static void sttFillJidList(HWND hwndDlg) { JABBER_MUC_JIDLIST_INFO *jidListInfo; HXML iqNode, queryNode; const TCHAR* from, *jid, *reason, *nick; LVITEM lvi; HWND hwndList; int count, i; TCHAR *filter = NULL; if (GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_FILTER), GWLP_USERDATA)) { int filterLength = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_FILTER)) + 1; filter = (TCHAR *)_alloca(filterLength * sizeof(TCHAR)); GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FILTER, filter, filterLength); } jidListInfo = ( JABBER_MUC_JIDLIST_INFO * ) GetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA ); if ( !jidListInfo ) return; hwndList = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_LIST ); SendMessage(hwndList, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); count = ListView_GetItemCount( hwndList ); lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iSubItem = 0; for ( i=0; i<count; i++ ) { lvi.iItem = i; if ( ListView_GetItem( hwndList, &lvi ) == TRUE ) { if ( lvi.lParam!=( LPARAM )( -1 ) && lvi.lParam!=( LPARAM )( NULL )) { mir_free(( void * ) lvi.lParam ); } } } ListView_DeleteAllItems( hwndList ); // Populate displayed list from iqNode if (( iqNode = jidListInfo->iqNode ) != NULL ) { if (( from = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("from"))) != NULL ) { if (( queryNode = xmlGetChild( iqNode , "query" )) != NULL ) { lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.iItem = 0; for ( i=0; ; i++ ) { HXML itemNode = xmlGetChild( queryNode ,i); if ( !itemNode ) break; if (( jid = xmlGetAttrValue( itemNode, _T("jid"))) != NULL ) { lvi.pszText = ( TCHAR* )jid; if ( jidListInfo->type == MUC_BANLIST ) { if (( reason = xmlGetText(xmlGetChild( itemNode , "reason" ))) != NULL ) { TCHAR jidreason[ JABBER_MAX_JID_LEN + 256 ]; mir_sntprintf( jidreason, SIZEOF( jidreason ), _T("%s (%s)") , jid, reason ); lvi.pszText = jidreason; } } if ( jidListInfo->type == MUC_VOICELIST || jidListInfo->type == MUC_MODERATORLIST ) { if (( nick = xmlGetAttrValue( itemNode, _T("nick"))) != NULL ) { TCHAR nickjid[ JABBER_MAX_JID_LEN + 256 ]; mir_sntprintf( nickjid, SIZEOF( nickjid ), _T("%s (%s)") , nick, jid ); lvi.pszText = nickjid; } } if (filter && *filter && !JabberStrIStr(lvi.pszText, filter)) continue; lvi.lParam = ( LPARAM )mir_tstrdup( jid ); ListView_InsertItem( hwndList, &lvi ); lvi.iItem++; } } } } } lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.lParam = ( LPARAM )( -1 ); ListView_InsertItem( hwndList, &lvi ); SendMessage(hwndList, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); RedrawWindow(hwndList, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); }
/* ================ DialogDeclEditor::LoadDecl ================ */ void DialogDeclEditor::LoadDecl(idDecl *decl) { int numLines = 0; int numCharsPerLine = 0; int maxCharsPerLine = 0; idStr declText; CRect rect; this->decl = decl; switch (decl->GetType()) { case DECL_ENTITYDEF: declEdit.SetStringColor(SRE_COLOR_BLUE, SRE_COLOR_DARK_CYAN); declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile("editors/entity.def"); break; case DECL_MATERIAL: declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile("editors/material.def"); break; case DECL_SKIN: declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile("editors/skin.def"); break; case DECL_SOUND: declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile("editors/sound.def"); break; case DECL_FX: declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile("editors/fx.def"); break; case DECL_PARTICLE: declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile("editors/particle.def"); break; case DECL_AF: declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile("editors/af.def"); break; case DECL_TABLE: declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile("editors/table.def"); break; case DECL_MODELDEF: declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile("editors/model.def"); break; default: declEdit.LoadKeyWordsFromFile(va("editors/%s.def", declManager->GetDeclNameFromType(decl->GetType()))); break; } firstLine = decl->GetLineNum(); char *localDeclText = (char *)_alloca((decl->GetTextLength() + 1) * sizeof(char)); decl->GetText(localDeclText); declText = localDeclText; // clean up new-line crapola declText.Replace("\r", ""); declText.Replace("\n", "\r"); declText.Replace("\v", "\r"); declText.StripLeading('\r'); declText.Append("\r"); declEdit.SetText(declText); for (const char *ptr = declText.c_str(); *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '\r') { if (numCharsPerLine > maxCharsPerLine) { maxCharsPerLine = numCharsPerLine; } numCharsPerLine = 0; numLines++; } else if (*ptr == '\t') { numCharsPerLine += TAB_SIZE; } else { numCharsPerLine++; } } SetWindowText(va("Declaration Editor (%s, line %d)", decl->GetFileName(), decl->GetLineNum())); rect.left = initialRect.left; rect.right = rect.left + maxCharsPerLine * FONT_WIDTH + 32; =; rect.bottom = + numLines * (FONT_HEIGHT+8) + 24 + 56; if (rect.right < initialRect.right) { rect.right = initialRect.right; } else if (rect.right - rect.left > 1024) { rect.right = rect.left + 1024; } if (rect.bottom < initialRect.bottom) { rect.bottom = initialRect.bottom; } else if (rect.bottom - > 768) { rect.bottom = + 768; } MoveWindow(rect); testButton.EnableWindow(FALSE); okButton.EnableWindow(FALSE); UpdateStatusBar(); declEdit.SetFocus(); }
// pszDescription points to a string with the reason // buf points to the first data after the string void CIcqProto::handleFileRequest(PBYTE buf, WORD wLen, DWORD dwUin, DWORD dwCookie, DWORD dwID1, DWORD dwID2, char* pszDescription, int nVersion, BOOL bDC) { BOOL bEmptyDesc = FALSE; if (strlennull(pszDescription) == 0) { pszDescription = Translate("No description given"); bEmptyDesc = TRUE; } // Empty port+pad buf += 4; wLen -= 4; // Filename WORD wFilenameLength; unpackLEWord(&buf, &wFilenameLength); if (!wFilenameLength) { NetLog_Direct("Ignoring malformed file send request"); return; } char *pszFileName = (char*)_alloca(wFilenameLength + 1); unpackString(&buf, pszFileName, wFilenameLength); pszFileName[wFilenameLength] = '\0'; wLen = wLen - 2 - wFilenameLength; // Total filesize DWORD dwFileSize; unpackLEDWord(&buf, &dwFileSize); wLen -= 4; int bAdded; MCONTACT hContact = HContactFromUIN(dwUin, &bAdded); // Initialize a filetransfer struct filetransfer *ft = CreateFileTransfer(hContact, dwUin, nVersion); ft->dwCookie = dwCookie; ft->szFilename = mir_strdup(pszFileName); ft->szDescription = 0; ft->fileId = -1; ft->dwTotalSize = dwFileSize; ft->pMessage.dwMsgID1 = dwID1; ft->pMessage.dwMsgID2 = dwID2; ft->bDC = bDC; ft->bEmptyDesc = bEmptyDesc; // Send chain event TCHAR* ptszFileName = mir_utf8decodeT(pszFileName); PROTORECVFILET pre = { 0 }; pre.flags = PREF_TCHAR; pre.fileCount = 1; pre.timestamp = time(NULL); pre.tszDescription = mir_utf8decodeT(pszDescription); pre.ptszFiles = &ptszFileName; pre.lParam = (LPARAM)ft; ProtoChainRecvFile(hContact, &pre); mir_free(pre.tszDescription); mir_free(ptszFileName); }
/* ==================== R_OrderIndexes Reorganizes the indexes so they will take best advantage of the internal GPU vertex caches ==================== */ void R_OrderIndexes( int numIndexes, glIndex_t *indexes ) { bool *triangleUsed; int numTris; glIndex_t *oldIndexes; glIndex_t *base; int numOldIndexes; int tri; int i; vertRef_t *vref, **vrefs, *vrefTable; int numVerts; int v1, v2; int c_starts; //int c_cost; if ( !r_orderIndexes.GetBool() ) { return; } // save off the original indexes oldIndexes = (glIndex_t *)_alloca( numIndexes * sizeof( *oldIndexes ) ); memcpy( oldIndexes, indexes, numIndexes * sizeof( *oldIndexes ) ); numOldIndexes = numIndexes; // make a table to mark the triangles when they are emited numTris = numIndexes / 3; triangleUsed = (bool *)_alloca( numTris * sizeof( *triangleUsed ) ); memset( triangleUsed, 0, numTris * sizeof( *triangleUsed ) ); // find the highest vertex number numVerts = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < numIndexes ; i++ ) { if ( indexes[i] > numVerts ) { numVerts = indexes[i]; } } numVerts++; // create a table of triangles used by each vertex vrefs = (vertRef_t **)_alloca( numVerts * sizeof( *vrefs ) ); memset( vrefs, 0, numVerts * sizeof( *vrefs ) ); vrefTable = (vertRef_t *)_alloca( numIndexes * sizeof( *vrefTable ) ); for ( i = 0 ; i < numIndexes ; i++ ) { tri = i / 3; vrefTable[i].tri = tri; vrefTable[i].next = vrefs[oldIndexes[i]]; vrefs[oldIndexes[i]] = &vrefTable[i]; } // generate new indexes numIndexes = 0; c_starts = 0; while ( numIndexes != numOldIndexes ) { // find a triangle that hasn't been used for ( tri = 0 ; tri < numTris ; tri++ ) { if ( !triangleUsed[tri] ) { break; } } if ( tri == numTris ) { common->Error( "R_OrderIndexes: ran out of unused tris" ); } c_starts++; do { // emit this tri base = oldIndexes + tri * 3; indexes[numIndexes+0] = base[0]; indexes[numIndexes+1] = base[1]; indexes[numIndexes+2] = base[2]; numIndexes += 3; triangleUsed[tri] = true; // try to find a shared edge to another unused tri for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { v1 = base[i]; v2 = base[(i+1)%3]; for ( vref = vrefs[v1] ; vref ; vref = vref->next ) { tri = vref->tri; if ( triangleUsed[tri] ) { continue; } // if this triangle also uses v2, grab it if ( oldIndexes[tri*3+0] == v2 || oldIndexes[tri*3+1] == v2 || oldIndexes[tri*3+2] == v2 ) { break; } } if ( vref ) { break; } } // if we couldn't chain off of any verts, we need to find a new one if ( i == 3 ) { break; } } while ( 1 ); } //c_cost = R_MeshCost( numIndexes, indexes ); }
BOOL CTypeInfos::GetType(IDiaSymbol* pSymbol, BOOL bBaseType ) { BOOL bRet; HRESULT hResult; IDiaSymbol* pBaseType; DWORD dwTag=SymTagNull; // until a name is found try to get name if (!this->Name) { BSTR Name=NULL; pSymbol->get_name(&Name); if (Name) { #if (defined(UNICODE)||defined(_UNICODE)) this->Name=_tcsdup(Name); #else CAnsiUnicodeConvert::UnicodeToAnsi(Name,&this->Name); #endif SysFreeString(Name); } } else { if ( bBaseType && (!this->TypeName) ) { BSTR TypeName=NULL; pSymbol->get_name(&TypeName); if (TypeName) { #if (defined(UNICODE)||defined(_UNICODE)) this->TypeName=_tcsdup(TypeName); #else CAnsiUnicodeConvert::UnicodeToAnsi(TypeName,&this->TypeName); #endif SysFreeString(TypeName); } } } pSymbol->get_length(&this->Size); pSymbol->get_constType(&this->bConst); pSymbol->get_volatileType(&this->bVolatile); pSymbol->get_unalignedType(&this->bUnaligned); hResult=pSymbol->get_symTag(&dwTag); if(FAILED(hResult) || (dwTag==SymTagNull)) return FALSE; if (this->DataKind==SymTagNull) this->DataKind=dwTag; switch(dwTag) { case SymTagUDT: { BSTR UDTName; if (FAILED(pSymbol->get_udtKind(&this->UserDefineTypeKind))) return FALSE; pSymbol->get_name(&UDTName); WCHAR* wName; // don't put struct / enum / class keyword info to this->TypeName // keep only type name // wName =(WCHAR*) _alloca((wcslen(rgUdtKind[this->UserDefineTypeKind])+wcslen(UDTName)+2)*sizeof(WCHAR)); //swprintf(wName,L"%s %s",rgUdtKind[this->UserDefineTypeKind],UDTName); wName =(WCHAR*) _alloca((wcslen(UDTName)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); wcscpy(wName,UDTName); this->bUserDefineType=TRUE; #if (defined(UNICODE)||defined(_UNICODE)) this->TypeName=_tcsdup(wName); #else CAnsiUnicodeConvert::UnicodeToAnsi(wName,&this->TypeName); #endif SysFreeString(UDTName); } break; case SymTagEnum: this->bEnum=TRUE; break; case SymTagFunctionType: this->bFunction=TRUE; break; case SymTagPointerType: pBaseType=0; pSymbol->get_reference(&this->bRefPointer); hResult=pSymbol->get_type(&pBaseType); if(FAILED(hResult) || (pBaseType==0)) return FALSE; bRet=this->GetType(pBaseType,TRUE); this->PointerLevel++; pBaseType->Release(); if (!bRet) return FALSE; break; case SymTagArrayType: pBaseType=0; hResult=pSymbol->get_type(&pBaseType); if(FAILED(hResult) || (pBaseType==0)) return FALSE; // simplify , don't get array length (sized provided for local vars) this->PointerLevel++; bRet=this->GetType(pBaseType,TRUE); pBaseType->Release(); if (!bRet) return FALSE; break; case SymTagBaseType: { WCHAR wsType[MAX_PATH]; ULONGLONG ulLen; pSymbol->get_length(&ulLen); // ukLen may differ from this->Size (if pointer or other type) *wsType=0; if(FAILED(pSymbol->get_baseType(&this->BaseType))) return FALSE; switch(this->BaseType) { case btUInt : wcscpy(wsType,L"unsigned "); // don't break btUInt to Fall through btInt case btInt : switch(ulLen) { case 1: wcscat(wsType,L"char"); break; case 2: wcscat(wsType,L"short"); break; case 4: wcscat(wsType,L"int"); break; case 8: wcscat(wsType,L"int64"); break; } break; case btFloat : switch(ulLen) { case 4: wcscpy(wsType,L"float"); break; case 8: wcscpy(wsType,L"double"); break; } break; } // if type not filled if(*wsType==0) // get the one defined by array wcscpy(wsType,rgBaseType[this->BaseType]); #if (defined(UNICODE)||defined(_UNICODE)) this->TypeName=_tcsdup(wsType); #else CAnsiUnicodeConvert::UnicodeToAnsi(wsType,&this->TypeName); #endif } break; case SymTagCustomType: break; case SymTagData: pBaseType=0; hResult=pSymbol->get_type(&pBaseType); if(FAILED(hResult) || (pBaseType==0)) return FALSE; // no information : can appear for local type (static can be name of local vars. Debug infos ???) bRet=this->GetType(pBaseType,TRUE); pBaseType->Release(); if (!bRet) return FALSE; break; case SymTagUsingNamespace: break; case SymTagTypedef: // should not appear break; default: #ifdef _DEBUG if (IsDebuggerPresent()) DebugBreak(); #endif break; } return TRUE; }
VOID EtpGpuIconUpdateCallback( _In_ struct _PH_NF_ICON *Icon, _Out_ PVOID *NewIconOrBitmap, _Out_ PULONG Flags, _Out_ PPH_STRING *NewText, _In_opt_ PVOID Context ) { static PH_GRAPH_DRAW_INFO drawInfo = { 16, 16, 0, 2, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 16, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; ULONG maxDataCount; ULONG lineDataCount; PFLOAT lineData1; HBITMAP bitmap; PVOID bits; HDC hdc; HBITMAP oldBitmap; HANDLE maxGpuProcessId; PPH_PROCESS_ITEM maxGpuProcessItem; PH_FORMAT format[8]; // Icon Icon->Pointers->BeginBitmap(&drawInfo.Width, &drawInfo.Height, &bitmap, &bits, &hdc, &oldBitmap); maxDataCount = drawInfo.Width / 2 + 1; lineData1 = _alloca(maxDataCount * sizeof(FLOAT)); lineDataCount = min(maxDataCount, EtGpuNodeHistory.Count); PhCopyCircularBuffer_FLOAT(&EtGpuNodeHistory, lineData1, lineDataCount); drawInfo.LineDataCount = lineDataCount; drawInfo.LineData1 = lineData1; drawInfo.LineColor1 = PhGetIntegerSetting(L"ColorCpuKernel"); drawInfo.LineBackColor1 = PhHalveColorBrightness(drawInfo.LineColor1); if (bits) PhDrawGraphDirect(hdc, bits, &drawInfo); SelectObject(hdc, oldBitmap); *NewIconOrBitmap = bitmap; *Flags = PH_NF_UPDATE_IS_BITMAP; // Text if (EtMaxGpuNodeHistory.Count != 0) maxGpuProcessId = UlongToHandle(PhGetItemCircularBuffer_ULONG(&EtMaxGpuNodeHistory, 0)); else maxGpuProcessId = NULL; if (maxGpuProcessId) maxGpuProcessItem = PhReferenceProcessItem(maxGpuProcessId); else maxGpuProcessItem = NULL; PhInitFormatS(&format[0], L"GPU Usage: "); PhInitFormatF(&format[1], EtGpuNodeUsage * 100, 2); PhInitFormatC(&format[2], '%'); if (maxGpuProcessItem) { PhInitFormatC(&format[3], '\n'); PhInitFormatSR(&format[4], maxGpuProcessItem->ProcessName->sr); PhInitFormatS(&format[5], L": "); PhInitFormatF(&format[6], EtGetProcessBlock(maxGpuProcessItem)->GpuNodeUsage * 100, 2); PhInitFormatC(&format[7], '%'); } *NewText = PhFormat(format, maxGpuProcessItem ? 8 : 3, 128); if (maxGpuProcessItem) PhDereferenceObject(maxGpuProcessItem); }
void test_alloca(int n) { capture(_alloca(n)); // CHECK: %[[arg:.*]] = alloca i8, i32 %{{.*}}, align 16 // CHECK: call void @capture(i8* %[[arg]]) }
// handle Owner's avatar hash changes void CIcqProto::handleAvatarOwnerHash(WORD wItemID, BYTE bFlags, BYTE *pData, BYTE nDataLen) { if ((nDataLen >= 0x14) && m_bAvatarsEnabled) { switch (bFlags) { case 1: // our avatar is on the server { setSettingBlob(NULL, "AvatarHash", pData, 0x14); /// TODO: properly handle multiple avatar items (more formats) setUserInfo(); // here we need to find a file, check its hash, if invalid get avatar from server TCHAR *file = GetOwnAvatarFileName(); if (!file) { // we have no avatar file, download from server TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH * 2 + 4]; #ifdef _DEBUG debugLogA("We have no avatar, requesting from server."); #endif GetAvatarFileName(0, NULL, szFile, MAX_PATH * 2); GetAvatarData(NULL, m_dwLocalUIN, NULL, pData, 0x14, szFile); } else { // we know avatar filename BYTE *hash = calcMD5HashOfFile(file); if (!hash) { // hash could not be calculated - probably missing file, get avatar from server TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH * 2 + 4]; #ifdef _DEBUG debugLogA("We have no avatar, requesting from server."); #endif GetAvatarFileName(0, NULL, szFile, MAX_PATH * 2); GetAvatarData(NULL, m_dwLocalUIN, NULL, pData, 0x14, szFile); } // check if we had set any avatar if yes set our, if not download from server else if (memcmp(hash, pData + 4, 0x10)) { // we have different avatar, sync that if (m_bSsiEnabled && getByte("ForceOurAvatar", 1)) { // we want our avatar, update hash DWORD dwPaFormat = ::ProtoGetAvatarFileFormat(file); BYTE *pHash = (BYTE*)_alloca(0x14); debugLogA("Our avatar is different, setting our new hash."); pHash[0] = 0; pHash[1] = dwPaFormat == PA_FORMAT_XML ? AVATAR_HASH_FLASH : AVATAR_HASH_STATIC; pHash[2] = 1; // state of the hash pHash[3] = 0x10; // len of the hash memcpy(pHash + 4, hash, 0x10); updateServAvatarHash(pHash, 0x14); } else { // get avatar from server TCHAR tszFile[MAX_PATH * 2 + 4]; #ifdef _DEBUG debugLogA("We have different avatar, requesting new from server."); #endif GetAvatarFileName(0, NULL, tszFile, MAX_PATH * 2); GetAvatarData(NULL, m_dwLocalUIN, NULL, pData, 0x14, tszFile); } } SAFE_FREE((void**)&hash); SAFE_FREE(&file); } break; } case 0x41: // request to upload avatar data case 0x81: { // request to re-upload avatar data if (!m_bSsiEnabled) break; // we could not change serv-list if it is disabled... TCHAR *file = GetOwnAvatarFileName(); if (!file) { // we have no file to upload, remove hash from server debugLogA("We do not have avatar, removing hash."); SetMyAvatar(0, 0); break; } DWORD dwPaFormat = ::ProtoGetAvatarFileFormat(file); BYTE *hash = calcMD5HashOfFile(file); if (!hash) { // the hash could not be calculated, remove from server debugLogA("We could not obtain hash, removing hash."); SetMyAvatar(0, 0); } else if (!memcmp(hash, pData + 4, 0x10)) { // we have the right file HANDLE hFile = NULL, hMap = NULL; BYTE *ppMap = NULL; long cbFileSize = 0; debugLogA("Uploading our avatar data."); if ((hFile = CreateFile(file, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL )) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if ((hMap = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL)) != NULL) if ((ppMap = (BYTE*)MapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0)) != NULL) cbFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if (cbFileSize != 0) { SetAvatarData(NULL, (WORD)(dwPaFormat == PA_FORMAT_XML ? AVATAR_HASH_FLASH : AVATAR_HASH_STATIC), ppMap, cbFileSize); } if (ppMap != NULL) UnmapViewOfFile(ppMap); if (hMap != NULL) CloseHandle(hMap); if (hFile != NULL) CloseHandle(hFile); SAFE_FREE((void**)&hash); } else { BYTE *pHash = (BYTE*)_alloca(0x14); debugLogA("Our file is different, set our new hash."); pHash[0] = 0; pHash[1] = dwPaFormat == PA_FORMAT_XML ? AVATAR_HASH_FLASH : AVATAR_HASH_STATIC; pHash[2] = 1; // state of the hash pHash[3] = 0x10; // len of the hash memcpy(pHash + 4, hash, 0x10); updateServAvatarHash(pHash, 0x14); SAFE_FREE((void**)&hash); } SAFE_FREE(&file); break; } default: debugLogA("Received UNKNOWN Avatar Status."); } } }
int interleaved_two_of_five(struct zint_symbol *symbol, unsigned char source[], int length) { /* Code 2 of 5 Interleaved */ int i, j, k, error_number; char bars[7], spaces[7], mixed[14], dest[1000]; #ifndef _MSC_VER unsigned char temp[length + 2]; #else unsigned char* temp = (unsigned char *)_alloca((length + 2) * sizeof(unsigned char)); #endif error_number = 0; if(length > 89) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "Input too long"); return ERROR_TOO_LONG; } error_number = is_sane(NEON, source, length); if (error_number == ERROR_INVALID_DATA1) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "Invalid characters in data"); return error_number; } ustrcpy(temp, (unsigned char *) ""); /* Input must be an even number of characters for Interlaced 2 of 5 to work: if an odd number of characters has been entered then add a leading zero */ if (length & 1) { ustrcpy(temp, (unsigned char *) "0"); length++; } uconcat(temp, source); /* start character */ strcpy(dest, "1111"); for(i = 0; i < length; i+=2 ) { /* look up the bars and the spaces and put them in two strings */ strcpy(bars, ""); lookup(NEON, C25InterTable, temp[i], bars); strcpy(spaces, ""); lookup(NEON, C25InterTable, temp[i + 1], spaces); /* then merge (interlace) the strings together */ k = 0; for(j = 0; j <= 4; j++) { mixed[k] = bars[j]; k++; mixed[k] = spaces[j]; k++; } mixed[k] = '\0'; concat (dest, mixed); } /* Stop character */ concat (dest, "311"); expand(symbol, dest); ustrcpy(symbol->text, temp); return error_number; }
void LogBase::WriteVAW(ELogMessageType type, ELogMessageLevel nLevel, LPCWSTR pszModule, LPCWSTR pszMessage, va_list args) throw() { #if defined(_UNICODE) || defined(UNICODE) WriteVA(type, nLevel, pszModule, pszMessage, args); #else if (IsFiltered(type, nLevel)) // не обрабатываем сообщение, если оно не попадает в лог return; // 75% времени тратится на new и delete, поэтому первую попытку попробуем сделать без него. StackResizableBuf<WCHAR, 1024> buf; int pos; for (;;) { pos = _vsnwprintf(, buf.size - 1, pszMessage, args); if (pos != -1) break; // BUG 16456 FIX, см. в конец WriteVAW почему if (buf.size >= 1024 * 256) { pos = buf.size - 1; break; } buf.Resize(buf.size * 2); } if (pos >= 0) {[pos] = 0; LPTSTR pszStr = static_cast<LPTSTR>(_alloca(buf.size)); if (0 == WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0/*WC_DEFAULTCHAR*/,, pos + 1, pszStr, buf.size, NULL, NULL)) { _RPT1(_CRT_ERROR, "Can't convert Unicode string (error #0x%08X)", GetLastError()); return; } LPCTSTR pszMod; if (pszModule == NULL) pszMod = m_szModule.c_str(); else { size_t nModuleLen = wcslen(pszModule) + 1; LPTSTR pszModBuf = static_cast<LPTSTR>(_alloca(nModuleLen)); if (0 == WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0/*WC_DEFAULTCHAR*/, pszModule, nModuleLen, pszModBuf, nModuleLen, NULL, NULL)) { _RPT1(_CRT_ERROR, "Can't convert Unicode string (error #0x%08X)", GetLastError()); return; } pszMod = pszModBuf; } SYSTEMTIME st; GetLocalTime(&st); TCHAR bufdate[128], buftime[128], bufthread[128]; _stprintf(bufdate, _T("%i-%02i-%02i"), st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay); _stprintf(buftime, _T("%02i:%02i:%02i.%03d"), st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds); _stprintf(bufthread, _T("%03x"), GetCurrentThreadId()); m_pMedia->Write(type, nLevel, bufdate, buftime, bufthread, GetThreadName(), pszMod, pszStr); } #endif /* BUG 16456 FIX _vsnwprintf спотыкается на строках с символом 0xFFFF, возвращает -1 при любой длине буфера. Соответсвтвенно буфер увеличивается (Resize) пока не хватит памяти, а потом вызывается _vsnwprintf на NULL. Решение: Т.к. _vsnwprintf, даже если нехватает буфера, начало заполняет, то просто ограничим буфер 256кб (а 0 на конце и так ставим на всякий случай) #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> void WriteVAW(wchar_t* pszMessage, va_list args) { wchar_t buf[1000]; int n = _vsnwprintf(buf, 1000, pszMessage, args); printf("Return %i\nBuf is: \"%ls\"", n, buf); // n будет -1, хотя буфера хватает !!! } void WriteW(wchar_t* pszMessage, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, pszMessage); WriteVAW(pszMessage, ap); va_end(ap); } void main() { WriteW(L"%ls!", L"123\xffff"); } */ }
