Exemple #1
// qgetenv doesn't handle environment variables containing Unicode
// characters very well.  Breakpad-for-Windows works exclusively with
// Unicode paths anyway, so we use the native API to retrieve %TEMP%
// as Unicode.  This code based upon qglobal.cpp::qgetenv.
static QString
q_wgetenv(const wchar_t *varName)
    size_t requiredSize;
    _wgetenv_s(&requiredSize, 0, 0, varName);
    if (requiredSize == 0 || requiredSize > size_t(INT_MAX / sizeof(wchar_t)))
        return QString();

    // Unfortunately it does not appear to be safe to pass QString::data()
    // to a Windows API that expects wchar_t*.  QChar is too different.
    // We have to employ a scratch buffer.  Limiting the length to
    // INT_MAX / sizeof(wchar_t), above, ensures that the multiplication
    // here cannot overflow.
    wchar_t *buffer = (wchar_t *)malloc(requiredSize * sizeof(wchar_t));
    if (!buffer)
        return QString();

    // requiredSize includes the terminating null, which we don't want.
    // The range-check above also ensures that the conversion to int here
    // does not overflow.
    _wgetenv_s(&requiredSize, buffer, requiredSize, varName);
    Q_ASSERT(buffer[requiredSize-1] == L'\0');
    QString ret = QString::fromWCharArray(buffer, int(requiredSize - 1));

    return ret;
Exemple #2
void os_init() {
	__pfnDliNotifyHook2 = delayHook;
	__cpuid(cpuinfo, 1);

#define MMXSSE 0x02800000
	if ((cpuinfo[3] & MMXSSE) != MMXSSE) {
		::MessageBoxA(NULL, "Mumble requires a SSE capable processor (Pentium 3 / Ahtlon-XP)", "Mumble", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);

	unsigned int currentControl = 0;
	_controlfp_s(&currentControl, _DN_FLUSH, _MCW_DN);


#ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG
	errno_t res = 0;
	size_t reqSize, bSize;
	_wgetenv_s(&reqSize, NULL, 0, L"APPDATA");
	if (reqSize > 0) {
		reqSize += strlen("/Mumble/Console11x.txt");
		bSize = reqSize;

		STACKVAR(wchar_t, buff, reqSize+1);

		_wgetenv_s(&reqSize, buff, bSize, L"APPDATA");
		wcscat_s(buff, bSize, L"/Mumble/Console11x.txt");
		res = _wfopen_s(&fConsole, buff, L"a+");
Exemple #3
Utils::GetEnvironmentString (/*[in]*/ const char *	lpszName,
			     /*[out]*/ char *		lpszOut,
			     /*[in]*/ size_t		sizeOut)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
  size_t bufSize;
  if (_wgetenv_s(&bufSize, 0, 0, UW_(lpszName)) != 0)
    return (false);
  if (bufSize == 0)
    return (false);
  CharBuffer<wchar_t> buf (bufSize);
  if (_wgetenv_s(&bufSize, buf.GetBuffer(), bufSize, UW_(lpszName)) != 0)
    FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("_wgetenv_s", lpszName);
  Utils::CopyString (lpszOut, sizeOut, buf.Get());
  return (true);
  const char * lpsz = getenv(lpszName);
  if (lpsz == 0)
      return (false);
  Utils::CopyString (lpszOut, sizeOut, lpsz);
  return (true);
tstring GetAppDataDirectory(const tstring& sDirectory, const tstring& sFile)
	size_t iSize;
	_wgetenv_s(&iSize, NULL, 0, L"APPDATA");

	tstring sSuffix;

	if (!iSize)
		return sSuffix;

	wchar_t* pszVar = (wchar_t*)malloc(iSize * sizeof(wchar_t));
	if (!pszVar)
		return sSuffix;

	_wgetenv_s(&iSize, pszVar, iSize, L"APPDATA");

	tstring sReturn = convert_from_wstring(pszVar);


	CreateDirectory(convert_to_wstring(tstring(sReturn).append("\\").append(sDirectory)).c_str(), NULL);

	return sReturn;
Exemple #5
    std::string getenv(const char *var) {
      size_t       bufSize;
      std::wstring wvar = boost::filesystem::path(var, qi::unicodeFacet()).wstring(qi::unicodeFacet());

     #ifdef _MSC_VER
      wchar_t     *envDir = NULL;
      _wdupenv_s(&envDir, &bufSize, wvar.c_str());
      if (envDir == NULL)
        return "";

      boost::filesystem::path dest(envDir, qi::unicodeFacet());
      std::string ret(dest.string(qi::unicodeFacet()).c_str());
      return ret;
      _wgetenv_s(&bufSize, NULL, 0,  wvar.c_str());

      wchar_t *envDir = (wchar_t *) malloc(bufSize * sizeof(wchar_t));
      _wgetenv_s(&bufSize, envDir, bufSize, wvar.c_str());

      if (envDir == NULL)
        return "";

      boost::filesystem::path dest(envDir, qi::unicodeFacet());
      std::string ret(dest.string(qi::unicodeFacet()).c_str());
      return ret;
static wstring getenv(const std::wstring& variableName) {
	wstring value;
	size_t ret = 0;
	wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
	_wgetenv_s(&ret, buf, variableName.c_str());
	return buf;
Exemple #7
    HostEnvironment(Logger *logger) 
        : m_log(logger), m_CLRRuntimeHost(nullptr) {

