Exemple #1
    MapiRecipDesc orig ;
	MapiRecipDesc rcpt ;
	MapiFileDesc  file ;
	MapiMessage   mssg ;

	orig.ulReserved         = 0            ;  // Reserved
	orig.ulRecipClass       = MAPI_ORIG    ;  // Reciepient Class MAPI_TO MAPI_CC MAPI_BCC
    orig.lpszName           = _parc( 4 )   ;  // Originator's Name
    orig.lpszAddress        = _parc( 5 )   ;  // Originators Address
	orig.ulEIDSize          = 0            ;  // Count in bytes of size of pEntryID
	orig.lpEntryID          = NULL         ;  // System-specific Originator reference

	rcpt.ulReserved         = 0            ;  // Reserved
	rcpt.ulRecipClass       = MAPI_TO      ;  // Reciepient Class MAPI_TO MAPI_CC MAPI_BCC
    rcpt.lpszName           = _parc( 6 )   ;  // Reciepient's Name, e.g., [email protected]
    rcpt.lpszAddress        = _parc( 7 )   ;  // Reciepient's Address
	rcpt.ulEIDSize          = 0            ;  // Count in bytes of size of pEntryID
	rcpt.lpEntryID          = 0            ;  // System-specific Recipient reference

    if( _parinfo(0) >= 8 )
    file.ulReserved         = 0            ;  // Reserved for future usage
	file.flFlags            = 0            ;  // Flags ?
	file.nPosition          = -1           ;  // Character of text to be replaced by attachment
    file.lpszPathName       = _parc( 8 )   ;  // Full Path Name with Extension of the attached file
    file.lpszPathName       = NULL         ;  // Full Path Name with Extension of the attached file
    file.lpszFileName       = NULL         ;  // Original File Name ( optional )
	file.lpFileType         = NULL         ;  // Attachment file type ( can be lpMapiFileTagExt )

	mssg.ulReserved         = 0            ;  // Reserved
    mssg.lpszSubject        = _parc( 2 )   ;  // Message Subject
    mssg.lpszNoteText       = _parc( 3 )   ;  // Message Text
	mssg.lpszMessageType    = NULL         ;  // Message Class
	mssg.lpszDateReceived   = NULL         ;  // in yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm format
	mssg.lpszConversationID = NULL         ;  // Conversation thread ID
	mssg.flFlags            = 0            ;  // unread, return receipt
	mssg.lpOriginator       = &orig        ;  // Originator's descriptor
	mssg.nRecipCount        = 1            ;  // Number of receipients
	mssg.lpRecips           = &rcpt        ;  // Recipient descriptors

    if( _parinfo(0) >= 8 )
    mssg.nFileCount         = 1            ;  // Number of file attachments
	mssg.lpFiles            = &file        ;  // Attachment descriptors
    mssg.nFileCount         = 0            ;  // Number of file attachments
    mssg.lpFiles            = NULL         ;  // Attachment descriptors

	// to send the mail direcly and without intervenstion
    //_retnl( (ULONG) MAPISendMail( 0, 0, &mssg, 0, 0 ) ) ;

	// to opem default mail client's dialog box
    _retnl( (ULONG) MAPISendMail( 0, 0, &mssg, 8, 0 ) ) ;
Exemple #2
                                                        // ÚÄ1ra Col.a Pintar
                                                        // ³
static void PaintTheLine( HDC hDC, RECT * rct, WORD wIndex,
                               void *pAtext, void *pAsizes,
                               HPEN hWhitePen, HPEN hGrayPen, BOOL bTree,
                               void *pAJustify, WORD wPressed,
                               BOOL bHeader, WORD nStyle,
                               WORD wFocus, BOOL bFocused,
                               void *pTextColor, void *pBkColor,
                               WORD wRowPos, WORD nHeightCtrl,
                               LONG nClrLine, BOOL bFooter,
                               BOOL bSelect, void *pFont,
                               BOOL bDrawFocusRect )
   RECT box, wholebox, rctadj;
   int iMaxRight = rct->right;

