static bool init_touch_input(void)
   unsigned i;
   ALLEGRO_SYSTEM* system;

   if (installed)
      return false;

   if (!_al_win_init_touch_input_api())
      return false;

   memset(&touch_input_state, 0, sizeof(touch_input_state));


   touch_input.mouse_emulation_mode = ALLEGRO_MOUSE_EMULATION_TRANSPARENT;

   installed = true;

   system = al_get_system_driver();
   for (i = 0; i < _al_vector_size(&system->displays); ++i) {
      bool r;
      ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_WIN *win_display = *((ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_WIN**)_al_vector_ref(&system->displays, i));
      r = _al_win_register_touch_window(win_display->window, 0);
	  ALLEGRO_INFO("registering touch window %p: %d\n", win_display, r);
	  if (!r) {
		 ALLEGRO_ERROR("RegisterTouchWindow failed: %s\n", get_error_desc(GetLastError()));
	     return false;

   return true;
Exemple #2
/* xmouse_init:
 *  Initialise the driver.
static bool xmouse_init(void)
   ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_XGLX *system = (void *)al_get_system_driver();
   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display;
   int x, y;

   if (system->x11display == NULL)
      return false;
   if (xmouse_installed)
      return false;

   /* Don't clobber mouse position in case the display was created before
    * the mouse is installed.
   display = the_mouse.state.display;
   x = the_mouse.state.x;
   y = the_mouse.state.y;
   memset(&the_mouse, 0, sizeof the_mouse);
   the_mouse.state.display = display;
   the_mouse.state.x = x;
   the_mouse.state.y = y;


   xmouse_installed = true;

   return true;
/* init_keyboard:
 *  Initialise the keyboard driver.
static bool init_keyboard(void)
   memset(&the_keyboard, 0, sizeof the_keyboard);
   memset(&the_state, 0, sizeof the_state);
   modifiers = 0;

   /* Initialise the keyboard object for use as an event source. */

   installed = true;
   return true;
Exemple #4
/* xkeybd_init_keyboard:
 *  Initialise the driver.
static bool xkeybd_init_keyboard(void)
    if (x_keyboard_init() != 0)
        return false;

    memset(&the_keyboard, 0, sizeof the_keyboard);



    /* Get the pid, which we use for the three finger salute */
    main_pid = getpid();

    return true;
Exemple #5
static ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *iphone_create_display(int w, int h)
    ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_IPHONE *d = al_calloc(1, sizeof *d);
    ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display = (void*)d;
    ALLEGRO_OGL_EXTRAS *ogl = al_calloc(1, sizeof *ogl);
    display->ogl_extras = ogl;
    display->vt = _al_get_iphone_display_interface();
    display->flags = al_get_new_display_flags();
    if (display->flags & ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW) {
        _al_iphone_get_screen_size(&w, &h);
    display->w = w;
    display->h = h;

    ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_IPHONE *system = (void *)al_get_system_driver();

    /* Add ourself to the list of displays. */
    add = _al_vector_alloc_back(&system->system.displays);
    *add = d;
    /* Each display is an event source. */


   ALLEGRO_EXTRA_DISPLAY_SETTINGS *eds[system->visuals_count];
   memcpy(eds, system->visuals, sizeof(*eds) * system->visuals_count);
   qsort(eds, system->visuals_count, sizeof(*eds), _al_display_settings_sorter);

   ALLEGRO_INFO("Chose visual no. %i\n", eds[0]->index); 

   memcpy(&display->extra_settings, eds[0], sizeof(ALLEGRO_EXTRA_DISPLAY_SETTINGS));

   /* This will add an OpenGL view with an OpenGL context, then return. */

   display->flags |= ALLEGRO_OPENGL;

   return display;
Exemple #6
/* Create a new X11 display, which maps directly to a GLX window. */
static ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *gp2xwiz_create_display_fb(int w, int h)

   /* Only one display allowed at a time */
   if (set_gfx_mode)
      return NULL;


   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display = (void *)d;
   memset(d, 0, sizeof *d);

   ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_GP2XWIZ *system = (void *)al_get_system_driver();

   display->w = 320;
   display->h = 240;
   display->vt = _al_display_gp2xwiz_framebuffer_driver();
   display->refresh_rate = 60;
   display->flags = al_get_new_display_flags();

   display->flags |= ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN;