            // Discover the path to this exe's module. All other files are expected to be in the same directory.
            DWORD thisModuleLength = ::GetModuleFileNameW(::GetModuleHandleW(nullptr), m_hostPath, MAX_PATH);

            // Search for the last backslash in the host path.
            int lastBackslashIndex;
            for (lastBackslashIndex = thisModuleLength-1; lastBackslashIndex >= 0; lastBackslashIndex--) {
                if (m_hostPath[lastBackslashIndex] == W('\\')) {

            // Copy the directory path
            ::wcsncpy_s(m_hostDirectoryPath, m_hostPath, lastBackslashIndex + 1);

            // Save the exe name
            m_hostExeName = m_hostPath + lastBackslashIndex + 1;

            *m_log << W("Host directory: ")  << m_hostDirectoryPath << Logger::endl;

            // Check for %CORE_ROOT% and try to load CoreCLR.dll from it if it is set
            wchar_t coreRoot[MAX_PATH];
            size_t outSize;
			m_coreCLRModule = NULL; // Initialize this here since we don't call TryLoadCoreCLR if CORE_ROOT is unset.
            if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreRoot, MAX_PATH, W("CORE_ROOT")) == 0 && outSize > 0)
                wcscat_s(coreRoot, MAX_PATH, W("\\"));
                m_coreCLRModule = TryLoadCoreCLR(coreRoot);
                *m_log << W("CORE_ROOT not set; skipping") << Logger::endl;
                *m_log << W("You can set the environment variable CORE_ROOT to point to the path") << Logger::endl;
                *m_log << W("where CoreCLR.dll lives to help this executable find it.") << Logger::endl;

            // Try to load CoreCLR from the directory that this exexutable is in
            if (!m_coreCLRModule) {
                m_coreCLRModule = TryLoadCoreCLR(m_hostDirectoryPath);

            if (m_coreCLRModule) {

                // Save the directory that CoreCLR was found in
                DWORD modulePathLength = ::GetModuleFileNameW(m_coreCLRModule, m_coreCLRDirectoryPath, MAX_PATH);

                // Search for the last backslash and terminate it there to keep just the directory path with trailing slash
                for (lastBackslashIndex = modulePathLength-1; lastBackslashIndex >= 0; lastBackslashIndex--) {
                    if (m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[lastBackslashIndex] == W('\\')) {
                        m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[lastBackslashIndex + 1] = W('\0');

            } else {
                *m_log << W("Unable to load ") << coreCLRDll << Logger::endl;
Exemple #8
    // Returns the semicolon-separated list of paths to runtime dlls that are considered trusted.
    // On first call, scans the coreclr directory for dlls and adds them all to the list.
    const wchar_t * GetTpaList() {
        if (!m_tpaList.CStr()) {
            wchar_t *rgTPAExtensions[] = {
                        W("*.ni.dll"),		// Probe for .ni.dll first so that it's preferred if ni and il coexist in the same dir

            // Add files from %CORE_LIBRARIES% if specified
            wchar_t coreLibraries[MAX_PATH];
            size_t outSize;
            if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreLibraries, MAX_PATH, W("CORE_LIBRARIES")) == 0 && outSize > 0)
                wcscat_s(coreLibraries, MAX_PATH, W("\\"));
                AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(coreLibraries, rgTPAExtensions, _countof(rgTPAExtensions));
                *m_log << W("CORE_LIBRARIES not set; skipping") << Logger::endl;
                *m_log << W("You can set the environment variable CORE_LIBRARIES to point to a") << Logger::endl;
                *m_log << W("path containing additional platform assemblies,") << Logger::endl;

            AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(m_coreCLRDirectoryPath, rgTPAExtensions, _countof(rgTPAExtensions));

        return m_tpaList.CStr();
Exemple #9
void MetaParams::read(QString fname) {
	if (fname.isEmpty()) {
		QStringList datapaths;

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
		datapaths << QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation);

		size_t reqSize;
		_wgetenv_s(&reqSize, NULL, 0, L"APPDATA");
		if (reqSize > 0) {
			STACKVAR(wchar_t, buff, reqSize+1);
			_wgetenv_s(&reqSize, buff, reqSize, L"APPDATA");

			QDir appdir = QDir(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(QString::fromWCharArray(buff)));

			datapaths << appdir.absolutePath() + QLatin1String("/Mumble");
Exemple #10
std::wstring GetEnvironmentVariableString(_In_z_ PCWSTR const variable)
	std::vector<wchar_t> buffer(500);
	rsize_t sizeRequired = 0;
	// The _wgetenv_s are supposed to be more secure than the regular versions,
	// although I really don't see the advantage. They are certainly less convenient
	// than they could be, which certainly helps to discourage their use. They should
	// return a std::wstring.
	errno_t result = _wgetenv_s(&sizeRequired, &buffer[0], buffer.size(), variable);
	if (result == ERANGE)
		result = _wgetenv_s(&sizeRequired, &buffer[0], buffer.size(), variable);
	if (result == 0)
		return &buffer[0];
	return L"";
Exemple #11
this function MUST be called before calling
readline() for the first time
returns 0 if successful, -1 if not
int using_history()
  wchar_t *string_size;
  int temp_size;
  size_t n;
  try to load .editrc; if it does not exist
  or is malformed, use the default history size
  _wgetenv_s(&n, NULL, 0, _T("MINGWEDITLINE_HISTORY_SIZE"));
  if (n) {
    if ((string_size = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)))) {
      _wgetenv_s(&n, string_size, n, _T("MINGWEDITLINE_HISTORY_SIZE"));
    else {
      n = 0;
  if (n) {
    swscanf_s(string_size, _T("%d"), &temp_size);
    if (temp_size >= _EL_MIN_HIST_SIZE) {
      size = temp_size;
  initialize history
  memset(&_el_hs, 0, sizeof(HISTORY_STATE));
  _el_hs.entries = (HIST_ENTRY **)_el_alloc_array
    (size + 1, sizeof(HIST_ENTRY));
  if (!(_el_hs.entries)) {
    return -1;
  _el_hs.length = 1;
  _el_hs.size = size;
  return 0;
Exemple #12
int setenv(const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite) {
	int errcode = 0;

