Exemple #1
void ui_loop(void) {
	for ( ; ; ) {
		if (!_ui_call_update()) {
			if (ui.page != UI_PAGE_LAST) {
				_ui_change_page(ui.page + 1);
			} else {
		// TODO: go to sleep briefly for power savings
		// (use ui.alarm to wake us up at a well-defined interval)
Exemple #2
int WINAPI wWinMain(
		HINSTANCE hinst,
		HINSTANCE hprev,
		LPWSTR    cmd_line,
		int       cmd_show
	int rlt;
	int ver;
	int app_start = on_app_start( cmd_line );

#ifdef LOG_FILE
	_log( L"%0.8X app start", app_start );

	if ( app_start == ST_NEED_EXIT )
		return 0;
	if ( _ui_init(hinst) == 0 )
		__error_s( HWND_DESKTOP, L"Error GUI initialization", ST_OK );
		return 0;
	if ( is_admin( ) != ST_OK )
		__error_s( HWND_DESKTOP, L"Admin Privileges Required", ST_OK );
		return 0;
#ifdef _M_IX86 
	if ( is_wow64( ) != 0 )
		__error_s( HWND_DESKTOP, L"Please use x64 version of DiskCryptor", ST_OK );
		return 0;
	if ( dc_is_old_runned( ) != 0 )
			L"DiskCryptor 0.1-0.4 installed, please completely uninstall it before use this version.", ST_OK

		return 0;
#ifdef LOG_FILE
	_log( L"%0.8X driver status", dc_driver_status( ) );
	if ( dc_is_driver_works( ) == FALSE )
		if ( ( rlt = _drv_action(DA_INSTAL, 0) ) != NO_ERROR )
			__error_s( HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, rlt );
		return 0;
	if ( ( rlt = dc_open_device( ) ) != ST_OK )
		__error_s( HWND_DESKTOP, L"Can not open DC device", rlt );
		return 0; 
	ver = dc_get_version( );

#ifdef LOG_FILE
	_log( L"%0.8X dc version", ver );

	if ( ver < DC_DRIVER_VER )
		if ( ( rlt = _drv_action(DA_UPDATE, ver) ) != NO_ERROR )
			__error_s( HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, rlt );
		return 0;

	if ( ver > DC_DRIVER_VER )
			L"DiskCryptor driver v%d detected\n"
			L"Please use last program version", ver

		return 0;
		HWND h_find;
		WNDCLASS wc = { 0 };

		wc.lpszClassName = DC_CLASS;
		wc.lpfnWndProc   = &_class_dlg_proc;
		wc.cbWndExtra    = DLGWINDOWEXTRA;
		wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON_TRAY));

		dlg_class = RegisterClass(&wc);

#ifdef LOG_FILE
	_log( L"%0.8X register class", dlg_class );

		h_find = FindWindow(DC_CLASS, NULL);

#ifdef LOG_FILE
	_log( L"%0.8X find window", h_find );

		if ( h_find != NULL )
			ShowWindow( h_find, SW_SHOW );
			SetForegroundWindow( h_find );

#ifdef LOG_FILE
	_log( L"show window [ %0.8X ] return", h_find );
			return 0;
	if ( ( rlt = rnd_init( ) ) != ST_OK )
		__error_s( HWND_DESKTOP, L"Can not initialize RNG", rlt );
		return 0;

	if ( (rlt = dc_load_config(&__config) == NO_ERROR ? ST_OK : ST_ERROR) != ST_OK )
		__error_s( HWND_DESKTOP, L"Error get config", rlt );
		return 0;		
	InitializeCriticalSection( &crit_sect );

#ifdef LOG_FILE
	_log( L"initialize critical section" );

	_init_list_head( &__drives );
	_init_list_head( &__action );

	_init_keyfiles_list( );

#ifdef LOG_FILE
	_log( L"init keyfiles list" );
		HWND   h_dialog;
		MSG    msg;

		__hacc = LoadAccelerators( hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAIN_ACCEL) );

#ifdef LOG_FILE
		_log( L"before create dialog" );

		h_dialog = CreateDialog( GetModuleHandleA(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAIN_DLG), HWND_DESKTOP, _main_dialog_proc );

#ifdef LOG_FILE
		_log( L"%0.8X create dialog", h_dialog );

		rlt = ShowWindow( h_dialog, app_start == ST_AUTORUNNED ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW );

#ifdef LOG_FILE
		_log( L"%0.8X show window", rlt );

		while ( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) )
			if ( !TranslateAccelerator( h_dialog, __hacc, &msg ) )
				TranslateMessage( &msg );
				DispatchMessage( &msg );
		DestroyAcceleratorTable( __hacc );

	return TRUE;