int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned long long the_num; struct afactor_struct **fc_ptr; struct afactor_struct *factor_chain; if ((argc != 2)||(_parse_args(argc, argv, "-h", 0))) { printf("Usage: %s <number>\n", argv[0]); printf("Find the largest prime factor of the specified number.\n"); return(0); } the_num = strtoull(_parse_args(argc, argv, 0, 0), 0, 10); factor_chain = factors_find(the_num, 1); fc_ptr = &factor_chain; while (fc_ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "%llu\n", (*fc_ptr)->factor); if ((*fc_ptr)->nxt) fc_ptr = &((*fc_ptr)->nxt); else break; } return(0); }
config::config() : _container ( "/tmp/zapp/container" ), _user ( "/.zapp/user" ), _innoextract_bin ( "innoextract" ), _dosbox_bin ( "dosbox" ) { _user = QStandardPaths::standardLocations ( QStandardPaths::HomeLocation ) [0] + _user; _parse_args(); _calculate_paths(); }
GError* compound_type_parse(struct compound_type_s *ct, const gchar *srvtype) { EXTRA_ASSERT(ct != NULL); memset(ct, 0, sizeof(struct compound_type_s)); if (!srvtype || !*srvtype || *srvtype == '.' || *srvtype == ';') return NEWERROR(CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad service type [%s]", srvtype); ct->fulltype = srvtype; gchar **tokens = g_strsplit(srvtype, ";", 2); _parse_type(ct, tokens[0]); _parse_args(ct, tokens[1]); g_free(tokens); GRID_TRACE("CT full[%s] type[%s] bare[%s] sub[%s] args[%s|%s]", ct->fulltype, ct->type, ct->baretype, ct->subtype, ct->req.k, ct->req.v); return NULL; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { // print warm welcome std::cerr << argv[0] << " v0.1\n"; // initialize libvisual once (this is meant to be called only once, // visual_init() after visual_quit() results in undefined state) visual_log_set_verbosity(VISUAL_LOG_DEBUG); visual_init (&argc, &argv); try { // parse commandline arguments if (_parse_args(argc, argv) != EXIT_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error ("Failed to parse arguments"); // create new VisBin for video output VisBin *bin = visual_bin_new(); visual_bin_set_supported_depth(bin, VISUAL_VIDEO_DEPTH_ALL); visual_bin_switch_set_style(bin, VISUAL_SWITCH_STYLE_MORPH); // initialize actor plugin std::cerr << "Loading actor '" << actor_name << "'...\n"; VisActor *actor = visual_actor_new (actor_name.c_str ()); if (!actor) throw std::runtime_error ("Failed to load actor '" + actor_name + "'"); // Set random seed if (have_seed) { VisPluginData *plugin_data = visual_actor_get_plugin(actor); VisRandomContext *r_context = visual_plugin_get_random_context (plugin_data); visual_random_context_set_seed (r_context, seed); seed++; } // initialize input plugin std::cerr << "Loading input '" << input_name << "'...\n"; VisInput *input = visual_input_new(input_name.c_str()); if (!input) { throw std::runtime_error ("Failed to load input '" + input_name + "'"); } // Pick the best display depth int depthflag = visual_actor_get_supported_depth (actor); VisVideoDepth depth; if (depthflag == VISUAL_VIDEO_DEPTH_GL) { depth = visual_video_depth_get_highest (depthflag); } else { depth = visual_video_depth_get_highest_nogl (depthflag); } visual_bin_set_depth (bin, depth); VisVideoAttributeOptions const* vidoptions = visual_actor_get_video_attribute_options(actor); // initialize display SADisplay display (driver_name); // create display display.create(depth, vidoptions, width, height, true); VisVideo *video = display.get_video(); if(!video) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get VisVideo from display"); // put it all together visual_bin_connect(bin, actor, input); visual_bin_set_video(bin, video); visual_bin_realize(bin); visual_bin_sync(bin, FALSE); visual_bin_depth_changed(bin); // get a queue to handle events VisEventQueue localqueue; // main loop bool running = true; bool visible = true; while (running) { LV::Event ev; // Handle all events display.drain_events(localqueue); LV::EventQueue* pluginqueue = visual_plugin_get_eventqueue(visual_actor_get_plugin (bin->actor)); while (localqueue.poll(ev)) { if(ev.type != VISUAL_EVENT_RESIZE) pluginqueue->add (ev); switch (ev.type) { case VISUAL_EVENT_PARAM: { break; } case VISUAL_EVENT_RESIZE: { display.lock(); width = ev.event.resize.width; height = ev.event.resize.height; display.create(depth, vidoptions, width, height, true); video = display.get_video (); visual_bin_set_video (bin, video); visual_actor_video_negotiate (bin->actor, depth, FALSE, FALSE); display.unlock(); break; } case VISUAL_EVENT_MOUSEMOTION: { break; } case VISUAL_EVENT_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { // switch to next actor v_cycleActor(1); v_cycleMorph(); visual_bin_set_morph_by_name(bin, morph_name.c_str()); visual_bin_switch_actor_by_name(bin, actor_name.c_str()); // get new actor actor = visual_bin_get_actor(bin); // handle depth of new actor depthflag = visual_actor_get_supported_depth(actor); if (depthflag == VISUAL_VIDEO_DEPTH_GL) { visual_bin_set_depth(bin, VISUAL_VIDEO_DEPTH_GL); } else { depth = visual_video_depth_get_highest(depthflag); if ((bin->depthflag & depth) > 0) visual_bin_set_depth(bin, depth); else visual_bin_set_depth(bin, visual_video_depth_get_highest_nogl(bin->depthflag)); } bin->depthforcedmain = bin->depth; break; } case VISUAL_EVENT_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { break; } case VISUAL_EVENT_KEYDOWN: { switch(ev.event.keyboard.keysym.sym) { case VKEY_ESCAPE: { running = false; break; } case VKEY_TAB: { break; } default: break; } break; } case VISUAL_EVENT_KEYUP: { break; } case VISUAL_EVENT_QUIT: { running = FALSE; break; } case VISUAL_EVENT_VISIBILITY: { visible = ev.event.visibility.is_visible; break; } default: { break; } } } if (visual_bin_depth_changed(bin)) { display.lock(); display.create(depth, vidoptions, width, height, true); VisVideo *video = display.get_video(); visual_bin_set_video(bin, video); visual_bin_sync(bin, TRUE); display.unlock(); } // Do a run cycle if (!visible) continue; display.lock(); visual_bin_run(bin); display.unlock(); display.update_all(); display.set_fps_limit(framerate); } } catch (std::exception& error) { std::cerr << error.what () << std::endl; } //printf ("Total frames: %d, average fps: %f\n", display_fps_total (display), display_fps_average (display)); visual_quit (); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* current configuration */ LedPrefs *p = NULL; /** current setup */ LedSetup *s = NULL; /** list of LED hardware adapters */ LedHardware *hw = NULL; /* input pixel-frame buffer */ LedFrame *frame = NULL; /** width of map */ LedFrameCord width; /** height of map */ LedFrameCord height; /* check libniftyled binary version compatibility */ NFT_LED_CHECK_VERSION /* set default loglevel to INFO */ nft_log_level_set(L_INFO); /* initialize exit handlers */ #if WIN32 int signals[] = { SIGINT, SIGABRT }; #else int signals[] = { SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGABRT }; #endif unsigned int i; for(i=0; i<sizeof(signals)/sizeof(int); i++) { if(signal(signals[i], _exit_signal_handler) == SIG_ERR) { NFT_LOG_PERROR("signal()"); return -1; } } /* default result of main() function */ int res = -1; /* default fps */ _c.fps = 25; /* default endianess */ _c.is_big_endian = FALSE; #if HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK == 1 /* default handle-input-as-raw */ _c.raw = FALSE; #endif /* default looping */ _c.do_loop = FALSE; /* set "running" flag */ _c.running = TRUE; /* default pixel-format */ strncpy(_c.pixelformat, "RGB u8", sizeof(_c.pixelformat)); /* default prefs-filename */ if(!led_prefs_default_filename(_c.prefsfile, sizeof(_c.prefsfile), ".ledcat.xml")) return -1; /* parse commandline arguments */ if(!_parse_args(argc, argv)) return -1; /* print welcome msg */ NFT_LOG(L_INFO, "%s %s (c) D.Hiepler 2006-2012", PACKAGE_NAME, ledcat_version_long()); NFT_LOG(L_VERBOSE, "Loglevel: %s", nft_log_level_to_string(nft_log_level_get())); #if HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK == 1 /* initialize imagemagick */ if(!_c.raw) { if(!im_init(&_c)) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Failed to initialize ImageMagick"); return -1; } } #endif /* initialize preferences context */ if(!(p = led_prefs_init())) return -1; /* parse prefs-file */ LedPrefsNode *pnode; if(!(pnode = led_prefs_node_from_file(_c.prefsfile))) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Failed to open configfile \"%s\"", _c.prefsfile); goto m_deinit; } /* create setup from prefs-node */ if(!(s = led_prefs_setup_from_node(p, pnode))) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "No valid setup found in preferences file."); led_prefs_node_free(pnode); goto m_deinit; } /* free preferences node */ led_prefs_node_free(pnode); /* determine width of input-frames */ if(!_c.width) /* width of mapped chain */ width = led_setup_get_width(s); else /* use value from cmdline arguments */ width = _c.width; /* determine height of input-frames */ if(!