	std::wstring wname = cstring_to_wstring(name);
	std::wstring wvalue = cstring_to_wstring(value);

	if (!overwrite) {
		size_t envsize = 0;
		errcode = _wgetenv_s(&envsize, nullptr, 0, wname.c_str());
		if (errcode || envsize) return errcode;
	return _wputenv_s(wname.c_str(), wvalue.c_str());
Exemple #13
this function copies the "filename" string to "name"
if filename is a NULL pointer, %APPDATA%\.history
is copied to "name"
int _el_find_history_file(const char *filename, wchar_t **name)
  wchar_t *appdata = NULL;
  size_t n;
  if (!filename) {
    _wgetenv_s(&n, NULL, 0, _T("APPDATA"));
    if (n) {
      if ((appdata = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)))) {
        _wgetenv_s(&n, appdata, n, _T("APPDATA"));
      else {
        n = 0;
    if (n) {
      n = (wcslen(appdata) + _EL_ENV_BUF_LEN);
      if (!(*name = malloc(n * sizeof(wchar_t)))) {
        return -1;
      swprintf_s(*name, n, _T("%s\\"), appdata);
    wcscat_s(*name, n, _T(".history"));
  else {
    if (!_el_mb2w((char *)filename, name)) {
      return -1;
  if (appdata) {
  return 0;
Exemple #14
error_t TP_getenv_s(size_t* pReturnValue, LPWSTR buffer, size_t sizeInWords, LPCWSTR varname)
    if (NULL == pReturnValue || NULL == varname) return 1;

#ifdef WINDOWS
     size_t  returnValue;
     WCHAR   buf[100];
     if( 0 != _wgetenv_s(&returnValue, buf, 100, varname) || returnValue<=0 )
        return 2;
    TP_scpy_s(buffer, sizeInWords, (LPWSTR)buf);
    LPSTR pRet;
    pRet = getenv( HackyConvertToSTR((LPWSTR)varname) );
    if (NULL == pRet) return 2;
    TP_scpy_s(buffer, sizeInWords, HackyConvertToWSTR(pRet));
    return 0;
Exemple #15
STRING Port::GetEnv(const char * var)
	STRING env;
#ifdef WIN32
	size_t tLen = 0;
#ifdef UNICODE
	wchar_t path[80];
	wchar_t var2[256] = {0};
	int size = strlen(var)+1;
	mbstowcs_s(&tLen, var2, size, var, size);
	_wgetenv_s(&tLen, path, 80, var2);
	char path[80];
	getenv_s(&tLen, path, 80, var);
	env = path;
#elif defined(UNIX)
	char * temp = getenv(var);
	env.assign(temp, temp+strlen(temp));
	return env;
Exemple #16
// One large main method to keep this sample streamlined.
// This function demonstrates how to start the .NET Core runtime,
// create an AppDomain, and execute managed code.
// It is meant as an educational sample, so not all error paths are checked,
// cross-platform functionality is not yet implemented, and some design
// decisions have been made to emphasize readability over efficiency.
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
	printf("Sample CoreCLR Host\n\n");

	// STEP 1: Get the app to be run from the command line
	if (argc < 2)
		printf("ERROR - Specify exe to run as the app's first parameter");
		return -1;

	// <Snippet1>
	// The managed application to run should be the first command-line parameter.
	// Subsequent command line parameters will be passed to the managed app later in this host.
	wchar_t targetApp[MAX_PATH];
	GetFullPathNameW(argv[1], MAX_PATH, targetApp, NULL);
	// </Snippet1>

	// Also note the directory the target app is in, as it will be referenced later.
	// The directory is determined by simply truncating the target app's full path
	// at the last path delimiter (\)
	wchar_t targetAppPath[MAX_PATH];
	wcscpy_s(targetAppPath, targetApp);
	size_t i = wcslen(targetAppPath - 1);
	while (i >= 0 && targetAppPath[i] != L'\\') i--;
	targetAppPath[i] = L'\0';

	// STEP 2: Find and load CoreCLR.dll
	HMODULE coreCLRModule;

	// Look in %CORE_ROOT%
	wchar_t coreRoot[MAX_PATH];
	size_t outSize;
	_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreRoot, MAX_PATH, L"CORE_ROOT");
	coreCLRModule = LoadCoreCLR(coreRoot);

	// If CoreCLR.dll wasn't in %CORE_ROOT%, look next to the target app
	if (!coreCLRModule)
		wcscpy_s(coreRoot, MAX_PATH, targetAppPath);
		coreCLRModule = LoadCoreCLR(coreRoot);

	// If CoreCLR.dll wasn't in %CORE_ROOT% or next to the app, 
	// look in the common 1.1.0 install directory
	if (!coreCLRModule)
		::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(coreCLRInstallDirectory, coreRoot, MAX_PATH);
		coreCLRModule = LoadCoreCLR(coreRoot);
	if (!coreCLRModule)
		printf("ERROR - CoreCLR.dll could not be found");
		return -1;
		wprintf(L"CoreCLR loaded from %s\n", coreRoot);