   WORD wLenJust = 0 ;
   WORD wLen     = _VARRAYLEN( pAtext );
   WORD wType, wcLen;
   LONG lValue;
   char * cValue;
   HPEN hOldPen, hPen;
   BITMAP bmp;
   WORD wRow, wCol;
   LONG lColor ;
   HBRUSH hBrush;
   LONG lTextColorOld = -1 ; // CeSoTech
   LONG lBkColorOld   = -1 ; // CeSoTech
   void * pEvalOld ;
   HFONT hFont ; // CeSoTech
   WORD wAlign ; // CeSoTech

   // CeSoTech
   LONG nClrLineC = ( nStyle == 2 || nStyle == 6 || nStyle == 8 ||
                      nStyle == 10 ) ? GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) : 0 ;

   // CeSoTech
   if ( nClrLine >= 0 )   // Desde Clipper manda color especifico linea
      nClrLineC = nClrLine ;

   if ( ! bDrawHeaders )
      bHeader = FALSE ;

   if ( bFooter )
      bHeader = TRUE ; //-> Para que lo pinte con similar aspecto

   // Si es un estilo sin separadores horizontales, pintar uno mas arriba
   //CeSoTech para que que bien completa el area !!!
   if ( ! (bHeader) && (nStyle == 0 || nStyle == 5 || nStyle == 6 ||
                        nStyle == 9 || nStyle == 10) )
      rct->top--       ;

   wholebox.top    = rct->top+1;
   wholebox.left   = rct->left;
   wholebox.bottom = rct->bottom;
   wholebox.right  = rct->right;

   rct->right  = 0;

   box.top    = rct->top ;
   box.bottom = rct->bottom - 1;

   if( !wIndex || wIndex > wLen )
       wIndex = 1;

   if ( pAJustify )
       wLenJust = _VARRAYLEN( pAJustify );

   while( wIndex <= wLen )

        rct->left   = rct->right;

        rct->right  = ( wIndex == wLen ? iMaxRight
                                      : rct->left + GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) );

        // CeSoTech // Cuando estoy estoy en la ultima celda, NO pintar hasta
                    // el final si no existe ajuste de ultima columna.
        if ( ( wIndex == wLen ) && ( ! bAdjLastCol )  )
           rct->right  = rct->left + GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) +( bHeader ? 1 : 0 ) ;
           if ( !bAdjBrowse )
              wholebox.right = rct->right ; // Tambien ajusto el borde focus

        // CeSoTech //

        wAlign = HA_LEFT | VA_CENTER ;  // Alineacion por defecto
        wcLen = 0;
        ///////// INICIO Toma de datos celda !!!

        if ( wIndex <= wLenJust )
          //_cAt( pAJustify, wIndex, S_ANY, _tos );
          _cAt( pAJustify, wIndex, S_LOG, _tos );
          wAlign = ( WORD ) _itemGetL( _tos );
          //wAlign = _sptol( _tos ); //_sptoq( _tos );
        _cAt( pAtext, wIndex, S_ANY, _tos );
        wType = _itemType( _tos );
        // aki esta er tema
        if ( wType & NUMERIC )
           lValue = _sptol( _tos );
        else if ( wType & CHARACTER )
           cValue = _VSTR( _tos );
           wcLen = _itemSize( _tos );

        ///////// FIN Toma de datos celda !!!

        if( wFocus > 0 && wIndex != wFocus )
           if( rct->right >= iMaxRight )
               wIndex = wLen + 1;   // ya no pintamos m s

        if( bTree || ( GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) > 0 ) )    //Si NO es columna oculta (x Freeze)
        {                                                   //(Es lo mismo no hacer esto,

           if( (wType & NUMERIC) && bTree )
               if( lValue )
                  DrawMasked( hDC, (HBITMAP) lValue, ( rct->top < 1 ? 1 : rct->top ), rct->left );
           else  // Si es Numerico Bmp no Tree, o , es Character !!!!