void idAASBuild::GravSubdivLeafNode( idBrushBSPNode *node ) { int s1, s2, i, j, k, side1; int numSplits, numSplitters; idBrushBSPPortal *p1, *p2; idWinding *w1, *w2; idVec3 normal; idPlane plane; idPlaneSet planeList; float d, min, max; int *splitterOrder; int *bestNumSplits; int floor, gap, numFloorChecked; // if this leaf node is already classified it cannot have a combination of floor and gap portals if ( node->GetFlags() & (AREA_FLOOR|AREA_GAP) ) { return; } floor = gap = 0; // check if the area has a floor for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = p1->Next(s1) ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); if ( p1->GetFlags() & FACE_FLOOR ) { floor++; } } // find seperating planes between gap and floor portals for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = p1->Next(s1) ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); // if the portal is a gap seen from this side if ( PortalIsGap( p1, s1 ) ) { gap++; // if the area doesn't have a floor if ( !floor ) { break; } } else { continue; } numFloorChecked = 0; w1 = p1->GetWinding(); // test all edges of the gap for ( i = 0; i < w1->GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { // create a plane through the edge of the gap parallel to the direction of gravity normal = (*w1)[(i+1)%w1->GetNumPoints()].ToVec3() - (*w1)[i].ToVec3(); normal = normal.Cross( aasSettings->invGravityDir ); if ( normal.Normalize() < 0.2f ) { continue; } plane.SetNormal( normal ); plane.FitThroughPoint( (*w1)[i].ToVec3() ); // get the side of the plane the gap is on side1 = w1->PlaneSide( plane, GRAVSUBDIV_EPSILON ); if ( side1 == SIDE_ON ) { break; } // test if the plane through the edge of the gap seperates the gap from a floor portal for ( p2 = node->GetPortals(); p2; p2 = p2->Next(s2) ) { s2 = (p2->GetNode(1) == node); if ( !( p2->GetFlags() & FACE_FLOOR ) ) { continue; } if ( p2->GetFlags() & FACE_CHECKED ) { continue; } w2 = p2->GetWinding(); min = 2.0f * GRAVSUBDIV_EPSILON; max = GRAVSUBDIV_EPSILON; if ( side1 == SIDE_FRONT ) { for ( j = 0; j < w2->GetNumPoints(); j++ ) { d = plane.Distance( (*w2)[j].ToVec3() ); if ( d >= GRAVSUBDIV_EPSILON ) { break; // point at the same side of the plane as the gap } d = idMath::Fabs( d ); if ( d < min ) { min = d; } if ( d > max ) { max = d; } } } else { for ( j = 0; j < w2->GetNumPoints(); j++ ) { d = plane.Distance( (*w2)[j].ToVec3() ); if ( d <= -GRAVSUBDIV_EPSILON ) { break; // point at the same side of the plane as the gap } d = idMath::Fabs( d ); if ( d < min ) { min = d; } if ( d > max ) { max = d; } } } // a point of the floor portal was found to be at the same side of the plane as the gap if ( j < w2->GetNumPoints() ) { continue; } // if the floor portal touches the plane if ( min < GRAVSUBDIV_EPSILON && max > GRAVSUBDIV_EPSILON ) { planeList.FindPlane( plane, 0.00001f, 0.1f ); } p2->SetFlag( FACE_CHECKED ); numFloorChecked++; } if ( numFloorChecked == floor ) { break; } } for ( p2 = node->GetPortals(); p2; p2 = p2->Next(s2) ) { s2 = (p2->GetNode(1) == node); p2->RemoveFlag( FACE_CHECKED ); } } // if the leaf node does not have both floor and gap portals if ( !( gap && floor) ) { if ( floor ) { node->SetFlag( AREA_FLOOR ); } else if ( gap ) { node->SetFlag( AREA_GAP ); } return; } // if no valid seperators found if ( planeList.Num() == 0 ) { // NOTE: this should never happend, if it does the leaf node has degenerate portals return; } splitterOrder = (int *) _alloca( planeList.Num() * sizeof( int ) ); bestNumSplits = (int *) _alloca( planeList.Num() * sizeof( int ) ); numSplitters = 0; // test all possible seperators and sort them from best to worst for ( i = 0; i < planeList.Num(); i += 2 ) { numSplits = 0; for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = p1->Next(s1) ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); if ( p1->GetWinding()->PlaneSide( planeList[i], 0.1f ) == SIDE_CROSS ) { numSplits++; } } for ( j = 0; j < numSplitters; j++ ) { if ( numSplits < bestNumSplits[j] ) { for ( k = numSplitters; k > j; k-- ) { bestNumSplits[k] = bestNumSplits[k-1]; splitterOrder[k] = splitterOrder[k-1]; } bestNumSplits[j] = numSplits; splitterOrder[j] = i; numSplitters++; break; } } if ( j >= numSplitters ) { bestNumSplits[j] = numSplits; splitterOrder[j] = i; numSplitters++; } } // try all seperators in order from best to worst for ( i = 0; i < numSplitters; i++ ) { if ( node->Split( planeList[splitterOrder[i]], -1 ) ) { // we found a seperator that works break; } } if ( i >= numSplitters) { return; } DisplayRealTimeString( "\r%6d", ++numGravitationalSubdivisions ); // test children for further splits GravSubdivLeafNode( node->GetChild(0) ); GravSubdivLeafNode( node->GetChild(1) ); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: extracts the list of defines and includes used for this config //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CVCProjConvert::ExtractIncludes( IXMLDOMElement *pDoc, CConfiguration & config ) { config.ResetDefines(); config.ResetIncludes(); if (!pDoc) { return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> pTools; pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("Tool"), &pTools); if (pTools) { long len = 0; pTools->get_length(&len); for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pNode; pTools->get_item( i, &pNode ); if (pNode) { CComQIPtr<IXMLDOMElement> pElem( pNode ); CUtlSymbol toolName = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "Name" ); if ( toolName == "VCCLCompilerTool" ) { CUtlSymbol defines = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "PreprocessorDefinitions" ); char *str = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( defines.String() ) + 1 ); Assert( str ); Q_strcpy( str, defines.String() ); // now tokenize the string on the ";" char char *delim = strchr( str, ';' ); char *curpos = str; while ( delim ) { *delim = 0; delim++; if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines { config.AddDefine( curpos ); } curpos = delim; delim = strchr( delim, ';' ); } if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines { config.AddDefine( curpos ); } CUtlSymbol includes = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories" ); char *str2 = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( includes.String() ) + 1 ); Assert( str2 ); Q_strcpy( str2, includes.String() ); // now tokenize the string on the ";" char delim = strchr( str2, ',' ); curpos = str2; while ( delim ) { *delim = 0; delim++; config.AddInclude( curpos ); curpos = delim; delim = strchr( delim, ',' ); } config.AddInclude( curpos ); } } } } #elif _LINUX DOMNodeList *nodes= pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("Tool")); if (nodes) { int len = nodes->getLength(); for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { DOMNode *node = nodes->item(i); if (node) { CUtlSymbol toolName = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "Name" ); if ( toolName == "VCCLCompilerTool" ) { CUtlSymbol defines = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "PreprocessorDefinitions" ); char *str = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( defines.String() ) + 1 ); Assert( str ); Q_strcpy( str, defines.String() ); // now tokenize the string on the ";" char char *delim = strchr( str, ';' ); char *curpos = str; while ( delim ) { *delim = 0; delim++; if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines { config.AddDefine( curpos ); } curpos = delim; delim = strchr( delim, ';' ); } if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines { config.AddDefine( curpos ); } CUtlSymbol includes = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories" ); char *str2 = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( includes.String() ) + 1 ); Assert( str2 ); Q_strcpy( str2, includes.String() ); // now tokenize the string on the ";" char char token = ','; delim = strchr( str2, token ); if ( !delim ) { token = ';'; delim = strchr( str2, token ); } curpos = str2; while ( delim ) { *delim = 0; delim++; Q_FixSlashes( curpos ); Q_strlower( curpos ); char fullPath[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( fullPath, sizeof(fullPath), "%s/%s", m_BaseDir.String(), curpos ); Q_StripTrailingSlash( fullPath ); config.AddInclude( fullPath ); curpos = delim; delim = strchr( delim, token ); } Q_FixSlashes( curpos ); Q_strlower( curpos ); char fullPath[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( fullPath, sizeof(fullPath), "%s/%s", m_BaseDir.String(), curpos ); Q_StripTrailingSlash( fullPath ); config.AddInclude( fullPath ); } } } } #endif return true; }
int japan_post(struct zint_symbol *symbol, unsigned char source[], int length) { /* Japanese Postal Code (Kasutama Barcode) */ int error_number, h; char pattern[69]; int writer, loopey, inter_posn, i, sum, check; char check_char; char inter[23]; #ifndef _MSC_VER char local_source[length + 1]; #else char* local_source = (char*)_alloca(length + 1); #endif inter_posn = 0; error_number = 0; strcpy(local_source, (char*)source); for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { local_source[i] = source[i]; } to_upper((unsigned char*)local_source); error_number = is_sane(SHKASUTSET, (unsigned char*)local_source, length); if(error_number == ERROR_INVALID_DATA) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "Invalid characters in data"); return error_number; } memset(inter, 'd', 20);/* Pad character CC4 */ inter[20] = '\0'; i = 0; inter_posn = 0; do { if(((local_source[i] >= '0') && (local_source[i] <= '9')) || (local_source[i] == '-')) { inter[inter_posn] = local_source[i]; inter_posn++; } else { if((local_source[i] >= 'A') && (local_source[i] <= 'J')) { inter[inter_posn] = 'a'; inter[inter_posn + 1] = local_source[i] - 'A' + '0'; inter_posn += 2; } if((local_source[i] >= 'K') && (local_source[i] <= 'T')) { inter[inter_posn] = 'b'; inter[inter_posn + 1] = local_source[i] - 'K' + '0'; inter_posn += 2; } if((local_source[i] >= 'U') && (local_source[i] <= 'Z')) { inter[inter_posn] = 'c'; inter[inter_posn + 1] = local_source[i] - 'U' + '0'; inter_posn += 2; } } i++; }while((i < length) && (inter_posn < 20)); inter[20] = '\0'; strcpy(pattern, "13"); /* Start */ sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) { concat(pattern, JapanTable[posn(KASUTSET, inter[i])]); sum += posn(CHKASUTSET, inter[i]); /* printf("%c (%d)\n", inter[i], posn(CHKASUTSET, inter[i])); */ } /* Calculate check digit */ check = 19 - (sum % 19); if(check == 19) { check = 0; } if(check <= 9) { check_char = check + '0'; } if(check == 10) { check_char = '-'; } if(check >= 11) { check_char = (check - 11) + 'a'; } concat(pattern, JapanTable[posn(KASUTSET, check_char)]); /* printf("check %c (%d)\n", check_char, check); */ concat(pattern, "31"); /* Stop */ /* Resolve pattern to 4-state symbols */ writer = 0; h = strlen(pattern); for(loopey = 0; loopey < h; loopey++) { if((pattern[loopey] == '2') || (pattern[loopey] == '1')) { set_module(symbol, 0, writer); } set_module(symbol, 1, writer); if((pattern[loopey] == '3') || (pattern[loopey] == '1')) { set_module(symbol, 2, writer); } writer += 2; } symbol->row_height[0] = 3; symbol->row_height[1] = 2; symbol->row_height[2] = 3; symbol->rows = 3; symbol->width = writer - 1; return error_number; }