   /* Add ourself to the list of displays. */
   add = _al_vector_alloc_back(&system->system.displays);
   *add = d;

   /* Each display is an event source. */

   /* Create a backbuffer and point it to the framebuffer */
   d->backbuffer = al_create_bitmap(320, 240);
   d->screen_mem = d->backbuffer->memory;
   d->backbuffer->memory = (unsigned char *)lc_fb1;

   set_gfx_mode = true;

   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("Display created successfully\n");

   return display;
Exemple #7
static ALLEGRO_DISPLAY* wgl_create_display(int w, int h)
   ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_WIN *system = (ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_WIN *)al_get_system_driver();
   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_WGL *wgl_display = al_calloc(1, sizeof *wgl_display);
   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *ogl_display = (void*)wgl_display;
   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY     *display     = (void*)ogl_display;

   win_disp->adapter = _al_win_determine_adapter();

   display->w = w;
   display->h = h;
   display->refresh_rate = al_get_new_display_refresh_rate();
   display->flags = al_get_new_display_flags();
   display->vt = &vt;

   display->ogl_extras = al_calloc(1, sizeof(ALLEGRO_OGL_EXTRAS));

   if (!create_display_internals(wgl_display)) {
      return NULL;

   /* Print out OpenGL version info */
   ALLEGRO_INFO("OpenGL Version: %s\n", (const char*)glGetString(GL_VERSION));
   ALLEGRO_INFO("Vendor: %s\n", (const char*)glGetString(GL_VENDOR));
   ALLEGRO_INFO("Renderer: %s\n\n", (const char*)glGetString(GL_RENDERER));

   /* Add ourself to the list of displays. */
   add = _al_vector_alloc_back(&system->system.displays);
   *add = wgl_display;

   /* Each display is an event source. */

   _al_win_set_system_mouse_cursor(display, ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW);

   return display;
/* Function: al_init_user_event_source
void al_init_user_event_source(ALLEGRO_EVENT_SOURCE *src)

static bool android_init_keyboard(void)
    memset(&the_keyboard, 0, sizeof the_keyboard);
    return true;
Exemple #10
/* lkeybd_init_keyboard: [primary thread]
 *  Initialise the keyboard driver.
static bool lkeybd_init_keyboard(void)
   bool can_restore_termio_and_kbmode = false;

   memset(&the_keyboard, 0, sizeof the_keyboard);

   if (__al_linux_use_console())
      return false;
   the_keyboard.fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR);

   /* Save the current terminal attributes, which we will restore when
    * we close up shop.
   if (tcgetattr(the_keyboard.fd, &the_keyboard.startup_termio) != 0) {
      goto Error;

   /* Save previous keyboard mode (probably XLATE). */
   if (ioctl(the_keyboard.fd, KDGKBMODE, &the_keyboard.startup_kbmode) != 0) {
      //goto Error;

   can_restore_termio_and_kbmode = false;

   /* Set terminal attributes we need.
    * Input modes (c_iflag): We want to disable:
    *  - stripping bytes to 7 bits
    *  - ignoring of carriage returns
    *  - translating of carriage returns to newlines, and vice versa
    *  - start/stop control on input and output
    * Control modes (c_cflag): We want 8 bits per byte.
    * Local modes (c_lflag: We want to disable:
    *  - canonical (line by line) input
    *  - echoing input back to the display
    *  - interpretation of signal characters
    * The c_iflag, c_lflag settings come from svgalib. Allegro 4
    * simply set them to 0, which is a bit crude.
   the_keyboard.work_termio = the_keyboard.startup_termio;
   the_keyboard.work_termio.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP | IGNCR | ICRNL | INLCR | IXOFF | IXON);
   the_keyboard.work_termio.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;
   the_keyboard.work_termio.c_cflag |= CS8;
   the_keyboard.work_termio.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ISIG);

   if (tcsetattr(the_keyboard.fd, TCSANOW, &the_keyboard.work_termio) != 0) {
      goto Error;