	// STEP 3: Get ICLRRuntimeHost2 instance

	// <Snippet3>
	ICLRRuntimeHost2* runtimeHost;

	FnGetCLRRuntimeHost pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost =
		(FnGetCLRRuntimeHost)::GetProcAddress(coreCLRModule, "GetCLRRuntimeHost");

	if (!pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost)
		printf("ERROR - GetCLRRuntimeHost not found");
		return -1;

	// Get the hosting interface
	HRESULT hr = pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost(IID_ICLRRuntimeHost2, (IUnknown**)&runtimeHost);
	// </Snippet3>

	if (FAILED(hr))
		printf("ERROR - Failed to get ICLRRuntimeHost2 instance.\nError code:%x\n", hr);
		return -1;

	// STEP 4: Set desired startup flags and start the CLR

	// <Snippet4>
	hr = runtimeHost->SetStartupFlags(
		// These startup flags control runtime-wide behaviors.
		// A complete list of STARTUP_FLAGS can be found in mscoree.h,
		// but some of the more common ones are listed below.
			// STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_SERVER_GC |								// Use server GC
			// STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION_MULTI_DOMAIN |		// Maximize domain-neutral loading
			// STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION_MULTI_DOMAIN_HOST |	// Domain-neutral loading for strongly-named assemblies
			STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_SINGLE_APPDOMAIN |					// All code executes in the default AppDomain 
																		// (required to use the runtimeHost->ExecuteAssembly helper function)
	// </Snippet4>

	if (FAILED(hr))
		printf("ERROR - Failed to set startup flags.\nError code:%x\n", hr);
		return -1;

	// Starting the runtime will initialize the JIT, GC, loader, etc.
	hr = runtimeHost->Start();
	if (FAILED(hr))
		printf("ERROR - Failed to start the runtime.\nError code:%x\n", hr);
		return -1;
		printf("Runtime started\n");

	// STEP 5: Prepare properties for the AppDomain we will create

	// Flags
	// <Snippet5>
	int appDomainFlags =
		// APPDOMAIN_FORCE_TRIVIAL_WAIT_OPERATIONS |		// Do not pump messages during wait
		// APPDOMAIN_SECURITY_SANDBOXED |					// Causes assemblies not from the TPA list to be loaded as partially trusted
		APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_APPS |			// Enable platform-specific assemblies to run
		APPDOMAIN_DISABLE_TRANSPARENCY_ENFORCEMENT;			// Entirely disables transparency checks 
	// </Snippet5>

	// <Snippet6>
	// "Trusted Platform Assemblies" are prioritized by the loader and always loaded with full trust.
	// A common pattern is to include any assemblies next to CoreCLR.dll as platform assemblies.
	// More sophisticated hosts may also include their own Framework extensions (such as AppDomain managers)
	// in this list.
	int tpaSize = 100 * MAX_PATH; // Starting size for our TPA (Trusted Platform Assemblies) list
	wchar_t* trustedPlatformAssemblies = new wchar_t[tpaSize];
	trustedPlatformAssemblies[0] = L'\0';

	// Extensions to probe for when finding TPA list files
	wchar_t *tpaExtensions[] = {

	// Probe next to CoreCLR.dll for any files matching the extensions from tpaExtensions and
	// add them to the TPA list. In a real host, this would likely be extracted into a separate function
	// and perhaps also run on other directories of interest.
	for (int i = 0; i < _countof(tpaExtensions); i++)
		// Construct the file name search pattern
		wchar_t searchPath[MAX_PATH];
		wcscpy_s(searchPath, MAX_PATH, coreRoot);
		wcscat_s(searchPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\");
		wcscat_s(searchPath, MAX_PATH, tpaExtensions[i]);

		// Find files matching the search pattern
		WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
		HANDLE fileHandle = FindFirstFileW(searchPath, &findData);

		if (fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
				// Construct the full path of the trusted assembly
				wchar_t pathToAdd[MAX_PATH];
				wcscpy_s(pathToAdd, MAX_PATH, coreRoot);
				wcscat_s(pathToAdd, MAX_PATH, L"\\");
				wcscat_s(pathToAdd, MAX_PATH, findData.cFileName);

				// Check to see if TPA list needs expanded
				if (wcslen(pathToAdd) + (3) + wcslen(trustedPlatformAssemblies) >= tpaSize)
					// Expand, if needed
					tpaSize *= 2;
					wchar_t* newTPAList = new wchar_t[tpaSize];
					wcscpy_s(newTPAList, tpaSize, trustedPlatformAssemblies);
					trustedPlatformAssemblies = newTPAList;

				// Add the assembly to the list and delimited with a semi-colon
				wcscat_s(trustedPlatformAssemblies, tpaSize, pathToAdd);
				wcscat_s(trustedPlatformAssemblies, tpaSize, L";");

				// Note that the CLR does not guarantee which assembly will be loaded if an assembly
				// is in the TPA list multiple times (perhaps from different paths or perhaps with different NI/NI.dll
				// extensions. Therefore, a real host should probably add items to the list in priority order and only
				// add a file if it's not already present on the list.
				// For this simple sample, though, and because we're only loading TPA assemblies from a single path,
				// we can ignore that complication.
			while (FindNextFileW(fileHandle, &findData));