// __nID == 0 then separator HWND MtlCreateSimpleToolBarCtrl( HWND hWndParent, int * __firstID, int * __lastID, UINT nImageBmpID, UINT nHotImageBmpID, int cx, int cy, COLORREF clrMask, UINT nFlags, DWORD dwStyle, UINT nID) { int nCount = int (__lastID - __firstID); if (nCount == 0) return NULL; CImageList imgs; MTLVERIFY( imgs.Create(cx, cy, nFlags | ILC_MASK, nCount, 1) ); CBitmap bmp; MTLVERIFY( bmp.LoadBitmap(nImageBmpID) ); imgs.Add(bmp, clrMask); CImageList imgsHot; MTLVERIFY( imgsHot.Create(cx, cy, nFlags | ILC_MASK, nCount, 1) ); CBitmap bmpHot; MTLVERIFY( bmpHot.LoadBitmap(nHotImageBmpID) ); imgsHot.Add(bmpHot, clrMask); TBBUTTON * pTBBtn = (TBBUTTON *) _alloca( nCount * sizeof (TBBUTTON) ); int nBmp = 0; int j = 0; for (; __firstID < __lastID; ++__firstID) { ATLASSERT(j < nCount); if (*__firstID != 0) { pTBBtn[j].iBitmap = nBmp++; pTBBtn[j].idCommand = *__firstID; pTBBtn[j].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; pTBBtn[j].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON; pTBBtn[j].dwData = 0; pTBBtn[j].iString = 0; } else { pTBBtn[j].iBitmap = 8; pTBBtn[j].idCommand = 0; pTBBtn[j].fsState = 0; pTBBtn[j].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_SEP; pTBBtn[j].dwData = 0; pTBBtn[j].iString = 0; } ++j; } CToolBarCtrl toolbar = ::CreateWindowEx( 0, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL, dwStyle, 0, 0, 100, 100, hWndParent, (HMENU) LongToHandle(nID), _Module.GetModuleInstance(), NULL); toolbar.SetButtonStructSize( sizeof (TBBUTTON) ); toolbar.AddButtons(nCount, pTBBtn); toolbar.SetImageList(imgs); toolbar.SetHotImageList(imgsHot); return toolbar.m_hWnd; }
STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) CDbxKyoto::AddEvent(MCONTACT contactID, DBEVENTINFO *dbei) { if (dbei == NULL || dbei->cbSize != sizeof(DBEVENTINFO)) return 0; if (dbei->timestamp == 0) return 0; DBEvent dbe; dbe.dwSignature = DBEVENT_SIGNATURE; dbe.contactID = contactID; // store native or subcontact's id dbe.ofsModuleName = GetModuleNameOfs(dbei->szModule); dbe.timestamp = dbei->timestamp; dbe.flags = dbei->flags; dbe.wEventType = dbei->eventType; dbe.cbBlob = dbei->cbBlob; BYTE *pBlob = dbei->pBlob; MCONTACT contactNotifyID = contactID; DBCachedContact *cc, *ccSub = NULL; if ((cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(contactID)) == NULL) return 0; if (cc->IsSub()) { ccSub = cc; if ((cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(cc->parentID)) == NULL) return 0; // set default sub to the event's source if (!(dbei->flags & DBEF_SENT)) db_mc_setDefault(cc->contactID, contactID, false); contactID = cc->contactID; // and add an event to a metahistory if (db_mc_isEnabled()) contactNotifyID = contactID; } if (m_safetyMode) if (NotifyEventHooks(hEventFilterAddedEvent, contactNotifyID, (LPARAM)dbei)) return NULL; mir_ptr<BYTE> pCryptBlob; if (m_bEncrypted) { size_t len; BYTE *pResult = m_crypto->encodeBuffer(pBlob, dbe.cbBlob, &len); if (pResult != NULL) { pCryptBlob = pBlob = pResult; dbe.cbBlob = (DWORD)len; dbe.flags |= DBEF_ENCRYPTED; } } DWORD dwEventId; { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); dwEventId = ++m_dwMaxEventId; BYTE *pDest = (BYTE*)_alloca(sizeof(DBEvent) + dbe.cbBlob); memcpy(pDest, &dbe, sizeof(DBEvent)); memcpy(pDest + sizeof(DBEvent), pBlob, dbe.cbBlob); m_dbEvents.set((LPCSTR)&dwEventId, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)pDest, sizeof(DBEvent) + dbe.cbBlob); // add a sorting key DBEventSortingKey key2 = { contactID, dbe.timestamp, dwEventId }; m_dbEventsSort.set((LPCSTR)&key2, sizeof(key2), "", 1); cc->Advance(dwEventId, dbe); m_dbContacts.set((LPCSTR)&contactID, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&cc->dbc, sizeof(DBContact)); // insert an event into a sub's history too if (ccSub != NULL) { key2.dwContactId = ccSub->contactID; m_dbEventsSort.set((LPCSTR)&key2, sizeof(key2), "", 1); ccSub->Advance(dwEventId, dbe); m_dbContacts.set((LPCSTR)&ccSub->contactID, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&ccSub->dbc, sizeof(DBContact)); } } // Notify only in safe mode or on really new events if (m_safetyMode) NotifyEventHooks(hEventAddedEvent, contactNotifyID, dwEventId); return dwEventId; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK SendDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TSendContactsData* wndData = (TSendContactsData*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_USER); switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_CONTACTS))); SetAllContactChecks(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST), lParam); WindowList_Add(g_hSendWindowList, hwndDlg, lParam); wndData = new TSendContactsData(lParam); SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)wndData); // new dlg init wndData->hIcons[0] = InitMButton(hwndDlg, IDC_ADD, SKINICON_OTHER_ADDCONTACT, LPGENT("Add Contact Permanently to List")); wndData->hIcons[1] = InitMButton(hwndDlg, IDC_DETAILS, SKINICON_OTHER_USERDETAILS, LPGENT("View User's Details")); wndData->hIcons[2] = InitMButton(hwndDlg, IDC_HISTORY, SKINICON_OTHER_HISTORY, LPGENT("View User's History")); wndData->hIcons[3] = InitMButton(hwndDlg, IDC_USERMENU, SKINICON_OTHER_DOWNARROW, LPGENT("User Menu")); SendMessage(hwndDlg, DM_UPDATETITLE, 0, 0); // new dialog init done return TRUE; case WM_SETFOCUS: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST)); break; case WM_NOTIFY: if (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom == IDC_LIST) { switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case CLN_NEWCONTACT: case CLN_LISTREBUILT: // rebuild list if (wndData) SetAllContactChecks(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST), wndData->hContact); } } break; case WM_TIMER: if (wParam == TIMERID_MSGSEND) { KillTimer(hwndDlg, wParam); wndData->ShowErrorDlg(hwndDlg, "The contacts send timed out.", TRUE); } break; case DM_ERRORDECIDED: EnableWindow(hwndDlg, TRUE); wndData->hError = NULL; switch (wParam) { case MSGERROR_CANCEL: wndData->UnhookProtoAck(); if (wndData->uacklist.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < wndData->uacklist.Count; i++) delete g_aAckData.Remove(wndData->uacklist.Items[i]); // remove our ackdata & release structure mir_free(wndData->uacklist.Items); wndData->uacklist.Items = NULL; wndData->uacklist.Count = 0; } EnableDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK, TRUE); EnableDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST, TRUE); ShowWindow(hwndDlg, SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST)); break; case MSGERROR_DONE: // contacts were delivered succesfully after timeout SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST)); wndData->UnhookProtoAck(); break; case MSGERROR_RETRY:// resend timeouted packets for (int i = 0; i < wndData->uacklist.Count; i++) { TAckData *lla = g_aAckData.Remove(wndData->uacklist.Items[i]); HANDLE hProcc = (HANDLE)CallContactService(wndData->hContact, PSS_CONTACTS, MAKEWPARAM(0, lla->nContacts), (LPARAM)lla->aContacts); if (!hProcc) { // if fatal do not include wndData->uacklist.Remove(wndData->uacklist.Items[i]); delete lla; // release the structure continue; } else { // update process code wndData->uacklist.Items[i] = hProcc; g_aAckData.Add(hProcc, lla); } }// collect TAckData for our window, resend break; } break; case WM_COMMAND: if (!lParam && CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUPROCESSCOMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(LOWORD(wParam), MPCF_CONTACTMENU), (LPARAM)wndData->hContact)) break; switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: if (IsWindowEnabled(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK))) { MCONTACT hContact, hItem; wndData->ClearContacts(); // do not include contacts twice HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST); hContact = FindFirstClistContact(hList, &hItem); while (hContact) { // build list of contacts to send if (SendMessage(hList, CLM_GETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM)hItem, 0)) wndData->AddContact(hContact); hContact = FindNextClistContact(hList, hContact, &hItem); } /* send contacts */ if (!wndData->SendContacts(hwndDlg)) break; SetTimer(hwndDlg, TIMERID_MSGSEND, db_get_dw(NULL, "SRMsg", "MessageTimeout", TIMEOUT_MSGSEND), NULL); } break; case IDCANCEL: DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; case ID_SELECTALL: { // select all contacts HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST); MCONTACT hItem, hContact = FindFirstClistContact(hwndList, &hItem); while (hContact) { SendMessage(hwndList, CLM_SETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM)hItem, 1); hContact = FindNextClistContact(hwndList, hContact, &hItem); } } break; case IDC_USERMENU: { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_USERMENU), &rc); HMENU hMenu = Menu_BuildContactMenu(wndData->hContact); TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, 0, rc.left, rc.bottom, 0, hwndDlg, NULL); DestroyMenu(hMenu); } break; case IDC_HISTORY: CallService(MS_HISTORY_SHOWCONTACTHISTORY, (WPARAM)wndData->hContact, 0); break; case IDC_DETAILS: CallService(MS_USERINFO_SHOWDIALOG, (WPARAM)wndData->hContact, 0); break; case IDC_ADD: DialogAddContactExecute(hwndDlg, wndData->hContact); break; } break; case HM_EVENTSENT: { ACKDATA *ack = (ACKDATA*)lParam; if (ack->type != ACKTYPE_CONTACTS) break; TAckData *ackData = g_aAckData.Get(ack->hProcess); if (ackData == NULL) break; // on unknown hprocc go away if (ackData->hContact != ack->hContact) break; // this is not ours, strange if (ack->result == ACKRESULT_FAILED) { // some process failed, show error dialog KillTimer(hwndDlg, TIMERID_MSGSEND); wndData->ShowErrorDlg(hwndDlg, (char *)ack->lParam, TRUE); // ackData get used in error handling, released there break; } DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; dbei.szModule = GetContactProto(ackData->hContact); dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS; dbei.flags = DBEF_SENT | DBEF_UTF; dbei.timestamp = time(NULL); //make blob TCTSend* maSend = (TCTSend*)_alloca(ackData->nContacts*sizeof(TCTSend)); memset(maSend, 0, (ackData->nContacts * sizeof(TCTSend))); dbei.cbBlob = 0; char* pBlob; int i; for (i = 0; i < ackData->nContacts; i++) { // prepare data & count size maSend[i].mcaNick = mir_utf8encodeT(pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(ackData->aContacts[i], 0)); maSend[i].mcaUIN = mir_utf8encodeT(ptrT(GetContactUID(ackData->aContacts[i]))); dbei.cbBlob += (DWORD)strlennull(maSend[i].mcaUIN) + (DWORD)strlennull((char*)maSend[i].mcaNick) + 2; } dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)_alloca(dbei.cbBlob); for (i = 0, pBlob = (char*)dbei.pBlob; i < ackData->nContacts; i++) { strcpynull(pBlob, (char*)maSend[i].mcaNick); pBlob += strlennull(pBlob) + 1; strcpynull(pBlob, maSend[i].mcaUIN); pBlob += strlennull(pBlob) + 1; } db_event_add(ackData->hContact, &dbei); g_aAckData.Remove(ack->hProcess); // do not release here, still needed wndData->uacklist.Remove(ack->hProcess); // packet confirmed for (i = 0; i < ackData->nContacts; i++) { mir_free(maSend[i].mcaUIN); mir_free(maSend[i].mcaNick); } delete ackData; // all done, release structure if (!wndData->uacklist.Count) { SkinPlaySound("SentContacts"); KillTimer(hwndDlg, TIMERID_MSGSEND); if (wndData->hError) SendMessage(wndData->hError, DM_ERRORDECIDED, MSGERROR_DONE, 0); SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); // all packets confirmed, close the dialog } } break; case WM_MEASUREITEM: return Menu_MeasureItem((LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam); case WM_DRAWITEM: DrawProtocolIcon(hwndDlg, lParam, wndData->hContact); return Menu_DrawItem((LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam); case DM_UPDATETITLE: UpdateDialogTitle(hwndDlg, wndData ? wndData->hContact : NULL, TranslateT("Send Contacts to")); if (wndData) UpdateDialogAddButton(hwndDlg, wndData->hContact); break; case WM_CLOSE: wndData->UnhookProtoAck(); DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; case WM_DESTROY: WindowList_Remove(g_hSendWindowList, hwndDlg); delete wndData; break; } return FALSE; }
