BOOL PtEmtFiles::LoadPFile(LPCTSTR szFileName) { FILE *fp = _tfopen(szFileName, _T("rt")); if (NULL == fp) { return FALSE; } FLOAT real, imag; m_PData.clear(); for(SHORT i = 0; i < TotalDirNum; i++) { A_COMPLEX ATemp; for(SHORT j = 0; j < DetectorNum; j++) { _ftscanf(fp, _T("%f,%f\n"), &real, &imag); ATemp.push_back(COMPLEX(real, imag)); } m_PData.push_back(ATemp); } fclose(fp); return TRUE; }
BOOL PtEmtFiles::LoadGrayFile(LPCTSTR szFileName) { m_bGrayOK = FALSE; FILE *fp = _tfopen(szFileName, _T("rt")); if (NULL == fp) { return FALSE; } UINT temp; FLOAT fTemp; m_MGray.clear(); for (SHORT i = 0; i < TotalElement; i++) { _ftscanf(fp, _T("%d %f\n"), &temp, &fTemp); if (fTemp < 0) { fTemp = 0.0; } m_MGray.push_back(fTemp); } fclose(fp); m_bGrayOK = TRUE; return m_bGrayOK; }
int _tmain(int argc, LPTSTR argv[]) { HANDLE hIn, hOut; DWORD nIn, nOut, n; BOOL finish = FALSE; TCHAR input[L]; TCHAR cmd; LARGE_INTEGER offset; Student s; /* Check number of arguments */ if(argc != 2) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Wrong number of arguments. Usage: %s fileIn\n"), argv[0]); return -1; } while (!finish) { _ftprintf(stdout, _T("Enter a command:\n")); _fgetts(input, L, stdin); cmd = input[0]; /* Case E */ if (cmd == 'E') { finish = TRUE; } /* Case R */ if (cmd == 'R') { _stscanf(input, _T("%*c %i"), &n); hIn = CreateFile(argv[1], GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hIn == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error opening the file for reading: %i\n"), GetLastError()); return -2; } if (n > 1) { offset.QuadPart = (n - 1) * sizeof(Student); if (!SetFilePointerEx(hIn, offset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error setting the pointer: %i\n"), GetLastError()); return -3; } } if (ReadFile(hIn, &s, sizeof(Student), &nIn, NULL) && (nIn > 0)) { _ftprintf(stdout, _T("%i %i %s %s %i\n"),, s.number,, s.surname, s.mark); } else { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error reading the file: %i\n"), GetLastError()); return -4; } CloseHandle(hIn); } /* Case W */ if (cmd == 'W') { _stscanf(input, _T("%*c %i"), &n); hOut = CreateFile(argv[1], GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error opening the file for writing: %i\n"), GetLastError()); return -5; } _ftprintf(stdout, _T("Enter a new record:\n")); _ftscanf(stdin, _T("%i %i %s %s %i"), &, &s.number,, s.surname, &s.mark); if (n > 1) { offset.QuadPart = (n - 1) * sizeof(Student); if (!SetFilePointerEx(hOut, offset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error setting the pointer: %i\n"), GetLastError()); return -6; } } if (!WriteFile(hOut, &s, sizeof(Student), &nOut, NULL) || (nOut != sizeof(Student))) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error writing the file: %i\n"), GetLastError()); return -7; } CloseHandle(hOut); } } return 0; }
INT convertAcount(INT argc, LPTSTR argv[]) { FILE* inputFile; HANDLE hOut; DWORD nOut; if (argc != 3) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Wrong number of arguments.\n Usage : %s inputFile outputFile"), argv[0]); return 1; } inputFile = _tfopen(argv[1], _T("r")); if (inputFile == NULL) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("error when opening input file, errno = %i\n"), errno); return 1; } hOut = CreateFile(argv[2], GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %i when opening second file", GetLastError()); fclose(inputFile); return 1; } Record record; //Actual conversion from ASCII to binary format while (_ftscanf(inputFile, _T("%i %i %s %s %i"), &record.lineNumber, &record.bankAccountNumber, &record.surname, &, &record.balance) > 0) { WriteFile(hOut, &record, sizeof(Record), &nOut, NULL); } //Release the