StatusWith<BSONObj> OplogFetcher::_onSuccessfulBatch(const Fetcher::QueryResponse& queryResponse) { // Stop fetching and return on fail point. // This fail point makes the oplog fetcher ignore the downloaded batch of operations and not // error out. The FailPointEnabled error will be caught by the AbstractOplogFetcher. if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(stopReplProducer)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::FailPointEnabled, "stopReplProducer fail point is enabled"); } const auto& documents = queryResponse.documents; auto firstDocToApply = documents.cbegin(); if (!documents.empty()) { LOG(2) << "oplog fetcher read " << documents.size() << " operations from remote oplog starting at " << documents.front()["ts"] << " and ending at " << documents.back()["ts"]; } else { LOG(2) << "oplog fetcher read 0 operations from remote oplog"; } auto oqMetadataResult = parseOplogQueryMetadata(queryResponse); if (!oqMetadataResult.isOK()) { error() << "invalid oplog query metadata from sync source " << _getSource() << ": " << oqMetadataResult.getStatus() << ": " << queryResponse.otherFields.metadata; return oqMetadataResult.getStatus(); } auto oqMetadata = oqMetadataResult.getValue(); // This lastFetched value is the last OpTime from the previous batch. auto lastFetched = _getLastOpTimeFetched(); // Check start of remote oplog and, if necessary, stop fetcher to execute rollback. if (queryResponse.first) { auto remoteRBID = oqMetadata ? boost::make_optional(oqMetadata->getRBID()) : boost::none; auto remoteLastApplied = oqMetadata ? boost::make_optional(oqMetadata->getLastOpApplied()) : boost::none; auto status = checkRemoteOplogStart(documents, lastFetched, remoteLastApplied, _requiredRBID, remoteRBID, _requireFresherSyncSource); if (!status.isOK()) { // Stop oplog fetcher and execute rollback if necessary. return status; } LOG(1) << "oplog fetcher successfully fetched from " << _getSource(); // If this is the first batch, no rollback is needed and we don't want to enqueue the first // document, skip it. if (_startingPoint == StartingPoint::kSkipFirstDoc) { firstDocToApply++; } } auto validateResult = OplogFetcher::validateDocuments(documents, queryResponse.first, lastFetched.getTimestamp()); if (!validateResult.isOK()) { return validateResult.getStatus(); } auto info = validateResult.getValue(); // Process replset metadata. It is important that this happen after we've validated the // first batch, so we don't progress our knowledge of the commit point from a // response that triggers a rollback. rpc::ReplSetMetadata replSetMetadata; bool receivedReplMetadata = queryResponse.otherFields.metadata.hasElement(rpc::kReplSetMetadataFieldName); if (receivedReplMetadata) { const auto& metadataObj = queryResponse.otherFields.metadata; auto metadataResult = rpc::ReplSetMetadata::readFromMetadata(metadataObj); if (!metadataResult.isOK()) { error() << "invalid replication metadata from sync source " << _getSource() << ": " << metadataResult.getStatus() << ": " << metadataObj; return metadataResult.getStatus(); } replSetMetadata = metadataResult.getValue(); // We will only ever have OplogQueryMetadata if we have ReplSetMetadata, so it is safe // to call processMetadata() in this if block. _dataReplicatorExternalState->processMetadata(replSetMetadata, oqMetadata); } // Increment stats. We read all of the docs in the query. opsReadStats.increment(info.networkDocumentCount); networkByteStats.increment(info.networkDocumentBytes); // Record time for each batch. getmoreReplStats.recordMillis(durationCount<Milliseconds>(queryResponse.elapsedMillis)); // TODO: back pressure handling will be added in SERVER-23499. auto status = _enqueueDocumentsFn(firstDocToApply, documents.cend(), info); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } if (_dataReplicatorExternalState->shouldStopFetching( _getSource(), replSetMetadata, oqMetadata)) { str::stream errMsg; errMsg << "sync source " << _getSource().toString(); errMsg << " (config version: " << replSetMetadata.getConfigVersion(); // If OplogQueryMetadata was provided, its values were used to determine if we should // stop fetching from this sync source. if (oqMetadata) { errMsg << "; last applied