inline static void import_numpy() { static bool init = false; if (!init) { _import_array(); // std::cerr << "importing array"<<std::endl; init = true; } }
PyObject* ICoinPackedMatrix::np_getIndices(){ npy_intp dims = this->getNumElements(); _import_array(); PyObject *Arr = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData( 1, &dims, PyArray_INT32, this->IgetIndices() ); return Arr; }
static PyObject * initaubio (void) { PyObject *m = NULL; int err; // fvec is defined in if ( (PyType_Ready (&Py_cvecType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_filterType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_filterbankType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_fftType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_pvocType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_sourceType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_sinkType) < 0) // generated objects || (generated_types_ready() < 0 ) ) { return m; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 m = PyModule_Create(&moduledef); #else m = Py_InitModule3 ("_aubio", aubio_methods, aubio_module_doc); #endif if (m == NULL) { return m; } err = _import_array (); if (err != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to import Numpy array from aubio module (error %d)\n", err); } Py_INCREF (&Py_cvecType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "cvec", (PyObject *) & Py_cvecType); Py_INCREF (&Py_filterType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "digital_filter", (PyObject *) & Py_filterType); Py_INCREF (&Py_filterbankType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "filterbank", (PyObject *) & Py_filterbankType); Py_INCREF (&Py_fftType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "fft", (PyObject *) & Py_fftType); Py_INCREF (&Py_pvocType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "pvoc", (PyObject *) & Py_pvocType); Py_INCREF (&Py_sourceType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "source", (PyObject *) & Py_sourceType); Py_INCREF (&Py_sinkType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "sink", (PyObject *) & Py_sinkType); // add generated objects add_generated_objects(m); // add ufunc add_ufuncs(m); return m; }
void initializeNumpy() { // Use _import_array() because import_array() is a macro that contains a // return statement. if (_import_array() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "initializeNumpy: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import."); } }
PYBIND11_MODULE(superutils, m) { _import_array(); m.doc() = "fast utils"; vaex::init_hash_primitives(m); vaex::init_hash_string(m); vaex::init_hash_object(m); }
void Invocation::numpy_init() { // this macro is defined be NumPy and must be included if (_import_array() < 0) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "unable to initialize NumPy with error '" << getPythonTraceback() << "'"; throw python_error(oss.str()); } }
int initialize_numpy(void) { // lock here so only one thread can initialize NumPy boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(numpy_initialize_mtx); if (!numpy_initialized) { _import_array(); // import NumPy numpy_initialized = true; // numpy successfully initialized } return GADGET_OK; }
PyMODINIT_FUNC init_aubio (void) { PyObject *m; int err; // fvec is defined in if ( (PyType_Ready (&Py_cvecType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_filterType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_filterbankType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_fftType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_pvocType) < 0) // generated objects || (generated_types_ready() < 0 ) ) { return; } m = Py_InitModule3 ("_aubio", aubio_methods, aubio_module_doc); if (m == NULL) { return; } err = _import_array (); if (err != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to import Numpy array from aubio module (error %d)\n", err); } Py_INCREF (&Py_cvecType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "cvec", (PyObject *) & Py_cvecType); Py_INCREF (&Py_filterType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "digital_filter", (PyObject *) & Py_filterType); Py_INCREF (&Py_filterbankType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "filterbank", (PyObject *) & Py_filterbankType); Py_INCREF (&Py_fftType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "fft", (PyObject *) & Py_fftType); Py_INCREF (&Py_pvocType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "pvoc", (PyObject *) & Py_pvocType); // add generated objects add_generated_objects(m); // add ufunc add_ufuncs(m); }