   /* Set the keyboard mode to mediumraw. */
   if (ioctl(the_keyboard.fd, KDSKBMODE, K_MEDIUMRAW) != 0) {
      //goto Error;

   the_keyboard.three_finger_flag = true;
   the_keyboard.key_led_flag = true;

   const char *value = al_get_config_value(al_get_system_config(),
         "keyboard", "enable_three_finger_exit");
   if (value) {
      the_keyboard.three_finger_flag = !strncmp(value, "true", 4);
   value = al_get_config_value(al_get_system_config(),
         "keyboard", "enable_key_led_toggle");
   if (value) {
      the_keyboard.key_led_flag = !strncmp(value, "true", 4);

   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("Three finger flag enabled: %s\n",
      the_keyboard.three_finger_flag ? "true" : "false");
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("Key LED toggle enabled: %s\n",
      the_keyboard.key_led_flag ? "true" : "false");

   /* Initialise the keyboard object for use as an event source. */

   /* Start watching for data on the fd. */
   _al_unix_start_watching_fd(the_keyboard.fd, process_new_data, NULL);

   /* Get the pid, which we use for the three finger salute */
   main_pid = getpid();

   return true;


   if (can_restore_termio_and_kbmode) {
      tcsetattr(the_keyboard.fd, TCSANOW, &the_keyboard.startup_termio);
      ioctl(the_keyboard.fd, KDSKBMODE, the_keyboard.startup_kbmode);



   return false;
Exemple #11
static ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *raspberrypi_create_display(int w, int h)
    ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_RASPBERRYPI *d = al_calloc(1, sizeof *d);
    ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display = (void*)d;
    ALLEGRO_OGL_EXTRAS *ogl = al_calloc(1, sizeof *ogl);
    display->ogl_extras = ogl;
    display->vt = _al_get_raspberrypi_display_interface();
    display->flags = al_get_new_display_flags();

    ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_RASPBERRYPI *system = (void *)al_get_system_driver();

    /* Add ourself to the list of displays. */
    add = _al_vector_alloc_back(&system->system.displays);
    *add = d;

    /* Each display is an event source. */

    display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY] = 1;

    display->w = w;
    display->h = h;

    if (!pi_create_display(display)) {
        // FIXME: cleanup
        return NULL;

    if (getenv("DISPLAY")) {
        Window root = RootWindow(
                          system->x11display, DefaultScreen(system->x11display));
        XWindowAttributes attr;
        XGetWindowAttributes(system->x11display, root, &attr);
        d->window = XCreateWindow(
                        0, 0,
                        DefaultVisual(system->x11display, 0),
        XGetWindowAttributes(system->x11display, d->window, &attr);
            PointerMotionMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask
        XMapWindow(system->x11display, d->window);
        _al_xwin_set_fullscreen_window(display, 2);
        _al_xwin_set_size_hints(display, INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
        d->wm_delete_window_atom = XInternAtom(system->x11display,
                                               "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
        XSetWMProtocols(system->x11display, d->window, &d->wm_delete_window_atom, 1);





    display->flags |= ALLEGRO_OPENGL;

    if (al_is_mouse_installed() && !getenv("DISPLAY")) {
        _al_evdev_set_mouse_range(0, 0, display->w-1, display->h-1);

    set_cursor_data(d, default_cursor, DEFAULT_CURSOR_WIDTH, DEFAULT_CURSOR_HEIGHT);

    return display;
Exemple #12
static ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *sdl_create_display_locked(int w, int h)
   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_SDL *sdl = al_calloc(1, sizeof *sdl);
   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *d = (void *)sdl;
   d->w = w;
   d->h = h;
   d->flags = al_get_new_display_flags();
   d->flags |= ALLEGRO_OPENGL;
   int flags = SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL;
   if (d->flags & ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN)
   if (d->flags & ALLEGRO_FRAMELESS)
   if (d->flags & ALLEGRO_RESIZABLE)
      flags |= SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE;


   sdl->window = SDL_CreateWindow(sdl->title, sdl->x, sdl->y,
      d->w, d->h, flags);
   if (!sdl->window) {
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("SDL_CreateWindow failed: %s", SDL_GetError());
      return NULL;
   flags =
   sdl->renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(sdl->window, -1, flags);
   sdl->context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(sdl->window);
   ALLEGRO_SYSTEM *system = al_get_system_driver();
   add = _al_vector_alloc_back(&system->displays);
   *add = d;

   d->vt = vt;

   d->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY] = true;

   d->ogl_extras = al_calloc(1, sizeof *d->ogl_extras);


   return d;
Exemple #13
/* ljoy_get_joystick: [primary thread]
 *  Returns the address of a ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK structure for the device
 *  number NUM.  The top-level joystick functions will not call this
 *  function if joystick number NUM was already gotten.  If the
 *  device cannot be opened, NULL is returned.
static ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK *ljoy_get_joystick(int num)
   int fd;

