void ObjectivesEditor::_onEditObjConditions()
	ObjectiveConditionsDialog _dialog(getRefPtr(), *_curEntity->second);

void ObjectivesEditor::_onEditLogic()
	MissionLogicDialog _dialog(getRefPtr(), *_curEntity->second);

bool Panel_Remaps::Do_RenameRemap()
	if( entity == NULL || curr_remap == NULL )
		return false;

	// Ask for the name
	wxTextEntryDialog _dialog(this, wxT("Rename remap"), wxT("New name for this remap "), wxString(),
				wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxCENTRE );
	int response = _dialog.ShowModal();

	if( response  == wxID_OK )
		wxString remap_name = _dialog.GetValue().Trim().Trim(false);
		if( remap_name == wxString() )
			return false;

		wxString _comment = wxT("\t#") + remap_name;
		curr_remap->SetComment( _comment );
		choiceBox_remaps->SetString( choiceBox_remaps->GetSelection(), remap_name.Left( 15 ) );
		return true;
	return false;
 MultiSetupDialog::Result MultiSetupDialog::open(omni::proj::MultiSetup* _multiSetup, Session* _session)
   MultiSetupDialog _dialog(_multiSetup,_session);
   return _dialog.result_;
void Panel_Remaps::DoCreateBase()
	// Make the user sure
	int res = wxMessageBox( wxT("This will overwrite the current base image.\n"
						"It will be replaced by a copy image,\n"
						"at which will be added all the missing colors of the palette"
						"Sure to do this ?")
						, wxT("Question"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_INFORMATION, this );
	if( res == wxYES )
		if( paletteCtrl->theSourceImg == NULL || !paletteCtrl->theSourceImg->IsOk() )
			wxMessageBox( wxT("Invalide base image for the operation ")
			, wxT("ProPlem"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this );

		// Get the base name
		// Ask for the name
		wxFileDialog _dialog(this, wxT("Choose a file for the base img for remaps"),dataDirPath.GetFullPath() );
		int response = _dialog.ShowModal();

		if( response  != wxID_OK )

		wxString fn_base = _dialog.GetPath();

		// Check if it's a valid ob project pa
		wxString str_path = Convert_To_Ob_Path( fn_base );
		if( str_path == wxString() )
			wxMessageBox( wxT("Can't use this file.\nIs it really in the project data Directory ?"), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this );

		// Draw each palette element on the base image
		int _y=0;
		int _x=-1;
		for( int i = 0; i < paletteCtrl->nb_elts ; i++)
			// Ok
			if( paletteCtrl->theSourceImg->SetPixel( _x, _y, i ) )

			// must go to line

		//Save the base
		if( ! paletteCtrl->theSourceImg->SaveAs( fn_base ) )
			wxMessageBox( wxT("Cannot save the resulted image ")
			, wxT("ProPlem"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this );

		// Set the new base to the textcontrol
		txtctrl_imgBase->SetValue( str_path );

		// Refresh the palette
bool Panel_Remaps::Do_NewRemap()
	if( entity == NULL )
		return false;

	// Ask for the name
	wxTextEntryDialog _dialog(this, wxT("New remap"), wxT("Name for the new remap "), wxString(),
				wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxCENTRE );
	int response = _dialog.ShowModal();

	if( response  == wxID_OK )
		wxString remap_name = _dialog.GetValue().Trim().Trim(false);

		// Get current remaps
		size_t nb_remaps = 0;
		ob_object** curr_remaps = NULL;
		if( !mode8bit )
			curr_remaps = entity->GetSubObjectS( wxT("alternatepal"), nb_remaps );
			curr_remaps = entity->GetSubObjectS( wxT("remap"), nb_remaps );

		// Give a default name if none is provided
		if( remap_name == wxString())
			if( mode8bit )
				remap_name = wxT("remap ") + IntToStr( nb_remaps );
				remap_name = wxT("alternatepal ") + IntToStr( nb_remaps );

		ob_object * new_remap;
		// If it's the first remap object
		if( curr_remaps == NULL )
			// No previous remap => Juste add it as a property
			wxString _tag = wxT("remap");
			if( !mode8bit )
				_tag = wxT("alternatepal");

			new_remap = new ob_object();
			new_remap->SetName( _tag );
			entity->AddProperty( new_remap );

		// Insert a new remap object
			if( mode8bit )
				wxString prev_baseImg = curr_remaps[nb_remaps-1]->GetToken( 0);
				new_remap = new ob_object();
				new_remap->SetName( wxT("remap") );
				new_remap->SetToken( 0, prev_baseImg );
				new_remap = new ob_object();
				new_remap->SetName( wxT("alternatepal") );

			curr_remaps[nb_remaps-1]->InsertObject_After( new_remap );
			delete[] curr_remaps;

		wxString _comment = wxT("#") + remap_name;
		new_remap->SetComment( _comment );

		// Append and select the new remap object in the remap control choices
		choiceBox_remaps->Append( remap_name.Left(15) );
		choiceBox_remaps->SetSelection( nb_remaps );
		DoRemapSelectionChange( true );
		return true;
	return false;