int __cdecl __crtCompareStringW( LCID Locale, DWORD dwCmpFlags, LPCWSTR lpString1, int cchCount1, LPCWSTR lpString2, int cchCount2, int code_page ) { static int f_use = 0; /* * Look for unstubbed 'preferred' flavor. Otherwise use available flavor. * Must actually call the function to ensure it's not a stub. */ if (0 == f_use) { if (0 != CompareStringW(0, 0, L"\0", 1, L"\0", 1)) f_use = USE_W; else if (0 != CompareStringA(0, 0, "\0", 1, "\0", 1)) f_use = USE_A; else return 0; } /* * CompareString will compare past NULL. Must find NULL if in string * before cchCountn wide characters. */ if (cchCount1 > 0) cchCount1= wcsncnt(lpString1, cchCount1); if (cchCount2 > 0) cchCount2= wcsncnt(lpString2, cchCount2); if (!cchCount1 || !cchCount2) return (cchCount1 - cchCount2 == 0) ? 2 : (cchCount1 - cchCount2 < 0) ? 1 : 3; /* Use "W" version */ if (USE_W == f_use) { return CompareStringW( Locale, dwCmpFlags, lpString1, cchCount1, lpString2, cchCount2 ); } /* Use "A" version */ if (USE_A == f_use) { int buff_size1; int buff_size2; unsigned char *buffer1; unsigned char *buffer2; /* * Use __lc_codepage for conversion if code_page not specified */ if (0 == code_page) code_page = __lc_codepage; /* * Convert strings and return the requested information. */ /* find out how big a buffer we need (includes NULL if any) */ if ( 0 == (buff_size1 = WideCharToMultiByte( code_page, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, lpString1, cchCount1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL )) ) return 0; /* allocate enough space for chars */ __try { buffer1 = (unsigned char *)_alloca( buff_size1 * sizeof(char) ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { buffer1 = NULL; } if ( buffer1 == NULL ) return 0; /* do the conversion */ if ( 0 == WideCharToMultiByte( code_page, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, lpString1, cchCount1, buffer1, buff_size1, NULL, NULL ) ) return 0; /* find out how big a buffer we need (includes NULL if any) */ if ( 0 == (buff_size2 = WideCharToMultiByte( code_page, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, lpString2, cchCount2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL )) ) return 0; /* allocate enough space for chars */ __try { buffer2 = (unsigned char *)_alloca( buff_size2 * sizeof(char) ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { buffer2 = NULL; } if ( buffer2 == NULL ) return 0; /* do the conversion */ if ( 0 == WideCharToMultiByte( code_page, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, lpString2, cchCount2, buffer2, buff_size2, NULL, NULL ) ) return 0; return CompareStringA( Locale, dwCmpFlags, buffer1, buff_size1, buffer2, buff_size2 ); }
void w32_glob(int *argc_ptr, char ***argv_ptr) { wchar_t *wtmp = GetCommandLineW(); char *cur, *begparm = NULL, *endparm = NULL; char **argv = NULL, c; int argc = 0, in_sq = 0, in_dq = 0, need_glob = 0, allarglen = 0, linelen; linelen = wcslen(wtmp); cur = _alloca(linelen * 6 + 1); if(!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wtmp, -1, cur, linelen * 6 + 1, NULL, NULL)) cur = GetCommandLineA(); do { c = *cur; switch(c) { case '\0': endparm = cur; break; case ' ': if(begparm && !(in_sq | in_dq)) endparm = cur; break; case '\'': if(!in_dq) { in_sq = !in_sq; if(!in_sq) endparm = cur; } break; case '"': if(!in_sq) { in_dq = !in_dq; if(!in_dq) endparm = cur; } break; case '*': case '?': if(!in_sq) need_glob = 1; default: if(!begparm) { begparm = cur; endparm = NULL; } } if (begparm && endparm) { if(begparm < endparm) { char *path = malloc(endparm - begparm + 1), *quotes; int arglen = 0; memcpy(path, begparm, endparm - begparm); path[endparm - begparm] = '\0'; quotes = path; while((quotes = strchr(quotes, '"'))) memmove(quotes, quotes + 1, (endparm - begparm) - (quotes - path)); if(argc && need_glob) { arglen = glob_add(path, &argc, &argv); if(!arglen) { path = malloc(endparm - begparm + 1); memcpy(path, begparm, endparm - begparm); path[endparm - begparm] = '\0'; } } if(!arglen) { argv = realloc(argv, sizeof(*argv) * (argc + 1)); argv[argc] = path; argc++; arglen = endparm - begparm; } allarglen += arglen; } need_glob = 0; in_sq = 0; in_dq = 0; begparm = NULL; endparm = NULL; } cur++; } while (c); if(argc) { int i, argvlen = sizeof(*argv) * (argc + 1), argclen = 0; argv = realloc(argv, argvlen + allarglen + argc); argv[argc] = NULL; for(i=0; i<argc; i++) { int curlen = strlen(argv[i]) + 1; char *curarg = (char *)argv + argvlen + argclen; memcpy(curarg, argv[i], curlen); argclen += curlen; free(argv[i]); argv[i] = curarg; } } *argc_ptr = argc; *argv_ptr = argv; }
VOID EtpNetworkIconUpdateCallback( _In_ struct _PH_NF_ICON *Icon, _Out_ PVOID *NewIconOrBitmap, _Out_ PULONG Flags, _Out_ PPH_STRING *NewText, _In_opt_ PVOID Context ) { static PH_GRAPH_DRAW_INFO drawInfo = { 16, 16, PH_GRAPH_USE_LINE_2, 2, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 16, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; ULONG maxDataCount; ULONG lineDataCount; PFLOAT lineData1; PFLOAT lineData2; FLOAT max; ULONG i; HBITMAP bitmap; PVOID bits; HDC hdc; HBITMAP oldBitmap; HANDLE maxNetworkProcessId; PPH_PROCESS_ITEM maxNetworkProcessItem; PH_FORMAT format[6]; // Icon Icon->Pointers->BeginBitmap(&drawInfo.Width, &drawInfo.Height, &bitmap, &bits, &hdc, &oldBitmap); maxDataCount = drawInfo.Width / 2 + 1; lineData1 = _alloca(maxDataCount * sizeof(FLOAT)); lineData2 = _alloca(maxDataCount * sizeof(FLOAT)); lineDataCount = min(maxDataCount, EtNetworkReceiveHistory.Count); max = 1024 * 1024; // minimum scaling of 1 MB. for (i = 0; i < lineDataCount; i++) { lineData1[i] = (FLOAT)PhGetItemCircularBuffer_ULONG(&EtNetworkReceiveHistory, i); lineData2[i] = (FLOAT)PhGetItemCircularBuffer_ULONG(&EtNetworkSendHistory, i); if (max < lineData1[i] + lineData2[i]) max = lineData1[i] + lineData2[i]; } PhDivideSinglesBySingle(lineData1, max, lineDataCount); PhDivideSinglesBySingle(lineData2, max, lineDataCount); drawInfo.LineDataCount = lineDataCount; drawInfo.LineData1 = lineData1; drawInfo.LineData2 = lineData2; drawInfo.LineColor1 = PhGetIntegerSetting(L"ColorIoReadOther"); drawInfo.LineColor2 = PhGetIntegerSetting(L"ColorIoWrite"); drawInfo.LineBackColor1 = PhHalveColorBrightness(drawInfo.LineColor1); drawInfo.LineBackColor2 = PhHalveColorBrightness(drawInfo.LineColor2); if (bits) PhDrawGraphDirect(hdc, bits, &drawInfo); SelectObject(hdc, oldBitmap); *NewIconOrBitmap = bitmap; *Flags = PH_NF_UPDATE_IS_BITMAP; // Text if (EtMaxNetworkHistory.Count != 0) maxNetworkProcessId = UlongToHandle(PhGetItemCircularBuffer_ULONG(&EtMaxNetworkHistory, 0)); else maxNetworkProcessId = NULL; if (maxNetworkProcessId) maxNetworkProcessItem = PhReferenceProcessItem(maxNetworkProcessId); else maxNetworkProcessItem = NULL; PhInitFormatS(&format[0], L"Network\nR: "); PhInitFormatSize(&format[1], EtNetworkReceiveDelta.Delta); PhInitFormatS(&format[2], L"\nS: "); PhInitFormatSize(&format[3], EtNetworkSendDelta.Delta); if (maxNetworkProcessItem) { PhInitFormatC(&format[4], '\n'); PhInitFormatSR(&format[5], maxNetworkProcessItem->ProcessName->sr); } *NewText = PhFormat(format, maxNetworkProcessItem ? 6 : 4, 128); if (maxNetworkProcessItem) PhDereferenceObject(maxNetworkProcessItem); }
static int glob_add(char *path, int *argc, char ***argv) { char *tail = strchr(path, '*'), *tailqmark; char *dup1, *dup2, *dir, *base, *taildirsep, *tailwldsep; struct dirent *de; int baselen, taillen, dirlen, mergedir = 0, outlen = 0; int qmarklen = 0; DIR *d; if(strlen(path) > 4 && !memcmp(path, "\\\\?\\", 4)) tailqmark = strchr(&path[4], '?'); else tailqmark = strchr(path, '?'); if(tailqmark && (!tail || tailqmark < tail)) tail = tailqmark; if(!tail) { *argv = realloc(*argv, sizeof(**argv) * (*argc + 1)); (*argv)[*argc] = path; (*argc)++; return strlen(path); } if(tail!=path && tail[-1] == '\\') { tail[-1] = '\0'; mergedir = 1; } while(*tail) { if(*tail == '?') { if(tail == tailqmark || qmarklen) qmarklen++; *tail = 0; } else if(*tail == '*') { *tail = '\0'; qmarklen = 0; } else break; tail++; } taillen = strlen(tail); taildirsep = strchr(tail, '\\'); if(taildirsep && taildirsep - tail == taillen - 1) { *taildirsep = '\0'; taildirsep = NULL; taillen--; } if(!taildirsep) taildirsep = tail + taillen; tailwldsep = strchr(tail, '*'); tailqmark = strchr(tail, '?'); if(tailqmark && (!tailwldsep || tailqmark < tailwldsep)) tailwldsep = tailqmark; if(!tailwldsep) tailwldsep = tail + taillen; baselen = strlen(path) + 1; dup1 = (char *)_alloca(baselen * 2); memcpy(dup1, path, baselen); dup2 = dup1 + baselen; memcpy(dup2, path, baselen); if(!mergedir) { dir = dirname(dup1); base = basename(dup2); } else { dir = dup1; base = dup2; *dup2 = '\0'; } dirlen = strlen(dir); baselen = strlen(base); d = opendir(dir); while(d && (de = readdir(d))) { int namelen = strlen(de->d_name); char *newpath; if(!strcmp(de->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) continue; if(namelen < baselen) continue; if(strncasecmp(base, de->d_name, baselen)) continue; if(de->d_type == DT_DIR && taildirsep < tailwldsep) { int d_taillen = taildirsep - tail; if(namelen < baselen + d_taillen) continue; if(strncasecmp(tail, &de->d_name[namelen - d_taillen], d_taillen)) continue; newpath = malloc(dirlen + namelen + taillen - d_taillen + 3); sprintf(newpath, "%s\\%s\\%s", dir, de->d_name, &tail[d_taillen+1]); outlen += glob_add(newpath, argc, argv); } else { int d_taillen = tailwldsep - tail; char *start; if(namelen < baselen + d_taillen) continue; if(qmarklen && baselen + qmarklen + d_taillen != namelen) continue; if(d_taillen == taillen) { start = &de->d_name[namelen - d_taillen]; namelen = d_taillen; } else { start = &de->d_name[baselen]; namelen -= baselen; } for(; namelen >= d_taillen; start++, namelen--) { if(strncasecmp(start, tail, d_taillen)) continue; newpath = malloc(dirlen + (start - de->d_name) + taillen + 2); sprintf(newpath, "%s\\", dir); memcpy(&newpath[dirlen + 1], de->d_name, start - de->d_name); strcpy(&newpath[dirlen + 1 + start - de->d_name], tail); outlen += glob_add(newpath, argc, argv); } } } if(d) closedir(d); _freea(dup1); free(path); return outlen; }
BIO *BIO_new_file(const char *filename, const char *mode) { BIO *ret; FILE *file = NULL; # if defined(_WIN32) && defined(CP_UTF8) int sz, len_0 = (int)strlen(filename) + 1; DWORD flags; /* * Basically there are three cases to cover: a) filename is * pure ASCII string; b) actual UTF-8 encoded string and * c) locale-ized string, i.e. one containing 8-bit * characters that are meaningful in current system locale. * If filename is pure ASCII or real UTF-8 encoded string, * MultiByteToWideChar succeeds and _wfopen works. If * filename is locale-ized string, chances are that * MultiByteToWideChar fails reporting * ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION, in which case we fall * back to fopen... */ if ((sz = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, (flags = MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS), filename, len_0, NULL, 0)) > 0 || (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS && (sz = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, (flags = 0), filename, len_0, NULL, 0)) > 0) ) { WCHAR wmode[8]; WCHAR *wfilename = _alloca(sz * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, flags, filename, len_0, wfilename, sz) && MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, mode, strlen(mode) + 1, wmode, OSSL_NELEM(wmode)) && (file = _wfopen(wfilename, wmode)) == NULL && (errno == ENOENT || errno == EBADF) ) { /* * UTF-8 decode succeeded, but no file, filename * could still have been locale-ized... */ file = fopen(filename, mode); } } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION) { file = fopen(filename, mode); } # else file = fopen(filename, mode); # endif if (file == NULL) { SYSerr(SYS_F_FOPEN, get_last_sys_error()); ERR_add_error_data(5, "fopen('", filename, "','", mode, "')"); if (errno == ENOENT) BIOerr(BIO_F_BIO_NEW_FILE, BIO_R_NO_SUCH_FILE); else BIOerr(BIO_F_BIO_NEW_FILE, ERR_R_SYS_LIB); return (NULL); } if ((ret = BIO_new(BIO_s_file())) == NULL) { fclose(file); return (NULL); } BIO_clear_flags(ret, BIO_FLAGS_UPLINK); /* we did fopen -> we disengage * UPLINK */ BIO_set_fp(ret, file, BIO_CLOSE); return (ret); }