_c.height) /* height of mapped chain */ height = led_setup_get_height(s); else height = _c.height; /* validate dimensions */ if(width <= 0 || height <= 0) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Dimensions %dx%d not possible in this universe. Exiting.", width, height); goto m_deinit; } /* allocate frame (where our pixelbuffer resides) */ NFT_LOG(L_INFO, "Allocating frame: %dx%d (%s)", width, height, _c.pixelformat); LedPixelFormat *format = led_pixel_format_from_string(_c.pixelformat); if(!(frame = led_frame_new(width, height, format))) goto m_deinit; /* get first toplevel hardware */ if(!(hw = led_setup_get_hardware(s))) goto m_deinit; /* initialize hardware */ /*if(!(led_hardware_init(hw, ledcount, (LedGreyscaleFormat) format))) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "failed to initialize hardware."); goto m_deinit; }*/ /* initialize pixel->led mapping */ if(!led_hardware_list_refresh_mapping(hw)) goto m_deinit; /* precalc memory offsets for actual mapping */ LedHardware *ch; for(ch = hw; ch; ch = led_hardware_list_get_next(ch)) { if(!led_chain_map_from_frame(led_hardware_get_chain(ch), frame)) goto m_deinit; } /* set correct gain to hardware */ if(!led_hardware_list_refresh_gain(hw)) goto m_deinit; #if HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK == 1 /* determine format that ImageMagick should provide */ if(!_c.raw) { if(!(im_format(&_c, format))) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Failed to determine valid ImageMagick format"); goto m_deinit; } } #endif /* do we have at least one filename? */ if(!_c.files[0]) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "No input file(s) given"); goto m_deinit; } /* initially sample time for frame-timing */ if(!led_fps_sample()) goto m_deinit; #if ! WIN32 /* initialize alarm-signal handler for periodical fps output */ { struct sigaction sa; struct itimerval timer; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = &_alarm_signal_handler; sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); timer.it_value.tv_sec = 1; timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0; timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 1; timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timer, NULL); } #endif /* get data-buffer of frame to write our pixels to */ char *buf; if(!(buf = led_frame_get_buffer(frame))) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Frame has NULL buffer"); goto m_deinit; } /* walk all files (supplied as commandline arguments) and output them */ int filecount; for(filecount = 0; _c.files[filecount]; filecount++) { NFT_LOG(L_VERBOSE, "Getting pixels from \"%s\"", _c.files[filecount]); /* open file */ if(_c.files[filecount][0] == '-' && strlen(_c.files[filecount]) == 1) { _c.fd = STDIN_FILENO; } else { if((_c.fd = open(_c.files[filecount], O_RDONLY)) < 0) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Failed to open \"%s\": %s", _c.files[filecount], strerror(errno)); continue; } } #if HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK == 1 /** initialize stream for ImageMagick */ if(!_c.raw) { if(!(im_open_stream(&_c))) continue; } #endif /* output file frame-by-frame */ while(_c.running) { #if HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK == 1 /* use imagemagick to load file if we're not in "raw-mode" */ if(!_c.raw) { /* load frame to buffer using ImageMagick */ if(!im_read_frame(&_c, width, height, buf)) break; } else { #endif /* read raw frame */ if(raw_read_frame(&_c.running, buf, _c.fd, led_pixel_format_get_buffer_size( led_frame_get_format(frame), led_frame_get_width(frame)*led_frame_get_height(frame))) == 0) continue; #if HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK == 1 } #endif /* set endianess (flag will be changed when conversion occurs) */ led_frame_set_big_endian(frame, _c.is_big_endian); /* print frame for debugging */ //nft_frame_buffer_print(frame); /* fill chain of every hardware from frame */ LedHardware *h; for(h = hw; h; h = led_hardware_list_get_next(h)) { if(!led_chain_fill_from_frame(led_hardware_get_chain(h), frame)) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Error while mapping frame"); break; } } /* send frame to hardware(s) */ NFT_LOG(L_DEBUG, "Sending frame"); led_hardware_list_send(hw); /* delay in respect to fps */ if(!led_fps_delay(_c.fps)) break; /* latch hardware */ NFT_LOG(L_DEBUG, "Showing frame"); led_hardware_list_show(hw); /* save time when frame is displayed */ if(!led_fps_sample()) break; /* clear frame */ //nft_frame_clear_buffer(frame); } #if HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK == 1 if(!_c.raw) im_close_stream(&_c); #else close(_c.fd); #endif /* loop endlessly? */ if((_c.running) && (!_c.files[filecount+1]) && _c.do_loop) { /* start over by resetting the for-loop */ filecount = -1; } } /* all ok */ res = 0; m_deinit: /* free setup */ led_setup_destroy(s); /* free frame */ led_frame_destroy(frame); /* destroy config */ led_prefs_deinit(p); #if HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK == 1 /* deinitialize ImageMagick */ im_deinit(&_c); #endif return res; }
