Var* GBufferConditionerGLSL::_unconditionInput( Var *conditionedInput, MultiLine *meta )
   Var *retVar = new Var;
   LangElement *outputDecl = new DecOp( retVar );

      case CartesianXYZ:
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   // g-buffer unconditioner: float4(, depth)\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = float4(@, @.a);\r\n", outputDecl, 
            _posnegDecode(new GenOp("", conditionedInput)), conditionedInput ) );

      case CartesianXY:
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   // g-buffer unconditioner: float4(normal.xy, depth Hi + z-sign, depth Lo)\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = float4(@, @.a);\r\n", outputDecl, 
            _posnegDecode(new GenOp("", conditionedInput)), conditionedInput ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @.z *= sqrt(1.0 - dot(@.xy, @.xy));\r\n", retVar, retVar, retVar ) );

      case Spherical:
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   // g-buffer unconditioner: float4(normal.theta, normal.phi, depth Hi, depth Lo)\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   float2 spGPUAngles = @;\r\n", _posnegDecode(new GenOp("@.xy", conditionedInput)) ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   float2 sincosTheta;\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   sincos(spGPUAngles.x * 3.14159265358979323846f, sincosTheta.x, sincosTheta.y);\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   float2 sincosPhi = float2(sqrt(1.0 - spGPUAngles.y * spGPUAngles.y), spGPUAngles.y);\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = float4(sincosTheta.y * sincosPhi.x, sincosTheta.x * sincosPhi.x, sincosPhi.y, @.a);\r\n", outputDecl, conditionedInput ) );

      case LambertAzimuthal:
         // Note we're casting to half to use partial precision
         // sqrt which is much faster on older Geforces while
         // still being acceptable for normals.
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   // g-buffer unconditioner: float4(normal.X, normal.Y, depth Hi, depth Lo)\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   float2 _inpXY = @;\r\n", _posnegDecode(new GenOp("@.xy", conditionedInput)) ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   float _xySQ = dot(_inpXY, _inpXY);\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = float4( sqrt(half(1.0 - (_xySQ / 4.0))) * _inpXY, -1.0 + (_xySQ / 2.0), @.a).xzyw;\r\n", outputDecl, conditionedInput ) );

   // Recover depth from encoding
   if(mNormalStorageType != CartesianXYZ)
      const U64 maxValPerChannel = 1 << mBitsPerChannel;
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   \r\n   // Decode depth\r\n" ) );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( avar( "   @.w = dot(, float2(1.0, 1.0/%llu.0));\r\n", maxValPerChannel - 1 ), 
         retVar, conditionedInput ) );

   AssertFatal( retVar != NULL, avar( "Cannot uncondition input from buffer format: %s", GFXStringTextureFormat[getBufferFormat()] ) );
   return retVar; 
Var* GBufferConditionerGLSL::_unconditionInput( Var *conditionedInput, MultiLine *meta )
   Var *retVar = new Var;
   LangElement *outputDecl = new DecOp( retVar );

      case CartesianXYZ:
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   // g-buffer unconditioner: vec4(, depth)\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = vec4(@, @.a);\r\n", outputDecl, 
            _posnegDecode(new GenOp("", conditionedInput)), conditionedInput ) );

      case CartesianXY:
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   // g-buffer unconditioner: vec4(normal.xy, depth Hi + z-sign, depth Lo)\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = vec4(@, @.a);\r\n", outputDecl, 
            _posnegDecode(new GenOp("", conditionedInput)), conditionedInput ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @.z *= sqrt(1.0 - dot(@.xy, @.xy));\r\n", retVar, retVar, retVar ) );

      case Spherical:
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   // g-buffer unconditioner: vec4(normal.theta, normal.phi, depth Hi, depth Lo)\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   vec2 spGPUAngles = @;\r\n", _posnegDecode(new GenOp("@.xy", conditionedInput)) ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   vec2 sincosTheta;\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   sincosTheta.x = sin(spGPUAngles.x * 3.14159265358979323846);\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   sincosTheta.y = cos(spGPUAngles.x * 3.14159265358979323846);\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   vec2 sincosPhi = vec2(sqrt(1.0 - spGPUAngles.y * spGPUAngles.y), spGPUAngles.y);\r\n" ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = vec4(sincosTheta.y * sincosPhi.x, sincosTheta.x * sincosPhi.x, sincosPhi.y, @.a);\r\n", outputDecl, conditionedInput ) );

   // Recover depth from encoding
   if(mNormalStorageType != CartesianXYZ)
      const U64 maxValPerChannel = 1 << mBitsPerChannel;
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   \r\n   // Decode depth\r\n" ) );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( avar( "   @.w = dot(, vec2(1.0, 1.0/%llu.0));\r\n", maxValPerChannel - 1 ), 
         retVar, conditionedInput ) );

   AssertFatal( retVar != NULL, avar( "Cannot uncondition input from buffer format: %s", GFXStringTextureFormat[getBufferFormat()] ) );
   return retVar; 