/** * Try and initialize numpy module, setting the useNumPy flag appropriately * Note that this can only be called once and must be called from the init section of the Python module */ void MantidVecHelper::initializeDependencies() { if( MantidVecHelper::g_isInitialized ) return; // Import numpy and check it succeeded int result = _import_array(); if( result < 0 ) { PyErr_Clear(); MantidVecHelper::g_useNumPy = false; } else { MantidVecHelper::g_useNumPy = true; boost::python::numeric::array::set_module_and_type("numpy", "ndarray"); } MantidVecHelper::g_isInitialized = true; }
PyMODINIT_FUNC init_chebyfit(void) #endif { PyObject *module; char *doc = (char *)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(module_doc) + sizeof(_VERSION_)); PyOS_snprintf(doc, sizeof(module_doc) + sizeof(_VERSION_), module_doc, _VERSION_); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 moduledef.m_doc = doc; module = PyModule_Create(&moduledef); #else module = Py_InitModule3("_chebyfit", module_methods, doc); #endif PyMem_Free(doc); if (module == NULL) INITERROR; if (_import_array() < 0) { Py_DECREF(module); INITERROR; } { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 PyObject *s = PyString_FromString(_VERSION_); #else PyObject *s = PyUnicode_FromString(_VERSION_); #endif PyObject *dict = PyModule_GetDict(module); PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__", s); Py_DECREF(s); } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return module; #endif }
Kernel::DblMatrix MantidVecHelper::getMatrixFromArray(PyObject *p) { _import_array(); if(PyArray_Check(p)==1) { boost::python::numeric::array a=boost::python::extract<boost::python::numeric::array>(p); a=(boost::python::numeric::array) a.astype('d');//force the array to be of double type (in case it was int) boost::python::tuple shape( a.attr("shape") ); if( boost::python::len( shape ) != 2 ) throw std::invalid_argument( "numeric::array must have 2 dimensions" ); size_t nx,ny,i,j; nx=(size_t)(boost::python::extract< unsigned >( shape[0] )); ny=(size_t)(boost::python::extract< unsigned >( shape[1] )); Kernel::Matrix<double> m(nx,ny); for( i = 0; i < nx; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < ny; j++ ) { m[i][j] = boost::python::extract< double >( a[ boost::python::make_tuple( i, j ) ] ); } } return m; } else throw std::invalid_argument("Not a numpy array"); }
void _formatinput_init(void) { _import_array(); }
numpy_extractor ( PyObject * X, bool allow_copy) { if (X==NULL) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : the python object is NULL !"; if (_import_array()!=0) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR <<"Internal Error in importing numpy"; // make sure IndexMap is cuboid ?s static const char Order = IndexMapType::index_order_type::C_or_F; static_assert( ((Order=='F')||(Order=='C')), "Ordering must be C or Fortran"); if ((!PyArray_Check(X)) && (Order=='D')) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : the python object is not a numpy and you ask me to deduce the ordering in memory !"; const int elementsType (numpy_to_C_type<typename boost::remove_const<ValueType>::type>::arraytype); int rank = IndexMapType::rank; static const char * error_msg = " A deep copy of the object would be necessary while views are supposed to guarantee to present a *view* of the python data.\n"; if (!allow_copy) { // in case of a view, we decide ourselves if we can do it... // a previous uses PyArray_FromAny, but behaviour changes between different version of numpy, so it is not portable... if (!PyArray_Check(X)) throw copy_exception () << error_msg<<" Indeed the object was not even an array !