resources fclose(inputFile); CloseHandle(hOut); //Check that it has been convert properly hOut = CreateFile(argv[2], GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error when reopening the output file")); return 1; } DWORD nIn; HANDLE console; console = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); //Read the binary file and print it to the console while (ReadFile(hOut, &record, sizeof(Record), &nIn, NULL) && nIn > 0) { _ftprintf(stdout, _T("%i %i %s %s %i\n"), record.lineNumber, record.bankAccountNumber, record.surname,, record.balance); if (nIn != nOut) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error writing to console")); CloseHandle(hOut); return 1; } } //Wait some input to allow the user to have time to read the console TCHAR a; _ftscanf(stdin, _T("%c"), &a); CloseHandle(hOut); return 0; }
INT _tmain(INT argc, LPTSTR argv[]) { if (argc < 3) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Wrong number of arguments\nUsage : %s + N directories"), argv[0]); return 1; } //List of the handles of the reading threads HANDLE* handles; //Handle of the comparison thread HANDLE comparator; //List of the IDs of the reading threads DWORD* threadsId; /*ID of the comparison thread and variable used to store the return value of some functions*/ DWORD comparatorId, result; TCHAR a; counter = 0; nbThreads = argc - 1; //Dynamic allocation of the arrays handles = (HANDLE*)malloc(nbThreads * sizeof(HANDLE)); threadsId = (DWORD*)malloc(nbThreads * sizeof(DWORD)); entries = (LPTSTR*)malloc(nbThreads * sizeof(LPTSTR)); argsList = (ARGS*)malloc(nbThreads * sizeof(ARGS)); InitializeCriticalSection(&criticalSection); __try { //Initialization of the event blocking/releasing the readers eventReaders = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (eventReaders == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error when creating the event\n")); return 1; } //Initialization of the event blocking/releasing the comparator eventComparator = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (eventComparator == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error when creating the event\n")); //Clean-up CloseHandle(eventReaders); return 1; } //Create the comparator thread comparator = CreateThread(NULL, 0, compare, NULL, 0, &comparatorId); if (comparator == NULL) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error %i when creating comparator thread\n"), GetLastError()); //Clean-up CloseHandle(eventReaders); CloseHandle(eventComparator); return 1; } //Create the reading threads for (DWORD i = 0; i < nbThreads; i++) { argsList[i].dirName = addFinalSlash(argv[i + 1]); argsList[i].threadNb = i; handles[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, readingThread, &argsList[i], 0, &threadsId[i]); if (handles[i] == NULL) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error %i when creating reading thread %i\n"), GetLastError(), i); //Clean-up CloseHandle(eventReaders); CloseHandle(eventComparator); TerminateThread(comparator, 2); CloseHandle(comparator); for (DWORD j = 0; j < i; j++) { TerminateThread(handles[i], 2); CloseHandle(handles[j]); } return 1; } } //Wait the result of the comparator thread WaitForSingleObject(comparator, INFINITE); //Display the result GetExitCodeThread(comparator, &result); if (result == 0) { _ftprintf(stdout, _T("Directories are equal\n")); } else { _ftprintf(stdout, _T("Directories are different\n")); } //Clean-up for (DWORD i = 0; i < nbThreads; i++) { CloseHandle(handles[i]); } CloseHandle(comparator); CloseHandle(eventReaders); CloseHandle(eventComparator); _ftscanf(stdin, _T("%c"), &a); return 0; } __finally { //Release the memory allocated to the dynamic arrays free(handles); free(threadsId); free((LPVOID)entries); free(argsList); } }