static int _parseline(conffile_t cf, char *linebuf, int linebuflen) { int i, optionlen, rv, numargs = 0; char args[CONFFILE_MAX_ARGS][CONFFILE_MAX_ARGLEN]; struct conffile_option *option = NULL; struct conffile_data data; char *ptr; memset(&data, '\0', sizeof(struct conffile_data)); linebuflen = _remove_trailing_whitespace(cf, linebuf, linebuflen); if (linebuflen == 0) return 0; if ((linebuf = _move_past_whitespace(cf, linebuf)) == NULL) return 0; optionlen = 0; memset(cf->optionname, '\0', CONFFILE_MAX_OPTIONNAMELEN); while (optionlen < (CONFFILE_MAX_OPTIONNAMELEN-1) && !isspace(*linebuf) && *linebuf != '\0') { cf->optionname[optionlen++] = *linebuf; linebuf++; } /* minus one to guarantee null termination */ if (optionlen == (CONFFILE_MAX_OPTIONNAMELEN-1)) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_OVERFLOW_OPTIONLEN; return -1; } for (i = 0; i < cf->options_len; i++) { int rv; if (cf->flags & CONFFILE_FLAG_OPTION_CASESENSITIVE) rv = strcmp(cf->options[i].optionname, cf->optionname); else rv = strcasecmp(cf->options[i].optionname, cf->optionname); if (rv == 0) { option = &(cf->options[i]); break; } } if (option == NULL) { if (cf->flags & CONFFILE_FLAG_OPTION_IGNORE_UNKNOWN) return 0; cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_OPTION_UNKNOWN; return -1; } if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_IGNORE) return 0; (*option->count_ptr)++; if (option->max_count > 0) { if ((*option->count_ptr) > option->max_count) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_OPTION_TOOMANY; return -1; } } if ((linebuf = _move_past_whitespace(cf, linebuf)) != NULL) { if ((numargs = _parse_args(cf, linebuf, args)) < 0) return -1; } /* Argument checks */ if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_FLAG && numargs != 0) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_TOOMANY; return -1; } if (((option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_BOOL || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_INT || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_DOUBLE || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_STRING || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_LIST_INT || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_LIST_DOUBLE || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_LIST_STRING) && numargs == 0)) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_MISSING; return -1; } if (((option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_BOOL || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_INT || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_DOUBLE || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_STRING) && numargs > 1)) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_TOOMANY; return -1; } if ((option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_LIST_INT || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_LIST_DOUBLE || option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_LIST_STRING) && ((int)option->option_type_arg) > 0 && numargs != ((int)option->option_type_arg)) { if (numargs < ((int)option->option_type_arg)) cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_MISSING; else cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_TOOMANY; return -1; } if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_BOOL) { if (strcmp(args[0], "1") != 0 && strcmp(args[0], "0") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "y") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "n") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "yes") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "no") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "on") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "off") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "t") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "f") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "true") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "false") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "enable") != 