   /* Try to open the device. */
   fd = try_open_joy_device(num);
   if (fd == -1)
      return NULL;

   /* Allocate a structure for the joystick. */
   joy = _AL_MALLOC(sizeof *joy);
   if (!joy) {
      return NULL;
   memset(joy, 0, sizeof *joy);

   /* Initialise the event source part of it. */

   /* Fill in the joystick information fields. */
      /* char tmp[128], tmp1[128], tmp2[128]; */
      char num_axes;
      char num_buttons;
      int throttle;
      int s, a, b;

      ioctl(fd, JSIOCGAXES, &num_axes);
      ioctl(fd, JSIOCGBUTTONS, &num_buttons);

      if (num_axes > TOTAL_JOYSTICK_AXES)
         num_axes = TOTAL_JOYSTICK_AXES;

      if (num_buttons > _AL_MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS)
         num_buttons = _AL_MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS;

      /* XXX use configuration system when we get one */
      throttle = -1;
#if 0
      /* User is allowed to override our simple assumption of which
       * axis number (kernel) the throttle is located at. */
      snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "throttle_axis_%d", num);
      throttle = get_config_int("joystick", tmp, -1);
      if (throttle == -1) {
         throttle = get_config_int("joystick", 
                                   "throttle_axis", -1);

      /* Each pair of axes is assumed to make up a stick unless it 
       * is the sole remaining axis, or has been user specified, in 
       * which case it is a throttle. */

      for (s = 0, a = 0;
           s < _AL_MAX_JOYSTICK_STICKS && a < num_axes;
         if ((a == throttle) || (a == num_axes-1)) {
            /* One axis throttle. */
            joy->[s].flags = ALLEGRO_JOYFLAG_ANALOGUE;
            joy->[s].num_axes = 1;
            joy->[s].axis[0].name = "Throttle";
            char *name = joy->[s].axis[0].name;
            joy->[s].name = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(strlen(name) + 1);
            strcpy(joy->[s].name, name);
            joy->axis_mapping[a].stick = s;
            joy->axis_mapping[a].axis = 0;
         else {
            /* Two axis stick. */
            joy->[s].flags = ALLEGRO_JOYFLAG_ANALOGUE;
            joy->[s].num_axes = 2;
            joy->[s].axis[0].name = "X";
            joy->[s].axis[1].name = "Y";
            joy->[s].name = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC (32);
            snprintf((char *)joy->[s].name, 32, "Stick %d", s+1);
            joy->axis_mapping[a].stick = s;
            joy->axis_mapping[a].axis = 0;
            joy->axis_mapping[a].stick = s;
            joy->axis_mapping[a].axis = 1;

      joy-> = s;

      /* Do the buttons. */

      for (b = 0; b < num_buttons; b++) {
         joy->[b].name = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC (32);
         snprintf((char *)joy->[b].name, 32, "B%d", b+1);

      joy-> = num_buttons;

   joy->parent.num = num;

   joy->fd = fd;

   /* Register the joystick with the fdwatch subsystem.  */
   _al_unix_start_watching_fd(joy->fd, ljoy_process_new_data, joy);

   return (ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK *) joy;
Exemple #14
/* Create a new X11 display, which maps directly to a GLX window. */
static ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *xdpy_create_display(int w, int h)
   ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_XGLX *system = (void *)al_get_system_driver();
   int adapter = al_get_new_display_adapter();
   if (system->x11display == NULL) {
      ALLEGRO_WARN("Not connected to X server.\n");
      return NULL;

   if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("Invalid window size %dx%d\n", w, h);
      return NULL;


