// ofBaseApp
// need to call ofxScene::RunnerScene::update()
void ofxSceneManager::update() {


	// update the current main scene
	if(!_scenes.empty() && _currentScene >= 0) {
		ofxScene* s = _currentScenePtr;

		// call setup if scene is not setup yet
		if(!s->isSetup()) {


		// if this scene says it's done, go to the next one
		if(s->isDone() && !_bSignalledAutoChange) {
			_bSignalledAutoChange = true;
// ofBaseApp
// need to call ofxScene::RunnerScene::update()
void ofxSceneManager::update() {


	// update the current main scene
	if(!_scenes.empty() && _currentScene >= 0) {
        ofxScene* s = _currentScenePtr;
		// call setup if scene is not setup yet
		if(!s->isSetup()) {


		// if this scene says it's done, go to the next one
		if(s->isDone() && !_bSignalledAutoChange) {
			_bSignalledAutoChange = true;
//--------------------- <CAMBIOS MASOTROS> ---------------------//
    // update the new scene, if there is one
    if(_bOverlapTransitions && !_scenes.empty() && _newScene != SCENE_NOCHANGE && _newScene >= 0){
        ofxScene* next_s = getSceneAt(_newScene);
        if(!next_s->isSetup()) {
//--------------------- </CAMBIOS MASOTROS> ---------------------//    