0 && strcasecmp(args[0], "disable") != 0) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_INVALID; return -1; } } /* Calculate Data */ if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_BOOL) { if (!strcmp(args[0], "1") || !strcasecmp(args[0], "y") || !strcasecmp(args[0], "yes") || !strcasecmp(args[0], "on") || !strcasecmp(args[0], "t") || !strcasecmp(args[0], "true") || !strcasecmp(args[0], "enable")) data.boolval = 1; else data.boolval = 0; } else if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_INT) { errno = 0; data.intval = strtol(args[0], &ptr, 0); if (errno || (args[0] + strlen(args[0])) != ptr) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_INVALID; return -1; } } else if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_DOUBLE) { errno = 0; data.doubleval = strtod(args[0], &ptr); if (errno || (args[0] + strlen(args[0])) != ptr) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_INVALID; return -1; } } else if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_STRING) { strncpy(data.string, args[0], CONFFILE_MAX_ARGLEN); data.string[CONFFILE_MAX_ARGLEN - 1] = '\0'; } else if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_LIST_INT) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numargs; i++) { errno = 0; data.intlist[i] = strtol(args[i], &ptr, 0); if (errno || (args[i] + strlen(args[i])) != ptr) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_INVALID; return -1; } } data.intlist_len = numargs; } else if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_LIST_DOUBLE) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numargs; i++) { errno = 0; data.doublelist[i] = strtod(args[i], &ptr); if (errno || (args[i] + strlen(args[i])) != ptr) { cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_ARG_INVALID; return -1; } } data.doublelist_len = numargs; } else if (option->option_type == CONFFILE_OPTION_LIST_STRING) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numargs; i++) { strncpy(data.stringlist[i], args[i], CONFFILE_MAX_ARGLEN); data.stringlist[i][CONFFILE_MAX_ARGLEN - 1] = '\0'; } data.stringlist_len = numargs; } cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_SUCCESS; if (option->callback_func) { rv = (option->callback_func)(cf, &data, option->optionname, option->option_type, option->option_ptr, option->option_data, cf->app_ptr, cf->app_data); if (rv < 0) { if (cf->errnum == CONFFILE_ERR_SUCCESS) cf->errnum = CONFFILE_ERR_PARSE_CALLBACK; return -1; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /** return value of main() */ int res = 1; /* current configuration */ LedPrefs *prefs = NULL; /* current setup */ LedSetup *setup = NULL; /** framebuffer for captured image */ LedFrame *frame = NULL; /* check binary version compatibility */ NFT_LED_CHECK_VERSION /* set default loglevel to INFO */ nft_log_level_set(L_INFO); /* initialize exit handlers */ int signals[] = { SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGABRT }; unsigned int i; for(i=0; i<sizeof(signals)/sizeof(int); i++) { if(signal(signals[i], _exit_signal_handler) == SIG_ERR) { NFT_LOG_PERROR("signal()"); goto _m_exit; } } /* default fps */ _c.fps = 25; /* default mechanism */ _c.method = METHOD_MIN+1; /* default config-filename */ if(!led_prefs_default_filename(_c.prefsfile, sizeof(_c.prefsfile), ".ledcap.xml")) goto _m_exit; /* parse cmdline-arguments */ if(!_parse_args(argc, argv)) goto _m_exit; /* print welcome msg */ NFT_LOG(L_INFO, "%s %s (c) D.Hiepler 2006-2012", PACKAGE_NAME, ledcap_version_long()); NFT_LOG(L_VERBOSE, "Loglevel: %s", nft_log_level_to_string(nft_log_level_get())); /* initialize preferences context */ if(!(prefs = led_prefs_init())) return -1; /* parse prefs-file */ LedPrefsNode *pnode; if(!(pnode = led_prefs_node_from_file(_c.prefsfile))) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Failed to open configfile \"%s\"", _c.prefsfile); goto _m_exit; } /* create setup from prefs-node */ if(!