   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_XGLX *d = al_calloc(1, sizeof *d);
   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display = (void*)d;
   ALLEGRO_OGL_EXTRAS *ogl = al_calloc(1, sizeof *ogl);
   display->ogl_extras = ogl;

   int major, minor;
   glXQueryVersion(system->x11display, &major, &minor);
   d->glx_version = major * 100 + minor * 10;
   ALLEGRO_INFO("GLX %.1f.\n", d->glx_version / 100.f);

   display->w = w;
   display->h = h;
   display->vt = _al_display_xglx_driver();
   display->refresh_rate = al_get_new_display_refresh_rate();
   display->flags = al_get_new_display_flags();

   // FIXME: default? Is this the right place to set this?
   display->flags |= ALLEGRO_OPENGL;

   // store our initial virtual adapter, used by fullscreen and positioning code
   d->adapter = adapter;
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("selected adapter %i\n", adapter);
   if (d->adapter < 0) {
      d->adapter = _al_xglx_get_default_adapter(system);

   _al_xglx_use_adapter(system, d->adapter);
   /* if we're in multi-head X mode, bail if we try to use more than one display
    * as there are bugs in X/glX that cause us to hang in X if we try to use more than one. */
   /* if we're in real xinerama mode, also bail, x makes mouse use evil */
   bool true_xinerama_active = false;
   bool xrandr_active = false;

   xrandr_active = system->xrandr_available;

   true_xinerama_active = !xrandr_active && system->xinerama_available;
   if ((true_xinerama_active || ScreenCount(system->x11display) > 1) && system->adapter_use_count) {
      uint32_t i, adapter_use_count = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
         if (system->adapter_map[i])
      if (adapter_use_count > 1) {
         ALLEGRO_ERROR("Use of more than one adapter at once in multi-head X or X with true Xinerama active is not possible.\n");
         return NULL;
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("xdpy: selected adapter %i\n", d->adapter);
   // store or initial X Screen, used by window creation, fullscreen, and glx visual code
   d->xscreen = _al_xglx_get_xscreen(system, d->adapter);
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("xdpy: selected xscreen %i\n", d->xscreen);
   d->is_mapped = false;

   d->resize_count = 0;
   d->programmatic_resize = false;


   if (!d->xvinfo) {
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("FIXME: Need better visual selection.\n");
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("No matching visual found.\n");
      return NULL;

   ALLEGRO_INFO("Selected X11 visual %lu.\n", d->xvinfo->visualid);

   /* Add ourself to the list of displays. */
   add = _al_vector_alloc_back(&system->system.displays);
   *add = d;

   /* Each display is an event source. */

   /* Create a colormap. */
   Colormap cmap = XCreateColormap(system->x11display,
      RootWindow(system->x11display, d->xvinfo->screen),
      d->xvinfo->visual, AllocNone);

   /* Create an X11 window */
   XSetWindowAttributes swa;
   int mask = CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask;
   swa.colormap = cmap;
   swa.border_pixel = 0;
   swa.event_mask =
      KeyPressMask |
      KeyReleaseMask |
      StructureNotifyMask |
      EnterWindowMask |
      LeaveWindowMask |
      FocusChangeMask |
      ExposureMask |
      PropertyChangeMask |
      ButtonPressMask |
      ButtonReleaseMask |

   /* For a non-compositing window manager, a black background can look
    * less broken if the application doesn't react to expose events fast
    * enough. However in some cases like resizing, the black background
    * causes horrible flicker.
   if (!(display->flags & ALLEGRO_RESIZABLE)) {
      mask |= CWBackPixel;
      swa.background_pixel = BlackPixel(system->x11display, d->xvinfo->screen);

   int x_off = INT_MAX, y_off = INT_MAX;
   if (display->flags & ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN) {
      _al_xglx_get_display_offset(system, d->adapter, &x_off, &y_off);
   else {
      /* we want new_display_adapter's offset to add to the new_window_position */
      int xscr_x = 0, xscr_y = 0;

      al_get_new_window_position(&x_off, &y_off);
      if (adapter >= 0) {
         /* non default adapter. I'm assuming this means the user wants the window to be placed on the adapter offset by new display pos */
         _al_xglx_get_display_offset(system, d->adapter, &xscr_x, &xscr_y);
         if (x_off != INT_MAX)
            x_off += xscr_x;
         if (y_off != INT_MAX)
            y_off += xscr_y;

   d->window = XCreateWindow(system->x11display,
      RootWindow(system->x11display, d->xvinfo->screen),
      x_off != INT_MAX ? x_off : 0,
      y_off != INT_MAX ? y_off : 0,
      w, h, 0, d->xvinfo->depth,
      InputOutput, d->xvinfo->visual, mask, &swa);
   // Try to set full screen mode if requested, fail if we can't
   if (display->flags & ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN) {
      /* According to the spec, the window manager is supposed to disable
       * window decorations when _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN is in effect.
       * However, some WMs may not be fully compliant, e.g. Fluxbox.
      xdpy_set_frame(display, false);