// Pair net. The full input is two training samples and // the target is set to 1 if the two examples have the same category // else the target is 0. The second input is randomly chosen in a two setp process: // 1) Choose a selection radius with probability probSame if the second example will be "same" // or "different" // 2) The second example is then chosen randomly from teh entire training set using the "radius" // selected in step (1) HRESULT PreProcPairInputImages(PVOID pThis, const PRE_PROCESS_DATA_ARGS *pArgs, LPCTSTR lpFile ) { static float s_probSame = 0.5; static int s_sameRadius = 3; // Note same radius is an absolute value static float s_diffRadius = 1.0F; // While Diff radius is expresed as fraction of the data set size static bool s_bInputResized = false; static bool s_bUseAutoEncoder = false; static bool s_bDoSampleSphere = false; static int s_cExtraTargetLayer = 0; static int s_cExtraInput = 0; static int s_cMaxRetry = 5; static int s_cTupleSize = 1; static TCHAR s_pairFile[MAX_PATH]; static CDataTuple *pDataTuple = NULL; HRESULT hRet = S_OK; if (NULL != lpFile) { FILE *fp; fp = _tfopen(lpFile, TEXT("r")); if (NULL != fp) { TCHAR awCmd[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR awVal[MAX_PATH]; float val; s_pairFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); s_bUseAutoEncoder = false; s_cExtraTargetLayer = 0; if (NULL != pDataTuple) { delete pDataTuple; pDataTuple = NULL; } while (2 == _ftscanf(fp, TEXT("%s %s"), awCmd, awVal)) { val = (float)_tstof(awVal); if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("probsame"))) { s_probSame = val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("sameradius"))) { s_sameRadius = (int)val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("diffradius"))) { s_diffRadius = val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("maxretry"))) { s_cMaxRetry = (int)val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("pairfile"))) { _tcscpy_s(s_pairFile, ARRAYSIZE(s_pairFile), awVal); } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("tuplesize"))) { s_cTupleSize = (int)val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("extrainput"))) { s_cExtraInput = (int)val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("autoencoder"))) { s_bUseAutoEncoder = true; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("numextratarget"))) { s_cExtraTargetLayer = (int)val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("dosamplesphere"))) { s_bDoSampleSphere = (val == 0.0F) ? false : true; } } fclose(fp); // Did everyting load if ( s_probSame >= 0.0F && s_probSame <= 1.0F && s_sameRadius > 0 && s_diffRadius > 0 && s_diffRadius <= 1.0F ) { hRet = S_OK; s_bInputResized = false; } return hRet; } return E_INVALIDARG; } NNData *pData = (NNData *)pThis; PRE_PROCESS_DATA_ARGS *pIO = (PRE_PROCESS_DATA_ARGS*)pArgs; if (NULL == pThis || NULL == pArgs) { hRet = E_INVALIDARG; } if (SUCCEEDED(hRet) && false == s_bInputResized) { // First time around increase the size of the buffers holding inputs and its stats hRet = ResizeAllInputBuffers(pData, pIO, s_cExtraInput, s_cExtraTargetLayer, s_cTupleSize); if (SUCCEEDED(hRet)) { s_bInputResized = true; } else { return hRet; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hRet)) { if (NULL == pDataTuple && _tcslen(s_pairFile) > 0) { pDataTuple = new CDataTuple(pData->GetNumRows(), s_cTupleSize); if (!SUCCEEDED(pDataTuple->LoadFromFile(s_pairFile))) { delete pDataTuple; pDataTuple= NULL; } } int iRadius; int iOtherSamp = 0, iOtherSamp2 = 0; DREAL *pThisTarget = *(pData->GetTargetExamples() + pData->GetCurRow()); int