	// App paths are directories to probe in for assemblies which are not one of the well-known Framework assemblies
	// included in the TPA list.
	// For this simple sample, we just include the directory the target application is in.
	// More complex hosts may want to also check the current working directory or other
	// locations known to contain application assets.
	wchar_t appPaths[MAX_PATH * 50];

	// Just use the targetApp provided by the user and remove the file name
	wcscpy_s(appPaths, targetAppPath);

	// App (NI) paths are the paths that will be probed for native images not found on the TPA list. 
	// It will typically be similar to the app paths.
	// For this sample, we probe next to the app and in a hypothetical directory of the same name with 'NI' suffixed to the end.
	wchar_t appNiPaths[MAX_PATH * 50];
	wcscpy_s(appNiPaths, targetAppPath);
	wcscat_s(appNiPaths, MAX_PATH * 50, L";");
	wcscat_s(appNiPaths, MAX_PATH * 50, targetAppPath);
	wcscat_s(appNiPaths, MAX_PATH * 50, L"NI");

	// Native dll search directories are paths that the runtime will probe for native DLLs called via PInvoke
	wchar_t nativeDllSearchDirectories[MAX_PATH * 50];
	wcscpy_s(nativeDllSearchDirectories, appPaths);
	wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirectories, MAX_PATH * 50, L";");
	wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirectories, MAX_PATH * 50, coreRoot);

	// Platform resource roots are paths to probe in for resource assemblies (in culture-specific sub-directories)
	wchar_t platformResourceRoots[MAX_PATH * 50];
	wcscpy_s(platformResourceRoots, appPaths);

	// AppDomainCompatSwitch
	// Specifies compatibility behavior for the app domain. This indicates which compatibility
	// quirks to apply if an assembly doesn't have an explicit Target Framework Moniker. If a TFM is
	// present on an assembly, the runtime will always attempt to use quirks appropriate to the version
	// of the TFM.
	// Typically the latest behavior is desired, but some hosts may want to default to older Silverlight
	// or Windows Phone behaviors for compatibility reasons.
	wchar_t* appDomainCompatSwitch = L"UseLatestBehaviorWhenTFMNotSpecified";
	// </Snippet6>

	// STEP 6: Create the AppDomain

	// <Snippet7>
	DWORD domainId;

	// Setup key/value pairs for AppDomain  properties
	const wchar_t* propertyKeys[] = {

	// Property values which were constructed in step 5
	const wchar_t* propertyValues[] = {

	// Create the AppDomain
	hr = runtimeHost->CreateAppDomainWithManager(
		L"Sample Host AppDomain",		// Friendly AD name
		NULL,							// Optional AppDomain manager assembly name
		NULL,							// Optional AppDomain manager type (including namespace)
	// </Snippet7>

	if (FAILED(hr))
		printf("ERROR - Failed to create AppDomain.\nError code:%x\n", hr);
		return -1;
		printf("AppDomain %d created\n\n", domainId);

	// STEP 7: Run managed code

	// ExecuteAssembly will load a managed assembly and execute its entry point.
	wprintf(L"Executing %s...\n\n", targetApp);

	// <Snippet8>
	DWORD exitCode = -1;
	hr = runtimeHost->ExecuteAssembly(domainId, targetApp, argc - 1, (LPCWSTR*)(argc > 1 ? &argv[1] : NULL), &exitCode);
	// </Snippet8>

	if (FAILED(hr))
		wprintf(L"ERROR - Failed to execute %s.\nError code:%x\n", targetApp, hr);
		return -1;

	// Alternatively, to start managed code execution with a method other than an assembly's entrypoint,
	// runtimeHost->CreateDelegate can be used to create a pointer to an arbitrary static managed method
	// which can then be executed directly or via runtimeHost->ExecuteInAppDomain.
	//  void *pfnDelegate = NULL;
	//  hr = runtimeHost->CreateDelegate(
	//	  domainId,
	//	  L"HW, Version=, Culture=neutral",	// Target managed assembly
	//	  L"ConsoleApplication.Program",				// Target managed type
	//	  L"Main",									// Target entry point (static method)
	//	  (INT_PTR*)&pfnDelegate);
	//  if (FAILED(hr))
	//  {
	//	  printf("ERROR - Failed to create delegate.\nError code:%x\n", hr);
	//	  return -1;
	//  }
	//  ((MainMethodFp*)pfnDelegate)(NULL);

	// STEP 8: Clean up

	// <Snippet9>
	runtimeHost->UnloadAppDomain(domainId, true /* Wait until unload complete */);
	// </Snippet9>


	return exitCode;
Exemple #17
extern "C" _declspec(dllexport) int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int res = 0;

	QT_REQUIRE_VERSION(argc, argv, "4.4.0");

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
	setenv("AVAHI_COMPAT_NOWARN", "1", 1);

	// Initialize application object.
	MumbleApplication a(argc, argv);

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050100

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 && defined(Q_OS_WIN)

	#ifdef USE_SBCELT
		QDir d(a.applicationVersionRootPath());
		QString helper = d.absoluteFilePath(QString::fromLatin1("sbcelt-helper"));
		setenv("SBCELT_HELPER_BINARY", helper.toUtf8().constData(), 1);

	Global::g_global_struct = new Global();