               if ( pBkColor )  // Bloque de Color Fondo Celda
                  _putsym( _SymEVAL );
                  _xpushm( pBkColor );
                  _putln( wRowPos );
                  _putln( wIndex );
                  _putln( bFooter ? 2 : ( bHeader ? 1 : ( bSelect ? 3 : 0 ) ) );
                  _xeval( 3 ) ;
                  if ( _parinfo( -1 ) & NUMERIC )
                    lBkColorOld = SetBkColor( hDC, _parnl( - 1 ) ) ;

               if( pTextColor ) // Bloque de Color Texto Celda
                  _putsym( _SymEVAL );
                  _xpushm( pTextColor );
                  _putln( wRowPos );
                  _putln( wIndex );
                  _putln( bFooter ? 2 : ( bHeader ? 1 : ( bSelect ? 3 : 0 ) ) );
                  _xeval( 3 ) ;
                  if ( _parinfo( -1 ) & NUMERIC )
                    lTextColorOld = SetTextColor( hDC, _parnl( - 1 ) ) ;

               hFont = 0 ;
               if( pFont )      // Bloque de Font Celda
                  _putsym( _SymEVAL );
                  _xpushm( pFont );
                  _putln( wRowPos );
                  _putln( wIndex );
                  _putln( bFooter ? 2 : ( bHeader ? 1 : ( bSelect ? 3 : 0 ) ) );
                  _xeval( 3 ) ;
                  if ( _parinfo( -1 ) & NUMERIC )
                     hFont = (HFONT) _parnl( - 1 ) ;

               /////// CeSoTech ///////
               if (!bHeader) rct->top ++;

               if( wType & NUMERIC )   // Es un BitMap
                  FW_DrawBitmapCenter( hDC, (HBITMAP) lValue, rct, nStyle, bSelect );
               else                    // Es una Cadena
                  FW_DrawText( hDC, rct,
                               ( wType & CHARACTER ) ? cValue : "",
                               wAlign, wcLen, hFont, bHeader ) ;


               /////// CeSoTech restauracion de colores //////
               if ( lTextColorOld >= 0 )
                  SetTextColor( hDC, lTextColorOld ) ;
                  lTextColorOld = -1 ;
               if ( lBkColorOld >= 0 )
                  SetBkColor( hDC, lBkColorOld ) ;
                  lBkColorOld = -1 ;

               /// CeSoTech ///
               // Si hay modalidad ajustar el Browse y no hay ajuste de ultima
               // columna, deber‚ pintar hasta el final hasta cubrir toda
               // el area, hasta llegar a la derecha del control. (Col.Ficticia)
               if ( bAdjBrowse && wIndex == wLen && !bAdjLastCol &&
                    rct->right <= iMaxRight )
                  rctadj.top    = rct->top;
                  rctadj.left   = rct->right ;
                  rctadj.bottom = rct->bottom;
                  rctadj.right  = wholebox.right  ;

                  if ( nStyle == 3 )

                  if ( wFocus == 0 )  // Si No es CellStyle (Pinto hasta final)
                     ExtTextOut( hDC, 0, rct->top, ETO_OPAQUE, &rctadj, "", 0, 0 );

                  if ( bHeader ) // Pinto Bordes Header Falso
                      rctadj.right  = wholebox.right - 2  ;
                      rctadj.bottom = rctadj.bottom - 2 ;
                      WndDrawBox( hDC, &rctadj, hWhitePen, hGrayPen );
                      rctadj.bottom++  ;
                      rctadj.right++  ;
                      WndDrawBox( hDC, &rctadj, hWhitePen, GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN ) );

                      if ( bFooter ) // Si es Footer (Linea Negra de Arriba Foot)
                        hPen = GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN );
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen );
                        MoveToEx( hDC, rctadj.left-1, rctadj.top-1, NULL );
                        LineTo( hDC, rctadj.right+1, rctadj.top-1 );
                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );

               /// CeSoTech Fin ///

               if (!bHeader) rct->top --;

           box.left   = rct->left;

           box.right  = ( wIndex < wLen && rct->right <= iMaxRight ?
                                                        rct->right - 1 :
                                                        iMaxRight - 1 );

           // CeSoTech // El Borde derecho de Box de la ultima columna,
                       // no estirarlo cuando no exista ajuste de ultima columna
                       // PERO cuando nLineStyle (nStyle) es 7/8 (Lineas Horiz)
                       // queda anti-estetico cortar los renglones, cuando no hay
                       // ajuste ult.col. y hay ajuste de browse. Por ello
                       // se verificara que para cortar el borde no se de esta
                       // condicion.
           if ( ( wIndex == wLen ) && ( ! bAdjLastCol ) )
              if (! (!bHeader && (nStyle==7 || nStyle==8) && !bAdjLastCol && bAdjBrowse) )
               box.right  = rct->left + GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) - 1 ;

           if( ! bTree )
              WndDrawBox( hDC, &box, hGrayPen, hWhitePen );
              if( ! ( wType & NUMERIC ) )
                 box.left -= 16;

          // CeSoTech if( bFocused && wFocus > 0 && wIndex == wFocus )
           if( bDrawFocusRect && bFocused && wFocus > 0 &&
               wIndex == wFocus && nStyle != 3)
            DrawFocusRect( hDC, rct );


        if( rct->right >= iMaxRight )
            wIndex = wLen + 1;   // ya no pintamos m s


   if (bDrawFocusRect && !bTree && bFocused && wFocus==0 && nStyle!=3) // CeSoTech
      DrawFocusRect( hDC, &wholebox );

Exemple #3
   _retc( "CLIPPER power!!!" );
   _retni( _parinfo( -1 ) );
Exemple #4
   _retni( _parinfo( _parni( 4 ) ) );
Exemple #5
                                                        // ÚÄ1ra Col.a Pintar
                                                        // ³
static void near PaintTheLine( HDC hDC, RECT * rct, WORD wIndex,
                               PCLIPVAR pAtext, PCLIPVAR pAsizes,
                               HPEN hWhitePen, HPEN hGrayPen, BOOL bTree,
                               PCLIPVAR pAJustify, WORD wPressed,
                               BOOL bHeader, WORD nStyle,
                               WORD wFocus, BOOL bFocused,
                               PCLIPVAR pTextColor, PCLIPVAR pBkColor,
                               WORD wRowPos, WORD nHeightCtrl,
                               LONG nClrLine, BOOL bFooter,
                               BOOL bSelect, PCLIPVAR pFont,
                               BOOL bDrawFocusRect )
   RECT box, wholebox, rctadj;
   int iMaxRight = rct->right;

   WORD wLenJust = 0 ;
   #ifndef __HARBOUR__
   WORD wLen     = _VARRAYLEN( pAtext );
   CLV_WORD lJustify;
   WORD wLen     = hb_arrayLen( pAtext );
   PHB_ITEM uElem = hb_itemNew( NULL );
   WORD wType, wcLen;
   LONG lValue;
   char * cValue;
   HPEN hOldPen, hPen;
   BITMAP bmp;
   WORD wRow, wCol;
   LONG lColor ;
   HBRUSH hBrush;
   LONG lTextColorOld = -1 ; // CeSoTech
   LONG lBkColorOld   = -1 ; // CeSoTech
   PCLIPVAR pEvalOld ;
   HFONT hFont ; // CeSoTech
   WORD wAlign ; // CeSoTech

   // CeSoTech
   LONG nClrLineC = ( nStyle == 2 || nStyle == 6 || nStyle == 8 ||
                      nStyle == 10 ) ? GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) : 0 ;