cRetry = 0; int cOtherSamp = 1; if (NULL == pDataTuple) { DREAL *pOtherTarget; if (frand() <= s_probSame) { iRadius = s_sameRadius; do { iOtherSamp = PickOtherSamp(pData, iRadius); pOtherTarget = *(pData->GetTargetExamples() + iOtherSamp); ++cRetry; } while (*pOtherTarget != *pIO->m_pTarget && cRetry < s_cMaxRetry); } else { iRadius = (int)(s_diffRadius * pData->GetNumRows() +0.5F); do { iOtherSamp = PickOtherSamp(pData, iRadius); pOtherTarget = *(pData->GetTargetExamples() + iOtherSamp); ++cRetry; } while (*pOtherTarget == *pIO->m_pTarget && cRetry < s_cMaxRetry); } } else { TUPLE_DATA tuple; if (SUCCEEDED(pDataTuple->GetNextIdx(pData->GetCurRow(), tuple))) { int iTuple = 0; if (s_cTupleSize > 1) { CDataTuple::Shuffle(tuple.m_vPairs); iOtherSamp = tuple.m_vPairs[iTuple++]; iOtherSamp2 = tuple.m_vPairs[iTuple++]; cOtherSamp = 2; } else { iOtherSamp = tuple.m_vPairs[iTuple++]; } } } NREAL targetDiff = 0; if (cOtherSamp == 1) { targetDiff = AppendOneSample(pIO, pData, pThisTarget, iOtherSamp); } else { targetDiff = AppendTwoSamples(pIO, pData, pThisTarget, iOtherSamp, iOtherSamp2); NREAL *pSrc = pIO->m_pInput + 3*pIO->m_cInput; if (3 == s_cExtraInput) { int iSrc = 0; pSrc[iSrc++] = L1Distance(pIO->m_pInput, pIO->m_pInput + pIO->m_cInput, pIO->m_cInput); pSrc[iSrc++] = L1Distance(pIO->m_pInput, pIO->m_pInput + 2*pIO->m_cInput, pIO->m_cInput); pSrc[0] = __max(pSrc[0], 1.0F); pSrc[iSrc] = (pSrc[0] - pSrc[1]) / pSrc[0]; pSrc[iSrc] = __max(-3.0F, pSrc[iSrc]); pSrc[iSrc] = __min(3.0F, pSrc[iSrc]); pSrc[iSrc] *= 10000; if (true == s_bDoSampleSphere) { pData->SphereOneSample(pThis, pIO->m_pInput, pIO->m_cInput*3+s_cExtraInput, pData->GetMeans(), pData->GetStdev(), pData->GetInputRange(), pData->GetInputMin()); } } } if (false == s_bUseAutoEncoder) { *pIO->m_pTarget= targetDiff; } else { pIO->m_pTarget = pIO->m_pInput; pIO->m_cTarget = pIO->m_cInput; //memcpy_s(pIO->m_pTarget, pIO->m_cTarget*sizeof(*pIO->m_pTarget), pIO->m_pInput, pIO->m_cTarget*sizeof(*pIO->m_pInput)); } if (pIO->cExtraTargetLayers > 0 && NULL != pIO->m_ppExtraTargetLayers) { *pIO->m_ppExtraTargetLayers[0] = targetDiff; } hRet = S_OK; } return hRet; }
// Treats the input data as an image. Transforms image using a random affine transformation HRESULT PreProcImageTransform(const PVOID pThis, const PRE_PROCESS_DATA_ARGS *pArgs, LPCTSTR lpFile ) { static float s_MaxScale = -1.0F; // Maximum Scale static float s_MaxRotation = -1.0F; // Max Rotation static float s_MaxTranslation = -1.0F; // Max Translation static int s_cCol = -1; static int s_cRow = -1; static int s_cImage = -1; static bool s_bFileLoaded = false; static bool s_bDoImageTargetTransform = false; HRESULT hRet = E_FAIL; if (NULL != lpFile) { FILE *fp; fp = _tfopen(lpFile, TEXT("r")); if (NULL != fp) { TCHAR awCmd[MAX_PATH]; float val; while (2 == _ftscanf(fp, TEXT("%s %f"), awCmd, &val)) { if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("rotation"))) { // Convert to radians s_MaxRotation = val * (float)M_PI / 180.0F; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("scale"))) { s_MaxScale = val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("translation"))) { s_MaxTranslation = val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("cols"))) { s_cCol = (int)val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("rows"))) { s_cRow = (int)val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("cImage"))) { s_cImage = (int)val; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(awCmd, TEXT("DoTargets"))) { s_bDoImageTargetTransform = (int)val == 1 ? true : false; } } fclose(fp); // Did everyting load if ( s_MaxRotation >= 0.0F && s_MaxScale >= 0.0F && s_MaxTranslation >= 0.0 && s_cCol > 0 && s_cRow > 0 && s_cImage > 0 ) { hRet = S_OK; s_bFileLoaded = true; } return hRet; } return E_INVALIDARG; } NNData *pData = (NNData *)pThis; if ( true == s_bFileLoaded && NULL != pArgs && pArgs->m_cInput == s_cCol * s_cRow * s_cImage && NULL != pData && pData->GetEnumCount() > 1) { // Build the transform Matrix float trans[2][3]; int iOff = s_cRow * s_cCol ; float Sx = 1.0F + (fRand_s() * s_MaxScale); float theta = (2.0F*fRand_s()-1.0F) * s_MaxRotation; trans[0][0] = Sx * cosf(theta); trans[0][1] = -Sx * sinf(theta); trans[0][2] = s_MaxTranslation * (2.0F * fRand_s() - 1.0F); trans[1][0] = -trans[0][1]; trans[1][1] = trans[0][0]; trans[1][2] = s_MaxTranslation * (2.0F * fRand_s() - 1.0F); for (int iImage = 0 ; iImage < s_cImage ; ++iImage) { ImageTransform(pArgs->m_pInput + iImage*iOff, s_cCol, s_cRow, trans); } if (true == s_bDoImageTargetTransform) { trans[0][0] = cosf(theta) / Sx; trans[0][1] = sinf(theta) / Sx; trans[0][2] /= -s_cCol; trans[1][0] = -trans[0][1]; trans[1][1] = trans[0][0]; trans[1][2] /= -s_cRow; ImageTargetTransform(pArgs->m_pTarget, pArgs->m_cTarget, trans); } hRet = S_OK; } hRet = PreProcStats(pThis, pArgs, lpFile); return hRet; }
INT _tmain(INT argc, LPTSTR argv[]) { HANDLE threadsHandles[THREADS_NB], inputFile = NULL; DWORD threadsIds[THREADS_NB], nRead; if (argc != 2) { _ftprintf(stdout, _T("Wrong number of arguments\nUsage : %s inputFileName\n"), argv[0]); _ftscanf(stdin, _T("%c"), &a); return 1; } //Initialize synchronization objects #ifdef VERSION_A for (INT i = 0; i < THREADS_NB; i++) inputSem[i] = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 1, NULL); outputSem = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, THREADS_NB, NULL); #endif #ifdef VERSION_B inputEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); for (INT i = 0; i < THREADS_NB; i++) outputEvent[i] = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); #endif //Create the threads LPDWORD threadPos; for (INT i = 0; i < THREADS_NB; i++) { threadPos = (LPDWORD)malloc(sizeof(DWORD)); *threadPos = i; threadsHandles[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, threadFunc, threadPos, 0, &threadsIds[i]); if (threadsHandles[i] == NULL) { _ftprintf(stdout, _T("Error %i when creating thread number %i\n"), GetLastError(), i); _ftscanf(stdin, _T("%c"), &a); return 1; } } inputFile = CreateFile(argv[1], GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (inputFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _ftprintf(stdout, _T("Error %i when opening input file\n"), GetLastError()); _ftscanf(stdin, _T("%c"), &a); return 1; } /* Used to be sure that all the secondary threads have been activated and wait on the event before the main thread triggers it */ #ifdef VERSION_B Sleep(100); #endif //Read the file while (ReadFile(inputFile, (LPVOID)&inputValue, sizeof(DWORD), &nRead, NULL) && nRead > 0) { #ifdef VERSION_A for (INT i = 0; i < THREADS_NB; i++) ReleaseSemaphore(inputSem[i], 1, NULL); for (INT i = 0; i < THREADS_NB; i++) { WaitForSingleObject(outputSem, INFINITE); } #endif #ifdef VERSION_B PulseEvent(inputEvent); WaitForMultipleObjects(THREADS_NB, outputEvent, TRUE, INFINITE); #endif } for (INT i = 0; i < THREADS_NB; i++) { TerminateThread(threadsHandles[i], 0); } //Clean the synchronization objects used #ifdef VERSION_A for (INT i = 0; i < THREADS_NB; i++) CloseHandle(inputSem[i]); CloseHandle(outputSem); #endif #ifdef VERSION_B CloseHandle(inputEvent); CloseHandle(outputEvent); #endif CloseHandle(inputFile); //Display a special line to indicate the end of the program _ftprintf(stdout, _T("================================================\n")); _ftscanf(stdin, _T("%c"), &a); return 0; }