optime: " << oqMetadata->getLastOpApplied().toString(); errMsg << "; sync source index: " << oqMetadata->getSyncSourceIndex(); errMsg << "; primary index: " << oqMetadata->getPrimaryIndex(); } else { errMsg << "; last visible optime: " << replSetMetadata.getLastOpVisible().toString(); errMsg << "; sync source index: " << replSetMetadata.getSyncSourceIndex(); errMsg << "; primary index: " << replSetMetadata.getPrimaryIndex(); } errMsg << ") is no longer valid"; return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSyncSource, errMsg); } auto lastCommittedWithCurrentTerm = _dataReplicatorExternalState->getCurrentTermAndLastCommittedOpTime(); return makeGetMoreCommandObject(queryResponse.nss, queryResponse.cursorId, lastCommittedWithCurrentTerm, _getGetMoreMaxTime(), _batchSize); }
void OplogFetcher::_callback(const Fetcher::QueryResponseStatus& result, BSONObjBuilder* getMoreBob) { // if target cut connections between connecting and querying (for // example, because it stepped down) we might not have a cursor if (!result.isOK()) { LOG(2) << "Error returned from oplog query: " << result.getStatus(); _onShutdown(result.getStatus()); return; } const auto& queryResponse = result.getValue(); rpc::ReplSetMetadata metadata; // Forward metadata (containing liveness information) to data replicator external state. bool receivedMetadata = queryResponse.otherFields.metadata.hasElement(rpc::kReplSetMetadataFieldName); if (receivedMetadata) { const auto& metadataObj = queryResponse.otherFields.metadata; auto metadataResult = rpc::ReplSetMetadata::readFromMetadata(metadataObj); if (!metadataResult.isOK()) { error() << "invalid replication metadata from sync source " << _fetcher.getSource() << ": " << metadataResult.getStatus() << ": " << metadataObj; _onShutdown(metadataResult.getStatus()); return; } metadata = metadataResult.getValue(); _dataReplicatorExternalState->processMetadata(metadata); } const auto& documents = queryResponse.documents; auto firstDocToApply = documents.cbegin(); if (!documents.empty()) { LOG(2) << "oplog fetcher read " << documents.size() << " operations from remote oplog starting at " << documents.front()["ts"] << " and ending at " << documents.back()["ts"]; } else { LOG(2) << "oplog fetcher read 0 operations from remote oplog"; } auto opTimeWithHash = getLastOpTimeWithHashFetched(); // Check start of remote oplog and, if necessary, stop fetcher to execute rollback. if (queryResponse.first) { auto status = checkRemoteOplogStart(documents, opTimeWithHash); if (!status.isOK()) { // Stop oplog fetcher and execute rollback. _onShutdown(status, opTimeWithHash); return; } // If this is the first batch and no rollback is needed, skip the first document. firstDocToApply++; } auto validateResult = OplogFetcher::validateDocuments( documents, queryResponse.first, opTimeWithHash.opTime.getTimestamp()); if (!validateResult.isOK()) { _onShutdown(validateResult.getStatus(), opTimeWithHash); return; } auto info = validateResult.getValue(); // TODO: back pressure handling will be added in SERVER-23499. _enqueueDocumentsFn(firstDocToApply, documents.cend(), info, queryResponse.elapsedMillis); // Update last fetched info. if (firstDocToApply != documents.cend()) { opTimeWithHash = info.lastDocument; LOG(3) << "batch resetting last fetched optime: " << opTimeWithHash.opTime << "; hash: " << opTimeWithHash.value; stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); _lastFetched = opTimeWithHash; } if (_dataReplicatorExternalState->shouldStopFetching(_fetcher.getSource(), metadata)) { _onShutdown(Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSyncSource, str::stream() << "sync source " << _fetcher.getSource().toString() << " (last optime: " << metadata.getLastOpVisible().toString() << "; sync source index: " << metadata.getSyncSourceIndex() << "; primary index: " << metadata.getPrimaryIndex() << ") is no longer valid"), opTimeWithHash); return; } // No more data. Stop processing and return Status::OK along with last // fetch info. if (!getMoreBob) { _onShutdown(Status::OK(), opTimeWithHash); return; } getMoreBob->appendElements(makeGetMoreCommandObject(_dataReplicatorExternalState, queryResponse.nss, queryResponse.cursorId, _awaitDataTimeout)); }