#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)

	bool bAllowMultiple = false;
	bool suppressIdentity = false;
	bool bRpcMode = false;
	QString rpcCommand;
	QUrl url;
	if (a.arguments().count() > 1) {
		QStringList args = a.arguments();
		for (int i = 1; i < args.count(); ++i) {
			if (args.at(i) == QLatin1String("-h") || args.at(i) == QLatin1String("--help")
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
				|| args.at(i) == QLatin1String("/?")
			) {
				QString helpMessage = MainWindow::tr(
					"Usage: mumble [options] [<url>]\n"
					"<url> specifies a URL to connect to after startup instead of showing\n"
					"the connection window, and has the following form:\n"
					"The version query parameter has to be set in order to invoke the\n"
					"correct client version. It currently defaults to 1.2.0.\n"
					"Valid options are:\n"
					"  -h, --help    Show this help text and exit.\n"
					"  -m, --multiple\n"
					"                Allow multiple instances of the client to be started.\n"
					"  -n, --noidentity\n"
					"                Suppress loading of identity files (i.e., certificates.)\n"
				QString rpcHelpBanner = MainWindow::tr(
					"Remote controlling Mumble:\n"
				QString rpcHelpMessage = MainWindow::tr(
					"Usage: mumble rpc <action> [options]\n"
					"It is possible to remote control a running instance of Mumble by using\n"
					"the 'mumble rpc' command.\n"
					"Valid actions are:\n"
					"  mute\n"
					"                Mute self\n"
					"  unmute\n"
					"                Unmute self\n"
					"  deaf\n"
					"                Deafen self\n"
					"  undeaf\n"
					"                Undeafen self\n"

				QString helpOutput = helpMessage + rpcHelpBanner + rpcHelpMessage;
				if (bRpcMode) {
					helpOutput = rpcHelpMessage;

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
				QMessageBox::information(NULL, MainWindow::tr("Invocation"), helpOutput);
				printf("%s", qPrintable(helpOutput));
				return 1;
			} else if (args.at(i) == QLatin1String("-m") || args.at(i) == QLatin1String("--multiple")) {
				bAllowMultiple = true;
			} else if (args.at(i) == QLatin1String("-n") || args.at(i) == QLatin1String("--noidentity")) {
				suppressIdentity = true;
				g.s.bSuppressIdentity = true;
			} else if (args.at(i) == QLatin1String("rpc")) {
				bRpcMode = true;
				if (args.count() - 1 > i) {
					rpcCommand = QString(args.at(i + 1));
				else {
					QString rpcError = MainWindow::tr("Error: No RPC command specified");
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
					QMessageBox::information(NULL, MainWindow::tr("RPC"), rpcError);
					printf("%s\n", qPrintable(rpcError));
					return 1;
			} else {
				if (!bRpcMode) {
					QUrl u = QUrl::fromEncoded(args.at(i).toUtf8());
					if (u.isValid() && (u.scheme() == QLatin1String("mumble"))) {
						url = u;
					} else {
						QFile f(args.at(i));
						if (f.exists()) {
							url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(f.fileName());

#ifdef USE_DBUS
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	// By default, windbus expects the path to dbus-daemon to be in PATH, and the path
	// should contain bin\\, and the path to the config is hardcoded as ..\etc

		size_t reqSize;
		_wgetenv_s(&reqSize, NULL, 0, L"PATH");
		if (reqSize > 0) {
			STACKVAR(wchar_t, buff, reqSize+1);
			_wgetenv_s(&reqSize, buff, reqSize, L"PATH");
			QString path = QString::fromLatin1("%1;%2").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(MumbleApplication::instance()->applicationVersionRootPath())).arg(QString::fromWCharArray(buff));
			STACKVAR(wchar_t, buffout, path.length() + 1);
			_wputenv_s(L"PATH", buffout);
Exemple #18
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL
Java_java_lang_System_getProperty(JNIEnv* e, jclass, jstring name,
                                  jbooleanArray found)
  jstring r = 0;
  const char* chars = e->GetStringUTFChars(name, 0);
  if (chars) {
    if (strcmp(chars, "line.separator") == 0) {
      r = e->NewStringUTF("\r\n");
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "file.separator") == 0) {
      r = e->NewStringUTF("\\");
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "os.name") == 0) {
      r = e->NewStringUTF("Windows");
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "os.version") == 0) {
      unsigned size = 32;
      RUNTIME_ARRAY(char, buffer, size);
      OSVERSIONINFO OSversion;
      snprintf(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(buffer), size, "%i.%i", (int)OSversion.dwMajorVersion, (int)OSversion.dwMinorVersion);
      r = e->NewStringUTF(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(buffer));
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "os.arch") == 0) {
#ifdef ARCH_x86_32
      r = e->NewStringUTF("x86");
#elif defined ARCH_x86_64
      r = e->NewStringUTF("x86_64");
#elif defined ARCH_powerpc
      r = e->NewStringUTF("ppc");
#elif defined ARCH_arm
      r = e->NewStringUTF("arm");
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "java.io.tmpdir") == 0) {
      TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
      GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, buffer);
      r = e->NewStringUTF(buffer);
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "user.dir") == 0) {
      TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
      GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, buffer);
      r = e->NewStringUTF(buffer);
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "user.home") == 0) {
#  ifdef _MSC_VER
      WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
      size_t needed;
      if (_wgetenv_s(&needed, buffer, MAX_PATH, L"USERPROFILE") == 0) {
        r = e->NewString(reinterpret_cast<jchar*>(buffer), lstrlenW(buffer));
      } else {
        r = 0;
#  else
      LPWSTR home = _wgetenv(L"USERPROFILE");
      r = e->NewString(reinterpret_cast<jchar*>(home), lstrlenW(home));
#  endif
    if (strcmp(chars, "line.separator") == 0) {
      r = e->NewStringUTF("\n");
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "file.separator") == 0) {
      r = e->NewStringUTF("/");
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "os.name") == 0) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
      r = e->NewStringUTF("Mac OS X");
#elif defined __FreeBSD__
      r = e->NewStringUTF("FreeBSD");
      r = e->NewStringUTF("Linux");
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "os.version") == 0) {
#if (defined __APPLE__) && (! defined AVIAN_IOS)
      unsigned size = 32;
      char buffer[size];
#ifdef ARCH_x86_64
      int32_t minorVersion, majorVersion;
      long minorVersion, majorVersion;
      Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMajor, &majorVersion);
      Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMinor, &minorVersion);
      snprintf(buffer, size, "%d.%d", static_cast<int32_t>(majorVersion),
      r = e->NewStringUTF(buffer);
      struct utsname system_id; 
      r = e->NewStringUTF(system_id.release);
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "os.arch") == 0) {
#ifdef ARCH_x86_32
      r = e->NewStringUTF("x86");
#elif defined ARCH_x86_64
      r = e->NewStringUTF("x86_64");
#elif defined ARCH_powerpc
      r = e->NewStringUTF("ppc");
#elif defined ARCH_arm
      r = e->NewStringUTF("arm");
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "java.io.tmpdir") == 0) {
      r = e->NewStringUTF("/tmp");
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "user.dir") == 0) {
      char buffer[PATH_MAX];
      r = e->NewStringUTF(getcwd(buffer, PATH_MAX));
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "user.home") == 0) {
      r = e->NewStringUTF(getenv("HOME"));
    else if (strcmp(chars, "user.language") == 0) {
      Locale locale = getLocale();
      if (strlen(locale.getLanguage())) r = e->NewStringUTF(locale.getLanguage());
    } else if (strcmp(chars, "user.region") == 0) {
      Locale locale = getLocale();
      if (strlen(locale.getRegion())) r = e->NewStringUTF(locale.getRegion());