\n"; if ( elementsType != PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*)X)) throw copy_exception () << error_msg<<" The deep copy is caused by a type mismatch of the elements. \n"; PyArrayObject *arr = (PyArrayObject *)X; if ( arr->nd != rank) throw copy_exception () << error_msg<<" Rank mismatch . numpy array is of rank "<< arr->nd << "while you ask for rank "<< rank<<". \n"; if ((Order == 'C') && (PyArray_ISFORTRAN(arr))) throw copy_exception () << error_msg<<" The numpy is in Fortran order while it is expected in C order. \n"; if ((Order == 'F') && (!PyArray_ISFORTRAN(arr))) throw copy_exception () << error_msg<<" The numpy is not in Fortran order as it is expected. \n"; numpy_obj = X; Py_INCREF(X); } else { // From X, we ask the numpy library to make a numpy, and of the correct type. // This handles automatically the cases where : // - we have list, or list of list/tuple // - the numpy type is not the one we want. // - adjust the dimension if needed // If X is an array : // - if Order is same, don't change it // - else impose it (may provoque a copy). // if X is not array : // - Order = FortranOrder or SameOrder - > Fortran order otherwise C bool ForceCast = false;// Unless FORCECAST is present in flags, this call will generate an error if the data type cannot be safely obtained from the object. int flags = (ForceCast ? NPY_FORCECAST : 0) ;// do NOT force a copy | (make_copy ? NPY_ENSURECOPY : 0); if (!(PyArray_Check(X) && (Order=='D'))) flags |= (Order =='F' ? NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS : NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS); //impose mem order //if (!(PyArray_Check(X) && (Order=='D'))) flags |= (Order =='F' ? NPY_FARRAY : NPY_CARRAY); //impose mem order numpy_obj= PyArray_FromAny(X,PyArray_DescrFromType(elementsType), rank,rank, flags , NULL ); // do several checks if (!numpy_obj) {// The convertion of X to a numpy has failed ! if (PyErr_Occurred()) {PyErr_Print();PyErr_Clear();} TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : the python object is not convertible to a numpy. "; } assert (PyArray_Check(numpy_obj)); assert((numpy_obj->ob_refcnt==1) || ((numpy_obj ==X))); arr_obj = (PyArrayObject *)numpy_obj; try { if (arr_obj->nd!=rank) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : internal error : dimensions do not match"; if (arr_obj->descr->type_num != elementsType) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : internal error : incorrect type of element :" <<arr_obj->descr->type_num <<" vs "<<elementsType; if (Order == 'F') { if (!PyArray_ISFORTRAN(numpy_obj)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : internal error : should be Fortran array";} else {if (!PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(numpy_obj)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : internal error : should be contiguous";} } catch(...) { Py_DECREF(numpy_obj); throw;} // make sure that in case of problem, the reference counting of python is still ok... } arr_obj = (PyArrayObject *)numpy_obj; }
PyMODINIT_FUNC initflow_mod(void) { _import_array(); Py_InitModule3("flow_mod", flow_mod_methods, flow_mod_doc); }
PyMODINIT_FUNC init5numpy4core5umath(void) #endif { PyObject *m, *d, *s, *s2, *c_api; int UFUNC_FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORT = 1; #ifdef NO_UFUNC_FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORT UFUNC_FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORT = 0; #endif /* Create the module and add the functions */ #if defined(NPY_PY3K) m = PyModule_Create(&moduledef); #else m = Py_InitModule("numpy.core.umath", methods); #endif if (!m) { return RETVAL; } /* Import the array */ if (_import_array() < 0) { if (!PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "umath failed: Could not import array core."); } return RETVAL; } /* Initialize the types */ if (PyType_Ready(&PyUFunc_Type) < 0) return RETVAL; /* Add some symbolic constants to the module */ d = PyModule_GetDict(m); c_api = NpyCapsule_FromVoidPtr((void *)PyUFunc_API, NULL); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { goto err; } PyDict_SetItemString(d, "_UFUNC_API", c_api); Py_DECREF(c_api); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { goto err; } s = PyString_FromString("0.4.0"); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__version__", s); Py_DECREF(s); /* Load the ufunc operators into the array module's namespace */ InitOperators(d); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "pi", s = PyFloat_FromDouble(NPY_PI)); Py_DECREF(s); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "e", s = PyFloat_FromDouble(NPY_E)); Py_DECREF(s); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "euler_gamma", s = PyFloat_FromDouble(NPY_EULER)); Py_DECREF(s); #define