//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Animation::apply(Real timePos, Real weight, Real scale) { _applyBaseKeyFrame(); // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); { NodeTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i) { (*i)->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale); } } { OldNodeTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mOldNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mOldNodeTrackList.end(); ++i) { i->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale); } } NumericTrackList::iterator j; for (j = mNumericTrackList.begin(); j != mNumericTrackList.end(); ++j) { j->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale); } VertexTrackList::iterator k; for (k = mVertexTrackList.begin(); k != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++k) { k->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Animation::applyToVertexData(VertexData* data, Real timePos, Real weight) { // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); VertexTrackList::iterator k; for (k = mVertexTrackList.begin(); k != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++k) { k->second->applyToVertexData(data, timeIndex, weight); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Animation::applyToAnimable(const AnimableValuePtr& anim, Real timePos, Real weight, Real scale) { // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); NumericTrackList::iterator j; for (j = mNumericTrackList.begin(); j != mNumericTrackList.end(); ++j) { j->second->applyToAnimable(anim, weight, scale); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Animation::applyToNode(Node* node, Real timePos, Real weight, Real scale) { // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); NodeTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i) { i->second->applyToNode(node, timeIndex, weight, scale); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Animation::apply(Skeleton* skel, Real timePos, float weight, const AnimationState::BoneBlendMask* blendMask, Real scale) { // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); NodeTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i) { // get bone to apply to Bone* b = skel->getBone(i->first); i->second->applyToNode(b, timeIndex, (*blendMask)[b->getHandle()] * weight, scale); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Animation::apply(Entity* entity, Real timePos, Real weight, bool software, bool hardware) { _applyBaseKeyFrame(); // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); VertexTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mVertexTrackList.begin(); i != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++i) { unsigned short handle = i->first; VertexAnimationTrack* track = i->second; VertexData* swVertexData; VertexData* hwVertexData; if (handle == 0) { // shared vertex data swVertexData = entity->_getSoftwareVertexAnimVertexData(); hwVertexData = entity->_getHardwareVertexAnimVertexData(); entity->_markBuffersUsedForAnimation(); } else { // sub entity vertex data (-1) SubEntity* s = entity->getSubEntity(handle - 1); // Skip this track if subentity is not visible if (!s->isVisible()) continue; swVertexData = s->_getSoftwareVertexAnimVertexData(); hwVertexData = s->_getHardwareVertexAnimVertexData(); s->_markBuffersUsedForAnimation(); } // Apply to both hardware and software, if requested if (software) { track->setTargetMode(VertexAnimationTrack::TM_SOFTWARE); track->applyToVertexData(swVertexData, timeIndex, weight, &(entity->getMesh()->getPoseList())); } if (hardware) { track->setTargetMode(VertexAnimationTrack::TM_HARDWARE); track->applyToVertexData(hwVertexData, timeIndex, weight, &(entity->getMesh()->getPoseList())); } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Animation::apply(Skeleton* skel, Real timePos, Real weight, Real scale) { // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); NodeTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i) { // get bone to apply to Bone* b = skel->getBone(i->first); i->second->applyToNode(b, timeIndex, weight, scale); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Animation::apply(Real timePos, Real weight, bool accumulate, Real scale) { // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); NodeTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i) { i->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, accumulate, scale); } NumericTrackList::iterator j; for (j = mNumericTrackList.begin(); j != mNumericTrackList.end(); ++j) { j->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, accumulate, scale); } VertexTrackList::iterator k; for (k = mVertexTrackList.begin(); k != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++k) { k->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, accumulate, scale); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Animation::apply(Entity* entity, Real timePos, Real weight, bool software, bool hardware) { // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); VertexTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mVertexTrackList.begin(); i != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++i) { unsigned short handle = i->first; VertexAnimationTrack* track = i->second; VertexData* swVertexData; VertexData* hwVertexData; VertexData* origVertexData; bool firstAnim = false; if (handle == 0) { // shared vertex data firstAnim = !entity->_getBuffersMarkedForAnimation(); swVertexData = entity->_getSoftwareVertexAnimVertexData(); hwVertexData = entity->_getHardwareVertexAnimVertexData(); origVertexData = entity->getMesh()->sharedVertexData; entity->_markBuffersUsedForAnimation(); } else { // sub entity vertex data (-1) SubEntity* s = entity->getSubEntity(handle - 1); // Skip this track if subentity is not visible if (!s->isVisible()) continue; firstAnim = !s->_getBuffersMarkedForAnimation(); swVertexData = s->_getSoftwareVertexAnimVertexData(); hwVertexData = s->_getHardwareVertexAnimVertexData(); origVertexData = s->getSubMesh()->vertexData; s->_markBuffersUsedForAnimation(); } // Apply to both hardware and software, if requested if (software) { if (firstAnim && track->getAnimationType() == VAT_POSE) { // First time through for a piece of pose animated vertex data // We need to copy the original position values to the temp accumulator const VertexElement* origelem = origVertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION); const VertexElement* destelem = swVertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION); HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr origBuffer = origVertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(origelem->getSource()); HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr destBuffer = swVertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(destelem->getSource()); destBuffer->copyData(*origBuffer.get(), 0, 0, destBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), true); } track->setTargetMode(VertexAnimationTrack::TM_SOFTWARE); track->applyToVertexData(swVertexData, timeIndex, weight, &(entity->getMesh()->getPoseList())); } if (hardware) { track->setTargetMode(VertexAnimationTrack::TM_HARDWARE); track->applyToVertexData(hwVertexData, timeIndex, weight, &(entity->getMesh()->getPoseList())); } } }