    e->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name, chars);

  if (r) {
    jboolean v = true;
    e->SetBooleanArrayRegion(found, 0, 1, &v);

  return r;
Exemple #19
read the .editrc file
void source_editrc()
  wchar_t *appdata = NULL;
  wchar_t *editrc = NULL;
  wchar_t string[_EL_ENV_BUF_LEN];
  char line[_EL_ENV_BUF_LEN];
  char s1[_EL_ENV_BUF_LEN];
  char s2[_EL_ENV_BUF_LEN];
  int d1 = -1;
  size_t n;
  FILE *handle = NULL;
  _wgetenv_s(&n, NULL, 0, _T("EDITRC"));
  if (n) {
    if (!(editrc = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)))) {
    _wgetenv_s(&n, editrc, n, _T("EDITRC"));
    if (!n) {
  if (!n) {
    if the EDITRC environment variable is not set
    look for %APPDATA%\.editrc
    _wgetenv_s(&n, NULL, 0, _T("APPDATA"));
    if (n) {
      if (!(appdata = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)))) {
      _wgetenv_s(&n, appdata, n, _T("APPDATA"));
    if (!n) {
    n = wcslen(appdata) + _EL_ENV_BUF_LEN;
    if (!(editrc = malloc(n * sizeof(wchar_t)))) {
    swprintf_s(editrc, n, _T("%s\\.editrc"), appdata);
  if (_wfopen_s(&handle, editrc, _T("rb"))) {
  if .editrc could be opened,
  look for the "history size" line and
  read the value
  while (fgets(line, _EL_ENV_BUF_LEN, handle)) {
    line[_EL_ENV_BUF_LEN - 1] = '\0';
    if (line[0]) {
      sscanf_s(line, "%16s %16s %d",
        s1, _EL_ENV_BUF_LEN, s2, _EL_ENV_BUF_LEN, &d1);
      if ((!_stricmp(s1, "history"))
        && (!_stricmp(s2, "size"))) {
        if (d1 < _EL_MIN_HIST_SIZE) {
          d1 = _EL_MIN_HIST_SIZE;
  if a valid value has been found, set the
  MINGWEDITLINE_HISTORY_SIZE environment variable
  to this value
  if (d1 != -1) {
    swprintf_s(string, _EL_ENV_BUF_LEN, _T("MINGWEDITLINE_HISTORY_SIZE=%d"), d1);
Exemple #20
bool TryRun(const int argc, const wchar_t* argv[], Logger &log, const bool verbose, const bool waitForDebugger, DWORD &exitCode, wchar_t* programPath)
    // Assume failure
    exitCode = -1;

    HostEnvironment hostEnvironment(&log);

    wchar_t appPath[MAX_PATH] = W("");
    wchar_t appNiPath[MAX_PATH * 2] = W("");
    wchar_t managedAssemblyFullName[MAX_PATH] = W("");

    wchar_t* filePart = NULL;
    if (!::GetFullPathName(programPath, MAX_PATH, appPath, &filePart)) {
        log << W("Failed to get full path: ") << programPath << Logger::endl;
        log << W("Error code: ") << GetLastError() << Logger::endl;
        return false;

    wcscpy_s(managedAssemblyFullName, appPath);

    *(filePart) = W('\0');

    log << W("Loading: ") << managedAssemblyFullName << Logger::endl;

    wcscpy_s(appNiPath, appPath);
    wcscat_s(appNiPath, MAX_PATH * 2, W(";"));
    wcscat_s(appNiPath, MAX_PATH * 2, appPath);

