGUpdate_global"));

					//  If used with mediator, add send_request envelope
					ubx_data_t *dmy;
					dmy = ubx_config_get_data(b, "mediator");
					int mediator;
					mediator = *(int*) dmy->data;
					if (mediator == 1) {
						zuuid_t *query_uuid = zuuid_new ();
						assert (query_uuid);
						json_t *recip = json_array();
						send_msg = send_request(zuuid_str(query_uuid),zyre_uuid(inf->node),recip,1000,"send_remote",new_msg);
					else {
						send_msg = json_dumps(new_msg, JSON_ENCODE_ANY);
				} else {
					json_object_set(new_msg, "model", json_string(tmp_type.c_str()));
					json_object_set(new_msg, "type", json_string(tmp_type.c_str()));
					send_msg = json_dumps(new_msg, JSON_ENCODE_ANY);
			} else {
				printf("[zyre_bridge] Unknown output type: %s!\n",tmp_type.c_str());

		printf("[zyrebidge] sending msg: %s\n", send_msg);
    	zyre_shouts(inf->node, inf->group, "%s", send_msg);

