bool Ps2SaveFileManager::removeSavefile(const Common::String &filename) { Common::FSNode savePath(ConfMan.get("savepath")); // TODO: is this fast? Common::FSNode file; if (!savePath.exists() || !savePath.isDirectory()) return false; if (_getDev(savePath) == MC_DEV) { // if (strncmp(savePath.getPath().c_str(), "mc0:", 4) == 0) { char path[32], temp[32]; strcpy(temp, filename.c_str()); // mcSplit(temp, game, ext); char *game = strdup(strtok(temp, ".")); char *ext = strdup(strtok(NULL, "*")); sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/%s", game); // per game path mcCheck(path); sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/%s/%s.sav", game, ext); file = Common::FSNode(path); free(game); free(ext); } else { file = savePath.getChild(filename); } if (!file.exists() || file.isDirectory()) return false; fio.remove(file.getPath().c_str()); return true; }
Common::StringArray Ps2SaveFileManager::listSavefiles(const Common::String &pattern) { Common::FSNode savePath(ConfMan.get("savepath")); // TODO: is this fast? Common::String _dir; Common::String search; bool _mc = (_getDev(savePath) == MC_DEV); // (strncmp(savePath.getPath().c_str(), "mc0:", 4) == 0); char *game=0, path[32], temp[32]; if (!savePath.exists() || !savePath.isDirectory()) return Common::StringArray(); printf("listSavefiles = %s\n", pattern.c_str()); if (_mc) { strcpy(temp, pattern.c_str()); // mcSplit(temp, game, ext); game = strdup(strtok(temp, ".")); sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/%s", game); // per game path mcCheck(path); sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/%s/", game); _dir = Common::String(path); search = Common::String("*.sav"); } else { _dir = Common::String(savePath.getPath()); search = pattern; } Common::FSDirectory dir(_dir); Common::ArchiveMemberList savefiles; Common::StringArray results; printf("dir = %s --- reg = %s\n", _dir.c_str(), search.c_str()); if (dir.listMatchingMembers(savefiles, search) > 0) { for (Common::ArchiveMemberList::const_iterator file = savefiles.begin(); file != savefiles.end(); ++file) { if (_mc) { // convert them back in ScummVM names strncpy(temp, (*file)->getName().c_str(), 3); temp[3] = '\0'; sprintf(path, "%s.%s", game, temp); results.push_back(path); printf(" --> found = %s -> %s\n", (*file)->getName().c_str(), path); } else { results.push_back((*file)->getName()); printf(" --> found = %s\n", (*file)->getName().c_str()); } } } free(game); return results; }
Common::OutSaveFile *Ps2SaveFileManager::openForSaving(const Common::String &filename, bool compress) { Common::FSNode savePath(ConfMan.get("savepath")); // TODO: is this fast? Common::WriteStream *sf; printf("openForSaving : %s\n", filename.c_str()); if (!savePath.exists() || !savePath.isDirectory()) return NULL; _screen->wantAnim(true); if (_getDev(savePath) == MC_DEV) { // if (strncmp(savePath.getPath().c_str(), "mc0:", 4) == 0) { char path[32]; // FIXME : hack for indy4 iq-points if (filename == "iq-points") { mcCheck("mc0:ScummVM/indy4"); sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/indy4/iq-points"); } // FIXME : hack for bs1 saved games else if (filename == "SAVEGAME.INF") { mcCheck("mc0:ScummVM/sword1"); sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/sword1/SAVEGAME.INF"); } else { char temp[32]; strcpy(temp, filename.c_str()); // mcSplit(temp, game, ext); char *game = strdup(strtok(temp, ".")); char *ext = strdup(strtok(NULL, "*")); sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/%s", game); // per game path mcCheck(path); sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/%s/%s.sav", game, ext); free(game); free(ext); } Common::FSNode file(path); sf = file.createWriteStream(); } else { Common::FSNode file = savePath.getChild(filename); sf = file.createWriteStream(); } _screen->wantAnim(false); return compress ? Common::wrapCompressedWriteStream(sf) : sf; }
PS2Device detectBootPath(const char *elfPath, char *bootPath) { PS2Device device = _getDev(elfPath); sioprintf("elf path: %s, device %d\n", elfPath, device); strcpy(bootPath, elfPath); char *pathPos = bootPath; char seperator; if (device == CD_DEV) { // CDVD uses '\' as seperator while (*pathPos) { if (*pathPos == '/') *pathPos = '\\'; pathPos++; } seperator = '\\'; } else { // all the other devices use '/' while (*pathPos) { if (*pathPos == '\\') *pathPos = '/'; pathPos++; } seperator = '/'; } pathPos = strrchr(bootPath, seperator); if (!pathPos) pathPos = strchr(bootPath, ':'); if (pathPos) { if ((pathPos[0] == ':') && (device == CD_DEV)) { pathPos[1] = '\\'; pathPos[2] = '\0'; } else pathPos[1] = '\0'; sioprintf("done. IRX path: \"%s\"\n", bootPath); } else { sioprintf("path not recognized, default to host.\n"); strcpy(bootPath, "host:"); device = HOST_DEV; // UNKNOWN; } return device; }
void Ps2FilesystemNode::doverify(void) { PS2Device medium; int fd; if (_verified) return; _verified = true; dbg_printf(" verify: %s -> ", _path.c_str()); #if 0 if (_path.empty()) { dbg_printf("PlayStation 2 Root !\n"); _verified = true; return; } if (_path.lastChar() == ':') { dbg_printf("Dev: %s\n", _path.c_str()); _verified = true; return; } #endif if (_path[3] != ':' && _path[4] != ':') { dbg_printf("relative path !\n"); _isHere = false; _isDirectory = false; return; } medium = _getDev(_path); if (medium == ERR_DEV) { _isHere = false; _isDirectory = false; return; } switch (medium) { #if 0 case HD_DEV: /*stat*/ case USB_DEV: iox_stat_t stat; fileXioGetStat(_path.c_str(), &stat); fileXioWaitAsync(FXIO_WAIT, &fd); if (!fd) { dbg_printf(" yes [stat]\n"); return true; } break; #endif case CD_DEV: /*no stat*/ case HD_DEV: case USB_DEV: case HOST_DEV: case MC_DEV: #if 1 fd =, O_RDONLY); dbg_printf("_path = %s -- -> %d\n", _path.c_str(), fd); if (fd >=0) { fio.close(fd); dbg_printf(" yes [open]\n"); _isHere = true; if (medium==MC_DEV && _path.lastChar()=='/') _isDirectory = true; else _isDirectory = false; return; } fd = fio.dopen(_path.c_str()); if (fd >=0) { fio.dclose(fd); dbg_printf(" yes [dopen]\n"); _isHere = true; _isDirectory = true; return; } #else fileXioOpen(_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, DEFAULT_MODE); fileXioWaitAsync(FXIO_WAIT, &fd); if (fd>=0) { fileXioClose(fd); fileXioWaitAsync(FXIO_WAIT, &fd); return true; } fileXioDopen(_path.c_str()); fileXioWaitAsync(FXIO_WAIT, &fd); if (fd>=0) { fileXioDclose(fd); fileXioWaitAsync(FXIO_WAIT, &fd); return true; } #endif break; case ERR_DEV: _isHere = false; _isDirectory = false; break; } _isHere = false; _isDirectory = false; dbg_printf(" no\n"); return; }