      _al_xglx_set_above(display, 1);
      if (!_al_xglx_fullscreen_set_mode(system, d, w, h, 0, display->refresh_rate)) {
         ALLEGRO_DEBUG("xdpy: failed to set fullscreen mode.\n");
         return NULL;
      //XSync(system->x11display, False);

   if (display->flags & ALLEGRO_FRAMELESS) {
      xdpy_set_frame(display, false);

   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("X11 window created.\n");
   _al_xwin_set_size_hints(display, x_off, y_off);
   d->wm_delete_window_atom = XInternAtom(system->x11display,
      "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
   XSetWMProtocols(system->x11display, d->window, &d->wm_delete_window_atom, 1);

   XMapWindow(system->x11display, d->window);
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("X11 window mapped.\n");

   /* Send the pending request to the X server. */
   XSync(system->x11display, False);
   /* To avoid race conditions where some X11 functions fail before the window
    * is mapped, we wait here until it is mapped. Note that the thread is
    * locked, so the event could not possibly have been processed yet in the
    * events thread. So as long as no other map events occur, the condition
    * should only be signalled when our window gets mapped.
   while (!d->is_mapped) {
      _al_cond_wait(&d->mapped, &system->lock);

   /* We can do this at any time, but if we already have a mapped
    * window when switching to fullscreen it will use the same
    * monitor (with the MetaCity version I'm using here right now).
   if ((display->flags & ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW)) {
      ALLEGRO_INFO("Toggling fullscreen flag for %d x %d window.\n",
         display->w, display->h);
      _al_xwin_set_fullscreen_window(display, 2);
      _al_xwin_set_size_hints(display, INT_MAX, INT_MAX);

      XWindowAttributes xwa;
      XGetWindowAttributes(system->x11display, d->window, &xwa);
      display->w = xwa.width;
      display->h = xwa.height;
         display->w, display->h);

   if (display->flags & ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN) {
      /* kwin wants these here */
      /* metacity wants these here too */
      /* XXX compiz is quiky, can't seem to find a combination of hints that
       * make sure we are layerd over panels, and are positioned properly */

      //_al_xwin_set_fullscreen_window(display, 1);
      _al_xglx_set_above(display, 1);

      _al_xglx_fullscreen_to_display(system, d);

      /* Grab mouse if we only have one display, ungrab it if we have more than
       * one.
      if (_al_vector_size(&system->system.displays) == 1) {
      else if (_al_vector_size(&system->system.displays) > 1) {
   if (!_al_xglx_config_create_context(d)) {
      return NULL;

   /* Make our GLX context current for reading and writing in the current
    * thread.
   if (d->fbc) {
      if (!glXMakeContextCurrent(system->gfxdisplay, d->glxwindow,
            d->glxwindow, d->context)) {
         ALLEGRO_ERROR("glXMakeContextCurrent failed\n");
   else {
      if (!glXMakeCurrent(system->gfxdisplay, d->glxwindow, d->context)) {
         ALLEGRO_ERROR("glXMakeCurrent failed\n");


   /* Print out OpenGL version info */
   ALLEGRO_INFO("OpenGL Version: %s\n", (const char*)glGetString(GL_VERSION));
   ALLEGRO_INFO("Vendor: %s\n", (const char*)glGetString(GL_VENDOR));
   ALLEGRO_INFO("Renderer: %s\n", (const char*)glGetString(GL_RENDERER));

   if (display->ogl_extras->ogl_info.version < _ALLEGRO_OPENGL_VERSION_1_2) {
      ALLEGRO_EXTRA_DISPLAY_SETTINGS *eds = _al_get_new_display_settings();
      if (eds->required & (1<<ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY)) {
         ALLEGRO_ERROR("Allegro requires at least OpenGL version 1.2 to work.\n");
         return NULL;
      display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY] = 0;
#if 0
   // Apparently, you can get a OpenGL 3.0 context without specifically creating
   // it with glXCreateContextAttribsARB, and not every OpenGL 3.0 is evil, but we
   // can't tell the difference at this stage.
   else if (display->ogl_extras->ogl_info.version > _ALLEGRO_OPENGL_VERSION_2_1) {
      /* We don't have OpenGL3 a driver. */
      display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY] = 0;

   if (display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY])