ADDCONST(str) PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, #str, UFUNC_##str) #define ADDSCONST(str) PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, "UFUNC_" #str, UFUNC_##str) ADDCONST(ERR_IGNORE); ADDCONST(ERR_WARN); ADDCONST(ERR_CALL); ADDCONST(ERR_RAISE); ADDCONST(ERR_PRINT); ADDCONST(ERR_LOG); ADDCONST(ERR_DEFAULT); ADDCONST(SHIFT_DIVIDEBYZERO); ADDCONST(SHIFT_OVERFLOW); ADDCONST(SHIFT_UNDERFLOW); ADDCONST(SHIFT_INVALID); ADDCONST(FPE_DIVIDEBYZERO); ADDCONST(FPE_OVERFLOW); ADDCONST(FPE_UNDERFLOW); ADDCONST(FPE_INVALID); ADDCONST(FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORT); ADDSCONST(PYVALS_NAME); #undef ADDCONST #undef ADDSCONST PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "UFUNC_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT", (long)NPY_BUFSIZE); PyModule_AddObject(m, "PINF", PyFloat_FromDouble(NPY_INFINITY)); PyModule_AddObject(m, "NINF", PyFloat_FromDouble(-NPY_INFINITY)); PyModule_AddObject(m, "PZERO", PyFloat_FromDouble(NPY_PZERO)); PyModule_AddObject(m, "NZERO", PyFloat_FromDouble(NPY_NZERO)); PyModule_AddObject(m, "NAN", PyFloat_FromDouble(NPY_NAN)); #if defined(NPY_PY3K) s = PyDict_GetItemString(d, "true_divide"); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "divide", s); #endif s = PyDict_GetItemString(d, "conjugate"); s2 = PyDict_GetItemString(d, "remainder"); /* Setup the array object's numerical structures with appropriate ufuncs in d*/ PyArray_SetNumericOps(d); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "conj", s); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "mod", s2); initscalarmath(m); if (!intern_strings()) { goto err; } return RETVAL; err: /* Check for errors */ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "cannot load umath module."); } return RETVAL; }
static PyObject * initaubio (void) { PyObject *m = NULL; int err; // fvec is defined in if ( (PyType_Ready (&Py_cvecType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_filterType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_filterbankType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_fftType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_pvocType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_sourceType) < 0) || (PyType_Ready (&Py_sinkType) < 0) // generated objects || (generated_types_ready() < 0 ) ) { return m; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 m = PyModule_Create(&moduledef); #else m = Py_InitModule3 ("_aubio", aubio_methods, aubio_module_doc); #endif if (m == NULL) { return m; } err = _import_array (); if (err != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to import Numpy array from aubio module (error %d)\n", err); } Py_INCREF (&Py_cvecType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "cvec", (PyObject *) & Py_cvecType); Py_INCREF (&Py_filterType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "digital_filter", (PyObject *) & Py_filterType); Py_INCREF (&Py_filterbankType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "filterbank", (PyObject *) & Py_filterbankType); Py_INCREF (&Py_fftType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "fft", (PyObject *) & Py_fftType); Py_INCREF (&Py_pvocType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "pvoc", (PyObject *) & Py_pvocType); Py_INCREF (&Py_sourceType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "source", (PyObject *) & Py_sourceType); Py_INCREF (&Py_sinkType); PyModule_AddObject (m, "sink", (PyObject *) & Py_sinkType); PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, "float_type", AUBIO_NPY_SMPL_STR); PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, "__version__", DEFINEDSTRING(AUBIO_VERSION)); // add generated objects add_generated_objects(m); // add ufunc add_ufuncs(m); aubio_log_set_level_function(AUBIO_LOG_ERR, aubio_log_function, NULL); aubio_log_set_level_function(AUBIO_LOG_WRN, aubio_log_function, NULL); return m; }
PyObject* ICoinPackedMatrix::np_getVectorStarts(){ npy_intp dims = this->getMajorDim() + 1; _import_array(); PyObject *Arr = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData( 1, &dims, PyArray_INT32, this->IgetVectorStarts() ); return Arr; }