static int _g_win32_fill_statbuf_from_handle_info (const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *filename_target, BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION *handle_info, struct __stat64 *statbuf) { wchar_t drive_letter_w = 0; size_t drive_letter_size = MB_CUR_MAX; char *drive_letter = _alloca (drive_letter_size); /* If filename (target or link) is absolute, * then use the drive letter from it as-is. */ if (filename_target != NULL && filename_target[0] != L'\0' && filename_target[1] == L':') drive_letter_w = filename_target[0]; else if (filename[0] != L'\0' && filename[1] == L':') drive_letter_w = filename[0]; if (drive_letter_w > 0 && iswalpha (drive_letter_w) && iswascii (drive_letter_w) && wctomb (drive_letter, drive_letter_w) == 1) statbuf->st_dev = toupper (drive_letter[0]) - 'A'; /* 0 means A: drive */ else /* Otherwise use the PWD drive. * Return value of 0 gives us 0 - 1 = -1, * which is the "no idea" value for st_dev. */ statbuf->st_dev = _getdrive () - 1; statbuf->st_rdev = statbuf->st_dev; /* Theoretically, it's possible to set it for ext-FS. No idea how. * Meaningless for all filesystems that Windows normally uses. */ statbuf->st_ino = 0; statbuf->st_mode = 0; if ((handle_info->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) statbuf->st_mode |= S_IFDIR | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH; else statbuf->st_mode |= S_IFREG; /* No idea what S_IFCHR means here. */ /* S_IFIFO is not even mentioned in MSDN */ /* S_IFBLK is also not mentioned */ /* The aim here is to reproduce MS stat() behaviour, * even if it's braindead. */ statbuf->st_mode |= S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH; if ((handle_info->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) statbuf->st_mode |= S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH; if (!S_ISDIR (statbuf->st_mode)) { const wchar_t *name; const wchar_t *dot = NULL; if (filename_target != NULL) name = filename_target; else name = filename; do { wchar_t *last_dot = wcschr (name, L'.'); if (last_dot == NULL) break; dot = last_dot; name = &last_dot[1]; } while (TRUE); if ((dot != NULL && (wcsicmp (dot, L".exe") == 0 || wcsicmp (dot, L".com") == 0 || wcsicmp (dot, L".bat") == 0 || wcsicmp (dot, L".cmd") == 0))) statbuf->st_mode |= S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH; } statbuf->st_nlink = handle_info->nNumberOfLinks; statbuf->st_uid = statbuf->st_gid = 0; statbuf->st_size = (((guint64) handle_info->nFileSizeHigh) << 32) | handle_info->nFileSizeLow; statbuf->st_ctime = _g_win32_filetime_to_unix_time (&handle_info->ftCreationTime); statbuf->st_mtime = _g_win32_filetime_to_unix_time (&handle_info->ftLastWriteTime); statbuf->st_atime = _g_win32_filetime_to_unix_time (&handle_info->ftLastAccessTime); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) #endif { #ifdef WIN32 if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { // turn on floating-point exceptions unsigned int prev; _controlfp_s(&prev, 0, /*_EM_ZERODIVIDE|*/_EM_INVALID); // enable debug heap in a debug build _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF|_CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_1024_DF|_CRTDBG_CHECK_CRT_DF|_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE | _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDOUT); // default to output debug DEBUGPRINT_OUTPUTDEBUG = true; } #endif // read preferences ReadPreferences("preferences.xml"); #if !defined(USE_SDL) && defined(WIN32) int argc = 1; char *argv[64] = { NULL }; int argsize = strlen(lpCmdLine) + 1; char *argdata = static_cast<char *>(_alloca(argsize)); memcpy(argdata, lpCmdLine, argsize); { for (char *ptr = strtok(argdata, " \t"); ptr != NULL; ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t")) { argv[argc++] = ptr; } } #endif // process command-line arguments for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { // if the argument is a command... if (argv[i][0] == '-' || argv[i][0] == '/') { // get command hash unsigned int command = Hash(argv[i]+1); // scan for next command int count = 0; for (int j = i+1; j < argc; j++) { if (argv[j][0] == '-' || argv[j][0] == '/') { break; } ++count; } ProcessCommand(command, argv+i+1, count); i += count; } } // initialize if( !Init() ) return 1; // run game state machine while (GameStateUpdate()); // clean up Done(); // done return 0; }
/* ==================== idSurface_Polytope::SplitPolytope ==================== */ int idSurface_Polytope::SplitPolytope( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, idSurface_Polytope **front, idSurface_Polytope **back ) const { int side, i, j, s, v0, v1, v2, edgeNum; idSurface *surface[2]; idSurface_Polytope *polytopeSurfaces[2], *surf; int *onPlaneEdges[2]; onPlaneEdges[0] = (int *) _alloca( indexes.Num() / 3 * sizeof( int ) ); onPlaneEdges[1] = (int *) _alloca( indexes.Num() / 3 * sizeof( int ) ); side = Split( plane, epsilon, &surface[0], &surface[1], onPlaneEdges[0], onPlaneEdges[1] ); *front = polytopeSurfaces[0] = new (TAG_IDLIB_SURFACE) idSurface_Polytope; *back = polytopeSurfaces[1] = new (TAG_IDLIB_SURFACE) idSurface_Polytope; for ( s = 0; s < 2; s++ ) { if ( surface[s] ) { polytopeSurfaces[s] = new idSurface_Polytope( *surface[s] ); delete surface[s]; surface[s] = NULL; } } *front = polytopeSurfaces[0]; *back = polytopeSurfaces[1]; if ( side != SIDE_CROSS ) { return side; } // add triangles to close off the front and back polytope for ( s = 0; s < 2; s++ ) { surf = polytopeSurfaces[s]; edgeNum = surf->edgeIndexes[onPlaneEdges[s][0]]; v0 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITSET(edgeNum)]; v1 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITNOTSET(edgeNum)]; for ( i = 1; onPlaneEdges[s][i] >= 0; i++ ) { for ( j = i+1; onPlaneEdges[s][j] >= 0; j++ ) { edgeNum = surf->edgeIndexes[onPlaneEdges[s][j]]; if ( v1 == surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITSET(edgeNum)] ) { v1 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITNOTSET(edgeNum)]; SwapValues( onPlaneEdges[s][i], onPlaneEdges[s][j] ); break; } } } for ( i = 2; onPlaneEdges[s][i] >= 0; i++ ) { edgeNum = surf->edgeIndexes[onPlaneEdges[s][i]]; v1 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITNOTSET(edgeNum)]; v2 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITSET(edgeNum)]; surf->indexes.Append( v0 ); surf->indexes.Append( v1 ); surf->indexes.Append( v2 ); } surf->GenerateEdgeIndexes(); } return side; }
/* ==================== GenerateMegaMipMaps ==================== */ void idMegaTexture::GenerateMegaMipMaps( megaTextureHeader_t *header, idFile *outFile ) { outFile->Flush(); // out fileSystem doesn't allow read / write access... idFile *inFile = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( outFile->GetName() ); int tileOffset = 1; int width = header->tilesWide; int height = header->tilesHigh; int tileSize = header->tileSize * header->tileSize * 4; byte *oldBlock = (byte *)_alloca( tileSize ); byte *newBlock = (byte *)_alloca( tileSize ); while ( width > 1 || height > 1 ) { int newHeight = (height+1) >> 1; if ( newHeight < 1 ) { newHeight = 1; } int newWidth = (width+1) >> 1; if ( width < 1 ) { width = 1; } common->Printf( "generating %i x %i block mip level\n", newWidth, newHeight ); int tileNum; for ( int y = 0 ; y < newHeight ; y++ ) { common->Printf( "row %i\n", y ); session->UpdateScreen(); for ( int x = 0 ; x < newWidth ; x++ ) { // mip map four original blocks down into a single new block for ( int yy = 0 ; yy < 2 ; yy++ ) { for ( int xx = 0 ; xx< 2 ; xx++ ) { int tx = x*2 + xx; int ty = y*2 + yy; if ( tx > width || ty > height ) { // off edge, zero fill memset( newBlock, 0, sizeof( newBlock ) ); } else { tileNum = tileOffset + ty * width + tx; inFile->Seek( tileNum * tileSize, FS_SEEK_SET ); inFile->Read( oldBlock, tileSize ); } // mip map the new pixels for ( int yyy = 0 ; yyy < TILE_SIZE / 2 ; yyy++ ) { for ( int xxx = 0 ; xxx < TILE_SIZE / 2 ; xxx++ ) { byte *in = &oldBlock[ ( yyy * 2 * TILE_SIZE + xxx * 2 ) * 4 ]; byte *out = &newBlock[ ( ( ( TILE_SIZE/2 * yy ) + yyy ) * TILE_SIZE + ( TILE_SIZE/2 * xx ) + xxx ) * 4 ]; out[0] = ( in[0] + in[4] + in[0+TILE_SIZE*4] + in[4+TILE_SIZE*4] ) >> 2; out[1] = ( in[1] + in[5] + in[1+TILE_SIZE*4] + in[5+TILE_SIZE*4] ) >> 2; out[2] = ( in[2] + in[6] + in[2+TILE_SIZE*4] + in[6+TILE_SIZE*4] ) >> 2; out[3] = ( in[3] + in[7] + in[3+TILE_SIZE*4] + in[7+TILE_SIZE*4] ) >> 2; } } // write the block out tileNum = tileOffset + width * height + y * newWidth + x; outFile->Seek( tileNum * tileSize, FS_SEEK_SET ); outFile->Write( newBlock, tileSize ); } } } } tileOffset += width * height; width = newWidth; height = newHeight; } delete inFile; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK RecvDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TRecvContactsData *wndData = (TRecvContactsData*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_USER); MCONTACT hContact; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); { CLISTEVENT *pcle = (CLISTEVENT*)lParam; WindowList_Add(ghRecvWindowList, hwndDlg, pcle->hContact); SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_CONTACTS))); EnableDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK, FALSE); EnableDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDDETAILS, FALSE); wndData = new TRecvContactsData(pcle->hContact); SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)wndData); wndData->mhDbEvent = pcle->hDbEvent; /// initialized, pcle not needed anymore wndData->mhListIcon = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON),GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON),ILC_COLORDDB|ILC_MASK, 0, 1); wndData->mhPopup = LoadMenu(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_CONTACTMENU)); TranslateMenu(wndData->mhPopup); wndData->hHook = HookEventMessage(ME_PROTO_ACK, hwndDlg, HM_EVENTSENT); char *szProto =GetContactProto(wndData->mhContact); HWND hLV = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACTS); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(hLV, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES|LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); // add columns RecvListView_AddColumn(hLV, 120, _A2T((char*)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAG_UNIQUEIDTEXT, 0)), 0); RecvListView_AddColumn(hLV, 100, TranslateT("Nick"), 1); RecvListView_AddColumn(hLV, 100, TranslateT("First Name"), 2); RecvListView_AddColumn(hLV, 100, TranslateT("Last Name"), 3); // fill in groups SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ENABLEGROUPS), BM_SETCHECK, (WPARAM)BST_UNCHECKED, 0); RebuildGroupCombo(hwndDlg); { // fill listview with received contacts DBEVENTINFO dbe = {0}; dbe.cbSize = sizeof(DBEVENTINFO); dbe.cbBlob = db_event_getBlobSize(wndData->mhDbEvent); if (dbe.cbBlob != -1) // this marks an invalid hDbEvent - all smashed anyway... dbe.pBlob = (PBYTE)_alloca(dbe.cbBlob); db_event_get(wndData->mhDbEvent, &dbe); char* pcBlob = (char*)dbe.pBlob; char* pcEnd = (char*)dbe.pBlob + dbe.cbBlob; HICON hiProto = LoadContactProtoIcon(wndData->mhContact); ImageList_AddIcon(wndData->mhListIcon, hiProto); DestroyIcon(hiProto); // imagelist copied the resource ListView_SetImageList(hLV, wndData->mhListIcon, LVSIL_SMALL); LVITEM lvi = {0}; lvi.iImage = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE; for (int nItem = 0; ; nItem++) { // Nick int strsize = (int)strlennull(pcBlob); TReceivedItem* pItem = wndData->AddReceivedItem(); if (dbe.flags & DBEF_UTF) pItem->mcaNick = mir_utf8decodeT(pcBlob); else pItem->mcaNick = mir_a2t(pcBlob); pcBlob += strsize + 1; // UIN strsize = (int)strlennull(pcBlob); pItem->mcaUIN = mir_a2t(pcBlob); pcBlob += strsize + 1; // add to listview lvi.iItem = nItem; lvi.pszText = pItem->mcaUIN; ListView_InsertItem(hLV, &lvi); // with image ListView_SetItemText(hLV, nItem, 1, pItem->mcaNick); // check for end of contacts if (pcBlob >= pcEnd) break; } } // new dlg init wndData->hIcons[0] = InitMButton(hwndDlg, IDC_ADD, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDI_ADDCONTACT), LPGEN("Add Contact Permanently to List")); wndData->hIcons[1] = InitMButton(hwndDlg, IDC_DETAILS, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDI_USERDETAILS), LPGEN("View User's Details")); wndData->hIcons[2] = InitMButton(hwndDlg, IDC_HISTORY, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDI_HISTORY), LPGEN("View User's History")); wndData->hIcons[3] = InitMButton(hwndDlg, IDC_USERMENU, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDI_DOWNARROW), LPGEN("User Menu")); SendMessage(hwndDlg,DM_UPDATETITLE,0,0); // new dialog init done Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hwndDlg, NULL, MODULENAME, ""); return TRUE; } case WM_NOTIFY: if (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom == IDC_CONTACTS) { switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case NM_DBLCLK: { HWND hLV = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACTS); if (ListView_GetSelectedCount(hLV) != 1) break; // if not clicking on item, bye wndData->iPopupItem = ListView_GetNextItem(hLV, -1, LVNI_ALL|LVNI_SELECTED); if (wndData->iPopupItem == -1) break; // if no item selected no user details available return SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, ID_POPUP_USERDETAILS, 0); // show user details } case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { LPNMLISTVIEW pNMLV = (LPNMLISTVIEW)lParam; HWND hLV = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACTS); // optimisation, for FOR-Cycle bool bExistsCheckedItem = false; // there must be no checked items to disable "Add" button if (ListView_GetCheckState(hLV, pNMLV->iItem)) { // the user has checked this item bExistsCheckedItem = true; // enable "Add" button } else { // loop thru items and check if at least one is checked for (int i = 0; i < ListView_GetItemCount(hLV); i++) if (ListView_GetCheckState(hLV, i)) { // we found checked item, enable add, exit loop bExistsCheckedItem = true; break; } } EnableDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK, bExistsCheckedItem); EnableDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDDETAILS, ListView_GetSelectedCount(hLV) > 0); break; } } } break; case WM_COMMAND: { if (!lParam && CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUPROCESSCOMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(LOWORD(wParam), MPCF_CONTACTMENU), (LPARAM)wndData->mhContact)) break; switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: // "Add Selected" button click { // for each selected item, find its index in the hDbEvent // and after that add this item to the DB permanently HWND hLV = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACTS); HWND hGroupsCombo = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_GROUPS); HWND hGroupsCheck = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ENABLEGROUPS); int curs = SendMessage(hGroupsCombo, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); TCHAR* caGroup = NULL; int nGroupId = -1; if (curs != CB_ERR && IsWindowEnabled(hGroupsCheck) && SendMessage(hGroupsCheck, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)) { //got groups, get the one selected in combo TCHAR* caGroup = (TCHAR*)_alloca((SendMessage(hGroupsCombo, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, curs, 0) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); SendMessage(hGroupsCombo, CB_GETLBTEXT, curs, (LPARAM)caGroup); nGroupId = SendMessage(hGroupsCombo, CB_GETITEMDATA, curs, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < ListView_GetItemCount(hLV); i++) if (ListView_GetCheckState(hLV, i)) { // found checked contact item, add it TCHAR *caUIN = ListView_GetItemTextEx(hLV, i, 0); for (int j = 0; j < wndData->cbReceived; j++) // determine item index in packet if (!lstrcmp(wndData->maReceived[j]->mcaUIN, caUIN)) { char *szProto =GetContactProto(wndData->mhContact); hContact = (MCONTACT)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_ADDTOLISTBYEVENT, MAKEWPARAM(0, j), (LPARAM)wndData->mhDbEvent); if (hContact && caGroup) { // use newest group API if available if (ServiceExists(MS_CLIST_CONTACTCHANGEGROUP)) CallService(MS_CLIST_CONTACTCHANGEGROUP, hContact, (LPARAM)nGroupId); else db_set_ts(hContact, "CList", "Group", caGroup); } break; } mir_free(caUIN); } // move to next item break; } case IDDETAILS: { // for each selected item, find its index in the hDbEvent // and after that add this item to the DB // finally, request Details window for this hContact HWND hLV = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACTS); for (int i = 0; i < ListView_GetItemCount(hLV); i++) if (ListView_GetItemState(hLV, i, LVIS_SELECTED)) { hContact = CreateTemporaryContactForItem(hwndDlg, wndData, i); if (hContact) CallService(MS_USERINFO_SHOWDIALOG, hContact, 0); } } break; case IDCANCEL: SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); break; case IDC_ENABLEGROUPS: EnableGroupCombo(hwndDlg); break; case IDC_GROUPS: // rebuild group list on popup if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_DROPDOWN) RebuildGroupCombo(hwndDlg); break; case ID_POPUP_ADDUSER: hContact = CreateTemporaryContactForItem(hwndDlg, wndData, wndData->iPopupItem); if (hContact) DialogAddContactExecute(hwndDlg, hContact); break; case ID_POPUP_USERDETAILS: hContact = CreateTemporaryContactForItem(hwndDlg, wndData, wndData->iPopupItem); if (hContact) CallService(MS_USERINFO_SHOWDIALOG, hContact, 0 ); break; case ID_POPUP_SENDMESSAGE: hContact = CreateTemporaryContactForItem(hwndDlg, wndData, wndData->iPopupItem); if (hContact) CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, hContact, 0); break; case IDC_USERMENU: { RECT rc; HMENU hMenu = (HMENU)CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDCONTACT, (WPARAM)wndData->mhContact, 0); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_USERMENU), &rc); TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, 0, rc.left, rc.bottom, 0, hwndDlg, NULL); DestroyMenu(hMenu); } break; case IDC_HISTORY: CallService(MS_HISTORY_SHOWCONTACTHISTORY,(WPARAM)wndData->mhContact,0); break; case IDC_DETAILS: CallService(MS_USERINFO_SHOWDIALOG,(WPARAM)wndData->mhContact,0); break; case IDC_ADD: DialogAddContactExecute(hwndDlg, wndData->mhContact); break; } } break; case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { HWND hLV = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACTS); LVHITTESTINFO lvh; RECT rt; wndData->iPopupItem = -1; if ((HWND)wParam != hLV) break; // if not our ListView go away = LOWORD(lParam); = HIWORD(lParam); if (GetWindowRect(hLV, &rt)==0) return FALSE; // ?? why this, some check ?? ScreenToClient(hLV, &; // convert to ListView local coordinates int ci = ListView_HitTest(hLV, &lvh); if (ci==-1) break; // mouse is not over any item wndData->iPopupItem = ci; TrackPopupMenu(GetSubMenu(wndData->mhPopup, 0), TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_TOPALIGN, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), 0, hwndDlg, NULL); } break; case HM_EVENTSENT: { ACKDATA *ack = (ACKDATA*)lParam; if (ack->type != ACKTYPE_SEARCH) break; // not search ack, go away if (ack->hProcess != wndData->rhSearch) break; //not our search, go away if (ack->result == ACKRESULT_DATA) { HWND hLV = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CONTACTS); PROTOSEARCHRESULT *psr = (PROTOSEARCHRESULT*)ack->lParam; LVFINDINFO fi; fi.flags = LVFI_STRING; fi.psz = wndData->haUin; int iLPos = ListView_FindItem(hLV, -1, &fi); if (iLPos == -1) iLPos = 0; if (lstrcmp(psr->nick, _T("")) && psr->nick) ListView_SetItemText(hLV, iLPos, 1, psr->nick); ListView_SetItemText(hLV, iLPos, 2, psr->firstName); ListView_SetItemText(hLV, iLPos, 3, psr->lastName); break; } mir_free(wndData->haUin); } break; case WM_CLOSE: // user closed window, so destroy it WindowList_Remove(ghRecvWindowList, hwndDlg); DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; case WM_DESTROY: // last message received by this dialog, cleanup db_event_markRead(wndData->mhContact, wndData->mhDbEvent); Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hwndDlg, NULL, MODULENAME, ""); ImageList_Destroy(wndData->mhListIcon); UnhookEvent(wndData->hHook); DestroyMenu(wndData->mhPopup); { for (int i = 0; i < SIZEOF(wndData->hIcons); i++) DestroyIcon(wndData->hIcons[i]); } delete wndData; // automatically calls destructor break; case WM_MEASUREITEM: return CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUMEASUREITEM, wParam, lParam); case WM_DRAWITEM: DrawProtocolIcon(hwndDlg, lParam, wndData->mhContact); return CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUDRAWITEM, wParam, lParam); case WM_SIZE: if (!IsIconic(hwndDlg)) { // make the dlg resizeable UTILRESIZEDIALOG urd = { sizeof(urd) }; urd.hInstance = hInst; urd.hwndDlg = hwndDlg; urd.lpTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_RECEIVE); urd.pfnResizer = RecvDlg_Resize; CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG, 0, (LPARAM) & urd); } break; case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { MINMAXINFO* mmi=(MINMAXINFO*)lParam; mmi->ptMinTrackSize.x = 480+2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME); mmi->ptMinTrackSize.y = 130+2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME); } break; case DM_UPDATETITLE: UpdateDialogTitle(hwndDlg, wndData ? wndData->mhContact : NULL, LPGENT("Contacts from")); if (wndData) UpdateDialogAddButton(hwndDlg, wndData->mhContact); break; } return FALSE; }