   /* vsync */

   /* Fill in the user setting. */
   display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_VSYNC] =

   /* We set the swap interval to 0 if vsync is forced off, and to 1
    * if it is forced on.
    * If the option is set to 0, we simply use the system default. The
    * above extension specifies vsync on as default though, so in the
    * end with GLX we can't force vsync on, just off.
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("requested vsync=%d.\n",
   if (display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_VSYNC]) {
      if (display->ogl_extras->extension_list->ALLEGRO_GLX_SGI_swap_control) {
         int x = 1;
         if (display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_VSYNC] == 2)
            x = 0;
         if (glXSwapIntervalSGI(x)) {
            ALLEGRO_WARN("glXSwapIntervalSGI(%d) failed.\n", x);
      else {
         ALLEGRO_WARN("no vsync, GLX_SGI_swap_control missing.\n");
         /* According to the specification that means it's on, but
          * the driver might have disabled it. So we do not know.
         display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_VSYNC] = 0;

   d->invisible_cursor = None; /* Will be created on demand. */
   d->current_cursor = None; /* Initially, we use the root cursor. */
   d->cursor_hidden = false;

   d->icon = None;
   d->icon_mask = None;


   return display;
Exemple #15
static ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_XGLX *xdpy_create_display_locked(
   ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_XGLX *system, int flags, int w, int h, int adapter)
   ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_XGLX *d = al_calloc(1, sizeof *d);
   ALLEGRO_OGL_EXTRAS *ogl = al_calloc(1, sizeof *ogl);
   display->ogl_extras = ogl;

   d->glx_version = query_glx_version(system);

   display->w = w;
   display->h = h;
   display->vt = _al_display_xglx_driver();
   display->refresh_rate = al_get_new_display_refresh_rate();
   display->flags = flags;
   // FIXME: default? Is this the right place to set this?
   display->flags |= ALLEGRO_OPENGL;

   /* Store our initial virtual adapter, used by fullscreen and positioning
    * code.
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("selected adapter %i\n", adapter);
   if (adapter < 0)
      d->adapter = _al_xglx_get_default_adapter(system);
      d->adapter = adapter;

   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("xdpy: selected adapter %i\n", d->adapter);
   _al_xglx_use_adapter(system, d->adapter);
   if (!check_adapter_use_count(system)) {
      goto EarlyError;

   /* Store our initial X Screen, used by window creation, fullscreen, and glx
    * visual code.
   d->xscreen = _al_xglx_get_xscreen(system, d->adapter);
   ALLEGRO_DEBUG("xdpy: selected xscreen %i\n", d->xscreen);

   d->wm_delete_window_atom = None;

   d->is_mapped = false;
   d->is_selectioned = false;

   d->resize_count = 0;
   d->programmatic_resize = false;


   if (!d->xvinfo) {
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("FIXME: Need better visual selection.\n");
      ALLEGRO_ERROR("No matching visual found.\n");
      goto EarlyError;

   ALLEGRO_INFO("Selected X11 visual %lu.\n", d->xvinfo->visualid);

   /* Add ourself to the list of displays. */
   add = _al_vector_alloc_back(&system->system.displays);
   *add = d;

   /* Each display is an event source. */

   if (!xdpy_create_display_window(system, d, w, h, adapter)) {
      goto LateError;

   /* Send any pending requests to the X server.
    * This is necessary to make the window ID immediately valid
    * for a GtkSocket.
   XSync(system->x11display, False);

   if (display->flags & ALLEGRO_GTK_TOPLEVEL_INTERNAL) {
      if (!gtk_override_vt->create_display_hook(display, w, h)) {
         goto LateError;
   else {
      default_overridable_vt.set_window_title(display, al_get_new_window_title());
      if (!default_overridable_vt.create_display_hook(display, w, h)) {
         goto LateError;