    // Construct native search directory paths
    wchar_t nativeDllSearchDirs[MAX_PATH * 3];

    wcscpy_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, appPath);
    wchar_t coreLibraries[MAX_PATH];
    size_t outSize;
    if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreLibraries, MAX_PATH, W("CORE_LIBRARIES")) == 0 && outSize > 0)
        wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_PATH * 3, W(";"));
        wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_PATH * 3, coreLibraries);
    wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_PATH * 3, W(";"));
    wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_PATH * 3, hostEnvironment.m_coreCLRDirectoryPath);

    // Start the CoreCLR

    ICLRRuntimeHost2 *host = hostEnvironment.GetCLRRuntimeHost();
    if (!host) {
        return false;

    HRESULT hr;

    log << W("Setting ICLRRuntimeHost2 startup flags") << Logger::endl;

    // Default startup flags
    hr = host->SetStartupFlags((STARTUP_FLAGS)
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        log << W("Failed to set startup flags. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
        return false;

    log << W("Starting ICLRRuntimeHost2") << Logger::endl;

    hr = host->Start();
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        log << W("Failed to start CoreCLR. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger:: endl;
        return false;


    // Create an AppDomain

    // Allowed property names:
    // APPBASE
    // - The base path of the application from which the exe and other assemblies will be loaded
    // - The list of complete paths to each of the fully trusted assemblies
    // APP_PATHS
    // - The list of paths which will be probed by the assembly loader
    // - The list of additional paths that the assembly loader will probe for ngen images
    // - The list of paths that will be probed for native DLLs called by PInvoke
    const wchar_t *property_keys[] = { 
    const wchar_t *property_values[] = { 
        // APP_PATHS
        // APP_NI_PATHS

    log << W("Creating an AppDomain") << Logger::endl;
    log << W("TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES=") << property_values[0] << Logger::endl;
    log << W("APP_PATHS=") << property_values[1] << Logger::endl;
    log << W("APP_NI_PATHS=") << property_values[2] << Logger::endl;
    log << W("NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES=") << property_values[3] << Logger::endl;

    DWORD domainId;

    hr = host->CreateAppDomainWithManager(
        hostEnvironment.GetHostExeName(),   // The friendly name of the AppDomain
        // Flags:
        // - By default CoreCLR only allows platform neutral assembly to be run. To allow
        //   assemblies marked as platform specific, include this flag
        // - Allows sandboxed applications to make P/Invoke calls and use COM interop
        // - Enables sandboxing. If not set, the app is considered full trust
        // - Prevents the application from being torn down if a managed exception is unhandled
        NULL,                // Name of the assembly that contains the AppDomainManager implementation
        NULL,                    // The AppDomainManager implementation type name
        sizeof(property_keys)/sizeof(wchar_t*),  // The number of properties

    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        log << W("Failed call to CreateAppDomainWithManager. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
        return false;

            log << W("Waiting for the debugger to attach. Press any key to continue ...") << Logger::endl;
            if (IsDebuggerPresent())
                log << "Debugger is attached." << Logger::endl;
                log << "Debugger failed to attach." << Logger::endl;

    hr = host->ExecuteAssembly(domainId, managedAssemblyFullName, argc, (argc)?&(argv[0]):NULL, &exitCode);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        log << W("Failed call to ExecuteAssembly. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
        return false;

    log << W("App exit value = ") << exitCode << Logger::endl;


    // Unload the AppDomain

    log << W("Unloading the AppDomain") << Logger::endl;

    hr = host->UnloadAppDomain(
        true);                          // Wait until done

    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        log << W("Failed to unload the AppDomain. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
        return false;


    // Stop the host

    log << W("Stopping the host") << Logger::endl;

    hr = host->Stop();

    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        log << W("Failed to stop the host. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
        return false;


    // Release the reference to the host

    log << W("Releasing ICLRRuntimeHost2") << Logger::endl;


    return true;

Exemple #21
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int res = 0;

	QT_REQUIRE_VERSION(argc, argv, "4.4.0");

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
	setenv("AVAHI_COMPAT_NOWARN", "1", 1);

	// Initialize application object.
	QAppMumble a(argc, argv);

	Global::g_global_struct = new Global();


#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)

	bool bAllowMultiple = false;
	QUrl url;
	if (a.arguments().count() > 1) {
		QStringList args = a.arguments();
		for (int i = 1; i < args.count(); ++i) {
			if (args.at(i) == QLatin1String("-m")) {
				bAllowMultiple = true;
			} else if (args.at(i) == QLatin1String("-n")) {
				g.s.bSuppressIdentity = true;
			} else {
				QUrl u = QUrl::fromEncoded(args.at(i).toUtf8());
				if (u.isValid() && (u.scheme() == QLatin1String("mumble"))) {
					url = u;
				} else {
					QFile f(args.at(i));
					if (f.exists()) {
						url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(f.fileName());

#ifdef USE_DBUS
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	// By default, windbus expects the path to dbus-daemon to be in PATH, and the path
	// should contain bin\\, and the path to the config is hardcoded as ..\etc

		size_t reqSize;
		_wgetenv_s(&reqSize, NULL, 0, L"PATH");
		if (reqSize > 0) {
			STACKVAR(wchar_t, buff, reqSize+1);
			_wgetenv_s(&reqSize, buff, reqSize, L"PATH");
			QString path = QString::fromLatin1("%1;%2").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(a.applicationDirPath())).arg(QString::fromWCharArray(buff));
			STACKVAR(wchar_t, buffout, path.length() + 1);
			_wputenv_s(L"PATH", buffout);