   // CeSoTech
   if ( nClrLine >= 0 )   // Desde Clipper manda color especifico linea
      nClrLineC = nClrLine ;

   if ( ! bDrawHeaders )
      bHeader = FALSE ;

   if ( bFooter )
      bHeader = TRUE ; //-> Para que lo pinte con similar aspecto

   // Si es un estilo sin separadores horizontales, pintar uno mas arriba
   //CeSoTech para que que bien completa el area !!!
   if ( ! (bHeader) && (nStyle == 0 || nStyle == 5 || nStyle == 6 ||
                        nStyle == 9 || nStyle == 10) )
      rct->top--       ;

   wholebox.top    = rct->top+1;
   wholebox.left   = rct->left;
   wholebox.bottom = rct->bottom;
   wholebox.right  = rct->right;

   rct->right  = 0;

   box.top    = rct->top ;
   box.bottom = rct->bottom - 1;

   if( !wIndex | wIndex > wLen )
       wIndex = 1;

   if ( pAJustify )
      #ifndef __HARBOUR__
         wLenJust = _VARRAYLEN( pAJustify );
         wLenJust = hb_arrayLen( pAJustify );

   while( wIndex <= wLen )

        rct->left   = rct->right;

        rct->right  = ( wIndex == wLen ? iMaxRight
                                      : rct->left + GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) );
        // CeSoTech // Cuando estoy estoy en la ultima celda, NO pintar hasta
                    // el final si no existe ajuste de ultima columna.
        if ( ( wIndex == wLen ) && ( ! bAdjLastCol )  )
           rct->right  = rct->left + GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) +(bHeader ? 1: 0) ;
           if ( !bAdjBrowse )
              wholebox.right = rct->right ; // Tambien ajusto el borde focus

        // CeSoTech //

        wAlign = HA_LEFT | VA_CENTER ;  // Alineacion por defecto
        wcLen = 0;
        ///////// INICIO Toma de datos celda !!!

        #ifndef __HARBOUR__
           if ( wIndex <= wLenJust )
             _cAt( pAJustify, wIndex, 0xFFFF, ( PCLIPVAR ) &lJustify );
             wAlign = lJustify.wWord ;
           _cAt( pAtext, wIndex, 0xFFFF, ++_tos );
           wType = _tos->wType;
           if ( wType & NUMERIC )
              lValue = (LONG) _tos->pPointer1;
           if ( wType & CHARACTER )
              cValue = _VSTR( _tos );
              wcLen = _tos->w2;

           if ( wIndex <= wLenJust )
              hb_arrayGet( pAJustify, wIndex, uElem );
              if ( ( hb_itemType( uElem ) & LOGICAL ) && hb_itemGetL( uElem ) )
                 wAlign = HA_RIGHT | VA_CENTER ;
                 wAlign = hb_itemGetNL( uElem );

			        hb_itemClear( uElem );

           // uElem.type = HB_IT_NIL;
           hb_arrayGet( pAtext, wIndex, uElem );
           wType = hb_itemType( uElem );
           if ( wType & NUMERIC )
              lValue = hb_itemGetNL( uElem );
           if ( wType & CHARACTER )
//              cValue = hb_itemGetC( uElem );
				cValue = hb_itemGetCPtr( uElem );
                wcLen = strlen( cValue );

        ///////// FIN Toma de datos celda !!!

        if( wFocus > 0 && wIndex != wFocus )
           #ifndef __HARBOUR__

           if( rct->right >= iMaxRight )
               wIndex = wLen + 1;   // ya no pintamos m s

        if( bTree ||
            (GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) > 0) ) //Si NO es columna oculta (x Freeze)
        {                                     //(Es lo mismo no hacer esto,
                                              // pero es para evitar hacer trabajar
                                              // al codigo sin sentido !!! )

           if( (wType & NUMERIC) && bTree )
               if( lValue )
                  FillRect( hDC, rct, hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( GetPixel( hDC, rct->left, rct->top ) ) );
                  DrawMasked( hDC, (HBITMAP) lValue, rct->top, rct->left );
                  DeleteObject( hBrush );

           else  // Si es Numerico Bmp no Tree, o , es Character !!!!