   /* overridable_vt should be set by the create_display_hook. */

   /* Send any pending requests to the X server. */
   XSync(system->x11display, False);

   /* To avoid race conditions where some X11 functions fail before the window
    * is mapped, we wait here until it is mapped. Note that the thread is
    * locked, so the event could not possibly have been processed yet in the
    * events thread. So as long as no other map events occur, the condition
    * should only be signalled when our window gets mapped.
   while (!d->is_mapped) {
      _al_cond_wait(&d->mapped, &system->lock);
   /* In tiling WMs, we might get resize events pretty much immediately after
    * Window creation. This location seems to catch them reliably, tested with
    * dwm, awesome, xmonad and i3. */
   if ((display->flags & ALLEGRO_RESIZABLE) && d->resize_count > 0) {

   /* We can do this at any time, but if we already have a mapped
    * window when switching to fullscreen it will use the same
    * monitor (with the MetaCity version I'm using here right now).
   if ((display->flags & ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW)) {
      ALLEGRO_INFO("Toggling fullscreen flag for %d x %d window.\n",
         display->w, display->h);
      _al_xwin_set_fullscreen_window(display, 2);
      _al_xwin_set_size_hints(display, INT_MAX, INT_MAX);

      XWindowAttributes xwa;
      XGetWindowAttributes(system->x11display, d->window, &xwa);
      display->w = xwa.width;
      display->h = xwa.height;
         display->w, display->h);

   if (display->flags & ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN) {
      /* kwin wants these here */
      /* metacity wants these here too */
      /* XXX compiz is quiky, can't seem to find a combination of hints that
       * make sure we are layerd over panels, and are positioned properly */

      //_al_xwin_set_fullscreen_window(display, 1);
      _al_xwin_set_above(display, 1);

      _al_xglx_fullscreen_to_display(system, d);

      /* Grab mouse if we only have one display, ungrab it if we have more than
       * one.
      if (_al_vector_size(&system->system.displays) == 1) {
      else if (_al_vector_size(&system->system.displays) > 1) {

   if (flags & ALLEGRO_MAXIMIZED) {
      _al_xwin_maximize(display, true);

   if (!_al_xglx_config_create_context(d)) {
      goto LateError;

   /* Make our GLX context current for reading and writing in the current
    * thread.
   if (d->fbc) {
      if (!glXMakeContextCurrent(system->gfxdisplay, d->glxwindow,
            d->glxwindow, d->context)) {
         ALLEGRO_ERROR("glXMakeContextCurrent failed\n");
   else {
      if (!glXMakeCurrent(system->gfxdisplay, d->glxwindow, d->context)) {
         ALLEGRO_ERROR("glXMakeCurrent failed\n");


   /* Print out OpenGL version info */
   ALLEGRO_INFO("OpenGL Version: %s\n", (const char*)glGetString(GL_VERSION));
   ALLEGRO_INFO("Vendor: %s\n", (const char*)glGetString(GL_VENDOR));
   ALLEGRO_INFO("Renderer: %s\n", (const char*)glGetString(GL_RENDERER));

   if (display->ogl_extras->ogl_info.version < _ALLEGRO_OPENGL_VERSION_1_2) {
      ALLEGRO_EXTRA_DISPLAY_SETTINGS *eds = _al_get_new_display_settings();
      if (eds->required & (1<<ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY)) {
         ALLEGRO_ERROR("Allegro requires at least OpenGL version 1.2 to work.\n");
         goto LateError;
      display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY] = 0;

   if (display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_COMPATIBLE_DISPLAY])

   /* vsync */
   int vsync_setting = _al_get_new_display_settings()->settings[ALLEGRO_VSYNC];
   vsync_setting = xdpy_swap_control(display, vsync_setting);
   display->extra_settings.settings[ALLEGRO_VSYNC] = vsync_setting;

   d->invisible_cursor = None; /* Will be created on demand. */
   d->current_cursor = None; /* Initially, we use the root cursor. */
   d->cursor_hidden = false;

   d->icon = None;
   d->icon_mask = None;

   return d;

   return NULL;

   return NULL;