int __cdecl __crtLCMapStringA( LCID Locale, DWORD dwMapFlags, LPCSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest, int code_page, BOOL bError ) { static int f_use = 0; /* * Look for unstubbed 'preferred' flavor. Otherwise use available flavor. * Must actually call the function to ensure it's not a stub. * (Always try wide version first so WinNT can process codepage correctly.) */ if (0 == f_use) { if (0 != LCMapStringW(0, LCMAP_LOWERCASE, L"\0", 1, NULL, 0)) f_use = USE_W; else if (0 != LCMapStringA(0, LCMAP_LOWERCASE, "\0", 1, NULL, 0)) f_use = USE_A; else return 0; } /* * LCMapString will map past NULL. Must find NULL if in string * before cchSrc characters. */ if (cchSrc > 0) cchSrc = strncnt(lpSrcStr, cchSrc); /* Use "A" version */ if (USE_A == f_use) { return LCMapStringA( Locale, dwMapFlags, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, lpDestStr, cchDest ); } /* Use "W" version */ if (USE_W == f_use) { int retval; int inbuff_size; int outbuff_size; wchar_t *inwbuffer; wchar_t *outwbuffer; /* * Convert string and return the requested information. Note that * we are converting to a wide string so there is not a * one-to-one correspondence between number of wide chars in the * input string and the number of *bytes* in the buffer. However, * there had *better be* a one-to-one correspondence between the * number of wide characters and the number of multibyte characters * or the resulting mapped string will be worthless to the user. */ /* * Use __lc_codepage for conversion if code_page not specified */ if (0 == code_page) code_page = __lc_codepage; /* find out how big a buffer we need (includes NULL if any) */ if ( 0 == (inbuff_size = MultiByteToWideChar( code_page, bError ? MB_PRECOMPOSED | MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS : MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, NULL, 0 )) ) return 0; /* allocate enough space for wide chars */ __try { inwbuffer = (wchar_t *)_alloca( inbuff_size * sizeof(wchar_t) ); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { inwbuffer = NULL; } if ( inwbuffer == NULL ) return 0; /* do the conversion */ if ( 0 == MultiByteToWideChar( code_page, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, inwbuffer, inbuff_size) ) return 0; /* get size required for string mapping */ if ( 0 == (retval = LCMapStringW( Locale, dwMapFlags, inwbuffer, inbuff_size, NULL, 0 )) ) return 0; if (dwMapFlags & LCMAP_SORTKEY) { /* retval is size in BYTES */ if (0 != cchDest) { if (retval > cchDest) return 0; /* do string mapping */ if ( 0 == LCMapStringW( Locale, dwMapFlags, inwbuffer, inbuff_size, (LPWSTR)lpDestStr, cchDest ) ) return 0; } } else { /* retval is size in wide chars */ outbuff_size = retval; /* allocate enough space for wide chars (includes NULL if any) */ __try { outwbuffer = (wchar_t *)_alloca( outbuff_size * sizeof(wchar_t) ); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { outwbuffer = NULL; } if ( outwbuffer == NULL ) return 0; /* do string mapping */ if ( 0 == LCMapStringW( Locale, dwMapFlags, inwbuffer, inbuff_size, outwbuffer, outbuff_size ) ) return 0; if (0 == cchDest) { /* get size required */ if ( 0 == (retval = WideCharToMultiByte( code_page, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, outwbuffer, outbuff_size, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL )) ) return 0; } else { /* convert mapping */ if ( 0 == (retval = WideCharToMultiByte( code_page, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, outwbuffer, outbuff_size, lpDestStr, cchDest, NULL, NULL )) ) return 0; } } return retval; }
/* ===================== idRenderModelOverlay::CreateOverlay This projects on both front and back sides to avoid seams The material should be clamped, because entire triangles are added, some of which may extend well past the 0.0 to 1.0 texture range ===================== */ void idRenderModelOverlay::CreateOverlay( const idRenderModel *model, const idPlane localTextureAxis[2], const idMaterial *mtr ) { int i, maxVerts, maxIndexes, surfNum; idRenderModelOverlay *overlay = NULL; // count up the maximum possible vertices and indexes per surface maxVerts = 0; maxIndexes = 0; for ( surfNum = 0; surfNum < model->NumSurfaces(); surfNum++ ) { const modelSurface_t *surf = model->Surface( surfNum ); if ( surf->geometry->numVerts > maxVerts ) { maxVerts = surf->geometry->numVerts; } if ( surf->geometry->numIndexes > maxIndexes ) { maxIndexes = surf->geometry->numIndexes; } } // make temporary buffers for the building process overlayVertex_t *overlayVerts = (overlayVertex_t *)_alloca( maxVerts * sizeof( *overlayVerts ) ); glIndex_t *overlayIndexes = (glIndex_t *)_alloca16( maxIndexes * sizeof( *overlayIndexes ) ); // pull out the triangles we need from the base surfaces for ( surfNum = 0; surfNum < model->NumBaseSurfaces(); surfNum++ ) { const modelSurface_t *surf = model->Surface( surfNum ); float d; if ( !surf->geometry || !surf->shader ) { continue; } // some surfaces can explicitly disallow overlays if ( !surf->shader->AllowOverlays() ) { continue; } const srfTriangles_t *stri = surf->geometry; // try to cull the whole surface along the first texture axis d = stri->bounds.PlaneDistance( localTextureAxis[0] ); if ( d < 0.0f || d > 1.0f ) { continue; } // try to cull the whole surface along the second texture axis d = stri->bounds.PlaneDistance( localTextureAxis[1] ); if ( d < 0.0f || d > 1.0f ) { continue; } byte *cullBits = (byte *)_alloca16( stri->numVerts * sizeof( cullBits[0] ) ); idVec2 *texCoords = (idVec2 *)_alloca16( stri->numVerts * sizeof( texCoords[0] ) ); SIMDProcessor->OverlayPointCull( cullBits, texCoords, localTextureAxis, stri->verts, stri->numVerts ); glIndex_t *vertexRemap = (glIndex_t *)_alloca16( sizeof( vertexRemap[0] ) * stri->numVerts ); SIMDProcessor->Memset( vertexRemap, -1, sizeof( vertexRemap[0] ) * stri->numVerts ); // find triangles that need the overlay int numVerts = 0; int numIndexes = 0; int triNum = 0; for ( int index = 0; index < stri->numIndexes; index += 3, triNum++ ) { int v1 = stri->indexes[index+0]; int v2 = stri->indexes[index+1]; int v3 = stri->indexes[index+2]; // skip triangles completely off one side if ( cullBits[v1] & cullBits[v2] & cullBits[v3] ) { continue; } // we could do more precise triangle culling, like the light interaction does, if desired // keep this triangle for ( int vnum = 0; vnum < 3; vnum++ ) { int ind = stri->indexes[index+vnum]; if ( vertexRemap[ind] == (glIndex_t)-1 ) { vertexRemap[ind] = numVerts; overlayVerts[numVerts].vertexNum = ind; overlayVerts[numVerts].st[0] = texCoords[ind][0]; overlayVerts[numVerts].st[1] = texCoords[ind][1]; numVerts++; } overlayIndexes[numIndexes++] = vertexRemap[ind]; } } if ( !numIndexes ) { continue; } overlaySurface_t *s = (overlaySurface_t *) Mem_Alloc( sizeof( overlaySurface_t ) ); s->surfaceNum = surfNum; s->surfaceId = surf->id; s->verts = (overlayVertex_t *)Mem_Alloc( numVerts * sizeof( s->verts[0] ) ); memcpy( s->verts, overlayVerts, numVerts * sizeof( s->verts[0] ) ); s->numVerts = numVerts; s->indexes = (glIndex_t *)Mem_Alloc( numIndexes * sizeof( s->indexes[0] ) ); memcpy( s->indexes, overlayIndexes, numIndexes * sizeof( s->indexes[0] ) ); s->numIndexes = numIndexes; for ( i = 0; i < materials.Num(); i++ ) { if ( materials[i]->material == mtr ) { break; } } if ( i < materials.Num() ) { materials[i]->surfaces.Append( s ); } else { overlayMaterial_t *mat = new overlayMaterial_t; mat->material = mtr; mat->surfaces.Append( s ); materials.Append( mat ); } } // remove the oldest overlay surfaces if there are too many per material for ( i = 0; i < materials.Num(); i++ ) { while( materials[i]->surfaces.Num() > MAX_OVERLAY_SURFACES ) { FreeSurface( materials[i]->surfaces[0] ); materials[i]->surfaces.RemoveIndex( 0 ); } } }
void CIcqProto::handleFileAck(PBYTE buf, WORD wLen, DWORD dwUin, DWORD dwCookie, WORD wStatus, char* pszText) { char* pszFileName = NULL; DWORD dwFileSize; MCONTACT hCookieContact; WORD wPort; WORD wFilenameLength; filetransfer* ft; // Find the filetransfer that belongs to this response if (!FindCookie(dwCookie, &hCookieContact, (void**)&ft)) { NetLog_Direct("Error: Received unexpected file transfer request response"); return; } FreeCookie(dwCookie); if (hCookieContact != HContactFromUIN(dwUin, NULL)) { NetLog_Direct("Error: UINs do not match in file transfer request response"); return; } // If status != 0, a request has been denied if (wStatus != 0) { NetLog_Direct("File transfer denied by %u.", dwUin); ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DENIED, (HANDLE)ft, 0); FreeCookie(dwCookie); return; } if (wLen < 6) { // sanity check NetLog_Direct("Ignoring malformed file transfer request response"); return; } // Port to connect to unpackWord(&buf, &wPort); ft->dwRemotePort = wPort; wLen -= 2; // Unknown buf += 2; wLen -= 2; // Filename unpackLEWord(&buf, &wFilenameLength); if (wFilenameLength > 0) { if (wFilenameLength > wLen - 2) wFilenameLength = wLen - 2; pszFileName = (char*)_alloca(wFilenameLength + 1); unpackString(&buf, pszFileName, wFilenameLength); pszFileName[wFilenameLength] = '\0'; } wLen = wLen - 2 - wFilenameLength; if (wLen >= 4) { // Total filesize unpackLEDWord(&buf, &dwFileSize); wLen -= 4; } else dwFileSize = 0; NetLog_Direct("File transfer ack from %u, port %u, name %s, size %u", dwUin, ft->dwRemotePort, pszFileName, dwFileSize); ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_CONNECTING, (HANDLE)ft, 0); OpenDirectConnection(ft->hContact, DIRECTCONN_FILE, ft); }
int __cdecl __crtLCMapStringW( LCID Locale, DWORD dwMapFlags, LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPWSTR lpDestStr, int cchDest, int code_page ) { static int f_use = 0; /* * Look for unstubbed 'preferred' flavor. Otherwise use available flavor. * Must actually call the function to ensure it's not a stub. */ if (0 == f_use) { if (0 != LCMapStringW(0, LCMAP_LOWERCASE, L"\0", 1, NULL, 0)) f_use = USE_W; else if (0 != LCMapStringA(0, LCMAP_LOWERCASE, "\0", 1, NULL, 0)) f_use = USE_A; else return 0; } /* * LCMapString will map past NULL. Must find NULL if in string * before cchSrc wide characters. */ if (cchSrc > 0) cchSrc = wcsncnt(lpSrcStr, cchSrc); /* Use "W" version */ if (USE_W == f_use) { return LCMapStringW( Locale, dwMapFlags, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, lpDestStr, cchDest ); } /* Use "A" version */ if (USE_A == f_use) { int retval; int inbuff_size; int outbuff_size; unsigned char *inbuffer; unsigned char *outbuffer; /* * Convert string and return the requested information. Note that * we are converting to a multibyte string so there is not a * one-to-one correspondence between number of wide chars in the * input string and the number of *bytes* in the buffer. However, * there had *better be* a one-to-one correspondence between the * number of wide characters and the number of multibyte characters * (enforced by WC_SEPCHARS) in the buffer or the resulting mapped * string will be worthless to the user. * */ /* * Use __lc_codepage for conversion if code_page not specified */ if (0 == code_page) code_page = __lc_codepage; /* find out how big a buffer we need (includes NULL if any) */ if ( 0 == (inbuff_size = WideCharToMultiByte( code_page, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL )) ) return 0; /* allocate enough space for chars */ __try { inbuffer = (unsigned char *)_alloca( inbuff_size * sizeof(char) ); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { inbuffer = NULL; } if ( inbuffer == NULL ) return 0; /* do the conversion */ if ( 0 == WideCharToMultiByte( code_page, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, inbuffer, inbuff_size, NULL, NULL ) ) return 0; /* get size required for string mapping */ if ( 0 == (outbuff_size = LCMapStringA( Locale, dwMapFlags, inbuffer, inbuff_size, NULL, 0 )) ) return 0; /* allocate enough space for chars and NULL */ __try { outbuffer = (unsigned char *)_alloca( outbuff_size * sizeof(char) ); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { outbuffer = NULL; } if ( outbuffer == NULL ) return 0; /* do string mapping */ if ( 0 == LCMapStringA( Locale, dwMapFlags, inbuffer, inbuff_size, outbuffer, outbuff_size ) ) return 0; if (dwMapFlags & LCMAP_SORTKEY) { /* outbuff_size > cchDest is allowed */ retval = outbuff_size; if (0 != cchDest) /* SORTKEY returns BYTES, just copy */ strncpy( (char *)lpDestStr, (char *)outbuffer, cchDest < outbuff_size ? cchDest : outbuff_size ); } else { if (0 == cchDest) { /* get size required */ if ( 0 == (retval = MultiByteToWideChar( code_page, MB_PRECOMPOSED, outbuffer, outbuff_size, NULL, 0 )) ) return 0; } else { /* convert mapping */ if ( 0 == (retval = MultiByteToWideChar( code_page, MB_PRECOMPOSED, outbuffer, outbuff_size, lpDestStr, cchDest )) ) return 0; } } return retval; }