               if ( pBkColor )  // Bloque de Color Fondo Celda
                  _PutSym( _SymEval );
                  _xPushM( pBkColor );
                  _PutLN( wRowPos );
                  _PutLN( wIndex );
                  _PutLN( bFooter ? 2 : ( bHeader ? 1 : ( bSelect ? 3 : 0 ) ) );
                  _xEval( 3 ) ;
                  if ( _parinfo( -1 ) & NUMERIC )
                    lBkColorOld = SetBkColor( hDC, _parnl( - 1 ) ) ;

               if( pTextColor ) // Bloque de Color Texto Celda
                  _PutSym( _SymEval );
                  _xPushM( pTextColor );
                  _PutLN( wRowPos );
                  _PutLN( wIndex );
                  _PutLN( bFooter ? 2 : ( bHeader ? 1 : ( bSelect ? 3 : 0 ) ) );
                  _xEval( 3 ) ;
                  if ( _parinfo( -1 ) & NUMERIC )
                    lTextColorOld = SetTextColor( hDC, _parnl( - 1 ) ) ;

               hFont = 0 ;
               if( pFont )      // Bloque de Font Celda
                  _PutSym( _SymEval );
                  _xPushM( pFont );
                  _PutLN( wRowPos );
                  _PutLN( wIndex );
                  _PutLN( bFooter ? 2 : ( bHeader ? 1 : ( bSelect ? 3 : 0 ) ) );
                  _xEval( 3 ) ;
                  if ( _parinfo( -1 ) & NUMERIC )
                     hFont = (HFONT) _parnl( - 1 ) ;

               /////// CeSoTech ///////
               if (!bHeader) rct->top ++;

               if( wType & NUMERIC )   // Es un BitMap
                  FW_DrawBitmapCenter( hDC, (HBITMAP) lValue, rct, nStyle, bSelect );
               else                    // Es una Cadena
                  FW_DrawText( hDC, rct,
                               ( wType & CHARACTER ) ? cValue : "",
                               wAlign, wcLen, hFont, bHeader ) ;

               /////// CeSoTech restauracion de colores //////
               if ( lTextColorOld >= 0 )
                  SetTextColor( hDC, lTextColorOld ) ;
                  lTextColorOld = -1 ;
               if ( lBkColorOld >= 0 )
                  SetBkColor( hDC, lBkColorOld ) ;
                  lBkColorOld = -1 ;

               /// CeSoTech ///
               // Si hay modalidad ajustar el Browse y no hay ajuste de ultima
               // columna, deber‚ pintar hasta el final hasta cubrir toda
               // el area, hasta llegar a la derecha del control. (Col.Ficticia)
               if ( bAdjBrowse && wIndex == wLen && !bAdjLastCol &&
                    rct->right <= iMaxRight )
                  rctadj.top    = rct->top;
                  rctadj.left   = rct->right ;
                  rctadj.bottom = rct->bottom;
                  rctadj.right  = wholebox.right  ;

                  if ( nStyle == 3 )

                  if ( wFocus == 0 )  // Si No es CellStyle (Pinto hasta final)
                     ExtTextOut( hDC, 0, rct->top, ETO_OPAQUE, &rctadj, "", 0, 0 );

                  if ( bHeader && nStyle==3 ) // Pinto Bordes Header Falso
                      rctadj.right  = wholebox.right - 2  ;
                      rctadj.bottom = rctadj.bottom - 2 ;
                      WndDrawBox( hDC, &rctadj, hWhitePen, hGrayPen );
                      rctadj.bottom++  ;
                      rctadj.right++  ;
                      WndDrawBox( hDC, &rctadj, hWhitePen, GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN ) );

                      if ( bFooter ) // Si es Footer (Linea Negra de Arriba Foot)
                        hPen = GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN );
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen );
                        MoveTo( hDC, rctadj.left-1, rctadj.top-1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, rctadj.right+1, rctadj.top-1 );
                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );


               /// CeSoTech Fin ///

               if (!bHeader) rct->top --;

           box.left   = rct->left;

           box.right  = ( wIndex < wLen && rct->right <= iMaxRight ?
                                                        rct->right - 1 :
                                                        iMaxRight - 1 );

           // CeSoTech // El Borde derecho de Box de la ultima columna,
                       // no estirarlo cuando no exista ajuste de ultima columna
                       // PERO cuando nLineStyle (nStyle) es 7/8 (Lineas Horiz)
                       // queda anti-estetico cortar los renglones, cuando no hay
                       // ajuste ult.col. y hay ajuste de browse. Por ello
                       // se verificara que para cortar el borde no se de esta
                       // condicion.
           if ( ( wIndex == wLen ) && ( ! bAdjLastCol ) )
              if (! (!bHeader && (nStyle==7 || nStyle==8) && !bAdjLastCol && bAdjBrowse) )
               box.right  = rct->left + GetInt( pAsizes, wIndex ) - 1 ;
           // CeSoTech //

           if( ! bTree )
              if( wPressed && ( wIndex == wPressed ) )
                WndDrawBox( hDC, &box, hGrayPen, hWhitePen );
/////////////  if(!bHeader)
               if(!bHeader || (bHeader && nStyle!=3) )
                  switch( nStyle )
                     case 0:
                     case 1:
                    //  hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN ) );
                        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, nClrLineC );
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen);
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1,  box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
                        DeleteObject( hPen);
                     case 2:
                        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, nClrLineC );
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen);
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1,  box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
                        DeleteObject( hPen);
                     case 3:
                        WndDrawBox( hDC, &box, hWhitePen, hGrayPen );
                     case 4:
                        box.bottom ++;
                        box.right ++;
                        FrameDot( hDC, &box );
                        box.bottom --;
                        box.right --;
                     case 7:
                     case 8:
                        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, nClrLineC );
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen);
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.left, box.top );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top );
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.right+1,  box.bottom+1 );
                        LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
                        DeleteObject( hPen);
                     case 5:
                     case 6:
                     case 9:
                     case 10:
                        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, nClrLineC);
                        hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen);
                        if (box.left>1)
                           MoveTo( hDC, box.left, box.bottom+1 );
                           LineTo( hDC, box.left, box.top );
                        MoveTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top );

                        if ( bDrawFooters && nStyle >= 9 )
                        LineTo( hDC, box.right+1,
                                     nHeightCtrl - (wFooterHeight+1) ) ;
                        } else {
                          LineTo( hDC, box.right+1,
                                     nStyle < 9 ? box.bottom+1 : nHeightCtrl );

                        SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
                        DeleteObject( hPen);
               else  // Box para Headers !!!
                  box.left ++;

                  // CeSoTech
                  if ( bFooter ) // Linea negra sobre el Footer
                    hPen = GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN );
                    hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen );
                    MoveTo( hDC, box.left-1, box.top-1 );
                    LineTo( hDC, box.right+1, box.top-1 );
                    SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );

                  box.right--  ;
                  box.bottom-- ;
                  WndDrawBox( hDC, &box, hWhitePen, hGrayPen );
                  box.bottom++  ;
                  box.right++  ;
                  WndDrawBox( hDC, &box, hWhitePen, GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN ) );

                  box.left --;

              if( ! ( wType & NUMERIC ) )
                 box.left -= 16;

          // CeSoTech if( bFocused && wFocus > 0 && wIndex == wFocus )
           if( bDrawFocusRect && bFocused && wFocus > 0 &&
               wIndex == wFocus && nStyle != 3)
            DrawFocusRect( hDC, rct );


        #ifndef __HARBOUR__

        if( rct->right >= iMaxRight )
            wIndex = wLen + 1;   // ya no pintamos m s


   if (bDrawFocusRect && !bTree && bFocused && wFocus==0 && nStyle!=3) // CeSoTech
      DrawFocusRect( hDC, &wholebox );

  hb_itemRelease( uElem );