// return a NEW (owned) reference // inline PyObject * numpy_extractor_impl ( PyObject * X, bool allow_copy, std::string type_name, int elementsType, int rank, size_t * lengths, std::ptrdiff_t * strides, size_t size_of_ValueType) { PyObject * numpy_obj; if (X==NULL) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : the python object is NULL !"; if (_import_array()!=0) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR <<"Internal Error in importing numpy"; static const char * error_msg = " A deep copy of the object would be necessary while views are supposed to guarantee to present a *view* of the python data.\n"; if (!allow_copy) { if (!PyArray_Check(X)) throw copy_exception () << error_msg<<" Indeed the object was not even an array !\n"; if ( elementsType != PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*)X)) throw copy_exception () << error_msg<<" The deep copy is caused by a type mismatch of the elements. Expected "<< type_name<< " and found XXX \n"; PyArrayObject *arr = (PyArrayObject *)X; #ifdef TRIQS_NUMPY_VERSION_LT_17 if ( arr->nd != rank) throw copy_exception () << error_msg<<" Rank mismatch . numpy array is of rank "<< arr->nd << "while you ask for rank "<< rank<<". \n"; #else if ( PyArray_NDIM(arr) != rank) throw copy_exception () << error_msg<<" Rank mismatch . numpy array is of rank "<< PyArray_NDIM(arr) << "while you ask for rank "<< rank<<". \n"; #endif numpy_obj = X; Py_INCREF(X); } else { // From X, we ask the numpy library to make a numpy, and of the correct type. // This handles automatically the cases where : // - we have list, or list of list/tuple // - the numpy type is not the one we want. // - adjust the dimension if needed // If X is an array : // - if Order is same, don't change it // - else impose it (may provoque a copy). // if X is not array : // - Order = FortranOrder or SameOrder - > Fortran order otherwise C //bool ForceCast = false;// Unless FORCECAST is present in flags, this call will generate an error if the data type cannot be safely obtained from the object. int flags = 0; //(ForceCast ? NPY_FORCECAST : 0) ;// do NOT force a copy | (make_copy ? NPY_ENSURECOPY : 0); if (!(PyArray_Check(X) )) //flags |= ( IndexMapType::traversal_order == indexmaps::mem_layout::c_order(rank) ? NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS : NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS); //impose mem order #ifdef TRIQS_NUMPY_VERSION_LT_17 flags |= (NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS); //impose mem order #else flags |= (NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS); //impose mem order #endif numpy_obj= PyArray_FromAny(X,PyArray_DescrFromType(elementsType), rank,rank, flags , NULL ); // do several checks if (!numpy_obj) {// The convertion of X to a numpy has failed ! if (PyErr_Occurred()) {PyErr_Print();PyErr_Clear();} TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : the python object is not convertible to a numpy. "; } assert (PyArray_Check(numpy_obj)); assert((numpy_obj->ob_refcnt==1) || ((numpy_obj ==X))); PyArrayObject *arr_obj; arr_obj = (PyArrayObject *)numpy_obj; try { #ifdef TRIQS_NUMPY_VERSION_LT_17 if (arr_obj->nd!=rank) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : internal error : dimensions do not match"; if (arr_obj->descr->type_num != elementsType) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : internal error : incorrect type of element :" <<arr_obj->descr->type_num <<" vs "<<elementsType; #else if ( PyArray_NDIM(arr_obj) !=rank) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : internal error : dimensions do not match"; if ( PyArray_DESCR(arr_obj)->type_num != elementsType) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"numpy interface : internal error : incorrect type of element :" <<PyArray_DESCR(arr_obj)->type_num <<" vs "<<elementsType; #endif } catch(...) { Py_DECREF(numpy_obj); throw;} // make sure that in case of problem, the reference counting of python is still ok... } // extract strides and lengths PyArrayObject *arr_obj; arr_obj = (PyArrayObject *)numpy_obj; #ifdef TRIQS_NUMPY_VERSION_LT_17 const size_t dim =arr_obj->nd; // we know that dim == rank for (size_t i=0; i< dim ; ++i) { lengths[i] = size_t(arr_obj-> dimensions[i]); strides[i] = std::ptrdiff_t(arr_obj-> strides[i])/ size_of_ValueType; } #else const size_t dim = PyArray_NDIM(arr_obj); // we know that dim == rank for (size_t i=0; i< dim ; ++i) { lengths[i] = size_t( PyArray_DIMS(arr_obj)[i]); strides[i] = std::ptrdiff_t( PyArray_STRIDES(arr_obj)[i])/ size_of_ValueType; } #endif return numpy_obj; }