(setup = led_prefs_setup_from_node(prefs, pnode))) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "No valid setup found in preferences file."); led_prefs_node_free(pnode); goto _m_exit; } /* free preferences node */ led_prefs_node_free(pnode); /* determine width of input-frames */ LedFrameCord width, height; if((width = led_setup_get_width(setup)) > _c.width) { NFT_LOG(L_WARNING, "LED-Setup width (%d) > our width (%d). Using setup-value", width,_c.width); /* use dimensions of mapped chain */ _c.width = width; } /* determine height of input-frames */ if((height = led_setup_get_height(setup)) > _c.height) { NFT_LOG(L_WARNING, "LED-Setup height (%d) > our height (%d). Using setup-value.", height, _c.height); /* use dimensions of mapped chain */ _c.height = height; } if(_c.width < 0) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "width (%d) < 0", _c.width); goto _m_exit; } if(_c.height < 0) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "height (%d) < 0", _c.height); goto _m_exit; } /* sanitize x-offset @todo check for maximum */ if(_c.x < 0) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Invalid x coordinate: %d, using 0", _c.x); _c.x = 0; } /* sanitize y-offset @todo check for maximum */ if(_c.y < 0) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Invalid y coordinate: %d, using 0", _c.y); _c.y = 0; } /* initialize capture mechanism (only imlib for now) */ if(!capture_init(_c.method)) goto _m_exit; /* allocate framebuffer */ NFT_LOG(L_INFO, "Allocating frame: %dx%d (%s)", _c.width, _c.height, capture_format()); if(!(frame = led_frame_new(_c.width, _c.height, led_pixel_format_from_string(capture_format())))) goto _m_exit; /* respect endianess */ led_frame_set_big_endian(frame, capture_is_big_endian()); /* get first hardware */ LedHardware *hw; if(!(hw = led_setup_get_hardware(setup))) goto _m_exit; /* initialize pixel->led mapping */ if(!led_hardware_list_refresh_mapping(hw)) goto _m_exit; /* precalc memory offsets for actual mapping */ if(!led_chain_map_from_frame(led_hardware_get_chain(hw), frame)) goto _m_exit; /* set saved gain to all registered hardware instances */ if(!led_hardware_list_refresh_gain(hw)) goto _m_exit; /* print some debug-info */ led_frame_print(frame, L_VERBOSE); led_hardware_print(hw, L_VERBOSE); /* initially sample time for frametiming */ if(!led_fps_sample()) goto _m_exit; /* output some useful info */ NFT_LOG(L_INFO, "Capturing %dx%d pixels at position x/y: %d/%d", _c.width, _c.height, _c.x, _c.y); /* loop until _c.running is set to FALSE */ _c.running = TRUE; while(_c.running) { /* capture frame */ if(!(capture_frame(frame, _c.x, _c.y))) break; /* print frame for debugging */ //led_frame_buffer_print(frame); /* map from frame */ LedHardware *h; for(h = hw; h; h = led_hardware_list_get_next(h)) { if(!led_chain_fill_from_frame(led_hardware_get_chain(h), frame)) { NFT_LOG(L_ERROR, "Error while mapping frame"); break; } } /* send frame to hardware(s) */ led_hardware_list_send(hw); /* delay in respect to fps */ if(!led_fps_delay(_c.fps)) break; /* show frame */ led_hardware_list_show(hw); /* save time when frame is displayed */ if(!led_fps_sample()) break; } /* mark success */ res = 0; _m_exit: /* deinitialize capture mechanism */ capture_deinit(); /* free frame */ led_frame_destroy(frame); /* destroy config */ led_setup_destroy(setup); /* destroy config */ led_prefs_deinit(prefs); return res; }
PAM_EXTERN int pam_sm_acct_mgmt(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags, int argc, const char **argv) { struct options *opts; FILE *fh; char *username; /* username requesting access */ char *rhost; /* remote host */ char *srv; /* PAM service we're running as */ char buf[LINE_LENGTH]; int retval, action; int is_v6 = 0; struct locations *geo; unsigned char gi_type; GeoIP *gi = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP_010408 GeoIP *gi6 = NULL; int is_city6_db = 0; #endif GeoIPRecord *rec = NULL; opts = malloc(sizeof(struct options)); if (opts == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "malloc error 'opts': %m"); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } opts->charset = GEOIP_CHARSET_UTF8; opts->debug = 0; opts->action = PAM_PERM_DENIED; opts->system_file = NULL; opts->service_file = NULL; opts->by_service = 0; opts->geoip_db = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP_010408 opts->use_v6 = 0; opts->v6_first = 0; opts->geoip6_db = NULL; #endif opts->is_city_db = 0; geo = malloc(sizeof(struct locations)); if (geo == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "malloc error 'geo': %m"); free_opts(opts); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } geo->country = NULL; geo->city = NULL; geo->next = NULL; _parse_args(pamh, argc, argv, opts); if (opts->system_file == NULL) opts->system_file = strdup(SYSTEM_FILE); if (opts->system_file == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "malloc error 'opts->system_file': %m"); free_opts(opts); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } if (opts->geoip_db == NULL) opts->geoip_db = strdup(GEOIPDB_FILE); if (opts->geoip_db == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "malloc error 'opts->geoip_db': %m"); free_opts(opts); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP_010408 if (opts->geoip6_db == NULL) opts->geoip6_db = strdup(GEOIP6DB_FILE); if (opts->geoip6_db == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "malloc error 'opts->geoip6_db': %m"); free_opts(opts); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } #endif retval = pam_get_item(pamh, PAM_USER, (void*) &username); if (username == NULL || retval != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "error recovering username"); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } retval = pam_get_item(pamh, PAM_RHOST, (void*) &rhost); if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "error fetching rhost"); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } if (rhost == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_INFO, "rhost is NULL, allowing"); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SUCCESS; } retval = pam_get_item(pamh, PAM_SERVICE, (void*) &srv); if (srv == NULL || retval != PAM_SUCCESS ) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "error requesting service name"); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } opts->service_file = malloc(PATH_MAX); if (opts->service_file == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "malloc error 'service_file': %m"); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } if (snprintf(opts->service_file, PATH_MAX-1, SERVICE_FILE, srv) < 0) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "snprintf error 'service_file'"); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } gi = GeoIP_open(opts->geoip_db, GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE); if (gi == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "failed to open geoip db (%s): %m", opts->geoip_db); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } gi_type = GeoIP_database_edition(gi); if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP edition: %d", gi_type); switch (gi_type) { case GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION: if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP v4 edition: country"); opts->is_city_db = 0; break; case GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0: if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP v4 edition: city rev0"); opts->is_city_db = 1; break; case GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1: if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP v4 edition: city rev1"); opts->is_city_db = 1; break; default: pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "invalid GeoIP DB type `%d' found", gi_type); GeoIP_delete(gi); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } GeoIP_set_charset(gi, opts->charset); if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP DB is City: %s", opts->is_city_db ? "yes" : "no"); #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP_010408 if (opts->use_v6 != 0) { gi6 = GeoIP_open(opts->geoip6_db, GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE); if (gi6 == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "failed to open geoip6 db (%s): %m", opts->geoip6_db); GeoIP_delete(gi); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } gi_type = GeoIP_database_edition(gi6); switch (gi_type) { case GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION_V6: if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP v6 edition: country"); is_city6_db = 0; break; case GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0_V6: if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP v6 edition: city rev0"); is_city6_db = 1; break; case GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1_V6: if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP v6 edition: city rev1"); is_city6_db = 1; break; default: pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "invalid GeoIP DB type `%d' found", gi_type); GeoIP_delete(gi); GeoIP_delete(gi6); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP DB is City v6: %s", is_city6_db ? "yes" : "no"); GeoIP_set_charset(gi6, opts->charset); if (opts->is_city_db != is_city6_db) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "IPv4 DB type is not the same as IPv6 (not both Country edition or both City edition)"); GeoIP_delete(gi); GeoIP_delete(gi6); free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } if (opts->v6_first != 0) { rec = GeoIP_record_by_name_v6(gi6, rhost); if (rec == NULL) { if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "no IPv6 record for %s, trying IPv4", rhost); rec = GeoIP_record_by_name(gi, rhost); } else is_v6 = 1; } else { rec = GeoIP_record_by_name(gi, rhost); if (rec == NULL) { if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "no IPv4 record for %s, trying IPv6", rhost); rec = GeoIP_record_by_name_v6(gi6, rhost); if (rec != NULL) is_v6 = 1; } } } else #endif /* HAVE_GEOIP_010408 */ rec = GeoIP_record_by_name(gi, rhost); if (rec == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_INFO, "no record for %s, setting GeoIP to 'UNKNOWN,*'", rhost); geo->city = strdup("*"); geo->country = strdup("UNKNOWN"); if (geo->city == NULL || geo->country == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "malloc error 'geo->{city,country}': %m"); GeoIP_delete(gi); #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP_010408 GeoIP_delete(gi6); #endif free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } } else { if (rec->city == NULL || opts->is_city_db == 0) geo->city = strdup("*"); else geo->city = strdup(rec->city); if (rec->country_code == NULL) geo->country = strdup("UNKNOWN"); else geo->country = strdup(rec->country_code); if (geo->city == NULL || geo->country == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "malloc error 'geo->{city,country}': %m"); GeoIP_delete(gi); #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP_010408 GeoIP_delete(gi6); #endif free_opts(opts); free_locations(geo); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } if (opts->is_city_db) { geo->latitude = rec->latitude; geo->longitude = rec->longitude; } } if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP record for %s: %s,%s", rhost, geo->country, geo->city); if (opts->debug && strcmp(geo->country, "UNKNOWN") != 0 && opts->is_city_db) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "GeoIP coordinates for %s: %f,%f", rhost, geo->latitude, geo->longitude); if ((fh = fopen(opts->service_file, "r")) != NULL) { opts->by_service = 1; if (opts->debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "using services file %s", opts->service_file); } else { if ((fh = fopen(opts->system_file, "r")) == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "error opening %s: %m", opts->system_file); #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP_010408 if (gi6) GeoIP_delete(gi6); #endif if (gi) GeoIP_delete(gi); if (rec) GeoIPRecord_delete(rec); free_opts(opts); return PAM_SERVICE_ERR; } } action = opts->action; char location[LINE_LENGTH]; while (fgets(buf, LINE_LENGTH, fh) != NULL) { char *line, *ptr; char domain[LINE_LENGTH], service[LINE_LENGTH]; action = opts->action; line = buf; /* skip the leading white space */ while (*line && isspace(*line)) line++; /* Rip off the comments */ ptr = strchr(line,'#'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; /* Rip off the newline char */ ptr = strchr(line,'\n'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; /* Anything left ? */ if (!strlen(line)) continue; if (opts->by_service) action = parse_line_srv(pamh, line, domain, location); else action = parse_line_sys(pamh, line, domain, service, location); if (action < 0) { /* parsing failed */ action = opts->action; continue; } if (!opts->by_service) { if (!check_service(pamh, service, srv)) continue; } if ((strcmp(domain, "*") == 0) || (strcmp(username, domain) == 0)) { if (check_location(pamh, opts, location, geo)) break; } else if (domain[0] == '@') { if (pam_modutil_user_in_group_nam_nam(pamh, username, domain+1)) { if (check_location(pamh, opts, location, geo)) break; } } } fclose(fh); if (gi) GeoIP_delete(gi); #ifdef HAVE_GEOIP_010408 if (gi6) GeoIP_delete(gi6); #endif if (rec) GeoIPRecord_delete(rec); free_locations(geo); switch (action) { case PAM_SUCCESS: pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "location %s allowed for user %s from %s (IPv%d)", location, username, rhost, is_v6 ? 6 : 4); break; case PAM_PERM_DENIED: pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "location %s denied for user %s from %s (IPv%d)", location, username, rhost, is_v6 ? 6 : 4); break; case PAM_IGNORE: pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "location %s ignored for user %s from %s (IPv%d)", location, username, rhost, is_v6 ? 6 : 4); break; default: /* should not happen */ pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "location status: %d, IPv%d", action, is_v6 ? 6 : 4); break; }; free_opts(opts); return action; }